BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
… ‘And Democrats are Democrats’
Deace: “Spirit of the Age Cultist Admits Her Cult and All Its False Promises Failed Her” JD Rucker
The Spirit of the Age.
The most popular Tweet I ever posted described the situation at the time (one that still persists in many ways today) in which vaxx-nannies blame the unvaxxed for their problems. I posted, “This is the only vaccine that people take three times, then wear masks, close businesses, stay home, and still get the disease, only to turn around and blame the unvaccinated for their troubles.”
It received 40k likes and I was really proud of it. This Tweet on the same subject by Steve Deace from The Blaze is better:
Self-owning tweet in which Spirit of the Age cultist admits her cult and all its false promises failed her, but she’ll keep on culting because that’s what cultists do.
The Usurper of a Darker Shade by Joseph DeMaio
Recently, your humble servant offered here at The P&E a post captioned, “The Tragic Mulatto of Martha’s Vineyard.” Some commenters took issue with the use of the term “tragic mulatto” in the title of that post, calling it a slur despite the fact that it comes from Obama’s own Dreams From My Father in describing how he was viewed in the eyes of others.
He could have used other terms, such as “mixed-race” or “bi-racial,” but neither he nor his editors strayed from the term he ultimately intentionally selected and used. This only underscores the oft-repeated observation here that, hypocrisy being the mother’s milk of liberals and the radical left, if it did not already exist, they would invent it at breakfast merely to survive until lunch.
The post was intended to highlight the racial hypocrisy of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. in slandering Republicans in general and their “agenda” as being racist for fear that the United States was becoming populated by too many people of “darker shades,” ignoring, of course, the inconvenient fact that while he occupied the Oval Office, his regime deported thousands upon thousands of people of the same skin tone…, with nary a peep of protest by his sycophants. But that, of course, was when the laws against illegal immigration still meant something and were enforced. Oh, and coincidentally, it was a Democrat of a “darker shade” doing the deportations.
The commenter’s objection was that the term “tragic mulatto” was, purportedly, an offensive “slur” and “only [gave]… further ammunition to those who see critiques of Obama as veiled racism.” Soooo…, any “critique” of Obama is …, racist? He is to be somehow immunized from criticism? Really?
“2023 Will Be Year From Hell” – Martin Armstrong Warns Europe ‘Could Suck The Rest Of The World Down The Tubes’ Via Greg Hunter’s,
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says nothing is going to get better by the end of 2022, and he is still forecasting “chaos” coming in 2023.
Armstrong says the plunge in the stock market last week is all because of “extreme uncertainty.” Armstrong predicted a stock market crash two months ago and contends, “It’s not over.”
Europe is in big financial trouble with Russian natural gas turned off as a retaliation from the sanctions. Armstrong explains:
“In Europe, I believe they are actually deliberately doing this, and this is Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset.’
They know they have a serious problem.
They lowered rates to below 0% in 2014. They just started raising interest rates. Meanwhile, you ordered all the pension funds throughout Europe to have more than 70% in government bonds. Then they took it negative.
All the pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.”
So, could Europe suck the rest of the world down the tubes? Armstrong says, “Oh, absolutely. Europe is the problem…”
Don’t Bring the World to an End! By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
The world stands in dire peril today, more so than at any time in the recent past. In an address on Russian TV, President Putin warned the he was prepared to use nuclear weapons if there was an attack on Russian territory: “Vladimir Putin has said he is prepared to use nuclear weapons as he warned the west: ‘I’m not bluffing.’
The Russian president issued the chilling statement in a rambling TV address in which he also confirmed plans to call up reservists ‘to defend our motherland’.
In a series of bizarre claims, he accused the west of threatening to use nuclear weapons against Moscow.
But he insisted Russia’s weapons were more advanced than Nato’s and he was not afraid to use them.
Putin claimed there were ‘plans in Washington and Brussels to move the military action onto the Russian territory’.
What the letter “B” tells us about phony Woke “Compassion” and “Open Orthodoxy” Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer
Arrogantly advocates expect to change 3,300 years of Judaism to accommodate a generation of brazen immorality and virtue signalers. Op-ed.
How to tell whether a rabbi or Jewish layman who advocates for “LGBTQs” is speaking of needing to treat “LGBTQs” with sympathy because he or she is motivated by Torah-based compassion — or by the “progressive” Wokeness of the morally degenerate segments of the non-Jewish world imported into our culture?
The answer is easy as “B.” Just “B.”
Even the most morally pure married Orthodox man may, at some point in his life, observe a woman besides his wife with whom he wishes he could consort, at least once. Maybe more than once and maybe more than one woman. But he never ever would act on that impulse because the Torah commands him to restrain that impulse, much as the Torah compels him to restrain the impulse to eat non-kosher, to steal or rob, or to break Shabbat to watch Aaron Judge pursue baseball history, and so on.
If he — or a woman similarly desirous of intimacy with a man forbidden to her — begs for sympathy, what can we tell them? If seeking pastoral care in private, OK. But, to some degree, his or her therapist or spiritual advisor might tell him or her to “take a ticket and await your turn in line.” The desire is common, but there is no room in Judaism for more than a sympathetic sigh and guidance to righteous behavior for such a man or woman who, although in a committed relationship with someone permitted, yearns also to be intimate with someone forbidden.
“But I am drawn to this married man or woman, and his or her marriage is falling apart anyway. But I am drawn to this non-Jewish man or woman, and he or she has a Jewish grandfather. But my spouse never will find out.” Sorry. We can’t help you. What other response are you expecting?
The Seth Rich Case: The FBI’s Other Laptop Scandal By Jack Cashill
This is the tale of two laptops, one tale definitely damaging to the Democrats, one potentially so. What they have in common is that the FBI did its damnedest to bury both.
For all the hubbub about the Hunter Biden laptop, there has been little talk about the laptop owned by DNC data analyst Seth Rich. In the way of brief summary, the 27-year-old Rich was beaten and then shot by unknown assailants on a Washington, D.C. street in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016. His attackers appear to have taken nothing—not his wallet, not his phone, not his watch.
Rich’s laptop was in his apartment not far from the scene of his murder. For six years, its fate has remained a mystery. In less than two weeks, however, thanks to a recent federal court decision, the FBI will be compelled to share its secrets, presuming there are any secrets and presuming too those secrets have not been scrubbed.
The FBI’s handling of the Hunter Biden laptop is well enough known. The FBI took the laptop into possession in October 2019. If the New York Post had not revealed its existence and some of its highly incriminating contents in October 2020, the public might not be aware of it even today.
[Ed.: A Random Thought:
Imagine if DeSantis from Florida (or any governor) were to catch the FBI and/or the Department of Justice in their illegal activities in Florida (or any state) and call up the National Guard. Then arrest the leaders and incarcerate them, and kick out the rest of them from Florida. Then call for a Constitutional Conference to replace the Federal Government. Remember the Federal Government is a fiction of the imagination of the States that created it. Maybe it’s time to ‘clean house’ and make a new start. That would really ruffle the feathers of those who pull the strings of the Biden regime!]
Pathologist who found 20-year-old college student died of a sore throat once testified he doesn’t like putting anything negative in autopsy reports Margaret Menge
Indiana University student Mia Roy, who was found dead in her apartment in Bloomington, Ind., on Sept. 14, 2021, died from essentially a sore throat, according to the pathologist who did the autopsy on her body.
But the pathologist, a Nigerian immigrant named Dr. Bamidele Adeagbo who works at Terre Haute Regional Hospital, has a concerning history.
Before coming to Indiana in 2018, he worked in the medical examiner’s office in Calgary in Alberta, Canada. In 2017, he was appointed the chief medical examiner there.
In a high-profile case in which the parents of a toddler in Alberta were charged in connection with his death, Adeagbo told the judge that he avoids putting anything negative on autopsy reports.
Here is the relevant part of that testimony, from the 2019 trial:
New paper confirms the COVID vaccines kill brain cells and heart cells leading to death Steve Kirsch
The CDC isn’t going to tell you any of this. Today, it’s the job of “misinformation spreaders” like me to let you know what is in the most respected peer-reviewed scientific journals.
A new paper in the peer-reviewed medical literature just came out showing the COVID vaccines, and not COVID, is causing myocarditis and encephalitis leading to death.
The paper is entitled: A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19.
It was published yesterday, Oct 1, and now has already has over 100,000 views of the abstract and over 6,000 views of the full text.
121 Breast Fed Infants Had “Issues” After Maternal Vaccination in Just ONE study! Igor Chudov
Pfizer and Moderna-paid Scientists Did not Even Look Into It
Another interesting article!
The point of that article was to provide a strong confirmation that Covid-19 vaccination in pregnant or lactating women is “safe and effective”.
Yeah, it is safe and effective… except for one small problem mentioned in passing… 121 breastfed infants were having problems after their mothers received their booster shots. The nature of the problems is not being disclosed.
Before we go on, please appreciate the “conflict of interest” disclosures in the article. Most of the scientists in the study are sponsored by vaccine companies, but specifically Dr. Kachikis and Dr. Englund report being sponsored by Covid vaccine makers Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca.
[Re-posting daily] Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75 [26:48] childrenshealthdefense
Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.
On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.
Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.
Watch the full event here :
2022 Midterm Action List – SEVEN STEPS You Can Take to SAVE OUR ELECTIONS From Fraud by Jim Hoft
If we all get involved in the 2022 midterms, WE can stop a majority of the election fraud. IT’S TIME TO ACT!
One thing we learned from the 2020 election is that post-election litigation does not prevent Democrats from cheating and stealing elections. It’s time to be proactive and step up before the midterm election. We currently have one month to act. Patriots must register as poll workers, observers, and get involved. But we must do more.
Now that citizens are aware of the fraud, many jurisdictions are taking active measures to prevent discovery and disclosure of it. Below are several county-level suggestions to help prevent fraud. A few might require legal action. If you have additional suggestions add it to the “Comments” section. If those suggestions need a more private disclosure, contact GP directly using this email. A more detailed version of this article is available in PDF that we will update as needed.
Below are a few highlights of what’s covered in this article:
- Lawsuits demanding oversight of key areas while elections are active.
- The several checklists to remind workers what to look for, and create incident reports.
- Demand GOP observers at ballot transfer loading docks, USPS Regional Facility, and so on
- GOP election staff need an external War Room team to handle issues on their behalf.
- War Rooms must contact top election officials and county supervisors immediately.
- Obtain printing vendor details about QVF files, ballots printed, total ballots mailed.
- Track in real-time all UAA ballots leading up to election day, and while counting.
- Contact local and national media outlets about issues, and name the obstructing officials.
The Case Against Fluoride By Steve Kirsch
We’ve been fluoridating water since the 1950’s. The science is similar to vaccines: they simply forgot to do the all-cause mortality and morbidity studies showing the benefits outweigh the harms.
At the AB 2098 event in Sacramento today, Jay Sanders of walked up to me and asked me, “Can I give you a book?”
This is the sort of life changing question that got Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to realize that vaccines aren’t safe.
So after a 10 second hesitation to overcome my cognitive dissonance (<sarcasm on>since as we all know fluoridation must be safe since it is mandated everywhere <sarcasm off>), I said yes, and I ended up with a copy of “The Case against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There.”
Sound familiar?
In a nutshell, here is what you need to know.
Iran: At least 92 dead in crackdown on women-led protests Elad Benari
The protests began following the death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest by the morality police.
At least 92 people have been killed as Iran has cracked down on women-led protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest by the morality police, the group Iran Human Rights said Sunday, according to the AFP news agency.
Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian, was pronounced dead on September 16 after she was detained for allegedly breaching rules requiring women to wear hijab headscarves and modest clothes.
Her death sparked Iran’s biggest wave of popular unrest in almost three years.
According to the Oslo-based Iran Human Rights, 41 people died in clashes Friday in Iran’s far southeast, an area bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan. Those protests were sparked by accusations a police chief in the region had raped a teenage girl of the Baluch Sunni minority, it said.
Clashes between protesters and security forces in Iran have rocked cities nationwide for 16 nights in a row after they first flared in western regions home to Amini and Iran’s Kurdish minority.
Israel (IINO)
IDF bases in Judea, Samaria in ‘substandard conditions’: state comptroller
The situation endangers the IDF’s ability to conduct ongoing counterterrorism operations and needs to be corrected immediately, says Matan Englman.
By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News
Israel’s state comptroller issued a report Sunday slamming the substandard conditions of army bases in Judea and Samaria, saying it endangers the IDF’s ability to conduct ongoing counterterrorism operations in the region.
During recent surprise inspections in a Jordan Valley base and one in central Samaria, Matan Englman talked to reservists, conscripts and officers and heard numerous complaints ranging from poor and even dangerous living conditions to a lack of military equipment, all of which affect the troops’ ability to function well in their combat duties.
“It is not possible to accept a reality where, in a temperature of over 40 degrees [centigrade] in the Jordan Valley, troops will not have basic drinking water that is not boiling and will have to make do with ineffective air conditioners, some of which are not repaired due to a lack of budget,” he wrote.
[Ed.: Saying that we’re going to get ‘wiped’ would be understating it! Thanks to IINO’s Democrats, our Iran war will decimate us, and we are cornered into doing it now, with no leadership, and we are also deficient man-power support! Oh, NICE!]
High Court rules Lapid must respond to call for Knesset vote over maritime deal with Lebanon By Debbie Reiss, World Israel News
The petition calls for the suspension of negotiations with Lebanon pending Knesset approval.
The High Court of Justice on Monday ruled that the caretaker government headed by Prime Minister Yair Lapid must respond to a petition calling for a Knesset vote on an emerging maritime border deal with Lebanon.
The petition, filed by the Lavi organization for citizens’ rights, calls on the government to suspend negotiations with Lebanon – currently taking place via an American mediator – until the Knesset approves it.
According to the ruling, the Lapid government has until October 27 — four days before the general elections — to respond to the petition.
Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu said the deal was illegal because according to Israeli law, a national referendum must be held before the government gives up any of sovereign territory.
Tens of thousands back effort to stop Lapid’s party from censoring right-wing news channel
Left-wing Ha’aretz joins opposition to ruling Yesh Atid party’s bid to have right-leaning television news channel regulated as election campaign propaganda.
Over 30,000 Israelis, as of Monday evening, have signed a petition backing a right-leaning news channel against efforts by the ruling Yesh Atid party to have the channel listed as a political platform and placed under heavy government regulation.
[Ed.: But it’s okay for the left-wing news sites (all government controlled, like in the US,) to favor their own parties. IINO has complete freedom of speech, as long as you tow the party line and don’t question it. “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” —David Horowitz
Democrats will be Democrats, even the Land of IINO, and it’s in Hebrew:
IDF not prepared for extended operation in Judea and Samaria
Surprise visits at Israeli military bases reveals serious lack of preparedness in IDF for extended operations in Judea and Samaria.
Israel’s military is unprepared for extended operations in Judea and Samaria, the state comptroller warned Sunday, urging that steps be taken to prepare the IDF.
State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman conducted surprise visits in August to IDF bases and positions in Samaria, the State Comptroller’s Office revealed in a report Sunday, finding that the army is logistically unprepared for lengthy operations in Judea and Samaria.
“The IDF is not sufficiently prepared, logistically, for extended fighting in Judea and Samaria,” the report warned.
The report comes as Israeli security forces continue the months-long “Operation Break the Wave”, a counter-terror crackdown in Judea and Samaria, which has led to the arrests of over 1,600 terror suspects.
The operation was launched in response to a string of deadly terror attacks across Israel, as well as the continuing shooting attacks in Samaria.
Buses in Judea and Samaria to be bulletproofed
Following expose, budget of 15m NIS approved for bulletproofing buses traveling in Judea and Samaria.
Following an expose by Israel Hayom, a budget will be transferred to bulletproof buses in Judea and Samaria, the site reported.
The 15 million shekels will be transferred following a demand by MK Orit Strock (Religious Zionism). The additional funds were approved by the Knesset’s Finance Committee.
In September, Israel Hayom reported that the Electra Afikim bus company, which operates buses throughout Judea and Samaria, told the Kiryat Arba-Hebron council that it would cancel all trips to the area, due to a significant lack of bulletproof vehicles after a number of vehicles were damaged by terror activities.
[Ed.: That’s nice!]
“On Friday morning, Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of four Ukrainian territories. Russia now deems any attack on these territories as an attack on Russia itself. In response Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine applied for expedited NATO membership.”
On October 1, 2022 the Gateway Pundit reported about Putin’s anexation of the Donbass territories “In his speech yesterday announcing the annexation of the Russian-speaking Donbass territories, Russian President Vladimir Putin…called for a ceasefire in Ukraine and a return to the negotiating table… “Today we are signing agreements on the admission of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Luhansk People’s Republic, the Zaporizhia Region and the Kherson Region to Russia,” Putin stated, after referenda were held in the Russian-occupied territories in favor of joining Russia. Putin called the accession the “inalienable right” of the ethnic Russian population, “enshrined in the first article of the UN Charter, which directly speaks of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.”
What if “Palestine” applies to NATO membership? Israel should apply sovereignty before “Palestine” joins NATO. Like Putin did in the Donbass territories, there should be a referendum in Area C followed by the application of sovereignty. The self determination of the Jewish majority in Area C must be respected.
It seems Putin cares more about the safety of Russia and the Russians living in the Donbass than Israeli leaders care about the safety of Israel and Jews living in Judea and Samaria. [Emphasis added] Israeli leaders are endangering all of Israel by surrendering Area C to the Arabs when Hamas leaders vowed to attack Israel with missiles from the Judea and Samaria as they do from Gaza.
[Ed.: Now we have to ask this type of question? After all, we have enabled them and condoned their development since 1994 when they returned from Tunisia (where Israel sent them from Lebanon in 1982) to Gaza. Gush Katif had already been in Gaza since 1968. Things went South ever since… So, what if they apply for NATO membership? They’re not even a nation. It’s a mute point.]
Thirty-four US political prisoners of the Biden regime penned a very sad letter this week requesting a transfer to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba facility where they would receive meals, sunlight, freedom of religion, exercise, entertainment, and be treated like human beings.
These thirty-four January 6 political prisoners have been held for over a year and a half without trial for misdemeanors and trumped-up felony charges.
This group of men have been isolated, beaten viciously, abused, threatened, tormented, and belittled by the guards based on their political and religious beliefs.
The men and women have been without medical assistance, medications, exercise, and most of these men have been held in isolation with little human contact for months at a time.
This is America’s future if the good people of the country do not stand up and demand an end to this injustice.
These men and women know that if they were to be moved to Gitmo they would not have flooded toilets, mold, flies, and frequent beatings.
Here is the original handwritten letter to the Garland Department of Justice.
Controlling Hurricane Ian? [3:39] by Dane Wigington
Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? The 3+ minute report below reveals critically important puzzle pieces. Please view and share.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
Are our weather and our climate being manipulated? Examine the data in this short report. Decide for yourself.
[Ed.: Talk Amongst Yourselves…]
With over 90% of the vote counted in Brazil, incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro is slightly behind Socialist criminal Lula da Silva in the presidential election.
Lula leads with 47% of the vote. Bolsonaro has 44% of the vote. Since neither candidate received a majority of the vote there will be a runoff on October 30th.
Recent polling had Lula with a 50% to 36% lead. Their polls are bullsh*t too, just like ours.
Socialist Lula de Silva was convicted on corruption charges before he announced his run for president.
President Trump endorsed Bolsonaro, the Trump of the Tropics.
New Italian prime minister puts globalist elite on notice, says her people are taking country back from ‘New World Order’ by JD Heyes,
(Natural News) Brand-new Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has put the globalist elite on notice during a fiery speech following her election victory Sunday in which she said she plans to “dismantle the New World Order.”
Meloni, who is no stranger to standing up for ordinary Italians, warned the tiny global elite who have stacked the deck against billions of ordinary citizens in dozens of countries for decades that “our main enemy today is the globalist drift of those who view identity and all its forms to be an evil to overcome” and who “constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to supernational entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites,” according to a report by NewsPunch.
“Let us be clear in our mind because we did not fight against and defeat communism in order to replace it with a new international regime, but to permit independent nation states once again to defend the freedom, identity, and sovereignty of their peoples,” she added.
A partial transcript of her victory speech helps explain why the globalist leftist elite are freaking out:
Gender Reassignment is Very LUCRATIVE! Awaken With JP
Welcome to Vanderbilt University Medical Center! Here’s everything you need to know about one of our favorite ways to make money.
A telegram from Israel Jack Engelhard
A story of forgiveness, of childhood memories, the Holocaust to Montreal. A rare glimpse into a beloved writer’s past.
One day a telegram came. I signed for it, since my parents were out, opened it, and read that my father’s mother in Israel had died. “Gathered,” said the message, “unto her people at age 102.”
She had given birth to my father at a very late age, in the tradition of our matriarchs — and what was she — if not a matriarch? My father had spoken of her as of a saint.
I thought the news would be unbearable for my father, so I decided not to show him the telegram. I thought it best that he never know about his mother’s death. What good would it do him to know?
I hesitate to call her my grandmother because I never met her and, as far as I knew, she never knew I existed. We were not a close family. My father seldom wrote to her, if ever.
But she was a legend, in the vein of Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel.
She had been a woman of Biblical beauty and virtue. There was a picture of her, seated on a bench, next to her husband, somewhere in the depths of Poland. He, long gray beard and lively eyes, had the appearance of a prophet, and she, yes, she was the image of a Jewish saint. She was truly a woman of another world, a world that existed no more.
I thought by withholding word of her death I would be preserving that world for my father. Enough of his past had collapsed. Why pain him even further?
So I kept it a secret for days and weeks and thought to go on like this forever. He’d never know, I thought. I was doing a great mitzvah, so nobly keeping the grief to myself.
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in Bavaria September 1945 Dr. Alex Grobman
The DPs lacked clothing and basic necessities, but a package program led to disappointing results. US chaplains were at the forefront.Op-ed.
The unanticipated task of aiding the Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) became the concern of American Jewish chaplains who passed through Germany, Austria, and Italy during the initial occupation period in April–December 1945. The chaplains were among the first American Jews to meet survivors. Although their primary duty was to tend to the spiritual and psychological needs of the American soldiers, a number elected to assist the Jewish DPs.
It is essential to understand the chaplains did not officially represent the American rabbinate or any other American Jewish organization in their work with the DPs. Of the 311 Reform, Conservative and Orthodox Jewish chaplains, more than 90 had direct interaction with DPs from 1944-1948.
Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 7 Chananya Weissman October 3, 2022
Note: There will be one more part to this series. Honestly, I’m disgusted and want to be done with it already. I hope the community rises up in outrage and revolts against all those who betrayed them. Otherwise, there’s little point in all this except to document the meekness and impotence of our generation.
In January of 2022 the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC), which had been approved for more than a million dollars in government grant money to promote the Covid agenda in heavily Orthodox zip codes, submitted a “Community Health Needs Assessment”. This was followed with a “Partner Engagement Plan” on February 23 and a “Health Equity Action Plan” on March 7. These materials were all prepared by BPJCC staff and consultant David Rubel.
We examined snippets of these documents in previous parts of this series. It’s time to see them in their entirety. You – the subjects of their intelligence-gathering, covert research, tailored propaganda, and relentless efforts to manipulate you into taking the accursed Covid shots – deserve to know it all.
The assessment and action plan have been combined and uploaded here. (The Partner Engagement Plan will be shared in the next and final part.) Take the time to study them. The Judenrat who prepared it sure took their time studying you.
Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 6 Chananya Weissman September 29, 2022
The April 6 meeting concluded with a discussion. Avi Greenstein, President of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC) shared that they were “in talks with SIJCC (Staten Island Jewish Community Council) to collaborate on programming for youth/children“ and that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) “has also linked SIJCC to Project Hospitality, another CDG (Covid Disparity Grant) partner.”
Programming for children, or programming the children?
We have a glimpse here of the incestuous web of recipients of government payoffs collaborating on indoctrinating the Jewish community. One wonders if these various organizations ever worked so closely on anything else. The common goal of benefiting the community never seems to bring Jewish leaders together as did the common goal of receiving government prize money. Partners indeed.
David Rubel, the freelance consultant who was working for the DOHMH, reported “that there has been some pushback/resistance from community members when implementing community conversations”. He further noted that “community members want to be more reliant on anti-bodies / natural immunity than the vaccine.”
Tyranny / Totalitarianism
New Communist Law Forces Doctors to Promote Pharma Products Dr. Joseph Mercola
A proposed law in California gives the state power to revoke a doctor’s medical license if they spread ‘misinformation.’ The problem is, misinformation could be anything – anything that departs from what the government dictates.
- A proposed California law — AB 2098 — gives the state power to take away doctors’ medical licenses if they spread “misinformation” that goes against the standard COVID-19 rhetoric
- It’s akin to putting shackles on their wrists, forcing doctors to conform to a narrative intent on pushing dangerous gene therapies and ineffective medications
- Making the law even more unsettling is its vagueness; what constitutes “misinformation” or “disinformation” worthy of taking away a person’s medical license is anyone’s guess
- AB 2098 is packed with misinformation that continues to be parroted as facts, ignoring the scientific truths about COVID-19
- The bill, if it passes, will stop doctors from practicing medicine the way they deem best for the individual patient; it will also stop dissent — even when dissent is necessary and beneficial, and coming from people with expertise
Mercola Website Shutdown — Why You May Be Next Dr. Joseph Mercola
Suppression and harassment of those who dissent against COVID tyranny has created an awakening. We simply can’t pick and choose approved speech. Facing adversity head-on makes you more resilient and forces you to come up with better solutions.
- September 23, 2022, the Mercola website was cyberattacked and taken offline. The attack also destroyed our email servers and all our email accounts were lost including my primary email
- Over the past two years, we’ve been censored and deplatformed by several social media companies at the request of the federal government. Banks have also shut down our accounts and canceled our credit cards, and PayPal has shut down the accounts of our business partners
- Since August 2021, our reach has been primarily restricted to subscribers of our newsletter, and with this cyberattack, they tried to eliminate even this limited reach
- Our website will temporarily operate through Substack, which will host our content for the first 48 hours free of charge. It is imperative that you sign up for a free subscription to my Substack to receive our daily newsletter
- If you are a newsletter subscriber and you receive our newsletter through Gmail please use this as an opportunity to catalyze switching your primary email to ProtonMail.
- Our online marketplace,, was restored after being offline for four days and is operational again
The Dumb and Dumber Administration by Jeff Crouere
(Oct. 2, 2022) — Americans are starting to realize that their country is in serious trouble. After 20+ months of President Joe Biden and his ill-advised policies, there are multiple crises impacting the nation.
When Biden assumed office, the nation’s economy was strong. There was minimal inflation, strong economic growth, a robust stock market and low interest rates. Today, we have a 40-year-high inflation rate, negative economic growth, a recession, a bearish stock market and the highest interest rates since 2008.
Biden inherited a country that was energy-independent, but, today, we are once again dependent on foreign nations and depleting our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to keep gasoline prices from spiraling out of control. Biden declared war on our domestic oil and gas industry, putting moratoriums on drilling in this country, while begging Saudi Arabia for increased production.
At the end of the Trump administration, the southern border was secure, and a security wall was being erected. After taking office, Biden immediately ended the construction of the border wall and opened our nation to illegal immigration.
Millions of illegal aliens have crossed the border since January 2021, breaking . It is such a crisis that former President Bill Clinton noted that the country cannot manage such an influx. In a recent CNN interview he said, “There is a limit to how many migrants any society can take without severe disruption and assistance.”
World Economic Forum / New World Order