Daily Shmutz | 100222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)





Canada’s spy agency persuaded Turkey to hide recruitment of spy who trafficked teens to Islamic State      BY CHRISTINE DOUGLASS-WILLIAMS

More shady activity under the Trudeau government. And why was this done? The Trudeau government has not answered that question. Turkey was reluctant to collude with Canada, but when it eventually agreed to the request, it “punished Canada by limiting the number of CSIS agents operating at the Canadian embassy in Ankara. CSIS also promised that any further clandestine activities in the country would be conducted as joint operations with Turkish intelligence.”

In 2019, out of the blue, Turkey mysteriously offered to help Canada repatriate Islamic State (ISIS) fighters who are currently held in Syria, along with their families. Canada’s Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) viewed Turkey as “a better option than Iraq” to partner with, for in Iraq, “foreign ISIS members could face death sentences.” Jessica Davis, a former Canadian Security Intelligence Service analyst, recognized that allowing Islamic State jihadis to return posed challenges, but in her view “it had to be done”.

For background on the strange story of Canada’s spy agency CSIS being accused of smuggling UK teens including Shamima Begum to the Islamic State, using the paid services of Mohammed al-Rashed, see HERE. After al-Rashed helped smuggle the girls (and others) into Islamic State-controlled territory, he was arrested by Turkish police. Four years later came that mysterious offer by Turkey to “help Canada” repatriate Islamic State jihadists held in Syria. A year before that, in 2018, CBC reported on another grotesque gesture by the Trudeau government, which had so little regard for the victims of Islamic State atrocities that it missed a “deadline to resettle ISIS survivors of rape, genocide due to flight restrictions,” and “no new applications would be accepted” under the initiative “that offered asylum to Yazidis and other ISIS victims.” Whatever is going on between the Canadian Government and ISIS needs full disclosure.



Russia and Israel: Annexation and International Law   BY TED BELMAN

Russia just annexed four provinces previously considered part of Ukraine. Annexing the land of another country acquired by war is illegal according to international law… or so they say.

But if the residents of such land decide by referendum to secede and declare independence, before being annexed by another country, such as what transpired with respect to Crimea in 2014 and now and the four eastern provinces formerly part of Ukraine, does this make the annexation legal? Possibly. It all depends if the residents had the right to secede and whether the referendum was properly executed.


[Ed.:  A Random Thought:

Imagine if DeSantis from Florida were to catch the FBI and/or the Department of Justice in their illegal activities in Florida, and call up the National Guard. Then arrest the leaders and incarcerate them, and kick out the rest of them from Florida.  Then call for a Constitutional Conference to replace the Federal Government.  Remember the Federal Government is a fiction of the imagination of the States that created it.  Maybe it’s time to ‘clean house’ and make a new start.  That would really ruffle the feathers of those who pull the strings of the Biden regime!]



FDA Withholding Autopsy Results On People Who Died After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines    by Zachary Stieber 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to release the results of autopsies conducted on people who died after getting COVID-19 vaccines.

The FDA says it is barred from releasing medical files, but a drug safety advocate says that it could release the autopsies with personal information redacted.

The refusal was issued to The Epoch Times, which submitted a Freedom of Information Act for all autopsy reported obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following COVID-19 vaccination.

Reports are lodged with the system when a person experiences an adverse event, or a health issue, after receiving a vaccine. The FDA and other agencies are tasked with investigating the reports. Authorities request and review medical records to vet the reports, including autopsies.

The FDA declined to release any reports, even redacted copies.

The FDA cited federal law, which enables agencies to withhold information if the agency “reasonably foresees that disclosure would harm an interest protected by an exemption,” with the exemption being “personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

Federal regulations also bar the release of “personnel, medical and similar files the disclosure of which constitutes a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.”

The Epoch Times has appealed the denial, in addition to the recent denial of results of data analysis of VAERS reports.


The Covid Rabbit Hole: An Inside Look at the Virus’s Origin  [7:00]   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

That all of our federal health agencies are captured by industry can no longer be in doubt. The COVID pandemic has confirmed lingering suspicions of this, and then some. Captured agencies that are now more or less openly working against the interest of the American public include the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

They have repeatedly authorized experimental mRNA-based COVID shots despite overwhelming evidence of harm and little to no benefit. The National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which has been in charge of all U.S. biodefense research since 2003, under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Fauci, is also part of this group.

As reported by Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (video above), evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 being the result of a lab leak, and that Fauci, Harvard researchers, China, the mainstream media, the World Health Organization and tech companies all worked together to cover it up. In his report, Saagar reviews the timeline of that cover-up, published by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) September 14, 2022.1


British Film Depicts Suffering of COVID-19 Vaccinees  [55:23]   by Sharon Rondeau

(Oct. 2, 2022) – A with nearly 350,000 views posted on YouTube as of press time depicts the suffering of a number of British citizens after receiving one or more of the COVID-19 “vaccine” products manufactured by AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

Titled, “Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion,” the production was by Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a prominent British cardiologist who recently announced his conclusion, after receiving two Pfizer shots, studying data and speaking with two Pfizer “whistleblowers,” that the COVID-19 injections are “not completely safe.”


A Giant “Screw You” to Taxpayers: Dr. Peter Daszak Is Awarded New Government NIH Grant to Study Bat Coronavirus in Asia   by Jim Hoft

On March 28, 2016, Dr. Peter Daszak described exactly how scientists could create a virus in a China lab that would lead to a global coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Daszak: We found other coronaviruses in bats a whole host of them. Some of them looked very similar to SARS so we sequenced the spike protein, the protein that attaches to cells. Then we, well I didn’t do this work my colleagues in China did the work, you create pseuda-particles. You create a spike proteins from those viruses simply bind to human cells. each step of this you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic to people.

Today there is documentation and email evidence of Dr. Peter Daszak admitting that he and Fauci were doing work in collaboration with the Chinese virologists at the Wuhan virology lab.


Scottish Government Orders Investigation Into Recent Spike in New Born Baby Deaths   by Jim Hoft

The Scottish Government announced an investigation of why newborn deaths were higher than expected in both September 2021 and March 2022, as published by Public Health Scotland.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland has been commissioned by the Scottish Government to investigate the high incidence of newborn mortality in the country.

“The review will cover all reported deaths across Scotland between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022 to find out if there is anything that may have contributed to the increase. Anything identified will feed into recommendations and actions to improve the quality of care for mother and babies,” according to the news release.

“Once the review team is formed it is expected it will take no longer than six to nine months to complete the work,” it added.

TRENDING: A Giant “Screw You” to Taxpayers: Dr. Peter Daszak Is Awarded New Government NIH Grant to Study Bat Coronavirus in Asia

Deaths among infants younger than four weeks old increased to at least 18 in March (4.6 per 1,000 births) and as many as 21 in September (2021) (4.9 per 1,000 births), according to Scottish Daily Express.


Case Report Confirms mRNA Spike Proteins Found in the Heart and Brain of a Deceased Man – Spike Protein may have Contributed to the Patient’s Lesions and Illness   by Jim Hoft

Dr. Michael Mörz, who works at Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt in Germany, did a case report on a 76-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease (PD) who died three weeks after getting his third COVID-19 shot.

The case report was published in the top journal “Vaccines” on Monday.

According to the report, the patient received the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vector vaccine in May 2021, followed by the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in July and December of that same year.

When the deceased’s family members noticed certain discrepancies in the clinical symptoms that occurred just before the death, they requested for an autopsy to be performed.


Why Additional Engineered Pandemics Are To Be Expected  [1:00:14]   Dr. Joseph Mercola

Shocking Insight From Bioweapons Expert, Law Professor

‘No biodefense research is purely defensive – to do the work, you’re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons.’ Frances Boyle has a lot to share – you don’t want to miss this interview.

In this interview, repeat guest Francis Boyle — whose background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science — shares his views on the latest efforts to instill fear in the public, this time about monkeypox.

Early on in the COVID pandemic, Francis Boyle, Ph.D., was sure it was the result of a lab leak. He believes monkeypox is another lab creation, as it now suddenly has 30 mutations from the wild monkeypox found in Africa.

President Biden recently signed the Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy, and this order basically promises we’ll see additional manmade pandemics.

Section 12, paragraph VII in Biden’s executive order states that the purpose of the order is to “develop and work and promote and implement … dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens”.

That means they intend to perform gain-of-function research on deadly pathogens, any one of which could be released to create a global pandemic when a scare event is necessary to trick populations into choosing a false sense of safety over freedom. Boyle believes there’s no doubt there will be additional pandemics, because they’re intentionally creating them.

Boyle believes monkeypox was engineered and released in an effort to scare governments and populations into accepting the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty, which would make the WHO the sole decision-maker in pandemic situations.


Acute Corneal Transplant Rejection After COVID-19 Vaccination

Amar P Shah  Daliya Dzhaber  Kenneth R Kenyon  Kamran M Riaz  Dean P Ouano  Ellen H Koo 


Purpose: The purpose of this report was to describe 4 cases of acute corneal transplant rejection occurring in association with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA vaccination.

Methods: Four patients with prior keratoplasty developed presumed immunologic rejection after the mRNA-1273 vaccination for coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Case 1 had received Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty 6 months ago and presented with endothelial graft rejection 3 weeks after the first vaccine dose. Case 2 had undergone penetrating keratoplasty 3 years previously and presented with acute endothelial rejection 9 days after the second vaccine dose. Case 3 had prior Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) and began experiencing symptoms of endothelial graft rejection 2 weeks after the second vaccine dose. Case 4 presented with endothelial rejection of the penetrating keratoplasty graft 2 weeks after the second vaccine dose.

Results: Frequent topical corticosteroids alone were initiated in all 4 cases. In case 1, the endothelial rejection line appeared fainter with improvement in visual acuity and corneal edema 5 weeks after diagnosis. Case 2 experienced complete resolution of corneal stromal edema and rejection line 6 weeks after diagnosis. Cases 3 and 4 have both experienced initial improvement with steroid treatment as well.


World Class Pakistani Cricketer Dead at 36 Years of Age From “Horrific Cardiac Arrest”   by Brian Lupo

The Gateway Pundit shared a report last month that showed 1101 athletes were known to have died from “Sudden Cardiac Death” from 1966 to 2004.   That number is up to at least 673 from January 2021 thru April 2022.  It continues to grow.  TGP also reported on a new commercial spot in New York normalizing myocarditis, an inflamed heart condition, in children.

On September 30, 2022, another athlete “died suddenly” from cardiac arrest.  Shehzad Azam Rana, a 36 year old cricketer died from a “horrific cardiac arrest.”  This is not normal.  Young athletes are dying at astounding numbers, primarily from cardiac events.


REVEALED: Pfizer CEO Met with EU President Ursula von der Leyen Before Multi-Billion-Euro Deal Struck on Vaccines – And Now He Won’t Testify Before EU Committee   by Jim Hoft

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla will not testify before the European Parliament’s special committee on COVID-19 later this month. The committee was expected to grill Bourla over the company’s secretive vaccine deals he struck with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The deal preceeded the distribution of the Pfizer vaccine to Europe.

Other Big Pharma companies have already testified with the committee.

Von der Leyen was directly involved in preliminary negotiations for the EU’s biggest vaccine contract.


[Re-posting daily]

Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75  [26:48]   childrenshealthdefense 

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.

It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.

On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.

Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.

Watch the full event here ➡️:



Majority of Republicans Choose Trump in 2024, Just One-Third of Democrats Support a Biden Bid

Former President Donald Trump enjoys significantly more support from his Republican base than President Biden sees from Democrats, an I&I/TIPP Polls survey released this week found.

The survey asked both Democrats and Republicans who they would vote for if their respective presidential primary were held today.

Biden failed to garner a majority of  support, as roughly one-third of Democrats — 34 percent — said they would choose him. Former first lady Michelle Obama came in second with 11 percent support, followed by Vice President Kamala Harris (10 percent), Sen. Bernie Sanders (7 percent), Hillary Clinton (5 percent), and Pete Buttigieg and Gov. Gavin Newsom, both of whom garnered four percent each. No other candidate came close, but 11 percent of Democrats said they remain unsure of who they would support.

Biden’s 34 percent, however, is a four-percent uptick from the 30 percent who said the same in August’s survey.

Unlike Biden, Trump has significantly more support from his base, as 54 percent of Republicans said they would vote for him in the GOP primary. That is up from the 53 percent who said the same in August, prior to the FBI’s unprecedented Mar-a-Lago raid.

No other Republican comes close, as Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second with 15 percent, followed by former Vice President Mike Pence (8 percent). No other Republican saw anything over two percent.  Ten percent of Republicans, however, said they remain unsure.

The survey concludes that Biden is “weak across the board within his own constituency, the Democrats.” Trump, however, does not have that issue:







WATCH: Third week of unrest across Iran over Mahsa Amini’s death  [2:06]

Over 130 Iranians are estimated to have been killed by government forces as protests across Iran continue into their third consecutive week.


Iran: The Chained Volcano    by Amir Taheri

  • Today’s Damavand [volcano] s made of a new generation of Iranians who don’t give tuppence about the Islamic Republic’s arcane narrative, and prefer life in the modern world, warts and all, to the North Korean-style society that “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei is trying to impose on Iran.
  • The uprising was triggered by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year old woman on a family visit to Tehran.
  • Within 24 hours of her death, allegedly as a result of beatings by security agents, Amini’s name was known to almost all Iranians and, within 48 hours, it had become a symbol of resistance to tyranny across the world.
  • By the time of writing this column, we had received the names of 84 people, including nine women and six children, killed by security, while semi-official figures put the number of arrests at over 1,800.
  • The uprising has spread to over 300 towns and cities, some of which are witnessing protests for the first time in recent history.
  • Early in its existence, the Khomeinist regime established self-preservation as its highest goal. Khomeini called it “the obligation of obligations” (oujab al-wajebat in Arabic), asserting that to protect the regime, even Islam could be set aside.
  • Regime protection forces, excluding the national army, number over 600,000 men. Islamic security is organized in nine different units, at least four of them trained and equipped for crushing street protests.
  • All security units, including Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), benefit from numerous advantages, notably salaries that are 30 percent higher than comparable ones in the national army.
  • The latest uprising is different from previous ones in a number of ways…. This time, the almost unanimous call is for regime change.
  • Until this writing, Khamenei, who shed tears for the death of George Floyd in the United States, has been silent on the eruption that threatens his regime.



How Victims of Rape Are Viewed: The Persecution of Christians   by Raymond Ibrahim

  • When the 12-year-old girl was produced at court and said that she had converted of her free will and married her Muslim kidnapper, the judge—ignoring the girl’s young age and distraught demeanor—ordered the accused released and the girl returned to him, even though there was massive contrary evidence to indicate that the girl was being coerced to lie under duress. The evidence included a voice recording of her Muslim husband threatening to butcher the girl’s two brothers if she failed to support him in court. — Morningstar News, August 23, 2022, Pakistan.
  • “Police and judiciary tend to support those who commit crimes such as forced conversions, child marriages and sexual violence because they believe they will receive a heavenly reward for helping convert someone to Islam, regardless of how intentional or coercive the conversion is.” — Sherkan Malik, human rights activist, Morningstar News, August 23, 2022, Pakistan.
  • “In the rare cases where a girl is returned to her family, the culprits are never held accountable. In other words, the supposedly law-preserving authorities act as implicit, if not explicit, partner in such heinous crimes.” — Report, copticsolidarity.org, August 9, 2022, Egypt.
  • “I am writing to you out of deep concern for the safety and well-being of the indigenous Coptic women and minor girls in Egypt who have been increasingly targeted for trafficking, forced marriage, and forced conversion.” — Petition, copticsolidarity.org, August 9, 2022, Egypt.
  • [T]hroughout the month of August… a total of eleven Coptic churches in Egypt supposedly “caught fire,” none of which was reported in the Western press…. In every one of those eleven fires, Egyptian authorities denied arson as a possible cause, citing instead “natural” or accidental causes such as faulty wiring, electric overloads, and so on, even though there was obvious foul play in at least one case…. — copticsolidarity.org, August 31, 2022, Egypt.
  • “Constant killings and maiming of innocent Christians by terrorists and herdsmen bandits [Muslim Fulani] have become very common here in Taraba state,” said Ayuba Matthew, a local. “So also, kidnappings of Christians has become a problem.” — Morningstar News, August 17, 2022, Nigeria.
  • “Incitement against the Copts is daily in Egypt! Accusing the Copts of being infidels [kuffar] is daily in Egypt! Mockery of Christianity and the sacred things of Christianity and the accusation that the Bible is distorted [moharraf] occurs daily in Egypt!” — Magdi Khalil, noted author, YouTube, August 15, 2022, Egypt.
  • “They forced me to sing Christian songs as they began chopping off my husband’s hand.” …. Apparently fearful of worse repercussions, the “family has yet to file a police report.” — Morningstar News, August 16, 2022, Egypt.
  • A recent video report found that, although Christians make up only 1.6% of the Muslim nation’s population, they account for 90% of Islamabad’s sanitation workers…. [M]any sanitation job listings in Pakistan often advertise “for non-Muslims only”: working in garbage all day is for “infidels,” not ritually clean Muslims. — dw.com and Morningstar News, August 11, 2022, Pakistan.
  • Although deemed by some Westerners as a relatively progressive Arab nation, Qatar continues to indoctrinate its children with hate for and violence against “infidels,” including Christians and Jews…. — impact-se.org, July 2022, Qatar.


Israel  (IINO)

CAPTURED: ISIS cell in northern Israel planned to blow up Arab school     By Debbie Reiss, World Israel News

Six Arab Israeli terror operatives plotting several attacks against Christian, Jewish and Muslim targets were arrested.

An Islamic State cell that was planning several terror attacks, including blowing up a Muslim high school, was raided by Israeli authorities in the northern city of Nazareth, the Shin Bet security agency announced on Sunday.

Six Arab Israeli terror operatives were arrested: Muhammad Ihab Suleiman; 25 Afar Suleiman, 21; Moaman Nijam, 20; Ahmed Belal Suleiman, 18; Jahad Bakr, 20, and another unidentified minor. Muhammad Suleiman was previously known to the authorities as having ties to IS. The rest were found to have engaged in terrorist activities with the terror group online, the Shin Bet said.

They met in secret and plotted to carry out several terror attacks, the most major being against a Muslim high school in Nazareth, for “operating in the way of ‘the infidels,’” the suspects were cited as saying.

The suspects also planned an attack against Jewish and Christian targets, including a bus station in Nazareth, a police station, as well as a local park.

They were inspired by other IS attacks in Israel, including in Beersheba, Hadera and Jerusalem earlier this year.


Israel-Hezbollah deal slammed as ‘shameful surrender’ to Iran-backed terror   By World Israel News

Critics of the pending deal have panned it as a dangerous capitulation to Iran’s terror proxy.

Israel and Lebanon are on the cusp of signing a U.S.-brokered deal to resolve a maritime border dispute, a move that has been hailed by Hezbollah’s terror chief and slammed by critics as deeply flawed.

Hassan Nasrallah on Saturday said that Lebanon would be the ultimate decision-maker regarding the U.S.-drafted agreement, which he said was “positive.”

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said the proposal safeguards Israel’s security-diplomatic interests, as well as its economic interests.

“Money will flow into the state’s coffers and our energy independence will be secured. This deal strengthens Israel’s security and Israel’s economy,” he said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday.

“We do not oppose the development of an additional Lebanese gas field, from which we will of course receive the share we deserve. Such a field will weaken Lebanon’s dependence on Iran, restrain Hezbollah and promote regional stability,” he went on.

The deal would pave the way for the extraction and production of energy from the offshore Karish gas field, which has been the subject of a fierce disagreement over the two nations’ maritime borders.

However, critics have slammed the deal as surrendering to Hezbollah, with opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu saying Israel was gifting millions to the Iran-backed terror group.



Jury Selection Complete in Oath Keepers Garbage Seditious Conspiracy Trial Before DC Kangaroo Court and Far Left Judge Amit Mehta   by Jim Hoft

We are witnessing the end of justice in the United States of America.

In the coming days several Oath Keepers members will be frog-marched into a DC kangaroo court and convicted on bogus charges of seditious conspiracy.

The Democrats will then cheer the collapse of our judicial system.

As The Gateway Pundit readers know, we have been in frequent contact with several Jan-6 prisoners and Oath Keepers members for a year-and-a-half now since the January 6 protests and riot.



FBI whistleblower says SWAT teams being misused, J6 defendants’ rights trampled

Suspended agent says he and others are being listed “as Affiants on search and arrest warrant affidavits for subjects” whom they “have never investigated or even interviewed.”

An FBI whistleblower has reported to the Office of Special Counsel that he believes the bureau and Justice Department are violating the constitutional rights of Jan. 6 defendants, falsifying statistics on domestic extremism and misusing SWAT teams to make misdemeanor arrests, according to a copy of the complaint reviewed by Just the News.

Special Agent Stephen M. Friend, who works for the FBI in Florida and serves as a SWAT team member, told the main federal whistleblower office in Washington he had an “exemplary” work record since he joined the bureau in 2014 and even won awards but was suspended in recent days after he began raising concerns about the FBI’s and DOJ’s conduct in the Jan. 6 investigation

“I believed the investigations were inconsistent with FBI procedure and resulted in the violation of citizens’ Sixth and Eighth Amendment rights,” Friend wrote. “I added that many of my colleagues expressed similar concerns to me but had not vocalized their objections to FBI Executive Management.”



“Gone In 30 Minutes” – Next On Europe’s Doomsday List: Collapse Of Cell Phone Networks   BY TYLER DURDEN

It’s not just heating that could be missing across Europe this winter: cell phones may be the next to go. That’s because if power cuts or energy rationing knocks out parts of the mobile networks across the region, mobile phones could go dark around Europe this winter according to the latest doomsday reporting from Reuters.

While everyone knows by now that Europe’s chances of rationing and power shortages have exploded ever since Moscow suspended gas supplies, in France, the situation is even worse as several nuclear power plants are shutting down for maintenance. And the cherry on top: telecom industry officials told Reuters they fear a severe winter will put Europe’s telecoms infrastructure to the test, forcing companies and governments to try to mitigate the impact (i.e., more bailout demands).

The problem, as four telecoms executives put it, is that currently there are not enough back-up systems in many European countries to handle widespread power cuts, raising the prospect of mobile phone outages. Realizing that in just weeks Europe could be cell phone free, countries including France, Sweden and Germany, are scrambling to ensure communications can continue even if power cuts end up exhausting back-up batteries installed on the thousands of cellular antennas spread across their territory.


FBI’s Brutal Draft Letter Firing Agent Peter Strzok Revealed   by Tony Gray

A formerly high-ranking Federal Bureau of Investigation official who disgraced himself and his agency has sued for reinstatement and money.

Former Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok claims his 2018 firing was politically motivated and should get his old job back. He adds that disclosing his adulterous text messages to his married lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, violated his right to privacy.

FBI Inspector General Michael Horowitz determined the messages were “not only indicative of a biased state of mind but, even more seriously, implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidate’s electoral prospects.”

A court of appropriate jurisdiction should not find a reasonable expectation of privacy when an individual uses a device owned by their employer as Strzok did when sending his salacious texts during his extramarital affair.


Florida death toll on Saturday afternoon at least 77 – more than double the number from morning

Roughly 1,000 people so far have been rescued from flooded areas along Florida’s southwestern coast.

The death toll in Florida late Saturday afternoon as a result of Hurricane Ian reached 77 – over twice the number reported earlier in the day.

The storm made U.S. landfall Wednesday on Florida’s Gulf Coast as a Category 4 hurricane – leveling homes and taking lives with storm surges and flooding rains driven by 150 mph winds.


The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime  [1:35:02]  Dr. Joseph Mercola

At the time of World War ll, US intelligence formalized its cooperation with organized crime to form Operation Underwood. From there, the web of corruption grew to entangle many well-known figures.  You know most of the names. What you don’t know is how corrupted they are today.


  • Whitney Webb’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” provides the framework to understand not just the role and function of Epstein, but also, more broadly, the mess we’re now finding ourselves in
  • Around the time of World War II, the intelligence community in the United States formalized its cooperation with organized crime syndicates in what was known as Operation Underworld, and the web of corruption grew from there
  • Sexual blackmail was used by organized crime before U.S. intelligence even existed. As criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship, blackmail became a tool to achieve their individual ends
  • While it may appear as though organized crime is being combated, this is rarely ever the case. Stories of cracking down on organized crime are cover stories to hide what’s really happening, which is the consolidation of organized crime territory
  • The incentive behind all this criminal activity is not merely the hoarding of money to live in the lap of luxury. It’s about power and control over others. The good news is we can pull the plug on their plans


Russia Cuts Off Gas to Italy Just Days After New Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Announces Her Support for Ukraine   by Jim Hoft

On Sunday Italy voted in its first female populist candidate Giorgia Meloni to lead the country.

The Italian Center Right Party won big in national elections on Sunday making Giorgia Meloni the first female leader in the country’s history.

On Wednesday, in one of her first announcements since winning her election Giorgia Meloni pledged her full support for Kyiv after receiving congratulations from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for her election victory.

On Saturday Russian energy giant Gazprom suspended gas deliveries to Italy. The company blamed a transport problem in Austria.

The company does not see any new deliveries to Italy until Monday.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 1, 2022, # 373   [52:23]   Dane Wigington

After passing the peak of hurricane season with almost complete silence, the tables have turned with Hurricane Ian. Are the increasingly anomalous and destructive weather events just random acts of Nature? Or is there much more to the story? US mainstream media is giving almost no coverage of the sabotage on the European gas supply pipelines. Just an oversight? Tens of thousands of empty passenger jets are flying in our skies, why? The world is completely unprepared for what is already unfolding. How bad will it get? How long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below


Religious Freedom vs. Gay Rights: Why mainstream Jewish groups didn’t defend Yeshiva University    By Jonathan S. Tobin, JNS

The battle between the school and an LGBTQ student club pits religious freedom against gay rights. Organizations, and even major donors, think the latter is more important.

The latest exchange in the ongoing battle between Yeshiva University and the YU Pride Alliance, a student LGBTQ club, allowed for at least a temporary ceasefire between the two sides. But the case continues to generate controversy, as the status quo of other recognized groups continuing to operate on the campus, while the gay club still seeks equal treatment, remains.

YU stands a good chance of eventually prevailing if, as expected, a decision on the merits of the case is decided by the U.S. Supreme Court at some point. But even if it does win, it may wind up losing vital support from key donors.

The case has shown that in the conflict between two competing legal rights—that of the school to religious freedom, and that of the gay club not to be discriminated against—the mainstream Jewish world clearly thinks the latter is the more important.

The law may ultimately be on the side of an Orthodox school’s ability to govern itself according to the religious precepts to which it is dedicated. But, judging by the reaction to the case from the organized Jewish world, which has largely distanced itself from one of the country’s leading Jewish institutions, most Jews appear ready to sacrifice that principle. Especially if solidarity with religious Jews means putting them on the wrong side of a dispute in which Jewish law is pitted against gay rights.



Synthetic Salvation — On Genomics, Mind Uploads, And The Quest For Immortality by Joe Allen

Fear of death is intrinsic to human life. As our years accumulate, we watch friends and family drop off, one by one, disappearing from our presence and lingering only in memories.

Barring some miracle, divine or otherwise, we’re all soon to follow, down to the sweetest baby ever born.

Unfazed by this horror, the faithful are emboldened by belief in resurrection or reincarnation—a direct participation in the eternal. For religious people, the body is just a vehicle for a transcendent soul. The mystery of death is a rite of passage.

For the materialist, there is only this world, beyond which the dying meet total annihilation. The brain dissolves into black nothingness. Consciousness stops with the Big Zero at the end of our lives. And for all sentient beings, and all memory of our existence, there awaits the Big Zero at the end of the universe.


Get Your Genome Sequenced For Just $200

Increased competition could benefit the genomics industry, even though research is generally difficult to convert into real-world health advances. But now, you can get your genome sequenced for just $200.

Each individual has a different arrangement of the As, Cs, Gs, and Ts—the basic building blocks that make up DNA—which make up the more than 6 billion letters that constitute the human genome. It used to require a tremendous amount of resources—money, time, and effort—to figure out the order of all those letters. Numerous researchers worked on the Human Genome Project for 13 years. $2.7 billion was the final price.

The genomics era began with that 1990 initiative, which also sparked the creation of at-home DNA tests and other innovations while assisting researchers in understanding the genetic causes of many inherited disorders and cancer. Then, scientists began sequencing more genomes, including those from bacteria, viruses, bacteria, and plants. Prior to ten years ago, sequencing a human genome cost researchers roughly $10,000. It was $1,000 a few years ago. It is roughly $600 right now.

Sequencing will soon become much more affordable. The genomics behemoth Illumina today announced the NovaSeq X series, which it claims to be its fastest and most affordable sequencing machine to date, at a business event in San Diego. The firm, which holds around 80% of the global market share for DNA sequencing, predicts that its new technique would reduce the price of each human genome to about $200 while doubling the reading speed. The more potent model will be able to sequence 20,000 genomes annually, according to Francis deSouza, CEO of Illumina; its existing machines can only accomplish roughly 7,500. The new devices will begin to be sold by Illumina today, with shipments beginning the following year.


Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Guide for the Perplexed, 2022   By Yoram Ettinger

Based on ancient Jewish Sages

More on Jewish holidays: SmashwordsAmazon

  1. Yom Kippur is observed on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishrei (October 5, 2022), a Super Sabbath (Shabbat Shabbaton in Hebrew), concluding 10 days of soul-searching and spiritual self-awareness and self-enhancement, which begins on Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish year.

According to Leviticus 23:26-32: “The Lord said to Moses, that the tenth day of this seventh month [Tishrei] is the Day of Atonement…. Do not do any work on that day…. This is a lasting ordinance for generations to come….”

Yom Kippur commemorates the day of divine forgiveness for the sin of worshipping the golden calf idol. It is a warning against a recurring human fallibility: the temptation to sacrifice spiritual values on the altar of materialism.



Saki gas combined heat and power plant of the KRYMTETS company in Crimea   by Slavisha Batko Milacic

From August 26 to 30, a group of international journalists had the opportunity to visit Crimea and see how the European Union sanctions affect Crimea. The author of this article was among that group of international journalists. As a reminder, Crimea became part of Russia again in 2014. In March of that year, a referendum was held in Crimea, where the absolute majority of citizens were in favor of unification with Russia. This is not surprising considering that even while Crimea was part of Ukraine, the majority of citizens were pro-Russian and spoke Russian.

When in Kiev during the Maidan revolution, the legitimate government was overthrown and a new anti-Russian government was brought in power with the logistics of Washington, the local population in Crimea did not accept it!(1) As people in Crimea say: ’’ We have been waiting for a long time to come back to our motherland Russia’’.  This is exactly how the return of Crimea to Russia began.

However, after the return of Crimea to Russia, the harsh sanctions of the European Union against Crimea immediately followed. In short, the Crimean sanctions by European Union consists of a complete import and investment ban for the area of Crimea and Sevastopol the black sea fleet port.

And this is where we come to the key question, how did the sanctions affect Crimea? Based on everything I’ve seen, I can safely say that the sanctions have had a positive effect on Crimea.

In Crimea, wine production is increasing every year. A huge amount of money has been invested in new wineries as well as in the quality of the wine. Today, Crimean wine is better than most European wines. Sanctions had a positive effect on wine production, as the large Russian market, plus the Asia Pacific region, was opened up to Crimean wineries. Notable Crimean winemakers today include: ‘’Alma Valley’’, ’’Massandra’’, ‘’Inkerman’’, ‘’Gold beam’’, “Koktebel”, “Magarach”, “Suter”, “Novyi Svit”, “Legend of Crimea”.

Apart from wine, which has been produced in Crimea for more than 2000 years, I could see that other areas are rapidly developing in Crimea. This primarily refers to Crimean agriculture, the results of which are visible to everyone. Also, Crimea is developing technologically, so today batteries for electric cars are produced in Crimea. With those batteries, electric cars will be supplied all over Russia, and in the coming years, exports outside of Russia will also begin. Certainly, tourism has a very important place in the economy of the Russian Republic of Crimea. What can be immediately noticed when arriving in Crimea on the new highway that was built and which is excellent is the huge number of tourists. Also, works on new roads and renovation of old ones, which were not invested in during the Ukrainian rule, are visible everywhere.

Pilot period of operation of the first made-in-Russia turbines completed at Saki gas-fired power plant

At the Saki gas combined heat and power plant of the KRYMTETS company, the Republic of Crimea, we could see that a two-year experimental period of operation of the gas turbine units, made in Russia for the first time by domestic specialists, was 100% completed without using of imported components and specifically for this project.

The need of creating such a natural gas-fired power station arose 8 years ago. After Crimea returned to Russia, Ukraine abruptly cut off the power supply of the peninsula by blowing up of the main power lines. Crimea being 80% energy dependent on mainland plunged into darkness. The peninsula was urgently provided with mobile power systems and began to actively build new, local generation facilities.

A complication during this process was by sanctions as it was impossible to bring imported equipment to Crimea, and almost all generation facilities in Russia were built with the use of Siemens and General Electric’s equipment. At the time Russian manufacturers developed and produced exclusive equipment specifically for the Saki gas-fired power plant. Therefore, all the turbines, boilers and other generating equipment of plant have factory set serial numbers, starting from the first one.

Saki natural gas-fired power plant with its total capacity of 120 megawatts (MW) was built in a year – a record-breaking time for such kind of objects. Usually it takes at least 2.5 years. In the same time, the plant was built without attracting of any budgetary funds, solely by the investor – the KRYMTETS company.

After the launch of the new gas-fired power plant, all the attention of specialists was riveted to the operation of the equipment – no one knew for sure how it would behave in operation. But now the pilot project of the first Russian gas-fired power plant based on Russian equipment and Russian software has been completed after two-year tests in the conditions of increased loads of the Crimean region have proved that Russian equipment works with high efficiency and has proven itself better than imported ones. Such a result determined that the turbines used at the Saki gas-fired power plant are recommended for installation at other natural gas-fired power stations of the Russian Federation, and also, after meeting domestic demand, they will be exported to friendly countries. In the same time, the Saki gas-fired power plant will become a training ground and a learning center for specialists who will operate this equipment at their power plants in other regions and countries.

In addition, this year the first virtual power plant in Russia was put into commercial operation on the basis of the Saki gas-fired power plant. This is a digital twin of a real power plant and is a prototype of the plant’s existing production facilities: turbines, boilers, auxiliary equipment, electrical installations, etc. The digital model helps to change the parameters of the equipment and make improvements much faster and safer than working in manual mode. The created software product is a domestic development as well and was created from scratch by Russian specialists.

And now the management of all the processes at the Saki gas-fired power plant is carried out only with the use of Russian software.

Currently, representatives of the largest Russian energy supply companies regularly visit Saki gas-fired power plant to get acquainted with the operation of equipment in industrial conditions and prepare for its implementation at their facilities.



Tyranny / Totalitarianism

Big Brother watching? Government agencies buying cell phone, internet data to track Americans

A growing partnership between third party data brokers and law enforcement agencies is raising alarm bells among civil liberties lawyers.

In a little noted trend, law enforcement agencies at every level of government are increasingly buying data from private, third-party data brokers on Americans’ phone and internet activities in order to track them, often without a warrant.

While proponents say this practice provides critical help for investigations, critics argue it poses a serious violation of civil liberties that needs to be addressed through legislation.


‘Going to dig into this’: Sen. Ron Johnson vows probe into federal effort to outsource censorship

Wisconsin Republican said if GOP takes back power in the House and Senate, they plan to look into feds using private entity to outsource censorship.

Sen. Ron Johnson, the top Republican on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation, is vowing to investigate revelation that federal agencies used a private entity to outsource online censorship during the last election.

Johnson reacted Friday night to a report by Just the News that four private groups worked with the departments of Homeland Security and State to censor massive numbers of social media posts they considered misinformation during the 2020 election.


Outsourced censorship: Feds used private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020

Biden administration gave millions in tax dollars to groups after election, records show. Election Integrity Partnership says it had 35% success rate getting tech platforms to label, remove or restrict content.

A consortium of four private groups worked with the departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and State to censor massive numbers of social media posts they considered misinformation during the 2020 election, and its members then got rewarded with millions of federal dollars from the Biden administration afterwards, according to interviews and documents obtained by Just the News.





Pelosi ripped for saying Florida needs migrants to ‘pick the crops’    By Emily Crane

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi caused outrage Friday when she attempted to justify waves of illegal migration to the US by claiming Florida farmers needed the new arrivals to “pick the crops down there.”

The California Democrat made the stunning remarks during a news conference at which she agreed that US has a responsibility to secure the border, but should also “recognize the importance of newcomers to our nation.”

“Right now, the best thing that we can do for our economy is comprehensive immigration reform,” Pelosi told reporters after being asked if she thought the southern border was secure following more than two million arrests of illegal crossers over the past 12 months.

“We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying: ‘Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here,’” she mused.


FEMA Chief Responds to Kamala Harris’ Claim That Hurricane Ian Relief Will Prioritize ‘Communities of Color’    (VIDEO)   by Cassandra Fairbanks

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell responded to Kamala Harris saying that Hurricane Ian relief will prioritize “communities of color” during an appearance on Sunday’s episode of Face the Nation.

… “Criswell was asked about Harris’ remark and the subsequent response by Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan.”

“We’re going to support all communities,” Criswell said. “I committed that to the governor, I commit to you right here that all Floridians are going to be able to get the help that is available to them through our programs.”


WATCH Racist Kamala Harris: Hurricane and Disaster Relief Should be Based on Race   (VIDEO)    By Cristina Laila

Of course.

Harris said resources and disaster relief in response to Hurricane Ian should be based on equity.

Approximately 2.6 million customers in Florida are without power after Hurricane Ian made landfall Wednesday.

Hurricane Ian made landfall on Florida’s west coast on Wednesday as a category 4 storm.

The eye of the storm hit Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Punta Gorda Wednesday with maximum sustained winds of 155 miles per hour.

Governor DeSantis described the damage as that of a 500-year flood after a 9+ foot surge in Fort Myers.

Rather than showing true leadership and reassuring all victims of Hurricane Ian they will receive the help and resources needed to rebuild their lives, Harris made it about race.

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues not of their own making,” Harris said referring to ‘extreme weather’ events.


World Economic Forum / New World Order

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.