Continuous daily feed:
2. [Ed.: It is my strong opinion that Bolsonaro should have arrested Lula, and all of his henchmen using his military force, and the force of Article 142 of the Constitution, the night before Lula’s inauguration (December 31st.) This is why Article 142 was incorporated to the Constitution: in order to prevent this kind of hijacking of the election system. Because he did not do that, Brazil and the 95% of the population that voted for Bolsonaro, are now prisoners of the Communists, and all the bad players that control them (China and Iran). Jair Bolsonaro in this way is similar to Donald J. Trump. He is single handedly responsible for the downfall of his country. I don’t know how either of them can look themselves in the mirror, or how they can sleep at night. At least Trump still loves his mirror. Bolsonaro, probably not. Both are single-handedly responsible for the downfall of the Western Hemisphere, when they singlehandedly could have prevented it!]
1. Cry for Help from Brazilian Concentration Camp: “Just Shoot Us and Take us Out of our Misery!” By Richard Abelson
January 13, 2023 at 9:45am – 1,159 political prisoners have been taken to Federal Prison in Brasilia for “terrorism”. This shocking open letter reaches us from a Brazilian patriot, describing the evil set-up on Sunday and horrendous conditions in Lula’s concentration camp.
This letter is a call for help.
On Sunday, 8/1/2023, you saw images and news from the leftist media stations of the “Storm on the National Congress”. It was a giant set-up for us law-abiding citizens, who were fighting for our Freedom, for clean elections and for our beloved Brazil.
We are Brazilians, who were betrayed by those who should be defending us. We went to the government quarter on Sunday, not to break or destroy, because we are peaceful Christians, elderly people, women, children, Indigenous people and decent, law-abiding men.
We left our homes all over Brazil to come and defend our Constitution, which has been torn and trampled on by the Brazilian “Justice System” who released a criminal from prison and had him elected.
How can we accept a Communist criminal in power, if we didn’t vote for him?
We wanted to see the source codes of the election software, because we’re pretty sure we’ve been robbed.
Then came the persecution, the arrests and torture of those who spoke out about the election fraud. We spent 70 days camped in front of the Military HQ, because it was a way of protesting and we felt safe there.
The Armed Forces embraced us (we thought).
But then the persecution began. An Indian Chief and Pastor Jose Acacio Serere Xavante was arrested and abused, Pastor Fabiano Oliveira, and many others who are still in prison.
But the corrupt media that attacks us now, never reported any of this. They sent the police several times to take us out and arrest us, but the Armed Forces did not allow it.
People started to arrive from all over Brazil. By Sunday, we had more than 8 million people protesting in Brasilia. We wanted to march to the Federal District in Planalto as we always did, in peace.
Much to our surprise, hundreds of strangers showed up and joined us, wearing Brazil jerseys, like we do. They started screaming and smashing their way into the Federal buildings, with sticks and weapons, breaking everything. We started screaming for them not to commit vandalism. But they didn’t listen.
To our surprise, some of these people were already inside the restricted areas and government buildings. How did they get in? Even police officers were breaking things!
We filmed it all. We have proof.
3. BRAZIL: Regime Planning to Deny Conservative Senators and Representatives Their Seats – 1000 “Lulag” Concentration Camp Inmates Forced to Get the Vax By Richard Abelson
January 12, 2023 at 5:10pm – Arrested protestors in Brazil are being forcibly vaccinated with the Covid shots against their will. The left is now planning to deny conservative Senators and Representatives their seats in Congress and complete their Stalinist takeover.
Almost a thousand political prisoners are being held in the Federal Prisons in Brasilia. The men were sent to Papuda prison, the women to Colmeia penitentiary. “Upon arrival, they are vaccinated against Covid (probably against their will), given a rolled-up mattress without a pillow and a hygiene kit”, Brazil in English wrote.
[Ed.: The video of her in the article identifies her as Irma Ilda. So sad…]
1. Steve Bannon Calls For A Complete Investigation Of The Brazilian Election [7:26]
January 9, 2023 – “War Room” host Steve Bannon condemns the mainstream media for ignoring the Brazilian election crisis for more than two months, and then exploiting it for ideological purposes as soon as it turns violent. Watch clips of MSNBC interviewing Biden spokesman John Kirby in an effort to blame Americans for the crisis in Brazil, and then see Bannon go on an epic rant about the failure of mainstream media.
“Please go back and show me any footage where you covered these demonstration with millions of people in the streets… the largest demonstrations in modern times, peaceful demonstrations about an election outcome. Please show me — CNN, BBC, MSNBC — send us the clips, we want to show them on the ‘War Room.’ This is the 72nd day of the crisis… where are your clips?”
Brazilian Senator: Lula’s Justice Minister Knew about Attack Beforehand – Stood by and Did Nothing By Richard Abelson
January 10, 2023 at 10:55am – Brazilian Senator Marcos do Val says he has evidence the new leftist Justice Minister Flávio Dino was informed of the threat agaist the goivernment buidlings in Brasilia and did nothing. Val plans to visit the gym where protestors are being held without charges, attorneys or basic amenities.
“The Minister of Justice was informed of the attacks the day before. The moment it started, he went to the ministry window, looked out and did nothing. I have already started to find evidence that President Lula was also aware of what was going to happen and did nothing”, Senator do Val tweeted, along with a copy of the letter he sent to the Justice Minister, demanding to know what Dino knew in advance of the attacks.
Dino is a former member of the Communist Party of Brazil and militant.
Many images have been posted of provocateurs and infiltrators causing violence at the Jan. 8 protests in Brasilia, and at the prior Dec. 12 protests. The pro-Democracy protests are a prayerful and largely Christian movement which remained peaceful for two months.
Lula and China Will Build a Marxist Super-State in South America Unless Lula Is Forced to Comply with Election Laws [5:54] By Joe Hoft
January 10, 2023 at 8:30am – Mathew Tyrmand was on the War Room with Steve Bannon yesterday and he discussed the ramifications of Lula stealing the election in Brazil.
First, Bannon and Tyrmand discussed what Lula’s gang is supposed to do and why it won’t do it:
Let’s not be naive. They cannot hand over the machines, the code, and the tabulation data because the second they do, they’re a reason why they didn’t comply with any of the audits or any of the petitions of the court, if they do, you know the old joke about that kid’s game, their battleship is sunk.
To stop protests demanding that Lula complies with the law, the corrupt courts are clamping down and arresting anyone who protests and dares say that the election was stolen. Those arrested are being tortured by the Lula government using Stalin-like approaches.
Bannon then discussed:
Latin America as a communist super-state backed by the communist Chinese Party directly aimed at the United States. This is what the Monroe Doctrine is all about. Our founders, our framers warned us, “Don’t go searching for monsters to slay in Ukraine, watch what they do in the Southern Hemisphere.”
Tyrmand responded:
Brazil: Up to 1700 Patriots Held in Lula’s Concentration Camp, 2 Allegedly Dead By Richard Abelson
[Ed.: Be sure to see the two videos with Matthew Trymand!]
January 10, 2023 at 8:00am – Up to 1700 peaceful Brasilian protestors have been taken to a gym and held without food or water for over 16 hours, including children and old folks. Two people are reported dead.
“They put two thousand people in a warehouse without toilets, food or water, ignoring the presumption of innocence or due process. The prisoners have no access to their lawyers. The result is two people dead so far,” writes Rio Deputy Douglas Gomes.
The Federal Police have denied that anyone has died.
Videos show people crying out for water and elderly people needing urgent medical attention:
Videos showed people being taken away on stretchers:
Children and old people are also being held illegally in what has become known as “Lula’s Concentration Camp”.
“Brazil…Live[s] Under Judicial Tyranny…Who Judges the Judges?” – Mathew Tyrmand Lists the Massive Issues Found in Brazil’s Presidential Election [8:22] By Joe Hoft
January 9, 2023 at 6:19pm – The MSM is finally noticing Brazil after 80 days of censorship. Now that they can use yesterday’s protests to their “globalist integrative narrative” they finally report on the stolen election in South America’s greatest country.
Mathew Tyrmand was on the War Room this morning where he shared the following:
Brazil has it with their courts. They live under a judicial tyranny. An autocracy of judges who were not elected but were appointed by politicians. And obviously the greatest example is Lula appointed many of them and they let him out of prison.
Tyrmand then went on to describe how the corrupt Supreme Court in Brazil released Lula from prison and absolved him of all his crimes so he could run for President once again. They then expunged his record so that he could run for office getting rid of the felony that prevented Lula from qualifying to run for office.
Tyrmand then talked about how Lula literally again told the world who he was. TGP reported on this.
Tyrmand says, “Lula admires Stalin. This was not a mistake by Lula. It slipped out. It’s ridiculous who these people are.”
Tyrmand then went in to discuss the down-ballot differences with President Bolsonaro’s performance where his party crushed it but he somehow lost the Presidential election.
Then he discussed the anomalies in the election data.
The second there were questions about the credibility of this and allegations of fraud, they took the data down two days after from the public site so you couldn’t scrub it.”
The people of Brazil had the right to audit the machines, the code, and the tabulation data and the courts wouldn’t let them. The military report confirmed this.
Who judges the judges?”
Millions and millions of people have peacefully protested this stolen election and the US mainstream media has ignored it. The MSM is on the same team as election thieves and communists. Think about that.
Tyrmand says:
The revolution would not be televised unless they could use it for their globalist integrative narrative.
Watch this incredible interview below:
Lists the Massive Issues Found in Brazil’s Presidential Election By Joe Hoft
January 9, 2023 at 6:19pm – The MSM is finally noticing Brazil after 80 days of censorship. Now that they can use yesterday’s protests to their “globalist integrative narrative” they finally report on the stolen election in South America’s greatest country.
Mathew Tyrmand was on the War Room this morning where he shared the following:
Brazil has it with their courts. They live under a judicial tyranny. An autocracy of judges who were not elected but were appointed by politicians. And obviously the greatest example is Lula appointed many of them and they let him out of prison.
Tyrmand then went on to describe how the corrupt Supreme Court in Brazil released Lula from prison and absolved him of all his crimes so he could run for President once again. They then expunged his record so that he could run for office getting rid of the felony that prevented Lula from qualifying to run for office.
Tyrmand then talked about how Lula literally again told the world who he was. TGP reported on this.
Tyrmand says, “Lula admires Stalin. This was not a mistake by Lula. It slipped out. It’s ridiculous who these people are.”
Tyrmand then went in to discuss the down-ballot differences with President Bolsonaro’s performance where his party crushed it but he somehow lost the Presidential election.
Then he discussed the anomalies in the election data.
The second there were questions about the credibility of this and allegations of fraud, they took the data down two days after from the public site so you couldn’t scrub it.”
The people of Brazil had the right to audit the machines, the code, and the tabulation data and the courts wouldn’t let them. The military report confirmed this.
Who judges the judges?”
Millions and millions of people have peacefully protested this stolen election and the US mainstream media has ignored it. The MSM is on the same team as election thieves and communists. Think about that.
Tyrmand says:
The revolution would not be televised unless they could use it for their globalist integrative narrative.
Watch this incredible interview below:
[Ed.: Steve should not keep interrupting Matthiew when he is speaking as a guest on his show. It’s manipulative, and disruptive. Steve is not a very good interviewer.]
Valentine: The Election Fraud Infrastructure – Your Government At Work! by Jay Valentine
January 9, 2023 at 9:00am – There is nothing so unnerving as government-initiated election fraud, perpetrated by both political parties, hiding in plain sight. This is the world we live in — the one Republicans are about to encounter.
The most basic ingredient for industrial-scale voter fraud is the voter roll, fat with phantom names and addresses. Someone may be able to transport 250,000 paper ballots from New York to Pennsylvania, leave the truck in the parking lot, and find it gone when he returns.
Those ballots are useless paper if not tied to an identity at a real address.
The hard part is creating people and addresses — it is an industrial-scale operation.
Just think how hard it would be for you and your pals to create 250,000 fake names and tie each to a real address.
You need to create those voters — the way the pros do — which leaves out the Republicans. Make it government work.
Here’s how it’s done.
COMMUNIST CLAMP DOWN: Lula Regime Sends in Buses to Take Thousands of Opposition Protesters to Prison, Moraes Blocks 200 Facebook Profiles, Hotels Ordered to Turn Over Guest Lists By Jim Hoft
January 9, 2023 at 10:42am – It’s like January 6th all over again.
The only thing missing is Ray Epps.
A massive crowd of tens of thousands of Brazilians descended on the capital of Brasilia on Sunday to protest the stolen October presidential elections.
The protesters stormed the National Congress and Supreme Court.
Police used tear gas to confront the protesters. Police on horseback were attacked, Gunfire was reported.
The people fear the communist Lula, his Supreme Court Justice Moraes, and the communists supporting their takeover of South America’s largest country.
China and their lapdog Joe Biden supported the international criminal Lula da Silva, a committed Marxist and convicted felon.
On Monday came the crackdown.
Hundreds of buses were lined up in Brazilia to take the protesters to prison without trial — Just like in America following January 6th.
JUST NOW: Evil Marxist Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes (STF) orders hotels in Brasilia to list guests who have stayed in hotels since January 5th. – Protesters in Brasilia are being taken by bus to the Federal Police superintendence and whether or not there is a crime in the act, they will remain in the prison area of Complexo da Papuda.
More via Tupi Report: Alexandre de Moraes (STF) prohibited the entry of all buses that took protesters to Brasília and ordered the blocking of 200 profiles on Facebook and Tiktok under a daily fine of R$ 100,000.
At least 1,300 people were arrested including 40 children.
The regime is requiring bus companies to send the list of passengers of buses that were present in the 3 days prior to the protests in Brasilia.
First, they steal, then they lie, then comes the mop-up operation.
God help us.
[Ed.: Brazilians have been rejecting communism for a long time! Here are some events from yesterday, and overnight 1/8/23-1/9/23:]
Lula’s goons vandalizing government building in Brasilia to blame patriots:
Military defending campers from Lula’s National Police in Brasilia 010823:
Military defending campers from Lula’s National Police in Brasilia 010923:
[From the leftist press (read with squinted eyes:)]
After riots, Biden under pressure to send Bolsonaro back to Brazil By Reuters and ILH Staff Published on 01-09-2023 12:08
A US consular official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Bolsonaro had almost certainly entered on a diplomatic A-1 visa, which is reserved for heads of state and is normally cancelled after holder leave office.
The United States has a Jair Bolsonaro problem. The far-right former Brazilian president flew to Florida two days before his term ended on Jan. 1, having challenged the Oct. 30 election he lost to leftist rival Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. But Bolsonaro left behind a violent movement of election-denying supporters, who on Sunday stormed Brazil’s presidential palace, Congress and Supreme Court.
After watching supporters of former US leader Donald Trump invade the US Capitol two years ago, Democratic President Joe Biden is now facing mounting pressure to remove Bolsonaro from his self-imposed exile in suburban Orlando.
“Bolsonaro should not be in Florida,” Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro said on CNN. “The United States should not be a refuge for this authoritarian who has inspired domestic terrorism in Brazil. He should be sent back to Brazil.” Castro added that Bolsonaro, a Trump acolyte now based in the former president’s home state, had “used the Trump playbook to inspire domestic terrorists.”
[Ed.: The article describes Bolsonaro as “far right”. He is being accused of this because he follows the Brazil Constitution. The violoence and vandalism yesterday was perpetrated by Lula’s thugs.]
Brazil’s Communist President Lula Condemns Protesters Today as Stalinists… Then Quickly Corrects Himself, “No, Not Stalinists, Fascists!” By Jim Hoft
January 8, 2023 at 8:45pm – Earlier today a massive crowd of thousands stormed the capital of Brasilia to protest the stolen presidential elections. The protesters stormed the National Congress.
Police were using tear gas – Gunfire was reported.
Brazil’s communist President Lula da Silva later condemned today’s protests.
Lula da Silva began his speech by denouncing the “fascists,” “vandals,” “nazis, Stalinists… No, not Stalinists, the fascists!”
He criticized the security shortcomings. And Lula promised everyone involved, will be tracked down and arrested.
And this communist is serious! This gives the regime everything it needs to go after opposing voices in Brazil.
Isn’t it amazing how much this is already shaping up to look like the protests on January 6th.
The protests even had infiltrators carrying bombs and destroying property. Just like the FedEpps (Ray Epps) here at home!
Jan. 8th, 2023 Check this out! Patriots are making a human shield to protect the patrimony of the Congress. Wow! You’ll have to kill these people before they let you break anything else up there. Lord have mercy on us all…
[VIDEO 0:46]]
Jan. 8th, 2023 – In Brasilia, Brazil’s capital, the National Force (not Lula’s police) arrested one of the Antifa infiltrators. In Brazil they are called MST Movimento Sem Terra – movement of those without land – a Communist concept that what you own belongs to all.
He had bombs, gas, and other weapons to disrupt peaceful protest. Who’s paying him? You know, and I know. Hint: his initials are GS, you know, the same guy who funds Antifa. Lord have mercy on us all!
Brazil UPDATE: Two Short Videos
History leading up to now [2:16];
Below: Citizens cleaning up the broken glass of Lula’s staged “insurrection” [0:30]. Lula’s men shot rubber bullets that broke the glass, staged the ‘Insurrection,’ destroyed the auditorium and other government property. They occupied the central meeting room of the STF ministers. Citizens in the video are saying: ‘This is not our mess, this mess was not done by us. Those who broke the glass were the tear gas canisters being shot at us! We are here at the People’s House, and we do not destroy our own house!
BRAZIL UPDATE 4: Banner at Capital Protest “WE WANT THE SOURCE CODE” By Joe Hoft
January 8, 2023 at 4:15pm – A banner hanging on a building in the Brazilian Capital says in Portuguese and in English:
Per a retweet from Mathew Tyrmand, the Brazilians want to know what is in the source code that is used in the election machines in that country.
The people in Brazil know that their recent election was stolen just like the two recent elections in the US.
One of the many methods used by communists to steal elections is faulty source code in voting systems used in elections.
In the US those involved in election integrity efforts would like to get their hands on the source code used in the 2020 and 2022 elections as well. But to date, these efforts to obtain, investigate and audit the source code used in elections have been blocked by the courts.
Despite efforts to block the code used in software in US elections, we know that the systems used in US elections are not well-designed or secure. We learned this from the report the CISA released when people were clamoring for the report provided to the court in Georgia that has not been released to date.
The CISA’s report is damning enough, stating that the election systems used in Georgia in the 2020 Election were designed where a bad actor could obtain access and switch an election.
The people of Brazil and the people of the US want to know what is in the source code used in election systems that produce the results of their elections.
It is unheard of in the corporate world that any good and honest auditor would provide a clean audit result without auditing the software where financials are produced and yet Americans and Brazilians are expected to shrug off elections where the election system is not even provided for review before results of elections are certified.
(Joe Hoft worked as an international corporate executive in Hong Kong and has led and/or performed around 200 – 300 audits in his career. See his books on the 2020 election steal here.)
January 8, 2023 at 3:25pm – (Live report from Brazil)
Hundreds of protesters wearing green and yellow occupied Brasilia this Sunday (08). The ramp of the National Congress of Brazil was occupied in the early afternoon.
The demonstrators are protesting against the socialist government of Lula (PT) and calling for the arrest of the corrupt leader. There are also placards calling for a military intervention.
The demonstrators left the Brasilia Army Headquarters and headed towards Congress.
BRAZIL UPDATE 2: Socialist Criminal Lula Flees Capital City and Flies to Sao Paulo, Massive Crowd Increasing in Size, Police Attacked By Joe Hoft
January 8, 2023 at 2:50pm – The already massive crowd in Brazil is growing. The people are taking back their country.
Per reports, socialist criminal Lula has left the complex and city and fled to San Paulo.
The protesters have taken over the seats of Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court of Brazil.
The mounted police tried and subdued the crowd but didn’t have a chance. They were way outnumbered.
[Ed.: That’s (really very) nice, but where’s the military who vowed to protect the people??? The Brazilian military is now positioned on the borders of Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, and Chile ready to hold those invading armies back. That is why for now, the People are more or less on their own. Just now, Lula gave the military authority under Article 142 of the Constitution, but only for the Capitol, Brasilia. This is a good beginning for Article 142!]
[Ed.: Is the US directing this show? Sure looks like it…]
Bolsonaro supporters invade Brazil’s Congress, Supreme Court and executive buildings (VIDEOS)
Videos show Bolsonaro supporters destroying an auditorium in the federal court building.
Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro broke into buildings for Brazil’s National Congress, Supreme Federal Court and the Planalto Palace, the presidential workplace, videos show.
Protesters appear to have broken glass windows to enter the congressional building in Brasilia around 2:40 p.m. local time.
Brazilian reporter Renato Souza said President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who was sworn into office last week, was not in the area.
Bolsonaro supporters invaded the federal court building around 3:45 p.m., according to local outlet Metropoles.
As law enforcement threw gas at the protesters, one demonstrator entering the court said, as translated: “God is on our side and will throw all the gas back to them.”
Brazilian George Marques said, originally in Portuguese, that within an hour of invading the federal court, “nothing was left intact, everything destroyed” by the rioters.
The demonstrators also appear to have breached Brazil’s Planalto Palace, where the president works.
Brasilia’s governor, Ibaneis Rocha, asked for authorization to suspend electricity and water to the entire governmental area in case the protesters decide to extend their occupation of the buildings, Alerta News 24 reported.
Reports from Metropoles and Souza state that members of the press and government employees in the buildings are being attacked.
[Ed.: Lula is closely following the instructions in the US playbook for the January 6th “Insurrection”! It was Lula’s people that broke the glass and entered and damaged the buildings. Lula’s government is now calling all Bolsonaro supporters “terrorists”, just like Biden’s administration. This is a repeat of January 6th in Washington, only it is January 8th in Brazil. Another huge difference is that up here, we are well armed, and down there, they are not…]
EXCLUSIVE to Gateway Pundit: Brazilian Journalist Who Exposed Child Abuse in Schools Targeted by Communist Lula Regime Describes His Persecution: “Over 800 Arrest Warrants Filed by Chief Justice Moraes” By Richard Abelson
January 8, 2023 at 7:30am – The Communist crackdown in Brazil continues: Journalist Wellington Macedo has fled the capital Brasilia for an undisclosed location, as he writes exclusively for The Gateway Pundit:
I am investigative journalist, Wellington Macedo, 47 years old. I’m a conservative evangelical Christian. I have three children, I was studying the seventh semester of law school.
My professional life was normal, until the moment when I started to denounce left-wing public servants involved in the abuse of children within our school system, manipulation of public data and corruption. In 2018, they tried to corrupt me with money and job offers, but I didn’t accept it.
Also in September 2018, the governor of Ceará, the communist Camilo Santana, his deputy governor Izilda Cela and senator Cid Gomes, along with more than 60 teachers from municipal schools, filed 70 lawsuits demanding I withdraw my documentary “Educação do Mal” from the Internet, in addition to financial compensation. They lost every lawsuit.
Brazil: Arrested Chief Serere has Medical Emergency and is Forced to Issue “Hostage Letter” By Richard Abelson
January 7, 2023 at 8:10pm – Indigenous chief and pro-democracy protestor Pastor José Acácio Serere Xavante suffered a medical emergency Jan. 4 after being held without charges for almost a month. His wife fears he may have had a heart attack. Shortly thereafter, the firebrand Bolsonaro supporter released an odd letter apologizing for his protests and calling corrupt Communist President Lula “Brother”.
Pastor Serere was brutally arrested by Brazil’s Stasi Federal Police Dec. 12 in front of his wife and kids (Gateway reported) for leading the pro-Bolsonaro protests in Brasilia and has been held without charges since.
On Jan. 4, Serere’s wife Sueli Xavante released a video pleading for her husband’s release.
“I am here to say that my husband Serere is a pastor, a dignified, honest man, a man who knows the word, who preaches the word, who defends what is right. It’s not fair that he’s in jail just because he speaks the truth, because he thinks of Brazil first, our homeland, our family. He is paying for a crime he did not commit. It has be a month since he has been arrested and I want my husband back”, says Sueli.
„We have six children, and I need my husband home. The authorities must release him. he is sick, and has severe diabetes. He could have a heart attack at any time, and die. And who will bring him back to us then? He must be released. This is what I am begging you for.”
An unidentified indigenous witness said that “Serere suffers from advanced diabetes and he has to go on a diet of food and medication. And with all that he has been living in prison for almost 30 days, this has been affecting him a lot as a person and also his health. So, today, he felt sick and was attended to.”
Indigenous Deputy Silvia Waiãpi said that “a medical team was summoned for emergency care due to a possible metabolic alteration related to supposed non-insulin diabetes.”
On Jan. 5, the firebrand native preacher suddenly did an about-face, with his lawyer Jéssica Tavares issuing a letter of apology that sounds like a hostage letter composed under duress.