Daily Shmutz | 091622

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel





More Disney Employees Arrested in Latest Florida Child Sex Sting: Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd (VIDEO)    By Cristina Laila

Last Friday the Polk County Sheriff’s office announced that 160 people were arrested in the latest human trafficking sting enforcement operation.

160 people were arrested in the seven-day undercover human trafficking operation called “Operation Fall Haul 2.”

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told reporters last week a Disney worker was arrested in the sting:

Sheriff Judd on Thursday held another press conference and announced more Disney employees were arrested in part 2 of last week’s human trafficking sex sting dubbed “Operation Cyber Guardian II.”





Tucker Carlson: This will destroy the US over time  [19:40]

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

[Ed.:  Brilliant!]


Tucker Carlson: This will destroy the US over time  [19:40]

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’


It Is Okay And Natural To Part Paths With Friends In A Time Such As This   By Allan Stevo


Do Authoritarians ‘Care’ About You?     [14:14]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Why Did Millions Choose Pharma Over Friendships?

Friendships have been lost and family ties broken because people believed this propaganda about the experimental gene therapy. Considering these six world leaders told blatant lies, why are millions still stuck in Stockholm syndrome?


  • The basis for forcing an experimental gene therapy on everyone was that it would end the COVID pandemic by preventing infection and spread. Real-world reality has since proven this to be a false justification
  • Authoritarian rulers claim to act from deep concern for public health and the greater good of society. Historically, however, invoking “the greater good” principle has always been about disenfranchising citizens in order to consolidate and concentrate power
  • Throughout the pandemic, governments, employers, NGOs and media have argued that the social responsibility to “protect others” is so paramount that it negates all other considerations
  • But unless everyone has bodily autonomy, no one has bodily autonomy, and without it, everyone, including the most vulnerable, are put at risk. Hence, the rationale to “protect the vulnerable” falls apart unless everyone is allowed to make their own decisions
  • When everyone has to sacrifice themselves for others, then everyone’s autonomy is violated — including that of the most vulnerable. The COVID vaccination campaign is a glaring example of this. Many who got the shots are still getting sick, many have been injured or died from the side effects, while those who refused to comply lost their jobs and, in some areas, can’t even enter a store. Everyone has lost protection rather than gained it


FBI Panics Over 5 BOMBSHELLS From Durham’s Latest Filing!!!  [11:16]   Dr. Steve Turley




I just learned why the Israeli Ministry of Health didn’t share the safety data   Steve Kirsch

After they learned the vaccines were unsafe in March 2022, they said it was simply a manpower/budget issue that they weren’t able to inform the public. I’m serious!

In Sept 2, 2022, I wrote a long article about the medical corruption in Israel that was first exposed by an intrepid Israeli journalist Yaffa Shir-Raz:

Specifically, I found that:

  1. The Israeli Ministry of Health didn’t seriously track any safety data for a year after vaccination (they did have some monitoring but it was a highly dysfunctional system that didn’t yield any useful conclusions)
  2. When a group of scientists hired by the MoH found the vaccines were not nearly as safe as what they were telling people, they completely covered up the report. They didn’t release it or any of the findings.
  3. Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis misrepresented to the FDA that they were on top of things. It was a mess in reality. Their main way of collecting data was through the Nakhliali system – doctors’ reports which was very cumbersome. There are affidavits from doctors saying it was very difficult to report through this system.
  4. A video of the meeting between the scientists and the Israeli MoH was leaked to the press (Yaffa).
  5. The mainstream press participated in the coverup by not reporting the existence of the leaked video. To date, the biggest press coverage was on GB News.
  6. To date, nobody in Israel has called for an investigation
  7. Most scientists outside of Israel are uninterested in seeing data that disproves the mainstream narrative, including those at the CDC, FDA, and the outside committees of those organizations.

At the time I wrote the article, I thought that the Ministry of Health learned about the safety data being problematic in early June 2022.

It turns out I was wrong. They learned about it in March 2022, 3 months earlier than I thought. I regret the error.

Here’s the video where the Israeli scientists talk about a very detailed slide deck presentation they gave in March to the MoH:

[Ed.:  Check the comments:]


Jonathan Engler on Anomalies in the Excess Death Statistics from Northern Italy in Spring 2020    eugyppius

Since we’re talking about the origins and early history of the SARS-2 outbreak, it’s worth having a look at Jonathan Engler’s intriguing analysis of the all-cause mortality data out of northern Italy in the earliest days of the outbreak. He asks why, if there was community transmission in northern Italy as early as August 2019, nobody observed any excess mortality until after health authorities imposed their increasingly infamous nationwide lockdowns. As Engler writes: “In nearly all papers reporting [data on pre-pandemic infections], the significance of there being no excess death observable until the emergency is declared seems to have been missed.” Actually, I have the impression this whole question has been studiously avoided; it raises awkward problems indeed.

More from Engler:

[I]magine there was no virus at all, but that for some other reason (any will do) governments decided to institute a range of measures including:

  1. Telling people not to attend healthcare if they had a cough, fever or other symptoms both to “protect” healthcare and also because any contact with healthcare would quite likely make you contract a deadly disease.
  2. Telling healthcare staff to isolate if they (or in some cases someone in their household) received a positive test for a certain illness, even if asymptomatic.
  3. Emptying beds in preparation for being “overwhelmed”.
  4. Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-personal visits from health and social carers.
  5. Using the entire machinery of state plus all social media and legacy mainstream media channels to promote an exaggerated narrative of fear aimed at the public and spilling over into healthcare workers, when it is well established that stress has a number of adverse health effects, including immuno-suppression.
  6. Massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.

The implementation of such policies would result in protests in the streets with people declaring that “thousands of people will surely die”, and no doubt they would have been right.

[Ed.:  The solution to any ‘mystery’ here would be to simply check the batch numbers.  Capiche?]


How Bill Gates and His Partners Took Over the Global COVID Response

For anyone wondering how the world joined together behind the scenes to combat COVID-19, Politico has a disturbing investigation showing that just four groups took the power from the most powerful nations, and ran with it.

“What followed was a steady, almost inexorable shift in power from the overwhelmed governments to a group of non-governmental organizations,” Politico reports.

“The largest and most powerful was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, one of the largest philanthropies in the world. Then there was Gavi, the global vaccine organization that Gates helped to found to inoculate people in low-income nations, and the Wellcome Trust, a British research foundation with a multibillion-dollar endowment that had worked with the Gates Foundation in previous years. Finally, there was the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, the international vaccine research and development group that Gates and Wellcome both helped to create in 2017.”

What Gates and his pals got in return, Politico says, is unprecedented access to, and influence of, the World Health Organization and the highest levels of government in countries around the world. Using their money and influence, these Gates groups are now lobbying the U.S. and EU to “embrace their priorities for the next pandemic.”

In other words, as public health law specialist Lawrence Gostin told Politico, “Putting it in a very crass way, money buys influence. And this is the worst kind of influence. Not just because it’s money — although that’s important, because money shouldn’t dictate policy — but also, because it’s preferential access, behind closed doors.”

 SOURCE:   Politico September 14, 2022


Trident Order #12, Which Disqualified SEALs From Duty For Seeking Vaccine Mandate Religious Exemption, Quietly Canceled By US Navy   By Margaret Flavin

“Trident Order #12,” disqualified SEALs seeking religious exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccine.  SEALs seeking the exemption would be barred from training, traveling for deployment and conducting other standard business thus making them un-deployable.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the negative impact that vaccine mandates have had on the US Military as well as the concerning use of the mandate to “intentionally purge” religious military members.

A recent TGP article detailed the grim details of the vaccine injuries faced by those in the military that were forced to receive it.

In August, Jim Hoft interviewed Lt. John Bowes on the fight against the mandate as well as the impact of the requirement on military readiness.

Lt. Bowes shared, “Yes, absolutely. And let’s dig into that for a second and talk about just pilots I think are a good example of the national security issue that we face. Right now we’re looking at a shortage of about 1900 pilots in the Air Force alone. And in 2017, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force said a shortage of 1500 pilots was a crisis, and we’ve grown that number by 400 now. And so to say that we are in a pilot crisis in terms of retention and manning and then to also discharge these pilots doesn’t seem to work out with our national security goals, especially in a time where intentions with Russia and China are rising almost daily.”

In March, the Biden administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reinforce its Covid-19 vaccine mandate to groups of Navy SEALs who remain unvaccinated, dishonestly claiming it “poses intolerable risks to safety and mission success.”

The Pentagon asked the Supreme Court to intervene after  Judge Reed O’Connor granted a temporary injunction to a group of Navy SEALs from taking the Biden COVID vaccine mandate based on their requested religious exemptions.

“Trident Order #12” has now been quietly canceled by the US Navy.


VSRF Weekly Update Live Stream EP #47: Building Health Care Beyond COVID   [1:49:41]

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

Join us Thursday, September 15 at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific, for the VSRF Weekly Update.
Building Health Care Beyond COVID with Dr. Henry Ealy, CHN and Priscilla Romans, RN.

Registered Nurse Priscilla Roman saved many during COVID with early treatment protocols and now she has set up Graith Care, a hospital patient advocacy business that takes the authority out of the hands of the “white coats” and returns it back to the patient, vital in the age of Remdesivir and ventilators.

Joining her is Dr. Henry Ealy (“Dr. H”), the Founder & Executive Community Director of The Energetic Health Institute. Dr. Ealy is currently suing the CDC for fraudulent practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.


[Re-posting daily]

Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75  [26:48]   childrenshealthdefense 

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.

It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.

Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.

Watch the full event here ➡️:













Hamas wants Temple Mount, Jerusalem ‘explosion’ – Intel chief   By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

“The violent reality on the Temple Mount during the Jewish holiday period is nothing new,” says chair of Zionist NGO Your Jerusalem.

A leading security official from Israel’s National Security Council said on Thursday that the Hamas terror group, which has strengthened its foothold in Jerusalem in recent years, is attempting to spark a major conflict on the Temple Mount which could escalate into a widescale conflict.

“There are constant efforts by Hamas and other [terror groups] to escalate [tensions] and create a narrative that Al Aqsa Mosque [located on the Temple Mount] is in danger and to turn Jerusalem into an explosive detonator,” Eyal Hulata, the head of the NSC, said during a conference at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) in Herzliya.

Hulata’s warning comes after Israeli intelligence officials recommended that Prime Minister Yair Lapid raise the country’s terror alert level to the highest tier possible ahead of the upcoming Jewish holidays.





THAT WAS QUICK: Buses Arrive at Martha’s Vineyard and DEPORT Illegals Off the Island   (3 VIDEOS) 

On Wednesday, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes carrying illegal immigrants to the island of Martha’s Vineyard, an exclusive elite liberal community that prides itself on its tolerance and sanctuary status.

Rather than fly the illegals in the dead of night hidden from public view like Joe Biden, Governor DeSantis flew the migrants to the leftist enclave in broad daylight.

Democrats were furious that Governor DeSantis would pull off such a “stunt”! How dare he expose the liberal left for their disgusting hypocrisy!

Joe Biden immediately opened the borders after moving into the White House. Over 2 MILLION illegals have walked into the US this fiscal year. Democrats expect the rest of the country to deal with the invasion that they caused!

[Ed.:  Democrats are not only hypocrites, they’re very dangerous.]


Teachers and Staff Members in Ohio Can Now Legally Carry Firearms on Campus   By Jim Hoft

Ohio teachers and school personnel are now legally permitted to carry weapons on school grounds.

This week,  Armed School Security Staff Bill (House Bill 99) went into effect, authorizing trained school staff who have met the necessary standards to carry firearms. This law would offer schools an additional option to provide more robust security for school children.

The legislation, which lessened the need for gun training in the name of school safety, was signed into law by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R-OH) in June.

“What the bill does is essentially reverts back to the prior practice of allowing local school districts to make a local decision on whether or not they will permit certain school staff members to be armed on school grounds,” said Gov. Mike DeWine when he signed the bill into law last June.


Chilean president refuses to accept Israeli ambassador’s credentials; FM apologizes   By David Hellerman, World Israel News

Leftist President Gabriel Boric angered by death of a Palestinian during a clash the day before.

Chilean foreign ministry officials apologized to Israel after the president of the South American country refused to accept the diplomatic credentials of the Jewish state’s ambassador on Thursday.

President Gabriel Boric’s refusal to accept the credentials of new Ambassador Gil Artzyeli was viewed as a grave breach of protocol and an affront to both Israel and Chile’s more than 18,000 Jews.

Chilean media reported that the leftist Boric was angered by the death of a 17-year-old Palestinian during a clash near Jenin on Wednesday and the death of children in Gaza.


Europe’s Energy Crisis   by Pete Hoekstra

▪In response to Russia severely restricting or cutting off gas supplies, EU governments will take dramatic actions over the coming months. Germany recently announced it would keep two of the nuclear plants it was shuttering as backups, just in case. EU leaders will then go back to the voters and describe the amazing job they did while failing to mention they were the ones who made the decisions that put their countries in this crisis in the first place.

  • The entire current crisis was avoidable if the EU had developed a rational plan instead of one based on a daydream, no matter how enticing.
  • The U.S. needs urgently to examine what is happening in Europe and develop a rational energy transition plan. Any long-term solution must include strategies for reliable power production, affordable sustainable energy and a massively strengthened electrical grid.
  • Europe’s plan was built on the hope that consumers would accept higher prices, that Russia and Putin would be reliable, and that battery storage technology would be robust enough to cover the times when “the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.”
  • This strategy, sadly always doomed to failure, provides a cautionary tale for “solutions” based solely on hope.
  • The U.S. should not repeat the same mistakes as the EU by continuing down a path that cuts domestic fossil fuel production, bans gasoline-powered vehicles, and ignores that the power generation capacity and energy infrastructure are not in place to achieve an unrealistic and unfortunately unsustainable green agenda.


How Google Threatens Your Children  [9:05]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Google Spies on Your Kids, Knows Everything About Them

They know no shame – collecting far more info than necessary, storing it indefinitely. This goes far beyond personal info like name and birthdate to include browsing history, search terms and other spy info, with the school’s help.


  • More than half of American K-12 schools use Chromebooks and Google apps, allowing Google to build brand loyalty from an early age
  • Google’s primary business is tracking, compiling, storing and selling personal data. By capturing children at an early age, it will be able to build the most comprehensive personality profiles of the population ever conceived
  • By the time these children have grown into adulthood, every single preference, thought, belief and proclivity will be known about them, which will make them extremely vulnerable to manipulation
  • Google allows hundreds of third-party software developers to access the emails of Gmail users, and they’re not just using software to scan for keywords. In some cases, employees are actually reading the emails
  • By default, Google Chrome allows any and all tracker cookies to follow your every move online


“Their Virtue Signaling is a Fraud” – Gov. Ron DeSantis Attacks Liberal Elites After Sending Illegal Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard    By Jim Hoft

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday sent two planes of illegal aliens mostly Venezuelan and Colombian adults and children to Martha’s Vineyard, as reported by The Gateway Pundit.

The illegal aliens will now live near Barack Obama’s estate.

The Obamas should be happy to welcome the illegals to their little sanctuary city.


Liberal Logic: Martha’s Vineyard Calls 50 Illegal Immigrants a “Humanitarian Crisis” – But 4.2 Million Illegal Immigrants Crossing a “Secure Border”    By Jim Hoft

On Wednesday, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent two planes carrying illegal immigrants to the island of Martha’s Vineyard.

Earlier on Thursday, Governor DeSantis addressed the media after transporting two planeloads of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.

During the press conference, he criticized the left saying “their virtue signaling is a fraud.”

“We are not a sanctuary state, and it’s better to be able to go to a sanctuary jurisdiction, and, yes, we will help facilitate that transport for you to be able to go to greener pastures,” DeSantis said.

TRENDING: Martha’s Vineyard Homeless Shelter Coordinator Melts Down Over Illegals Flown to Island: “They Have to Move From Here to Somewhere Else” (VIDEO)

“Biden would fly people in the middle of the night, dumped them all across this country. There was no warning on any of this.”

“The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, [Democrats] all of a sudden go berserk and they’re so upset this is happening. It just shows you their virtue signaling is a fraud,” he added.

Watch the video:


Secret Service Agents Protect Kamala’s Home from the Illegal Aliens – Tell People to Keep Away From HER FENCE   (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

Liberal logic: It’s okay for the elites to have a fence around their property and armed guards on duty, but the average Americans, particularly those who live in border areas, have no right to the same level of security.

On Thursday morning, two busloads of over 100 illegal aliens were dropped off at Kamala Harris’ home in Washington DC.

The migrants were part of the over 2 million illegal aliens crossing the US open border this past year!

The US currently sees 8,000 illegals walk across the open border daily!


Martha’s Vineyard Homeless Shelter Coordinator Melts Down Over Illegals Flown to Island: “They Have to Move From Here to Somewhere Else”   (VIDEO 3:30)    By Cristina Laila 

The melt down over the 50 illegals flown to Martha’s Vineyard is fun to watch.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Wednesday sent two planes of illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard.

The racist white limousine liberals on Martha’s Vineyard are not happy about their new poor, brown neighbors.

Martha’s Vineyard happily hosts thousands of tourists every summer, however when 50 poor illegals are dumped on the island it is a “humanitarian crisis.”




IG Nobel Prize winner lived among goats  [1:23]



On the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah in 1917, the words of one German Rabbi, Joseph Carlebach evoked a powerful message.

In 1915, sixteen German Rabbis, were sent by the German Army high command to the Eastern front to administer to the needs of Jewry under German occupation in the Eastern Zone.

These lands included Lithuania and Poland. This was a daunting task as Jewish masses suffered from pogroms, expulsions, starvation, and disease.

These Rabbis were also entrusted with an additional task.

The German occupation forces deemed it important to provide an education for Jewish children that included secular subjects. One of the Rabbis, Joseph Carlebach, was delegated the task of organizing an educational system for Jews under German occupation in the Lithuanian city of Kovno. The Rabbi devised a program based upon the German model of Torah Im Derech Eretz, “Torah Education with Ways of the Land,” (integrated subjects) as he consulted with local Rabbinical leaders.





Whistleblower Reveals FBI Labeled Veteran-Led Organization as Domestic Terrorist Group   By Cristina Laila

A whistleblower revealed the FBI labeled a veteran-led organization as a domestic terrorist group.

Ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) in a letter to FBI Director Wray said a whistleblower came forward and revealed a ‘woke’ analyst labeled American Contingency, a veteran-led group, a “domestic violent extremism” organization.

The veteran-led group was already cleared by the FBI as a ‘non-threat’ in 2020, but the woke analyst decided to target the group again.

Rep. Jordan’s letter referenced Project Veritas’ recent report on the FBI’s ‘domestic terrorism symbols guide’ on ‘militia violent extremists.’

TRENDING: Martha’s Vineyard Homeless Shelter Coordinator Melts Down Over Illegals Flown to Island: “They Have to Move From Here to Somewhere Else” (VIDEO)

According to the document leaked to Project Veritas, here is a partial list of ‘domestic terrorism symbols’:

  • Leaked document is labelled as “Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive” that is for “FBI Internal Use Only.”
  • Under the “Symbols” category of the document, “2A” is listed with the following explanation: “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the right to bear arms.”
  • “Revolutionary War imagery” such as the “Gadsden Flag” and the “Betsy Ross Flag” are cited in the document under “Commonly Referenced Historical Imagery or Quotes.”







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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.