Daily Shmutz | 082022

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)





Joe Allen On Body Mutilation Surgery Performed On Children: We Are Not A Sane Society  [5:18]

Joe Allen, the War Room’s transhumanism editor, continues his discussion with host Steve Bannon about the “gender-affirming surgery” performed at Boston Children’s Hospital and other pediatric hospitals with impunity even though it amounts to mutilation.






Lou Dobbs: The Patriot Act Is the Genesis of the Modern Police State and Must be Rescinded  [6:57]   Steve Bannon

The great Lou Dobbs (of “The Great America Show”) talks to host Steve Bannon about how the Mar-a-Lago raid is the latest in a long line of excesses by the federal government’s intelligence and police agencies.

“The American people have got to speak up, and the leaders so-called… are preposterous pretenders, and it’s time for real leaders to get behind … the only leader who counts in this moment in history, and that’s Donald J. Trump…. After six years of political persecution, not the Justice Department, not the CIA, not the FBI, none of them caught him in some sort of collusion with a foreign enemy. No, they were all guilty. … It’s time for the Republicans, and independents in this country … to say ‘Enough.’ And It’s time to shut down the national security division of the Department of Justice and the FBI… The Patriot Act in my opinion has to be rescinded… The Patriot Act is the genesis of all we are seeing right now.”


The Predatory Male Behavior Of So-Called Transgender Women   By Eleanor Dashwood

How do you know so-called transgender women aren’t real women? Because they act just like predatory men who, rather than having sympathy for women concerned when physically intact men invade their territory, revel in the ability to impose their will on these women.

I once had a conversation with a strapping, athletic, and tall young man I was dating about how I, and women in general, feel vulnerable walking or traveling alone in many situations he took for granted. He had never thought about that wary anxiety women feel walking through a dimly lit parking lot at night, or turning around at footsteps, assessing the environment, noticing men eying them and, in response, feeling vulnerable and unprepared and instantly calculating how to respond if things go south.




Was it the Jabs? Astros All-Star Yordan Alvarez Hospitalized During Game With Common Covid “Vaccine” Adverse Reaction   

Some say we shouldn’t always jump to the conclusion that the Covid jabs may have played a roll in unexplained athlete health conditions. But since nobody’s asking, we figured we should.

Another day, another mysterious ailment takes out a young and otherwise healthy elite athlete. At least this time nobody died.

Astros All-Star left-fielder Yordan Alvarez experienced “shortness of breath” that prompted him to leave the field and go to the dugout before being transported to the hospital. According to Western Journal:


TV star “rushed to hospital,” Canadian MP “thrilled to be alive,” young athletes sidelined by bizarre diseases, and all too many other likely casualties of “vaccination” all around the world   Mark Crispin Miller

News of (what would seem to be) NON-fatal consequences of the jab, from the US and Canada, the UK, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Italy (where there have been a LOT of them, as usual) and India

A spokesperson revealed on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer star’s Instagram page that the 51-year-old had to be rushed to hospital in an ambulance earlier this month due to an irregular heart rate of over 100 beats a minute. “Nicky sends his love and wanted me to apologize that he hasn’t been going live as much lately and to give everyone an update,” the post reads. “Nicky is doing fine now but he had to be rushed to emergency about two weeks ago because of a cardiac incident (tachycardia/arrhythmia).”

The spokesperson went on to explain that Brendon, who played Xander Harris on the show, had a similar cardiac incident after he underwent surgery on his spine last year due to a dysfunction in the roots of some of his spinal nerves. “Some of you might remember he had a similar incident after his second spinal surgery last year (for Cauda Equina) but this time. He is trying to get a little more rest and has been concentrating on medical appointments (sic),” the post concluded.


49-Year-Old High School Principal and Former Super Bowl Champion Died Suddenly While Riding His Bicycle   By Jim Hoft

he principal at George Wythe High School in Richmond, Virginia, who was also a member of the New England Patriots team that won the Super Bowl in 2001, died unexpectedly on Friday while riding his bicycle.

Mr. Riddick T. Parker, Jr. age 49, departed this earthly life on Friday, August 19, 2022 at his home in Chesterfield, VA,” according to the obituary.


#StopTheShots   [9:59]   James Roguski


The message is simple:  Stop The Shots!

Please watch the video 

This is a public appeal for each and every person who reads this article to record your own video, upload it to the video hosting platform of your choice and post the link to your video in the comments below.

This appeal is not just for doctors.

This is an appeal to everyone.


Vaccine-Injured Canadian Politician Says Doctors Are Being Prevented From Criticizing COVID Shots

The media has documented numerous instances of doctors across Canada who have had their medical licenses suspended or even terminated by the College of Physicians for speaking out against the risks associated with receiving the experimental COVID-19 injections. Now, even a vaccine-injured Canadian politician is saying that doctors are being prevented from criticizing COVID shots.

Shane Clayton Getson, an Alberta MLA who suffered vaccine-related injuries, claimed in an exclusive interview with the Western Standard that the medical establishment silences physicians who speak out about the variety of injuries brought on by COVID vaccinations.

In an interview with the Western Standard last week, Getson addressed the issue of how doctors have frequently suffered professional repercussions for acknowledging the novel COVID shots carry significant risks: “The Royal College of Physicians has driven those doctors [who speak out about vaccine injuries] underground, quite frankly, and their messages are not getting out.”

[Ed.:  “Will you stifle yourself?”]


CoronaVax safety in the Netherlands  [38:31]   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Theo Schetters’ survey of public data from the NL and Ontario, Canada

As some may recall, Jill and I recently traveled to Belgium to meet with Drs. Mattias Desmit, Theo Schetters and many other key opinion leaders from that region, participated in meetings, and recorded podcasts aimed at a European audience. During that time, I recorded a podcast with Theo and Marlies Dekkers which focused on the mRNA Coronavirus genetic vaccines. To reduce the risk of censorship and deplatforming, that podcast was uploaded to the Substack servers, and together with an accompanying article can be found here.


Kirsch drops truth bombs on Fox about the vaccines being deadly; Fox host very unhappy   Steve Kirsch

Fox host: “We can’t verify those numbers.” Kirsch: “Seriously? Who is not allowing you to verify what I just said?”

Executive Summary

Someone had to go on Fox News and tell the truth about the injury and death rates about the COVID vaccines. It’s never been done before. They’ve censored all attempts or simply not allowed anyone on in the first place.

So on August 10, at 5:35pm, I took my shot. And I got it on air. For the first time in history.

I explained just how dangerous the vaccines are including the hundreds of thousands who have died and the millions who have been injured.

After I recited the stats from Wayne Root’s wedding (which were subsequently validated in other surveys), the host, Brian Kilmeade, said that “we can’t verify those numbers.”

Did he mean “can’t” or “won’t”?

It’s trivial to verify those numbers. It’s in plain sight on Rumble. You can hear the numbers confirmed directly from Wayne Root himself in this video along with some of the stories of individuals who attended his wedding.

I offered Fox and Media Matters the opportunity to verify my other numbers.

I even posted an article which showed the data backing up every key assertion I made.

After all, if I’m found to be telling the truth, that would be game changing.

Neither organization has taken me up on my offer.

Yes, that’s right. The biggest story of the decade and neither organization wants to validate the numbers.

You are supposed to take their word for it that I’m wrong. Data doesn’t matter.

All the data to back up everything I said is here and in the text below.

But Fox and Media Matters aren’t interested in taking a look.

There is a lot of corruption going on. Why aren’t these two organizations interested in the truth?


16-Year-Old Dies Suddenly After Suffering Cardiac Arrest While Playing Frisbee with Family Members   By Jim Hoft

A student died suddenly on Saturday, August 6th, 2022 after suffering from cardiac arrest while playing frisbee with family members.

Owen Cotty, a 16-year-old junior at Methacton High School in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania died suddenly earlier this month as he was playing frisbee with his father and uncle.

“On August 6th, 2022, Owen was playing frisbee with his father and Uncle when he fell to the ground,” an entry on a fundraising campaign read. “CPR was administered immediately, and first responders were on the scene rapidly, but despite best efforts, he could not be resuscitated.”


IMPORTANT: If you work at a hospital, I need your help NOW   Steve Kirsch

I’ve expanded my survey to cover hospital statistics. If you work at a hospital, ask for the numbers. Let’s see what the real data says.


Podiatrist: Death and devastating injuries linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine in 80% of elderly patients   Steve Kirsch

A podiatrist contacted Wayne Allyn Root to disclose his personal experience. He had to keep his identity confidential because he doesn’t want to lose his license. What he said is absolutely stunning.

Check out this story: Finally, One Honest Doctor Comes Forward to Report the Death and Devastating Injuries Linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine.

Do I believe the story? Yes.

I’ve asked Wayne for the contact info of the doctor to verify the story, but I have no reason to doubt it at this point. Why would he risk his license to make up a story like this with such detail? The name of the podiatrist isn’t even revealed. It’s not for fame, not for business. Maybe he’s just malicious, but that seems unlikely. But as I said, I’ll reach out to validate it.

According to Wayne, his podiatrist sees about 80 patients a week. That’s more than enough for strong statistical significance over 20 months (over 5,000 patients) especially with such a large effect size. 95% are vaccinated.

Wayne reports that the podiatrist sees unprecedented rates of injury and death since the vaccines rolled out. He estimates that 80% of his vaccinated elderly are worse off and there is no significant change for his unvaccinated patients.



Decades of Medical Tyranny Exposed, Now we Know – Takedown Underway w/ Dr. Pam Popper (2 Parts)   Sarah Westall   See Part One…See Part Two…

Dr. Pam Popper joins the show to discuss the plan to free Americans from government tyranny. She has formed a team of tens of thousands of people taking on tyranny in an organized systematic way. Their approach starts with knowledge, perseverance, hard work, and integrity….


Documentary: ‘Uninformed Consent’  [2:09:32]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Documentary the ‘Elites’ Hope You Never See

Just as antisemitism was normalized through propaganda in 1930s Germany, the same exact strategy was used during the COVID pandemic – and we paid for this abuse, while the ‘elite’ class profited from this intentional, slow-motion train wreck. It’s time to expose everything.


  • The documentary “Uninformed Consent” takes a deep dive into the COVID-19 narrative — who’s controlling it and how fear was used to push novel, unproven gene transfer technology onto, and into, people of all ages
  • Weaving in and out of the heart-wrenching story of one man’s loss, interviews with doctors and scientists explore the loss of human rights in the name of biosecurity, and how the “elite class” profit from it all
  • “Divide and conquer” — creating division among people — is an age-old war strategy. During Hitler’s reign, anti-Semitism was normalized through propaganda in which Jews were likened to “lice” and were accused of carrying infectious disease. The same tactic was used during the COVID pandemic
  • The personal story that is returned to again and again throughout the film is that of a grieving husband, whose wife committed suicide. She suffered relentless bullying and harassment from coworkers and superiors for refusing the jab, and when she was finally placed on unpaid leave, she took her own life
  • The film reviews the medical establishment’s wholesale abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath, the lawless culture of the drug industry and its capture of regulatory agencies and media, the history of informed consent and why coercion and mandates violate this basic public health principle, vaccine injuries and vaccine-injury denialism, the behind-the-scenes corruption that led to the suppression of science and early treatment, and more



EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden Enlists China Owned TikTok to Partner with Federal Voting Assistance Program in 2022 Midterm Elections   By Jim Hoft

It is well-known TikTok is owned by Beijing-based technology company ByteDance, which was founded in 2012 by Chinese billionaire Zhang Yiming.

For this reason, President Trump announced he was going to ban TikTok.

Trump wisely issued three Executive Orders banning American businesses from working with TikTok (or WeChat).

President Trump did not allow any branch of the Federal government to use the CCP’s TikTok.

Joe Biden revoked President Trump’s TikTok Executive Orders in June of 2021.

Even the head of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requested Apple and Google in June to remove TikTok from their app stores due to ‘serious national security threats’ posed by the said mobile app, as reported by The Gateway Pundit.

In a letter dated June 24, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr told Apple and Google to remove TikTok from their app stores as it “harvests extensive amounts of personal and sensitive data” from its American users.

Now this…
Joe Biden just welcomed TikTok into a formal partnership with the Federal Voting Assistance Program, a U.S. government agency set up to help overseas voters in the upcoming US midterm elections.



[Ed.:  Although this is an ad, My Patriot Supply is not a sponsor of Daily Shmutz.  (We work without financial compensation…)

When Food Shortages Hit, Will You Be Ready?


  • WILL your family EAT when the food runs out?
  • WHAT will your family eat?

As you know, worldwide problems at every level are causing MAJOR problems here at home.

There’s no escaping it.

From sky-high food prices to record-level inflation and insane gas/diesel prices… you just can’t catch a break.

But right now, you can SAVE $250 on a 3-Month Emergency Food Kit from My Patriot Supply, the lowest price this kit has been in years.

This Kit will help you avoid the nightmare of GOING HUNGRY – especially if you have children or grandchildren who depend on you.







Muhammad, Not Khomeini, Was First to Institutionalize the Slaughtering of His Critics   BY RAYMOND IBRAHIM

Who was really responsible for the recent assassination attempt on Salman Rushdie?  While “mainstream media” spent a fair bit of time clearing their throat and searching for a “motive,” many remembered that in 1989, the then supreme leader of Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini, had issued a fatwa, an Islamic edict, calling for the slaying of Rushdie, for having “insulted” the prophet of Islam in his 1988 novel, The Satanic Verses.

In reality, fatwa or no fatwa, Muslims have been attacking and slaughtering those perceived to “blaspheme” against the prophet of Islam for nearly a millennium and a half, simply because Muhammad himself institutionalized the practice.

Consider the following two accounts, both of which are derived from authenticated Muslim sources:



A Conversation With Islamic Reformer Dr. Tawfik Hamid  Joseph Puder

The future of “moderate” Islam within the Muslim World.

The assassination of al-Qaeda second-in-command Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri reminded this reporter of his friend Dr. Tawfik Hamid who was recruited by al-Zawahiri while being a medical student at Cairo University. Few people share as an incredible biography as Dr. Hamid. His father, an orthopedic surgeon was a secular Muslim, and Tawfik grew up in a cultured environment where tolerance and openness were major features. Dr. Hamid soon discovered the evil nature of Egypt’s al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya and their closed-mindedness. He subsequently moved far away to New Zealand. He recognized the threat posed by radical Islam, and started to teach peaceful interpretations of classical Islamic core texts. Dr. Hamid earned two higher degrees, one in Internal Medicine, which includes psychiatry, and the second in Cognitive Psychology. Dr. Tawfik Hamid is a physician, educator, Islamic thinker and reformer.

[Ed.: It is said that Islam is ‘one of the world’s three great religions.’ Yet Islam professes that if the other two religions do not convert to Islam, they must kill us, it’s their ‘religious duty!  How ‘great’ is that! 

There is only one Islam. Islam is Islam, is Islam. Contrary to what Daniel Pipes would have us think, there is no ‘radical Islam,’ or ‘militant Islam’ that ‘hijacked’ ‘peaceful Islam.’ These terms are Pipe’s dreams, and double-speak globalist rubbish.

The Jewish Talmud offers a solution to this ‘religious dispute’:

Talmud (Sanhedrin 72a)  If someone comes to kill you, get up early in the morning to kill him first.” 

‘When someone threatens you – strike first’ (Talmud Berakhot 58a,) but so far, this is a mere pipe dream, and for some unexplainable reason, we have not gotten around to that yet… ‘Help, help, I have a wonderful solution!  Does anyone have the question?’]





Crying Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell HUMILIATED AS HE IS CAUGHT IN LIE AFTER LIE UNDER OATH! Likely Committed Perjury at January 6th Criminal Trial! MUST-SEE VIDEO of Officer TROLLED Outside Courthouse!   By Cara Castronuova

A liberal Democrat public defender destroyed Crying Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell in cross examination and in closing statements at a January 6th defendant’s trial this past week.

Political Prisoner Kyle Fitzsimons watches as his attorney Natasha Taylor-Smith defend him at his trial.

Gonell humiliated himself and likely committed perjury as he was aggressively cross examined by Natasha Taylor-Smith. Taylor-Smith is the rare talented and fair public defender that was assigned to January 6th political prisoner Kyle Fitzsimons. Fitzsimons is a father and butcher from Maine. He is being charged with multiple felonies, including 3 counts of “Assaulting a Police Officer”. He faces decades in prison if convicted.

Help J6 defendant Kyle Fitzsimon’s family and baby daughter HERE.

The phony Gonell watched his pending book deal “An American Treason: How One Immigrant Saved Democracy” go down the drain as he repeatedly exposed himself as a liar that likely committed perjury multiple times in court.

A tissue wielding Gonell testifies for the Unselect Committee. New video has come to light that may prove he commited perjury.

It was brutal and satisfying to watch. Unfortunately, the government will not allow the airing of these trials for the general public and keeps them under wraps. Only approximately 15 people, including the Gateway Pundit, will ever bear witness to the fascinating evidence presented today in the trial of January 6th defendant Kyle Fitzsimons. Unlike the phony one-sided January 6th Hearings, there was actually cross examination and real evidence presented that showed an incredibly different story than the government has painted.

Watch an independent journalist catch Sergeant Gonell outside the DC courtroom here and accuse him of perjury in video below:



State Department Issues Kidnapping Advisory for Americans Traveling to Mexico   By Cassandra Fairbanks

The State Department has released an advisory warning Americans that there is an increased risk of kidnapping when travelling to Mexico.

The advisory also warned that the US government has limited ability to provide emergency services to citizens in many areas of Mexico, as travel by US government employees to certain areas is prohibited or restricted.

“Violent crime — such as homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery — is widespread and common in Mexico,” the State Department wrote in its notice issued on Wednesday.

The State Department urged citizens to voluntarily adhere to the same restrictions that are placed on government officials, for their own safety.

[Ed.:  But do these kidnappers have badges?]


Tune into RSBN LIVE to watch Lindell’s Truth Summit on August 20th and 21st   Tierney’s Real News

I’m watching Mike Lindell’s Truth Summit about election fraud – LIVE on RSBN. Lots of good information coming out. Patrick Colbeck was just up talking about Michigan. Jenna Ellis – President Trump’s former lawyer – is on now. Tune in please and spread the word. I will report a summary tomorrow evening.




[Ed.:  What is a woman?  THIS is a woman!]

“No Regrets” – Woman Chops Off Her Boyfriend’s Penis After He Tried Raping Her 14-Year-Old Daughter   By Cristina Laila

India – A woman in Uttar Pradesh cut off her boyfriend’s penis after he tried raping her 14-year-old daughter.

According to the Times of India, the 36-year-old woman came home from work when she saw her live-in boyfriend assaulting her teen daughter.

The mother grabbed a knife and chopped off her boyfriend’s genitals.

The woman told the Times of India that she has “no regrets.”



An outrage that must be stopped    U.S. Senator Mike Braun

Dear Friend,

With passage of the Parental Notification and Intervention Act, you and I can save countless unborn babies and build momentum to end all abortion-on-demand.

Please help me make that happen.

Sign the petition below today to pass the Parental Notification and Intervention Act.

After signing the petition, please consider chipping in with a donation of $10, $25, $50 or more. And don’t forget about the matching grant that will increase your donation by 50%!

     For Life,

     Senator Mike Braun (R-IN)


Next Up: Remote Controlled Brain Communication?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Scientists have succeeded in controlling the wing movement of fruit flies using a form of brain control, and humans may be the next targets of this mind control experiment.


  • DARPA is funding a project to develop a headset that can read your brain’s neural activity and “write,” or encode, it to someone else’s brain, leading to brain-to-brain communication
  • At least one researcher — Jacob Robinson — working on the program, known as Magnetic, Optical, Acoustic Neural Access (MOANA), is part of a team that figured out how to tap into and control the brains of fruit flies
  • The team used magnetic nanoparticles to activate neurons in fruit flies, causing them to alter their wing position
  • The headset being developed by the MOANA study will use light to decode neural activity in one brain and then, similar to the fruit fly study, use magnetic fields to write that activity in another brain in less than one-twentieth of a second
  • The next phase of the study entails demonstrating the technology in rodents and, if successful, moving on to humans within two years, although human tests could begin as soon as 2022


The sun is going to DIE… but don’t worry it won’t happen for another 5 billion years: ESA’s Gaia predicts when Earth’s massive star will double in size and obliterate our planet   By STACY LIBERATORE

  • The European Space Agency’s Gaia craft has predicted when our sun will die  
  • It identified the sun’s mass and composition to see how it will evolve
  • This showed our sun is about 4.57 billion years old, making it middle-aged
  •  The road it its demise begins around 10 to 11 billion years of age when it becomes a red giant and rapidly increases significantly in size

The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Gaia spacecraft has made a chilling prediction that our sun is almost halfway through its life span and when it reaches the end, it will swell and obliterate our planet – but data from the craft suggests this will not happen for at least another five billion years.







Lauren Boebert on Biden-Harris Regime Laundering More Money Through Ukraine: “This Is Basically a Weekly Phenomenon”   JD Rucker

There were cheers and complaints galore when money first started funneling into Ukraine. It has been normalized now to the point that massive funds being sent over aren’t even noticed.

As many of us have been saying since before the first taxpayer dollar was sent to Ukraine for “aid,” the money pit is endless. It’s no longer making many headlines when massive amounts of money are funneled through Ukraine to fund whatever nefarious plans the globalist elites have for it. Oligarchs are getting paid. Ukraine’s corrupt government officials are getting paid. Other nations are being paid by proxy. It’s arguably the biggest foreign relations con-job since the Iraq Wars.

And the vast majority of Americans, both leftists and conservatives, fell for the official line that it’s all for the Ukrainian people. Meanwhile, the people are seeing literally none of it. Not a penny. But whether you believe the “aid” was justified or not in the beginning, today it has become a joke that isn’t funny enough for many to repeat. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert delivered the unfortunate punchline on Twitter Saturday:

Biden sent $775 million more to Ukraine yesterday. This is basically a weekly phenomenon. He’s spending our taxpayer dollars on a fight that is not ours and doing so without any limit. Why are we allowing this?



Harnwell: Ukrainians outraged as Zelensky casually admits to WaPo that he lied about Russia invasion  [7:08]  Steve Bannon

International editor Ben Harnwell reports to host Steve Bannon about how the people in Ukraine are reacting to President Zelensky’s admission to the Washington Post that he had lied to the world about the Russian build-up on the border prior to the outbreak of war because he did not want his people to flee the country.



The Revolution   By Ray DiLorenzo

We pray this revolution can be put away, settled, once and for all, at the ballot box in an honest election. God help us if we cannot

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”Barack Obama, 2008 Campaign


Barack Obama, the underhanded insurrectionist that he is, called for a loyal army that could go against the civilian population…a Civilian National Security Force.  Did the Democrats just fund it?…87,000 new armed IRS agents?  It doubles the personnel at the IRS to around 180,000.  It’s equal to 12 Army divisions (13 divisions if you include the number of FBI special agents, Biden’s personal army).  It would be larger than the army of Germany, Italy, or even Israel.  Hitler’s Gestapo (secret state police) had only 32,000 at its height.  Additionally, the IRS is infamous for ignoring basic due process rights, harassment without cause, and accidental gun discharges.


Episode 2089: The Biden Justice Department Are Trying To Cover Up Their Steps; 3.6 Millions Migrants Have Crossed Into The US Since Joe Biden’s Inauguration  [48:58]

We discuss the border, FBI raid, and more

Our Guests Are: Mike Davis, Todd Bensman, Ben Harnwell




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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.