Daily Shmutz | 102722

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                                          One pissed off eagle (on Nov. 9th, 2022…)  Oops, they did it again!










With Anti-Semitism Sharply Spiking, Jews and All Good and Decent People Must Take Responsibility to Loudly Speak Out Against Antisemitic Bigots  From Bill Narvey

To My American and Canadian Friends:

With Anti-Semitism Sharply Spiking, Jews and All Good and Decent People Must Take Responsibility to Loudly Speak Out Against Antisemitic Bigots

With this topic in mind, you will find the following information useful to know.  Do share this with your children, friends and contacts every chance you get and ask them to share this with their friends and contacts.

Jews and Israel are going through tough times with Jew-Israel hatred sharply spiking in the U.S. and Canada as it is globally including not only evidenced by countless false demonizing accusations but also Jews and Israel being the target of violent bigoted actions.  The least we can do is stand up to these Jew-Israel haters who we encounter personally or indirectly in our many American and Canadian communities.

In so doing we must be prepared, to take responsibility and find the courage to stand up to these bigots whoever and wherever they are and that preparation includes better informing ourselves, to do the following:

  1. Publicly raise awareness of these bigots by identifying-naming, shaming and totally discrediting them in the eyes of our respective communities for the total bigots they are.  To that end we must call on fellow Jews and all decent people of good will who know of this sharply rising pernicious antisemitism, to publicly stand with us by word and deed to name, shame and discredit these Jew-Israel hating  bigots.
  2. Raise awareness in all our communities of Israel’s seemingly countless wondrous discoveries in the fields of medicine, science and technology over many years that Israel has long shared with the world to benefit all of humanity.

With that purpose in mind, I urge you all to read the following and do your own further research in that regard.  Information of this kind will doubtlessly aid you in being more effective in speaking out by word and deed against the many loud mouthed vicious Jew Israel haters in America and Canada and that includes naming, shaming and discrediting them in the eyes of all our communities.

Some of those marvellous Israeli discoveries that have benefitted all of humanity are referenced below.

The pride of Israel is that its technologies will be able to be used by all humanity:

1. Tel Aviv University is developing a nasal vaccine that will protect people from Alzheimer’s and stroke.

2. The Technion, Institute of Technology (Haifa), has developed a simple blood test capable of detecting different types of cancer.

3. The Ichlov Center (Tel Aviv) isolated a protein that makes colonoscopy unnecessary to detect colon cancer, with a simple blood test.  Colon cancer kills about 500,000 people annually.

4. Acne doesn’t kill, but does cause anxiety in teens.  The Curlight Laboratory has created a cure. Emitting UV rays at high intensity, kills the bacteria that cause acne.

5. The Given Imaging Laboratory has developed a tiny camera in the form of swallowed pills and transmits thousands of photos of the digestive tract.  These high-quality photos (2 per second for 8 hours) can detect polyps, cancers, and sources of bleeding.  The photos are sent to a chip that stores them and sends them to a computer.  At the end of the process, the chamber is eliminated via the rectum.

6. The Hebrew University (Jerusalem) developed an electrical neurostimulator (batteries) that is implanted in the chest of Parkinson’s patients, similar to the pacemaker.  The emissions from this device block the nerve signals that cause tremors.

7. The simple smell of a patient’s breath can detect if a patient has lung cancer.  The Russell Berrie Institute for Nanotechnology has created sensors capable of sensing and registering 42 biological markers that indicate the presence of lung cancer without the need for a biopsy.

8. Catheterization can be dispensed with in many cases.  Endopat is a device placed between the indicator fingers, which can measure the state of the arteries and predict the possibility of a heart attack in the next 7 years.

9. The University of Bar Ilan studies a new drug that fights viruses through the bloodstream.  It is called Vecoy Trap, as it tricks a virus into self-destruction.  Very useful to combat hepatitis, and in the future Aids and Ebola.

10. Israeli scientists at Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) may have discovered the first cure for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as Lou Gehring’s disease, in an Orthodox rabbi.  Stephen Hawking, a famous British scientist, suffered from this disease and used methods invented by Israeli scientists to communicate.

You will never get this from main-stream media. The world shouldn’t live on bad news alone   ….    so spread this good news

Here are some more:

The top 12 most amazing Israeli medical advances Israel is a powerhouse in medical innovation. We give you a dozen standouts from a field with many exciting, game-changing candidates.  https://www.israel21c.org/the-top-12-most-amazing-israeli-medical-advances/

Israel’s amazing contribution to medical science https://www.cufi.org.uk/spotlight/israels-amazing-contribution-to-medical-science/

List of Israeli inventions and discoveries   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_inventions_and_discoveries

Israeli Inventions That Changed the World  https://theculturetrip.com/middle-east/israel/articles/11-israeli-innovations-that-changed-the-world/



18-Year-Old Varsity High School Cheerleader Dies Suddenly due to Blood Clot



BREAKING: Ballots Discovered “Pre-Loaded” Inside Drop Box in Pennsylvania… Two Others Reportedly Also Had “Pre-Loaded” Ballots Inside the Boxes  By Brian Lupo

Since the debut of the #2000Mules documentary, there has been an increase of concern over drop boxes being left out to allow voters a month or more to drop off their ballot with zero chain of custody and very little oversight, if any.  After mail-in ballots in 2020 were sent out like junk mail postcards, it became clear that the drop boxes were a way to promulgate fraud on the American people.  In addition to TrueTheVote’s cell phone data discovery,  The Gateway Pundit has also documented drop box abuse over and over and over and over.

Now, in video footage obtained by The Gateway Pundit, it appears to show a drop box in Centre County, Pennsylvania being opened and an official “bag” being placed in the box for election day.  Much to the surprise of the officials opening the drop box, however, was the discovery of 10 ballots already inserted into the drop box.


Huge Implications: “Georgia Supreme Court Rules *Voters* Have the Right to Sue Election Officials Who Violate Law” – Via VoterGa  By Brian Lupo

In a press release from VoterGa on Thursday, we learned the Georgia Supreme Court has issued a ruling that will impact at least one major election challenge in Georgia and potentially others throughout the United States.  The timing of this decision is significant:  there is only 8 days remaining before Georgia State law will allow for the destruction of 2020 election evidence.

The case that may be impacted is Favorito et al v. Cooney et al.  This case was dismissed on Oct. 13, 2021 by Judge Brian Amero using the aforementioned case, as well as Wood v Raffensperger.  Judge Amero stated the following in his Order Granting Motion to Dismiss:

Petitioners lack standing to pursue their state equal protection and state due process claims. Under both federal and Georgia law, the three requirements plaintiffs ‘must meet to have standing are “(1) an injury in fact; (2) a causal connection between the injury
and the causal conduct; and (3) the likelihood that the injury will be redressed with a favorable decision.” (Sons of Confederate Veterans, 2021)


Petitioners have failed to allege a particular injury.  An injury is particularized when it ‘affects the plaintiff in a personal and individual way.‘” (Wood v. Raffensperger, 11th Circuit, 2020)

At the time, the former was the opinion of the Georgia Court of Appeals.  But yesterday, the Georgia Supreme Court heard the Sons of Confederate Veterans case and opined:

“Because the Georgia Constitution is the source of the judicial power of state courts, federal standing requirements do not control our analysis.


HUGE BREAKING! Democrat Blows Whistle On Widespread Orlando Area Ballot-Harvesting Operation In Black Communities  [VIDEO]   By Patty McMurray

For many Americans, the Dinesh D’Souza 2000 Mules movie, based on investigative work by True the Vote founder Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips,  tracked thousands of ballot mules across several key swing states in 2020 using geofencing tracing data was an eye-opener.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Without naming names, over the fear of being sued, Gregg Phillips has repeatedly stated that the stash houses they’ve identified that were used by ballot harvesters to make their mule operations possible were ALL funded by left-leaning NGOs (non-governmental organizations).

During their testimony in front of the AZ Senate on June 2, Engelbrecht and Phillips released a bombshell video featuring investigator Gregg Phillips and a whistleblower in Yuma, Co., Arizona, who revealed how the elections were stolen in her community.

In the video, an unidentified female whistleblower outlines how elections are determined by a group of criminals who inflict fear upon their community. She explains how they use fear and intimidation tactics to coerce individuals to vote a certain way and how they’ve ruined the lives of individuals and their families who dare to run for an elected office in their community.

“Because, where I live—you can’t have a voice. If you stand up or if you want to even run against them, you will be shot,” the whistleblower reveals.


If Your Vote Mattered   Chananya Weissman

Here we go again. Election theatre is upon us in Israel. Morally bankrupt politicians emerge from their dark holes and VIP events to woo the peasants they despise with vacuous slogans and empty promises. Once again the peasants delude themselves that this time it can be different, that this time it will be different, if only they vote for one smiling scumbag over another.

Count me out. I’m done playing their game.

“Oh, but you’re wasting your vote!” cry my fellow peasants in earnest. “If you don’t vote then someone else will decide who wins! It’s true, they are all bad, but you should vote for the least bad, because it will make a difference! And don’t vote for a small party that seems to have some integrity, because they don’t have a chance anyway. Don’t waste your vote! It matters!”

This is what people have allowed themselves to be reduced to, voting for the least bad. If it were a race between Hitler and Mussolini, between the KGB and the Stasi, the country would be divided and at each other’s throats over who to vote for, because it matters.

Tell me something. At what point in the last three years, during which we had numerous rounds of elections, did your wishes as a voting citizen matter at all? The people in power stripped you of your rights (assuming they weren’t imaginary all along), placed you under house arrest, blackmailed you to take accursed shots, destroyed businesses, turned citizens and loved ones against one another, forced hospital patients to die horrible, lonely deaths, and a whole lot more.

Did your vote matter then?

If your vote mattered, they would have asked us what we wanted regarding all the above and listened when we told them. Instead, they acted unilaterally, stonewalled concerned citizens, and brutally attacked protestors. They acted not as democratically leaders who were concerned about votes, but as tyrants oppressing their subjects.

Your vote didn’t matter.

If your vote mattered you wouldn’t be surveilled by Big Brother. If your vote mattered, we would be able to listen to their conversations and watch them at all times.

But that isn’t a campaign issue, either. It’s a fact of life that we have to accept, because we can’t change the system…even though our vote is supposed to do just that.

[Ed.:  As much as I hold Chananya in the highest esteem, and there is little difference between the totalitarian government in Israel and the totalitarian fake government in the United States, my wife and I, along with millions of other Patriots, are going to vote in person, even though we already know that they will steal the election again by every fraudulent means available.  VOTE IN PERSON on November 8th!]


CRISIS: Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 255,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters   By Pamela Geller

If the bonkers neck lump wins it’s over. We have no chance – our elections are pure show for the totalitarian party. They cheat with absolute abandon knowing there are no repercussions or penalties. Just more power.

Pa.’s acting Secretary of State warns of possible delays in election results

Related: ‘Hi, Goodnight Everyone’: Unflappable Dr. Oz Lets Fetterman Self-Destruct in Debate

John Fetterman Saw a Black Man Running (a Jogger) and Decided to Grab his Shotgun…..

Democrat PA. Senate Candidate Fetterman “Happy” To Free Murderer Who Hacked Innocent Man to Death With Garden Shears

PA Senate Dem. Candidate John Fetterman’s Campaign Press Secretary: ‘Its Funny to Tweet Quotes by Hitler’

Fetterman Appointed Cop Killer Ally to Pennsylvania’s Board of Pardons

PA Dem Senate Candidate Fetterman Voted To Free Convicted Murderer Who Killed 18-Year-Old for Heroin Money

Fetterman has two convicted murderers on his campaign staff

Pennsylvania Dem John Fetterman Wants To “LEGALIZE HEROIN” And Allow Taxpayer-Funded Drug Dens, Refuses to Take Media Questions

In unearthed clip, Dem Senate candidate Fetterman says ‘I agree with’ cutting prison population by one-third

Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 240,000 Ballots to Unverified Voters! …UPDATE: Now at 255,000 Unverified Voters!   By Jim Hoft, October 26, 2022:


Wisconsin judge refuses to allow mail-in ballots with partial addresses to be counted in win for GOP

The judge said changing the requirements would “upend the status quo” less than two weeks before the election.

AWisconsin judge has rejected a request from the state’s League of Women Voters to allow election officials to count absentee ballots with incomplete witness addresses.

Dane County Circuit Judge Nia Trammell on Wednesday said the group’s request for a temporary injunction “would upend the status quo and not preserve it” and “frustrate the electoral process by causing confusion” less than two weeks before Election Day, CBS News reported.

The Republican-controlled state legislature, which intervened in the case, welcomed the judge’s ruling.


Lawsuit accuses conservative group of ‘coordinated campaign’ to deter Maricopa drop box voters    By Madeleine Hubbard

The Clean Elections USA founder said, “No one here wants to stop you” from dropping off a ballot.

An Arizona federal court is reviewing a lawsuit that alleges the group Clean Elections USA is engaging in a “coordinated campaign” to intimidate voters in the state’s Maricopa County by placing armed watchers at ballot drop boxes.

The suit was filed Monday by the Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Voto Latino against the conservative voter-integrity group, founder Melody Jennings and 10 unnamed defendants, who reportedly were near the monitored boxes, according to The Hill newspaper.

The plaintiffs allege that “armed and masked individuals” with Clean Energy stood near the boxes at least five times last week with the “express purpose of deterring voters … from depositing their ballots.”

They are asking the courts for an immediate temporary restraining order to halt such activity.


Sides make respective cases in Pennsylvania Supreme Court matter of dates on mail-in ballots

With election day in less than two weeks, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said it is likely to make a decision without hearing oral arguments.

Pennsylvania elections officials argued in a new court filing Tuesday that handwritten dates on the envelopes that many state voters use to mail in ballots should not be deemed mandatory – in a case brought before the state Supreme Court last week by state and national Republican Party organizations and several GOP voters.

The petitioners are asked the justices to take up the issue as some county officials who run vote counting appear poised to throw out ballots without the proper dates while others are expected to count them, according to the Associated Press.

The court said Friday that it will likely rule on the issue without holding oral arguments, the wire service also reports. Election Day as of Wednesday is now two weeks.

[Ed.:  Now, they suddenly decided to start arguing about it!  Too little, too late, don’tcha think?]


China influence campaign attempting to ‘discourage’ Americans from voting: cybersecurity group   By Madeleine Hubbard

The campaign’s larger goal is to “sow division both between the U.S. and its allies and within the U.S. political system itself,” the cybersecurity firm said.

Cybersecurity firm Mandiant on Wednesday said an influence campaign suspected of operating in support of China’s public interests is targeting the United States by seeking to “sow division” both between the country and its allies and within the U.S. itself.

The group behind the campaign is also making “aggressive attempts” to discourage Americans from voting in upcoming midterm elections and circulating allegations that the United States was responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline explosion, the security firm said.

The campaign’s larger goal is to “sow division both between the U.S. and its allies and within the U.S. political system itself,” Mandiant stated.

The influence campaign, known as DRAGONBRIDGE, has criticized American society through racial and social justice narratives, the group said.

The Chinese-linked campaign has also created fake accounts and spread a video in English across several social media platforms last month telling Americans not to vote.

[Ed.:  Nevertheless, American Patriots are going to vote in person on November 8th and win the election hands down by sheer numbers, anyway!  Much to our chagrin, by morning on November 9th, we will discover that the DEVILDEMOCOMMIECRAT Party ‘won the election after all…  Too bad, no?]


Republicans surge in Wisconsin Senate, governor’s races: poll   By Ben Whedon

A plurality of respondents, 44%, prioritized economic concerns in the election, while 16% prioritized protecting abortion access.

The Trump-backed Republican candidate for Wisconsin governor, Tim Michels, has inched ahead of his incumbent Democratic opponent, Tony Evers.

Michels leads Evers by a narrow 49%-48% margin among likely voters, in the latest survey from the left-leaning Data for Progress. That lead remains within the +/- 3.0% margin of error, meaning the race is still a statistical tie.


Texas election integrity task forces sent to Houston area to help prevent fraud

Inspectors from the Texas Secretary of State and AG’s Election Integrity Team have been sent to Harris County, which is mostly Houston, to observe and monitor voting processes.

Inspectors from the Texas Secretary of State and Attorney General’s Election Integrity Team have been sent to Harris County to observe and monitor voting processes.

Inspectors were sent after numerous voting irregularities were reported after the 2020 election and 2022 March primary election and after the state began auditing Harris County’s 2020 election procedures.

In a letter to Harris County Elections Administrator Clifford Tatum dated Oct. 18, Chad Ennis, director of the Forensic Audit Division in the Secretary of State’s Office, said his office’s ongoing audit of Harris County “has revealed serious breaches of proper elections records management in the handling of Mobile Ballot Boxes (MBBs) during the November 2020 General Election.”

[Ed.:  Well, isn’t that special!]


Democrat blows whistle on alleged ballot harvesting scheme, Florida opens criminal probe   By John Solomon and Natalia Mittelstadt

Former candidate for Orange County commissioner describes widespread vote trafficking operation in Orlando area, authorities see enough evidence to warrant criminal probe.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ new election crimes unit has recommended state police open a full criminal investigation into a Democrat whistleblower’s detailed complaint of a long-running, widespread ballot harvesting operation in the African-American communities in politically important central Florida.

Former Orange County Commissioner candidate Cynthia Harris filed a sworn affidavit in late August with the Secretary of State’s office alleging that illegal operations to collect third-party ballots have been going on for years in the Orlando area where voting activists are paid $10 for each ballot they collect.

She described an intricate system funded by liberal leaning organizations that dispatch ballot brokers into black communities to pressure voters to turn over their ballots. The $10 fee per ballot is divvied up among the parties who help complete the harvesting.


Analysis Projects GOP to Retake Majority in House After Midterms   JACOB BLISS

Analysts at the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics released an analysis on Wednesday, less than two weeks before the midterms, stating that the Republicans will regain the majority in the House.

“We now rate 218 House seats — the magic number for winning a majority — as at least Leans Republican in our House ratings,” the Center for Politics’ Kyle Kondik said in his analysis on Wednesday, meaning if the analysis is correct, GOP candidates will win the number of seats needed for the majority.

“A large number of races remain close and competitive. The danger for Democrats is that these races end up breaking disproportionately to the Republicans,” Kondik added.

He explained that four House seats that were rated “toss-up” had been moved to “lean Republican” this week, making the total number of seats that rated to at least “lean” toward the GOP candidate to 218, which is the number needed for a majority in the House.

There are currently only 195 seats that are rated at least “lean Democrat,” while 22 remain as a “toss-up” two weeks before the election. Kondik explained that if the “toss-up” seats split evenly 11-11, it would give Republicans a net gain of 16 seats, ultimately a total of 229 seats for the Republicans.

But, Kondik explained that the Center for Politics “suspect the Republicans will do better than just a split in the Toss-ups, so our updated forecast is a GOP gain in the high teens or low 20s.”

Additionally, with the election only two weeks away and much on the line for in both the House and the Senate in November, a Republican candidate currently leads on the generic ballot.

In the House of Representatives, Republicans are trying to take back the majority and unseat Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) from her speakership. To achieve this, the Republicans need to net five seats.

[Ed.:  Yes, that would be really nice if the elections would not be stolen by fraud.  But, they will be!]


Hillary Clinton: We Must Crush ‘Right Wing Extremists’ Plot to Steal 2024 Presidential Election    CHARLIE SPIERING

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton urged her supporters to pay more attention to political races in state legislatures, warning the very future of the 2024 presidential election was at stake.

“Right wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election and they’re not making a secret of it,” Clinton warned, reading a scripted message into a camera.

Clinton’s message was posted by the group “Indivisible Guide” a leftist grassroots organization.

She warned the “right wing controlled Supreme Court” would ultimately grant state legislatures the power to overturn presidential elections.

“If that happens the 2024 presidential election will not be decided not by the popular vote or even by the anachronistic electoral collage but by state legislatures,” she warned, adding that many of the state legislatures were under “Republican control.”

She urged supporters to donate to the “crush the coup” campaign, which would help defend democracy.

“This could not be more important or more urgent,” she said.

[Ed.: And “crush” us, they will! It’s already a done deal.]


JUST IN: Kari Lake Leads By 11 POINTS over Far Left Katie Hobbs in Arizona Governor’s Race – Up 8 Points in Two Weeks – AND Blake Masters is SURGING!  Jim Hoft

Back on October 13, 2022, Kari Lake led Democrat Katie Hobbs by just 3 points in the FOX10 Phoenix gubernatorial poll.

On Wednesday FOX 10 Phoenix released their latest poll on the Arizona gubernatorial race.

Kari Lake is now up 11 points on runner Katie Hobbs.

Blake Masters continues to surge in the US Senate race against radical Democrat Mark Kelly.


Millions Of Americans Assigned Secret ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores To Help Democrats Win Swing States   By Alicia Powe

Over 100 million Americans were tracked from their cell phones and assigned “COVID-19 decree violation” scores throughout the Covid lockdowns.

PredictWise, a voter analytics firm, harvested location data from tens of millions of US cell phones and provided the data to Democrat campaigns and the Democrat National Committee to develop campaign ads targeting swing voters.

According to a PredictWise white paper, the firm harvested the data by surveilling “nearly two billion GPS [global positioning system] pings” to acquire “real-time, ultra-granular locations patterns.”

PredictWise assigned a Covid-19 decree score based on how much an individual adhered to lockdown restrictions and stayed home, “compliers”  or disregarded quarantine measures and traveled away from their homes.

The harvested data was then provided to the Democratic National Committee and the Democrat Parties in swing states to target “Covid concerned” Republicans with ads promoting Covid safety measures.

“PredictWise understood that there were potential pockets of voters to target with Covid-19 messaging and turned high-dimensional data covering over 100 million Americans into measures of adherence to Covid-19 restrictions during deep lockdown,” the firm’s white paper states.

“PredictWise targeted Republicans who scored high on our measure of Covid-19 decree violations (folks who were on the go more often than their neighbors) and Republicans who scored low on our measure of Covid-19 decree violation (folks who mostly or always stayed at home),” the firm notes.

Democrats in swing states have partnered with PredictWise, which “tracks the opinions, attitudes and behaviors” of over 260 million Americans or 78 percent of the US population, to target voters with ad campaigns.


Here We Go Again? Ingham Co Clerk Issues Statement on “Reprogamming” of Voting Machines   By Brian Lupo

A Michigan county conjured up feelings of “deja vu” for many Michiganders and election integrity activists across the country this week as they discovered a “small concern” with their election sofware.

Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum (D-Onondaga) issued a statement regarding the election problem that was discovered recently during “pre-election testing”.

WILX10 in Michigan reported:

“It was brought to the attention of County Clerk Byrum by a local clerk conducting their pre-election testing that there was a small concern with the election programming that would need to be fixed.”

In a statement from Clerk Byrum, she said:

“My staff, in consultation with our election vendor, discovered the root fo the probelm was the removal of the Lansing Township Annexation proposal ordered off the ballot last minute and were able to remediate it within days… I find it disappointing that one of the local clerks has chosen to sensationalize this situation by bringing it to the press.  Their sole motivation must be a misguided attempt to undermine the public’s confidence in our elections, and I find it reprehensible.”

WILX10 goes on to say that “discovering the fix before the election is the process [pre election testing] working.  Clerks will take the new programming and conduct public accuracy testing, as required under law, and this election will run smoothly.”

[Ed.:  Election fraud is not preventable in the United States of America...]


AG Garland Promises to Address “Voter Intimidation” After Armed and Masked Drop Box “Election Observers” (Who Look an Awful Lot Like Fake ‘Patriot Front’ Group) Show Up at Drop Box in AZ   [VIDEO]   By Patty McMurray

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Americans no longer trust our intelligence agencies, especially after the January 6th incident where people like former Oath Keepers AZ Chapter President Ray Epps, who spent two days calling on Trump supporters to join him at the Capitol instead of at the Ellipse, briefly appeared on the FBI’s Most Wanted list only to disappear once a sufficient number of primarily Trump-supporting Americans were arrested for their role in an armless “insurrection.”

So when a group of masked men, wearing khakis and identical jackets, showed up in Washington, DC, on December 4, 2021, and no one had ever heard of them, the radars went up on people like me who are paying attention. The khaki-clad group of similar-sized and aged men marched to the Lincoln Memorial, and then almost as quickly as they came, they marched back to the UHaul trucks that brought them to the event.

The Left immediately made up stories about the group and their ties to “right-wing” extremists and “white supremacy.”

The only problem is…no one on the right has ever heard of these guys. Conservatives, however, seem to think they have a pretty good idea about where this new group came from.


Georgia Mail Truck Possibly Carrying Dozens Of Absentee Ballots ‘Burned To A Crisp’    By Alicia Powe

A US mail truck reportedly carrying dozens of absentee ballots caught was set aflame in southwest Georgia on Monday.

According to law enforcement officials, the mail carrier was not injured, but the vehicle and the mail it contained were completely destroyed.

The Baker County Sherrif’s Office published photographs of the Jeep engulfed in flames on social media.


Democratic PA Secretary of State: “We Are Not Going to Have Results On Election Night”   (VIDEO)  By Anthony Scott

It appears the days of finding out who won an election on the day of voting are gone.

Democratic Secretary of State Leigh M. Chapman has already notified Pennsylvania voters that the mid-term elections will more than likely experience delays.

Chapman’s warnings are quite bizarre considering the election has yet to even take place.

According to Pittsburgh’s NPR Station, Chapman was quoted saying “It’s really important for us to get accurate information about the election process in Pennsylvania.”

[Ed.:  We are not going to have legitimate elections November 8th. It’s a sham! The Democrats have already won! It’s ‘predestined’.]



[Ed.:  This is a very interesting ad!]     The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods

Inside, you’ll discover over 400 plants that never made it to most people’s lives, kitchens or medicine cabinets.

The most important thing that I would like to show you, and that many books lack, is how to correctly identify these plants.

I went through great lengths to print this book in color with HUGE pictures for each plant, to make it easy to identify.

I also added extra photos of the defining features of the plant, so you will know exactly what to look for to make the correct identification.

With the distribution map I added, you will also be able to search only for plants growing in your area.

Because I want you to be 110% safe and sure you got the right plant, I added a Poisonous-Lookalike section for each plant explaining the differences you should look for.

Each plant that has medicinal properties also has a section on how to use it as a remedy.







The West Turns Back on Persecuted Christians, Embraces Radical Muslims   by Raymond Ibrahim

Western authorities appear committed to discriminating against Christian, while welcoming Muslim, asylum seekers.

Most recently, Germany—which has taken in millions of refugees from the Muslim world, including un-vetted ones from Afghanistan—denied refuge to an Iranian convert to Christianity, even though his brother-in-law was imprisoned, tortured, and killed after converting in their native Iran.  Known by the initials “H.H.,” according to one report,

When H.H.’s asylum application was rejected by German authorities, he appealed to the Greifswald Administrative Court. The court dismissed H.H.’s case, declaring that it was “not particularly likely” that a Muslim would decide to become a Christian after his brother-in-law had been tortured and killed and his wife abused. It was more likely that the events described, if they had actually taken place, would have a deterrent effect on third parties,” [sic: not clear where quote begins] said the Administrative Court…..  This week, the European Court of Human Rights quickly declined to hear arguments in H.H’s defense, leaving him vulnerable to deportation to a country where religious conversion can carry a prison penalty.

Discussing Hassan’s case, Lidia Rieder, a legal officer at ADF International (Alliance Defending Freedom), said,

Iran is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for Christians, and converts are particularly at risk. In the last year, religious persecution has greatly worsened. So-called ‘religious deviants’ can be given prison sentences, national security charges are continuously used to target religious minorities. The courts in Germany must take this into account when processing asylum applications.





THE POLITICAL PRISONER PODCAST: This Week J-6er Jake Lang Interviews Jeff Crouere from His Prison Block  Jim Hoft

THE POLITICAL PRISONER PODCAST — This Week Jake Lang Interviews Jeff Crouere from his prison block at a maximum security facility in Virginia

Jake Lang was nearly killed on January 6th when he was gassed and smothered in a huge pile of people on the steps of the US Capitol.  The woman beside him, Rosanne Boyland, was killed that day.  She was gassed and crushed in the pile.  Capitol Police Officer Lila Morris was filmed beating Rosanne with a stick after she was passed out.  While Jake was buried under the pile, Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him.  Jake also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body laying next to Rosanne Boyland. Jake was able to pull Anderson to safety and save his life that day.  Later Jake was seen battling with police who continued their deadly assault on Trump supporters.

Today, Jake Lang languishes in prison, alone, for 20 hours a day.  Jake was recently transferred to a top security prison where he is held with convicted murderers and violent criminals in the same block.  Jake has not been convicted of a crime.  He has been held in prison by the Biden regime for nearly two years now.  Democrats celebrate this.

On several occasions, Jake has been cast into solitary confinement without any justification. Jake has been transferred to eight different detention facilities over the course of the last 22 months.


PELOSI COVER UP: Now we know why Democrats lied about Trump’s National Guard Offer   By Ali Alexander

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Select Committee investigating the January 6th riot, which took place at the US Capitol nearly two years ago, held its last public hearing nearly two weeks go. The committee is exclusively made up of anti-Republican members appointed by the leader of the Democratic Party. In our entire 233 year history operating under the US Constitution, this mono-partisan makeup and appointment has never happened.

No serious lover of law, in either its making or adjudication, would dream up a process of getting to objective facts without an adversarial process in the calling and questioning of documents and witnesses. However, that’s exactly what Pelosi, Chairman Bennie Thompson, and Liz Cheney (who has been expelled by voters) have schemed up at great detriment to the republic.

Now, the entire premise of this specially-empowered committee was to “investigate the facts, circumstances, and causes relating to the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol” and draft legislative recommendations to prevent a future collapse in security.

Curious then that most of the committee’s effort has been spent violating the civil rights of countless conservative activists, Republican consultants, and probing the Trump administration in a shocking break from precedent with Joe Biden waiving executive privilege on behalf of the Trump administration.



Jim Cramer Apologizes For Being Wrong on META as Shares Plunge 24% After Earnings Collapse (VIDEO)   Cristina Laila

META-Facebook shares were down more than 24% Thursday on a weak Q4 forecast and earnings collapse.

“Meta Platforms Inc. shareholders are paying dearly for its spending on the metaverse: The Facebook parent’s market value has collapsed by a whopping $677 billion this year, forcing it out from the ranks of the world’s 20 largest companies.” Bloomberg News reported Thursday morning.

Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune took a huge hit.

“Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune plunged by $11 billion after his Meta Platforms Inc. reported a second-straight quarter of disappointing earnings, bringing his total wealth loss to more than $100 billion in just 13 months.” Bloomberg News reported.


BREAKING: PayPal Has Reinstated its Policy to Fine Users $2,500 Directly from their Accounts if they Spread “Misinformation”   Jim Hoft

Paypal’s policy of charging $2,500 for spreading “inaccurate or misleading information” has been reinstated as outlined in the Restricted Activities under the User Agreement.

On September 26th, the financial service announced some changes to certain agreements.

Starting November 3, 2022, PayPal is expanding the existing list of prohibited activities to include the sending, posting, or publication of messages, content, or materials under its Acceptable Use Policy.

“Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a violation of the PayPal User Agreement and may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation, which may be debited directly from your PayPal account(s) as outlined in the User Agreement,” said PayPal.

Users will be subject to a financial penalty if they violate the revised policy in any way, including by spreading false information, engaging in discrimination against the LGBTQ community, posing a risk to user safety, and so on.

Paypal stated, ” You may not use the PayPal service for activities that involve the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful, obscene, harassing, or objectionable, (b) depict or appear to depict nudity, sexual or other intimate activities, (c) depict or promote illegal drug use, (d) depict or promote violence,  criminal activity, cruelty, or self-harm (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics (e.g. race, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) (f) present a risk to user safety or wellbeing, (g) are fraudulent, promote misinformation, or are unlawful, (h) infringe the privacy, intellectual property rights, or other proprietary rights of any party, or (i) are otherwise unfit for publication.” (You can download the announcement here.)

[Ed.:  Have you closed your account yet?  I did.]



Bulk post from Mike Adams

The vaccine “Berlin Wall” is finally being torn down – here’s how

Staten Island Supreme Court Justice Ralph Porzio has struck down the NYC vaccine mandate, calling it “arbitrary and capricious” while explaining, “it was all about compliance” and not public health.

In other news, the US government is buying up millions of dollars in radiological decontamination equipment, including showers, positive pressure tents, body suits and more. M8 paper — an indicator of the presence of chemical weapons such as nerve gas — is also being purchased and stockpiled by the government, likely in anticipation of either radiological or chemical attacks.

Get full details in today’s feature article and podcast here.

New Videos from Brighteon.com

Situation Update, Oct 26, 2022 – The vaccine Berlin Wall is finally being torn down

Watch this video

ATF may criminalize millions of Americans in 2023: Mr. William Kirk from Washington Gun Law

Watch this video

Featured Articles

NuManna update: Distributor cuts all ties with NuManna, asks public to understand distributors had zero knowledge of NuManna’s label fraud and false claims

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Cardiologist says all covid jabs must be suspended immediately

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

Flesh-eating bacteria deadlier than sharks wreaking havoc in Florida after Hurricane Ian

By Roy Green | Read the full story

Mass exodus from public schools anticipated after CDC advisory panel unanimously votes to add deadly Covid-19 “vaccines” to childhood immunization schedule

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

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“Large amount of unwellness” at Amsterdam Marathon part of wider trend of heart problems among athletes since covid-19 vaccine rollout
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New York public employees freed from covid jab mandate, thanks to state Supreme Court
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New Project Veritas Drop Suggests DOJ May Go After “Misinformation” as “Election Crimes”  Brian Lupo

It’s 2022 but it feels a lot like 1984, doesn’t it?  According to Project Veritas on Truth Social, an FBI whistleblower has leaked a document that suggests “Misinformation” and “Disinformation” are “Election Crimes”.

This colorful document titled “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet” that was leaked to Project Veritas is reminiscent of an exposé The Gateway Pundit published back in August.  The basis of the exposé article was the discovery of contracts from the Department of Homeland Security with an organization called the EI-ISAC not only to secure elections at the county level at the behest of the DHS.  That same non-profit was also subject to a report titled “The Long Fuse” that talks about a portal to allow government officials access to social media conglomerates to censor anything they deem “misinformation” or “disinformation”.

The pamphlet defines “misinformation” as “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally” and “disinformation” as “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others.  Disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.“

The leaked document from Project Veritas does state “For the following to fall under federal jurisdiction, the following must involve one or more federal candidates on the ballot…”  It is unclear if that means the candidate must be involved, or it could be “mis” or “dis” information involving an election with a federal candidate.

The absolute irony of all of this is the grossly misleading statements and censorship made not only by the federal and local governments, but also by the Mockingbird media regarding the 2020 election and the COVID-19 virus and vaccines, while honest information was being censored on social medial platforms globally.

[Ed.:   Our country is fucked up beyond repair.  We need to rebuild it from scratch.]


‘FBI Managers Get Bonuses for Domestic Terrorism Cases’   By Pamela Geller

Blood money. The Democrats have turned the FBI into the Stasi with bonuses.

‘FBI managers get bonuses for domestic terrorism cases’

The following excerpt of a transcript is from Sharyl Attkisson’s interview with FBI whistleblower Special Agent Steve Friend.

Shary Attkisson:

When you say there are financial incentives for leadership to focus on domestic terrorism, do you mean they get bonuses if they bring cases?

Stever Friend:

Yes. They’re, the SES, the senior executive staff level, it’s beyond the GS14. Once you get into the GS15 level, there’s a compensation package that’s gonna be attached to that individual’s field office or whatever their responsibility is meeting certain metrics. And there’s a negotiation essentially back and forth between the SES and DOJ and federal government on, you know, what they deem to be good performance measures to meet. And the senior executive staff is gonna try to meet those measures because obviously it’s gonna benefit their financials.







Exclusive—Michael Walsh on WEF and Great Reset: Live in a Box, Don’t Move, Be Surveilled, Shut up, Eat Bugs   ROBERT KRAYCHIK

Michael Walsh, author of Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order, noted on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that the World Economic Forum’s [WEF] Great Reset program seeks to reduce the human population while restricting freedoms under the auspices of what the leftist organization describes as “climate change” and “public health” pursuits.

Walsh recalled how the WEF’s Great Reset operation was widely dismissed by leftists as a “conspiracy theory,” despite the WEF regularly promoting its Malthusian vision on its website, at its hosted discussion panels, and on its podcast titled The Great Reset.

“[The Great Reset] is a conspiracy that’s actually on the website of the people who are conspiring,” Walsh remarked. He described the WEF as “a consortium of plutocrats, fascists, and governmental apparatchiks.”

The WEF’s executives and membership share a vision of endlessly centralized control over humanity via increasingly tightening spheres of freedom around individuals, Walsh observed.

“[They] wish to basically have you live in a high-rise, drive an electric car — or preferably don’t drive the electric car, they don’t like you mobile — and eat bugs,” he said.


Coup Complete: Globalist Rishi Sunak Installed as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom    KURT ZINDULKA

The coup to install a technocratic globalist government in Westminster is now complete as former Goldman Sachs banker Rishi Sunak was invited to form a new government by King Charles III on Tuesday morning, after the parliamentary Conservative Party, alongside financial institutions, and the legacy media moved with astonishing speed to overthrow the short-lived Truss government.

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) Rishi Sunak has officially been installed as prime minister of the United Kingdom following the overthrow of Liz Truss, who has become the shortest-serving leader in British history after the establishment-wing of the Conservative Party ousted her over attempts to introduce supply-side market reforms and some small tax cuts.

With the ‘coronation‘ of Sunak, which came after a brief leadership contest among parliamentarians (without allowing voters, either in the wider Conservative party or the country at large to have a say), the UK can expect the very type of globalist government that the public believed they were freeing themselves from in the 2016 Brexit referendum.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.