Daily Shmutz – GEOENGINEERING WEATHER / “CLIMATE CHANGE” 1/15/23, 1/16/23, 1/17/23


2.  The Best Video On Climate Change That You Will Ever See   BY TYLER DURDEN

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

JAN 16, 2023 – 07:00 AM – If you only play one video this year, the video below is the one you should play…

Annual CO2 emissions chart from Data in Our World.

This is an absolutely brilliant speech by British satirist, Konstantine Kisin.


1.  Siberia Records Minus-80 Degrees As Talk Of Polar Vortex Grows  BY TYLER DURDEN

JAN 14, 2023 – 07:35 AM – Several weeks after the Christmas Arctic blast, much of the US and Europe have enjoyed record warmth. Recall on Dec. 27, we noted the cold air mass from Siberia that spread across the continental US would dissipate into the new year. So far, this is correct, as three weeks of above-average weather has staved off an energy crisis in the Northern Hemisphere. But just north, in Siberia, temperatures are sinking to near-record lows. And it could only be a matter of time before the giant cold air mass swirling in the North Pole becomes unstable, breaks down, and begins pouring into the US and Europe.

Global warming alarmists who called for an imminent climate disaster last summer are scratching their heads as the rural northern Siberian town of Zhilinda just recorded temperatures of minus-79.8 degrees, according to climatologist Maximiliano Herrera, who tracks extreme temperatures across the globe.

Herrera told The Washington Post that Zhilinda was just a few degrees off from breaking its record low of minus-82.3 degrees. The all-time low for the Northern Hemisphere was set in Russia in 1933 at minus-89.9 degrees.

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