Daily Shmutz | 081822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                                                  Not blowing smoke




Facebook and Instagram Take Down Bobby Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Fund Pages Over Bogus “Misinformation” Accusations   By Jim Hoft

On Wednesday Facebook and Instagram without warning took down the Children’s Health Defense Fund‘s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

The two pages together had nearly a half million followers.

They received the following notifications:


Facebook Fact Check Censors Factual Claim IRS is Arming Agents To Use Deadly Force   Paul Joseph Watson

Claims because not “all” agents will be armed that it’s not accurate.

Facebook has deployed one of its infamous ‘fact checkers’ to suggest that the completely accurate claim that the IRS is seeking to arm more agents to use deadly force was “partly false information.”



Man Arrested For Opposing His Child’s Gender Transition   By Pamela Geller 

You couldn’t make this horror up.The left is the legally institutionalizing negation our unalienable parental rights. stealing our children, and chopping off their privates.

Man Arrested For Talking About His Child’s Gender Transition Against Court Orders



Taiwan says China continues its military activities nearby   Reuters

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan’s defence ministry said 51 Chinese aircraft and six Chinese ships had been detected operating around Taiwan on Thursday as Beijing continued military activities near the island.

Related video: ‘Will take Taiwan, use force if necessary,’ China issues stern warning



Is Joe Biden Facilitating America’s Demise?   By Larry Johnson

After 8 years of arming and training Ukraine’s army and air force, spending billions of tax payer dollars, the United States no longer has a viable strategy to defeat the Russian forces and compel Vladimir Putin to accept a humiliating defeat. Yes, the U.S. and NATO are pouring a large amount of HIMARS, Army Tactical Missile Systems (aks ATACMS), tanks, vehicles and aircraft into the fight, but this is only prolonging the inevitable surrender of Ukraine. Worse, it is poisoning any chance of restoring normal relations with Russia.

Readers younger than fifty have little or no memory of the Cold War. During the 45 year period after World War II (1945-1990), the United States and the Soviet Union fought each other in proxy wars–Vietnam, Angola, Nicaragua and Afghanistan were major battlegrounds. Yet, despite the fighting and spying by each side in their respective efforts to subvert the other, the United States and the Soviet Union kept diplomatic channels open and succeeded in reaching critical nuclear weapons disarmament treaties. Both sides realized that a nuclear war would be a nightmare neither was likely to survive.



Rochelle Walensky gets an intervention   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Senior Executive Service steps into the CDC leadership vacuum, BARDA grows up

Per Wikipedia- Rochelle Paula Walensky (née Bersoff; born April 5, 1969) is an American physician-scientist who is the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.[1] Prior to her appointment at the CDC, she was the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Walensky is an expert on HIV/AIDS.

<actually, she is not really a scientist. She is an MD with a masters degree in public health or MPH. Not trained as a scientist, in case you were wondering>


Circuits in Covid Jab Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self-Assemble  [11:49]   By Alexandra Bruce

Electrical engineer, Mat Taylor joins Stew Peters to expose the government’s plan to kill us all and the 5G connection we have all been looking for!

Mat shows how the vaxx contains self-assembling nanotechnology that is triggered by Wi-Fi frequencies – which were then found to disassemble in the absence of these frequencies.

This is good news.


Video: Facebook Founder Zuckerberg Tells Inner Circle To Avoid The Jab  [5:25]

Well, well, well! Look who has been caught warning his inner circle of friends and co-workers from taking the COVID shots. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had his underlings ban people from his platform for simply expressing doubts about the safety of the shots. Yet Zuckerberg himself warned his people to avoid the jabs because of the long-term effects.

We know this because it’s on video. Someone leaked the video to Project Veritas, and now it’s all over the internet for the rest of the world to see. More than 6 months before the shots were publicly released, Zuckerberg knew they were dangerous. Gee, what a coincidence!

The video in which Zuckerberg warns his inner circle is dated July 7, 2020. Keep in mind, Pfizer withheld the announcement that it had even developed a vaccine until November of 2020, in order to hurt Donald Trump’s reelection chances. None of the rest of us knew what mRNA technology even was at that point.

Here’s what Zuckerberg said privately to his employees:

“But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA, to directly encode in a person’s DNA and RNA, basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream.”


Leaked: Vaccine extremist Blima Marcus colludes to spin inconvenient data – Commentary  [2:20]

What incentive is there for people to express skepticism about vaccines? Unlike establishment drug-pushers, they will not be richly rewarded with government grants

Blima Marcus is one of the fiercest pro-vaccination activists within the Jewish world.  She has been working closely with the government to produce and disseminate material tailored to persuade Orthodox Jews.  As Jewish-appearing comrade Laura Kurcfeld emphasized in a recently leaked conference call, recruiting people “who look like me” to push pharmaceutical products is a critical part of their strategy to obtain the community’s trust.

When watching these conversations between glorified drug-pushers that the sheep were not supposed to hear, one is struck by how much they fret over “trust”. Their greatest concern is that people will “lose trust” in the priests of the medical cult.  The conversations revolve around strategies they can employ to overcome this and similar “challenges”.

Consistently telling the truth, being transparent, modifying their beliefs in light of new information, displaying humility, steering clear of bribery and other conflicts of interest, and otherwise being trustworthy are not among these strategies.

Blima Marcus introduced herself to the Jewish world as an ultra-Orthodox nurse, a highly dubious self-identification, though most convenient for insinuating herself into the community and performing, as she calls it, “vaccination outreach”.  Oddly, in the same thread she also referred to herself as “a liberal Democrat”, which would make her a unicorn.


[Ed.:  Please listen to this 15-minute segment starting from 28:00 Vaccine Death]:

Situation Update, Aug 17, 2022 – 10,000 people A DAY being KILLED by covid vaccines [1:12:35 – 0:00 Intro, 1:50 Anti-White Racism, 9:25 Biden, 19:00 IRS Training, 28:00 Vaccine Death, [emphasis added] 43:40 China, 49:10 Droughts, 54:05 Crop Failure] – Mike Adams

[Ed.:  10,000 exterminated per day at current levels is 417 per hour, and 7 per human lives per minute.  The carnage dwarfs WWII… And this does not include the injuries from “adverse reactions”!  Their plan is succeeding beyond their expectations! We’re being exterminated like flies. (The extermination is being deliberately augmented by food shortages and gas shortages causing deliberately engineered world wide famine. Go to Steve Kitsch’s substack and check out his analytics.]


‘The Jerusalem Report’ With Ilana Rachel Daniel  [1:04:42]

Resistance — Phase Two With Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer + Avital Livny




Until Election Integrity Issues Are Fixed, Conservatives CANNOT Stop Talking About The 2020 Election   By Pamela Geller

Without free and fair elections, it’s game over, the fix is already in. The Democrats know this, why don’t the Republicans.

In Less Than 3 Weeks States Can Begin Destroying Their 2020 Election Evidence – It’s Time to Petition that These Records Be Kept


The Morning Briefing: Liz Cheney’s Concession Speech Was a Mentally Ill Cry for Help   BY STEPHEN KRUISER

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Even Sebastian’s viral tap dancing video wasn’t capturing the attention of the International Charo Fan Club nominating committee.

For once, the polls were not just right, but really, really right. Liz Cheney’s political career met its inevitable ignominious end last night. The drubbing was spectacular, a most decisive end to the political tenure of the woman who just last year was the third-most powerful Republican in Congress.

The race was called for Harriet Hageman about 14 seconds after the polls closed. What followed were a few hours of every leftist media outlet in America making Cheney out to be the bravest American woman since Rosa Parks.

Lizzie herself thought she was more like Lincoln. Spencer covered her concession speech over at Townhall:

[Ed.:  You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” Abraham Lincoln]


The Fix Is In: Here’s Why Democrats Are Not Worried about 2020 — The Fix Is In…   By Pamela Geller

As the mid-term elections  near the Biden regime is completing another one of their agenda items, the permanent weaponization of the U.S. Postal Service.

According to FTR, , the USPS is reporting it delivered more than 135 million ballots in 2020, and has already delivered another 40 million so far this year during the primaries.

The USPS should be relegated to the dustbin of history, it is an ancient relic of a bygone, pre-technoligical era. Instead the Biden regime is revolutionizing it into the illegal election arm of the party of treason.


The Era of Bush and Cheney is Officially OVER!!!  [14:01   Dr. Steve Turley

Most HILARIOUS MEMES Roasting LIZ CHENEY!!!  [5:43]









No Jail Time: Chicago Muslim Gets Probation For Kidnapping And Sexually Attacking 23-Year-Old Girl   By Pamela Geller

Muslim privilege. Sharia justice. Respect it, islamophobes!

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

The underlying belief is the same: non-Muslim women exist for the pleasure of Muslim men. It’s in the Quran: Muslims can take “captives of the right hand” and use them for sex (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30)



‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ was a mixed bag   ARLENE KUSHNER

We must guard against conclusions based on superficial impressions.

As we look back over the past few weeks, it is exceedingly important to avoid drawing hasty conclusions about the outcome of Israel’s brief conflict with Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in Gaza. When we ask whether anything truly changed, we must guard against conclusions based on superficial impressions.

The first question to ask is whether “Operation Breaking Dawn” signals that Prime Minister Yair Lapid, usually noted for his naiveté, has grown in office.

The operation did see some astounding successes. Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz talked tough and followed through. Israel did not only take out PIJ installations but also decimated the PIJ leadership. Lapid was on board for this and should get the credit. However, the situation is not quite as simple as it appears.


New police commander cancels Temple Mount restraining orders   Yehonatan Gottlieb

In his first week on the job, commander Avi Cohn cancels restraining orders for those who will follow discriminatory rules at the holy site.

In his first week as commander of the “David” police district in Jerusalem, commander Avi Cohn made the decision to cancel the restraining orders of several individuals who were barred from visiting the Temple Mount.

In coordination with the Jerusalem district commander, Deputy Commissioner Doron Turgeman, and following the request of the legal team of the Temple Mount administration, the restraining orders were canceled for anyone who is willing to commit not to breaking the behavior code while visiting the holy site.

The head of the Temple Mount administration, Rabbi Shimshon Aulbaum complimented Commander Cohn on the “positive move that he chose to begin his job with,” and expressed hope that he, “take great steps in advancing the Temple Mount.”

Many of those who received restraining orders received them because they purposefully transgressed the discriminatory rules that deprive Jews of their religious freedom at the site.

Related articles:


Haredi Group Joins “Settlement Movement”   by AFSI Staff

A group of Haredi yeshiva students and families established a new community on Sunday in eastern Gush Etzion near Metzad. The new community is called “Derech Emuna” (Path of Faith), after the title of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s book.

Within two and a half hours the community built 15 buildings including a shul and a yeshiva. So far, 11 families have moved in.

Activist Tzvi Succot pointed out that this is the first time ultra-Orthodox “settlers” have established such a community. The goal was to increase consciousness within the Haredi community of the religious commandment of settling the land. It also demonstrates that the housing crisis in the community could be resolved through housing construction in Judea and Samaria.


Israel’s Legal Fraternity is Destroying Israel Democracy   [1:11:39]   Caroline Glick

One of the most stunning phenomena to have arisen in recent years is the one to one parallel between the politicization and corruption of the legal fraternity in Israel, including the Attorney General, the state prosecution and the court system, and the politicization and corruption of the FBI and the Department of Justice in the United States. In both cases, these top law enforcement arms that are the basis of the rule of law in both countries have been transformed into weapons used by progressives against conservatives. The role the media have played in both countries as full partners in an effort to use lawfare to seize and hold political power is also identical.

In this week’s episode of the Mideast New Hour, and against the backdrop of the FBI raid on former president Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago, I sat down with my friend and colleague Prof. Avi Bell from Bar Ilan University and University of San Diego law schools.

Avi and I discussed the recent revelations by Attorney Moshe Saada, who until recently served as the deputy head of the Police Investigations Department in the state prosecution. Saada’s unit is the Israeli version of Internal Affairs in U.S. police forces. He gave a series of interviews in recent weeks exposing how his unit was corrupted to induce the police to fully cooperate with then state prosecutor Shai Nitzan’s campaign to indict Netanyahu on fake charges to force him from office.

We also discussed the developments in Netanyahu’s trial. To date every prosecution witness has undermined the prosecution’s case against Netanyahu.

Join us for a vital conversation. The only way to preserve our ways of life is to preserve the rule of law. And the only way to do that, is to defeat the politicized attorneys who have seized the power of the voters and elected officials.

To watch the show on Youtube, click here.


Palestinians are taking over Area C and Gantz is letting them.

Benny Gantz’s double-speak in the Knesset was an apt reflection of his “policy” as defense minister: pathetic, infuriating – and dangerous.

By Naomi Linder Kahn

There seems to be no limit to the hypocrisy and double-talk to which Israeli voters are being exposed in this election season.

This week’s installment of double-speak came from no lesser a luminary than Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who is quickly proving himself to be a master of the genre. Speaking from the podium of the Knesset plenum, Gantz, who has held this position for three years under as many prime ministers, is the man responsible for waging and winning Israel’s battle for Area C, the section of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli jurisdiction under international law.

In the three years of Gantz’s tenure, Israel’s activities in Area C, which require resolute action to uphold the stated policy of the Israeli government, have degenerated to the point of being virtually non-existent. Rather than confronting the relentless takeover of the territory by the Palestinian Authority with a show of force, under Gantz’s command, the protection of Israel’s vital interests in the region has become a show and a farce.

At last count, over 100,000 dunams (nearly 25 thousand acres) of Israeli state land in Area C have been overtaken by hostile concerns, as the Israeli government purposefully ignores what is happening right under its nose. Through a clearly stated program of illegal construction and agricultural projects, the Palestinian Authority has accelerated the already-staggering pace at which it is creating a de facto State of Palestine in area C of Judea and Samaria – no negotiation or compromise necessary, courtesy of the Europeans who never fail to accuse Israel of unilateral actions that upset the status quo.


Report: China warned Israel not to let US pressure hurt relations

Chinese diplomat warned Israel not to allow US pressure to damage its relations with Beijing, officials tell Axios.

One of China’s top diplomats warned Israel last week not to allow US pressure to damage its relations with Beijing, senior Israeli Foreign Ministry officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Barak Ravid of Axios on Wednesday.

The message from Liu Jianchao, who heads the Chinese Communist Party’s international affairs department, to Israeli Ambassador to Beijing Irit Ben-Abba, was the most unequivocal and direct message Israel has received from Beijing about the US-Israel-China triangle, according to the report.





An Earthbound ‘Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejection’ Event Could Be Imminent   BY TYLER DURDEN

A minor earthward-directed Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) already hit Earth’s magnetic field on Wednesday. NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) expects a more powerful earthbound CME to strike Thursday-Friday.

SWPC has already issued geomagnetic storm watches for a minor geomagnetic storm today, a strong geomagnetic storm on Thursday, and a moderate one on Friday.

The impacts will be insignificant now, but that could change tomorrow as a strong geomagnetic storm can spark power grid fluctuations, create satellite irregularities, and degrade radio and GPS signals. SWPC’s storm severity scale is 1-5.


Kash Patel Exposes Truth About Trump Raid & What He Did Before Leaving Office [VIDEO 16:58]

“…no one is allowed to touch those records until the markings are addressed.”

… “Appearing on The Joe Pags Show, with host Joe Pagliarulo, Kash Patel detailed how the FBI will find nothing on Donald Trump. While they might not find any sensitive material, Patel did admit that the raid proved one thing – the death of due process. Not only did Patel admit the FBI will come up empty-handed, he walked viewers through the entire process of how Trump declassified countless documents before he left the White House, believing Americans had a right to know what the government was doing. Take a look.”


Unreal: The Latest Hunter Biden Scandal Will Make Your Jaw DROP  [4:35]  Donald Trump Jr.

Unreal: The Latest Hunter Biden Scandal Will Make Your Jaw DROP


Erasing 9/11: 9/11 Tribute Museum in Lower Manhattan to Close   By Atlas Shrugs

This closing was a long time coming, but it was really no surprise at all. The erasure of 9/11 began years ago. What did anyone expect when the identity, motives, and goals of the enemy were denied, scrubbed, and censored, and those who spoke the truth were branded “haters” and treated as if they were the real enemy. This was a tribute museum to what, exactly? It celebrated the heroism of those who came to help on that day, but it glaringly could not and would not honestly explain what exactly happened and why. The nation still has not come to grips with that, and most of those who know what happened assume that there will be no negative consequences of ignoring and denying what happened, and demonizing those who spoke the truth about it. But those who struck us on 9/11 will strike again, and no one is prepared for that.

“NYC’s 9/11 Tribute Museum to close: ‘It’s a huge loss,’” by Zachary Kussin, New York Post, August 17, 2022:



In Surreal Story, 20-Year-Old Student Acquires 6% Of Bed Bath & Beyond, Makes $110 Million In 3 Weeks   BY TYLER DURDEN

We thought that today’s story about Ryan Cohen filing to dump his entire stake in Bed Bath & Beyond after sparking a massive gamma squeeze using deep OTM call options would be the most absurd meme-related story of the day. Boy, were we wrong.

In a late Wednesday article published on the FT which at first (and second, and third) read comes across as a cross between absurdist satire and a PR puff piece, we read the day’s feel-good “riches to riches” story in which a 20-year-old university student, Jake Freeman, who is an applied mathematics and economics major at the University of Southern California, managed to accumulate 6.2% of the entire outstanding stock of Bed Bath & Beyond at under $5.50 share (did we mention he is a 20-year-old university student) amounting to $27 million, which he announced in an activist 13-G letter to BBBY Management on July 21, 2022, and less than a month later sold out of his entire stake – thanks to the insane gamma squeeze in the stock – not through some prime broker but through his TD Ameritrade and Interactive Brokers accounts, making $110 million in the process!





Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?   By John & Nisha Whitehead

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison

The IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns.

The Veterans Administration (VA) purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five submachine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General.

According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) owns 600 guns. And the Smithsonian now employs 620-armed “special agents.”

This is how it begins.





CHANGE: Nearly 2 Million Kids Left Public Schools Between 2020 And 2021

According to enrollment data, nearly 2 million students stopped attending public schools between 2020 and 2021.

In the spring of 2020, 81% of students were enrolled in district-operated schools – that number dropped to 72% by November 2020.

The Hill reported:

Almost 2 million students stopped attending public schools between 2020 and 2021, enrollment data shows.


Biden’s CIA Chief Employed Undisclosed Chinese Communist Party Members While Heading Carnegie Endowment for International Peace   By Atlas Shrugs

Did William Burns not know that his employees were members of the Chinese Communist Party? Then he is not competent to head the CIA. Or did Burns know, but not care, that he was employing CCP members? Then he is not fit to head the CIA. Yet Biden’s handlers have shown no sign that Burns’ job is in jeopardy because of these revelations. The Biden people are so far to the Left and so beholden to China as it is that they make William Burns and his Chinese Communist staff members look like conservative, stalwart patriots. Meanwhile, where is the GOP? If we had a genuine two-party system, they would be raising a huge controversy over this, opening investigations, and demanding Burns’ resignation. That’s what the Democrats would be doing if it turned out that Burns had employed members of, say, Viktor Orban’s party. But on this? Nothing.

“EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s CIA Director Employed Undisclosed Chinese Communist Party Members While Heading Elite DC Think Tank,” by Philip Lenczycki, Daily Caller, August 14, 2022:

Central Intelligence Agency Director William Burns formerly headed an influential D.C. think tank while it employed undisclosed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members as well as individuals with Chinese government ties, the Daily Caller Foundation has found.




White House Climate Science Overseer Sanctioned And Barred By The National Academy of Sciences  Steve Watson

For “clear violations of the fundamental tenets of research”

A senior White House climate advisor has been sanctioned by the National Academy of Sciences for violating its ethics policies.

Axios reports that Steve Watson the deputy director for climate and environment at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, has been pulled up by the NAS for editing a paper later found to contain technical errors, as well as having worked with the scientists involved in it, one of which turned out to be her brother-in law.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.