BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
BIG TECH RAMPS UP PURGE OF THE TRUTH: Google Just Removed World Net Daily, The First Online Conservative News Site, From Its Search Engine — LOOK What Happens When You Click On WND From Google’s Search Engine By Alicia Powe
Big tech, the political establishment, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are cohesively endeavoring to implement the Great Reset agenda and usher in a New World Order. This agenda can only be achieved by making the conservative, Christian, and pro-American paradigms obsolete and decimating public awareness by barring access to the truth.
Google has removed World Net Daily, the first online conservative news publication, from its search engine.
Readers who search for WND on Google are now directed to a page that issues an advisory when they click on the news site from the tech giant’s search engine.
“Warning — visiting this web site may harm your computer!” Google cautions. “Or you can continue to https//” at your own risk.”
China Is Torturing Critics in Psychiatric Hospitals by Gordon G. Chang
In the ankang—”peace and health”—system, detainees are strapped onto beds, pumped full of drugs, receive electric-shock therapy, and are left to lie in their own excrement.
- Researchers Chi Yin and Jerome Cohen, writing on the Diplomat site, report that some Chinese are confined for their lifetimes.
- The system also appears to be grounded in the Chinese Communist Party’s optimistic totalitarian notion that medical treatment can make people obedient.
- Chinese medical personnel administered drugs that damaged the central nervous system of adherents of that faith, intentionally overdosed them, applied extreme-strength electroacupuncture, and brutally force-fed them.
- The abuse of psychiatry has continued for seven decades in the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese Communist Party has changed the organizational structures and the methods of how it destroys people in psychiatric institutions, but the destruction of life continues.
- Safeguard Defenders—and the international community—must finally acknowledge that the Party is inherently murderous. The only way to end the abuse of psychiatry in China as well as the Party’s other horrific crimes is to end its rule of China.
China Is Aggressively Reselling Russian Gas To Europe BY TYLER DURDEN
One month ago, we were surprised to read how, despite a suppressed appetite for energy amid its housing crash and economic downturn (for which “zero covid” has emerged as a convenient scapegoat for emperor Xi), China has been soaking up more Russian natural gas so far this year, while imports from most other sources declined.
In July, the SCMP reported that according to Chinese customs data, in the first six months of the year, China bought a total of 2.35 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) – valued at US$2.16 billion. The import volume increased by 28.7% year on year, with the value surging by 182%. It meant Russia has surpassed Indonesia and the United States to become China’s fourth-largest supplier of LNG so far this year!
This, of course, is not to be confused with pipeline gas, where Russian producer Gazprom recently announced that its daily supplies to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline had reached a new all-time high (Russia is China’s second-largest pipeline natural gas supplier after Turkmenistan), and earlier revealed that the supply of Russian pipeline gas to China had increased by 63.4% in the first half of 2022.
What was behind this bizarre surge in Russian LNG imports, analysts speculated? After all, while China imports over half of the natural gas it consumes, with around two-thirds in the form of LNG, demand this year had fallen sharply amid economic headwinds and widespread shutdowns. In other words, why the surge in Russian LNG when i) domestic demand is just not there and ii) at the expense of everyone else?
Truth Social, the FBI raid & the insanity of PRIDE [4:00] Tierney’s Real News
Kash Patel posted this 5 Day Recap – it’s been a good week so far:
1) DOJ unredacts President Trump’s & Kash’s names in raid warrant,
2) ZuckBucks admits fakebook acted as FBI Disinfo surrogate,
3) Russia Gate FBI criminals launch threats against us,
4) FBI agent who launched raid op, worked hunter biden laptop, and government gangster from russia gate- FIRED
Picking up what im putting down #TruthSocial? What are they hiding?
ASHLEY BIDEN DIARY: “I Think I Was Molested” [51:31] Stew Peters Network
Ashley Biden’s diary has been public for almost 2 years now. Nobody in the mainstream media has covered the contents of the diary. She makes allegations of being molested and her father, “Joe Biden” taking inappropriate showers with her when she was 8 yrs old. Ashley has been in and out of rehab and still suffers from the horrors she endured being raised by Joe and Jill Biden.
National File broke the story of the Diary and it can be seen at
Cartel Scouts in Ghillie suits caught on our side of the Mexican border. These are highly trained sophisticated operator intent on moving illegal drugs, weapons and people across the border.
Mar-A-Lago Raid and Trump’s 9/11; Was Trump Holding Evidence about the Release of SARs 2? [10:03] Stew Peters Network
Weeks after the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, we are left still questioning the logic behind such an aggressive attack. Everyone has been stuck speculating. George Webb joins the Stew Peters show to hopefully put our questions to rest and reveal what the FBI was really after.
Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country By Dennis Prager
For those who associate women with instinctively protecting children or with being supportive of a traditionally religious life, this era in American history has provided something of a shock.
When I was in college, I read a book by George Gilder, one of the wisest thinkers of the last half-century, titled Naked Nomads, which had a deep impact on me. It was about single men and all the pathologies associated with them. For example, Gilder drove home the point that the biggest factor concerning violent crime was that it is overwhelmingly committed by single men.
While there was no danger—I would say no chance—that I would commit a violent crime (though I was, at the time, single), this fact along with others in the book made me a lifelong advocate of marriage.
15 videos of people all around the world just keeling over (maybe dropping dead) Mark Crispin Miller
Still more graphic evidence that “COVID vaccination” is now doing to humanity what “our free press,” 2+ years ago, kept warning us hysterically that COVID was about to do to all humanity
Over the past several weeks, a tweeter who uses the nom de guerre “Aqui Ahora” (“Here Now”) has posted fifteen videos of people keeling over—eight of them in China, and the others in Vietnam, Pakistan, Peru and elsewhere throughout the world (including Orlando, Florida, site of a small plane crash that surely killed all those on board).
Could these videos be fake? Of course. But I don’t think they are, since (a) faking scenes so realistic, and in such far-flung locations, would require a budget far beyond the means of, say, Children’s Health Defense (whose people wouldn’t do that even if they could afford it); and (b) images of “sudden death” contrived for propaganda purposes would not be imperceptibly released by some lone tweeter with relatively few followers (and then belatedly reposted by a marginal “conspiracy theorist” like Mark Crispin Miller), but published thunderously, all at once, by such big “reputable” outlets as the Guardian, the New York Times, the Daily Mail, the New York Post, the Sun, the Mirror, the Telegraph, CNN, the BBC, NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, the Atlantic, and many, many other outlets all throughout the world, along with countless hirelings, bots and useful idiots on “social media”—which is exactly how those bogus images of people “dying suddenly” of COVID, in the streets of Wuhan, were propagated back in January of 2020.
32-Year-Old Actress and Model Charlbi Dean Dies Of Sudden Illness By Jim Hoft
South African model and actress Charlbi Dean, best known for her roles in the Spud films as well as the superhero drama series Black Lightning and the 2022 Palme d’Or winner Triangle of Sadness, died Monday in New York from an unexpected illness. She was 32.
“A source reported that Dean died at a hospital in New York City, although the exact cause of her death has not been announced,” The Sun reported.
An Inspirational Message to the Unvaccinated
Dr. Pierre Kory, who has been outspoken in his criticism of the COVID-19 shots, has shared a message that is circulating the internet. The message comes complete with an “award” — a certificate of achievement to all the unvaccinated for “surviving the greatest psychological fear campaign in human history.”
The written message goes on to say, “Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors …
They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones …
Never before in humanity has there been such a “casting,” now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed … You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark.”
Fauci Announces He Is On His Way Out [46:28] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The Man Who Sold the World to Big Pharma Steps Down Interview with Robert F. Kennedy
Instead of safeguarding public health, he turned the National Institutes of Health into an incubator for pharmaceutical products. He’s been handsomely rewarded for his wickedness too. He has done everything in his power to confuse the public and strip us of our human and civil rights. Is he stepping down now to avoid investigation into COVID lab leak?
- August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he will resign from his posts as director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December
- It appears Fauci is making sure to get out before new Republican congressional members take their seats. He’s probably banking on being able to plead the Fifth Amendment as a private citizen and never have to answer to anything he did while in public office, should Republicans decide to investigate his role in the pandemic
- Fauci’s misdeeds include but are not limited to disastrous and contradictory COVID policies, funding of banned gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, colluding to destroy the reputations of scientists who called for focused protection rather than lockdowns, and lying to Congress
- One of the darkest stains on Fauci’s career was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients. He followed the same script during the COVID pandemic, with devastating consequences
- Ever since the COVID outbreak became apparent, Fauci has seemingly done everything in his power to confuse the public and strip us of our human and civil rights in order to further the agenda of the technocratic, transhumanist cabal
CDC Quietly Scrubs Website Of Claims That Spike Protein Doesn’t Stay In Body After mRNA Vaccine
According to the federal government, the spike protein released in reaction to the shots does not linger in the body. However, the CDC have quietly scrubbed their website of claims that spike protein doesn’t stay in the body after mRNA vaccine.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States seems to have discreetly withdrawn a statement reassuring readers that spike proteins do not stay in the body following mRNA coronavirus jab administration.
The finding seems to support earlier claims made by medical professionals and academics who were critical of the vaccinations, such as Texas-based internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who warned a year ago that the spike proteins made in reaction to the shots are also “pathogenic.”
The official CDC website showcasing the mRNA shots states that, “Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies.”
The site assures readers that “Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades,” and that “Like all vaccines, mRNA vaccines benefit people who get vaccinated by giving them protection against diseases like COVID-19 without risking the potentially serious consequences of getting sick.”
You Can’t Hide Mass Genocide Dr. Jane Ruby Stew Peters Network
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Even powerful and corrupt governments, with all of their controls, cannot hide the overwhelming numbers of dead in a mass genocide operation. The numbers are so overwhelming… They are like all truth… Always rising to the top. And since fraud and intent to kill and harm is not protected under vaccine immunity laws, bankrupting and taking down the Pharma industry could be our only hope since, not only will our government not do it and our Congress is silent, it falls to us, We The People. Whistle blower heroes like Brooke Jackson are here to tell us how that’s going and tyranny in the nations capital, an out of control Totalitarian communist loving Mayor, Bans 50% of her city’s children from an education, if they don’t take the death shot… Will she succeed? This is the Dr. Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth In Medicine.
The lab-leak theory isn’t dead BY THOMAS FAZI
The mother of all Covid conspiracy theories is true
For more than a year after the onset of the pandemic, talking about the possibility that the virus might have been lab-engineered was taboo. Then, as the evidence continued to mount, it suddenly became acceptable to talk about it in “respectable” circles. Today, however, we appear to have gone full-circle: a determined effort is once again underway to dismiss the lab-leak theory for good — even though no new evidence has emerged to disprove it.
The Seismic Shift in the “Vaccine” Narrative Is Happening to Sell Pandemic Treaty 2.0 in December JD Rucker
Many are noticing the truth is starting to trickle out from mainstream sources about the Covid “vaccines.” This is a good thing, at least on the surface, but it portends a very dark near-future.
Four weeks ago, I posted a show and article that predicted we would see a massive shift in Covid vaccine narratives that would be detrimental to President Trump. I called on him to immediately disavow the jabs by saying that he was completely misled by the “experts” in his administration and announce that he no longer supports them, let alone believes that Operation Warp Speed was his “greatest accomplishment as president.”
I was right about most of it, but I was very wrong about one important factor. I predicted the shift would happen in 2024 right in the middle of election season. It’s happening now. We’re still in the early stages of the shift, but if the last two-and-a-half years have taught us anything, it’s that a slow shift can quickly be accelerated at any moment based on the machinations of the globalist elites.
Government entities are changing their tunes about the jabbed vs unjabbed. Big Tech is quietly softening their policies about Covid “misinformation.” Even corporate media is reluctantly starting to report occasionally on challenges associated with “possible adverse reactions” to the injections. We can take a very brief moment to applaud the actions of those who have been trying to spread the truth for a long time because at this point in human history, the truth is being brutalized. But that moment of kudos must be short-lived because this sudden shift in vaccine sentiment portents a very dark future ahead.
Pat yourself on the back, then it’s time to get back to work.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I dove into the various shifts we’re seeing and explained why it’s all happening. Those who thought things would start getting better once the truth came out are in for a very unfortunate surprise. This shift is not about spreading the truth. It’s about spreading a different set of lies as we enter the next phase of Pandemic Panic Theater.
This new phase is the next major step in pushing forward The Great Reset. The way they’ll do that is through the newly revised Pandemic Treaty. Here’s the clip from today’s show that explains it.
The midterms: Watch out! By Robert Vincent
In about two months as of this writing, the vast majority of rank and file Americans eagerly anticipate having the opportunity to finally start the process of righting the path of our dangerously out-of-control ship of state. Conservative commentators and some Republican political leaders (other than the RINOs) talk endlessly of a huge “red wave” that, in the words of one observer, will “destroy the Democratic Party as a national institution”.
Polling data, conventional wisdom, and the horrendous performance of the Biden regime along with their lackeys in Congress — all point to such an outcome. But is that what is really in store for America?
To begin with, looking at the many irregularities that have been seen even in the recent primary season, it should now be clear that we have a long way to go until we can realistically expect genuinely free and fair elections. While substantial progress has been made in many parts of the country, many others are still plagued with crooked secretaries of state and highly dubious electronic voting systems. If the midterms do in fact take place, while Republicans might very well take back both houses of Congress, given what fraud will still likely occur, our margin of victory will probably be underwhelming. In the current circumstances, I submit that it would be downright foolish to expect much more than that.
Note the phrase in the paragraph above, if the midterms do in fact take place. We need to be prepared for the distinct possibility that they will not.
[Ed.: This author speaks for me.]
Well Being: Homeschooling Robert W Malone MD, MS
The teacher’s union and the pandemic make homeschooling an obvious choice.
Why homeschool? Why support people that you know who homeschool?
Let’s start with some homeschooling statistics
- Homeschoolers made up 6.73% of all school-age children (K-12) in the U.S as of 2020/2021.
- There were 3.7 million homeschool students in the U.S at the end of 2020 and estimates show that the last two years homeschooling has increased at least 10% per year. That means an estimate of 5.5 million children are being homeschooled for the 2022/2023 is probably fairly accurate. However, the hard data has not been updated since 2018.
- A study led by Michael Cogan by the University of St. Thomas revealed that the homeschool graduation statistics are 10% higher than that of students from public schools.
- Homeschooled children score 15-30% higher than students in public schools in the standardized academic achievement exams. This is based on reports from The National Home Education Research Institute in 2015.
- The National Home Education Research Institute report shows that, irrespective of the parent’s educational level and financial level, homeschoolers can score well.
- The top reason for homeschooling is a concern about school environment.
- Homeschool students outperform institutional school students academically.
- 48% of homeschooling households have three or more children.
- The average cost of homeschooling is $700-$1,800 per student annually.
- Homeschooling saves about $56 billion of taxpayer money annually (probably more now).
- There are almost no studies being conducted on homeschooling best practices and outcomes. Statistics are few. Peer reviewed studies even fewer.
Hidden Poison in Candy and Supplements? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Some processed foods, candies and supplements have a poison linked to gut dysbiosis and more. A class action lawsuit has challenged one company to remove the ingredient that the EU has banned.
- A class action lawsuit was filed in July 2022 against Mars Inc. for fraud of omission since the company does not disclose the use of titanium dioxide in Skittles, an ingredient the suit calls “unfit for human consumption”
- Titanium dioxide is used as an artificial color additive, anti-caking agent or whitener in a wide variety of processed foods. The IARC finds it possibly carcinogenic and the EU has banned the ingredient, but the FDA says there isn’t evidence to demonstrate any safety concerns
- Consumption of titanium dioxide is linked with changes in your gut microbiota that may lead to inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer; research has also shown that multiple food additives may have an amplified health effect when combined
- After reviewing the evidence, the EU determined there could be a concern for genotoxicity and that titanium dioxide could no longer be considered safe in food. It is difficult to avoid since companies are not required to list it in the ingredients
- Condiments are another mix of health-damaging chemicals. However, they are also easily made at home in small, healthful batches to eat in reasonable portions. There are also tasty, sweet treats you can make at home to please the whole family
Ashli Babbitt’s Mom SPEAKS OUT: Terrorized by The US Government, What REALLY Happened on J6? [25:09] Stew Peters Network
Ashli Babbitt’s mom, Micki Witthoeft along with her business partner and fellow patriot, Randy Ireland join the show to expose what really happened on J-6. Micki’s daughter was murdered in cold blood, and patriots are forced to suffer inside the DC Gulags.
[Ed.: An estimated six hundred men and women have been apprehended by the Federal Bureau of Investigations for protesting the stolen election on Capitol Hill on January 6.]
Kroger ‘Allyship Guide’ Tells Employees to Celebrate Trans Holidays, Support Bail Fund
The Kroger Company, a supermarket giant, published an “allyship guide” that told employees to use “inclusive language,” celebrate transgender holidays, and even support an organization that bails violent criminals out of prison.
The allyship guide, intended for employees and published in 2021, is split into four different sections, titled “LGBTQ+,” “Asian American Pacific Islander,” “African American,” and “Hispanic Heritage.”
The guide says that allies should “lead by example and prove to be fierce advocates” and defines the term as “anyone who publicly declares support for and advocates on behalf of LGBT rights.”
“Some people’s morality can be a barrier to accepting LGBTQ+ people,” the guide read. It went on to say that, though the company cannot decide an individual’s values for them, “a company has values that they expect employees to follow.”
The guide provided a vocabulary list of various terms associated with the LGBTQ+ movement, including “non-binary,” “queer,” transgender,” “cisgender,” and “pansexual,” which it defined as “someone who is physically or emotionally attracted to all genders.”
UNIFIER-IN-CHIEF: Biden Warns “Brave Right-Wing Americans” They’ll ““Need Something a Little More Than a Gun” Pamela Geller
Who is writing his speeches? Xi? This is a direct threat to patriotic Americans by an illegitimate regime.
Democrats want a civil war.
Destroying America One Day at a Time: Strategic Oil Reserve at Lowest Level in 40 Years #BidenEffect By Jim Hoft
Joe Biden and Democrats are destroying America one day at a time. And it’s all on purpose.
Gas prices have spiked since Joe Biden took the White House in 2021.
On his first day in office, Joe Biden killed off 42,100 jobs by ending construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the end of construction of the Trump border wall.
The national average for a gallon of gas is $3.841 – nearly $2 a gallon increase since he took over. The price of gas has never been higher since Joe took office.
The Biden regime also shut down more pipelines last winter as gas prices were surging.
Earlier this year Joe BIden announced he would release emergency oil reserves to combat high energy prices.
Now today the US Strategic Oil Reserve is at its lowest level in 40 years.
The US has, in an effort to defund the WEF of American taxpayer funds, proposed a new bill called the Defund Davos Act.
A bill proposed by House Republicans would prevent any taxpayer dollars from possibly supporting the initiatives of the World Economic Forum, a corporate-dominated non-governmental group that advocates for centralised, undemocratic power and global governance.
The legislation, which is supported by Representatives Tom Tiffany, Lauren Boebert, and Scott Perry, was prompted by controversy surrounding the group’s use of COVID-19 to further its corporate-leftist social agenda. Climate change has also been weaponized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a pretext for enacting the ideas of its “Great Reset” doctrine, which calls for the complete abolition of private property.
The “Defund Davos Act,” which builds on prior efforts by the Trump administration to withdraw from other international organisations including the World Health Organization (WHO), would ensure that American taxpayer funds do not support the WEF’s goals.
THE GREAT UNRAVELING is now upon us… it’s all breaking down with stunning speed [1:38:25 – 0:00 UNRAVELING, 20:50 Trump, 25:45 Andy Schectman, 1:03:25 Toxic Chemicals] Mike Adams
– Western nations are collapsing into ruin. People are fleeing the cities.
– The UK Royal Navy has a new aircraft carrier that made it ONE DAY before breaking.
– The USA is collapsing under rigged elections, endless money printing, corruption and delusions.
– World wealthy elite are withdrawing their physical gold and silver from COMEX and LME
– #CivilWar now under way inside the FBI and the Pentagon
– #Trump calls for new election, because FBI and Facebook conspired to RIG the 2020
– Toxic weedkiller (2,4-D) found in urine of one-third of Americans, your pee is toxic
– Natural gas prices are skyrocketing in America and Europe, electricity becoming unaffordable
(Natural News) The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels. North Americans won’t be spared either, as rolling blackouts and food scarcity will dramatically worsen in the coming months.
Food, fertility, energy, transportation and supply chains are all being taken down in a controlled demolition of the western world. And taking its place will be the rising BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more to join soon) that control most of the world’s commodities, natural gas, oil, fertilizer and gold.