BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
US Supreme Court
Shocking Video of Masked Daycare Employee Terrorizing Toddlers Sparks Massive Outrage Julian Conradson
A shocking video of adults terrorizing a group of toddlers at a daycare center in Hamilton, Mississippi has gone viral this week, sparking massive outrage online and in the local community.
The video, which was reportedly taken on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, shows several staff members at ‘Lil’ Blessings Daycare’ gathered around a group of very young children during their snack time. To the toddlers’ surprise, one of the employees then comes into the room wearing a ‘Scream’ Halloween mask and begins traumatizing them and screaming in their faces as they cry and tremble in fear.
The masked daycare employee methodically goes around the table, stopping at each individual child for maximum terror.
The employee does not stop even when it’s visibly obvious that the toddlers are in extreme distress. At least one other employee can be heard laughing throughout the disturbing incident.
In what world is this ok? And it’s presumably all for a TikTok video…
[Ed.: Don’t watch...]
60% of Third Grade Schoolkids Can’t Read, But the Democrats are Cramming Pedo/Trans/Porn Down Their Throats By Pamela Geller
The Wall Street Journal reports that statewide in Illinois, in 2019, only 36% of all third grade students could read at grade level. That’s an F, and that’s the good news. That number drops to 27% for Hispanic students and 22% for black students statewide. In certain public school systems, the numbers plummet to single digits. In Decatur, 2% of black third-graders are reading at grade level and only 1% are doing math at grade level.
And that’s before COVID.
This is by design by the left. Children who can’t read, add, or learn to think are easily manipulated and can be made to believe anything. How better to groom a violent army of idiots.
The long term effect is incalculable. We are looking at vast schisms between the educated and the illiterate and not just in income and quality of life.
US Intelligence Warning: China Escalating Influence Operations by Judith Bergman
- One of the organizations that US intelligence explicitly warned against is the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), which describes itself as a “national people’s organization engaged in people-to-people diplomacy of the People’s Republic of China.”
- In reality, the organization is a front for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) foreign influence efforts. It has been operating successfully in the US for decades, especially by forging numerous sister-city relationships with US cities to influence local US political, business, media, and educational leaders. There are more than 200 sister city pairs and 50 sister state/province partnerships between the US and China. Such partnerships, according to US intelligence, can also include business, technical, cultural, and educational exchanges between U.S. and Chinese communities.
- China uses the same tactics when it comes to US business leaders: “In 2021, the PRC Embassy in Washington sent letters to select U.S. business leaders urging them to lobby the U.S. Congress to reject bills the PRC opposed, including bills designed to increase U.S. competitiveness vis-à-vis China….
- [T]hese politicians have a strong incentive to remain uninformed. The focus is typically on economic and cultural ties and it’s easy to pretend that there is no political element… however, these local ties are in fact highly political…. This is the tactic of ‘use the countryside to surround the city'”. — Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg, Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World.
Blame Biden’s disastrous Iran and energy policies for Lapid’s Lebanon fiasco Jonathan Tobin
The offshore gas deal is now on hold, but Israel’s interim prime minister had agreed to surrender to Hezbollah because of American pressure. He needs to learn to say “no.”
Give interim Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid credit for belatedly understanding just how dangerous the off-shore gas deal he thought he had concluded with Lebanon last week was to his chances of remaining in his office. His initial agreement to territorial concessions to Lebanon in the gas fields off the country’s Mediterranean coast was political poison.
Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled it as a surrender to Hezbollah, the terrorist group that dominates Lebanon’s government, as well as to its masters in Iran. It meant that the Nov. 1 Knesset election might be fought over a serious policy difference, rather than being a referendum—as were the four votes held from 2019 to 2021—on whether Netanyahu ought to remain prime minister.
Fortunately for Lapid, the Lebanese provided him with an escape hatch, by sending the Israelis some “amendments” to the pact. The American interlocutors in the negotiation assured him that there was nothing in them that amounted to a deal-breaker. But Lapid used it as an excuse to back out of the fiasco, while grandstanding about protecting Israel’s security interests.
Why Zelensky’s World War III gambit will fail Jordan Schachtel
None of the major parties involved in this conflict want nuclear armageddon via WWIII.
A continually unhinged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spent the past year trying to draw NATO powers into direct conflict with Russia, and he has yet to achieve success, despite many attempts to do so. While the rhetoric between D.C., Brussels, and Moscow has certainly become more fiery, the kinetic pieces on the geopolitical chessboard have remained steadily in place, because the major parties to the conflict do not want to witness World War III breaking out.
On Thursday, Zelensky ramped up the rhetoric even further, calling on NATO forces to bomb Russia and try to eliminate their nuclear arsenal.
Of course, such a mission, which would launch WWIII, is not even possible, as Moscow retains the nuclear triad and thousands of nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Zelensky, an actor by trade, doesn’t seem to care about the details. He just wants NATO/US forces on the ground in Ukraine, and he’s willing to accept World War III to make that happen.
Last week, Zelensky signed an expedited NATO application.
Two more European nations join Italy’s campaign [4:31] TFIGlobal
Biden’s desperate attempts at burying the truth [4:46] TFIGlobal
Putin just issued a DIRE warning to Zelensky about WW3 [39:29] Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
Just after Russia formally annexed the four regions of the Donbas region, the country launched a massive offensive to protect it. Ukrainian President Zelensky now asks that NATO launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike inside of Russia to deter Russia from using nuclear weapons first.
[Ed.: A Random Thought:
Imagine if DeSantis from Florida (or any governor) were to catch the FBI and/or the Department of Justice in their illegal activities in Florida (or any state) and call up the National Guard. Then arrest the leaders and incarcerate them, and kick out the rest of them from Florida. Then call for a Constitutional Conference to replace the Federal Government. Remember the Federal Government is a fiction of the imagination of the States that created it. Maybe it’s time to ‘clean house’ and make a new start. That would really ruffle the feathers of those who pull the strings of the Biden regime!
Moles and Mosrim in Brooklyn – Part 8 Chananya Weissman
The previous parts are available on Dangerous Docs and on my site beginning with part one here. We did the hard work of bringing this information to the community, which the fake, sold-out Jewish media failed to do and continues to ignore. Now the ball is in your court. What are you going to do?
On February 23, 2022 the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC) staff and consultant David Rubel presented a “Partner Engagement Plan”, as part of their contractual arrangement with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). It is available here. Since they tend to couch their true intentions in buzzwords, euphemisms, and mumbo-jumbo, we will translate from Forked Tongue to plain English.
The BPJCC, who had been awarded more than a million dollars in grants to serve as government moles in the Orthodox Jewish community, planned to “engage” with more than two dozen prominent Jewish organizations, institutions, rabbis, politicians, and businesses to do the government’s bidding while pretending to be serving the people. The plan was to collaborate with them to gather intelligence on the community, “target” various populations with government-approved Covid propaganda, and, most of all, convince their trusting constituents to take the accursed Covid shots.
Those being “engaged” were referred to as “stakeholders”, a vague corporate term that essentially refers to those who have a vested interest. The vested interest of those engaged by the BPJCC is not difficult to surmise: financial rewards and the good graces of those in the halls of power.
Conspicuously absent from the list of stakeholders, despite being strongly affected by the decisions being made on their behalf, was the general public. They were instead referred to as “targeted populations”.
Each stakeholder was assigned a “Potential role in the activity”, an “Engagement strategy”, a “Follow-up strategy” for sharing data and lessons learned, a “Priority Population Targeted”, and a level of priority for their activities. We will comment on some items of particular interest.
We must also note that merely being on this list is not evidence that the “stakeholder” in question actually collaborated with the BPJCC. We do know for certain that many of them pushed the Covid agenda – they did so loudly and proudly – but it is quite possible that some of them quietly demurred. The Partner Engagement Plan is just that – a plan.
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I just notified Dr. John Su at the CDC that the “death” safety signal was triggered for the COVID vaccines Steve Kirsch
I just wanted to be sure there was a public record that he was notified and that he chose to look the other way.
Dr. John Su is the CDC expert who is in charge of monitoring the VAERS system for safety signals. [Emphasis added]
Recently, I realized that the safety signal for death was triggered.
I emailed a few hundred people at the CDC to let them know, but nobody seems to care. I never heard back from anyone.
So I just left John a short voicemail that you can watch here: [4:42]
Can you email John to let him know about the safety signal?
I can’t really be sure he got the message. John has told me he’s never gotten any of my emails!
So I need your help.
Can you notify him as well and ask him to let the public know because there is a precautionary principle of medicine that demands that if we know something might be unsafe, we’d want to let people know that there might be a problem.
After all, a perfectly safe vaccine is never supposed to trigger the “death” safety signal, is it?
You can refer John to this article, “Exclusive: Proof that the CDC is deliberately ignoring the safety signals from the COVID vax.”
You can email John by clicking this link: John Su (if that link doesn’t work, send email to
[Ed.: If Dr. Su is in charge of monitoring the VAERS safety system, how come he missed the death signal? Perhaps he is complicit in the mass-extermination plan? “I think, we still don’t know…”]
The worldwide flight from mRNA shots continues Alex Berenson
Australia has quietly stopped recommending more Covid vaccines for almost everyone under 50, and Norway under 65.
Only a few months ago, Australia had one of the world’s most aggressive coercion programs to force Covid vaccines on its people.
Now Australia has essentially ended its Covid vaccination program for healthy adults under 50 – and effectively banned the shots for people under 30, unless they have severe chronic illnesses.
With the change, Australia joins Denmark in curtailing its vaccine program for adults under 50.
Last week, Norway went even further, saying no one under 65 should receive additional shots unless they were at underlying risk of a severe disease course (oddly, Norway kept its recommendation for pregnant women.)
(The new Covid vaccine recommendations from Norway; obviously, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health HATES science)
Moderna and Pfizer Seek Booster Authorization for Children [3:09] Dr. Joseph Mercola
Pfizer and Moderna are both seeking emergency use authorization for their bivalent COVID boosters for children.
- Pfizer and Moderna are both seeking emergency use authorization for their bivalent COVID boosters for children. Moderna is seeking authorization for children ages 6 through 17, while Pfizer’s shot is for children aged 5 through 11
- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expects the bivalent boosters will be available for children aged 5 to 11 by mid-October 2022
- In the U.S., both bivalent boosters will contain mRNA against the original Wuhan strain and Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5. (In the U.K., Moderna’s booster targets the Wuhan strain and BA.1, an earlier Omicron strain no longer in circulation)
- The effectiveness of Pfizer’s booster is based on antibody levels in eight mice, which cannot tell you anything about the level of protection you might receive. Moderna’s booster is also based on antibody levels in mice, although the exact number is unknown
- When it comes to safety, there’s not even mouse data. The safety is assumed based on the original shots, even though the safety data on those is shocking beyond belief. As of September 16, 2022, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) had logged 55,733 reports of injuries and deaths in children under the age of 18
30,000 Americans Estimated Killed by COVID Medical Mismanagement by April 2020 Robert W Malone MD, MS
Reexamining excess deaths during peak lockdown
Substack by Michael P Senger, republished with permission. Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World.
To date, we still don’t have especially good studies on the actual causes of excess deaths by state and country when the world first went into lockdown in spring 2020.
For political reasons, these deaths were all generally been lumped together as “Covid deaths,” but this coding was appallingly sloppy. According to the World Health Organization’s initial coding guidance, if a decedent had either tested positive—using a PCR test later confirmed by the New York Times to have a false positive rate over 85%—or been in contact with anyone who had within several weeks prior to their death, then the death should be classified as a “Covid death.” This enormous number of “Covid deaths” was obviously belied by the fact that many places reporting those “Covid deaths,” such as Maine, actually had no excess deaths to speak of.
Thus, this article reexamines data from the US CDC on all-cause excess deaths by state during peak lockdown in April 2020 using the information we now know to determine what actually caused them.
[Ed.: The word “killed” in the title could be corrected to read: “exterminated”.]
Fauci Tells Americans To Get Boosted Before Holidays; Claims There is “No Doubt It’s Safe” By Julian Conradson
Despite VAERS Data Showing The Experimental Jab is the Most Dangerous Vaccine in History
With the holidays just around the corner, Tony Fauci is climbing back atop his high horse to shame Americans into compliance with his vaccine demands.
The self-proclaimed embodiment of science joined Stephen Colbert’s ‘The Late Show’ on Thursday to dutifully peddle some more propaganda about the failed and dangerous Covid booster shots.
In a shameless and unfunny attempt at humor, Fauci was walked by Colbert to go receive his booster shot as they instructed Americans to take another dose of the experimental jab in order to “enjoy the holidays safely.” To top it off, and show how serious he is, Fauci wore a pair of “sexy cat ears” when he gave his orders.
Remember, this is about “saving lives,” folks.
[Re-posting daily]
Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75 [26:48] childrenshealthdefense
Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.
On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.
Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.
Watch the full event here :
TGP’s Jim Hoft Spells Out SEVERAL STEPS to Save Our Elections in 2022 on The War Room – PLEASE REVIEW AND GET INVOLVED! (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft
On Thursday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Frank Speech to discuss our 2022 Midterm Action List that we released earlier this week.
The list includes the Seven Steps You Can Take to Save Our Elections from Fraud-
On Thursday Jim Hoft went over steps 2,5,6, and 7.
These are common sense ways that everyone should agree upon whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. To save our country our elections must be free and fair.
This is a short interview on how WE WILL TAKE BACK OUT ELECTIONS.
Muslim Brotherhood Silent Over Improving Qatari-Egyptian Relations by Hany Ghoraba
The Qatari government has supported Islamist movements, namely the Muslim Brotherhood, financially and politically since the Arab Spring revolutions broke out a decade ago. But with the Brotherhood routed, Qatar seems to have decided that it’s time to mend ties with the Egyptian government.
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi visited Qatar last month to meet with Qatari Prince Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. The visit followed Al Thani’s June visit to Cairo, which ended seven years of tepid diplomatic relations.
Things changed last year when Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates ended a three-year boycott of Qatar due to its support for the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists in Egypt. During that time, shipping and air travel to and from Qatar was cut off.
The reciprocal visits mark a continuation of the warming relations.
Gay Palestinian asylum seeker beheaded in Hebron
The victim was identified as Ahmad Abu Murkiyeh, who according to Israeli media had lived in Israel for the past two years as an asylum seeker, as his life would be in danger if he returned to the West Bank.
(October 7, 2022 / JNS) An unnamed suspect was arrested by the Palestinian Authority police on Wednesday after recording himself beheading a 25-year-old gay Palestinian man in Hebron.
The suspect was arrested near the scene of the crime soon afterward. The victim was identified as Ahmad Abu Murkiyeh, who according to Israeli media had lived in Israel for the past two years as an asylum seeker, as his life would be in danger if he returned to the West Bank.
UPDATE: Please Help Gateway Pundit Provide Legal Representation to J-6 Victim Victoria White By Jim Hoft
Earlier this week, on Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit published an interview with Jan-6 victim Victoria White.
Victoria attended the January 6, 2021 rally in Washington, D.C. to support President Trump. It was her first trip to our nation’s capital. But it ended up being a complete nightmare for the Minnesota woman. Victoria was viciously beaten with batons and fists by DC police more than 40 times in the face and head. The men used their fists, nightsticks, and collapsible batons to pummel Victoria after she was pushed into their police line. Victoria was NEVER a threat. The police then dragged Victoria White through the US Capitol, shoeless, booked her, and then forced her outside in the freezing cold without a coat, shoes, or her phone.
This was an unforgettable interview with an amazing American.
** Please help Victoria White with her legal fees here.
Despite committing no crime and being the victim of sadistic DC police brutality, the Department of Justice harassed her back home in Minnesota and arrested her on ridiculous, bogus criminal charges.
This unarmed and abused woman is somehow their poster child for the “armed rebellion” at the US Capitol.
This political prosecution against Victoria has not only cost her physically and emotionally.
Despite being represented by an attorney early on, Victoria could not afford to maintain the attorney. Her only other option was to seek a federal public defender – but anyone who trusts federal public defenders in Washington, D.C. is delusional.
Federal agents reportedly have “sufficient evidence” to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and making false statements regarding a gun purchase.
The decision of whether Hunter will ultimately be charged is up to Trump-appointed United States Attorney David Weiss, individuals with knowledge of the probe told the Washington Post in a Thursday report. Weiss was appointed to the position in 2017.
Hunter is reportedly under investigation for tax fraud, money laundering, and gun and foreign lobbying violations. Hunter has reportedly tried to settle the case out of court and has paid $1 million to the IRS to evade conviction or a long sentence.
President Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to say whether a special counsel should be placed over the investigation to maintain a just probe. A special counsel would provide distance from Joe Biden and the investigation into Hunter and the Biden family business dealings.
Hunter’s attorney Chris Clark did not dispute the potential charges but blamed the justice department for leaking to the press, a similar tactic the DOJ has used during its investigations of former President Donald Trump.
[Ed.: Those are the least of his crimes! He is guilty of multiple counts of treason.]
A letter on Hunter Biden’s infamous abandoned laptop shows the Biden family pursuing a deal with Qatar, undermining the Trump Administration and appearing like an effort at a shadow foreign policy.
The letter — retrieved from the “Laptop from Hell” by Congressman Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) office after being in a previously unreadable format — shows James Biden, President Biden’s brother, making an overture to an associate of Qatari Sheikh Abdulla Bin Mohammed Al Thani.
They say, “my family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels,” despite unfavorable policies of the “fractured” and “beleaguered” then-Trump administration for Qatar.
The letter, dated August 1, 2017, to be relayed to the Sheikh, criticizes the Trump administration as having a “fractured nature” and as being “beleaguered by major issues that are not soon to be resolved” — offering to help in “effectuating the vision” of the Sheikh.
“I would be honored to assist in effectuating the vision of His Excellency but would be remiss in not pointing out the fractured nature of our current administration,” the missive begins.
“This administration is beleaguered by major issues that are not soon to be resolved,” the now-president’s brother also says of the Trump White House.
Through his family’s “deep and wide” relationships, which he boasts have “lasted through many years and many administrations,” Biden proposes partnership for a “different vision” than the Trump government’s of American interest and U.S.-Qatari relations.
Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested on Tuesday in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data” The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company.
During the PIT in August, Phillips and Engelbrecht had alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company. The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation.
Journalist “incognito” Kanekoa has covered this company and researched them better than anyone.
Here is the link to the LA County website.
BREAKING: Konnech Election Software CEO Who Was Arrested Earlier For Ties to China and Labeled “Significant Flight Risk” Caught With Luggage On Way To MI Airport – Left Cell Phone Behind – Has “Substantial Ties to China” Patty McMurray
Earlier this week, we reported about a significant arrest that took place in LA County, CA, related to the 2020 elections.
On September 8, reporters from 100 Percent Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit attended “The Pit,” where True the Votes’ Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips dropped a bombshell about the arrest of Eugene Yu, CEO of Konnech, an E. Lansing, MI-based company responsible for the software used in managing elections in several states that stored personal information of over 1 million Americans in its database.
100 Percent Fed Up reports – Konnech, much like Dominion, almost immediately sued True the Vote as a way to silence them and keep them from speaking out about the bombshell information they provided to reporters at The Pit related to Konnech and the unlawful transfer of information from America to China.
According to a presser given by the Thai police, a former police officer named Panya Kamrab opened fire with a gun and proceeded to stab individuals with a knife during an incident that took place at a preschool daycare center in Thailand.
The attack resulted in the deaths of at least 31 people, including at least 24 children. It is thought to be the deadliest attack of its kind in the country.
The horrific massacre happened in a preschool daycare center in the town of Uthai Sawan, in Nong Bua Lamphu province.
Students, teachers, and other workers were among the casualties. Some of the young victims, as young as two, were attacked while they slept.
Power-Mad Brinksmanship: Zelensky Demands “Pre-Emptive Strikes” on Russia By Richard Abelson
Coming on the same day feeble-brained puppet Joe Biden warned of “nuclear Armageddon,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called for “pre-emptive strikes” on Russia “so that they’ll know what will happen to them if they use nukes”.
Speaking via video link to the Australian Lowy Institute, Zelensky made his seemingly insane comments in response to a question from Lowy executive director Michael Fullilove.
“Mr. President, in your remarks you mentioned nuclear blackmail,” Fullilove said. “Mr. Putin told us the other day that he’s not bluffing. So may I ask you, do you believe that the likelihood of the use of Russian nuclear weapons against Ukraine has risen, and what more do you want NATO to do to deter Russia from using nuclear weapons?”
Zelensky replied that NATO should “eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons”.
Five current or former IRS employees in Tennessee and Mississippi fraudulently received thousands of dollars in COVID relief funds to finance lavish lifestyles, according to the Department of Justice.
The five suspects allegedly submitted bogus loan applications to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program in an effort to gain over $1 million in funding.
They then used the loan funds to finance their extravagant lifestyles, such as buying new cars, luxury goods, and personal travel, including trips to Las Vegas, according to court documents.
“The IRS employees charged in these cases allegedly abused the trust placed in them by the public,” said Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “The Criminal Division is committed to safeguarding that public trust and protecting pandemic relief programs for the American people.”
Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Isn’t Disabled! [14:11] The Jimmy Dore Show
Early reports that the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines had been damaged, possibly permanently, by explosions last week appear to have been, well, overblown. Russian gas company Gazprom reports that Nord Stream 2 specifically was only superficially damaged by the efforts at sabotage, and gas could be flowing through the pipeline again in a matter of weeks. Which raises key questions for European countries like Germany that are facing a winter of energy shortages and possible “de-industrialization” without access to inexpensive liquefied natural gas.
Jimmy and his panel of Pushback host Aaron Maté ( and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this surprising twist in the Nord Stream drama and for how long European leaders will continue to kowtow to the United States which clearly doesn’t have their best interests in mind.
THIS Is Extreme: Biden, 6 Times in 5 Minutes: ‘Extreme,’ Extreme,’ ‘Extremist,’ ‘Extreme,’ ‘Extreme’, ‘Extreme’ By Pamela Geller
Reading from a binder when his moment came, Biden used the word “extreme” or “extremist” six times in five minutes at a taskforce meeting on Tuesday. This is the very definition of ‘extreme.”
And while we are on the subject of extremism, do Read Ayn Rad’s essay, “Extremism,” or The Art of Smearing penned in 1964. That’s how far back this goes. Further even.
[Ed.: Starting WWIII to avoid prosecution for treason is also a bit extreme, I’d say…]
TREASON: Biden Regime Negotiating With Dictatorship Venezuela For Oil But Refuses To Negotiate With Texas, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Other Oil Producing States By Pamela Geller
One has to wonder what catastrophic event has to occur for the American people to finally see that the Democrat party is the enemy of the people that seeks our utter destruction.
Clearly, consumers of the Democrat-media-axis media are deceiving the public. But how long can one avoid reality?
Biden Slashes Millions of Acres Eligible for Oil Drilling in Alaska
Biden Warns US on Brink of Nuclear “Armageddon” with Russia Over Ukraine By Kristinn Taylor
At a Democrat fundraiser held Thursday night at the New York City home of James Murdoch, Joe Biden warned the United States is on the brink of nuclear “Armageddon” with Russia over Ukraine, according to pool reports. Biden likened the situation to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis that brought the U.S. and Russia to a standoff over Russian nuclear missiles placed on Cuban soil.
Biden reportedly said, in part, “We’re going to continue to support [Ukraine] but (for) the first time since the Cuban missile crisis, we have the direct threat of the use of a nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path that they are going. That’s a different deal.”
One day after bragging, “No one f***s with a Biden”, Joe Biden admitted Vladimir Putin could force him into nuclear Armageddon over Ukraine.
Biden quotes:
[Ed.: How very considerate of him to warn us! Biden would prefer Armageddon over being prosecuted on multiple counts for treason.]
Dept of Justice Indicts 11 For Peaceful Protest Outside Abortion Mill By Pamela Geller
But a total of zero people have been charged by the DOJ for firebombing pro-life pregnancy centers.
Under the Democrats, we are no longer a nation of laws. Instead select laws, or no laws at all – just edicts, are enforced against one group of people,
Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion – the pillars of our Constitutional Republic have been shredded by the Democrat party of treason.