BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
Federal Court Against Big Tech, Social Media Companies Do Not Have ‘Right’ To Censor’ By Pamela Geller
Freeing the public square is essential. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.
Putting up with being offended is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others.
If speech that offends a group is outlawed, that group has absolute power, and a free society is destroyed. A group that cannot be criticized cannot be opposed. It can work its will no matter what it is, and no one will be able to say anything to stop it.
Inoffensive speech needs no protection. The First Amendment was developed precisely in order to protect speech that was offensive to some, in order to prevent those who had power from claiming they were offended by speech opposing them and silencing the powerless.
A free society is by its nature one in which people put up with others being uncivil and offensive. The alternative is a quiet authoritarian society in which only one opinion is allowed and the others are silenced, and ultimately sent to the camps.
Critical Race Theory Redefined Michoel Green
Yes! Critical race theory* indeed.
We are in a critical race towards the finish line of the human endeavor and ultimate purpose of Creation, the Days of Moshiach.
It’s critical that we keep racing toward our goal and keep our eyes focused on the finish line.
Our ancestors passed the baton to us, and we must complete the race to liberate the entire Human Race for all times.
We will win the race because G-d Almighty is on our side.
G-d is One, and so are we, since each of us is fashioned in His image. Consequently, we are all just one human race racing toward our one mutual destiny of Redemption.
There are a few bad-apple humans — trillionaire supremacists and their useful idiots — who are desperately trying to hinder us in our inexorable race toward our goal.
They seek to sow dissension by creating fake divisions between humans, pitting man against his neighbor. They constantly attempt to resurrect historical “racial” divisions based on skin color that no longer exist.
These criminals wish to sabotage our critical race by fooling us into thinking that we are on the opposite side of our very own teammates. They want us to become consumed with critical distrust of fellow members of our OWN racing team. It’s the same old “divide and conquer” strategy they’ve been using for generations.
The Secret Schumer-Manchin Backroom Deal by Lawrence Kadish
Washington is a city that thrives on secrets. That is a good thing over at the CIA but it is a very bad thing when Congressional politics are practiced in the dark, far from public scrutiny and for purposes that could unravel our nation’s democracy.
No surprise then that published reports reveal seething lawmaker anger over the closed door deal cut between Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and Senator Joseph Manchin that will allow the White House to acquire and dispense some $700 billion dollars as it sees fit through the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.”
“We don’t know what [the substance of their deal]… is. They haven’t released the text, they don’t give us the detailed explanation,” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) was quoted in the Washington insider publication, The Hill.
The Senator continued, “So, I don’t know how you could ask people to vote for something they don’t know what it is.”
What we do know is that the Biden Administration will be offered the opportunity to channel money – huge amounts of money – to selected programs, agencies, and election districts throughout the nation at a time when Congressional campaigning is reaching its peak.
[Ed.: A Random Thought:
Imagine if DeSantis from Florida were to catch the FBI and/or the Department of Justice in their illegal activities in Florida, and call up the National Guard. Then arrest the leaders and incarcerate them, and kick out the rest of them from Florida. Then call for a Constitutional Conference to replace the Federal Government. Remember the Federal Government is a fiction of the imagination of the States that created it. Maybe it’s time to ‘clean house’ and make a new start. That would really ruffle the feathers of those who pull the strings of the Biden regime! BTW, we’re not supposed to be spreading ideas like that in “Biden’s America” today. That would explain the 54 extra (irregular) hits I got today.]
Constitution Day: Liberty Once Lost May be Lost Forever By Scott S. Powell
Constitution Day, which falls on September 17, is the national observance holiday that most Americans have never heard of. Yet this year, 2022, it may well be our most important holiday to understand, for almost all our most pressing national problems today are a result of corruption and departure from governance and law enforcement consistent with the Constitution. As a result, our country is threatened more now than at any time since seven southern states seceded from the Union and Civil War broke out on April 12, 1861.
To understand the present peril, it is worth going back in time to appreciate how the Constitution was conceived as both the founding and governing instrument for the United States government.
The War of Independence lasted five long years from 1776 to 1781, with the impoverished, underfunded, underequipped, and undertrained Continental army being mostly on the defensive. It was a miracle that this relatively small American militia could defeat Great Britain — then the most formidable military power in the world.
The second miracle in forming the United States was the drafting of the Constitution some six years after the final and decisive military victory over the British at Yorktown in 1781. By contemporary standards, it is inconceivable how delegates from thirteen extraordinarily disparate states could muster the forbearance and magnanimity to agree on the terms of a new Constitution after only four months of deliberation. With God’s help they accomplished the impossible.
Biden’s Iran Deal: It’s All About the Oil By Kenneth R. Timmerman
On Monday, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called Iran’s latest demands in the on-again, off-again nuclear negotiation, “a step backward,” making a deal “unlikely.” The Iranians want the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to shelve its investigation into Iran’s undeclared uranium enrichment activities and figured they could get the U.S. to cave, as it did when John Kerry was leading the U.S. negotiating team in 2015.
Team Biden desperately wants the deal to go through, despite all the insistence from Tony Blinken that the U.S. will only agree to a deal that benefits U.S. national security. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy thinks he knows why.
“Are they trying to get Iranian oil back into the market to try to lower the gas price based on stopping production in America?” he asked Maria Bartiromo on Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures.”
A Student Writes a Good Paper Fearing the consequences, she hides. by Danusha V. Goska
Professor Josephine K knew what she was hired to teach. She was hired to teach Jonathan Kozol. Kozol is a recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship, and multiple fellowships from the Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Field, and Ford Foundations. Kozol’s website identifies him as “one of the nation’s most eloquent and outspoken advocates for equality and racial justice in our nation’s schools.” According to Manhattan Institute fellow Abigail Thernstrom, Kozol is a “guru” in university education departments. A survey of departmental reading lists shows Kozol’s name on every one. Chances are that anyone studying to be a teacher in the United States will be required to read Kozol. Indeed, Amazon reviewers of Kozol’s books sometimes mention that his books were required reading for a university class.
Pilot of a Boeing Aircraft Suddenly Dies During a Flight from Novokuznetsk to St Petersburg, Russia By Jim Hoft
A Boeing flight commander died suddenly during a flight from Novokuznetsk to St Petersburg in Russia on Sunday, according to a report from the Russian news outlet, RIA Novosti.
According to reports, the man whose identity has not been revealed felt ill during the flight.
The co-pilot had to make an emergency landing at Omsk airport, but the commander died before he could receive medical assistance.
Destroying Women, Poisoning Breast Milk, Murdering Babies; and Hiding the Truth Dr Naomi Wolf
Conflicted Wire Services; Press Release Distributor, Spotify, BBC, Censored, Attacked Us –for our Pfizer Reports’ Info re mRNA Vaccine Destruction of Pregnant Women, Fetuses, Babies
The worst that can happen to the human species, is happening.
The War Room/DailyClout’s Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers — a group of medical and scientific experts who have selflessly stepped up to analyze the tens of thousands of formerly internal Pfizer documents released under court order subsequent to a lawsuit by Aaron Siri’s firm, Siri & Glimstad, and a FOIA by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency — have now fully demonstrated that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines target human reproduction in comprehensive, likely irreversible ways.
Our 3,250 research volunteers, in 39 fully cited reports to date, have documented evidence of what I’ve been calling “360 degrees of harm” to reproduction.
The Pfizer documents reveal monstrous damage to menstruation, harm to the testes and epididymis, harms to the penis, horrible harm to the ova and ovaries, mechanisms for compromising the placenta, contamination of amniotic fluid, and damage to newborns. They reveal that four women’s breast milk turned blue-green. They reveal injuries to at least one newborn that extend to death (or murder) from ingesting tainted breast milk. They reveal horrific levels of miscarriages. They reveal that Pfizer defined “exposure” to the vaccine as including sexual intercourse, especially at conception. They reveal a weird focus on mammalian sexual and reproductive issues.
All of these horrors make extended appearances in the Pfizer documents, which were never expected to see the light of day.
Soon humanity will realize that the worst thing ever to happen to it, has taken place.
Soon humanity will realize that the miscarriages and the drops in birth rate worldwide documented by Igor Chudov; the drop in life expectancy; the neonatal deaths; the ruination of eggs and ovaries; were done to them with knowledge aforethought, and that, in many cases relating to fertility, the means for healing the bodies of women is not clear.
COVID: “It’s A U.S. Government Operation” Emerald Robinson
Why is America’s intelligence community so involved in the global COVID vaccine campaign?
A week ago, I discussed how the Department of Homeland Security filed for a patent regarding “fusion proteins containing luciferase” in 2017, and was granted the patent in 2019. Luciferase has only one purpose in medicine: tracking things. That’s all the proof you need to understand that the U.S. government is building a global surveillance state where people are tracked biometrically in real time.
How does the Biden regime get you tagged with Luciferase? Through the new vaccines of course.
I talked about how Tony Fauci and Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak were involved in the funding and creation of weaponized bat coronaviruses in China — and how Peter Daszak was one of the people who organized corporate media around the world to deny the link between the virus and the Wuhan Lab. In other words, there was a global disinformation campaign to hide the origins of COVID-19 that was led by the exact same people who had created it.
Now we have Dr. Robert Malone explaining how vaccine manufacturing facilities in Canada are being funded by “an investment arm of the CIA.” Just as some of the vaccine companies themselves — like Moderna — are funded by DARPA which is (according to Dr. Malone) “basically an arm of the CIA.”
[Ed.: Just like 9-11! What a coincidence! Ever bad thing that happens is the US government doing it to us…]
Canadian Recounts His Near-Death Experience After His Third Moderna Shot – Suffers Cardiac Arrest, Respiratory/Kidney Failure, Paralysis, Nerve Damage, and No Brain Activity By Jim Hoft
Last week, 35-year-old Michal from Montreal, Canada took to Twitter to describe how he was severely injured after taking his third Moderna Covid-19 shot.
According to Michal, he almost died after receiving his booster shot and was hospitalized for two months. He was resuscitated by the doctors. The worst part is that the vaccine also affected his fiancee.
“I share this story for my friends and family who endured trauma throughout those few months. No one should ever have to witness and feel such pain and stress,” said Michal.
Joe Biden Declares “The Pandemic Is Over” (VIDEO) By Cristina Laila
Joe Biden declared the Covid pandemic is over in a sit-down interview with “60 Minutes” that aired on Sunday evening.
This is Joe Biden’s first interview with an American outlet in more than 7 months.
“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s – but the pandemic is over,” Biden said to Scott Pelley.
[Ed.: That’s nice!]
[Re-posting daily]
Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75 [26:48] childrenshealthdefense
Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.
On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.
Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.
Watch the full event here :
DeSantis Shows Republicans the Way to Win by Jeff Crouere
(Sep. 18, 2022) — Over the past few decades, very few real fighters have been in positions of power in the Republican Party. Exceptions to this rule were tremendous leaders such as Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, and Donald Trump who were accomplished and effective in their roles.
As both a candidate and President, Trump was especially successful as a counter-puncher, responding in kind when he was attacked. Unfortunately, for President Trump, the attacks never ended, and he rarely received the support he needed in the United States Congress.
Today, the GOP is saddled with unimpressive and docile leadership in Congress, considering the massive problems that are facing our country. In the United States Senate, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is a deal-maker who is constantly abandoning conservative legislation to please his friends on the “other side of the aisle.”
In the U.S. House of Representatives, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is more conservative than McConnell, but he is not as aggressive as needed to combat the horrific agenda of the Democratic Party. He should take lessons from the stalwart members of the House Freedom Caucus.
USDA threatens Amish farmer with fines and PRISON time for selling raw milk and grass-fed beef to community by Ethan Huff
(Natural News) After two people supposedly – emphasis on the word supposedly – got sick from raw milk he provided to his private buyers’ club, Amish farmer Amos Miller of the Bird-in-Hand, Penn.-based Miller’s Organic Farm is now being relentlessly terrorized by the United States government.
According to reports, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) just will not leave Miller alone, despite the fact that he has thousands of happy buyers who have never had any problems with his organic raw milk, eggs, grass-fed beef, cheese, and fresh produce.
Like many Amish farmers, Miller does not use chemical pesticides or even fertilizers. He also does not use gas-powered or electric-powered everything, choosing instead to do things the old, natural way.
Miller’s traditional methods were serving him and his buyers well until taxpayer-funded goons from Washington, D.C., decided to interfere with his operation. Now, he faces fines and even jail time for non-compliance with the government’s demands.
Jihadi Breaks Out Of Line and Charges at Queen’s Coffin, Police Tackle And Arrested Muhammad Khan
A man has been taken down by police and led away after making a run towards the Queen’s coffin at Westminster Hall. People looked on in horror as the jihadi broke from the line of people and headed for the coffin.
Mayhem erupted at Westminster Hall Friday night whenMuhammad Khan was arrested after rushing toward Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin as the late monarch lay in state.
‘Anyone who suspects ill will on his part would simply be “Islamophobic,” and accordingly dismissed out of hand.'(Robert Spencer)
Iranian woman dies after being beaten into coma by cops over ‘improper hijab’
And the Biden Administration continues to relentlessly appease this hideous regime. Begging them to re-enter the JCPOA. Where is America’s feminist community on this outrage? And where is the backlash from the American media? They provide very little coverage about Iran’s atrocious human rights violations.
Watch some of Lesley Stahl’s interview with the mass murdering Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Stahl treats Raisi with much greater respect than she did President Trump. She asks Raisi to outline the differences between Biden and Trump. Implying that Biden’s appeasement of Iran is a positive. Awful.
The Jihad on Armenia Erupts Again by Raymond Ibrahim
Funeral for one of more than 100 Armenian soldiers recently killed.
Armenians in the Republic of Artsakh woke up on September 13, 2022 to an uncertain future after Azerbaijan attacked them in the dead of night. As Trey Blanton reported on location, Azerbaijani forces launched drones, artillery, and mortars on several Armenian villages. More than 100 Armenian soldiers were killed—several later mutilated beyond recognition—in Azerbaijan’s two-day bombardment.
Modern hostilities between Armenia, an ancient nation, and Azerbaijan, which was created in 1918, began in late 2020. War erupted at that time over disputed territory now known as “Nagorno-Karabakh.” It had been Armenian for thousands of years, with the name Artsakh, and it remains predominantly Armenian. After the dissolution of the USSR, however, it was allotted to Azerbaijan, causing problems since and culminating in the recent wars. (See “15 Artsakh War Myths Perpetuated By Mainstream Media.”)
The Hate That Never Dies
On the surface, and as widely reported by media, this is yet another territorial dispute, this time between (Christian) Armenia and (Muslim) Azerbaijan. Beneath the surface, however, lurks that old Muslim-Christian divide, typified by jihadist hate for “infidels.”
BREAKING: U.S. Senators finally receive critical Evidence to indict Fauci, Intelligence Agencies involved – Bombshell Renz & MAFA Report By Sarah Westall
In Attorney Tom Renz fashion, he drops more bombshell information that is aimed at holding deep state criminals responsible for their COVID crimes. Renz presented details from his latest report, developed in collaboration with Make Americans Free Again, at the ReAwaken America Conference. This time he nails what most Americans have been waiting for, solid court ready evidence to lock up Anthony Fauci for his crimes.
Renz does not just target Fauci, but he also identifies Intelligence Agencies, Eco Health Alliance, Google, the Rockefeller organization and a sinister web of other entities. But more importantly, they were able to identify the main culprits and give members of the United States Senate critical evidence that they can use to indict Fauci and others.
Chinese Biotech Firm with Deep Links to China’s Military and its COVID-19 Program Just Bought Land in Florida for a Massive Research Complex Guest post by Lawrence Sellin
In July 2022, a Chinese biological research company, JOINN Laboratories, bought 1,400 acres of rural farmland in Morriston, Florida, primarily for a non-human primate (monkey) breeding and quarantine facility.
Current law prohibits the construction of such a facility on that property, but JOINN Laboratories is filing a re-zoning request with the State of Florida.
What is not widely known is JOINN Laboratories’ close connections to China’s People’s Liberation Army and what is arguably its biowarfare program.
The Founder of JOINN and Chair of the Board of Directors is Yuxia Feng, a military physician and graduate of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.
The Co-Founder of JOINN and the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Conglin Zuo, appears to have also worked at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in its Institute of Biotechnology.
The Government’s War On Transparency Adam Andrzejewski
“They” think you work for them. It’s time to change that dynamic using the power of transparency.
Dear Mr. and Ms. Taxpayer Voter,
Federal spending is out of control and they don’t want you to know about it. The fiscal irresponsibility of your elected officials and bureaucrats has taken the federal debt to levels not seen since World War II. With no end in sight.
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) redacted 350,000 federal executive agency employee names from our FOIA request (2021)—roughly $30 billion in compensation. In the last year of the Obama administration, only 2,367 names were redacted. OPM stated, “For those instances where data element are not released, they are being withheld under FOIA Exemption 6… the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”
The Federal Reserve has 23,000 employees. They gave us the salaries of only 367 executives. They stated, “Releasing the names and specific salary information for all employees would not shed any further light on the Board’s performance of its statutory duties.” They told us that a database of their expenditures, a checkbook, does not exist. “Staff searched Board records and made suitable inquiries with knowledgeable staff but did not locate the information you seek.” This from our country’s central bank! 23,000 employees! No database of expenditures!
The Vice President refused to give us any information. They claimed, “The Office of Vice President is not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.” One would think the Vice President would want you, taxpaying voters, to know how she spent your tax dollars. Not so. Why?
The U.S. Postal Service refused to produce line-by-line checkbook expenditures. They stated that doing so would expose their “trade secrets.” It is hard to imagine Federal Express or UPS benefitting from the USPS’s money-losing “trade secrets.” USPS also refuses to produce bonuses paid.”
South Dakota limits public employee salary disclosure to only one at a time. The state has roughly 8,000 employees. A director at the Bureau of Finance and Management wrote, “According to our administrative rule, we do not provide lists except for legitimate state government purposes.”
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DHS Intelligence Report Reveals Venezuela Is Emptying Prisons and Sending Dangerous Convicts to US Border By Jim Hoft
Impeachment of Joe Biden, Article 1: Failure to secure the national border.
Over 4.9 million illegals entered the United States during Joe Biden’s first 18 months in office via the open southern US border.
That is roughly the population of Ireland — crossing the open border into the US in 18 months!
The Biden regime has cheered on this invasion and the eventual collapse of the United States.
We are no longer a sovereign nation. That was the goal. Joe Biden is the tool of the globalist left to eliminate borders and condemn national sovereignty.
On Sunday, Breitbart obtained a report from the border patrol indicating that the government of Venezuela, led by Nicolás Maduro Moros, is releasing prisoners intentionally and sending them to the US border. Among those released are people who have been convicted of murder, rape, and extortion
Obamagate [1:41]
Governor Ron DeSantis Celebrates Constitution Day
We are watching a future POTUS. Governor DeSantis will lead the post-Trump Republican Party, and take the fight to the Left, the RINO’s, China, Iran, et. al.
Gohmert: There Has ‘Never Been This Level Of Corruption At FBI’ [1:11]
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said that recent developments on the Russia collusion hoax show just how unjust our Department of Justice is. One America’s John Hines has more from the hill.
WEF hosts New York ‘climate crisis’ confab, featuring BlackRock, Bezos, and CNN Jordan Schachtel
Elite legacy institutions are gathering in New York with the hopes to convince you that “you will own nothing and you will be happy.”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has arrived in New York this week to continue its sustained attack on individual and national sovereignty, partnering with major legacy financial and media institutions to wage its campaign.
The WEF kicked off its Sustainable Development Impact Meetings on Monday in New York, hosting a technocratic tyranny themed confab (under the guise of a continuing “climate crisis”) on the sidelines of the annual U.N. General Assembly meetings.
The WEF, which serves as the narratives and ideas shop of the global ruling class, helped to popularize movements such as The Great Reset and the Build Back Better campaign, among other maneuvers designed to “transition” the world to a system of authoritarian “global governance.”
In New York, the WEF’s programming features the “climate crisis” front and center, as WEF President Klaus Schwab and his cantillionaire compatriots clearly understand this movement as the best opportunity to hoover up the remaining rights and property of individuals and nations.
The New York conference agenda will feature 8 panels, and unsurprisingly, all 8 are related to this “climate crisis.”
A video introducing the summit is up on the WEF website, featuring an “all star cast” that includes Al Gore and a BlackRock official.
[Ed.: What’s all this I’ve been hearing about the WTF? … Oh! That’s very different! Nevermind.]