Daily Shmutz | 082822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)









WATCH: FBI raid was a ‘massive blunder,’ says former CIA officer  [5:24]

Former CIA officer Buck Sexton analyzes the heavily redacted affidavit for the FBI raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

[Ed.:  Oops!  ‘A blunder’!  Same thing as a ‘boo-boo’…]


Israel’s paradox: Tactical brilliance vs strategic imbecility   Dr. Martin Sherman

Israel must forgo the forlorn hope of winning Arab amitié. and pursue different strategic goals. The most it can hope for is to be grudgingly accepted; the least it must achieve is to be greatly feared. Op-ed.

The IDF looks for every possible way to maintain peace even if the very heavy cost is the complete loss of deterrence. Major General (res.) Yitzhak Brick, former Commander of the IDF Military Colleges and IDF Ombudsman, recipient of the Medal of Courage in the Yom Kippur War, in Enough rounds of fighting in Gaza, it is time for victory

The recent “Breaking Dawn” operation vividly underscored the pernicious paradox that has characterized Israel over the last five decades.

On the one hand, the country displays indisputable tactical and technological brilliance; on the other, it seems chronically afflicted by gross strategic imbecility.


The FBI Must Be Destroyed   BY ROBERT SPENCER

Kyle Shideler is right. The corruption is too deep for reform.

From the time I was 7-years-old until I was about 20, I was in love with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In second grade, while other kids wanted to be firemen, I wanted to be a special agent (and I could have told you what one was, what they did, and what the requirements were to become one). In the early 1990s, my favorite show was “FBI: The Untold Stories,” and if we were not home from Cub Scouts in time for it to air, there was a tantrum on the way. I did a book report on a J. Edgar Hoover biography in middle school.

My zeal mellowed as I grew older but never entirely disappeared. As I began my career looking at counterterrorism policy, I meticulously studied the FBI’s extensive investigation of the Holy Land Foundation, the largest Islamic charity in the country, which was successfully convicted of financing the terror group Hamas after more than a decade of FBI investigation (I’ve written two short monographs about aspects of the case).

Later I had the pleasure of providing a three-hour briefing on the ideology of Islamist terrorists for an FBI-led group of Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) agents, which included one of the agents who worked the Holy Land Foundation case. Several of my colleagues have signed certifications from the FBI in recognition of their work in counterterrorism education.

I say all this to establish that I am not some dyed-in-the-wool civil libertarian who has always had it in for federal law enforcement. I have spent most of my adult life trying to educate people about the serious national security threats this country faces. The United States has very real enemies, both foreign and domestic, and it requires defending.

Nevertheless, the FBI must be abolished.



Ben Affleck’s mother rushed to hospital; Mike Tyson spotted in a wheelchair; athletes collapse in the US, Chile, Spain and Portugal; a UK pilot faints on take-off; FIVE “vaxxidents” in Germany; & more   Mark Crispin Miller

This week’s summary of (what seem to be) NON-fatal “vaccination” injuries, or “side effects,” throughout the world (also including Italy, Russia and Australia)


Over 30 deaths of young, healthy Canadian doctors cannot be explained any other way than they were killed by the vaccine   Steve Kirsch

Stew Peters did an episode looking into the deaths of Canadian doctors after the vaccine mandates were rolled out. But here is new info that is even more shocking.

Watch this episode of Stew Peters which talks about the increased number of young doctors dying in Canada:


The British Government Has Begun Paying $140,000 for COVID-19 Vaccine Damage Victims.   BY NATALIE WINTERS


The United Kingdom has rolled out a financial compensation program for individuals and families who have been harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine, despite repeated claims by U.S. corporate media entities denying any negative health impacts of the vaccines created by their largest advertisers.

Under the program, the first payments, which amount to a maximum of almost $150,000, have already been made to family members of individuals injured or killed as a result of the experimental vaccine.

Vikki Spit, whose 48-year-old partner Zion became unwell eight days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine and ultimately, is believed to be the first recipient of a sum from the government’s vaccine damage payment scheme (VDPS).

The VPDS will compensate British citizens with a tax-free payment of up to £120,000, or nearly $141,000. Vaccines for roughly 20 diseases are eligible for payments under the program and archives of the British government’s website show that COVID-19 was added between November 2020 and July 2021.


The Courage to Face COVID-19  [1:05:03]    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Why You Don’t Need to Fear COVID Variants

Especially if you are unvaccinated, your immune system is well-equipped to handle any COVID variant. In fact, if a variant does slip through, it will act as a ‘booster’ to alert your immune system to an even broader range of variants.


  • John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large
  • What we’ve seen during these COVID years is a reversion back to a pre-scientific era of immutable orthodoxy, much like the counter reformation in Europe during the Inquisition in the late 1500s and early 1600s. There was no due process then and there’s no due process now
  • The American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to revoke McCullough’s certification — which essentially would shut down his ability to be employed — because in fair-balance he “made public statements that may lead to someone not taking a vaccine”
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention need to be held to account for their reckless public health decisions, but the real power base behind these COVID crimes, which must also be held to account, is the medical industrial complex — a conglomerate of international foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the World Economic Forum
  • In order for there to be a reckoning, a sufficiently large portion of the population must demand accountability, stay on-task, and not allow themselves to be distracted by the latest “emergency,” whether real or fabricated



The World’s Laboratory

That Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer coined Israel as the “world’s laboratory” is by now well known.

By any reasonable definition, one can assume that the world’s laboratory would be meticulously tracking all vaccine-related data with all the seriousness that a mass medical intervention deserves. Unfortunately at this point, almost two years after the vaccination campaign began, what we look back and find is a dysfunctional mess at the most basic levels. [Emphasis added]

Let’s begin with December 2020. The vaccination campaign began in Israel, followed closely by the rest of the world, with the elderly, at risk, and healthcare workers. The general population followed at a rapid rate. Throughout that entire first year, the most basic assumption should be that any negative outcomes from the vaccination campaign would be followed closely, with reports of adverse events taken extremely seriously, and meticulously recorded. After all, the rest of the world and Pfizer itself are relying on our data, are they not?

Well, if they were, they didn’t have much to work with. For almost the entirety of 2021, there was no functional central reporting system in place in Israel. There was a form one could send in anonymously, with no way to be tracked or contacted. At the same time, social media was getting flooded with personal testimonies of women who were suffering menstrual irregularities since vaccination. Not only was that signal not taken seriously, but the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) deleted thousands of comments of people suffering post-vaccination from a Facebook post of theirs. Thankfully someone archived it so the comments will live on. Just so we remember why we’re fighting so hard to reveal what went on behind the scenes, this is one tiny snapshot from thousands of similar comments back in Oct 2021 (auto-translated from Hebrew):



Democrat-Linked Group Claims 96,000 Extra Immigrant Voters in Georgia   By Pamela Geller 

5,000,000 more to go…..

Until recently,. Georgia was a solidly red state.

Biden Invasion: 5 MILLION ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSINGS During Biden’s Term







Saudi writer: The Iranians ‘have friends in Washington within the left-leaning Democrat administrations’   BY ROBERT SPENCER

“Saudi Writer Abdullah Bin Bijad Al-Otaibi: Iran Has Friends From The Obama And Biden Administrations; Obama Aimed For Peace With Iran, Wanted The Muslim Brotherhood, Other Terrorist Groups To Control the Arab Countries,” MEMRI, August 19, 2022:

Saudi writer Abdullah Bin Bijad Al-Otaibi said in an August 19, 2022 show on MBC TV (Saudi Arabia) that Iran has “friends” in Washington that worked for the Obama administration and that currently work for the Biden administration.


Tehran Debates the Bomb   by Amir Taheri

▪Interestingly, none of the problems that nation-states might have with one another, problems such as border disputes, competition for sources of raw materials and markets, water-sharing disputes, irredentism, maltreatment of kith-and-kin, and bitter historic memories, exist between Iran and Israel.

  • No Iranian leader, even under the present regime, could rationally explain why Israel should be regarded as Iran’s enemy.
  • The danger is that the mullahs might regard the bomb as a status symbol, using Biden’s weakness as an opportunity to humiliate the “Great Satan.”



How “human rights” believers fund evil   Melanie Phillips

Britain’s faith in Mahmoud Abbas’s regime has been a stunning misjudgement

This week’s Jewish Chronicle features a major story by David Rose, which reveals that Britain has been investing millions of pounds in training the Palestinian Authority in human rights even while the PA has been perpetrating torture and beating a prominent Palestinian democracy and human rights campaigner to death.

David’s story can be read herehere and here.

The opinion piece that I wrote for the JC to accompany the story follows below.


Lebanon: Muslim husband sets his wife on fire because she disobeyed him   BY ROBERT SPENCER

There is, of course, domestic violence in all cultures. So to post this is just “Islamophobic,” right? Wrong: there is domestic violence in all cultures, but only in one does it have divine sanction. Islam doesn’t teach that man may kill his wife, but once you’ve allowed him to beat her, accidents will happen.

The Qur’an teaches that men are superior to women and should beat those from whom they “fear disobedience”: “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” — Qur’an 4:34

Muhammad’s child bride, Aisha, says in a hadith that Muhammad “struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: ‘Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?’” — Sahih Muslim 2127

An another hadith states: “Rifa`a divorced his wife whereupon `AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. `Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah’s Messenger came, Aisha said, ‘I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!’” — Sahih Bukhari 7.77.5825

[Ed.:  He was just following religious law…]


Illegal Muslim migrants, all young men, scream ‘Allahu akbar’ as they arrive in Italy   BY ROBERT SPENCER

“No children, no women, no elders. Only an army of men who will end up swelling the ranks of crime in Italy.”

What could possibly go wrong? Trust our globalist masters.



Europe’s Twilight: Christianity Declines, Islam Rises   by Giulio Meotti

▪Comparing only the weekly frequency of Friday prayers in the mosque and Sunday Mass in the church, the future is clear: 65% of practicing Catholics [in France] are over 50 years old. By contrast, 73% of practicing Muslims are under the age of 50.

  • In an essay on L’Incorrect Frédéric Saint Clair, political scientist and analyst, explains that “the milestone of 10,000 mosques, at the current rate, will be reached around 2100”. Will we have 10,000 full mosques and 10,000 practically empty churches?
  • “[A] mosque is erected every fortnight in France, while a Christian building is being destroyed at the same rate.” — Edouard de Lamaze, president of the Observatory of Religious Heritage in Paris; Catholic News Agency, May 4, 2021.
  • “During my first trips to the Middle East, in the early 1980s, I did not see veiled women and gradually the veil spread everywhere. It is the sign of the re-Islamization of Muslim societies and, in this sense, it takes on a political and geopolitical dimension. It is part of a conquest strategy. France is in a state of self-dhimmitude…. a legal and political status applicable to non-Muslim citizens in a state governed by Islam according to a prescription of the Koran (9:29). [Dhimmis] do not enjoy equal citizenship with the ‘true believers,’ who are Muslims.” — Annie Laurent, essayist and scholar author of several books on Islam, Boulevard Voltaire, May 19, 2022.
  • “…France, due to a colonial complex and a sense of guilt, anticipates a legal and political situation that is not (yet) imposed on it but which could be a day in which Islam it will be a majority and therefore able to govern our country…. [T]he situation is really worrying. Before it becomes dramatic, it is urgent to put an end to the concessions we are multiplying to Islamism by hiding behind our values. Because by doing so we erase our own civilization”. — Annie Laurent, Boulevard Voltaire, May 19, 2022.
  • Christianity in Germany “seems stable, but in reality it is on the verge of collapse. Pastors and bishops, but also many actively involved lay people, see landscapes in bloom where in reality there is nothing but the desert “. — Markus Günther, essayist, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, December 29, 2014.
  • “Muslims, the winners of demographic change,” headlined Die Welt. “US researchers predict that for the first time in history there will be more Muslims than Christians. Societies change. Even Germany’s”.
  • In Trier, Germany, where Karl Marx was born, the diocese announced an unprecedented cut in the number of parishes which, in the next few years, will be reduced from 900 to 35.
  • L’Echo, the main Belgian economic newspaper, says: “Brussels was at the forefront of secularization before confronting an active Muslim minority. The first religion in Brussels today is Islam”…. Belgian anthropologist Olivier Servais confirmed a Muslim presence in Brussels at 33.5 percent, predicting a majority in 2030.

[Ed.:  Their plan worked perfectly!]



Revived nuclear deal could see Iran armed with nuclear bomb in 2031, Gantz warns

Tehran has acquired “irreversible” nuclear knowledge and capabilities, making the deal’s so-called sunset clauses “problematic,” Israel defense minister tells U.S. think tank directors.

Israel’s defense minister warned on Saturday that the progress Iran has made with its nuclear program means that certain aspects of the nuclear agreement currently under discussion, specifically the so-called sunset clauses, are “problematic.”

During a briefing for think-tank directors in Washington, Benny Gantz said, “Iran has gained knowledge, infrastructure and capabilities—much of which is irreversible. This will enable Iran to further expand its nuclear program during the period of an agreement that would have fewer restrictions. Iran would be able to acquire a nuclear weapon when said agreement ended in 2031,” said Gantz.

In recent years, Iran has produced thousands of advanced centrifuges, he noted. If, in accordance with the draft agreement, these centrifuges are stored and not destroyed, they will be immediately available to enrich uranium once the accord expires, or if Iran withdraws from it, he said.

Gantz noted in particular the new advanced centrifuge cascade at Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility, where he said Iran could rapidly enrich uranium to the 90 percent (military-grade) whenever it chooses.


[Ed.:  2031??  It was probably a typo?  Gantz (the schwantz) is deliberately misleading The People so that we will not be alarmed.  In truth, Israel has 8-days left (not 9-years,)  until those ballistic missiles are carrying nuclear warheads in addition to their 150,000+ missiles already surrounding Israel by Iran’s proxy militias.   We will come out of this with what God promised: as “a remnant of His People,” which prophesy described as some 40,000 of us living in caves! (Shimon bar Yochai)]


MK instigated Arab attack on Jews in Jerusalem, says Zionist NGO

“Just before the lynching, MK Ofer Cassif stood there and inflamed the Arabs,” wrote B’Tzalmo in an open letter to Israel’s Attorney General.

Zionist NGO B’Tzalmo is urging Israel’s attorney general to launch an investigation against an MK who reportedly egged on Arab rioters moments before they attacked Jews.

MK Ofer Kassif, a member of the anti-Zionist Arab Joint List party, was present at the tense scene outside of the tomb of the biblical prophet Samuel in Jerusalem.

Jewish worshippers visiting the site had attracted the attention of local Arabs, who objected to two of the visitors holding Israeli flags.

An Arab mob holding Palestinian flags is shown rushing the two Jewish men, knocking one of them to the ground. One of the victims was brutally beaten until he was extracted from the fray by Border Police.

“Just before the lynching, MK Ofer Cassif stood there and inflamed the Arabs and said to them: ‘We will continue the fight against the occupation and against all these dirty people.’ Immediately after his words, the crowd began rioting against the Jews,” B’Tzalmo wrote in an open letter to Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

“There is no doubt that his words about these ‘dirty’ Jews constitute racism.”

[Ed.:  Who are the idiots here (if not us)? Who is the real enemy here (if not our government structure)? What are Arab enemies doing holding seats in our government in the first place? They are just the Ishmaelites, but we are the idiots!]


How was Israel able to cause so much damage to Syrian base?   [1:30]  i24NEWS

The airstrike on Thursday during which some-1,000 Iranian missiles were reportedly destroyed were made possible by a single factor.


Prominent anti-vax doctor has license permanently revoked

Dr. Aryeh Avni “poses a real danger to public safety,” stated Jerusalem Court judge.

Dr. Aryeh Avni, a prominent figure in what is commonly known as the “anti-vax” movement, has had his license to practice medicine permanently revoked, after the Jerusalem District Court rejected his appeal filed after the Health Ministry stripped him of his license a year ago.

“We must distinguish between having an opinion and incitement,” stated Judge Nimrod Flax in his ruling, adding that Avni had “conducted a smear campaign against health authorities in an effort to persuade people not to abide by their directives. A doctor who decides to act in such a way, delegitimizing the medical authorities, places himself outside the health system.”

Dr. Avni had argued that his aim was solely to benefit the general public and protect them from dangerous medications and vaccines. He has also made inflammatory comments in the past such as, “Anyone who administers a vaccine is like Mengele in my eyes.” He remains a prominent figure in various circles, and disseminates his views via his website, “Harefuah Henechonah” (The Right Form of Healing).


Religious soldiers claim ‘unfair scrutiny,’ say IDF head rushes to take Palestinian side   By Adina Katz, World Israel News

“They showed only what happened in the end, the last part of the video where the soldiers use force against the Palestinians….twisting the narrative at our expense.” 

Several activists and politicians challenged Israeli officials’ swift condemnation of an IDF unit which allegedly used unnecessary force against Palestinians, urging military leaders to reserve judgment until a full investigation of the incident is completed.

A 14-second video depicting members of the Netzach Yehuda Battalion hitting and kicking two detained Palestinians went viral on social media last week.

Within hours of the video being published, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi said in a public statement that the “severe incident is repugnant and directly contradicts the values of the IDF.”

Kochavi added that “the soldiers involved in the incident are not worthy of their positions. The incident will be thoroughly examined by IDF commanders and will be investigated by the Military Police.”

Diaspora Minister and former IDF spokesman Nachman Shai tweeted that the unit must be immediately disbanded.

About 1,000 haredi (ultra-Orthodox) men serve as soldiers in Netzach Yehuda, and some have expressed concern that the religious nature of the unit makes it a target of unfair scrutiny.

[When they say “Religious soldiers,” they are referring to those pesky Jews again.]


Israeli military confrontation with Iran inevitable after new nuclear deal, ex-intel officials warn

Former top Israeli intelligence chiefs say Israel must prepare for major military conflict with Tehran, ahead of renewal of nuclear deal.

The new Iranian nuclear deal currently being finalized in Vienna will not prevent Iran from nuclear weapons capabilities, former Israeli intelligence officials warned, hinting that a full-scale military confrontation with Iran may be inevitable.

Speaking with Israel Hayom in a piece published Sunday, multiple former top brass from Israel’s security establishment urged the IDF to prepare for a major military conflict with Iran and its various proxies.

Amos Gilad, the former chief of the Israeli Defense Ministry’s Political-Military Affairs Bureau, warned in an interview with Israel Hayom that Iran is taking practical steps to bring its vision of a massive military confrontation with Israel to fruition.

“The Iranian threat is a major strategic threat to the State of Israel,” Gilad said. “It should be understood that this is not just a vision, but that the Iranians are investing enormous efforts into developing threatening capabilities.”

“In Lebanon… they have 150,000 rockets aimed at Israel, as well as long-range missiles, cyber and terror capabilities, and above all – the fact that they are on the verge of going nuclear,” he said.

Gilad emphasized that the new nuclear agreement with Iran, as it currently stands, will be unable to bar Tehran from acquiring atomic weapons.

Nevertheless, Israel’s ability to pursue a military option vis-à-vis Iran’s nuclear program is constrained by the U.S., Gilad continued, lamenting that at this point, all of Israel’s strategic options are highly problematic.

Major General (ret.) Yaakov Amidror, former Israeli national security adviser, argued that only military force will deter Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons, blaming the Biden administration for rendering diplomacy ineffective as an alternative approach.

“The diplomatic options were exhausted after the Americans decided to pursue an agreement at almost any cost. I don’t see any way that does not involve force to convince the Iranians, because Iran does not stop under any diplomatic or economic pressure. This requires us to ensure that we are prepared for a military option.”


7-year-old Israeli girl shot by Arabs while playing in front yard   By Adina Katz, World Israel News

“I’m really shocked, I can’t process it,” the girl’s mother said. The child is expected to make a full recovery.

A seven-year-old Israeli girl was shot in the stomach on Saturday morning while splaying in the front yard of her home in Kochav Ya’akov, a Jewish town in Samaria some 10 minutes north of Jerusalem.

The girl, identified by Hebrew-language media as Bracha Solam, was transported by Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics to Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem.

“A seven-year-old girl was evacuated to the emergency room by MDA, with a superficial wound to her stomach, apparently due to gunfire,” the hospital said in a press statement on Saturday.

“She is currently being treated by the medical center’s staff for urgent and surgical care teams, fully conscious and in moderate condition.”

The girl’s mother, Yael Solam, said the child is expected to make a full recovery.

“I’m really shocked, I can’t process it,” Solam told Walla News.





EXPLOSIVE LEAK: Secret Interpol memo on Avi Yemini NZ ban   By Avi Yemini

An internal Interpol email has revealed the extraordinary plot to stop Rebel News reporting from an anti-government protest in New Zealand.

Last week I was banned from travelling to New Zealand.

I had my plane ticket. I had my passport. But when I went to the airport, Qantas wouldn’t let me on the plane. They said the New Zealand government put a warning on my file telling the airline not to let me in.


When check-in staff called New Zealand’s immigration office, the border agent, Sarah, danced around the subject. She wouldn’t tell me what I had done wrong.

It was obvious to me what was going on: Jacinda Ardern is a thin-skinned bully. She can’t stand any criticism, especially criticism of her heavy-handed Covid restrictions.

And she knows that my coverage of Australia’s lockdowns helped turn the tide in Australia. She didn’t want that kind of citizen journalism coming to New Zealand, either.

Rival journalists had a field day with my travel ban. They said I was banned because I had violated some New Zealand law — and that it proved I was of poor character. And you could see why they said that — one of the most pro-lockdown, pro-Arden media in NZ, the New Zealand Herald, did a hit piece on me and my colleague Rukshan Fernando the day before.

But that’s what’s so revealing about the secret Interpol email: none of that was true.

We’ve been leaked a copy.

Read it for yourself. And SHARE it far and wide!

I wasn’t kept out of New Zealand because of any personal flaw or a summary criminal conviction.

I was kept out because of my political point of view.

I was kept out because my journalism is contrary to Jacinda Ardern’s politics.

She is literally banning reporters from New Zealand that she believes will contradict her official propaganda.

This is a HUGE story that should be on the front of every major newspaper, but it won’t be.

They’ll ignore this story, and then when they think they have another opportunity to slam me in the press, they’ll use the same out-of-context, misleading or flat-out false claims they usually recycle.

This was always about stopping me from going to New Zealand. But with your support, it won’t.

Oh, and if you happen to know any of the activists or journalists who jumped on the fake news bandwagon last week, forward them this story so they can see what actual reporting looks like.

Avi Yemini
Chief Australia Correspondent

P.S. Please sign this petition and show your support for independent reporting. We know you can’t rely on the mainstream media to report fairly and accurately about what is happening in NZ.

P.P.S. Donate to help us pay for our legal fight against this unjust decision. Any amount helps, and I promise to keep bringing you the other side of the story from New Zealand.


‘Right-wing conspiracy?’ Biden’s daughter says she was assaulted as a child

Sky News says the bombshell story – like the Hunter Biden laptop – has seen ‘very little attention.’


WATCH: How a fake Rothschild heiress infiltrated Trump’s estate  [3:51]

A Russian-speaking immigrant from Ukraine accessed former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate for over a year by claiming to be an heiress to a family fortune, according to a report from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.


Feds Declare Regional Emergency For Midwest States After Oil Refinery Has ‘Unanticipated Shutdown’

The Department of Transportation declared a regional emergency Saturday affecting four Midwest states after a fire earlier this week caused an “unanticipated shutdown” of a BP oil refinery in Indiana.

BP Whiting, the sixth largest refinery in the U.S. producing over 400,000 barrels of oil per day, shut down to undergo damage assessment after a fire knocked out the plant’s electrical power and cooling water systems on Wednesday, Reuters reported.

The shutdown caused the federal government to take action and address the looming shortage of fuel output that will affect Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin, states that collectively receive up to 25% of their fuel from the Whiting refinery.

[Ed.:  I think it was ‘expected’ after all...]


Huge: Federal Judge Begins Process to Appoint Special Master to Review Items Taken From Mar-a-Lago During Jackbooted FBI Raid   JD Rucker

A Special Master would be able to ascertain if the FBI breached privileges given to current and former presidents as well as privileges between private citizens and their attorneys.

A Trump-appointed federal judge has announced her “preliminary intent to appoint a special master” to review documents seized from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI during their raid of President Trump’s home earlier this month.

Federal Judge Aileen Mercedes Cannon, 41, was nominated by President Trump in 2020 and confirmed by the Senate after the presidential election. She made the announcement Saturday that a hearing about assigning a “Special Master” will be held on September 1. According to Fox News:



Approaching the Holocaust as a Moral Choice: Part VII: Providing Legitimacy for Murdering Civilians  By Alex Grobman PhD.

Part VII Approaching the Holocaust as a Moral Choice

Providing Legitimacy for Murdering Civilians

When the German officers who fired on innocent women, children and the elderly were lawyers, their academic status is certain to have influenced the soldiers under their command. A comparable case can be made with regard to SS General Max Thomas, Dr. Otto Rasch’s successor as commander of Einsatzgruppe C, who had medical and psychiatric degrees. [1]

Six of the 15 Einsatzgruppenführer had doctoral degrees. At least three others studied law. Moreover, 16 of the 69 Einsatzkommandoführer also had doctoral degrees. Most of the men in these leadership positions became members of the SS, the SA (Nazi Party militia) or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) as soon as they were eligible to enlist. Their decisions reflected the esteem to which the Nazi Party was held by young students during the Weimar Republic. At a later point, most became civil servants in the Ministry of the Interior. From the ministry, they were arbitrarily sent to the East. [2]


[Ed.:  What’s all this I am hearing abut 87,000 nude agents?  …Oh!!  That’s different.    Never mind!]


We’re Controlling You Even MORE Now! – News Update (on Rumble)  [9:40]   AwakenWithJP


Bulk post from Stew Peters: 

Millennials & Gen Z Upset About Suggestion That Military Will Forgive Their Loans 

Unvaxxed Children BANNED From School: DC Mayor BANS Learning From Kids Without Bioweapon Jab

Big Tech Directly Assists Child Traffickers! Predators Targeting and Luring Children Online

Cops Remove 4-Year-Old Boy From School! Unmasked Kid Pushed Insane Covid Cult Teacher Over The Edge 

Disney SLAMMED In New Historic Lawsuit: Discrimination Against Christians Unvaxxed EXPOSED At Disney 

WARNING: September Flu Shots Contain Multiple mRNAs

LIVE: MADNESS: Covid Cult Calls Police To Arrest Unmasked 4 Year Old! DC BANS Unvaxxed From School 






Prominent anti-vax doctor has license permanently revoked

Dr. Aryeh Avni “poses a real danger to public safety,” stated Jerusalem Court judge.

Dr. Aryeh Avni, a prominent figure in what is commonly known as the “anti-vax” movement, has had his license to practice medicine permanently revoked, after the Jerusalem District Court rejected his appeal filed after the Health Ministry stripped him of his license a year ago.

“We must distinguish between having an opinion and incitement,” stated Judge Nimrod Flax in his ruling, adding that Avni had “conducted a smear campaign against health authorities in an effort to persuade people not to abide by their directives. A doctor who decides to act in such a way, delegitimizing the medical authorities, places himself outside the health system.”

Dr. Avni had argued that his aim was solely to benefit the general public and protect them from dangerous medications and vaccines. He has also made inflammatory comments in the past such as, “Anyone who administers a vaccine is like Mengele in my eyes.” He remains a prominent figure in various circles, and disseminates his views via his website, “Harefuah Henechonah” (The Right Form of Healing).

[Ed.:  IINO is a totalitarian state.  ‘The only Democracy in the Middle East’!]





Boosted as another fight for human rights, “trans activism” now is an inhuman wrong  [1:38]   Mark Crispin Miller

LGB activists are speaking out against that “movement,” which has been doing them, and all the rest of us, more harm than good; and one trans youth tells his horrendous story as its victim

Some day—when we have real schools again, where students learn the painful history of the catastrophe that’s now upon us, and that we will have ended—this moment will be part of the curriculum:

So, as Prof. Bridges sees it (and she’s not the only one), it’s “transphobic” to suggest, in any way, that only women can have babies. If, in other words, you say, or hint (as Sen. Hawley did), that “trans women” can’t have children, it means, clearly, that you hate them.



“There Are Decisions Being Made by People in Power that Are Not Just Simply Destructive, They’re So Destructive You’re Not Going to be Able to Turn This Around” – Steve Bannon on the Collapse of Civilization     By Joe Hoft

Steve Bannon shared on The War Room his synopsis of the destruction of civilization that is taking place today across the Western world by the radicals in charge. 

Steve Bannon shared his thoughts on what is going on around us in the world today.

Steve Bannon:  The most important thing we’ve got to do is look reality in the face now and understand exactly what’s going on in the world because there are decisions being made by people in power that are not just simply destructive, they’re so destructive you’re not going to be able to turn this around.

This is what I keep saying.  You saw [Jerome] Powell yesterday.  Powell’s up there talking the big talk.  We played from a year and a half ago, Cortes and I on February 26, a year and a half ago, a year and a half to the day, talking about what the problem was.

TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Ukrainian Woman, Inna Yashchyshyn, Who Impersonated a Rothschild at Mar-a-Lago Is Almost Certainly a Deep State Plant

And a year ago yesterday in Jacksonhole at the same set of microphones, that clown stood there and said no, inflation is transitory.  And today it was fire and brimstone, that he’s got to choke it all down now and invoking Paul Volker’s name and I call it the house of pain now.

It didn’t have to be like this but it’s going to get so much worse!

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.