Daily Shmutz | 091522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)



Illegal Collusion Between Government and Big Tech Exposed   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Who’s Who of Evil Players Wanting to Censor You

Fifteen federal agencies and 10 Big Tech companies have been meeting secretly for months to find ways to take away your rights to share stories about COVID jab side effects, criticize COVID restrictions and even worries about vaccine passports. Find out who you can and can’t trust.


  • Federal officials in the Biden administration have held secret and illegal censorship meetings with social media companies to suppress Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech, and to ban or deplatform those who share unauthorized views about COVID and vaccines
  • The evidence for this comes out of a lawsuit brought by the New Civil Liberties Alliance and the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana (Eric Schmitt and Jeff Landry) against President Biden, filed in May 2022
  • Monthly, a Unified Strategies Group (USG) meeting took place — and may still be taking place — between a wide variety of government agencies and Big Tech companies, during which topics to be censored and suppressed were/are discussed
  • Censored topics included stories involving COVID jab refusal, especially those involving military refusals and consequences thereof, criticism against COVID restrictions and their effects on mental health, posts talking about testing positive for COVID after getting the jab, personal stories of COVID jab side effects, including menstrual irregularities, and worries about vaccine passports becoming mandatory
  • Discovery documents obtained so far have identified more than 50 federal employees across 15 federal agencies, engaged in illegal censorship activities. Emails from the strategic communications and marketing firm Reingold also reveals outside consultants were hired to manage the government’s collusion with social media to violate Americans’ Constitutional free speech rights







The real threat to US democracy   Melanie Phillips

It’s not the Republican party. The Democrats should look in a mirror

As Britain discovers from the reaction to the Queen’s death that (somewhat to its surprise) the essential sweetness of its society has not totally disappeared, the Biden administration appears to be plunging America ever more deeply into something very nasty and alarming indeed.

The Washington Times reports:

Rank-and-file FBI agents are accusing the Biden administration of exaggerating the threat of White supremacists and pressuring agents to cook up domestic terrorist cases involving racist extremists.

Current and former FBI agents told the Washington Times that the perceived White supremacist threat is overblown by the administration. They said top bureau officials are pressuring FBI agents to create domestic terrorist cases and tag people as white supremacists to meet internal metrics.

“The demand for White supremacy” coming from FBI headquarters “vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy,” said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have more people assigned to investigate White supremacists than we can actually find.”

Well, blow me down with a feather. The FBI has been repeatedly claiming that white supremacists pose as great a terrorist threat as terror groups abroad. While the threat from neo-Nazis and their ilk may well have risen in recent years, the claim sounds absurd. Around the world, the greatest terrorist threat by far still comes from Islamist terrorism.

[Ed.:  Well. yes, but it’s a toss-up between the musloids, and the Deep State/NWO, who have already taken over our government, and China, who has infiltrated every aspect of our country and has purchase much of our land.  A toss-up.]


Amalek and Erev Rav #51 – Steve Rodan, “In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany”   [56:14] Chananya Weissman 

This week’s Torah class: Prepare to meet your God.

Episode 51 of my Root and Branch program on Amalek and the Erev Rav is available here.  I spoke with Steve Rodan, co-author of In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963.  This book contains nearly 600 pages of information about what the title implies, supported by 150 pages of sources for all the footnotes.  The book is not an interpretation of history.  It’s the history we were never taught, because the people in power hijacked the narrative and buried the truth.

If you are willing to accept the possibility that the same people who lied about covid and the covid shots, who lied about the Yemenite children affair, who lied about Gush Katif, and who lied about so many other things also lied about the Zionist relationship with Germany, then you should listen to this interview and read the book.

If you are not willing to accept this possibility because it’s just too much, don’t be miffed at covid zombies.  To each their own cognitive dissonance.



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England Study Confirms 100 Myocarditis Deaths After COVID Shots       Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

In the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination, researchers found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

In the largest study to date on myocarditis deaths related to COVID-19 vaccination, researchers found that 100 people in England died of myocarditis soon after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.

The study, published Aug. 22 in the American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, found more than half (51) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after receiving a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine and just under half (49) of the deaths occurred within 1 to 28 days after a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.


Fauci’s Love Affair With Pharma and the ‘Dark Role’ He Played in Pandemic    By Lorenzo Puertas

“By all appearances” Dr. Anthony Fauci and his team “have tried to cover up their role” in funding lethal gain-of-function research in China, Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland said in an interview with Epoch Times.

After forty-eight years of leading the U.S. government’s responses to infectious diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci recently announced his plans to retire at the end of the year.

His story warrants a closer look at what it tells us about American politics, business and healthcare.


Inspector General: Over $1.3 Billion In COVID Relief Went To Foreign Applicants

According to the Inspector General for The Small Business Administration, $1.3 billion in COVID relief funds went to applicants with foreign internet addresses.

41,638 loans were given to foreign applicants between March 20, 2020, and November 12, 2021.

3,097 were given to applicants in “high-risk countries.”

Just The News reported:

The Small Business Administration gave $1.3 billion in COVID-19 disaster relief to applicants with foreign internet addresses, indicating possible international criminal organization involvement, the agency’s inspector general found.

While the Small Business Administration blocked more than 110,000 applications from six countries deemed to be “high risk,” the system did not block all applications from foreign nations, the inspector general’s report, published Monday, found. For example, over 33,000 applications were submitted from Nigeria and 241 were approved, giving applicants in the African nation nearly $20 million.

While the approval rate of applications from Nigeria was below 1%, applicants had a higher success rate in other countries such as Mexico (21%), Canada (18%), and India (16%).

[Ed.: Hey!  I never approved that!]


Shocking New Study Reveals COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Organ Rejection Among Transplant Recipients (VIDEO)

Transplant recipients are rejecting their new organ after receiving a vaccination against COVID-19, adding an additional challenge for the vaccinated population, according to the new study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine.

A group of 18 health experts and researchers from Japan conducted a  study to systematically evaluate and characterize the currently reported cases of acute corneal graft rejection after COVID-19 vaccine administration.

A rejection graft occurs when the recipient’s immune system rejects tissue from a donor, in this case, the cornea.

The cornea is the transparent layer forming the front of the eye. Corneal allograft transplantation is the most frequently performed organ transplant procedure worldwide.


Another Canadian Athlete and Doctor Dies Suddenly During a Cycling Event in Quebec Due to “Cardiac Arrest”    By Jim Hoft

Another Canadian doctor died suddenly on Saturday during a cycling event reportedly due to cardiac arrest.

Cardiologist and department head Dr. Carl-Eric Gagné, 56, died during the Défis du Parc at La Mauricie National Park, a three-day 65-mile cycling event in Quebec, Canada.

Reports from the scene indicate that rescuers attempted to use a defibrillator and perform cardiac massage on the biker, but were unsuccessful.

“It was with great sadness that I learned yesterday, of Carl-Eric Gagné, a longtime friend of the Grand Challenge, who participated in 8 editions of the 1000 KM,” said Pierre Lavoie, a close friend of Carl-Eric Gagné.


A video that has now gone viral shows a member of the royal guard passing out during a public ceremony while standing next to the coffin of the Queen inside the Palace of Westminster.   By Jim Hoft

A change of Royal Guards was set to take place as seen in the video while hundreds of mourners were queuing outside the cathedral to pay their respects.

One of the guards appeared to be trembling and nearly collapsed, falling off the podium.

A few seconds later, however, he passed out and slumped forward, faceplanting onto the floor.

TRENDING: Florida Governor DeSantis Sends two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard (VIDEO)

The live stream from BBC was cut immediately while police were rushing to help the fallen guard.

Watch the video:

[Ed.:  ‘Dropping like flies’ …]


Elf On a Shelf: Senator Rand Paul Eviscerates Liar Tony Fauci at Senate Hearing (VIDEO)    By Jim Hoft

In December 2020 Dr. Anthony Fauci defended deliberately moving the goalposts and lying about Covid-19 herd immunity during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Fauci previously stated that it would take 60% to 70% herd immunity to halt the China Coronavirus.

Fauci moved the goalposts and is now claiming it will take closer to 90% immunity to halt the virus.

Fauci made these statements not based on science, but on politics. He was demanding that every American get vaccinated with the dangerous experimental COVID vaccines.

TRENDING: Florida Governor DeSantis Sends two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard (VIDEO)

Fauci regularly changed the COVID guidelines on a whim and his actions delayed the herd immunity in the US population. Under Dr. Fauci the US had more deaths than any other country!

On Wednesday Senator Rand Paul grilled Tony Fauci on his previous statements on herd immunity.

Back in 2004 Dr. Fauci believed natural immunity was very important. Rand Paul played the video. But today Tony Fauci does not believe in natural immunity to the COVID virus. Maybe it has something to do with his contracts with Big Pharma?

Rand Paul promised to call in Fauci and he will be forced to divulge who he got his royalties from.

Rand promised to force Dr. Fauci to disclose where he got his royalties from and if any member on his COVID committee has a conflict of interest.

Fauci, the little elf, was quivering.

[Ed.:  Oh, Fauciyu!]


17-Year-Old Athlete Dies Suddenly Reportedly Due to “Heart Attack or Bloodclot” While Practicing for Upcoming Golf Tournament   By Jim Hoft

A senior high school student at Holmes County High School in Florida was found lifeless at a golf course due to a “heart attack or blood clot” while practicing for an upcoming golf tournament, according to a statement from his family.

Tyler Erickson died suddenly on Monday evening, two days before his birthday. He was 17.


Report: Leaked Video Shows Israeli Ministry of Health’s Plan to Manipulate Expert Report on Adverse Events to Avoid Lawsuits; Experts Found Serious Safety Issues – Lied to Public   By Jim Hoft

They protected the Arabs and sterilized the Jews! Hitler won!

Israeli health researcher and health journalist Dr. Yaffa Shir-Raz has released shocking new information about her findings and exposed Israel’s cover-ups in reporting the adverse events related to Covid-19 vaccinations.

The Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) discovered major safety issues with the COVID vaccines and hid the information from the public intentionally. MoH distorted the findings of the expert.

Earlier this month, Dr. Yaffa took to Twitter to expose a leaked video where Prof. Mati Berkowitz, a pediatric specialist, head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology unit at Shamir Medical Center, and head of the research team appointed by the Israeli Ministry of Health (IMOH) to examine the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine, caught lying and manipulating an expert report on adverse events.

TRENDING: Florida Governor DeSantis Sends two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard (VIDEO)

Since the results of Professor Berkowitz’s study directly contradict the MOH’s claims that major side effects from the Covid vaccines are rare, brief, and transient, he warned MOH’s seniors to exercise caution in sharing the findings with the public or risk being sued, according to Dr. Yaffa.

“Here we will have to really think medical-legal. Why medical-legal? Because for quite a few adverse events we said: ‘OK, it exists, and there is a report, but still get vaccinated’. I mean, we have to think about how to write it and how to present it correctly. So this will not yield lawsuits later: ‘Wait, wait, wait, you said everything will pass and you can get vaccinated. And now look what happened to me. The phenomenon continues’”.

Watch the video below:


[Re-posting daily]

Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75  [26:48]   childrenshealthdefense 

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.

It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.

Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.

Watch the full event here ➡️:



Delaware Judge Rules Vote-by-Mail Violates State’s Constitution, Cannot be Used in November Election By Cristina Laila

A Delaware judge on Wednesday ruled vote-by-mail violates the state’s constitution and cannot be used in the November election.

The judge also upheld Delaware’s new same-day registration law, AP reported.

“Our Supreme Court and this court have consistently stated that those circumstances are exhaustive,” Vice Chancellor Nathan Cook wrote. “Therefore, as a trial judge, I am compelled by precedent to conclude that the vote-by-mail statute’s attempt to expand absentee voting … must be rejected.”

Recall, Delaware’s Democrat legislators passed vote-by-mail earlier this year after they failed to garner Republican support to amend the state’s constitution.

Democrats across the country are ramming through vote-by-mail bills because it makes it easier for them to cheat.





EFT for Gratitude    [11:07]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Feeling grateful can facilitate gains in your physical and mental health, but it can be challenging to find reasons for gratitude daily. The Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a simple tool to rid your mind of negativity, making room for gratitude to flood in.


  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help you rid your mind of negative thoughts and emotions, facilitating gratitude
  • EFT is especially helpful on those days when you feel like nothing is going right or you’ve received bad news
  • EFT can be invaluable in helping to free you from negativity, leaving room for feelings of gratitude to surface
  • Gratitude is associated with life satisfaction and multiple health benefits, in part because gratitude may lead to better psychological health and an increase in healthy activities
  • Gratitude is known to facilitate improvements in healthy eating and benefits depression by enhancing self-esteem and well-being


Vitamin B6 Supplementation Can Reduce Anxiety   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

University students reported lower levels of anxiety when taking a vitamin B6 supplement. They may experience a greater impact if a second supplement is added.


  • Data show vitamin B6 has a positive effect on anxiety and a data trend toward reduced depression, which researchers attribute to an increase in the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA
  • Researchers found that vitamin B6 had the same effect on visual testing affected by GABA as the drug alprazolam, a benzodiazepine commonly prescribed for anxiety
  • People with an anxiety disorder have a high likelihood of also being diagnosed with depression. Treatment for anxiety can include benzodiazepines and treatment for depression often includes antidepressants, initially approved for short-term use, although many continue to take them for years
  • Prominent medical journalist Robert Whitaker points out the marketing strategy involved in turning people into lifelong patients by promoting the debunked theory that low serotonin levels are responsible for depression and that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), a class of antidepressant, are necessary to fix that depression
  • A combination of magnesium and vitamin B6 is a powerful treatment for severe stress. Both are found abundantly in whole food; people who primarily eat a processed food diet may consider supplementing with magnesium as they begin to eliminate processed foods from their diet









Who was Behind the January 6 Events?   By Leo Goldstein

The current anti-Trump and anti-MAGA witch-hunt is not about 2024.  The Democrat DoJ is safe for two more years.  It is about January 6, 2021.  The target is not so much Trump as the idea that electoral votes could be legally contested on the joint session of Congress.  Obviously, the DoJ violates core freedom of speech.  It also ignores the clear letter and spirit of the law regarding the joint session for Presidential elections.  3 U.S. Code § 15 – Counting electoral votes in Congress clearly provides for raising and debating objections against “all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes.

In the session that commenced on January 6, Trump had a significant chance to be certified as the winner of the 2020 election. Further, it was his only chance. Neither Trump nor any group of Trump supporters wanted a violent disruption of this session. For this reason, such a disruption was in the interests of the Democrat Party.

The narrative that Trump supporters stormed and breached the Capitol appeared in the media in the first minutes of the violence. It was sustained by multiple lies fabricated on that day and on the following days.  Since then, many of those lies have been exposed, and previously hidden facts have been uncovered.

Moreover, the partisan DoJ/FBI investigation of the January 6 events have found no coordination behind the Capitol breach nor any arms, plans, or means to breach the Capitol or to disrupt the joint session.  Only the leads toward Trump/MAGA have been investigated.

Most of those arrested were charged with trespassing or other infractions.  The most dangerous weapon — a spear — was carried by actor Jacob Chansley, a long-time performer of a QAnon Shaman character.

Only 1,500 unwanted visitors entered the Capitol on January 6, the vast majority of whom were ordinary men and women allowed by the Capitol police (USCP).  The USCP had nearly 1,300 armed officers, more than enough to protect the Capitol building against a few hundred (or fewer) unruly protesters.

With the currently available evidence, the narratives of insurrection and pro-Trump mob storming the Capitol, led to a conclusion like this: a man with horns and a spear, accompanied by a few hundred unarmed civilians, stormed and breached

the U.S. Capitol, and caused the congresspersons to flee and hide.  Yet, Democrats like to compare January 6 to the War of 1812, when Washington D.C. fell to the army of the British Empire.

Thus, these narratives are wrong. Moreover, the Capitol was not breached — the USCP stopped defending it and opened the doors.


Why The Real J6 Capitol Raid Conspirators Were Never Arrested?

According to Attorney Brad Geyer, who is defending Oath Keepers member Kenneth Harrelson, members of the Salt and Light Brigade engaged in a stunning conspiracy to attack the Capitol during the J6 capitol raid but were not arrested.

A defence lawyer claims that on January 6, 2021, “suspicious actors” who got past security on the east side of the U.S. Capitol and engaged in a “stunning conspiracy” to commit crimes that were falsely attributed to the Oath Keepers included members of an Ohio-based Christian organisation called the Salt and Light Brigade.

In a motion (pdf below) filed on January 6, attorney Brad Geyer, who is defending Oath Keepers member Kenneth Harrelson in a criminal seditious-conspiracy case, named dozens of individuals as being among those who allegedly pushed past security on the east side and moved up to the Columbus Doors entrance to the Capitol Rotunda.

Although they have not been charged, according to Geyer, members of the Salt and Light Brigade engaged in a “stunning conspiracy” to attack the Capitol. A former Green Beret with experience in “special operations, covert operations, psychological operations, undercover operations, [and] surveillance operations” is one of many group members and acquaintances who claim to have worked in intelligence. He stated that some people have asserted to have high-level government security clearances.




Judge names special master in Trump FBI case   By Ben Whedon

Trump had named Dearie as a potential candidate to serve as special master

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday appointed New York Judge Raymond Dearie as special master to independently review documents the FBI took from former President Donald Trump’s Florida home in early August.

Cannon further denied the Department of Justice’s request to continue its own review of the documents, Politico reported. The DOJ has already appealed that decision to the 11th Circuit.

Trump had named Dearie as a potential candidate to serve as special master, a choice to which the DOJ did not object. The agency had nominated two of its own potential reviewers. President Ronald Reagan appointed Dearie to the bench in the 1980s. He served as a New York judge until his retirement in 2011.

[Ed.:  Fast forward:  Dearie will stab Trump in the back. Trump isn’t very good with his endorsements, or choice of defenders.  Let’s all pray that he somehow can continue to prevent them from assassinating him.  But that requires choosing the right inner circle defense forces, as well.  That’s not the folks in Secret Service…]


Millions of Newborns Get Routine ‘Heel Prick’ Blood Tests — Why Are States Keeping Those Samples Without Parents’ Consent?

Within their first 48 hours, nearly all newborns are pricked in the heel so their blood can be tested for dozens of life-threatening genetic and metabolic problems. Not all of the blood is used, so states hold onto the leftover “dried blood spots,” as they’re called, often without parents’ knowledge or consent.


Martha’s Vineyard in chaos after DeSantis ships migrants to liberal enclave   By Olivia Land and Bruce Golding

The liberal enclave of Martha’s Vineyard has been thrown into chaos by the arrival of two planeloads of migrants sent there by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to local reports.

Local officials on the Massachusetts island were told about the new arrivals during a Wednesday night meeting of the West Tisbury Select Board — with Town Administrator Jennifer Rand saying she’d been receiving “furious texts” from residents, the MV Times reported.

“I’m a little unclear about the situation, as is everybody, because everybody is scrambling a bit,” Rand said.

Rand said about 50 migrants were headed to the St. Andrews Church in Edgartown and might be given short-term housing at the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society’s “Ag Hall.”

But that won’t work for long because it doesn’t have beds or showers, she said, adding that feeding the migrants could be difficult, too, because the Martha’s Vineyard Red Cross was “not participating” in the official response.


You asked for it! Wealthy Martha’s Vineyard residents face pressure to welcome migrants into their multi-million dollar homes after proudly displaying signs saying ‘we stand with immigrants… all are welcome here’   By KEITH GRIFFITH and PAUL FARRELL 

  • Conservatives are finding mirth in Florida’s migrant airlift to Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday evening
  • Florida Gov. DeSantis sent about 50 migrants to the wealthy island enclave aboard a chartered aircraft
  • Many on the island have long displayed signs proclaiming ‘all are welcome here’ – including immigrants
  • Now DeSantis supporters joke that those signs will be quickly torn down by local residents 
  • But officials on they island say they are giving support and shelter to the group in the wake of their arrival

Conservatives have joked that Martha’s Vineyard residents will be tearing down woke yard signs proclaiming that refugees and migrants are welcome after Ron DeSantis flew 50 of them to the wealthy island.

Right-wing commenters believe many residents of the ritzy enclave will be tearing down the popular signs for fear of being asked to put their money where their mouths are, and take in some of the mainly-Venezuelan incomers.

‘Whole lotta Martha’s Vineyard residents about to take down the ‘all are welcome here’ lawn signs sitting in front of their mansions,’ joked Andrew Wagner, a GOP operative in Minnesota, in a tweet.

He was referring to a poster created by a Jewish community group in the town in 2017.

It lists  support for black people, the LGBTQ community, migrants, refugees, indigenous people and adds: ‘All are welcome here.’ Other, more generic, versions of the same sign have also popped-up in backyards across the US in recent years.

[Ed.:  Remember when these signs popped up suddenly across the country in the Spring of 2022? Almost as fast as the Surprise Lillies!]


Supreme Court rules: Yeshiva University required to recognize LGBTQ group

Court says the university could turn to the high court again if it is not able to block the ruling in New York state courts.

The Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that Yeshiva University in New York is required for now to officially recognize an LGBTQ student group, NBC News reports.

In a 5-4 vote, the justices rejected an emergency request made by the Yeshiva University, which explained that recognizing the group would be contrary to its sincere religious beliefs.

The ruling leaves intact a decision by a New York state judge, who ruled in June that the university was bound by the New York City Human Rights Law, which bars discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The university says that it is a religious institution and therefore should be exempted from the law. Requiring the school to endorse the group would be a “clear violation” of its First Amendment rights, which protect the free exercise of religion, it said.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor last week imposed a temporary hold on the state court ruling, giving the court more time to consider the request. Wednesday’s ruling said the university could turn to the high court again if it is not able to block the ruling in New York state courts.

[Ed.:  How can the SCOTUS rule against the Constitution?  How can a Jewish University accept LGB-whatever into their institution when it is clearly against the Jewish Law as written in the Torah?  ]


Jonathan Pollard is officially engaged

Former spy announces engagement to Rivka, a mother of 7 from Jerusalem. Wedding to be held after the High Holidays.

About a year after losing his beloved wife Esther, Jonathan Pollard is expected to marry Mrs. Rivka Avrahams-Donin, a mother of seven children from Jerusalem whose husband died several years ago.

The official announcement of the engagement was supposed to be published Wednesday morning, but was postponed at the couple’s request until after the funeral of IDF Major Bar Falah, who was killed in a shootout with Arab terrorists in Samaria Tuesday night.

The official announcement reads:

How can I repay the Lord for all of his bountiful deals towards me? (Psalm 116 12).


Swedish Prime Minister Resigns after “Far Right” Wins Majority. Likely New PM Says “Make Sweden Great Again!”     By Brian Lupo

Today, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson announced her resignation after the “far right” Swedish Democrats and other conservative groups won the majority in Sweden’s parliament by a thin margin, 176 of 349 seats.  This is her second resignation in a year’s period.  Last December, she resigned from the Chair of the IMF’s International Monetary and Financial Committee.

The Sweden Democrats, which have been gaining in popularity since 2018 when they won 20 seats and 17.6% of the vote, which was up 5% from the previous election and 2.9% in 2006.  They bring a populist right platform with an anti-immigration as the second largest party in Sweden, behind the Social Democrats.  The Prime Minister position will most likely go to Ulf Kristersson of the Moderates Party, as the Sweden Democrats leader, Jimmie Akesson does not seem able to unite the other four parties.

“Now the work begins of making Sweden great again,” said Kristersson in an apparent “hat tip” to Donald Trump.


Florida Governor DeSantis Sends two Planes of Illegal Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

The Obamas should be happy to welcome the illegals to their little sanctuary city.

Fox News reported:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis followed through on his promise to drop off illegal immigrants in progressive states, sending two planes full of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on Wednesday.

A video provided to Fox News Digital shows the migrants deboarding the planes at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts.

“Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations,” the governor’s communications director, Taryn Fenske, told Fox News Digital.

“States like Massachusetts, New York, and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country’ by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden Administration’s open border policies,” she said.

“As you may know, in this past legislative session the Florida Legislature appropriated $12 million to implement a program to facilitate the transport of illegal immigrants from this state consistent with federal law,” she added.

[Ed.: Tee-hee!



What would a nationwide railroad strike do to America? Shut down our food and energy.    Tierney’s Real News

Nobody is really talking about the potential railroad strike that Biden and his Commie donor pals in the LABOR UNIONS had planned for tonight at MIDNIGHT.

Biden just said he averted the strike by negotiating a deal with two UNIONS that were holding out. Ask yourself why they waited until the last minute? Another PR stunt! Create a crisis – then fix it.







Facebook Was Spying on Personal Messages of Americans Who Questioned the 2020 Election – Turned Them Over to the FBI   by Jim Hoft

Facebook joined with Democrats to swing the 2020 election away from President Donald Trump.

Mark Zuckerberg donate nearly half a billion dollars to help Democrats in battleground states and their braindead candidate Joe Biden.

In June 2021 The Gateway Pundit reported on Facebook’s collusion with Democrat politicians to censor and silence President Trump’s Facebook account prior to the 2020 election.

TRENDING: BREAKING: Busloads of Migrants Dropped Off at Border Czar Kamala Harris’ Home – At Least 100 Illegal Migrants Dumped on Her Lawn (VIDEO)

Leaked emails revealed that, during the lead-up to the November election, Biden campaign hacks pressured Facebook to silence his political opponent, the sitting president of the United States.

The radical Democrats had become concerned with so-called “violent rhetoric” and “misinformation” coming from the Trump campaign’s Facebook accounts.  This resulted in a years-long barrage of complaints from the party in an attempt to exert political influence over the world’s largest social media giant.

Democrat-hack operative Timothy Durigan, a Biden bootlicker tasked with flagging conservatives on Facebook had this to say:





The Biden Admin refused to secure the border, so it was time to bring the border to Martha’s Vineyard   Jordan Schachtel

Via a one-way flight on Air DeSantis

Rarely do you get an opportunity to do what is right, positively impact policy, and showcase hypocrisy in one fell swoop.

And that’s exactly what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis achieved Wednesday when the state sent some 50 Venezuelan immigrants, who I believe entered by way of Mexico, to Martha’s Vineyard.

The affluent Massachusetts summer colony serves as a popular destination spot for the progressive elite. The Obamas own a 12 million dollar waterfront estate on the island. The Clinton family are frequent visitors, along with Oprah, and countless globalists ideologues that claim a willingness to open up their homes to anyone and everyone.

As border states continue to be overrun by the influx of illegal immigrants, and the federal government implicitly encourages the continuation of the crisis, DeSantis was right to shake things up.

If the Biden Administration doesn’t want to address the problem, it’s time to bring the problem to the doorstep of its constituency.

Notably, not a soul on the island has opened up their homes to the Venezuelans. The town has gone as far as to label the continuing episode a “humanitarian crisis.”


“There Would be BIG PROBLEMS the Likes We’ve Never Seen Before!” – President Trump on the Possibility of Being Indicted by Biden Regime    (VIDEO 1:22)   By Jim Hoft

On Thursday Hugh Hewitt interviewed President Trump.

During the interview, Hewitt asked President Trump about the possibility of being indicted by the Biden DOJ. Hugh did not bring up the numerous recent instances of former Presidents — and Hillary Clinton — being caught with classified information in their possession.

“You know the old saying, prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich if they want to? I’m just asking if there is such a prosecutor and they indict you, would that deter you from running for president again?” Hugh Hewitt asked Trump.

“I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it. And as you know, if a thing like that happened, I would have no prohibition against running, you know that already,” Trump responded.

TRENDING: BREAKING: Busloads of Migrants Dropped Off at Border Czar Kamala Harris’ Home – At Least 100 Illegal Migrants Dumped on Her Lawn (VIDEO)

“I do, and that’s what I want people to understand that would not take you out of the arena,” Hewitt replied.

“It would not. But I think if it happened, I think you’d have problems in this country the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen before. I don’t think the people of the United States would stand for it,” Trump said.

“What kind of problems, Mr. President?”

“I think they’d have big problems. Big problems. I just don’t think they’d stand for it. They will not sit still and stand for this ultimate of hoaxes. We went through phony impeachment. We went through phony Mueller reports that came out with no collusion. We came everything that they’ve done to try and stop progress. And on top of that, I did more than virtually. Take a look with the biggest tax cuts, with the rebuilding of our military, with all of the things we’ve done, I don’t think the people of this country we’re stand for it especially since they know I’m totally innocent,” Trump responded.

Watch the video below:


BREAKING: Busloads of Migrants Dropped Off at Border Czar Kamala Harris’ Home – At Least 100 Illegal Migrants Dumped on Her Lawn  (VIDEO)    By Jim Hoft

Border Czar Kamala Harris won’t visit the border – So today the border visited her!

On Thursday morning two busloads of over 100 illegal aliens were dropped off at Kamala Harris’s home in Washington DC.

The migrants were part of the over 2 million illegal aliens crossing the US open border this past year!

The US is currently seeing 8,000 illegals walk across the open border every day!

Kamala told reporters over the weekend “The border is secure.”

These people just can’t stop lying.

[Ed.:  The right thing to do would be for her and Nancy to dip in to Nancy’s ice cream stash, and provide them with an ice cream welcome party… There’s plenty of ice cream for everybody!]


UPDATE: Rail Union Rejects Deal to Prevent Strike Planned For This Friday, September 16th   By Margaret Flavin

The Gateway Pundit reported this week about an impending major freight railroad strike set for Friday, September 16th. A strike would be devastating to the US supply chain and an already fragile Biden economy.

America’s freight railroads cover a nearly 140,000-mile network across 49 states.  A strike would shutdown 7,000 Class I trains per day as well as disrupting passenger and commuter trains. Freight trains transport nearly every sector of our economy including agricultural, industrial, wholesale, retail and resource-based sectors.

A strike would cost the US economy more than $2 billion a day and disrupt deliveries of all kinds of goods and passenger traffic nationwide. The Association of American Railroads  provides extensive details of the devastating economic impact if the strike proceeds.

On Wednesday, almost 5000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 19 voted to reject a proposed agreement.

TRENDING: 2000Mules Texas Style: Newly Discovered Police Body Cam Footage Implicates Top Tarrant Co. Texas Democrat Officials in Ballot Harvesting

The Daily Mail reports:

One of the 10 labor groups that had reached a tentative deal with the United States’ rail companies to prevent a system-wide strike has now rejected the offer.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers announced on Wednesday that its 4,900 members had voted to reject a deal its leaders reached with the U.S. freight railroads in an effort to keep the system running. It is now extending its negotiation process to September 29


NYC Deporting Illegal Aliens Bused from Texas… to Florida   By Cristina Laila

New York City, a so-called “sanctuary city,” is deporting illegal aliens bused in from Texas… to Florida.

The first busload of illegal immigrants sent by Governor Greg Abbott of Texas arrived in New York City in early August.

According to a statement released by the office of the Governor of Texas over the summer, the first bus carrying roughly 50 immigrants from Venezuela, Ecuador, Honduras, and Colombia arrived at the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

“The 1st bus of migrants has arrived in NYC,” Governor Abbott announced.

TRENDING: 2000Mules Texas Style: Newly Discovered Police Body Cam Footage Implicates Top Tarrant Co. Texas Democrat Officials in Ballot Harvesting

“Because of President Biden’s continued refusal to acknowledge the crisis caused by his open border policies, the State of Texas has had to take unprecedented action to keep our communities safe,” said Governor Abbott in a statement.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams called Gov. Abbott and Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey “cowards” for turning away refugees.

Adams said the influx of illegal aliens is “a real burden on New Yorkers.”

“Food, clothing, school. This is going to impact our schools…there’s just a whole host of things that this is going to produce,” Adams said in July.

New York City is now busing some of the illegals to Florida and other states.

[Ed.:  Taking bets on which Cities and States Desantis sends them to. Winners divide the kitty.]



Ethereum becomes WEF coin, and a global CDBC is born   Jordan Schachtel

Marketed as a climate friendly alternative, a major digital asset becomes the frontrunner for a global central bank digital currency.

The people in charge of the Ethereum token, a popular digital asset previously marketed as a decentralized money, decided last night to finalized its transition into what amounts to WEF (World Economic Forum) coin, securing the network’s path on the road to state capture, and perhaps, the birth of the ruling class’s 1.0 version of a global Central Bank Digital Currency.



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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.