Daily Shmutz | 080222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

27.  !!Pfizer Documents Produced by the FDA in FOIA Litigation

26.  ! Terrorism experts uncover glaring problem with successful strike against Ayman al-Zawahiri: ‘Masks the undeniable truth  CHRIS ENLOE

The United States carried out a successful counterterrorism operation to kill top al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri over the weekend.

But terrorism experts quickly pointed out the glaring problem with the operation: al-Zawahiri was targeted while standing on the balcony of a house in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, the country in which Americans died for 20 years before President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal one year ago.

What did experts say?

The successful operation was only possible because of the close relationship between the Taliban and al-Qaeda, which itself was only possible because of the collapse of the Afghanistan government last year.

According to expert terrorism analyst Bill Roggio, the narrative that al-Zawahiri’s death was a counterterrorism success “masks the undeniable truth that Taliban-controlled Afghanistan is a safe haven for al-Qaeda.”

That is because, as Roggio explained, al-Zawahiri was “hiding” in plain-sight, i.e., he was not hiding at all.

“Zawahiri was killed in the Sherpur neighborhood, in a home run by a deputy of Sirajuddin Haqqani. Sirajuddin is of course one of two deputy Taliban emirs as well as the interior minister,” Roggio explained. “Zawahiri could not operate in Afghanistan — particularly in Kabul — without the consent of the Taliban. He wasn’t in the remote mountains of Kunar, Nuristan, or Nangarhar, or distant provinces of Ghazni, Helmand, or Kandahar. He was in the Taliban’s capital.”

25.  !! From Simone Gold, MD, JD   Founder, America’s Frontline Doctors

Here’s a picture my team took of me entering the Federal Detention Center in Miami, Florida. I continue to serve my 60 days in prison on a bogus charge of trespassing.

The AFLDS team and I have heard from thousands of you. Your messages of prayers, love, and support mean the world to me. My heart is full.

I will never stop fighting for your Constitutional principles, free speech, and medical freedom. We must never surrender to the Biden Administration’s fascist tyranny. That’s why AFLDS will stand by its mission and continue to fight back fearlessly!

Please become a monthly donor of $50, $75, $100, or $250 today to support the mission and work of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today. I have personally funded my legal defense, and not one dollar from AFLDS has been spent on my attorneys. However, we must continue the AFLDS mission and keep pushing back against a tyrannical government. Your monthly donation has never been more critical.

Thank you,

Simone Gold, MD, JD
America’s Frontline Doctors
The Trusted Name for Independent Information

24.  Facing Reality by Victor Rosenthal

Sometimes reality can be difficult, even painful. But resist it as you will, it remains reality. Let me quote Nehemia Shtrasler, a left-wing journalist writing in the left-wing newspaper Ha’aretz:

23.  !The FBI Keeps Interfering In Presidential Elections. Time To Disband It   BY JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON

Sen. Chuck Grassley’s letter lays out a disturbing conspiracy inside the FBI to interfere in the 2020 election to help Joe Biden win.

News broke Monday evening that the FBI falsely labeled verified intelligence and credible evidence against Hunter Biden as “disinformation” in order to shut down an investigation of him in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.

It’s hard to overstate the significance of this, despite the lack of attention the story has received so far from the corporate press. The FBI has now directly interfered in two consecutive presidential elections, placing a heavy hand on the scales to benefit Democrats in 2016 and 2020, all in hopes of keeping Donald Trump out of the White House. It would not be too much to say the FBI is a threat to democracy and that it should be disbanded.

22.  !!  Greg Abbott Tells Mayors of DC and NYC: Come See the Border Crisis    Julio Rosas

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) formally invited New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) and Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) to visit the U.S.-Mexico border to personally see the crisis that has plagued the state since the start of the Biden administration.

Abbott sent the letter after both mayors called for federal support to help their respective cities to deal with the influx of migrants, who have been processed and released by Border Patrol after illegally crossing the border, arriving to the East Coast by bus from Texas and Arizona. The increased arrivals have strained those cities’ resources in similar fashion border towns have been overwhelmed:

21.   “Give Up Your Yacht Before Lecturing”: Bolsonaro Sinks DiCaprio In Titanic Twitter Thread   BY TYLER DURDEN

Brazilian President Jair Bonsonaro gave Leonardo DiCaprio a lecture in hypocrisy, telling the virtue-signaling actor that he should ‘give up his yacht before lecturing the world‘ about the environment

Of note, in January DiCaprio was pictured vacationing with friends on the $150 million “Vava II,” the largest yacht manufactured in Britain, which is estimated to produce 238kg of carbon dioxide per mile – as much as the average British car emits in two months.

[Ed.:  ‘How dare you!’]

20.  Health Care Workers Who Sued Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Win $10 Million Settlement

Health care workers who sued over COVID-19 vaccine mandate win $10 million settlement. The settlement was a first-of-its-kind action against a private employer who turned down hundreds of requests for religious exemptions from a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

According to a settlement agreement signed on July 29, a group of healthcare professionals who sued their hospital over a COVID-19 vaccine requirement are expected to collect $10 million.

In October 2021, over a dozen employees of the NorthShore University HealthSystem in Illinois filed a lawsuit, claiming that the hospital was improperly withholding religious exemptions from the mandate.

The workers and NorthShore “have agreed to settle this case” following eight months of negotiations, according to a document (read below) submitted to federal court.

19.  !What If COVID Outbreak Is Part Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Plan?

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the state news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), has recently accused the US of being a “sponsor of biological terrorism”, adding that allegations that Pentagon is behind the COVID-19 biowarfare are “by no means fortuitous”.

Pyongyang’s assumptions with regard to Washington’s potential role in the COVID-19 pandemic apparently stem from a bombshell report (read below) by professors Jeffrey D Sachs and Neil L Harrison, published in May 2022 by peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).

18.   Tierney’s REAL News (8/2/22)

If you are a conservative voter in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri or Washington State – remember that today is the state primary – and these are your endorsed MAGA candidates. Please get out and vote for these good folks – and bring a friend or family member with you!

17. ! The transgender child abuse scandal    Melanie Phillips

This horrific cult is a consequence of the west losing its own mind

The full implications of the decision to shut down the Tavistock Institute’s gender clinic in London, which I wrote about here, have still not been widely appreciated.

What the Tavistock did was horrifying. This supposedly leading mental health institution has done irreversible harm to thousands of troubled teenagers — with clinicians and others making a bonfire of their professional ethics and duty of care in the cause of an ideology as barking mad as it is pernicious.

But this terrible scandal goes far beyond the Tavistock. Great swathes of the establishment — including schools and universities, government departments and even businesses —have signed up to a cult which they have promoted as an orthodoxy that cannot be challenged.

16.  !PA raises salaries of terrorists who murdered 9 at Hebrew U cafeteria  By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Four of the Palestinians convicted for the 2002 massacre of nine Jews receive a pay raise of over 14% on the 20th anniversary of the bombing.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has raised the salaries of four Palestinian terrorists who carried out a bombing exactly 20 years ago of a café in Hebrew University that took the lives of nine Jews and injured over 80, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported Sunday.

PMW, which keeps track of the PA’s promotion of terrorism, found that the four will get a 14.29% hike now that the 20-year mark has passed since the July 31, 2002 attack and their subsequent arrest in August.

The PA pays terrorists according to a sliding scale of how many people they managed to murder and injure. It also pays more if they have families to “support” and if they come from Jerusalem, which entitles them to an extra 300 shekels a month.

The salaries automatically jump at certain time intervals according to Palestinian law, and after two decades in prison, they will get an extra NIS 1,300, for a total of NIS 8,300 per month. Meanwhile, according to PMW, the average salary of a public employee in the PA is some NIS 2,600.

15.  !US assassinates al-Qaeda leader, ‘one more measure of closure’   By Associated Press

Al-Zawahri’s death eliminates the figure who more than anyone shaped al-Qaeda, first as bin Laden’s deputy since 1998, then as his successor.

President Joe Biden announced Monday that al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Kabul, an operation he said delivered justice and hopefully “one more measure of closure” to families of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

The president said in an evening address from the White House that U.S. intelligence officials tracked al-Zawahri to a home in downtown Kabul where he was hiding out with his family. The president approved the operation last week and it was carried out Sunday.

Al-Zawahri and the better-known Osama bin Laden plotted the 9/11 attacks that brought many ordinary Americans their first knowledge of al-Qaeda. Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, in operation carried out by U.S. Navy SEALs after a nearly decade-long hunt.

14.  !  IDF captures top terror leader, Israel braces for major response    By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Roads, train closed in South due to fear of retaliation for arrest of the head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Train service in the Ashkelon area and certain roads near the Gaza border were closed Tuesday morning as a precaution against possible retaliation from Gaza for the IDF’s capture Monday of a top Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist in Jenin.

IDF intelligence reported that the terror group’s leadership in the coastal enclave may order its forces to shell the transportation routes with anti-tank fire in response to the arrest of Basam al-Saadi, its chief of operations in Judea and Samaria.

13.  Trump was furious with Netanyahu for pushing annexation, nearly endorsed his rival  By David Hellerman, World Israel News

Trump was impressed with Gantz’s willingness to reach out to the Palestinians, deeply unhappy with Netanyahu’s moves towards annexation, wrote Jared Kushner in his new book.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump mulled endorsing Benny Gantz for Israeli Prime Minister, according to a memoir written by Trump’s advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Kushner’s book, “Breaking History: A White House Memoir” is due to be released on August 23.

Kushner wrote that Trump was very close to endorsing to Gantz ahead of Israel’s March 2020 elections. The frustration dates back to the White House’s January 2020 unveiling of Trump’s peace plan. That was where Netanyahu announced plans to annex Israeli settlements and large swathes of Judea and Samaria.

“I had walked them through the peace proposal and given [Arab diplomats] my word that Trump would present a dignified and balanced proposal – one that required compromises on both sides. But that certainly wasn’t the deal Bibi was describing”

Kushner wrote that his ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, “went rogue,” and, without White House authorization, told Netanyahu that Trump would support annexation. Friedman was subsequently ordered to tell Netanyahu that Trump would not support annexation.

12.  !! Molecule Developed at Hebrew University may prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

With a constant renewal of cell vitality in diseased tissues, this new drug will hopefully increase life expectancy, wellness.

A new study led by Professors Einav Gross and Shmuel Ben-Sasson of the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) has identified a group of molecules that enable cells to repair damaged components, making it possible for those tissues to retain proper function.

The efficacy of the molecules was demonstrated on a model-organism.  The research team examined the effect of various therapies on longevity and quality of life, and successfully proved they can protect the organism’s and human cells from damage. Their findings were published in Autophagy.

Currently, a major factor in aging tissues is the reduced effectiveness of the cell’s quality-control mechanism, which leads to the accumulation of defective mitochondria.

As Gross explained, “mitochondria, the cell’s ‘power plants,’ are responsible for energy production. They can be compared to tiny electric batteries that help cells function properly.  Although these ‘batteries’ wear out constantly, our cells have a sophisticated mechanism that removes defective mitochondria and replaces them with new ones.”

However, he said, this mechanism declines with age, leading to cell dysfunction and deterioration in tissue activity. This degenerative process lies at the heart of many age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, heart failure and sarcopenia, which are on the rise.

The study may have far-reaching practical applications since their new technology, developed at Hebrew U., helped create innovative compounds to treat diseases that are currently incurable.  The study also showed that these molecules can be used preventively.

11.   Data doesn’t lie: mRNA-vaccines and correlation to all-cause mortality  [1:14:53]   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Marlies Dekkers speaks with with Drs. Robert Malone and Theo Schetters

During my recent travel to Holland, Marlies Dekkers of the De Nieuwe Wereld Podcast interviewed Dr. Theo Schetters and myself. That video, made for a Dutch audience, is currently up (for now) on youtube, but it unlikely to remain on that platform. Therefore, I have also downloaded and posted it here because I believe that the subject matter which Theo and I covered in this interview is important. The data and analysis which Theo discloses is quite likely to be disregarded by corporate media, and also likely to be censored by the big tech giants Meta/Facebook, Google/Alphabet, and Twitter. But that does not mean that it does not deserve to be disclosed and discussed. Theo is a very serious, well trained, responsible virologist, immunologist and vaccine expert. He highly respected in the Netherlands, and has had the courage required to seek AND report truth during these difficult times.

I have taken excepts from the podcast transcript (leaving comments intact) from the last portion of the interview below.

10.   CDC’s 4 Step Scheme That Destroyed Medical Credibility   by John Anthony

Still think it is inconceivable so many trusted hospitals and medical professionals would inflate COVID hospitalizations and deaths making the pandemic appear worse than it was?

Consider this.

9.  House Speaker Pelosi arrives in Taiwan, despite warnings from China

Pelosi and a delegation of five other top-ranking Democrats plan on staying in Taipei overnight

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plane landed in Taipei on Tuesday, making her the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit Taiwan in 25 years amid heightened tensions in the region.

Pelosi was warned against visiting the small island nation by the Chinese Communist Party and the Biden administration.

Taiwan was not listed on her official itinerary.

* * * *

Here Are The 5 Chinese Military Response Scenarios If Pelosi Visits Taiwan    BY TYLER DURDEN

Update (18:40ET): FT is out with some further details on the White House’s handling of the Pelosi trip, now being watched carefully around the world…

Pelosi did not include Taiwan on her official itinerary — which includes Japan, South Korea and Malaysia — over security concerns, but the Financial Times first reported that she would be the first Speaker to visit Taiwan in 25 years.
…President Joe Biden dispatched senior officials, including national security adviser Jake Sullivan,
 to lay out the risks to Pelosi, but people familiar with the situation said she had decided to press ahead with the landmark trip.

Concerning strained and now fast deteriorating relations with China, Newsquawk earlier Monday had the following details in a note on Thursday’s Biden-Xi phone call:

A senior official in Beijing said the atmosphere of last week’s Biden-Xi telephone conversation was the worst among the five talks between the leaders and President Xi was said to have showed the toughest attitude he has ever shown to any world leader, while the most important topic in the conversation was China-US relations especially the ‘Taiwan Question’. 

If indeed it’s accurate that Xi got “tough” in the call with Biden, expressing Beijing’s ‘red lines’ directly to the US president, this is certainly recipe for something big in terms of a major Chinese response (of course… in what form – diplomatic or military – nobody knows) should Pelosi show up in Taipei this week.

Amid concerns that if she lands with fighter jet escort guiding her military transport plane – which has been widely reported to be set for Tuesday night – this could trigger nothing short of a shooting war with China.

And now, a number of military analysis publications are examining the various possible ‘worst case scenarios’. One independent analyst and China-Taiwan watcher has laid out a full range of hypothetical, albeit realistic scenarios involving different potential levels of Chinese aggression against the self-ruled island of Taiwan.

8.   Epstein Island Is the Perfect Representation of the Two-Tiered Justice System   JD Rucker

There is evidence of pure evil committed by powerful men of the world. It’s sitting in someone’s safe, someone’s vault, or someone’s hard drive. And we likely will never see it.

Please indulge me for a short observation, a break from my daily fight against The Great Reset, Pandemic Panic Theater, and Neo-Marxism. Imagine if an Average Joe Citizen had evidence against him that he had sex with underage girls. You don’t have to imagine it, actually, because we see it in the news on a regular basis. Average Joe Pedophile would almost certainly be arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and jailed.

Now, imagine if leftists entered the Capitol Building without authorization. You don’t have to imagine it, actually, because that’s exactly what happened in June when the “Colbert 9 Insurrectionists” did it. And of course, these leftists were released after a short time being under arrest with no further repercussions.

Welcome to the two-tiered justice system in the United States. We’ve seen such systems in the past across the globe. Some are still in place today. In America, it has reemerged after a few decades of dormancy. It’s hard to deny that as recently as the 70s and even 80s, there was a two-tiered justice system that favored Whites. This was demonstrable statistically, which is why the system was made fairer in recent decades. But there’s been a reversal that allows violent criminals to walk free and minor offenders to be jailed indefinitely based on their race, status, or political ideology.

7.   Uninformed Consent: Watch the Trailer Now  [3:23]

The film “Uninformed Consent” takes an in-depth look into the narrative being pushed by mainstream media and the authorities, and explores the alarming impact of the vaccine mandates. It also tells the story of a man’s loss brought on by these tyrannical measures.

6.   The Great Vaccine Scare Reaches Fever Pitch   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

During the COVID-19 pandemic, virtually no one was spared from the Great Vaccine Scare – hysteria about any and all vaccine criticism. Investigative journalist Paul Thacker details how most anyone who dares to critique vaccines is quickly silenced.


  • In 2021, investigative journalist Paul Thacker became a target of what he calls “the Great Vaccine Scare — hysteria about any and all vaccine criticism”
  • Thacker wrote an article published in The BMJ, titled, “COVID-19: Researchers blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial”
  • The article was thorough and accurate, but labeled as “misinformation” by a Facebook fact checker anyway
  • Dr. Aseem Malhotra was also harassed for sharing science relating to COVID-19 shot side effects
  • Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson was also a victim of vaccine hysteria; his Twitter account was suspended when he posted scientifically accurate information that cast a negative light on COVID-19 shots
  • We’re living in unprecedented times when inconvenient science is silenced and politics take priority over public health

5.   Testimonies From COVID Jab Injured  [1:37:32]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Aftermath of the COVID Shots

Some were able to tell their own tragic stories; others not so, as their loved ones had to fill in the blanks. These personal testimonies from around the world show a harrowing slice of the side effects from these jabs. The testimonies shared by these unsuspecting victims, their pain, their deaths, all deserve to be acknowledged.


  • “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by the COVID jab
  • Their struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies
  • A common thread in these stories is the consistent dismissal by the medical community. Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still have no idea how the symptoms are caused or how to treat them, so they just send the victims home. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which adds insult to injury
  • The COVID shot is the most dangerous drug in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists, whose voices were censored
  • All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation’s COVID jab rate

4.  U.S. drone strike kills Al-Qaeda leader in Afghanistan

Zawahri was the most wanted man in terrorism for years and a major support figure to his predecessor, Osama bin-Laden, whom U.S. forces killed in 2011

President Joe Biden announced a major win in the war on terror as multiple reports confirmed Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri was killed by a drone strike.

In a primetime press conference, the president confirmed Zawahri’s death, highlighting the terrorist leader’s record orchestrating attacks on the United States, including both the 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole and the 2001 September 11 Attacks.

“Justice has been delivered and this terrorist leader is no more,” Biden said. “The United states continues to demonstrate our resolve and our capacity to defend the American people against those who seek to do us harm.”

“No matter how long it takes, no matter where you hide, if you are a threat to our people the United States will find you and take you out,” he continued.

3.   It looks like everyone agrees with me!   Steve Kirsch

Nobody wants to challenge my views. I offered 14 $1M bets, lowered the minimum to $200K, but still no takers! Side-pool is >100:1 betting with me. But now I have a new option.

I currently have 14 open $1M bets, but no takers.

\What does that tell you? It tells you that MIT was wrong: I’m not such a big misinformation spreader after all!

The side pool bets are running over 100:1 with me vs. against me (view the side-pool here).

So all the evidence on the table is that there is massive support that I’m telling the truth.

Why people aren’t accepting my money

There are 5 reasons for not accepting any of my bets:


While Israel worries about a potential war with Iran, the regime in Tehran appears to be confidant enough to now threaten America.

In a video shared on the IRCG’s Telegram account, Iran threatens to build nuclear weapons and nuke NY.

Iran often makes outlandish threats, but this time with nuclear breakout actually happening, nuking NY is no longer a melodramatic response to being cornered.

Caroline Glick tweeted the following out Monday: “Iran is threatening to nuke New York. We warned this would be the consequence of America’s refusal to confront Iran with any seriousness. We warned this would be the end state of Obama-Biden’s nuclear appeasement. The progressives attacked us as war mongers. They did this.”

So while Biden continues to negotiate with Iran, the regime increases its threats. Perhaps it’s time that Biden and his government realize that negotiating with the enemy will only bring destruction and ruin.

1.   UPDATE: Saudi Prince Offers Glimpse of Dazzling $500 Billion ‘Smart City of the Future’ Where You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy [3:40]  by Leo Hohmann

Saudi prince offers glimpse of dazzling $500 billion ‘Smart City of the Future’ where you will own nothing and be happy

** This is an update to an earlier report by Julian Conradson.

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has a new pet project he’d like you to know about, and maybe even invest in.

[Ed.:  Very interesting!]

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.