BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
Not a bird flying over Israel
Why I Changed My Mind About Evil! (I Was WRONG) [15:31] AwakenWithJP
JP usually has a humorous video. But this is dead serious.
Finally, NYT alarmed over migrant invasion Jack Engelhard
Meanwhile, the migrants keep coming, Op-ed.
In a First, The New York Times finally admits that a migrant crisis is at hand.
Most Americans have a soft spot for immigrants. But not for this kind that keep crossing our border from Mexico.
That’s because these people, from all over Latin America, and in fact from all over the world… they do not wait in line.
Something about that turns people off. Especially affronted are individuals who came here legally, which meant sweating out the years until the proper papers came through.
Like your parents/grandparents and mine, in many cases, Holocaust Survivors.
Finally here, it is doubtful that they were greeted by FDR or the mayor of New York City, and then given free housing at luxury hotels on and off Broadway.
Perhaps steak, caviar, lobster, the key to the liquor cabinet – why not? Why yes, if you are an illegal migrant.
Today’s NYC mayor, Eric Adams, runs a sanctuary city, and he loves those trespassers.
He loves them enough to indeed put them up at the finest hotels…and then providing for them food, clothing, jobs, free medical services etc.; hospitality unavailable to true New Yorkers.
But there’s a catch.
He’s fine with 25, 50, maybe 100. After that it’s too much, and he’s furious. He wants the influx stopped. (Some 6,000 are already here in NYC; info being withheld from the public.)
Five Salvadorans have dropped dead while walking on the street; 92 fresh graves found in a small New Zealand town Mark Crispin Miller
Still more evidence that those “vaccines” are REALLY doing to millions what “the virus” NEVER did to anyone—i.e., causing them to “drop dead in the street” (a Big Lie to be probed at Nuremberg 2.0)
Remember all those scary images from China back in January, 2020, of people “dropping dead of COVID” in the street? While used to justify the CCP’s ferocious lockdown over there, that opening blast of visual terror-propaganda also helped, immeasurably, to spread the fear worldwide—to Italy (the first European country to lock down), then New Zealand (hailed by the WHO for quickly emulating China), then elsewhere the world over (the Chinese story having been terroristically retold throughout the British press).
Thus many millions were traumatically convinced that they too might drop dead at any moment, killed by “the coronavirus,” which, they readily believed, was just as deadly as “the Spanish flu” and/or Black Death—despite the fact (embarrassing in retrospect) that nobody in China had “dropped dead of COVID in the street.” That propaganda fantasy was far more lethal than “the virus,” as it convinced those terror-stricken masses to lock down and mask up—“measures” that themselves variously killed off millions all around the world, from April, 2020 through that dark year, and beyond.
The Hague. International Trials – Day One – Crimes Against Humanity [18:00]
Attorney Reiner Fuelmich’s opening remarks at one of the most important trials in history for crimes against humanity.
In the coming weeks, Fuelmich’s team of experts will explain the various rehearsals for the plandemic, the “creation” of cases through faulty PCR tests – with MANY false positives – and the disinformation promulgated about “asymptomatic spread.” They will trace the administration and fallout from the dangerous, untested EUA vaccines responsible for high levels of morbidity and mortality.
Fuelmich’s team will explain how the plandemic was the first step in the initiation of the Great Reset that will wrest control of the economy and the global population by creating a one world bank, digital currency and digital passports. They will reveal the plans to use eugenics, transhumanism and depopulation to bring about the New World Order
Untested Bivalent COVID Jab Being Rolled Out Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Bivalent COVID Jab Approved and Already Outdated
Moderna’s newest bivalent booster shot has been given the green light in the UK – and will start going into arms as part of their autumn booster program. Too bad it includes strains that have mutated out of existence.
- August 15, 2022, the U.K. became the first country to approve Moderna’s new bivalent COVID booster — Spikevax bivalent — which contains mRNA that codes for the original Wuhan strain spike protein and the Omicron BA.1 subvariant
- The approval of the new booster comes on the heels of complaints about lack of demand for the shots. Moderna recently threw away 30 million doses of its original COVID jab, as nobody wanted them, and the U.S., has tossed 82.1 million COVID jab doses in the trash for the same reason
- The Spikevax bivalent shot is already out of date, as both strains included are no longer in circulation anywhere in the world
- In the U.S., infections are currently caused by the BA.4, BA.5 and BA.2.12.1 variants of Omicron. In Europe, Omicron BA.2, BA.4 and BA.5 are the current “variants of concern.” BA.1 is on the list of “de-escalated variants,” meaning it’s of no concern either because it’s either not in circulation, or because it doesn’t cause severe illness
- Coronaviruses mutate very rapidly, and when you vaccinate against a rapidly mutating virus, you encourage it to mutate even faster, and to develop immune-evading properties. This is what we’ve been witnessing since the beginning of the COVID jab campaign, and outdated, leaky bivalent boosters may worsen the situation further
“Ba.5 Booster” is Medical Quackery, Promoted by Covid Vaccine Charlatans Igor Chudov
Everything fits the definition of “Quackery” and “Charlatans”
I was reading a Wikipedia article on “Quackery”, and uncomfortably realized that it describes sellers and promoters of “Covid vaccines”.
Quackery is an old term, involving dishonest or confused persons selling treatments that are untested and are not working: The old term “snake oil” describes such quack treatments.
Common elements of general quackery include questionable diagnoses using questionable diagnostic tests, as well as untested or refuted treatments.
Everything checks out, right? Questionable tests, untested and known-not-to-work treatments, describe Covid response and Covid vaccines perfectly.
Here’s the definition of quackery from the FDA, per Quackwatch (archive):
The FDA defines health fraud as “the promotion, for profit, of a medical remedy known to be false or unproven.”
I have no interest in reciting thousands of articles about how Covid vaccines do not work, could never work, are unproven, and so on, as I have no interest in wasting my readers’ time — we all know that by now.
Here’s a new and interesting example, though.
COVID charlatans are now promoting an untested “Bivalent Booster”, which will make them a lot of money, but is completely unproven and will NOT work.
Inquest Confirms Rock Singer’s Fatal Brain Injury Caused by mRNA “Vaccine” JD Rucker
AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine caused the “catastrophic brain injury” that resulted in the death of a 48-year-old U.K. rock singer two weeks after he got the vaccine, an inquest concluded.
Article by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. from Children’s Health Defense cross-posted with permission.
A U.K. rock singer who goes by the name Zion died from a “catastrophic brain injury” caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, an inquest concluded.
The 48-year-old man from Alston in Cumbria, a county in North West England, developed an “excruciating” headache on May 13, 2021, eight days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Although he took painkillers, Zion’s headaches increased in severity and four days later, his speech was impaired and he started having seizures.
Zion died May 19, 2021, despite emergency surgery to try to treat his “vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia,” which causes swelling and bleeding in the brain. After his death, his fiancée, 39-year-old Vikki Spit, said she had spent only one night apart from him in their 21 years together and that her life was “smashed into a million pieces” by his death, according to the Daily Mail.
CDC Clown Show Continues With Slave Mask Recommendation to Stop Sexually Transmitted Disease “Schlong Covid” JD Rucker
With no viable reason to trust anything the CDC says, they’ve doubled down on their self-immolation by making a ludicrous recommendation about a disease that won’t affect most people.
Monkeypox (or as Tucker Carlson calls it, “Schlong Covid“) spreads through sexual content. One does not need a medical degree to realize this based on the fact that the vast majority of infected are homosexual men. They mingle with straight people. They talk to other people. They touch other people. But it seems only their sexual partners contract the disease.
With 100% certainty, if this disease was spreading among the heterosexual community, there would be no qualms about declaring it as sexually transmitted. The problem is they don’t want to offend the LGBTQIA+ community for fear of cancel culture retribution, so all the wokesters are pretending like this isn’t a sexually transmitted disease. That includes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who is going along with the pantomime by making the most ludicrous recommendation they’ve made to date.
GOP Rep. Andy Barr: Constituents Don’t Care About 2020 Election (VIDEO 1:14) By Jim Hoft
Rep. Andy Barr, R-Ky. told far left Meet the Press on Sunday that voters in his state don’t care about the 2020 election.
Barr added that voters in his state are also not interested in the House investigation into January 6th. They are too busy dealing with inflation fallout and the opioid crisis.
Rep. Barr: “Not once have any of my constituents… talked about the 2020 election… Politicians who obsess about the past are not in touch.”
So is this the new strategy by the GOP? To lump the horrific Jan. 6 trials to the stolen 2020 election? And then insist voters don’t care about election fraud.
[Ed.: I think that he’s just ‘projecting’…]
Graphene can be used to build radio frequency electronics inside the body Mike Adams
NATURE journal reveals how graphene can be used to assemble radio frequency electronics in biological systems
Groundbreaking information has come to light about the role of graphene, which many believe is contained in or produced by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” in radio frequency electronics.
A paper published in the journal Nature Communications back in 2014 — entitled, “Graphene radio frequency receiver integrated circuit” — explains how graphene has “superior electrical properties” and has strong potential as “a future channel material in radio frequency electronics.”
Also, over the weekend we posted two podcasts, and one of them is getting huge views and shares. It’s entitled, “Globalists openly discuss their plans to exterminate all humans.” You can find it at the HRR channel page on
The Antitumor Effects of Quercetin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Quercetin has a pro-apoptotic effect on aging cells that may help prevent or alleviate growth formation. Data show it has wide-ranging benefits, including against heart disease, gout and arthritis.
- Quercetin has an apoptotic effect on aging cells that may help prevent or be helpful in the treatment of cancer; years of research have also demonstrated it prevents chemically induced cancer and lung cancer, and inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells
- Quercetin has also demonstrated the ability to mitigate some of the effects of sleep deprivation, including mood changes, anxiety, memory performance, hyperactivity and cognitive impairment
- The combination of quercetin, bromelain, vitamin C and zinc has emerged in at least two of the successful protocols used to treat COVID-19; historically, data have shown it is effective against influenza, zika, hepatitis B and rhinovirus responsible for the common cold
- Quercetin is not water-soluble and is poorly absorbed unless it is paired with bromelain or vitamin C. Quercetin has shown positive benefits for heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, NAFLD and arthritis
- Quercetin is found in onions, red grapes and green tea. It could be a useful supplement to stock in your medicine chest to use when you believe you may be getting an upper respiratory infection
More Churches Burned and Christians Killed in Egypt — and the Government Is to Blame by Raymond Ibrahim
Yet another Coptic Christian church has been set aflame; and yet more Christians have been killed in Egypt.
On Sunday, August 14, 2022, the Church of Abu Seifein—named after Saint Mercurius of Caesarea, revered by the Copts—caught fire as it was packed with over two hundred worshippers celebrating morning mass. At least 41 Christians—18 of whom were children—were either burned alive, killed by asphyxiation, or during the subsequent stampede. Along with the officiating priest, 5-year-old triplets, their mother, grandmother, and an aunt were among those killed.
What caused this church fire?
Considering that radical Muslims have torched or bombed hundreds of Coptic churches over the decades in Egypt—and often when churches are packed—it is, of course, difficult to resist that explanation.
There are other telling factors: the city of Imbaba, the site of this latest church burning, has witnessed the burning of other Coptic churches at the hands of Muslims. Most significantly, in 2011, some 3,000 Muslim rioters set three Imbaba churches aflame to jihadist cries of “Allahu Akbar.” Twelve Christians were killed in those riots.
Moreover, the date of this church burning, August 14, is essentially the anniversary of when Muslim Brotherhood members and sympathizers attacked and torched 62 Coptic churches on August 15 and 16, in 2013, after then president Muhammad Morsi was ousted. One may argue that August 14 is not August 15 or 16, but August 14 is the closest date to those dates that also, because it fell on a Sunday, would have had the most Christians in the church, making it the ideal day to “commemorate” the Brotherhood-led events of 2013.
Gantz cites parts of Jerusalem as ‘possible’ Palestinian capital
In radio interview, defense minister says Israel must prevent the creation of a “bi-national state,” a situation he says “no one wants.”
There are places within the Jerusalem area that the Palestinians could consider their capital, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Monday.
“I repeat and insist that Jerusalem is the unified capital of the State of Israel,” he said in an interview with 103FM Radio.
“And I do not see how we can continue towards an arrangement [with the Palestinians] in the coming years, but we must begin by initiating processes to reduce the conflict and strengthen security,” he said.
Gantz continued, saying it was essential to prevent a “bi-national” state, “a situation that no one wants.”
“There are villages in the east that the Palestinians call Jerusalem, and they are not in the metropolitan area of Jerusalem,” he explained, adding: “It is possible to define them as a capital.”
[Ed.: With Benny Gantz as “Defense Minister” the fox is defending the chicken coop! “Defense Minister” is certainly not the most accurate description for him. Why not set up a raffle for Jerusalem and sell it to the highest bidder (which would be China)?]
Prayers for Dr. Simone Gold on Har Habayis Chananya Weissman
Dr. Gold is the heroic founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, and is currently a political prisoner in the United States.
[Ed.: Dr. Gold’s Hebrew name is Shoshana bat Cochava. Jewish prayers for people use their Hebrew first name, then son of/daughter of, then the mother’s Hebrew name.]
Armed bystander at Indiana mall as good as 400 cops in Texas: Takes out mass shooter in 15 seconds
(Natural News) There really is such a thing as being in the right place at the right time in history for one person to make a substantial, positive impact.
And for Elisjsha Dicken, 21, it was being armed at a mall in Greenwood, Ind., last month.
Dicken, who was legally carrying a concealed firearm, squeezed off 10 rounds and neutralized a potential mass shooter who had already killed three people when he opened fire at a crowded food court, according to reports.
According to police, Dicken was shopping at the mall with his girlfriend when he stopped at a cookie shop close to the main walkways. After the gunman exited a nearby restroom, he opened fire on the crowds.
‘No Proof US Assassinated Bin Laden,’ Claims UN ‘Expert’ By United with Israel Staff
These outlandish claims are even more disturbing because the person making them was identified as the Permanent Representative of the International Human Rights Council to the UN.
A United States special operations unit tracked down and assassinated the arch-terrorist Osama bin Laden in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, eliminating the al-Qaeda leader who oversaw the devastating 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.
On July 31, 2022, a U.S. operation in Afghanistan took out Bin Laden’s successor, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, in Afghanistan.
Despite the fact that the elimination of these terror masterminds is a matter of public record, Dr. Haissam Bou, Permanent Representative of the International Human Rights Council to the UN, recently claimed there is no proof that the U.S. killed Bin Laden or Al-Zawahiri.
In reality, the proof consists of eyewitness testimony related to both incidents, in addition to official confirmation from the U.S. government with regard to the fate of Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri.
These individuals were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans, to say nothing of the local populations al-Qaeda brutalizes in the countries where it operates.
Notwithstanding ample facts on the ground, Bou Said claimed in August on Iran’s Al-Alam TV (Iran) that there is no evidence that the U.S. assassinated Al-Zawahiri or Bin Laden, referring to reports of their deaths as “a political trick,” reported the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
He also intimated that U.S. President Joe Biden claimed that Al-Zawahiri was assassinated “to gain additional popularity,” mimicking an alleged similar ploy by former President Barack Obama, on whose watch Bin Laden was killed.
Bou Said’s outlandish claims are disturbing in and of themselves, however, they are even more disturbing in light of the fact that he was identified by MEMRI as the Permanent Representative of the International Human Rights Council to the United Nations.
Fauci’s out and Public Health Officials are Turning on Themselves Robert W Malone MD, MS
That was long past overdue, and Purity tests are never a good idea
Happy Monday! This weekend, I was on on stage at a private event with Robert Kennedy Jr. Jill and I met with our good friend Bobby, met some grand people at the tabletop discussion and are now home. I am working on the book this week, but the tyranny of the urgent keeps getting in the way.
Today, I am sharing some of the news stories and essays that have had me thinking hard this past week.
The big news – just out!
Well that is… FAUCI IS OUT – come December! (Merry Christmas?). One year after my infamous prediction on the Laura Ingram show regarding Omicron. Which, given Fauci’s likely accrued vaca time – probably means he is all but out the door now.
Why the sudden rush?
Read between the lines!
Statement by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
August 22, 2022
I am announcing today that I will be stepping down from the positions of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation, as well as the position of Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden. I will be leaving these positions in December of this year to pursue the next chapter of my career.
It has been the honor of a lifetime to have led the NIAID, an extraordinary institution, for so many years and through so many scientific and public health challenges. I am very proud of our many accomplishments. I have worked with – and learned from – countless talented and dedicated people in my own laboratory, at NIAID, at NIH and beyond. To them I express my abiding respect and gratitude.
Over the past 38 years as NIAID Director, I have had the enormous privilege of serving under and advising seven Presidents of the United States, beginning with President Ronald Reagan, on newly emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats including HIV/AIDS, West Nile virus, the anthrax attacks, pandemic influenza, various bird influenza threats, Ebola and Zika, among others, and, of course, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. I am particularly proud to have served as the Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden since the very first day of his administration.
While I am moving on from my current positions, I am not retiring. After more than 50 years of government service, I plan to pursue the next phase of my career while I still have so much energy and passion for my field. I want to use what I have learned as NIAID Director to continue to advance science and public health and to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientific leaders as they help prepare the world to face future infectious disease threats.
Bulk post from MikeAdams
Trump, Vaccines and Alex JonesWatch this video |
“There Is No Climate Emergency:” Thousands Of Scientists Sign Document That Destroys Mainstream NarrativeWatch this video |
Featured Articles |
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Nature journal reveals how graphene can be used to assemble radio frequency electronics in biological systemsBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
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Old video resurfaces of Fauci admitting that the best “vaccine” is to simply get infected and develop natural immunityBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
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MK ultra nation: Over 37 million Americans — that’s over 13 percent — are taking dangerous, psychotropic antidepressant medication right nowBy S.D. Wells | Read the full story |
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Zombie ‘sludge’ brings back lifeless organs in the lab but raises huge ethical questions about use in humansBy JD Heyes | Read the full story |
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Covid vaccine trials led to birth defects and terminated pregnancies, FOIA requests showBy Ethan Huff | Read the full story |
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Ukraine Denies Killing Daughter of Putin Ally in Car Bombing Outside Moscow By Cristina Laila
The Ukrainian government on Sunday denied killing the daughter of Putin ally Alexander Dugin.
Darya Dugina, the daughter of Putin ally Alexander Dugina, was killed in an explosion outside of Moscow.
Russian media are saying Alexander Dugin was the target of an assassination attempt, but his daughter was killed instead.
Darya Dugina was reportedly on her way home from a festival when her Toyota Land Cruiser was blown up.
Alexander Dugin was supposed to be in the Land Cruiser with his daughter but changed vehicles at the last second, according to Russian media.
A Deadly Glimpse of Russia’s Bombardment of Ukrainian Troops By Larry Johnson
This is not a good time to be a Ukrainian soldier on the frontlines facing off against the Russians. I want to show you two videos where you can see how two different Russian weapons are employed on the battlefied–the Zala Drones and the TOS 1A Heavy Flamethrower. For those who say this is just Russian propaganda, I would note in passing that Ukraine is not posting comparable videos showing it wreaking havoc on Russian positions. That is another case of the dog not barking.
The ZALA drones carry explosives. Think of them as a Kamikaze aircraft without a fanatic pilot on board ready to end his life for the glory of the cause. The guy or gal flying these drones is sitting in a comfortable chair in a safe location. He or she can see the panicked troops on the ground scrambling for cover.
FBI Field Office Chief During Botched Whitmer Plot Was Moved to the District That Covers Mar-a-Lago By C. Douglas Golden
Steven D’Antuono just keeps falling upward.
D’Antuono was the head of the FBI’s Detroit field office as the bureau was investigating a supposed kidnapping attempt against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
As Just the News notes, trial testimony alleges the “plot” wasn’t just investigated but instigated by the FBI, with the jury hearing that the bureau’s informants gave drugs to those who were eventually charged in the plot before recording their conversations and sometimes outnumbered “plotters” during meetings.
Closing arguments in the case of two men on trial for the Whitmer “plot” are scheduled to begin Monday. Even if the government gets a conviction, however, the entire endeavor smacks of entrapment. You’d think a man with that kind of record would get shipped out to some nice, remote FBI field office with a filing job to keep him busy until he collects his pension.
Instead, he’s currently the assistant director in charge of the Washington field office — which means he’s also the guy who’s in charge of the office that’s investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion and which is responsible for raiding former President Donald Trump’s estate at Mar-a-Lago earlier this month, according to Just the News.
Global media’s best kept secret [5:59]
Globalists OPENLY discuss their plans to EXTERMINATE all humans [11:06] Mike Adams
[Ed.: They are currently exterminating 10,000 per day! 10,000 exterminated per day at current levels is 417 per hour, and 7 per human lives per minute. The carnage dwarfs WWII… And this does not include the injuries from “adverse reactions”! Their plan is succeeding beyond their expectations! We’re being exterminated like flies. (The extermination is being deliberately augmented by food shortages and gas shortages causing deliberately engineered world wide famine, contributing to the global genocide. Go to Steve Kitsch’s substack and check out his analytics.]