Daily Shmutz | 102822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)





The Firings Begin: Twitter CEO, CFO, & Top Censor Escorted Out   BY TYLER DURDEN

As the bell tolls for the end of the first chapter of Twitter’s life as a deep state narrative-enabling machine, the firings have begun with Musk becoming ‘Chief Twit’.

Just minutes after the world’s richest man has reportedly closed the $44 billion dealThe NYTimes reports that, according to sources that declined to be identified, the Twitter executives who were fired include:

  • Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s chief executive,
  • Ned Segal, the chief financial officer,
  • Sean Edgett, the general counsel, and
  • Vijaya Gadde, the top legal and policy executive, (or censorship czar).


Amazon Implodes More Than 20% After Missing on Revenues, Disappointing On AWS, Catastrophic Guidance  BY TYLER DURDEN

Update (1645ET): During the earnings call, Amazon says sales growth moderated as the third quarter progressed and it expects the challenges of inflation, rising fuel costs and weaker demand to persist through the holiday quarter.

Additionally, Amazon CFO Brian Olsavsky suggests more cuts could be coming. The company will continue to invest in growth businesses like Amazon advertising and cloud computing. But it will be “looking at our cost structure and areas where we can save money.”

*  *  *

With the bulk of the FAAMG stocks – which is now GAMMA following Facebook’s rebranding to Meta (at least until the company  quietly changes its name back now that the whole Metaverse farce has blown up in its Metaface) – having reported Q3 results (which have uniformly been a disaster, sending megatech stocks tumbling), investors were keenly looking to Amazon and Apple earnings after the close today, to round out the picture for the (former?) market generals and set the tone for the rest of 2022, or at least until after the midterms when the BLS reports that real payrolls were actually -1,000,000, and also to conclude whether the ongoing Nasdaq implosion has been justified.







After the Elections   By E.M. Cadwaladr

I remember talking to a childhood friend a little before the 2016 election.  What he said to me sticks in my memory verbatim because it was so stunning.

“If Trump wins this election, it will be the end of democracy.”

He said this without irony.  To him, democracy meant something other than a president being elected through the free choice of millions of ordinary voters.  To him, “democracy” meant “the cause,” the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up.  “Democracy,” in other words, could not be left to the people.  It was the proper province of the enlightened and sophisticated few.

It is not about the subtleties of how the Electoral College does or ought to function.  It is not about the distinction between direct democracy and the representative democracy that was designed into our now defunct republic.  It is about the core beliefs of human beings.  About the distinction between a government that exists at the sufferance of the people, on the one hand, and a people who exist at the sufferance of a political class on the other.  There are currently only a minority of officeholders in this country who actually believe that ordinary people ought to have as much sovereignty over their own lives as the need for social order will allow.  They believe this either because they have a certain faith in the people’s collective wisdom, or because they simply understand that putting too much power into anyone else’s hands has tended not to end well.  Everyone else, Republican or Democrat, fake conservative or real Marxist, believe, at best, that people are mere children who have to be protected from themselves.  At worst, they believe that the people are an inferior species of animal — a herd that might be thinned or fattened up as necessary to serve the interests of their betters.  We have ample cause to think the majority of our federal legislators and even more of the noxious pampered creatures that make up the administrative state fall easily into this second category.  The last thing that such people would want is an honest election — ever.

The people who are currently in charge will cheat in the upcoming election.  There can be no reasonable doubt about this.  The question isn’t one of if — it’s only how.  It is a question of whether or not they’ll be successful, or whether or not enough people of our side will show they have the functional remnants of a backbone.  Whatever shakes out after the circus of mail-in ballots, ballot-harvesting, and all the other tricks we’ve come to expect — we must remember that the leadership of the Democrat party does not believe in elections even in principle.  They will not consider any manipulation of the electoral process to be cheating.  In their view, they’re entitled to win.  If I eat a piece of steak, I do not moralize at all about the unfair slaughter of the beast that it was taken out of.  Our political rights, in the eyes of most of the political class, are something on the order of civil rights of cattle.  This is to say — they are rights they don’t believe exist.

Now, it naturally follows from this situation that we need to stop expecting a fair win just as we no longer believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.  Our victories are going to be denied; litigated; and, if at all possible, overturned.  We cannot pretend we are arguing with honorable opponents.  In the defense of their own power, our enemies will leave no options off the table.  Our lives mean little to them.  They hate us.  They have made this amply clear.  For the sake of our nation’s future, we need to shrug off any worn out notion that we have any kind of moral duty to our rulers simply because they are our rulers.

[Ed.:  Like the author says here: “they will cheat” (again)  They will also win the election, and we will lie down and take it again. If we have not corrected the stolen election in 2020, and we have not released the J6 political prisoners, we really do not deserve to have a free republic, nor will we have one!]


Polling Exists To Make Astrology Look Good   Emerald Robinson

The credibility of America’s polling industry in 2022 is less than zero

Three days ago, the American polling and news aggregation site Real Clear Politics launched a “polling accountability initiative” with a new pollster ranking system.

This was a significant admission by Real Clear Politics that the polling industry is largely a farce. After all: Real Clear Politics has simply aggregated various polls into a polling average for the last twenty years. What could possibly be the problem with that model? What could go wrong with a polling average? And the answer is obvious: the vast majority of polls are so biased (in favor of Democrats) that the sheer number of these fake polls manage to discredit even polling averages.

As the old adage goes: “garbage in, garbage out.”

Real Clear Politics has admitted as much in their “polling accountability initiative” press release: “the public opinion survey industry has undergone momentous changes and faced a series of challenges in a profoundly altered political landscape.”


Elon Musk Bought Twitter   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let the good times roll.

Welp, it happened.

So, a while back I wrote about the idea that Elon Musk’s vision for Twitter wasn’t all about free speech and that an mega e-commerce site has inherent dangers. But the truth is that I am a big believer that there are two sides to every coin. That there are many truths, and I like Elon Musk.

Despite his capitalist visions for Twitter, I do believe that he plans to build and make Twitter a better platform for communication and journalism. Citizen journalism is important.

So, I am dedicating this short article to the good in Elon, and the news stories that have made me smile over the past week.

First up is the letter that Musk sent to his new employees earlier in the week. Reading this made my heart a little lighter:



China Begins Dispensing ‘Aerosolized’ Coronavirus Vaccine Product in Shanghai

The city of Shanghai on Tuesday began dispensing aerosolized booster shots for China’s woefully ineffective coronavirus vaccine products, a technique meant to make booster doses faster and more palatable to the population than traditional injection methods.

The system being field-tested in Shanghai asks subjects to breathe deeply from a cloud of medicated gas contained in what looks like a sippy cup.

China’s vaccine candidates, initially produced by Sinopharm and Sinovac, were developed using older “inactive virus” technology instead of the mRNA tech used by the major Western vaccine products. Despite copious promises from Chinese Communist politicians and dubious clinical studies, these products proved substantially less effective than Western vaccine candidates in the field, which is one reason the authoritarian country wound up with relatively low compliance rates despite strong official encouragement for citizens to get their shots.

China’s pandemic response is oppressive in most respects, but one aspect in which Beijing could claim to be less authoritarian than many governments in the free world is that it has not mandated vaccine product compliance.


Wuhan and other Chinese cities reinstate lockdowns with zero-COVID policy  By Madeleine Hubbard

In Beijing, the Universal Resort theme park closed Wednesday after one attendee tested positive for the virus.

Major Chinese cities, including Wuhan, are locking down as the country doubles down on its zero-COVID policy.

Wuhan, a city with a population of 11.8 million people and the place that the pandemic first started, ordered 800,000 people in one district to stay home until Oct. 30 in response to 240 reported COVID cases over two weeks, according to the New York Post.

China is also locking down Guangzhou and Xining by sealing off streets and ordering people to stay inside.

In Beijing, the Universal Resort theme park closed Wednesday after one attendee tested positive for the virus.

China has reported more than 1,000 COVID cases three days in a row this week, still far below the average of more than 260,000 cases a week in the United States.


Here’s a Disturbing Theory About the Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense   JD Rucker

What if the Chinese Communist Party wanted to infect 200 million Americans with a bioweapon that took down military-aged men? Would they do anything different from the current vaccine agenda?

There have been plenty of conspiracy theories about Covid-19, the “vaccines,” and the roles being played by various organization such as the Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and our own government. I’ve echoed many of them in the recent past. Most of them point back to depopulation and remnant control used against the whole world, but what if this really does come down to the United States itself?

During an interview I did with “Man in America” Seth Holehouse yesterday, we spent the better part of a segment discussing the jabs and a theory he’d been working on recently along with a few others. Basically, he believes it’s possible that the real bioweapons being used against us are the jabs that are being injected into over 200 million Americans.

We are seeing plenty of adverse reactions to them, especially among young and otherwise healthy men. IF the Chinese Communist Party used their puppets in Big Pharma to develop and distribute a bioweapon that targeted military-aged men, then everything that’s playing out around us would make more sense. This would explain why a Beijing-controlled Biden-Harris regime would be pushing so hard to get every man, woman, and child in the nation jabbed. It would explain why obvious concerns about the jabs are being widely ignored, even suppressed. And it would explain why the mandates seem to be focused mostly on military, healthcare workers, and first responders.


CNN wasn’t interested in seeing the VAERS reporting survey data. Can you believe that?  Steve Kirsch

Who would have guessed? So I’m shopping it to see how many will turn it down. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you emails I sent to the CDC, just for the record. Our CDC billboard was approved!  

News updates

  1. Our billboard right outside of CDC headquarters was approved with no changes! It should be up in two weeks. How cool is that? I can’t wait.
  2. Elon Musk will reverse lifetime bans on Twitter usersSince I have two lifetime bans on Twitter, this actually gives me an extra Twitter life if they reverse both of them on my main account. I just finished filing an appeal of my Twitter account (@stkirsch). I had 2,584 tweets over the 12 years I had my account until they removed me permanently for saying that the COVID vaccine causes prion disease. Apparently, the Twitter censors think that Tammy Pottorff’s CJD just happened by magic.
  3. CNN turned down the opportunity to get the exclusive on our survey of the healthcare workers which shows clearly that VAERS is not “overreported” as claimed by the CDC. CNN didn’t have to believe me; they could have done their own survey (which took me less than 24 hours to execute and get results). No interest. This is critical health information that would save lives and CNN just takes a pass on it without even bothering to respond. They should consider changing their tagline to something like “News you can’t trust.” At least that would be more accurate.
  4. The VAERS safety signal for DEATH has triggered. Three independent statisticians validated my objective, straightforward calculation (using the CDC’s criteria and data) that the signal was triggered. Nobody at the CDC noticed. After I pointed it out explicitly to them in multiple communications, they still ignored me. If you had any doubts they are corrupt and don’t care about your safety, this will erase those doubts.
  5. We just did a survey of healthcare workers that proves that VAERS is not overreported this year. There are simply more events happening for these vaccines than all the vaccines in history combined. This is a very unsafe vaccine that has, at a minimum, killed hundreds of thousands of people. No mainstream news organization wants to see the data we collected. Isn’t that odd? I tried to get Fox News to validate the numbers, but they simply weren’t interested in seeing if I was right or not.




Psaki on Midterms: Democrats Are ‘Worried About Where This Is Going’   PAM KEY

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that Democrats are worried about the polling trends with the midterm elections just 11 days.

Discussing a hot mic catching Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer telling President Joe Biden, “we’re in danger,” Psaki said, “First of all, the hot mic will get you every time, Chuck Schumer. I’ve been there.”

She continued, “What we heard there and what you saw on the screen is similar to a lot the conversations Democrats are having behind the scenes and a lot of people I talked to as well. People are fearful about where the momentum is going in some of these races.”

[Ed.: The DEVILDEMOCOMMIECRATS needn’t worry!  Everything is literally under control.]


NY hasidic community runs Republican fundraiser one day after Biden pleaded for support

The president reportedly called Hasidic leaders in New York state, asking them to support the Democratic representative in the upcoming congressional election.

Just a day after President Joe Biden called the Skverer and Vizhnitzer hasidic leaders, urging them to support incumbent Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney in the upcoming congressional election, high-ranking members of the hasidic community attended a fundraiser for Assemblyman Mike Lawler, the Republican nominee, Yeshiva World News reported.

The fundraiser included New Square Mayor Izzy Spitzer, Mayor Eli Pinkasowitz, Airmont Deputy Mayor Shimon Moses, Chestnut Ridge Trustee Chaim Ross, Pomona Village Trustee Mendy Lasker and activist Yossi Gestetner, among other prominent community figures, the report said.

Maloney is reportedly facing a tough challenge in this election.

Education and assistance for students, particularly in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools, was a hot topic at the luncheon.


Mail-In Ballot Total Surges Past 10 Million Across US Ahead of 2022 Midterms   By Jack Phillips, EPOCH TIMES

More than 10 million people have cast mail-in ballots ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm elections, according to an election monitoring project.

Another 5 million or so have voted early and in person, research from the U.S. Elections Project shows as of Oct. 27. This week, a number of states opened early in-person voting, including Texas.

The project, which is managed by University of Florida professor Michael McDonald, tracks early voting activity among states that have reported data. Texas, California, Florida, and Georgia have reported more than 1.5 million in-person and mail-in votes as of Oct. 27, the project numbers show.

“It does seem very robust, early voting … I think we’re looking at more like a 2018 election, definitely,” McDonald told ABC News on Oct. 24, referring to the high turnout.

More than three dozen states have already opened early voting. For the 2022 midterms, early voting phases range from 46 days to three days before Election Day, the National Conference of State Legislatures says.

“Congratulations, Georgia voters! We’ve reached 1 MILLION cast votes. Election officials deserve our thanks for rising to the challenge & working hard to serve our communities,” Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, wrote on Twitter on Oct. 25.


After Sending Out 240,000 Unverified Ballots, Pennsylvania Now Warns Of ‘Delays’ Counting Midterm Votes   BY TYLER DURDEN

Here we go again…

Just one day after 15 Pennsylvania House Republicans sent a letter to acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman demanding to know why 240,000 unverified ballots had been mailed out (“which, according to the law, must be set aside and not counted for the 2022 General Election unless the voter produces lD,” the lawmakers wrote), Chapman revealed that there will likely be delays posting the results after the midterm elections.

“It’s really important for us to get accurate information about the election process in Pennsylvania,” Chapman said during a virtual conference, where she said it would likely take ‘several days’ to count and certify the votes.

“So voters and the public know that when there are delays in counting, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything nefarious happening. It’s just what the law is in Pennsylvania.”

According to Chapman, the delays would be attributed to poll workers not being able to pre-canvas, or count mail-in ballots prior to election day.

She also encouraged voters to go ahead and send in their ballots, contrary to Republican messaging which urged voters to hold onto their mail-in ballots and turn them in to their local board of elections on election day – which Chapman said could (somehow) cause voters to become disenfranchised.

[Ed.:  The Midterm Elections are already a wash.  Patriotic Americans must realize that the same procedures yield the same results. Sadly, our response will be the same as well, while we kiss our passive asses goodbye.]


Man in America: Exposing 2020 Election Fraud Is on the Ballot in the Midterms  JD Rucker

Seth Holehouse has become one of the most popular hosts on Rumble for a reason. As a fellow opponent of censorship, voter fraud, and vaccines, today’s show was one for the ages.

The 2020 election was stolen. It seems many conservative pundits and show hosts have forgotten this. Maybe they’ve been gaslighted like so many Americans into believing that there wasn’t massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020 based solely on corporate media repeatedly saying there was no massive, widespread voter fraud in 2020. For others, it’s just a matter of self-preservation; acknowledging the stolen election is a surefire way to get blacklisted from Google ad money or massive Facebook traffic.

On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I had the pleasure of speaking to someone who shares my views on, well, pretty much everything. Seth Holehouse, better known as Man in America, joined me in what turned into a lovefest of voter fraud AND vaccine “conspiracy theories.” We’re both considered to be “fringe” now since we still talk about the stolen election and we continue to reveal the truth about the jabs, but I no longer consider either term to be pejorative. We’re telling the truth. Anyone who tries to deny that can dig themselves a ditch.

We went through some of the important elections on the ballot in less than two weeks. Coincidentally, we consider the two most important elections to be important for the same reason. Arizona and Pennsylvania hold the keys to exposing what really happened during the 2020 election. If Kari Lake and others can win in Arizona and if Doug Mastriano can win in Pennsylvania, we have a tremendous opportunity to finally get the truth from official sources. Both states were at the center of the stolen election and both gubernatorial candidates are adamant about bringing the truth to light.

As former Trump advisor Peter Navarro told Holehouse, getting the right people elected in November will go a long way toward finally illuminating and possibly reversing the stolen 2020 election results. It has always been a longshot, but Bible-believing Christians like Holehouse and me must acknowledge that if it’s God’s will for the truth to come out, it will no matter how much the forces of evil try to cover it up. Conversely, if the truth is not supposed to come out then there’s nothing we can do to force it out into the open. The results are above our paygrade. All we can do is fight the good fight as we do not know what our role is in the plan.









The unholy alliance between Republicans and Islamists   Melanie Phillips

Conservative despair about the state of the west is delivering it to its mortal foes

The tacit alliance between the western left and the Islamists — Muslims intent upon conquering the west for Islam — has long been a source of deep concern.

Left-wingers, who exercise outsize influence over western culture, sometimes make common cause with Islamists over their mutual aim of destroying the west and the State of Israel. This is even though the Islamists’ theocratic denial of democracy and human rights, their oppression of women and their persecution of gay people and dissidents run wholly contrary to the western left’s professed values.

After 9/11, that alliance foundered. Conservative alarm over Islamism peaked in 2007 when the Holy Land Foundation trial saw many prominent American Muslim organisations and their leaders and activists named as “unindicted co-conspirators”.

Enraged by the war in Iraq, Islamists turned for support to the left which denounced all concerns about the Muslim world as “Islamophobic”.

Now, writes Westrop, this is changing again. Many Islamists no longer regard the left as a useful ally but rather as a harmful influence because of its agenda of gay rights, transgender identity and sexual license that it is pushing so aggressively.



Benny Gantz – Take Off Your Mask!   by AFSI Staff

Under the headline: “Israel or Palestine,” the Sovereignty Movement warns against steps taken by Minister Benny Gantz that promote, in practice, the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The movement expresses concern about what its members characterize as a right-wing mask behind which Benny Gantz conceals his political philosophy. “It is time to unmask the Defense Minister’s policy,” the ad says. “Gantz is a leftist, who, under the guise of IDF activity, is promoting a political program that endangers Israel.”


Gantz’s Negative Score Grows: Broken Promise to Evyatar   by AFSI Staff

A year and a half after signing an agreement with the government, according to which a yeshiva would be established in Evyatar, the government has yet to hold up its end of the agreement. Rabbi Chaim Druckman of Evyatar received the promise from Defense Minister Benny Gantz to build Evyatar and stated: “We received a promise regarding Evyatar, that was a year ago, and until now it hasn’t been fulfilled; promises must be kept.”

Nahala movement chairperson Daniela Weiss stated, “..it has come time we build a glorious town there.”

We’re praying and trusting that this coming Tuesday’s elections choose the leader that will keep its promise to Evyatar.


Insult to Sovereignty – Lapid Signs Maritime Deal   by AFSI Staff

Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday signed the agreement on a maritime boundary between Israel and Lebanon, that will permit Israel’s neighbor to the north to start digging for underwater natural gas in an area that extends into Israel’s territory.

Lapid and Lebanon’s President Michel Aoun also did not sign the same document, but identical documents that will be submitted to the UN representative at the Rosh Hanikra crossing. Lebanon has been stressing throughout the years of negotiations with Israel that it does not recognize the Jewish State, nor has it given up its desire to see it be erased by its army of terrorists, Hezbollah.

Lapid regards the signing of this agreement as recognition by an enemy state. We say it is capitulation to an enemy. Legal scholars agree. “Nothing in this maritime agreement can be said to constitute a Lebanese recognition of Israel,” said Professor Eugene Kontorovich, director of International Law at the Jerusalem-based Kohelet Policy Forum, which petitioned the Supreme Court against the deal.





As Physical Silver Demand Soars, Bullion Dealers Offer Huge Buy-Back Premiums   BY TYLER DURDEN

Updated 2055ET with comments from SD Bullion President Dr. Tyler Wall.

For those who have been keeping an eye on silver, things are getting a little tight.

Earlier Wednesday we noted a report from Ronan Manly of BullionStar.comwho revealed that more than 50% of deliverable silver on COMEX is suddenly ‘not available.’ Manly brought up this Oct. 19 tweet from metals expert Nicky Shiels, who said of delegates in attendance at the annual LBMA (Gold) conference in Lisbon; “they are mildly bearish Gold for the year ahead ($1830 by 2023s conference) but super bullish Silver ($28.30!) as the focus was on physical tightness driven by unprecedented demand.


In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat   BY TYLER DURDEN

Well, we’re finally there: stocks are officially trading off nuclear war headlines.

Moments ago, as part of his closely-watched speech, Vladimir Putin appeared to talk down the likelihood of a nuclear attack in Ukraine:


Which, however, is more than can be said about the US.

As Bloomberg just reported, the Pentagon’s new National Defense Strategy rejects limits on using nuclear weapons long championed by arms control advocates (and, in the not too distant past, by Joe Bide) citing burgeoning threats from Russia and China.

“By the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries,” the Defense Department said in the long-awaited document issued Thursday. In response, the US will “maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment” without ruling out using the weapons in retaliation to a non-nuclear strategic threat to the homeland, US forces abroad or allies.

In yet another stark reversal for the senile occupant of the White House basement, in his 2020 presidential campaign Biden had pledged to declare that the US nuclear arsenal should be used only to deter or retaliate against a nuclear attack, a position blessed by progressive Democrats and reviled by defense hawks. But, like with every other position held by the pathological liar who even trumps Trump in the untruth department, this one has just been reversed as well as “the threat environment has changed dramatically since then” and the Pentagon strategy was forged in cooperation with the flip-flopping White House.


BREAKING: “2000 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday If They Do Not Identify Confidential Informant in Konnech Investigation   Jim Hoft

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested earlier this month in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data.”

The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company.

During the PIT conference, Phillips and Engelbrecht alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company.  The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation.

Journalist “incognito” Kanekoa has covered this company and researched them better than anyone.

Here is the link to the LA County website.



Bulk post from  Mike Adams  Natural News

Americans are SKIPPING MEALS because they can’t afford food as Biden’s food inflation fiasco gets even worse

(Natural News) A new survey by the Nationwide Retirement Institute reveals that, “nearly a quarter of young people skipped meals or didn’t buy groceries because of high inflation.” From the report on survey results: Over the last 12 months, nearly two in five American households (40%) received food or goods from a food bank (22% for … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – JD Heyes

He’s guilty: Joe Biden implicated in half-dozen white collar crimes, including tax evasion

(Natural News) For years we have suspected that Joe Biden was intricately wrapped up in his debased son’s criminal activities, and now a new report has confirmed those suspicions. A lengthy report issued by Marco Polo, a watchdog group founded by a former Trump administration official, stated that the current president of the United … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – JD Heyes

LEFT-WING HATE: Canvasser for Marco Rubio campaign attacked, viciously beaten in Florida because he’s a “Republican”

(Natural News) Once more, leftists have proven that they have cornered the market on political violence and that their claims of “right-wing terrorism” are complete and utter nonsense. Reports earlier this week noted that a campaign canvasser for Sen. Marco Rubio was badly beaten while working a Florida neighborhood solely because he is … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

Bombshell study finds likelihood of covid having natural origin to be less than 1 in 100 million

(Natural News) Yet another research endeavor has deconstructed the myth that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) appeared out of nowhere as a random act of nature in late 2019. A cohort of scientists from both the United States and Germany decided to take a closer look at SARS-CoV-2 using different methods than those that were already … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

Lawyers ready to SUE any state that tries to force school children to get “vaccinated” for covid

(Natural News) The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), a health freedom advocacy group run by television host Del Bigtree, has pledged to finance up to 50 lawsuits against states – one for all 50 of them, should it come to that – that try to force Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” on children as a requirement to attend … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – JD Heyes

BLM supporter who mowed down, killed Christmas parade watchers found guilty of multiple murders

(Natural News) An avowed Black Lives Matter supporter who slammed into mostly white attendees at a Waukesha, Wis., Christmas parade last year has learned his fate. A jury announced on Wednesday that members voted to convict Darrell Brooks on six counts of vehicular homicide and other charges, including the death of an eight-year-old boy … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

Health Ranger fights back against fraudulent use of his lab testing certification for clean foods

(Natural News) For the past five years, a survival food company called NuManna that used to have what seemed like a good and honest working relationship with Natural News and Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has been caught lying to customers about its products. Labeling on products like the “Organic Family Pack” claim that these storable … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

World’s largest steel manufacturer to shutter plants in Germany amid catastrophic energy crisis

(Natural News) The world is not currently facing just any old energy crisis. This one is so massive that it is shutting down major industries like steel that function as a bedrock of industrialized society. Reiner Blaschek, CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, the world’s largest steel manufacturer, would know. He told the media recently that … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Cassie B.

Ukraine is running out of air defense missiles amid Russian aerial bombing campaign

(Natural News) As Russia ramps up its cruise missile and kamikaze drone attacks, Ukraine’s anti-aircraft defenses are running low, and the country is now on the verge of running out of surface-to-air missiles. At the heart of Ukraine’s aerial defenses are older anti-aircraft systems that they inherited following the collapse of the … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

Pro-vax Ben Shapiro FINALLY admits he was wrong about vaccine effectiveness – what took so long?

(Natural News) On Dec. 8, 2020, just days before Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed scheme for mass covid “vaccination” would officially commence, right-wing commentator Ben Shapiro openly promoted the jabs on Twitter, calling his followers “dopes” if they refused to roll up their sleeves. Nearly two years later, Shapiro now admits that … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

Washington fertilizer plant burns to the ground; locals told to “shelter in place” due to air pollution

(Natural News) The sheriff’s office in Grant County, Washington, has extended a “shelter in place” order that was issued following the mysterious recent explosion of the Wilbur Ellis fertilizer plant, located near Moses Lake in eastern Washington. Poor air quality following a massive fire that left the facility in shambles has made it … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ethan Huff

Rampant homosexuality and LGBT perversion are prophetic signs of end times

(Natural News) As we quickly approach the end of the church age, there are many prophetic signs occurring that point to just how close we truly are to that long-foretold transition point into the new age. One of the biggest and most ominous in these final moments is the rapid rise of homosexuality and LGBT perversion, including the … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Arsenio Toledo

Health freedom group prepared to SUE any state that requires COVID-19 vaccines for schools

(Natural News) Lawyers with the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are prepared to sue any state that requires Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for students to attend schools. ICAN, founded by television host and producer Del Bigtree, is an organization dedicated to investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ramon Tomey

2 Dem governors join Republicans in opposition to mandated COVID-19 shots for school kids

(Natural News) Two Democratic governors joined a group of Republican leaders who refused to mandate Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for school children. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, both Democrats, joined GOP governors from Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah and … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Roy Green

Investment banks, CEOs predict recession happening soon as economic index declines further

(Natural News) All signs point to a recession happening soon in the United States. Major investment banks are predicting a major economic decline, while CEOs of the country’s top companies are already bracing for a recession before the end of the year or early next year. (Related: Bloomberg model projection says recession is 100% … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Kevin Hughes

Ex-Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu warns against sending weapons to Ukraine

(Natural News) Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against sending weapons to Ukraine as they could easily end up in the hands of the Iranians. “On the question of weapons, there’s always a possibility, and this has happened time and again, that weapons that we supplied in one battlefield end up in Iranian hands … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Mary Villareal

The enemy of my enemy is my friend: Russia, Iran forge alliance amid Western sanctions

(Natural News) Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company CEO Reza Noushadi told Shana News Agency on Sunday, Oct. 23, that Iran will supply Russia with 40 domestically-produced gas turbines. Russia and Iran hold some of the world’s largest gas reserves and are both under strict U.S. sanctions. Both countries have stressed the … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Ramon Tomey

CNN advises people to feed their pets INSECTS to solve “climate change”

(Natural News) A mainstream media (MSM) outlet notoriously known for peddling fake news has advised people to feed their pets with insects to solve “climate change.” CNN, also known as the “fake news network” or FNN, pointed its finger at pet cats and dogs for “climate change” due to their traditional meat-based diets. “Their meat-heavy … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Mary Villareal

Mission failed: Microsoft’s Army goggles can cause mission-affecting physical impairments

(Natural News) American soldiers who used Microsoft goggles in a field test have suffered “mission-affecting physical impairments,” including headaches, eyestrain and nausea. This was according to a summary of the exercise compiled by the testing office at Pentagon. The googles used what is called the Integrated Visual Augmentation … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – Zoey Sky

Natural healing: How to treat fungal infections

(Natural News) If you have chronic sinus infections, digestive issues or respiratory infections, you may be suffering due to an overgrowth of Candida – the most prevalent fungal infection. There are four types of infections: bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal. In most cases, people assume that a bronchial infection is bacterial and … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – News Editors

See how they died (or just keeled over): 8 videos—from the US, France, Brazil, Colombia, the UK, India and (especially) China—show, CLEARLY, what “our free press” wants us NOT to see

(Natural News) Haitian singer Mikaben drops dead on stage in Paris: (Article by Mark Crispin Miller republished from MarkCrispinMiller.com) Called “one of the most talented musicians of his generation.” 41 yr old vaxxed and boosted Haitian singer Mikaben collapsed and died suddenly, last night in front of his fans in Paris, after … [Read More…]


October 27, 2022 – News Editors

Former Dem candidate who said ‘I don’t give a f**k what happens to anti-vaxxers’ died suddenly while walking dog

(Natural News) The sudden death of a progressive Democrat candidate in Florida who scolded people for refusing to take the Covid jab is being revisited on social media. (Article by Adan Salazar republished from Infowars.com) In screenshots from truck driver and District 23 candidate Richard Rowe’s Facebook, the 41-year-old … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – Lance D Johnson

CDC director Walensky is INFECTED with covid, after taking FIVE covid “vaccines” that obviously don’t work

(Natural News) Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky went into isolation on Friday, October 21 due to a positive reading on her latest covid-19 PCR test. CDC senior staff are now tracking down Walensky’s closest contacts and taking the “appropriate action” to monitor her status. Walensky is currently working … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – S.D. Wells

Joe Biden demands American children be MUTILATED by transgender surgical procedures and chemical castrations… a man with NO BRAIN wants children to have no reproductive organs

(Natural News) There has never been more of a “yes” man in the White House than right now. The Biden Regime’s manifesto to turn every American into an extreme liberal who only thinks about gender fluidity and free handouts all day is quite evident in every “speech” the fake president makes. The leader of the free world, who can’t find his … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – Ethan Huff

WHO says covid lockdowns resulted in two years of “physical inactivity,” generating BILLIONS in needless healthcare costs

(Natural News) It turns out that shutting everything down and locking everybody inside for two-plus years because of a scary “virus” was a horrible strategy for keeping people healthy and safe, assuming that was ever really the goal (hint: it was not). A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that a whopping $27 … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – S.D. Wells

TOTAL RECALL: Will FDA recall mRNA vaccines now that millions are injured and dead, or does that logic only apply to contaminated food?

(Natural News) Pfizer-Gate is well under way in America, and rather than recalling all the mRNA “vaccines” that are injuring and killing hundreds of millions of Americans, the FDA and CDC are pushing for every child to get the deadly jabs instead. No recalls. No apologies. There should be a total recall of ALL mRNA jabs, now that Dr. … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – Ramon Tomey

Pfizer’s Paxlovid antiviral drug for COVID-19 linked to blood clots

(Natural News) Pfizer’s Paxlovid antiviral medication, which is meant to treat Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, has been linked to cases of blood clots. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) first authorized Paxlovid, a combination of the two antiviral medications nirmatrelvir and ritonavir in December 2021. But these two drugs … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – Ramon Tomey

Milking the cash cow: Pfizer plans to sell mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at 10,000% markup in 2023

(Natural News) Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer plans to sell its mRNA vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) at a 10,000 percent markup in 2023. A report by Quartz elaborated on the vaccine maker’s plan to jack up prices of its experimental injection. Initially, the first 100 million doses of BNT162b2 were purchased for around $20 a … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – Ramon Tomey

Kids who develop vaccine-induced myocarditis will be dead in 5 YEARS: Canadian doctor

(Natural News) A physician from Canada recently warned that children who develop myocarditis – heart muscle inflammation – from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine will be dead in five years. Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker, who has more than 45 years experience in medicine, issued the chilling warning during an interview with Ben … [Read More…]


October 26, 2022 – Arsenio Toledo

Education Department report shows school shutdowns caused HISTORIC learning losses for students nationwide

(Natural News) A new report from the Department of Education shows that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic-related shutdowns of schools and other educational institutions caused a historic learning loss for elementary school students. The Education Department recently released its “National Report Card,” which showed the largest … [Read More…]




Putin just did the UNTHINKABLE and they’re ignoring it, again | Redacted with Clayton Morris  [17:24]   Redacted

Putin offers to talk peace. US and Ukraine said no or ignored him

US planning a false flag to blame Putin for

Putin is sounding the alarm about a major nuclear catastrophe  and they’re ignoring it, pretending they don’t see it. At the same time the Pentagon is ramping up nuclear weapons to Europe. Peace talks now!



New Project Veritas Drop Suggests DOJ May Go After “Misinformation” as “Election Crimes”   By Brian Lupo

It’s 2022 but it feels a lot like 1984, doesn’t it?  According to Project Veritas on Truth Social, an FBI whistleblower has leaked a document that suggests “Misinformation” and “Disinformation” are “Election Crimes”.

This colorful document titled “2022 Midterm Elections Social Media Analysis Cheat Sheet” that was leaked to Project Veritas is reminiscent of an exposé The Gateway Pundit published back in August.  The basis of the exposé article was the discovery of contracts from the Department of Homeland Security with an organization called the EI-ISAC not only to secure elections at the county level at the behest of the DHS.  That same non-profit was also subject to a report titled “The Long Fuse” that talks about a portal to allow government officials access to social media conglomerates to censor anything they deem “misinformation” or “disinformation”.

The pamphlet defines “misinformation” as “false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally” and “disinformation” as “false or inaccurate information intended to mislead others.  Disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public.“

The leaked document from Project Veritas does state “For the following to fall under federal jurisdiction, the following must involve one or more federal candidates on the ballot…”  It is unclear if that means the candidate must be involved, or it could be “mis” or “dis” information involving an election with a federal candidate.

The absolute irony of all of this is the grossly misleading statements and censorship made not only by the federal and local governments, but also by the Mockingbird media regarding the 2020 election and the COVID-19 virus and vaccines, while honest information was being censored on social medial platforms globally.









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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.