Daily Shmutz | 090122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)









Jewish supremacy? Says who?   Jack Engelhard

Is this a fancy re-tread of “white supremacy” to gain the admiration of fellow liberals? Op-ed.

When the name Peter Beinart appears in print, you know there’s trouble, and when it appears as an op-ed in The New York Times, you know it’s double trouble.

Ever since Abe Rosenthal left the building, the Times has been an embarrassment to journalism.

Rosenthal (1922-2006) was the last of the just over there, and back then, when we communicated, during the 1990s, even then he was concerned about his paper’s anti-Israel drift. He ran the paper…won a Pulitzer…and even he could not stop the leftist anti-Israel takeover of his beloved newspaper.

He was the boss. But he was outnumbered.

When I asked, “What can be done?” he wrote back, “That history [of Israel] is being so terribly distorted, compels people like us to speak out.”

[Ed.: Jack Engelhard used to work for the Times.  Besides Bainart, another Jew-ish kapo at The NY Times persona is Tom Friedman.]


The Left wants you to forget the embarrassing attack on Rushdie   Giulio Meotti

In the West alternative models of civilization are competing for the upper hand and the healthy one is losing. Op-ed.

In an age like ours, so talkative and so free, it is always a bit surprising to see a certain moderation, to put it mildly, about events such as the stabbing of the novelist Salman Rushdie, threatened since 1989 for his ” irreverence towards Islam ”, or the beheading of a professor in front of a French school. The point is that in the West alternative models of civilization are competing for the upper hand and the healthy one is losing.

There is, of course, our heritage, built on Rome, Athens and Jerusalem. The legacy of Europe, the legacy of the West. But two strong rivals have emerged from this legacy.

One of these is imported: Islam, which is not just a metaphysical faith, but an alternative civilization to ours and which wants to replace it.

The other rival is more subtle and has many names: politically correct, cancel culture, woke … This is also an alternative model of civilization because it wants to deconstruct our heritage. In French there are two words that are pronounced the same way: Oxydant and Occident. Progressivism is this, the oxidant of the West.



“Operation Breaking Dawn” vividly underscored the pernicious paradox that has characterized Israel over the last five decades. On the one hand, the country displays indisputable tactical and technological brilliance. On the other, it is chronically afflicted by gross strategic imbecility.

While some might find this assessment excessively severe, consider the massive enhancement of Israel’s tactical-technological capabilities since the 1967 Six-Day War and the commensurate degradation of Israel’s strategic position over the same period.

After Israel’s stunning victory over the combined forces of six Arab armies and the widespread international admiration that followed, who would have imagined that Israel would be where it finds itself today? Enemy militias are deployed within mortar range of the nation’s parliament and the very idea of Jewish national sovereignty is under savage global attack.

Moreover, the Arabs have succeeded in shearing off large swathes of territory from Israeli control. Despite wallowing in backwardness and failure, they have advanced inexorably closer to Israel’s metropolises, industrial hubs and major population centers relative to the situation that prevailed in the immediate aftermath of the 1967 war.

Moreover, many of Israel’s recent technological marvels were developed in order to deal with threats that only arose because of strategic myopia. For example, the much-vaunted Iron Dome defense system was created to deal with the rocket threat that emerged following the ill-advised abandonment of the Gaza Strip in 2005. Likewise, the ultra-sophisticated, billion-dollar barrier surrounding the Strip was constructed in response to the maze of underground attack tunnels that proliferated once the IDF pulled out.

… “Had anyone in 2005 warned that Israel would be facing the threats it faces today, they would have been dismissed and denounced as radical right-wing scaremongers.”

[Ed.: In 2005, that is exactly what I was saying!  And yes, I was dismissed and denounced as a right-wing scaremonger.  Today, 17-years later, I am even further to the right, and scaremongering to the best of my ability…]


The Decline and Fall of the American Empire   By Doug Casey

As some of you know, I’m an aficionado of ancient history. I thought it might be worthwhile to discuss what happened to Rome and based on that, what’s likely to happen to the U.S. Spoiler alert: There are some similarities between the U.S. and Rome.

But before continuing, please seat yourself comfortably. This article will necessarily cover exactly those things you’re never supposed to talk about—religion and politics—and do what you’re never supposed to do, namely, bad-mouth the military.

There are good reasons for looking to Rome rather than any other civilization when trying to see where the U.S. is headed. Everyone knows Rome declined, but few people understand why. And, I think, even fewer realize that the U.S. is now well along the same path for pretty much the same reasons, which I’ll explore shortly.



Promoting Unlicensed Vaccines is Lawbreaking   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unlicensed healthcare products: No advertising or promotion allowed

As we barrel down the pike towards deployment and mandates (ironically after Labor day) involving yet more inadequately tested, Emergency Use Authorized genetic vaccine products (in other words, not licensed or market authorized), it seems an appropriate time to review the law concerning marketing of unlicensed medical products.

This is all about reducing the risk of hospitalization and death from Omicron BA.5, which (based on data from all over the world) appears to be most significant in the highly genetic “vaccinated” population.

The FDA and CDC (and Dr. Barney Graham, on interview with the Washington Post) appear to have conceded that these vaccines are unlikely to do much for even slowing down infection, replication and spread of this virus. And in the opinion of many (including myself), these new products may well supercharge the development of even more sophisticated “vaccine escape mutant” viruses.


Eight boosted mice: Critics pan FDA for preelection Omicron jab approval based on irrelevant data

Epidemiologist says using BA.1 data to approve BA.4/5 booster is like equating pizza and cake. COVID subcommittee chair cheers approval on eve of midterms after denouncing Trump for pressure to approve vaccines before 2020 election.

Mainstream media have joined prominent doctors in questioning the FDA for its reliance on animal studies to approve so-called bivalent COVID-19 boosters for ages 12 and up, even as the shots are already being forced on low-risk, “fully vaccinated” populations such as college students.

Commissioner Robert Califf and Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said the FDA was using the same process for boosters combining ancestral and currently dominant Omicron BA.4/5 components that it follows for annual flu shots.

“This is the number one question people are asking,” Califf said in a press conference Wednesday. The agency has “extensive experience in the past with strain changes made without clinical data based on the totality of available evidence,” Marks said, citing flu vaccines.


Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people   Steve Kirsch

The CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration death master file. I got it from a whistleblower. This shows deaths are taking 5 months from the jab to happen. This is why it’s hard to see.

Executive Summary

We’ve always assumed the vaccine kills you quickly (in the first two weeks) because that’s when people notice the association and report it to VAERS. This is still true; it does kill some people quickly.

However, thanks to an HHS whistleblower, we can now clearly see that most of the deaths from the vaccine are happening an average of 5 months from the last dose. That is for the second dose; it may be getting shorter the more shots you get but there are arguments both ways (since there can be survivor bias).

But this explains why the life insurance companies got off-the-charts all-cause mortality peaks for people under 60 in Q3 and Q4 rather than right after the shots rolled out.

The five month delay is also consistent with death reports where people are developing new aggressive cancers that are killing them over a 4 to 6 month period.

The 5 month death delay was also confirmed using only European data. That analysis was posted Aug 11, but I learned about it after I wrote this post.

So when you hear of a death from stroke, cardiac arrest, heart attack, cancer, and suicide that is happening around 5 months after vaccination, it could very well be a vaccine-related death.


20-Year-Old Junior Hockey Captain Dies Suddenly During Tournament in Ontario, Canada   By Jim Hoft

Ayr Centennials of the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League (GOJHL) announced on Wednesday that Eli Palfreyman, who had just been named captain, had passed away during a pre-season event on Tuesday night. He was 20.

According to Hockey News, no cause of death was announced.

Reports said Palfreyman collapsed in the dressing room during the first intermission.

The police were called promptly to the site due to a medical emergency; but, despite their best efforts, they were unable to revive him.




HERE WE GO: NSA Deploys ‘Election Security Group’ to Combat Foreign Cyberhackers and ‘Protect’ Midterm Elections   By Cristina Laila

The National Security Agency (NSA) deployed its ‘Election Security Group’ (NSG) to ‘protect’ the midterm elections.

The NSA will work to identify and fight foreign cyberhackers “by exposing them publicly, making their financial costs skyrocket, and by deploying other techniques,” according to the Washington Times.

“Thousands of people are going to work every day to defend the elections from foreign threats, from generating insights to sharing information to imposing costs by degrading and disrupting foreign adversary activity,” Katrina Cheesman, Election Security Group spokesperson, told The Washington Times.

[Ed.: They’re going to make sure that the election doesn’t get stolen from them…]




Democrat Mary Peltola defeated Sarah Palin in the Alaska Special election to replace Rep. Don Young in Congress.

She is the FIRST DEMOCRAT to win the House seat in solid red Alaska in 50 Years!

Rank choice voting and mail-in ballots were implemented by referendum in 2020.

[Ed.:  This is exactly how it is going to go in the next election.]






Identifying Discrimination   Robert W Malone MD, MS

UC Berkeley is targeting religious and conservative students over vaccine compliance

I was trying to avoid writing more stuff on masks, but this is unbelievable. UC Berkeley, that bastion of California higher education, is now requiring masks -both indoors and outdoors, if one is not vaccinated against… influenza! And, as a virologist and vaccinologist, the use of the slang “flu” makes me cringe. There are no “flu” vaccines. There are a variety of vaccines for reducing Influenza A and Influenza B virus infection and disease. None of them work particularly well. And just as with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the vast majority of deaths from Influenza A and B occur in the elderly or otherwise infirm. Not in college age young adults. In most countries, influenza vaccination is neither routine nor required. One of the main reasons why influenza vaccines are pushed in the USA is to maintain “warm base manufacturing capacity” in case we have a really deadly influenza virus arise.

New we all know that dust masks, even when called surgical masks, still don’t really work to stop transmission of RNA respiratory viruses, right? Depending on the study, maybe dust masks might work to reduce transmission by a tiny fraction? Hard to say when that pesky little issue of statistical significance keeps getting in the way of perfectly good clinical trials that might support the use of masks. They just can’t seem to get that clinical trial right. Just to say it, there is some evidence that N95 might help reduce transmission of respiratory viruses – if worn correctly and at all times, but that is not what is being mandated.



Dissidents sue Iran’s president in US court, alleging major role in political killings

Ebrahim Raisi, accused of massive human rights abuses, could be served at U.N. General Assembly in New York in September.

Iranian dissidents have filed a lawsuit in U.S. federal court against Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi for the torture and murder of political prisoners ahead of his expected visit to the U.S. to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where he could be served with the complaint in the case.

“Raisi will be personally served with process when he arrives in New York City in September to attend the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly,” Steven Schneebaum, one of the lawyers representing the plaintiffs, said at a press conference in Washington, D.C. last week. “Once he is served, he will have 21 calendar days to respond to the complaint. If he fails to do so, the plaintiffs will seek a default judgment, enforceable against Raisi or his assets.”



Eleven Coptic Churches “Catch Fire” Over Two Weeks in Egypt    by Raymond Ibrahim

Once again, only the proverbial tip of the iceberg of persecution Christians experience throughout the Muslim world reaches the West: on Sunday, Aug. 14, 2022, U.S. media outlets reported that a Coptic church “caught fire,” leading to 41 Christian deaths, many of them children.  The official explanation remains that “faulty electric wiring” was responsible.

Left completely unreported in the Western press, however, is that, all throughout the month of August—particularly within the dates of an important religious season, when churches were especially packed—a total of eleven Coptic churches in Egypt “caught fire.” Two (Imbaba and Minya) were major, some were minor, and some were caught early enough to prevent serious damage, thanks to heightened vigilance among the Christians themselves.  A list of the eleven follows:

  • Aug. 8: The Church of Saint Paul in Ard al-Golf, Cairo.
  • Aug. 14: The Church of Abu Seifein in Imbaba, Cairo (where the aforementioned 41 Christians were burned to death).
  • Aug. 15: The Church of the Holy Virgin and Saint Moses in Kirdassa, Giza.
  • Aug. 16: The Church of Saint Bishoy in New Minya.
  • Aug. 16: The Church of Saint Moses in the City of Six of October, Giza.
  • Aug. 17: The Church of Saint Moses the Black in Alexandria.
  • Aug. 19: The Church of the Holy Virgin and Abanoub in al-Baragil, Giza.
  • Aug. 20: The Church of Saint George in Badran, Cairo.
  • Aug. 20: The Church of the Angel Rafael in Ghayt al-‘Inab, Alexandria.
  • Aug 21:  The Monastery of the Virgin in Drunka, Assiut.
  • Aug 16 & 21: The Church of Saint Mary the Egyptian in al-‘Imarawa, Alexandria.



Area C: Vast tracts of land seized, developed by PA Arabs  Nitsan Keidar

Roads, infrastructure appear on state & privately owned lands while authorities stand by.   

In the heart of Samaria, near the Karnei Shomron industrial zone, massive development works are underway within Areas C on both state and privately owned Jewish land, including development of lots, construction of buildings, breaking and paving of new roads, and setting up connections to infrastructure.

Work began around six months ago, at which point the Regavim organization contacted the relevant authorities in the hope that they would enforce the law. When no response was received and construction work continued, Regavim submitted a petition to the courts.

The petition details the extensive scope of construction work near the Karnei Shomron industrial zone and the village of Lekef that is being carried out illegally, without permits, on state lands and also on private land including tracts belonging to the “Har Veguy” company owned by the Zer family.

Over the past few months, Regavim has repeatedly appealed to the authorities with the demand that they cease the work, with an emphasis on the privately owned area, but responses have been few and inadequate despite the significance – and meanwhile, construction continues apace.

[Ed.:  Oh, nice!]


In call with Lapid, Biden vows to never allow Iran to get nuclear weapon   By  Tamir Morag , Ariel Kahana and Reuters

The two leaders also discuss “threats posed by Iran” as the Islamist republic seeks stronger guarantees from the US for the revival of the nuclear deal.

President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Wednesday the United States will never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon as Tehran seeks stronger guarantees from Washington for the revival of a nuclear deal with world powers.

“The president underscored US commitment to never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon,” the White House said in a statement.

It also added that Biden emphasized the importance of concluding maritime border negotiations between Israel and Lebanon.

[Ed.:  The fraudulent President Biden’s vows are about as meaningful and temporary as a turtle turd on a river log…]


Digging into the origins of Jerusalem    BY MARION FISCHEL

At the City of David National Park, excavations from the ancient past come to life in a series of astounding discoveries.

 When King David captured Jerusalem from the Canaanites in approximately 1000 BCE, it was a small city situated on a ridge, known today as Mount Zion.

Recently, I stood with a group examining a corner of what may very well have been King David’s palace in the City of David National Park, just south of the current Old City walls.

Our guide, Yehuda Deutsch, asked us why we thought David founded his city in this place.

Politely piecing together the bits of our answers that were relevant and delicately discarding those that weren’t, Deutsch then asked another question.

“What are the two basic conditions needed for a city to exist in ancient times?”

The answers turned out to be “water and security.”

Deutsch pointed down the southern slope of the hill known as Mount Moriah.

“Down there, under the roots of the palm tree that is beyond the red tile roof, there is a spring that produces 100 cubic meters of water per hour on average,” he said.

This is the famous Gihon Spring, the only water source in ancient Jerusalem, through which David led his army to take the city by surprise.



Trump: I will fully pardon and apologize to January 6 rioters

Former US President vows to issue full pardons and a government apology to US Capitol rioters should he run and win in 2024[Emphasis added]

Former US President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would issue full pardons and a government apology to rioters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, The Washington Post reported.

“I mean full pardons with an apology to many,” Trump was quoted as having told conservative radio host Wendy Bell. Such a move would be contingent on Trump running and winning the 2024 presidential election.

Trump also said he met with some January 6 defendants in his office this week and that he is helping some financially.

“I am financially supporting people that are incredible and they were in my office actually two days ago, so they’re very much in my mind,” Trump told Bell. “It’s a disgrace what they’ve done to them. What they’ve done to these people is disgraceful.”

[Ed.:  That’s nice, Donald, but there won’t be anything left by November 3, 2024!  That’s two years and 2 months (non-warp speed) from now.  May the 600 J6 political prisoners find it in their hearts to forgive you for walking away from office, when we elected you the last time, to save us from the decimation and demise of our Republic! You’re rubbing salt in the wound…]


BREAKING: Chris Wray’s FBI ARRESTS Kellye SoRelle Attorney for Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Less than ONE WEEK after She Secretly Agreed to Testify For Rhodes   By Jim Hoft

The FBI arrested Attorney Kellye Sorelle on Thursday morning after she secretly told attorneys for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes that she would testify in defense of Stewart.

Proud Boys founder Enrique Tarrio, Bianca Gracia, the co-founder and president of Latinos for Trump Organization, attorney Kellye SoRelle and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes on January 5, 2021, in a Washington DC parking garage.

Tarrio was discussing security with Bianca Gracia whose group was holding a rally on January 6th near the US Capitol. The rally was cancelled after the violence started breaking out at the US Capitol.

The Biden Justice Department charged Enrique Tarrio in June with “seditious conspiracy” for his role in the January 6 protests and riots — a completely made-up charge with no basis in fact. This was done days before the first hearing in order to give more gravitas to the regime’s show trial. They do this sort of thing in banana republics and third-world hell-holes.

The DOJ is using this Tarrio meeting with Stewart Rhodes as evidence of a “seditious conspiracy.”

[Ed.:  Time to defund the FBI.]



Rep. Mike Waltz: ‘Zero Accountability’ Since Afghanistan Withdrawal One Year Ago; Americans Still Left Behind

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), a National Guard Green Beret colonel, said there has been “zero accountability” for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan one year ago, with Americans and permanent legal residents still stuck inside the country.

“Zero accountability, not one official resigned, not one official fired. Zero, zilch. Even the Brits and Danes had a foreign minister and a defense minister resign over how they handled the withdrawal and they were furious with the Biden administration,” Waltz said in an interview with Breitbart News this week.

[Ed.:  I wonder if they had to convert to Islam to stay on the planet?]


Texas Governor Abbott Sends First Busload of Illegal Migrants to Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago   By Margaret Flavin

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that he has bused migrants from Texas to Chicago.

Enjoy your new citizens, Mayor Lightfoot.


The Brazilian Joe Biden? Socialist Candidate Lula da Silva loses his Reasoning During First Presidential Debate with President Jair Bolsonaro Who Laughs and Calls Him an Ex-prisoner (VIDEO)   By Fernando de Castro

Former president Lula was jailed for corruption and money laundering. But by a Supreme Court decision, he was released from prison in 2019 and had his trial overturned by judges appointed by his party in the court.

Currently, polls show a technical tie between Lula and Bolsonaro. However, while the former president holds events with low public attendance, Bolsonaro holds large rallies with countless numbers of supporters throughout Brazil.  At some events, Jair Bolsonaro’s supporters hold motorcycle rides with the president.

Lula is a socialist, in favor of abortion, promises to control the population’s guns, and is a supporter of Latin American dictators like Díaz-Canel in Cuba, Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua.

Jair Bolsonaro is Christian, against globalism and communism; promises not to legalize abortion, and has run a government with a free market-oriented economy, with reduced bureaucracy for starting a business and privatization of state companies. He’s nicknamed by many people as the “Brazilian Donald Trump”.

The elections in Brazil are scheduled to take place in October.


Restaurant Falsely Called Racist Will Now Collect $36 Million For Defamation From Oberlin College

Gibson’s, a restaurant and bakery near Oberlin College, can now collect $36 million from Oberlin for defamation over racism claims, according to a court ruling.

The Ohio Supreme Court made the ruling — the decision was 4-3.



The engineered takedown of food, water and energy infrastructure
Mike Adams Observers can’t help but notice that Jackson, Mississippi’s water infrastructure collapse — leaving 180,000 Americans with no running water — was allowed to happen by withholding maintenance from the water treatment system. As even the Associated Press now reports, Jackson Mayor Lumumba says the problem resulted from, “decades of deferred maintenance.”

Not to be outdone in the category of controlled demolition of infrastructure, California declared a ban on the sale of gasoline engine cars, then just a few days later declared that electric vehicles shouldn’t be charged from 4pm – 9pm due to the risk of a power grid failure followed by rolling blackouts. Thus, California says you aren’t allowed to buy gasoline vehicles, and you aren’t allowed to charge electric vehicles.

More food facilities are being burned down as well, and the financial collapse that’s coming will be devastating.

I cover all this — plus solutions — in today’s feature story and podcast here.

P.S. Our Labor Day Event is on right now at the Health Ranger Store. Inventory is getting blown out very quickly, much faster than we anticipated. Check what’s available, including organic storable food (Ranger Buckets) at this link.

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Jewish Medicine in the Shoah   By Alex Grobman

Reviewing: “White Coats in the Ghetto: Jewish Medicine in Poland During the Holocaust,” by Miriam Offer. Yad Vashem Publications. 2020. English. Hardcover. 702 pages. ISBN-13: 978-9653086029.

The author of this fascinating book is Dr. Miriam Offer, a senior lecturer at Western Galilee College, Akko, Israel, who teaches the history of medicine during the Holocaust in the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University.

A number of studies have focused on Nazi medicine and physicians, and the special German research institutes that were able to implement racial doctrine and eugenic theories through the sophisticated German health systems. Medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners, who were viewed as “unfit to live,” but suitable enough to serve as guinea pigs in medical research, have also been the subject of serious studies.

Research on Jewish medicine during the Shoah has, for the most part, been devoted to the medical systems in several of the large ghettos in Poland, Lithuania, Germany and other countries, and in Theresienstadt. Issues such as the sanitation and medical structures that are touted as examples of Jewish persistence and resoluteness are emphasized. Offer said lauding these achievements reminds one of the attitude described by Israeli historian Amos Goldberg: “This image of the victim with his or her interiority intact and with the ability to maintain inner freedom under all circumstances dominates the historical and public discourse of the Holocaust.”

Offer’s groundbreaking account of the creation of the Jewish medical system in the Warsaw Ghetto, the largest ghetto under German control, is extremely important. On October 12, 1940, the Germans ordered the Jews to move to a designated area in Warsaw, which they sealed off in November 1940. Clinics, laboratories, hospitals and pharmacies were established in the ghetto. With the aid of physicians, health measures were enacted, and training facilities for medical and nursing personnel were founded. They even conducted medical research on typhus and hunger.


Were Ghislaine Maxwell and “A-17” the Real Reasons for the FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago?   JD Rucker

This may be the most off-the-wall conspiracy theory I’ve researched in a long time. But so far, I see nothing to dissuade me from believing it’s possible. In fact, a lot of it makes sense.

What was the FBI after? It seems based on the way the raid on Mar-a-Lago went down that they weren’t just trying to pin a general charge on a president taking classified documents, especially considering it was within his rights to do so as the ultimate arbiter of what is classified and what is not. Were Deep Staters who command the FBI after something specific?

During Ghislaine Maxwell’s first interview after being arrested and put in solitary confinement awaiting trial, she made some very peculiar statements. They were so off-the-wall that they were certain to be included in any post-interview write-ups. Here’s what she said:

‘Mysterious’ events have led her to create an imaginary cellmate, despite the fact she has been in solitary confinement from the start, with a light being shone into her cell every 15 minutes to ensure she has not self-harmed.

‘Strange things happen. The toilet flushes, the shower turns on when no one is nearby. When it happens, it alarms the guards so I created a ‘cellmate’ called A-17 so when something strange happens I blame it on A-17.’

Who would call an imaginary cellmate “A-17”? Some at the time speculated that the placement of the odd phrase was intended to send a message to the outside world, perhaps the powers-that-be who she wanted to alert. The message could have been that she is aware of what’s in “A-17” and that’s why they need to keep her alive.

For months, it’s been a mystery what the term means. But after a list of contents taken from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI was released, there it was. Item 12 was “Box labeled A-17.”

[Ed.: Very interesting!]


(VIDEO 14:39) Were Ghislaine Maxwell and “A-17” the Real Reasons for the FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago?   The JD Rucker Show





Joe Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy

President Joe Biden is preparing to deliver a major speech on Thursday promising to heal the “soul of the nation” even as he continues stoking fears about supporters of former President Donald Trump as “semi-fascist.”

“It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something — it’s like semi-fascism,” Biden said last week at a fundraiser criticizing the “extreme MAGA philosophy” driving the Republican Party.

Biden continues stoking fears about the dangers of Trump supporters, despite tacit calls for unity during his 2020 campaign.

“Instead of treating each other’s party as the opposition, we treat them as the enemy. This must end,” Biden said during his October 2020 speech at Gettysburg.

The president plans to deliver his new “soul of the nation” speech on Thursday evening at 8:00 pm near Independence Hall in Pennsylvania.

[Ed.:  This will be great!  He will have to say that his is dissolving the alphabet agencies and restoring the Presidency to the rightful winner of the 2020 election!  Great news!]


White House Says Donald Trump Supporters Are a ‘Threat to Our Democracy’  [2:45]

The White House denounced supporters of President Donald Trump on Wednesday, accusing them of posing an “extremist threat to our democracy.”

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre began the daily briefing by condemning Republican leaders for their dangerous rhetoric but also said that President Joe Biden believed supporters of former President Donald Trump were also a threat.

“Let me be very clear, it’s not just Republican leadership, it’s not just that blanket right?” she said to reporters. “He’s talking about an extreme portion, an extreme part of the party.”

Jean-Pierre previewed the president’s speech planned for Thursday about restoring the “soul of Democracy” and warned of “extreme” Republicans.

[Ed.: Yes, but in actuality, “A threat to democracy” is when elections are stolen by fraud, and fake puppet Presidents are put into office.]



Travel warning to Ukraine: ‘Missiles fired towards Uman a few days ago killed a civilian’   Ido Ben Porat

Israel’s Foreign Ministry reiterates warning to avoid travel to Ukraine, calls on Israelis in Ukraine to leave immediately. ‘Immediate danger to life.’

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has reiterated its travel warning to Ukraine, calling on Israeli citizens to refrain from visiting the country during the upcoming High Holiday period.

Many Breslov hasidim travel to Uman, Ukraine, for the holiday of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year).

According to the Foreign Ministry, a few days ago missiles were fired towards the Uman area, killing one person, injuring several others, and causing great destruction.

Calling on Israeli citizens who are in Ukraine to leave immediately, the Foreign Ministry said, “The volatile security situation, including the danger of air strikes or rocket fire – including on towns and civilian areas, including in the center and west of the country – are a real and immediate danger to life.”


[Ed.: Which direction did the rockets come from? Those were US tax-dollar paid-for rockets that were fired by the (actual) Nazis that make up the core of the Ukraine army. Prove me wrong!]



Will they appoint a Special Master to review President Trump’s documents? Will they indict & arrest President Trump?   Tierney’s Real News

The DOJ released staged photos to the media of the “top secret” documents they seized from Trump’s home:

SEAN DAVIS: “Trump’s presidential records were so sensitive and in need of protection that FBI agents seized them from storage, dumped them all over the floor, and took pictures of them so people could post pics of them on Twitter.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “There seems to be confusion as to the “picture” where documents were sloppily thrown on the floor and then released photographically for the world to see, as if that’s what the FBI found when they broke into my home.

Wrong! They took them out of cartons and spread them around on the carpet, making it look like a big “find” for them. They dropped them, not me – Very deceiving. And remember, we could have NO representative, including lawyers, present during the Raid. They were told to wait outside.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “They took documents and they put ’em all over the floor. And then they deceptively put out that picture. And a lot of people think that when you walk into my office I have confidential documents or whatever it may be – all declassified – but I had confidential documents spread out all over my floor like a slob…. it’s so dishonest…. they put ‘em there in a messy fashion, and then they took a picture, and they released it to the public.”


Please pay attention.

Jesse Kelly on Twitter: “They’re very open about their intention to make you an enemy of the state so they can use the state’s power against you. If you’re not listening, that’s on you.”

They’re very open about their intention to make you an enemy of the state so they can use the state’s power against you. If you’re not listening, that’s on you.



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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.