Daily Shmutz | 081622

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)




FDA expands monkeypox vaccine eligibility to include “high-risk” children… HUH?   by: Cassie B.

(Natural News) The FDA recently expanded its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the monkeypox vaccine, allowing it to be used in children under 18 who are considered to have a “high risk” of infection.

Before the updated EUA, “numerous” children had been given the vaccine via a special permission process despite not being authorized or approved for children, the FDA confirmed. The median age of people being infected by the virus is 35, and very few cases involving children have been reported so far in the U.S.


Boston Children’s Hospital now promotes MAIMING young girls with “gender affirming hysterectomies” – another brick in the wall of global depopulation   by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) “Woke” body butcher Dr. Frances Grimstad from Boston Children’s Hospital appeared in a new video from the medical facility that promotes the removal of the uterus in little girls who decide they want to become little “boys.”

Grimstad, a “she / her” whose resume centers around maiming children for profit, argues that “gender affirming hysterectomies” are important for “transgender” children because it helps little girls who decide to go “trans” to become their “true selves.”

“A gender-affirming hysterectomy is very similar to most hysterectomies that occur,” Grimstad states gleefully in the video – watch below. “A hysterectomy itself is the removal of the uterus, the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus, and the fallopian tubes, which are attached to the sides of the uterus.”







Hundreds of thousands reportedly dying WEEKLY from Pfizer’s covid injections – PfizerGate continues   by Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Official government data shows that hundreds of thousands of people per week are now dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

All around the world, the “fully vaccinated” are suffering heart attacks, clotting and other cardiovascular events that result in permanent disability or death, according to the data. Meanwhile, governments are still pushing the shots as the “cure” for Chinese Germs.

The United Kingdom Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) “Ambulance Syndromic Surveillance System – Week 30” bulletin offers a glimpse into the carnage using Great Britain as the example. There, emergency ambulance calls are through the roof due to post-injection “complications,” and the health care system is now on the verge of collapsing.

Since at least last August when Operation Warp Speed was in full swing, the number of emergency calls for potentially life-threatening heart issues has nearly doubled – and that number is only increasing with each passing day. (Related: Pfizer has known this entire time that its covid injections are killing people.)


27-Year-Old High School Varsity Basketball Coach “Dies Unexpectedly” of Cardiac Arrest   By Jim Hoft

On Tuesday, high school officials in Comstock Park High School (CPHS) in Michigan confirmed the death of the team’s varsity boys basketball coach, News 8 reported.

Coach Tyler Edwards, 27, died unexpectedly on Monday of suspected cardiac arrest, according to the school’s associate principal and athletic director, Kendra Faustin.


Doctors, scientists sue Biden over online censorship of COVID-19 information    by: Belle Carter

(Natural News) Multiple doctors and scientists have filed a lawsuit alleging that the Biden administration has cooperated with Big Tech companies to censor American netizens from discussing issues related to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) joined the case representing Stanford University medicine professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Harvard University former medicine academician Martin Kulldorff as well as a former member of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC) vaccine safety subgroup. Doctors Jill Hines and Aaron Kheriaty are also represented by NCLA in the suit.

“Public statements, emails, and recent publicly released documents establish that the president of the United States and other senior officials in the Biden administration violated the First Amendment by directing social media companies to censor viewpoints that conflict with the government’s messaging on COVID-19,” the NCLA press release read.


CDC confesses it LIED about dangers of covid vaccines to protect Big Pharma    by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has revealed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been less than honest – to say the least – about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

The CDC lied when it claimed that it was actively monitoring the safety of Fauci Flu shots, calling it “the most intense safety monitoring efforts in U.S. history.” It turns out that the CDC did not even start looking at the injections until more than year after it initially claimed the surveillance had commenced.

“CDC has revisited several FOIA requests and as a result of its review CDC is issuing corrections,” a CDC spokeswoman told The Epoch Times, which filed a FOIA request back in July, when asked about this “error.”

That same spokeswoman claims that no CDC employee ever intentionally provided false information, nor was any false response given by the CDC in an attempt to sidestep FOIA reporting requirements. (Related: The CDC is also pretending to not know about high rates of heart inflammation caused by the jabs.)


WATCH: Senior nurse BREAKS SILENCE on hospital crisis  [9:07]   By Avi Yemini

A pregnant Melbourne nurse says she faces termination for requesting medical advice on her booster as hospitals struggle to fill staff shortages

A senior Melbourne nurse has spoken out about her desperate bid to keep her career in the face of health bureaucracy gone mad.

Sarah, not her real name, complied with the original vaccine mandates and was double-vaccinated to keep her job.

She said she weighed up her options at the time and went along with the mandates because she is passionate about her work.

Now pregnant and having already experienced side effects from initial vaccine doses, she faces termination unless she receives her booster dose despite still waiting on expert medical advice about her situation.


New Zealand: Mugged by Covid Reality    BY RAMESH THAKUR

In the first year of the pandemic, a team from Otago University in New Zealand (my former university) published an interesting study that provided some explanation for the strong public support for lockdown measures. This support came despite known or predicted collateral harms, including loss of livelihoods, elevated mortality from neglect of other diseases and ailments, “deaths of despair” from greater loneliness, and police abuses.

The answer, they said, is the moralization of restrictions in pursuit of a Covid eradication strategy. People did not take kindly even to mere questioning of the restrictions. With many governments, for example the British, deploying state propaganda to the full to instill fear of the disease and shame all effort to question restrictions, the moralization deepened into sacralization.

This offers a plausible explanation for why people who so warmly embrace the moral framework of diversity, inclusion, and tolerance in social policy settings, ended up supporting vaccine apartheid for those hesitant to get jabbed by shots with worryingly thin efficacy and safety trials before approval for public use.

Jacinda Ardern’s government further reinforced New Zealand’s collective moral fervor by proclaiming its doctrine of the health ministry as the “single source of truth” on anything to do with coronavirus, including public health interventions.

With the passage of time, as evidence mounted of the folly of Zero Covid policy and the accumulating harms it was causing, the New Zealand government was trapped in a prison of its own construction and found it difficult to change course, even after the futility of the entire program became obvious in the data.


A Deeper Dive Into the CDC Reversal    BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER

It was a good but bizarre day when the CDC finally reversed itself fundamentally on its messaging for two-and-a-half years. The source is the MMWR report of August 11, 2022. The title alone shows just how deeply the about-face was buried: Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities, and Health Care Systems — United States, August 2022.

The authors: “the CDC Emergency Response Team” consisting of “Greta M. Massetti, PhD; Brendan R. Jackson, MD; John T. Brooks, MD; Cria G. Perrine, PhD; Erica Reott, MPH; Aron J. Hall, DVM; Debra Lubar, PhD;; Ian T. Williams, PhD; Matthew D. Ritchey, DPT; Pragna Patel, MD; Leandris C. Liburd, PhD; Barbara E. Mahon, MD.”

It would have been fascinating to be a fly on the wall in the brainstorming sessions that led to this little treatise. The wording was chosen very carefully, not to say anything false outright, much less admit any errors of the past, but to imply that it was only possible to say these things now.


Healthcare Workers Denied Religious Exemptions to Receive $10 Million in Vaccine Mandate Settlement   by KATHERINE HAMILTON

Healthcare workers at NorthShore University Health System in Illinois are expected to receive $10.3 million in a “first-of-its-kind” class action settlement over the hospital’s coronavirus vaccine mandate, the Washington Examiner reported Monday.

The lawsuit was brought by 13 employees because the hospital “unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate, according to Liberty Counsel, which represented the employees. Liberty Counsel says it works to advance “religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the family through strategic litigation.”

The state’s Northern District Court reached a settlement agreement on July 29, meaning NorthShore will compensate roughly 500 health care employees “who were victims of religious discrimination, and who were punished for their religious beliefs against taking an injection associated with aborted fetal cells,” Liberty Counsel stated.

“This settlement should also serve as a strong warning to employers across the nation that they cannot refuse to accommodate those with sincere religious objections to forced vaccination mandates,” added Horatio Mihet, Liberty Counsel vice president of legal affairs and chief litigation counsel.



Rank Choice Voting and Mail-In Ballots Debut in Deep Red Alaska Where Democrat May Now Steal US House Seat from Sarah Palin   By Jim Hoft

Republicans in Alaska passed rank choice voting in 2020. This confusing system is only being pushed by RINOS and radicals in conservative red states. It allows Democrats to even the playing field when they have no chance of winning.

Republicans also passed mail-in voting.

As The Gateway Pundit reported back in May – Alaska is lost.

[Ed.:  Although we will win the 2022 election by a landslide, the Democrats will win due to their multiple cheating systems.  The 2022 election is already a wash, and we will not even get to the 2024 election!]


FBI’s ‘Election Crimes Coordinator’ worked with far-Left ‘Democracy Fund’ on election administration   BY ROBERT SPENCER

“Upholding the rule of law means applying the law evenly, without fear or favor. Under my watch, that is precisely what the Justice Department is doing.” That’s what Merrick Garland said on August 11. But the article below by J. Christian Adams was published on June 30, and it shows the FBI’s delightfully titled “Election Crimes Coordinator” (is she coordinating the election crimes?), Lindsay Capodilupo, coordinating with the far-Left Democracy Fund. Is the FBI’s “Election Crimes Coordinator” also working with some patriotic election integrity group? The chances of that are about zero minus eight degrees.


Former NYPD Commissioner Warns Of Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump

In an interview with Newsmax TV, former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik warned of an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, with Kerik, a New York Times best-selling author, tweeting the same warning.

After the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate on August 8, a former commissioner of the New York City Police Department delivered a shocking warning last week.

Bernard Kerik, who was commissioner from 2000 to 2001, stated his deep fear about a potential assassination attempt on Trump in an interview with Newsmax TV.

“If you remember back in 2016, right before he got elected, I was in Washington, DC. I was at a couple of different social events, and I hear people talking, they said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldn’t put assassination behind it,” he shared with host Eric Bolling.

“And I’m going to tell you something. They’ve tried impeachment, they’ve tried another impeachment, they’ve tried one investigation after another,” Kerik continued.

“This is about one thing: This is about stopping him from running in 2024. And I’m going to tell you something, I’m not into conspiracies, I’m not into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people,” the former commissioner added.

The previous day, Kerik, a New York Times best-selling author, tweeted the same warning.



A Key Food to Grow With Limited Space   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Food You Can Grow Inside During Food Shortages

This ’emergency’ food requires surprisingly little effort and very limited space (a windowsill will do), but you’ll be rewarded with a daily power burst of nutrients, antioxidants and phytochemicals when you need them most. Best of all, they take only about a week to grow and can be harvested as needed.


  • Severe food shortages are coming and appear to be inevitable, more or less worldwide; whatever food is available will continue to go up in price
  • Growing your own food is something I encourage virtually everyone to take part in, even if you have limited space
  • One food that requires very minimal space, yet packs a powerful nutritional punch, is sprouts
  • Sprouts offer unique benefits due to the fact that they’re in their initial and early phase of growth
  • Compared to mature plants, sprouts contain more concentrated amounts of nutrients, antioxidants and other health-promoting phytochemicals, and fewer antinutrients
  • In about a week, you can have fresh, nutritious food that can be harvested daily as needed


Crop failures now at CRISIS LEVELS worldwide as the United Nations declares war on FERTILIZER   by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) The following statement is a fact, not hyperbole: Globalists are currently carrying out a planetary-scale genocide agenda against humanity and all life on Earth as we know it. They are waging this war through multiple vectors that attack not only humans, but also plant life across the planet:

  • Terraforming: Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to devastate crop yields and plant ecosystems
  • Geoengineering: Spraying the skies with pollutants to dim the sun and reduce photosynthesis
  • Famine: Attacking the fertilizer supply to cause global food scarcity, famine and death
  • Energy: Attacking energy infrastructure to plunge first world nations into collapse and chaos
  • Kill shots: Pushing vaccines as medicine when they are actually depopulation bioweapons
  • Collapse: Carrying out controlled demolition of the world economy to impoverish the planet


Dutch Farmers: Police Arrest Over 100, as Protestors Vow Continued Resistance Against EU Green Agenda

Over 100 people have been arrested by police in relation to demonstrations resisting EU green agenda plans that will see Dutch farmers lose their livelihoods.

Police in the Netherlands have reportedly arrested over 100 people in relation to protests against EU green agenda measures which will see up to 30 per cent of livestock farms in the country forced to close.

While described by the Dutch government as being part of an “unavoidable transition” towards Great Reset-style reforms mandated by bigwigs in Brussels, farmers in the country have been actively resisting the changes, blocking motorways and food distribution centres in the hopes of bringing authorities to heel.

According to a report by NOS News, police have responded to the demonstrations by cracking down on protesters, with over 100 people being arrested in relation to the anti-green agenda demonstrations in recent weeks, with hundreds more being handed fines for actions resisting the measures.

Perhaps more interestingly, the national broadcaster reported that around one-quarter of such arrests did not occur during the period when alleged offences supposedly took place, but after the events, with police taking the time to track down individual protesters, a number of whom end up being remanded in police custody for considerable periods of time.



20 Useful medicinal herbs to plant in your home garden   by: Zoey Sky

(Natural News) Herbs are often used to give various dishes a flavor boost, but did you know that many of these plants also have medicinal uses?

For example, aloe vera is used to treat skin conditions while lemon balm is used to treat an upset stomach. Before SHTF, plant different medicinal herbs in your home garden so you can make healing salves or poultices if you need them. (h/t to TheEpochTimes.com)


Research Project Takes Aim at Magnesium Deficiency  [1:00]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Mineral Supplement Most People Need to Take

Nearly half of Western people don’t get enough of this nutrient that’s crucial to brain and cardiovascular health, muscle and nerve function, detoxification, mitochondrial function and activation of other nutrients. Even subclinical deficiencies can be deadly, so don’t take a chance.


  • Magnesium is required for the functioning of more than 300 enzyme systems driving a diverse array of biological reactions in your body
  • Magnesium is important for healthy mitochondrial function, energy production, heart health and cognition. It’s also important for the metabolism and activation of other nutrients, including vitamin D
  • An estimated 48% of Americans do not get sufficient magnesium from their diet. Among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, the rate of magnesium deficiency is 84%, and up to 75% of diabetics are magnesium depleted
  • While severe deficiency can be identified through a careful analysis of physical symptoms, mild or subclinical deficiency is far more difficult to spot, so testing is advisable
  • GrassrootsHealth’s Magnesium*PLUS Focus Project aims to help identify the ideal dosage with a given compound and level, the specific health outcomes associated with magnesium deficiency and sufficiency, the dose-response relationships and much more

What’s Behind the Sudden Surge in Autism?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Data suggest 1 in 30 children between the ages of 3 and 17 were diagnosed with autism in 2020, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that exposure to toxins in the environment is playing an important role.


  • Data suggest that 1 in 30, or 3.49%, of children ages 3 to 17 were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020
  • The rate of autism in lower-income families is higher than in higher-income families, and lower-income families tend to have higher vaccination rates than higher-income families
  • In 2010, the federal vaccine court conceded that Hannah Poling’s autism was the result of vaccinations, which “significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder”
  • Exposure to glyphosate, mercury, lead, aluminum and other chemicals, including phthalates and air pollution, is also implicated in autism
  • Even acetaminophen, brand name Tylenol, use during pregnancy increases the risk of autism in children





Video: Robert Spencer on OAN on the jihad attack on Salman Rushdie  [9:35]  BY ROBERT SPENCER



The Palestinian Authority Has Already Paid $1,421,940 to the Jihadis Who Blew Up the Sbarro Pizzeria   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

A report on how the Sbarro Pizzeria murderers have fared since the day 21 years ago when they murdered fifteen people is here: “The PA Has Already Paid $1,421,940 to the Terrorists Who Blew Up the Sbarro Pizza Shop,” by Maurice Hirsch, Algemeiner, August 11, 2022:

August 9, 2022, marked 21 years since the attack on the Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem. Fifteen people were murdered, including five members of one family, and 130 people were injured.

As a reward for carrying out the attack, the Palestinian Authority (PA) pays a total of $8,937 (27,800 shekels) each month to the five imprisoned terrorists and the families of the three dead terrorists who were involved in the attack.

The current total paid to the terrorists is $1,421,940. The monthly payment to each terrorist will continue to rise the longer the terrorists are in prison.


How Covid Policy Tore Israel Apart   BY GILAD HARANSHAHAR GAVISH

Incitement, division, scapegoating and social polarization.

According to Jewish tradition, both the First Temple and the Second Temple were destroyed on the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av, which fell on August 7th this year.

Tradition also says that the destruction of the Temples and subsequent exiles were due to senseless hatred among the Jewish people.

Pandemics have always provided fertile ground for the flourishing of hatred, racism, incitement, extreme nationalism and even the murder of minorities.

The lack of scientific basis has not prevented various groups throughout history from using the term “disease spreaders” as a basis for policies based on scapegoating and incitement.

The main reasons for this phenomenon are the human need to look for a scapegoat that can be blamed for a negative phenomenon and the ease with which leaders use the fear of illness and death to justify draconian measures against “the other.”

This was the case during the Black Death (bubonic plague) in Europe, which led to the murders of Jews—and worse during the Nazi regime, which presented the Jews as “typhoid-spreading lice, long before the genocide against them began.





Was a roundabout to blame for crash that killed U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski?   Margaret Menge

Farm Bureau board members asking INDOT to investigate, look at whether curve on approach to intersection contributed to head-on crash that killed Congresswoman and three others.


GOP Report: Biden Administration Left More than 800 Americans Behind in Afghanistan   by KRISTINA WONG

Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee released a report Sunday detailing the initial results of their investigation of the Biden administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Republican members interviewed people on the ground during the withdrawal, reviewed hundreds of situational reports, interviewed whistleblowers, obtained internal State Department memos, and took fact-finding trips to Pakistan, UAE, and Qatar.

They also found that despite the Biden administration claiming there were only 100-200 Americans still left in Afghanistan, there were more than 800 Americans abandoned behind enemy lines.

The report’s executive summary stated:

The State Department has evacuated more than 800 American citizens from the country since August 31, 2022. That does not include the AMCITS evacuated by outside groups. And it is clearly dramatically more than the number of “about 100” that we were repeatedly told after the NEO ended. For perspective, the Iran hostage situation in 1979 saw 52 Americans left in the country.

They also found that the Taliban offered on August 15, 2021, for the U.S. to provide its own security for the Kabul airport instead of Taliban forces, but that the U.S. turned them down — which allowed for the chaos unfolding just outside the gates of the airport with little security and the subsequent bombing that killed 13 U.S. service members. GOP investigators found:



Heads up! FBI, media allies now laying groundwork for ‘dirty bomb’ false flag incident that will be blamed on Trump’s supporters   by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) More evidence that the FBI is rotten to the core was revealed over the weekend following the agency’s politicized raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, proving once again how scared the deep state is that he will win the Oval Office again in 2024.

According to a report from CBS News, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security appear to be laying the groundwork for a major false flag attack, with the outlet noting that both agencies are claiming that threats against them and their personnel have dramatically gone up since the Biden regime’s raid.


Preparedness Self-Audit: Are you REALLY READY? Here’s what to check…  [35:06]    Mike Adams / Health Ranger Report









Investigative Report: Dems Are Using ‘Invented Insurrection’ to Create 2nd War on Terror Targeting Americans   By Michael Austin

A new war on terror is brewing.

Much like its George W. Bush-era counterpart, this new campaign is the product of an alliance of politicians and government officials as they seek to gain additional federal powers to fight terrorism.

Unlike its previous iteration, however, this new war on terror is to be fought domestically.

Its enemy is not the Islamic State group, al-Qaida or any other foreign threat. Rather, under the direction of the Biden administration, this new effort seeks to end the supposed threat of homegrown, far-right, white supremacist terrorism.


Texas Ranchers Who Experienced Brutal IRS Audit Issue Dire Warning to Middle-Class Americans   By C. Douglas Golden

What will the 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service agents that the Democrats’ new tax and spend bill aims to hire mean for you? Just ask David and Deborah Hajda.

The Hajdas own the Raising 5 Cattle Company in Thorndale, Texas. Thirteen years ago, the IRS audited them thanks to, they say, an engine rebuild on one of their tractors.

Appearing on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” on Tuesday, they had a five-word message to anyone who doesn’t take the prospect of an IRS audit seriously: “They want to get you.”



Homeland Security offering biometric data of American citizens to potential foreign partners   by: Belle Carter

(Natural News) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reportedly offered access to the department’s vast biometric databanks to any foreign state that would agree to reciprocate.

According to a July 22 Statewatch report, DHS is “sales pitching” the enhanced border security agreements to potential foreign partners. As per the document titled, “DHS International Biometric Information Sharing (IBIS) Program,” the program provides “a scalable, reliable and rapid bilateral biometric and biographic information sharing capability to support border security and immigration vetting.”

Biometric technologies generally refer to the use of technology to identify a person based on some aspect of their biology. Fingerprint recognition is one of the first and original biometric technologies that have been grouped loosely under digital forensics.


World Economic Forum’s Yuval Harari claims the world doesn’t need the vast majority of the population   by: Arsenio Toledo

(Natural News) Top World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser Yuval Harari recently said that the world does not need a huge population due to technological advances.

Harari made this statement during an interview with Chris Anderson, head of the TED media group, on Aug. 8. Harari made this claim while discussing the role of working-class people in society. (Related: Eugenicist who said ‘billions must soon die’ called for same number of survivors as was engraved on Georgia Guidestones as ‘vaccine genocide’ is carried out by the CDC and Big Pharma.)

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.