Daily Shmutz | 081022

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)




China says military drills around Taiwan are over

China says it has completed nearly a week of military drills around Taiwan following a visit to the self-governing island by US politician Nancy Pelosi.

Sea and air operations were successful, said China’s military, which vowed to keep patrolling the Taiwan Strait.

Ms Pelosi’s brief trip incensed Beijing, which views Taiwan as a breakaway province to be reunited with the mainland – by force if necessary.

Taiwan has accused China of using the drills as practice for an invasion.

The island’s government rejects Chinese claims of sovereignty and sees itself as distinct from the mainland. Beijing seeks to isolate the island internationally.

House Speaker Pelosi, the highest-ranking US official to land in Taiwan since the 1990s, defied China’s warnings not to visit last week, sending tensions soaring.




Dr. Richard Fleming provides solid evidence that Covid 19 is a bioweapon and the “vaccines” are too and that the Nuremberg code prohibiting undisclosed medical experimentation on people is being broken and all of this was funded by US Government. Described in succinct details (with slides of blood) what happens to blood function and normal healthy immune responses once vaccinated and what significant medical conditions result from these vaccines. [Video]  August 06, 2022


12-Year-Old Clayton Middle Schooler Dies Following Youth Football Practice Due to “Severe Medical Emergency”   By Jim Hoft

A 12-year-old member of Clayton Valley Little League died on Sunday due to a “severe medical emergency” following youth football practice at Clayton Valley Charter High School in California.

Braden Fahey, a middle schooler and young football player, had to be rushed to Stanford hospital on Friday evening at 7:25 after experiencing a medical emergency during a football practice.

Two days after he was brought to the hospital, he passed away.


You are 25X more likely to be injured and 20X more likely to die if you get the COVID shot   Steve Kirsch

When you combine this result with negative vaccine efficacy, the COVID shots are completely nonsensical. Nobody should take them. We couldn’t find a single supportive anecdote!

Executive summary

I recently learned about conservative radio show host Wayne Root’s stunning anecdotal evidence about the 200 people who attended his wedding. He tracked what happened just 8 months after the wedding: 26 were injured and 7 died in the vaccinated group but nothing happened to people in the unvaccinated group, even though Wayne estimated that most of the guests were unvaccinated.

I loved the setup: it’s an almost “as good as it gets real-life randomized trial.”

A single anecdote isn’t compelling. What is compelling is that others are observing the same huge event rates. Wayne is hardly an outlier. And the fact we can’t seem to find any stories equally extreme on the opposite side has got to be very troubling for those supporting the “safe and effective” narrative.

This is the type of post-marketing research the CDC should be doing: they should follow matched (or randomly selected) groups of vaxxed and unvaxxed people over time to document injuries and deaths just like Wayne did. If Wayne can do this, why can’t the CDC? The signal is huge.

Since none of Wayne’s friends died pre-vaccine (Wayne is 61), this suggests that hypotheses such as this one are consistent with what Wayne observed:


Pregnant Mother Coerced Into Taking the Shot  [1:37]

A mother to a newborn child chronicles how she was forced to take the shot before she was allowed to go into the hospital to give birth. Now, her baby is constantly shaking and suffering in pain.


Fourteen Young Canadian Docs Die After Getting the Shot. Normally Would be ~0 Over 30 Years.   Steve’s Kirsch

This is a list of just the docs my doctor friend in Canada heard about passively. In the past 30 years, he’s never heard of a single death like this. Not one. Now there are at least 14.

Executive summary

A doctor friend of mine in Canada heard about 15 deaths of Canadian doctors over the last 9 months. He’s been in practice for 30 years. He’s never heard of any such unusual deaths before of doctors. Zero in 30 years. Why is he now, all of a sudden, hearing of so many deaths, and why are these deaths all happening very soon after vaccination?


Saudi ambassador falls and dies instantly in public view   Steve Kirsch

Yet another death in plain sight. These deaths are common after the “safe and effective” COVID vaccines rolled out. Reality: you increase your risk of injury/death by over 20X.

Check out the video in this tweet before Twitter has it removed. Only 32 views!

This was caught on video, but most of these incidents aren’t.

This is what is causing the massive numbers of unusual accidents (such as car accidents, swimming deaths, etc).


Videos of people “dying suddenly” in Thailand, India and Spain (and a different video of that Saudi man’s collapse in Cairo)   Mark Crispin Miller

Still more evidence that people everywhere are REALLY dropping dead in public, just as we were TOLD was happening in China (but wasn’t) back in January, 2020

Twitter, or whoever really runs it, has decided that no one should see the video, which I and others posted yesterday, of Mohammed Al-Qahtani dropping dead mid-speech in Cairo. (He was a Saudi businessman, not an ambassador.)

Here’s another, less dramatic video of the same collapse, which happens at the very end. (It’s also on Twitter, so watch it now, and download it if you can.)



Judicial Watch files motion to unseal FBI search warrant for Mar-a-Lago raid

“The Biden administration’s raid on President Trump’s home is an outrageous, reckless and unprecedented abuse of power,” Tom Fitton said

Judicial Watch on Tuesday announced that it filed a motion to unseal the search warrant that the FBI used to raid former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate of Mar-a-Lago on Monday evening.


No More Pretending: with Mar-a-Lago raid, a dishonorable regime exposes its true colors   Jordan Schachtel


Sometimes it takes a monumental event or series of events to wake a collective of sleeping giants. Without these consequential events, some may live their entire lives perpetually propagandized by ruling class narratives.


Maricopa County STILL COUNTING BALLOTS One Week After Trump-Endorsed Kari Lake’s Historic Win – WTF Is Going On?   By Jordan Conradson

Arizona is still counting primary election ballots more than one week after election day.

They have been counting the votes for seven days now.

The Gateway Pundit reported last Friday that Maricopa County was still counting the votes after days of waiting for a final decision on the Republican gubernatorial primary race.

Pinal County was also still counting ballots late last week.

Kari Lake was finally declared the winner in every single Arizona county last Thursday.


Gestapo Democrats   By Paul Craig Roberts

The Democrats in power in Washington have weaponized the FBI and Department of Justice (sic) in an effort to criminalize President Trump.  They tried this with Russiagate, with impeachment, with their fabricated January 6 Insurrection, and now they have sent an army of FBI agents into Trump’s home, relying on the presstitutes to tell a story of deep, dark, suspicious activities by Trump.

The Democrats have become so bold because Republicans, with few exceptions, are not fighters.  Republicans come out of the business world where the rule is “don’t rock the boat.” Republicans, being patriotic, feel responsibility to protect the reputation of the US government, and, therefore, acquiesce in Democrat abuses of power.  The Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, for example, helped the Democrats steal the presidential election by denying that such a thing had happened.  For Mitch McConnell Republicans, America cannot afford the embarrassment of acknowledging a stolen presidential election.  The Third World demeanor that a stolen presidential election gives the United States is unacceptable to Republicans who believe the honor of the government must be protected at all cost.

The Democrats are far more experienced at stealing elections than Republicans.  Democrat control of big city political machines is prime training ground for corruption.  The Biden regime has used the weaponized Department of Justice to block the efforts of states to return integrity to voter rolls and procedures.  Consequently, the Democrats can just as easily steal the November Congressional election as they did the last presidential election.  Republicans also face the disadvantage that their protests of stolen elections are misrepresented by Democrats and the presstitutes as racism, an epithet that scares fight out of Republicans.



Top 4 Reasons to Check Your Iron Level, Not Your Cholesterol   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Alzheimer’s Blood Marker You Do Not Want to Ignore

Do you know your levels of this Alzheimer’s trigger? If you discover your levels of this brain-tangling substance are too high, take action sooner, not later. Otherwise you’re just begging for a devastating Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Ditto for diabetes and early death. I urge you, don’t ignore this marker.


  • While your body requires sufficient iron to stay healthy, elevated levels have been linked to cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, gouty arthritis, hepatitis C, liver disease and many other health problems
  • Elevated cerebrospinal fluid iron levels are strongly correlated with the presence of the Alzheimer’s risk allele, APOE-e4, and elevated iron in your brain may actually be the mechanism that makes APOE-e4 a major genetic risk factor for the disease
  • Elevated ferritin has been linked to impaired glucose metabolism, raising the risk of diabetes fivefold in men and fourfold in women, a magnitude of correlation similar to that of obesity
  • Iron causes significant harm primarily by catalyzing a reaction within the inner mitochondrial membrane. When iron reacts with hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl free radicals are formed, causing severe mitochondrial dysfunction
  • If your iron level is too high, the easiest way to lower it is to donate blood two or three times a year. If you have severe overload you may need to do more regular phlebotomies. Regular sauna use, which is an effective form of detoxification, is also helpful


25 Health Tips for 25 Years   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

My 25 Foolproof Ways to Improve Your Health

To celebrate our 25th anniversary, I’ve summarized my top 25 tips to get your health on track. This includes a wide-range of lifestyle factors to address, from environmental toxins to high blood pressure and high iron.


  • To commemorate 25 years of offering the most up-to-date health information available, I summarize 25 of my favorite health tips
  • To optimize your metabolic flexibility, consider implementing time-restricted eating and strength training. Blood flow restriction (BFR) training is an excellent method that can provide maximum benefits without the risk of injury from using heavy weights. Standing and walking as much as possible are also important
  • Dietary tips that can help optimize your health include eliminating seed oils, eating enough animal protein, proper hydration and incorporating supplements like molecular hydrogen, collagen, enzymes, glycine, B vitamins, quercetin, choline and CBD oil as needed
  • Lifestyle factors with beneficial impacts on health include sun exposure, sauna therapy and getting sufficient amounts of sleep
  • Factors with detrimental impacts on health that need to be addressed include electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure, LED lighting, toxic emissions from nonstick cookware, high blood pressure and high iron



New Iran satellite presents significant challenge to Israel, US and allies – experts

Though touted for agriculture and water planning, Khayyam said able to monitor sites in Israel and Mideast; Iran scoffs at claims, calls spying allegations ‘childish’

A new Iranian satellite has surveillance capabilities that present a serious problem for Israel due to its ability to monitor sensitive sites in the country, snapping high-resolution images of objects on the ground, experts have warned.

The Khayyam satellite, built and launched by Russia on behalf of Iran, lofted into orbit on Tuesday from the Russia-controlled Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.



LAST HOURS OF NETZER HAZANI, GUSH KATIF, GAZA  [4:20]   written by Avi Abelow

17 years ago today, on the Jewish calendar, the Jewish community of Netzer Hazani, Gaza was uprooted and destroyed. I was in Netzer Hazani when they were expelled. I took this video footage from my camera in order to document everything that was transpiring.

This is the 4 minute video of Netzer Hazani that spread around the world and was the inspiration for me to produce Home Game the movie. This clip documents the emotions and scenes of the last hours of the Jewish Netzer Hazani village, located in Gush Katif/Gaza Strip, as part of Israel’s “disengagement” from Gaza the summer of 2005. Back in the summer of 2005 there was no youtube, there were no smartphones, yet with the help from the one above I was successful in making this video go viral so people all over the world could see what was happening to fellow Jews, not being reported upon properly by the media.

Our government told us that they decided to destroy 21 Jewish communities in the Gaza strip and expel 10,000 Jews from their homes in order to bring peace, by removing all Jewish presence amongst the Arab Muslims in Gaza. The government and the media painted all of Jews who were against this plan as “enemies of peace”.

Destroying these Jewish communities in Gaza was the worst security/diplomatic decision ever, with the pullout from Lebanon being the second biggest security/diplomatic error that endangered Israel.

[Ed.: Ariel Sharon is still in Hell, where he will remain for all eternity.  He is in the company of the many who helped him with the expulsion, some of whom have not yet arrived.]


Israel’s war on Gaza-based Palestinian terrorists – a wake up call    by  Amb. (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

The August 2022 Israeli war on Gaza-based Palestinian terrorists serves as a wake up call for Israeli and Western policy makers and public opinion molders, who are determined to observe/assess the volcanic and treacherous Middle East through the accommodating and relatively-peaceful Western lenses.

For example:

*The August 2022 war on Palestinian terrorism is a wake up call to the Israeli and Western “Palestine-Firsters.” Once again, Arab countries showered the Palestinians with an embracing-talk, but refrained from a supportive walk, militarily, financially or politically. Hence, the 2022 Arab walk was consistent with the Arab conduct during all previous military clashes between Israel and Palestinian terrorism: the First and Second Intifada of 1987-1993 and 2000-2005, the 1982-85 war against the PLO in Lebanon, and the four wars against the Gaza-based Hamas terrorists in 2008-9, 2012, 2014 and 2021.

*During the last few days, I participated in several TV panel-discussions with experts from Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. All of them concurred with my perspective on the non-centrality of the Palestinian issue in Middle East affairs, displaying indifference or hostility toward the Palestinians. They echoed the Arab image of Palestinians as a role-model of intra-Arab subversion, terrorism and ingratitude, as documented by the Palestinian intra-Arab track record.

*In contrast to Western conventional wisdom, Arab policy makers are convinced that the proposed Palestinian state would be a pro-Iran, pro-Russia and pro-China rogue/terrorist entity, fueling domestic and regional turbulence, and intensifying the existing threats to the survival of every pro-US Arab regime.



A new Israeli law will go into effect on Monday prohibiting cash payments of over $1,760 (6,000 New Israeli Shekel NIS) in cash or bank checks for transactions between a person and a business. The ceiling for transfers between private individuals will be $4,400 (NIS 15,000) instead of the current amount, almost $14,700.

Since January 2019, Israeli businesses and consumers have been subject to limits on cash payments under the Law for the Reduction in the Use of Cash. Previously, the use of cash up to $3,200 could be used in business deals. The ceiling for car transfers will remain the same at nearly $14,700.

The reason behind the new law was explained by Tamar Bracha, who is in charge of executing the law on behalf of Israel’s Tax Authority, to The Media Line.

“We want the public to reduce the use of cash money,” Bracha said. “The goal is to reduce cash fluidity in the market, mainly because crime organizations tend to rely on cash. By limiting the use of it, criminal activity is much harder to carry out.”














HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI   By Jim Hoft

New details on Mar-a-Lago raid come to light

As reported earlier today — President Trump declassified a binder on January 19th, 2021 that contains hundreds of pages about the Crossfire Hurricane scandal. It contains damaging information about the corrupt actors involved with our government. Two different DOJ Attorney General’s have defied President Trump’s direct lawful order to publish the binder in the Federal Register. It’s been 19 months as the DOJ defies the order, and every FOIA request to make it public. Can we now raid the homes of acting AG Monty Wilkinson, and Merrick Garland?


BREAKING: Joe Biden’s FBI Apprehends GOP Rep. While Traveling with Family and Seizes His Phone — One Day After Raid on President Trump’s Home   By Jim Hoft

After raiding President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago the Stasi-FBI apprehended Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) and seized his phone.

Rep. Scott Perry is a staunch Trump supporter.

It is now open season for conservatives and patriotic Americans.

The government has declared war on the American people.



“If You Control the Food Supply, You Control Everything”   By Robert W Malone MD, MS

The UN envisions a global command economy

I spent the afternoon reading the UN’s 2030 agenda, with its 17 goals and 169 targets. This is an agenda that the UN has been working towards building since 1992 –

Frankly, it was terrifying. My take away thought was that once you strip the unicons and butterflies out of the text, this unilateral consensus document reads like an updated communist manifesto .

This is particularly relevant because while the Agenda 2030 is a not a legally binding instrument, but the regional and international human rights Conventions and Covenants at the core of Agenda 2030 are, in fact, binding instruments of international law. So, for now – we can insist that our politicians fight against the more draconian aspects of agenda 2030.

Now, at first glance -most of the 169 targets of Agenda 21 are rather “fuzzy.” but extremely naive objectives.  They are the goals of a command economy government, not an organization for world peace! Frankly, they are the goals of a failed governmental model. A model that has been tried again and again.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.