BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
Utah store shelves by mid November
Dem Congressional Staffer Caught Working On Behalf Of Chinese Embassy By ProTrumpNews Staff
Barbara Hamlett, a staffer for Dem Rep. Don Beyer was fired after it was discovered she was working on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Washington.
She allegedly reached out to several Congressional staffers and tried to arrange meetings between them and officials at the Chinese embassy.
The information was found after an investigation and consultation with federal counterintelligence officials.
Rep. Beyer denied any knowledge that this was going on.
Was It the Jabs? Colorado Republican Lawmaker DIES SUDDENLY and of Course No Cause of Death Has Been Released JD Rucker
The ranks of vaccine skeptics are finally starting to grow again. Every day, I’m sent stories with people asking if I think these “dies suddenly” cases are the jabs. In the majority of cases, I do.
There was a time not too long ago when I would have to preface every story like this with a statement of speculation. “While we do not know if the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ contributed to the death, the fact that corporate media refuses to even consider the possibility forces us to assume the jabs may be the cause until proven otherwise.”
Today, there’s really no need to do that because the death rates are going up for cases of “cause of death unknown” or Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Even many who have never been skeptical of jabs in the past are starting to wonder if the anti-vaxxer crowd has been right all along. We have been, and the latest example of a possible vaxx-related death has just been reported by The Blaze:
Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg Colluding to Find New Pandemic-Causing Pathogens?
The global elites are desperate to find another pathogen to create the next plandemic.
Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have been caught colluding together, attempting to find new pandemic-causing pathogens.
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently partnered on a multi-million-dollar effort to identify these dangerous pathogens.
The two groups announced a collaborative $2 million project to fund “researchers who are investigating and detecting novel and emerging pathogens with applications in human health, zoonosis, vector-borne diseases, and antimicrobial resistance.”
[Ed.: Isn’t this illegal?]
18-Year-Old Cheerleader Dies Suddenly From ‘Pulmonary Embolism,’ Often Caused by Blood Clots: Report by Tony Gray
An 18-year-old Arkansas high school student who appeared perfectly healthy died suddenly Sunday of a pulmonary embolism, according to family.
Victoria Moody’s older sister, Brooke McCarty, described her late sister as perfectly healthy until Sunday evening. McCarty explained Moody complained she was not feeling well Sunday, so her father drove her to the hospital for treatment, according to a KARK report.
“She apparently had a pulmonary embolism that was just too far advanced to stop it,” McCarty said about her sister, Victoria, who died less than two hours after being admitted to the hospital. Moody was a senior at North Little Rock High School where she was a senior member of the cheerleading and competition team.
Facebook Fined $25 Million for Violating Election Law
“A Washington state judge on Wednesday fined Facebook parent company Meta nearly $25 million for repeatedly and intentionally violating campaign finance disclosure law, in what is believed to be the largest campaign finance penalty in U.S. history,” NPR reported.
The social media platform reportedly violated Washington’s political disclosure law 822 separate times between 2019 and 2021.
Meta was also ordered to fully comply with the state’s election transparency laws, requiring ad sellers to “disclose the names and addresses of political buys, the targets of such ads and, the total number of viewers of each ad.”
Facebook argued that the laws are unconstitutional.
[Ed.: Given the fact that Zuckershmuck invested close to a half-billion dollars into the 2020 election fraud, $25 million is hardly a slap on the wrist! He’s probably doing it again now!]
Tucker Carlson Warns Everything Will Stop By Thanksgiving Due To Diesel Shortage [13:21] Carmine Sabia
Fox News host Tucker Carlson is sounding the alarm on a diesel fuel shortage that he says could be catastrophic.
The host said that the lack of diesel fuel could mean that everything will stop by Thanksgiving.
The Truth About Colonoscopies, Pt 2 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Know the Risks: Be Informed before Giving Consent
As discussed in Part 1 of this series, colonoscopies are a major money-maker for the conventional medicine machine, generating at least $42B per year, year after year. And that’s without taking into consideration the cost complications. We also briefly talked about polyps – which rarely become cancerous. Doctors can charge more for the procedure if they remove a tiny benign polyp.
A conventional colonoscopy isn’t simply a routine doctor’s visit, but an ambulatory surgical procedure performed under anesthesia.
Like other ‘routine screenings for early detection’ – mammograms, pap smears, prostatic biopsies – colonoscopies have become synonymous with cancer prevention. Pause and think about that for a minute. The cancer industry has used its heavy-handed fear and propaganda machine to push tests that are costly, may not be necessary, are not benign and may not even lower the risk of cancer or death.
Sounds a bit like the big push for everyone to get Covid-19 shots doesn’t?
However, regarding screening colonoscopies, a new study was recently released by a group of brave European researchers. The internet and MSM was immediately on fire to discredit it and support the Party Line.
Eye On the Evidence
On October 9, 2022, The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published a landmark study that dared to suggest colonoscopies are not as effective as previously thought. Colonoscopies were compared head-to-head against those who did not undergo cancer screening in a randomized trial that collected data over 10 years.
The large northern European trial that included nearly 85,000 people in a ten-year follow-up found an 18% reduction in colorectal cancer and a 50% reduction in risk of dying from colorectal cancer compared to an 88% death rate generally touted.
Study researcher Dr. Michael Bretthauer, a gastroenterologist at the University of Oslo in Norway, said he found the results “disappointing” but worthy of consideration. He went on to say, “We may have oversold the message for the last 10 years or so, and we have to wind it back a little.”
Based on his results, screening colonoscopy reduced the risk of cancer by 18-31% and the risk of death from colon cancer by around 50%, much lower than generally promoted.
For decades, gastroenterologists have put colonoscopies on a pedestal, calling the procedure the “gold standard” for preventing colon cancer. In fact, clinicians believed that if everyone had this screening exam – a 66-inch rubber tube inserted in the rectum to view the colon – colorectal cancer would essentially become ‘extinct.’ But this new study, published in a peer-reviewed journal, brings to question colonoscopy’s dominance.
Routine Colonoscopies be Challenged
Colorectal screening is advocated for healthy, asymptomatic people; therefore, the risks from screening are important issues. As it turns out, more than 1,000 studies have reported serious complications after colonoscopy can occur.
Iranian Celebrity Chef Mehrshad Shahidi Beaten to Death By Security Forces During Hijab Protest Margaret Flavin
The brutal Iranian regime has claimed another victim. On Wednesday, Iranian celebrity chef Mehrshad Shahidi was beaten to death by security forces during anti-hijab protests. Shahidi, dubbed the Jamie Oliver of Iran, was just shy of his twentieth birthday. He was reportedly killed by multiple violent baton blows at the hands of security forces.
The Gateway Pundit has reported on the massive the protests occurring in Iran in response to Mahsa Amini’s death from injuries sustained after her arrest for the “improper” wearing of a hijab.
Since Amini’s death, Iranian men and women have continued to protest against the regime’s brutality and have paid the price for daring to speak up. Protestors have faced being fired on with an AK-47 , firing indiscriminately on protesters in the street from their moving vehicles, murdering Hadis Najafi , a powerful symbol of the uprisings, the kidnapping, torture, rape and murder of Nika Shakarimi, a woman being dragged by police and sexually assaulted by a gang of Islamic Republic oppressive forces and sadly, so much more.
Report: Israel’s Coastline Contaminated with Tons of Microplastics By Hana Levi Julian
A sculpture on Gordon Beach in midtown Tel Aviv consisting of a quarter ton of waste on the city’s beaches, August 2, 2022.
Israeli researchers are warning that Israel’s beaches are contaminated with more than two tons of microplastic pollution.
The issue came under examination in a new Tel Aviv University study conducted in collaboration with the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel.
Researchers who collected sand samples from six beaches, from Haifa to Ashkelon, found the Israeli shoreline is contaminated with more than two million tons of microplastics. The most polluted beaches were those in Tel Aviv and Hadera.
Even worse, the researchers warn that exposure to microplastic waste — which has been proven to be as dangerous to the environment as to human health — is “unavoidable.”
Facts not generally known to the Israeli public David Bedein
On the eve of elections For Israel’s 25th Knesset Parliament: it is worthwhile noting what the PA has been doing the past year.unopposed.
Caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid has been in office since the Bennett-led government fell on June 30, 2022, preceded by a coalition formed in June 2021 in which Lapid was Foreign Minister and Benny Gantz the Defense Minister, a position he continues to occupy. During this period:
- The Palestinian Security Forces (PSF), trained by the IDF, now carry out daily attacks against Jews through its PSF elite unit known as the Al Aqsa Brigades. The government of Israel continues full security cooperation with the PSF . (1)
- A report released by the Regavim Movement reveals that in 2022, illegal Palestinian Arab construction in Area C, the portion of Judea and Samaria under full Israeli jurisdiction, increased by 80%. The report documents 5535 new illegal structures built in 2022, compared to 3076 structures in the same period in 2021. Regavim writes: “The Israeli government is creating a de facto Palestinian state.“ (Detailed report here.)
- With the knowledge of the current government of Israel, the Palestinian Authority has enacted unprecedented legislation to provide a salary for life for anyone who murders a Jew. (2)People in Israel know that the PA often pays killers.Few know that there is a law in this regard. The current government of Israel has not asked for the repeal of this PA law, which functions as an incen[tive to murder] Last night, another Jew was murdered. In accordance with PA law, the dead killer’s family will therefore receive a salary for life from the PA.
- The current government of Israeli does reduce allocations to the PA, in accordance with the amount that the PA pays convicted killers, but few know that it allows Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other nations to fill cash flow for convicted felons, using he services of banks in Israel.
- With the full knowledge of the current government of Israel, the Palestinian Authority has fostered a new school curriculum which indoctrinates children to make war on the Jews.The current government of Israel could veto that curriculum, yet does not use its authority to do so.
- The current government of Israel, despite urging, did not demand that the PA remove a new PA textbook which presents Dalal Al Mugrabi, who murdered 35 Jews, including 12 children, as a role model for the next generation (4)
- UNRWA allocates a $1.6 billion budget to maintain 6.7 million descendants of Arab refugees in 59 “temporary” refugee camps, as refugees for perpetuity, while inculcating the “right of return” to villages which existed before 1948. COGAT, the Israel Civil Administration, which oversees UNRWA, will not ask for any change in UNRWA policy (5) Meanwhile, PA texts used by UNRWA now provide 120 new maps in UNRWA schools which replace any Jewish presence with Arabic names –on both sides of the 1967 line- a new form of Judenrein. (6) The current government of Israel could order COGAT to stop distribution of these maps.
- Israel could demand that the PA and UNRWA use standard world maps in their schools that depict the geographic details of each member state of the UN, including Israel. Yet the current government of Israel does not make that demand.
- The current government of Israel encourages Israel business interests to invest in the Palestinian Authority, without vetting terror connections of their PA business partners. (7)
[Ed.: The single greatest enemy of Israel is our own government.]
Family narrowly escapes lynching attempt near Mount of Olives
Car carrying mother, 3 children and grandmother attacked by group of masked Arabs while leaving Mount of Olives cemetery.
Michal Altin, her children and her mother were on their way back from the memorial event for her father at the Mount of Olives on Thursday when they were nearly killed by a group of Arabs.
The vehicle was attacked by a group of Arabs wearing masks who broke the window and began destroying the car. Miraculously, all family members escaped unscathed.
“We were on our way back from the Mount of Olives, we were in a car. We saw a group of Arabs with a Palestinian flag and black masks on their faces. There were people of all ages, from seven to more than thirty,” Altin said. “When we saw them, my son, who was sitting behind me, said to me, ‘Mommy, U-turn, Mommy, U-turn, Mommy, U-turn,’ but before I could make the U-turn, they saw us and ran towards us and attacked the vehicle with stones and hammers, kicking and punching the vehicle. They smashed the windows, mine and my son’s, and behind the trunk, they broke the mirrors and headlights.”
She said that her son, two daughters, and her mother were in the car with her at the time, and eventually she succeeded in performing a U-turn and escaping before anyone was physically harmed.
The incident that took place on the outskirts of the Arab neighborhood at the exit of the Mount of Olives, near the Chabad plot and the Arab hospitals. “This is not the first time I have gone this way. In the last two years, I have gone up to my father’s grave several times, nothing like this has ever happened.”
[Ed.: You have two choices. ‘A’ is that Jews should not be in the country. ‘B’ is that the freakin’ musloids should not be in the country. Quick (you must chose): which is it?]
Ensuring Israel’s Jewish Identity
Only a vote for the Religious Zionist Party will keep the State of Israel as a proud and strong Jewish State
Sponsored article
The State of Israel’s Declaration of Independence defines the country as a ‘Jewish State’, a nation led by and proud of its Jewish identity, history and tradition.
Today, however, the Jewish identity of Israel is under greater threat than ever, with more voices from the Left and the anti-religious who wish to remove any semblance of a Jewish identity from Israel.
While some want to remove more and more Jewish tradition from the State of Israel, like the attempt to move increasingly away from the Shabbat as a day of rest in our country, the majority of Israelis today want the State of Israel to maintain its Jewish identity.
The number of those who are staunchly secular is shrinking, replaced by an increasingly traditional and religious public, who understand the need for the State of Israel to not be like just any other nation, but to continue proudly being a Jewish State.
[Ed.: I give this ad a heart felt
Jewish sovereignty is on the ballot Caroline Glick
The real issue dividing Israeli society isn’t former premier Benjamin Netanyahu or the economy, but something far more basic: Israeli society is being torn apart by the issue of national sovereignty.
… “This state of affairs, in which a U.S. administration that has made little effort to hide its hostility and the hostility of its policies to the Jewish state has taken effective control over Israel’s foreign policy, is unprecedented. It has devastated Israel’s regional standing, and compelled Israel to adopt policies and positions that undermine its national interests and security.”
Many are concerned that Itamar Ben Gvir, head of the Otzma Yehudit party, is too volatile and too extreme to play a positive role in the government. In a move that may constitute improper meddling in internal Israeli politics, two US Democrats cautioned the Israeli establishment that including Ben Gvir in the government would jeopardize US-Israel relations. A closer look reveals a different story and a very different Ben Gvir than the mainstream media would have you believe exists; unapologetically right-wing and armed with an unflinching love of Israel.
A disciple of the right-wing firebrand Rabbi Meir Kahane, a brilliant rabbi who founded the Kach political party, Ben Gvir heads the Otzma Yehudit party. Ben Gvir gained enormously in popularity recently among Israeli voters. As elections are imminent on November 1, polls show the Israeli voters breaking with Ben Gvir leading the trend, surging in popularity, giving Otzma Yehudit between eight and nine seats. A lawyer, he claims to have been indicted 53 times. In most cases, the charges were thrown out of court. He is also a powerful defender of Jewish activists, offering them pro bono advocacy against a system that is frequently biased against them.
“I can’t say I haven’t changed, maybe mellowed,” Ben Gvir admitted in an informal classically Israeli sit-down with Israel365 News. “Itamar at 46 years old is not the Itamar at 16 years old. But my basic principles remain unchanged and uncompromised. I love Israel. I always have and I always will. When I was young, I shouted that we should kick out all of the Arabs. I don’t believe that anymore. But I do think that anyone who lives in this country should obey the laws. I still think terrorists have no place in this country, even more than I did when I was young.”
Many Americans today understand we are living under a two-tiered justice system.
Democrats like Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Hillary Clinton, etc. along with FBI-DOJ agents can break the law, launder money, sell out US assets to China and Russia, and organize attempted coups based on lies of a sitting president and they will never need to worry about suffering any consequences for their obvious, documented, and videotaped crimes.
Trump supporters like the January 6 protesters, anyone in the Donald Trump administration, anyone connected with We Build the Wall and prominent Trump supporters will be banned, harassed, jailed in isolation without a court date, have their homes raided, and financially destroyed for made-up crimes or misdemeanors.
But there may be a third group in this equation. The operatives and agents and spies who embed themselves with Trump supporters, initiate violence, lead efforts to commit criminal acts and are NEVER held accountable – See Ray Epps.
Lula defeats Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential election By Madeleine Hubbard
Bolsonaro, a conservative Christian populist, was endorsed by former U.S. President Donald Trump.
Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, has defeated the incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential election Sunday.
According to Reuters, “Lula had 50.8% of votes compared with 49.2% for Bolsonaro with 99.1% of voting machines counted, which the Supreme Electoral Court said was enough to ‘mathematically define’ the outcome of the race.”
Here are the official results.
[Ed.: Lula: 50.9% (60,308,174) Bolsonaro: 49.1% (58,183,131) but … invalid votes are 5,697,941 (!?) The entire Northern part of Brazil is pro-Bolsonaro. There are pockets of communists like in Sao Paulo where the have large numbers. But like the US 2020 election, it was easy enough to flip the election. Remember that last month, the Biden Administration (Read: the State Department,) sent down a commission to help Lula win the election. Those Dominion machines work every time! The left cannot win unless they cheat. So, they cheat.]
Excerpts from the Paul Pelosi Story Elon Musk Tweeted and Then Took Down Joe Hoft
As reported earlier today, Elon Musk called out Hillary Clinton for sharing a LA Times article that aimed to paint Paul Pelosi’s “attacker” David DePape as a far-right conspiracy theorist.
Musk would respond to Clinton by tweeting “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye” and then proceed to link an article titled “The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.”
Below is a picture of the tweet that Musk made before it was taken down.
[Ed.: …”a far-right conspiracy theorist”? If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes deja vu!]
This is getting good! Tierney’s Real News
Last night, Hillary posted on Twitter that MAGA Republicans were violent and behind the attack on Paul Pelosi. Elon Musk followed up her post with a link to an article that says that Nancy’s husband, Paul Pelosi, met his attacker at a gay bar and brought him home. The article crashed so here is a link to an archive along with those two posts.
Here’s the article:
The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning.
“Paul Pelosi stated that he doesn’t know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend.” Yeah, right.
[Ed.: Why is it that the Devildemocommiecrats always shoot themselves in the foot? Answer: because they always lie, and the truth always comes out!]
REPORT: FBI Supported Ottawa Police During Truck Convoy Protests
The FBI provided support to the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) during the truck convoy protest last winter, according to a document tabled before the public inquiry investigating the federal government’s response to the protest.
“Confidential minutes of the Ottawa Police Services Board presented to the Public Order Emergency Commission inquiry show that, during an in-camera discussion on Feb. 11, members of the Ottawa Police Service, including Chief of Police Peter Sloly and Deputy Chief of Police Steve Bell, briefed members of the board on the demonstrations,” CBC reports.
“The Service indicated that while there was a foreign element, it primarily stemmed from financial support coming from the United States,” say the partially redacted minutes tabled before the inquiry, which is examining the federal government’s decision to invoke the Emergencies Act to deal with the protest.
Pentagon Rejects Major Limit on Use of Nukes, Every Single Threat to America Now on Notice By Warner Todd Huston
The Pentagon has announced a major change in America’s nuclear strategy: We will no longer limit the use of nuclear weapons to defense against other nuclear powers and may even consider using them for non-nuclear threats.
The new national defense strategy rejects past limits on the use of nukes, citing dual threats from China and Russia, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.
The document states that “by the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries.” As a result, the U.S. will “maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment” but won’t rule out retaliation for non-nuclear threats to the U.S. homeland.
[Ed.: Since they regard American patriots as a threat, does this mean that they wouldn’t hesitate to nuke us?]
Trump Says There Are Two Sets of ‘Justice’ in the ‘Now Communist US’… Adds, ‘Our Country is Going to HELL!!!’ Cassandra Fairbanks
Former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social on Saturday morning to vent that there are two justice systems in the United States, one for Democrats and another harsher one for Republicans.
Trump compared the constant legal attacks on him, to the lack of charges against Hunter Biden and his president father.
“Can you imagine that I am constantly under investigation for ‘bullsh-t,’ while Hunter Biden, whose Crimes are MANY, DEEP, fully documented on his Laptop from Hell (and elsewhere!), and often times directly involve his father, Joe, ‘the Big Guy,’ sits back and doesn’t have a care in the World,” Trump wrote.
The former president concluded that “our country is going to HELL!!!”
[Ed.: Yes sir, the country has already gone to hell. But isn’t that why we elected you in 2020? Certainly, if you had not run away from office and handed the country to our enemies, this would not have happened! You own this one, sir!]
Nancy Pelosi Issues Statement on ‘Life-Threatening Attack’ on Husband Paul Pelosi Kristinn Taylor
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a statement Saturday night on the “life-threatening” attack on her 82-year-old husband Paul at their San Francisco home early Friday morning while she was reportedly in Washington, D.C. Pelosi indicated the attack was worse than reported as she said her husband was given “life-saving medical care.”
According to police, Paul Pelosi was beaten with a hammer by an intruder, David DePape, 42, who allegedly yelled, “Where is Nancy?” The beating took place in front of police officers who had responded to a mysterious middle of the night 911 call and saw the two men fighting over control of a hammer when they arrived at the Pelosi house.
Paul Pelosi underwent surgery to repair a fractured skull and injuries to his right arm and hands on Friday. DePape was also hospitalized with unspecified injuries, according to police.
EXCLUSIVE: Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were FABRICATED – They Were Created Friday and Deleted Saturday Joe Hoft
The mainstream media attributed two websites to the man arrested with Paul Pelosi on early Friday morning, David DePape. However, this all appears to be another far-left farce.
David DePape was found with Paul Pelosi early Friday morning in his underwear at the Pelosi home by police in San Francisco. The mainstream media immediately tried to cover for the Pelosi family. They then attempted to align the man in his underwear found with Paul Pelosi as a conservative. But it was all a lie.
There are numerous questions related to this case already.
In addition, the media tried to frame DePape as a conservative based on websites that were reportedly his. DePape was homeless and a drug addict but the media insisted he was running a conservative website? Makes perfect sense.
146 People Dead, 150 Injured After Being Crushed in Large Halloween Party: Report by John Symank
On Saturday night in Seoul, South Korea, at least 146 people were crushed to death and another 150 were injured at a large Halloween celebration turned horror show.
The New York Times reported that approximately 100,000 people showed up to the event, and narrow streets were crammed full of people who were unable to move. So many people were present that emergency workers struggled to make it to the victims and struggled further to transport them out of the area to hospitals.
The Yonsan-gu Fire Department said that no gas leak or fire in the area was present, while they continually investigate what led to so many deaths. Choi Seong-beom, head of the fire department, told reporters that “many casualties were incurred as a crowd of people fell over during Halloween parties.”
Some reports claimed that “Dozens of people reportedly [suffered] mysterious cardiac arrest symptoms during Halloween celebrations in Seoul, South Korea.” Those reports are unconfirmed.
[Ed.: Baffling, isn’t it!]
Rishi Sunaka is elected Prime Minister of Britain
So who rules the world?
Biden , Putin
and Xi
were arguing about who is in charge in the world
the United States , Russia
or China
Without resolving the dispute, they turned to Indian Prime Minister
“Narendra Modi” and asked him who is in charge in the world?
Modi replied: * Here’s what I know *:
1. The CEO of Google is an Indian.
2. Microsoft CEO is an Indian.
3. The CEO of Adobe is an Indian.
4. The CEO of Net App is an Indian.
5. MasterCard CEO is an Indian.
6. The CEO of DBS is an Indian.
7 The CEO of Novartis is an Indian.
8. Diageo CEO is an Indian.
9. The CEO of ScanDisk is an Indian.
10. Harman CEO is an Indian.
11. The CEO of Micron is an Indian.
12. The CEO of Palo Alto Networks is an Indian.
13. The CEO of Reckitt Benckiser is an Indian.
14. IBM CEO is an Indian.
15. The Chancellor of Great Britain is an Indian.
16. The British Home Secretary is an Indian.
17. The Prime Minister of Ireland is an Indian.
18. The American Vice President is an Indian.
So who rules the world?
And then everyone says: Jews, Jews….
The Holocaust As a Moral Choice: Part XII: “Doctors From Hell” By Alex Grobman PhD.
*Editor’s Note: Part XIII in a new series on the Holocaust from Alex Grobman, PhD
“Losing their Moral Bearings”
Another group of perpetrators consisted of professionals and experts, who were not involved in politics. This included physicians. “Why did some [doctors] know how to bring honor to humankind, while others renounced humankind with hatred”? asked Elie Wiesel. [1] Half of the German physicians were members of the Nazi party, and 26 percent were storm troopers with more than seven percent in the SS—a much higher percentage than those in any other academic profession, according to historian Michael H. Kater. [2]
“Licensed Killer and Public Employed Torturer”
After the Nazis seized power in 1933, the Germans had the opportunity to finally implement the theory of racial hygiene. The quest for “truth in medicine turned into destruction when medicine abandoned both the Hippocratic nil nocere[“first, do no harm”] and its true purpose of healing the sick individual….” German physicians exploited the chance to use the huge amount of accessible “human guinea pigs” branded as subhuman and inferior for their own scientific research. [3]
Resist The Mainstream Quote of the day:
Remember that time a billionaire child trafficking ring was busted, but then no one was named other than 1 woman? — Tim Young
US Moving Advanced Nuclear Weapons to NATO Bases; Reportedly Deploying Nukes Early By John McCann
With tensions escalating between Russia and NATO, the U.S has accelerated the process of updating its nuclear arsenal in the European theater.
NATO allies were informed that the U.S would be delivering upgraded B61-12 air-dropped gravity bombs to their NATO facilities, replacing older weapons in the process.
According to Politico, this switch-out was originally slated for this Spring but is now planned for this December as the U.S seeks to allay European fears of security.
These new B61 bombs are meant to be low to medium-yield weapons, meant for quick tactical use with the aircraft being used as the weapons platform. Politico even went so far as to call the warhead “one of the most versatile weapons in the U.S.”
Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, responding to requests for comment, explained the reasoning for the move.
[Ed.: Suicidal idiocy!]
He Never Had a Chance – “We Build the Wall” Leader Tim Shea Convicted by Obama Judge in New York City Kangaroo Court Joe Hoft
We Build the Wall’s Tim Shea was convicted yesterday in another kangaroo court in New York City in front of an Obama Judge. It’s likely Shea will appeal because the DOJ withheld information that would have exonerated Shea in the case.
The walls of justice in the United States have fallen. When will Americans wake up and see that Obama Judges and the DOJ do not represent justice? Today’s DOJ and certain judges represent injustice for the majority of Americans who are God, family and country-loving people.
FOX News in Colorado reported:
A Colorado businessman was convicted Friday of charges that he and others siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars from an online fundraiser to build a wall along the U.S. southern border despite a promise to donors that every cent would go toward building the wall.
Timothy Shea stared straight ahead without reaction as he was convicted in Manhattan federal court of two conspiracy counts and an obstruction of justice charge by a jury that deliberated about six hours after a one-week retrial. He said nothing when he was asked to comment as he left the building. Sentencing was set for Jan. 31.
Another jury deadlocked on charges in the spring after 11 jurors wrote a note to the judge to say one juror had accused the others of being politically biased and suggesting the trial should be held in the South.
This is the fourth member from the We Build the Wall group of patriots indicted by the Southern District of New York (SDNY) DOJ. These We Build the Wall members raised money and on their own, built four miles of wall on the Southern border.
The attorneys at the SDNY are not located on the Southern US border and they likely are more upset about the wall being built than anything.
This is just another total travesty of justice from today’s DOJ.