Daily Shmutz | 072822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

17.   THREE DOCTORS From the Same Hospital “Die Suddenly” in the Same Week After Hospital Mandates Fourth COVID Shot    By Jim Hoft

Three physicians at Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital died unexpectedly in the same week. The cause of death for the three doctors has yet to be announced.

The news about the three deceased doctors was first shared by Monique in a post that went viral. According to Monique, a concerned nurse shared with her a copy of the memo that was sent out by the hospital’s management.

According to the nurse, the three doctors died after the hospital started mandating the fourth booster shot for their employees against COVID-19.

“Three physicians at the Mississauga hospitals have died this week,” the nurse told Monique. “1st memo Monday, 2nd Tuesday, 3rd Thursday. [The] cause of death wasn’t shared in the memo, but how many times have 3 doctors died in 1 week, days after the hospital started administering the 4th shot to staff.”

[Ed.:  The title of this article should have been ‘THREE idiots From the Same Hospital’ instead of the above.  But these men were (after all) “DOCTORS”!  The question arises:  can doctors be idiots at the same time?]

16.   Israel sends thousands of instant meals to refugees in Ukraine

Earlier this month, Israel sent equipment to emergency and civilian organizations in Ukraine, the second such shipment since Russia invaded the country.

Israel shipped on Wednesday 25,000 instant meals to Kharkiv, as part of continuing Israeli humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

Humanitarian cargo will be delivered to other Ukrainian cities in the near future, Israel’s embassy in Ukraine announced.

Earlier this month, Israel sent equipment to emergency and civilian organizations in Ukraine, including 1,500 helmets, 1,500 protective vests, hundreds of protective suits for mine clearance, 1,000 gas masks and tens of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) filters, the second such shipment since Russia invaded the country.

[Ed.:  That is indeed a very wonderful thing that Israel would provide emergency food to the poor victims in Ukraine.  However, Israel (in name only) does not send emergency food to the two and a half million starving Israeli children, or any of the rest of her starving Jewish population. What’s wrong with this picture?  Answer: Leftists in control of government.]

15.   State Comptroller’s report highlights police, intelligence failures during Arab riots

A sense of personal security must be restored to mixed Jewish-Arab cities after last year’s violence, says State Comptroller.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

The State Comptroller’s report on violence in mixed Arab-Jewish cities during last year’s Operation Guardian of the Walls pointed to a string of failures on the part of the police and Israeli intelligence.

State Comptroller Matanya Englman’s report examined the state’s response to the Arab-Israeli violence. Several days of riots, particularly in three people were killed and hundreds injured. There was also extensive property damage.

14. WATCH: This is the new ‘war on terror’    [5:08]

Whistleblower complaint alleges the U.S. Department of Justice is pressuring agents to reclassify cases as “domestic violent extremism.”

[Ed.: I try to not post Laura Ingraham, so this posting is an exception.  I flat out don’t like or trust her one bit.]

13.  PA set to double salary of terrorist who murdered Jewish family    By Maurice Hirsch, Adv., Palestinian Media Watch

The murderer stabbed and killed three members of the Salomon family who had gathered to celebrate the birth of a baby boy.

As a reward for slaughtering Yosef Salomon (70) and his two adult children, Chaya (46) and Elad (36), by stabbing them to death while they were eating dinner in their home in Halamish, a town in the Binyamin region, this month the Palestinian Authority will double the salary of Palestinian terrorist murderer Omar Al-Abed.

Having now completed five years in prison, the PA will raise the salary of the murderer from 2,000 shekels (appr. $643) per month to 4,000 shekels ($1,286) per month.

[Ed.:  Let’s give this a pass.  They are, after all, our ‘peace partners’!]

12.  !HEZBOLLAH THREATENS TO HIT ALL OF ISRAEL  [9:36]     by David Mark

With Iran and Russia working together to apply maximum pressure on Israel, Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah has now spoken up – threatening to hit all of Israel with his missiles.

Hezbollah is said to have 100,000 rockets. Many of these are now PGMs or precision guided missiles. PGMs are able to exploit weaknesses in the Iron Dome system and wreck havoc on Israeli population centers. When Nasrallah says he can hit al of Israel – he is not lying – with the PGMs and his Iranian made drones he certainly can.

[Ed.:  Go ahead!  Make my day.]

11.  Our Plan is More OBVIOUS Than Ever! – News Update   Awaken With JP

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are trying to block the sun? This and more news that should worry you in this week’s update!

10.  !Amazon Sets Off Alarm Bells With ‘Dangerous’ $3.9 Billion Bid to Buy Healthcare Chain    By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

The tech giant’s latest proposed acquisition in the healthcare industry gives Amazon too much power in the healthcare sector and raises a host of concerns around privacy and the future of Medicare, critics say.

In a move described by some political figures and privacy advocates as “dangerous,” Amazon said it agreed to a $3.9 billion all-cash deal to buy One Medical, a San Francisco-based private health services provider.

If completed, the deal will give Amazon access to One Medical’s 188 primary care practices and its 767,000 members, who pay approximately $200 in concierge fees annually to access the provider’s services, CNBC reported.

Amazon also will acquire One Medical’s subscription telehealth service, in-house electronic health-record system and established contracts with employers who hire One Medical to provide healthcare services to their employees.

The One Medical transaction represents Amazon’s third-largest acquisition, following Whole Foods ($13.7 billion) and MGM Studios ($8.5 billion).

One Medical reported a net loss of $90.9 million for the quarter ending March 31, according to its most recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Amazon and One Medical said the deal reflects their shared objective to “reinvent” healthcare.

9.  !Smoking Gun: USG, Free Speech, Big Tech    Robert W Malone MD, MS

The CDC colluded with Big Tech to prevent COVID “vaccine” informed consent

Doctors working on the front lines providing early COVID treatment and raising concerns regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID genetic vaccines have long suspected that the US Government Department of Health and Human Services was colluding with Big Tech to censor, defame, gaslight and deplatform anyone who veers from the government-approved narrative regarding these matters. But now we finally have hard evidence which documents this blatant infringement on the right to free speech by the US Government.

Why should you care? Because we now have definitive evidence that the COVID-19 genetic “vaccines” are neither fully safe, nor are they effective in preventing infection, replication, and spread of the virus. In fact, there is growing evidence that these EUA authorized products, which have been mandated by both governments and private industry, are associated with increased risk of disease and death from COVID-19.

8.  !Shared Pain of Nl and US Farmers, Inflation, Woke Medical Curriculum   Robert W Malone MD, MS

More news not covered by corporate media,

As many of you know, I spent last weekend in Belgium and The Netherlands (Holland). Talk about a whirlwind trip! During this time, I spoke with many about the situation with the WEF 2030 agenda and the farmer protests regarding having their farmlands taken from them, together with other forced draconian measures. There was a strong consensus among those that I spoke with that 1) the people are behind the farmers in this, 2) there is a huge movement within the Netherlands by main stream media to suppress information about these measures and the protests from reaching the people, and 3) because of the information suppression, because of the EU involvement – the government will win this fight.

But what was not mentioned to me was all the details found in the article below. Essentially, the Netherlands is not allowed to build more new, high tech buildings unless some farmers reduce their use of nitrogen. That simple. Basically, this mirrors one of the chief complaints previously voiced by Brexit advocates – arbitrary and capricious EU bureaucrat actions which damage working farmers. From what I can tell, the only available remedy is the same which the Brits eventually deployed. Leave the EU.dds

However, the devil is in the details, and there are a lot of details!

This article explains it best:

7.  Ukraine Army Military Positions With Chechen Soldiers   [19:10]   Patrick Lancaster

Chechen Soldiers give us an exclusive tour of Ukraine Army positions Near Lysychansk

6.  !!Elitists’ Goal: Wipe Out Good Food   [4:18]   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In recent months, I’ve dedicated many articles to exposing the intentional destruction of our food system. The decision of the Dutch government to impose nitrogen pollution restrictions on farmers is but one example of this. This “green” policy will cut livestock production in the country by 30% in the next year, put farmers out of business, and force them to sell their land.

Since The Netherlands is the largest meat exporter in the European Union,1 it will also result in meat shortages around the world. According to Dutch Parliament member Thierry Baudet,2 this “green” policy is really a thinly veiled excuse for a land grab.

The government is following the script of The Great Reset, he says, which requires weakening the country, making it more dependent on food imports, and diluting nationalism by taking in more immigrants. And, to make room for immigrant housing, they need to take land from the farmers.

At the same time, Bill Gates is buying up high-priced farmland3 and telling the world to transition from beef to lab-grown meat alternatives. Insect farms to create human protein alternatives are also being set up and promoted,4 farms and food facilities are mysteriously being burnt to the ground at surprising frequency,5,6 and the Rockefeller Foundation is calling for restructuring the whole food system7 to make it more “fair and equitable.”

These things are not happening by chance. It’s all part of a plan to eliminate naturally-grown foods so they can then be replaced with patented foodstuffs, which this “New World Order” cabal of course owns.

[Ed.:  They’ve done an excellent job so far!]

5.   Lawless tyrant Zelensky echoes Nazi fascists, issues blacklist of US lawmakers and journalists  [1:09:28]

While skimming billions of dollars from US taxpayers, Ukraine’s puppet “president” Zelensky has issued a threatening blacklist that specifically names US lawmakers and journalists as being “Russian propagandists” who should be rejected by media and society.

To the shock of many, among those names are US Senator Rand Paul, congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Anyone who disagrees with Zelensky is now apparently going to be named a kind of “Putin puppet,” as if the installed leader of a European country is now allowed to dictate a kind of reputation score for US lawmakers and journalists.

This is the sort of tactic used in fascist, authoritarian states, smacking of Nazi Germany and the old Soviet Union under Stalin.

Zelensky is an evil, genocidal tyrant, and the sooner he is removed from power, the sooner the good people of Ukraine can restore their liberties and their democracy.

Get the full story in today’s feature podcast here.

4.  CROOKS GET CAUGHT: “Something Needs to be Done!” – Former Dallas Fed Chair Says Pelosi “Appears to Have Taken Advantage” of Insider Information  (Video)  By Jim Hoft

The Pelosis have done very well playing the market and Americans for fools.

Paul Pelosi, husband to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, sold all of his NVIDIA stock just one day before Congress was set to vote on a bill that would boost domestic production of semiconductors.

Paul Pelosi, bought up to $5 million in stock options in a computer-chip company back in June.

Paul Pelosi bought anywhere between $1 to $5 million in Nvidia stock options.

On Tuesday, Mr. Pelosi dumped all of his NVIDIA stock and suffered a loss of $341,365, according to Insider.

TRENDING: IT’S OFFICIAL: Second Quarter GDP Comes In at Negative 0.9 Percent — US OFFICIALLY ENTERS BIDEN RECESSION (Video)

This was ONLY after his family’s latest stock purchase made headlines.

They Pelosis have been doing this for years.

3.   You Know It Is Getting Bad for Ukraine When PBS Disputes the Propaganda    By Larry Johnson

Fortunately, I was sitting down when I saw the following video. I had an easier fall to the floor from the sitting position then if I had been standing upright. This is a genuine stunner. A reporter for the PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM– let me repeat that, a PBS reporter on the ground in Ukraine and reporting from the Ukraine side of the fighting–blows up the Ukrainian propaganda that Russia was shelling civilian targets during the sustained bombardments. This is akin to Rachel Maddow admitting the Joe Biden is the Big Guy and on the take from the Chinese. Whoops!

[Ed.:  Surprise, surprise, surprise!  Daily Shmutz readers knew this all along!]

2.  Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Launches Candidacy for Re-election: More Important than Our Life is Our Freedom     By Fernando de Castro

RIO DE JANEIRO – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro launched his candidacy for re-election at a major event in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian leader defended God, freedom, and homeland in front of an audience of more than 12,000 people.

Bolsonaro is the favorite candidate of conservatives in Brazil.

In his speech, he pointed out actions of his government, such as construction works, reduction of corruption, privatization of public companies, autonomy of ministers to perform tasks, and the financial assistance granted to Brazilians during the covid-19 pandemic.

Bolsonaro also defended agribusiness, the country’s technological advance, and criticized the quarantines adopted by state governors during the pandemic.

1.  ‘They Were Duped’: Christian missionary statue to be removed from Israeli heritage site, but where will it go?   By Atara Beck, World Israel News

Following an outcry, a monument with Christian symbols, donated by an active missionary group, is being removed from the Ein Keshatot heritage site, but no one seems to know when or where in the country it will be relocated.

Many visitors to the Ein Keshatot national heritage site in the Golan Heights were perturbed by the sight of a monument promoting a Christian missionary agenda that was donated by Curt Landry and his network of ministries.

The statue has three symbols: a menorah, a Star of David, and a fish – the latter being a Christian symbol. Engraved on a stone at the base are the words: “This symbol of the One New Man represents the friendship and brotherhood between Christianity and Judaism. Our shared love for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”

Yet the ‘One New Man’ theology in fact represents a merging of Christianity and Judaism and a blurring of the differences rather than a friendship between the followers of two different faiths.

“It’s so striking that they’re using the fish symbol together with the Star of David,” leading anti-missionary activist Rabbi Tovia Singer told World Israel News. (WIN).

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.