BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the (redacted) lines! (B2EN THE//S)
‘We lied the last 1,000 times, Trust us now’ Daniel Greenfield
In D.C., the government doesn’t trust the public, but tells the public to trust the government. Op-ed.
Remember the time the media justified the feds investigating, entrapping, eavesdropping and arresting Trump associates based on a bunch of nonsense assembled by a former British secret agent working for the Clinton campaign? Don’t worry, this time it’ll be different.
Or how about when a senile former FBI boss was dragged out of retirement to serve as the public face of a team of Democrat prosecutors who ran an “independent” investigation of Trump for two years that turned up absolutely nothing? Probably not this time.
This time there are nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago which actually turned out to be a pardon agreement, expired passports and Melania’s unmentionables. Who could have seen that coming after this long history of entirely trustworthy political hit jobs disguised as investigations?
7 Reasons to Disband the FBI JD Rucker
I’ve actually defended the FBI in the distant past. Doing so was a mistake as I’m now learning they are irredeemable as a law enforcement agency. Reforms wouldn’t be enough to fix the rot.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations is not the national law enforcement agency that most Americans believe it to be. It is a Deep State strongarming group that views American citizens as the enemy. They do the bidding of the globalist elites, protecting politicians and organizations who align with their agenda while going after anyone they see as a threat to that agenda.
Some say they are purely supportive of Democrats, but this is not completely accurate. They’re aligned with the Deep State’s agenda, and while 9 times out of 10 that means Democrats, there are many Republicans (well, RINOs) who are also under the protective wing of the FBI. Their true enemy is not the GOP but America First patriots, most of whom happen to be in the GOP.
RINOs generally get a pass from the FBI.
It is time to enact a plan to disband the FBI. Some may argue that we should reform the organization but I believe the rot is too well-developed to make reforms practical. We can fill any gaps in law enforcement with a combination of U.S. Marshals and interstate cooperation between local law enforcement agencies. Today’s police and sheriff’s departments often have the technological sophistication to put them on par with the FBI, a status that was not common just a couple of decades ago.
Here’s what you need to know about the heavily redacted affidavit used to obtain a search warrant for President Trump’s home Tierney’s Real News
There are dozens of important stories to report about yesterday’s Friday Night News Dump after the redacted affidavit was released – but I’ve tried to give you quotes and clips of the best coverage in ten minutes or less. Enjoy.
They promised to release the affidavit outlining “probable cause” to raid President Trump’s home. This is what it looked like. They redacted everything as we expected. But, reading through the lines – it appears they used articles in the “fake news” to prove probable cause. That’s called “circular reporting” and it’s FAKE. They did the same thing with every other hoax they’ve engineered about Trump in the past six years.
The Lawless FBI–A Threat to America’s Constitutional Republic By Larry Johnson
When it comes to attention span, America is like a three year old child. Public attention focused initially on the “BIG” story of Friday–i.e., the release of the affidavit filed with a Florida judge to justify the raid on Donald Trump’s Mar A Lago residence. But the document was unreadable because huge swaths of text were blacked out. Got to protect sources and methods, don’t you know. Public interest faded.
But don’t worry. A new squirrel emerged to attract public attention–Fed Chairman Powell announced an interest rate hike and Wall Street reacted by jumping off the roof–the stock market plunged over 1000 points. Talk about a downer, literally and figuratively.
There is a serious story here, however, that merits the attention of Americans and, frankly, the rest of the world. It is the corruption of the FBI. The FBI is behaving like the East German Stasi or the old Soviet Union’s KGB. They are now behaving as political police dedicated to protecting the Democrats and punishing anyone who dares support Donald Trump. The FBI’s attempt to smear and discredit Donald Trump stands in sharp contrast to its treatment of Hillary Clinton.
A Man Has 4 Options in Today’s World By Robert Slye Man and War
Which Will You Choose?
American civilization is on the verge of collapse. It is plain to see that the goal of American government is to turn us into barbarians, as it has been doing for 240 years.
Because of this, a man has 4 options in today’s world:
Naomi Wolf: COVID vax is a bioweapon aimed at reproduction of the next generation of the West
The feminist writer pointed out there was already data showing the harmful impact of lipid nanoparticles before the COVID jab rollout. Now, she argues, the West in particular is suffering reproductive harm.
‘Good Morning CHD’ Episode 111: Pfizer Clinical Trial Whistleblower Sounds Alarm on Lawsuit [22:29]
Whistleblower sues after discovering falsified and fabricated clinical trial data, lack of informed consent for participants, lack of staff, improper vial storage and countless other egregious abuses coming out of her trial sites that tested COVID vaccines for Pfizer. In this episode of “Good Morning CHD,” she shares more information about the lawsuit and why it is critical for us and our families.
17-Year-Old Girl Dies After Suffering Unknown Medical Episode During Army National Guard Physical Training By Jim Hoft
A National Guard member who was only 17 years old died after she collapsed while participating in military training at Fort Jackson in South Carolina last weekend.
Pennsylvania Army National Guard Pvt. Alyssa Cahoon, who was training at Fort Jackson reportedly with her twin sister Brianna, died on Thursday after suffering an undisclosed medical episode during physical training on August 20.
“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of PFC Alyssa Cahoon,” according to a Facebook post from the battalion. “She passed away last night, 25 August 2022, with her family by her bedside.”
According to the Army, Alyssa was sent to a hospital off-post for treatment by Fort Jackson Emergency Medical Services, where she died five days later.
The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart By Steve Kirsch
Here is my list of over 50 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I’d be surprised if the narrative doesn’t fall apart soon. It’s now unravelling quickly in the UK.
Here is my list of nearly 100 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.
It is a devastating list.
And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.
It will take you 42 minutes to read everything which is too long for most people, so feel free to pick and choose what you read to get a sense for the entire list.
This is a “kitchen sink” article listing some of the best examples showing that the narrative is falling apart.
Feel free to create derivative works of this list (e.g., pick your set of the most compelling arguments).
Steve Kirsch Analysis: the Covid Hoax Is Collapsing [43:39] By Alexandra Bruce
In one of two blockbuster interviews conducted by Alex Jones this week, Steve Kirsch joined InfoWars to discuss how the COVID hoax is falling apart amid Fauci’s announcement of his resignation from NIAID.
Last week, Steve made broadcasting history when he told Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade that, “What I found was that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by this vaxxine and millions have been injured and clearly, you are more likely to be injured or dead from the vaxxine than if you were unvaxxinated.”
Brian was quick to say on-air that Fox can’t “verify” Steve’s claims. Steve went ahead and backed-up his claims on his Substack, where he called-out Brian, saying, “You mean you ‘can’t’ because Fox won’t let you, right?”
A doctor who “died suddenly” eight months ago is still alive, according to his hospital Mark Crispin Miller
Despite his death (at 57) on New Year’s Day, he’s still on staff, and you can still make an appointment with him (though he probably won’t make it)
West Hills Hospital, in North Hollywood, proclaims itself “a trusted source for information about the vaccine.”
“Trusted” by whom? And “trusted” to do what? What this bizarre erasure of a staffer’s “sudden death” suggests is that West Hills can be “trusted” not to breathe a word to anyone—not even its own employees—about the likely fatal consequence of “vaccination.”
Globalists are terrorizing humanity with artificial scarcity of food, energy, fertilizer and more [1:36:44 – 0:00 Intro, 3:45 Abundance, 10:35 Artificial Scarcity, 25:10 Water Crisis, 33:35 David Wilcock, 1:08:35 Other Topics, 1:23:35 Collapse] Mike Adams
Understand this great cosmic truth: The universe operates on an ecosystem of automatic abundance, where mass is abundant (and free), and mass can be converted into energy at nearly zero cost. Automatic abundance is intelligently designed into the very laws of physics.
Energy, in turn, can be used to create fuels and fertilizer, two inputs necessary for affordable food. In addition, the universe provides the sun which brings us heat, energy and photosynthesis, all for free.
Thanks to these gifts from God, all the resources humanity needs to achieve abundance and end suffering already exist around us and are nearly free for humanity to harness.
But governments create artificial scarcity to enslave and punish humankind, to create suffering, fear and control.
[Ed.: Although this is an ad from Health Ranger, I am posting it because it contains a very good breakdown on the importance of magnesium.]
Here’s why Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for optimal health
Magnesium is one of the many essential nutrients you need to get from your daily diet. It is called “essential” because unlike some nutrients, such as certain amino acids and fatty acids, it cannot be synthesized by your body.
Magnesium can easily be found in Nature. In fact, it is the eighth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. [1] Magnesium occurs in large mineral deposits like dolomite and magnesite, and trillions of metric tons of magnesium can be sourced from the sea.
If you’re wondering how magnesium ends up in the foods that you eat, the answer to that is simple: It is absorbed by plants from the soil. When plant roots take up water, they also absorb the minerals in it. Plants then impart those nutrients to us or to the animals that eat them. [2]
Magnesium plays a crucial role in the growth and survival of plants and animals. Because it helps drive photosynthesis (energy production) in plants, a deficiency in magnesium causes poor and stunted plant growth. [3] Meanwhile in animals, low magnesium levels have been known to cause serious health issues that can result in death. [4]
Still More Dangerous New Concessions by Biden Administration for a Nuclear Deal with Iran’s Mullahs by Majid Rafizadeh
Newly leaked information from inside Iran, obtained by Iran International, reveals that the Biden administration has made even more concessions to revive the nuclear deal, which have not been revealed to the public. According to the report, “the US guarantees that its sanctions against IRGC would not affect other sectors and firms: e.g. a petrochemical company shouldn’t be sanctioned by US because of doing business with IRGC.”
- The Biden administration seems to have been bragging that Iran’s leaders have dropped a key demand: removing the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from the US foreign organizations terrorist list. But if other sectors that are linked to the IRGC can freely do business under the nuclear deal, then the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization, as well as the sanctions against the IRGC, are merely cosmetic.
- The IRGC has a large stake in almost every industrial sector in Iran, which includes the energy sector, mining, telecommunications, gold, shipping and construction. Private sector competitors are not permitted in these sectors because the more closed the economy, the more easily the IRGC can monopolize it.
- As a result, any economic growth in these sectors will directly benefit Iran’s military, the IRGC and its elite Quds Force branch, and Iran’s militia and terror groups across the Middle East. Since Iran’s economy is predominantly controlled by the IRGC or the state, additional revenues will likely be funneled into the treasury of the IRGC and the office of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
- The other critical concession being reportedly made is that “the participants note the firm commitment of the US President [without mentioning Joe Biden by name] for returning to JCPOA compliance as long as Iran remains committed to the deal.” This probably means that future US presidents are obliged to continue with the implementation of the nuclear deal. But why should the US guarantee the implementation of the nuclear deal if it is not even a legally binding treaty, approved by two-thirds of the Senate, in accordance with Article II, section 2 of the US Constitution? In addition, it is illegal for any president to commit future presidents to anything that has not been approved as a formal treaty by two-thirds of the Senate.
- This is a much worse deal than the 2015 nuclear deal. Because, first, the US or EU3 (France, the United Kingdom and Germany) cannot call for reinstating sanctions on Iran unilaterally even if they believe that the Iranian regime is violating the nuclear deal. In the previous nuclear deal, at least, any single party to the deal could unilaterally trigger the snap-back sanctions clause. In addition, with the new deal, restrictions on the regime’s nuclear program could be lifted only two years after the agreement is signed; and the Iranian regime will not be obliged to reveal its past nuclear activities, which had military dimensions; and Russia will be trusted to store Iran’s enriched uranium, a task for which Moscow will be paid.
- Reportedly, another concession that the Biden administration has made to Iran is that the IAEA is expected to halt its investigation into the regime’s past nuclear activities.
- “This shift to appeasement was never going to solve any of the world’s issues with the Islamic Republic. The regime’s problem with the West is the West’s very existence, which obstructs its path to a global caliphate.” — Reza Pahlavi, eldest son of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and an advocate of secular democracy for Iran, Wall Street Journal, August 8, 2022.
Jewish worshipers were attacked by a mob of Arabs at the grave site of Shmuel HaNavi.
Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
A police statement on the incident claimed: “During a protest held this afternoon near the grave of Samuel the Prophet north of Jerusalem, a violent altercation developed and several individuals were attacked. Border Police officers at the scene worked to repel the rioters and restore order.”
MK Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit commented, “In Gantz and Lapid’s Israel, they attack a Jew who is waving an Israeli flag, kicking him while he is lying on the floor, in front of the police, and are meet with silence instead of shooting at terrorists and crushing them.”
“With the help of God, we will give back to the policemen and soldiers who will not think twice and will not be afraid to shoot terrorists. In the next Knesset, we will advance the bill that I initiated, an immunity law for soldiers and police officers. It’s time to give security to the residents of the country and stop the lawlessness.”
GLOBAL NEWS – Robert W Malone MD, MS
Tidings from around the world
Justice Department Releases Affidavit from Mar-a-Lago Raid by Sharon Rondeau
(Aug. 26, 2022) – The U.S. Justice Department on Friday released the 38-page probable-cause affidavit giving rise to the FBI’s raid on 45th President Donald J. Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, on the morning of August 8.
The affidavit is posted here:
Last week, the magistrate judge who signed the search warrant, , ordered Justice to prepare a redacted version of the affidavit to protect sources and methods to be released in the interest of disclosing as much information as possible to the public.
Large parts of the affidavit are completely redacted, although the first eight pages are virtually unredacted.
BREAKING: Pope Francis has ordered all affiliated financial and liquid assets to be transferred to the Vatican Bank by October 1, 2022? By SarahWestall
Why has Pope Francis ordered all Vatican affiliated entities to transfer ALL FUNDS and assets to the Vatican Bank?
Francis’ rescript specifies that all financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022.
The IOR stands for, Institute for Works of Religion. According to the National Catholic Register the IOR is not a bank, but rather a financial institution:
President Trump Releases One of His Best and Shortest Statements Yet By Joe Hoft
President Trump today released one of his greatest statements to date.
This is funny and to the point. Only President could do this.
In a statement on Friday afternoon, President Trump shared about the released and redacted documents provided to the public by the corrupt DOJ and the corrupt Jeffrey Epstein-related judge.
The President simply shared – MAGA.
David Wilcock talks about exotic materials, alien tech and the defeat of the anti-human globalists [33:30] Mike Adams
Australia Institutes Vaccine Social Credit System for Teachers
And so it’s begun: Teachers in Queensland, Australia, have been put on notice that if they’re not vaccinated they’ll not only have their pay cut as a penalty, but the cut will extend for the next 18 weeks.
Essentially, it’s a type of double penalty, all because not everyone is allowing the government to dictate their health care decisions.
Why did the FBI redact the Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit? By Rajan Laad
After a series of attempts by the Department of Justice to keep the affidavit used in the FBI’s August raid on Mar-a-Lago sealed from the public eyes, the document was finally released on Friday afternoon just before the 12:00 p.m. ET deadline set by federal Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart.
The affidavit was supposed to provide the reasoning for the Mar-a-Lago raid.
As expected the affidavit was heavily redacted.
The following is the gist of the exposed contents of the document:
TIMELINE: ‘Convenient’ events suggest THIS is really why FBI raided Mar-a-Lago
What kind of classified documents was the FBI looking for when it raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida home? Was it nuclear secrets, as the media has suggested, or just any and all classified documents? The Justice Department has now released the affidavit that purportedly lays out the evidence used to obtain the warrant for the Mar-a-Lago raid, but the material is so heavily redacted that very little information has actually been released.
So, Glenn Beck took to the chalkboard to break down the timeline of the events that lead up to the Mar-a-Lago raid and revealed that there were a whole lot of “convenient” coincidences that all revolved around one thing: Trump’s attempt to declassify materials related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
Watch the video clip from this week’s episode of “Glenn TV” below or find the full episode here.
‘He’s a narcissist’: Trudeau ‘corrupted’ by power [6:40] Sky News Australia
Clinical psychologist and public intellectual Dr Jordan Peterson argues Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a “narcissist” who has been “corrupted” by the power.
Speaking with Russian-born American computer scientist and podcast host Lex Fridman, Dr Peterson called out Mr Trudeau on what he believes are his tyrannical tendencies, narcissism and his conflict with farmers in his pursuit of green policies.
Global Leaders Are Manufacturing An Economic Crisis To Pursue Their ‘Climate Change’ Goals
Global leaders are presently manufacturing an economic crisis just to pursue their ‘climate change’ goals. The result is a deliberate economic contraction and a global recession, which we are currently experiencing.
We are about to witness something occur that will have consequences no one has ever seen because Western governments are pursuing dramatic joint action under the guise of a “climate change” agenda.
Western governments, in particular those of western Europe, North America (the United States and Canada), and Australia/New Zealand, are seeking to actively slow down economic growth in order to make up for the deliberate decline in energy production. This is the fundamental consequence of the World Economic Forum’s Build Back Better (BBB) agenda.
There is no precedent for countries attempting to collectively and consciously lower their economic activity in this manner.
The Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank, and the U.S. Federal Reserve are all hiking interest rates while concealing their actions under the fallacious argument that the current inflation is being caused by excessive demand. The result is a deliberate economic contraction and a global recession, which we are currently experiencing.