Daily Shmutz | 103122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)










Why NATO’s DIRTY BOMB plot is doomed to fail [17:43]  Mike Adams


There is about to be a seismic political change from the left to the right   Joseph Frager, MD

Seven days after the Israeli election, America has a chance to right the ship over here. I believe it will.

King Solomon said, “A wise man’s mind (tends) to his Right; while a fool’s mind (tends) to his Left.” .

The world is about to experience a seismic political shift from the Left to the Right. It all starts on November 1st when Israel holds its fifth election in four years. Polls presently give Benjamin Netanyahu the leading number of seats in the Knesset. It remains to be seen if he will be able to cobble together a coalition of 61 seats to give him a ruling government. My feeling is he will make it but will need the support of the Religious Parties including the Religious Zionist Party led by Bezalel Smotrich. The Religious Zionist Party has come of age. It will not be apocalyptic as Yossi Klein Halevi predicts in an article entitled, “ The War on Israeli Modernity”. Benjamin Netanyahu has been very adept at juggling Israel’s forces on the Right. After over 15 years serving as Prime Minister of Israel he is a master at it. He has led Israel admirably into the modern era. He has stood the test of time. The past year and a half since Benjamin Netanyahu has been out of power has been relatively chaotic. I wish it weren’t so. We have a very objective eye from America. Israel was much better off with Benjamin Netanyahu at the helm. That is how it looks from across the ocean. Hopefully, Benjamin Netanyahu will be able to pull it off.

Seven days after the Israeli election, America has a chance to right the ship over here. I believe it will



How Is This Legal? Scientists In London Lab Just Created A Mutant Super Strain of COVID And It’s Reportedly Lethal   Alicia Powe

British scientists have reportedly deliberately created deadly hybrid Covid strains in a university lab in London.

Twenty scientists at the Imperial College in London infected hamsters with mutant viruses including strains of the original coronavirus and parts of Omicron or Delta, according to the Daily Mail.

One of the scientists involved in the experiment is a member of the British government’s SAGE advisory panel.

Imperial College maintains the tax-payer-funded study was safe and that scientists adhered to British regulations while conducting the trial and denies that the work constitutes gain of function.

Dr. Richard Ebright, a molecular biology expert at Rutgers University, warns the experiment could ignite another pandemic wave.

“At least four labs on two continents now have construed non-natural, lab-generated viruses that retain the high immune escape of Omicron and acquire higher severity than Omicron and that, as such, are reasonably expected to increase transmission or pathogenicity in humans,” Ebright noted on Twitter.


Investigation Into Event-201

Just weeks prior to the onset of COVID Mania, some of the most maniacal, power hungry forces on the planet got together to war-game a fictional coronavirus outbreak passing from an animal reservoir to humans with “no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year,” warning of a “similar pandemic in the future.”

On October 18, 2019, that simulation, called Event 201, occurred in New York City through the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Organizers gathered influential “public health experts,” along with top government officials from around the world, and made sure to have plenty of legacy media press on hand. The simulation’s flashy video package came prepared by Interface Media Group, which has worked on projects for the likes of CNN, PBS, and HBO, with a series of segments from a fictional GNN network, complete with talking heads discussing the catastrophic pandemic.

Most notably, Event 201 was organized by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum.

In the simulation, this coronavirus pandemic resulted in a death toll of 65 million people becoming the deadliest pandemic in history, even worse than the 1918 Spanish flu.

The 15 participants in the Event 201 simulation included an interesting bunch:

  1. George Gao, the director of the Chinese CDC
  2. Hasti Taghi, a vice president for NBC
  3. Avril Haines, the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency
  4. Chris Elias, a director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  5. Timothy Grant Evans, a former World Health Organization and Rockefeller Foundation official
  6. Lavan Thiru, the director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore
  7. Adrian Thomas, VP at Johnson & Johnson
  8. Brad Connett, the president of Henry Schein, Inc., a major distributor of health care products
  9. Jane Halton, an executive with Australia’s second largest bank
  10. Stephen Redd, a top CDC official
  11. Sofia Borges, a top official at the UN Foundation
  12. Eduardo Martinez, a senior executive at UPS
  13. Matthew Harrington, the COO of Edelman, a marketing and PR firm
  14. Martin Knuchel, a senior director at Lufthansa
  15. Latoya D. Abbott, a senior employee for Marriott International

Of those 15 players, 13 worked in the upper echelons of private organizations or government agencies that would almost immediately witness an exponential monetary benefit or the tremendous absorption of political power.



What Are Tomorrow’s Elections Really About?   by AFSI Staff

Most of Israel’s commentators insist that Tuesday’s Knesset elections—the fifth in fewer than four years—are about the same thing the last four were about: Benjamin Netanyahu. If you vote for Netanyahu’s Likud Party, or for the other three parties in his right-religious bloc, then you are for Netanyahu. If you vote for caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid party, or for any of the members of his left-Arab bloc, then you are against Netanyahu. Nothing else is up for grabs.

In her JNS Brief, Glick succinctly states: Do we believe in our nation state and wish to preserve and defend it, or do we reject our national identity and national rights, and aspire to replace both with a globalist, progressive identity, devoid of Zionism and of Jewish sovereignty?

November 1 is all about Sovereignty and the day will prove to be a defining referendum on what the Israeli people really want for their future.

Jewish sovereignty is on the ballot, by Caroline Glick/JNS, October 30, 2022



“Listen, Do They Think We’re Idiots?” – Steve Bannon and Mathew Tyrmand Discuss the Improbable Brazilian Election Results that Look a Lot Like the “Drop and Roll”   Joe Hoft

The Presidential Election in Brazil resembles the 2020 Election in the US.  The operation looks like what we referred to as the Drop and Roll in the 2020 Election.

Reuters reported on the election in Brazil yesterday with the following report this morning:

 Brazil’s outgoing President Jair Bolsonaro had on Monday yet to concede defeat in the presidential election, raising fears the far-right nationalist might contest the victory of his leftist rival, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Tens of thousands of jubilant supporters took to the streets of Sao Paulo on Sunday night to celebrate a stunning comeback for Lula, a 77-year-old former metalworker who served two terms as president from 2003 to 2010. His electoral win follows a spell in prison for corruption convictions that were later annulled.

Bolsonaro left his residence on Monday morning and headed to the presidential palace, but had still not made any public comments. He is the first Brazilian incumbent to lose a presidential election. Lula has vowed to overturn his legacy, including pro-gun policies and weak protection of the Amazon rainforest.

What Reuters fails to mention is that like the 2020 Election in the US, conservatives cleaned houses across the board in the legislature and in governor’s offices and yet Bolsonaro somehow lost the Presidency to a socialist tied to China.

Steve Bannon interviewed Mathew Tyrmand on the Brazil election.  Here are some excerpts from their discussion.

  • Bolsonaro’s party dominated the election and with the other conservative parties, will dominate the lower House in Brazil.
  • Bolsonaro was winning the election up to a certain point and then every ballot drop was won by the socialist candidate.  “The math doesn’t make sense at all.” Mathew Tyrmand.
  • The Mainstream Media all “pounded in immediately” says Bannon to claim the win for the socialist.
  • “There’s been no transparency.  There’s been censorship.  There’s been arrests of opposition.  There’s been penalization from the court to Bolsonaro’s party.”  Says Thyrmand.

The election in Brazil is the same as the US election of 2020.


How to Vote Blue No Matter Who!  Awaken With JP

Here are the steps you can take to vote blue no matter who in the upcoming elections!


Anti-Israel, Pro-Iran Socialist Returns to Power in Brazil   By United with Israel Staff

A very tight race in Brazil appears to have been won by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, an ex-convict who welcomed Iran’s Holocaust-denying former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and laid a wreath on Yasser Arafat’s grave.

On Sunday, it appeared that Brazil’s elections had been won by controversial democratic socialist politician Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Da Silva was president from 2003 to 2010, but was convicted in 2017 of corruption and money laundering, serving time in prison for the offenses.

On da Silva’s watch, “Brazil’s diplomacy took a rather hostile stance toward Israel,” wrote B’nai B’rith International’s Special Advisor on Latin American Affairs, Adriana Camisar, in 2019. “[Da Silva’s] government got very close to the Iranian regime and, in 2010, even tried to prevent the United States and the European Union from sanctioning Iran for its nuclear development program. Brazil was a non-permanent member of the U.N. Security Council at the time and certainly helped Iran evade international sanctions, at least for a period of time.”

In 2009, da Silva hosted former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a proud Holocaust denier who oversaw Iran’s reign of terror brutalizing dissidents and religious minorities.

In 2010, during his first official visit to Israel, da Silva skipped a visit Theodor Herzl’s grave on the 150th birthday of Zionism’s founding father, opting instead to lay a wreath on the grave of Palestinian arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat in Ramallah.

Da Silva’s government also officially recognized the non-existent Palestinian state, and his successor, Dilma Rousseff, welcomed Palestinian leaders to inaugurate their first embassy the Western Hemisphere.

[Ed.: It was a fraudulent ‘win’ and he is another fake, phony, and false President!]


Crisis in Wisconsin: Military Ballots at Risk   Jim Hoft

Rep. Janel Brandtjen, Chair of the Assembly on Campaigns and elections sent out an election alert on Monday.

Rep. Brandtjen received three ballots to her home addressed to “Holly,” a woman who has never lived there.

Brandtjen believes this was from someone who was trying to point out how easy it is to cheat in Wisconsin with the election loopholes.

Madison – State Representative Janel Brandtjen, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, received authentic military ballots at her home address.

Last Thursday (October 27th), Representative Brandtjen was surprised to find three military ballots sent to her home address from clerks in Menomonee Falls, South Milwaukee and Shorewood. The ballots were all addressed to “Holly” with three different last names. None of these individuals reside, or have resided at her address, and the Representative did not request the ballots. After Rep. Brandtjen made inquiries, she realized these three “Hollys” probably don’t exist. If they did, why would they send ballots to her house?

“I believe someone was trying to point out how easy it is to get military ballots in Wisconsin. Registration for military ballots is not required, so a fictitious name and birthdate is all that is required to obtain a military ballot online,” said Rep Brandtjen. “Feeling shocked about this situation is an understatement because it demonstrates stolen valor from those who protect this nation. I think it’s sad that people feel they have to break the law to get the attention of the legislature. This is now the second time citizens have tried to point out loopholes in our elections,” she added.


IT’S A COUP: Team Biden Bragged about RIGGING Brazil Election Against President Bolsonaro Before Election Day says Stop the Steal Leader Ali Alexander   Ali Alexander

The Liberal World Order is hard at work destroying norms, inverting our principles, and establishing a worldwide jurisdictional bureaucracy for law, medicine, and elections. This is a criminal conspiracy to turn citizens into serfs, presidents into governors, and nation-states into meaningless jurisdictional lines.

There is a great replacement afoot.

Call the agents of this World Order whatever you want—globalists, luciferians, the cabal—but They don’t want sovereign states or nationalistic leaders. This is a threat to their technocratic plans for humanity’s future.

They exist in organizations, both secret society and public institutions, pruning dissidents and manufacturing a false perception of consensus as they guide us toward their ultimate plan. One of these infamous organizations, World Economic Forum, even bragged about conditioning young talent, helping them attain head of state positions, and picking their cabinets.

There’s a reason for this. One of the occult doctrines amongst these leaders is called “plain sight.” Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “hiding in plain sight” or “operating in plain sight?” They believe that they must tell you what they’re doing, in many cases, because of the karmic power it produces.

After international organizations and domestic non-profits cast doubt on election security measures favored by conservatives in the 2020 US Elections, they boasted about how they undermined election laws in various states, and ran coordinated stealth efforts, to change the turnout of the election to favor Democrats.

In the now infamous TIME piece entitled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” Molly Ball (a favored scribe by American oligarchs), detailed how they were “fortifying” the election for Joe Biden.

That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream–a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.

Well, here we find ourselves again, two years later, in a different country but with many of the same players.

Just two days ago Foreign Policy, one of these magazines where the international order hides their symbols and forecasts their plans, admitted—and bragged—that Biden was involved in Brazil’s presidential election.


Lula defeats Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential election   By Madeleine Hubbard

Bolsonaro, a conservative Christian populist, was endorsed by former U.S. President Donald Trump.

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, has defeated the incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro in the presidential election Sunday.

According to Reuters, “Lula had 50.8% of votes compared with 49.2% for Bolsonaro with 99.1% of voting machines counted, which the Supreme Electoral Court said was enough to ‘mathematically define’ the outcome of the race.”

Here are the official results

[Ed.:  Lula: 50.9% (60,308,174)  Bolsonaro: 49.1% (58,183,131)   but … invalid votes are 5,697,941 (!?)   The entire Northern part of Brazil is pro-Bolsonaro.  There are pockets of communists like in Sao Paulo where the have large numbers.  But like the US 2020 election, it was easy enough to flip the election.  Remember that last month, the Biden Administration (Read:  the State Department,) sent down a commission to help Lula win the election.  Those Dominion machines work every time! The left cannot win unless they cheat.  So, they cheat.]


BREAKING: Forensic Experts Suggest Mathematical “Red Flags” In First Round of Brazilian Presidential Election, Cites Benford’s Law   by Matt Tyrmand

This dossier was provided to us by a credible expert source and was created by a small group of technical experts in the fields of mathematics, political science, and forensic analysis, all who are well versed in election statistics and electoral anomalies.

The source provided this document and demonstrated the credibility of the authors who are presenting here their statistical findings on the first round of the Brazilian elections (held Sunday October 2nd).

The source group applied Benford’s Law, a highly recognized statistical formula, to analyze publicly available data provided by the Brazilian Electoral Court (TSE). The formula showed inconsistencies in voting tabulation in several regions across the country.

The links to the TSE’s publicly available data is in the document, and other experts are invited to conduct the same Benford’s Law test on the data. The voting tabulation graphs are also available — showing the region, the candidate, and the digit analyzed. Several charts show Benford’s Law curve in a certain format, while the actual curve of the vote tabulation veers completely off from it. This is what points to manipulation according to the expert source.

[Ed.:  We’re next!]



Dane Wigington and Mike Adams decode the geoengineering DEATH VECTORS for global genocide  [57:31]

The reality of apartment prepping and city prepping (if you want to live)Watch this video


PrepWithMike: Radiation survival tips covering food, water and air   Watch this video     Mike Adams







Unconscionable! Israel and the Maritime Deal   by AFSI Staff

Roi Kais, the Arab Affairs Correspondent Kan for Israel’s Channel 11 translated and presented the presentation of Elias Bou Saab, the Deputy Speaker of Lebanon’s parliament, as to how Lebanon out-negotiated Israel and the Americans on the shared maritime border and offshore gas fields, compromising on nothing, while getting the Israeli-US side to compromise on every single point.

It seems Israel did not fight hard enough for its best interests. Lebanon saw through Israel’s game and then rejected one offer after another, plus they added more threats and conditions. The US showed how desperate they were for a deal. It was obvious to everyone in Israel as Interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid kept sweetening the pot with nothing in return that he wanted to close the deal before the upcoming elections,. The US needed to close the deal before Benjamin Netanyahu’s possible return to office, who would scuttle the fire sale.

Moral of the story: never negotiate against yourself – EVER!.


Ben-Gvir to INN: ‘Cooperation with Smotrich will continue into the next Knesset’   Ido Ben Porat

Religious Zionism will split into two after the elections – but the cooperation between the parties will continue. ‘Attempts to create a wedge between us won’t succeed,’ MK Itamar Ben-Gvir promises.

MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, who heads the Otzma Yehudit party but is running in a joint list with Religious Zionism and MK Bezalel Smotrich, on Monday told Israel National News – Arutz Sheva that the cooperation between the two parties will continue after the elections.

According to Ben-Gvir, the two parties will coordinate their coalition negotiations as well.

His statement follows a report that the two parties will break apart immediately after Tuesday’s elections.

“It’s true that we are a technical bloc and we will be in separate parties, but the successful cooperation which we had in the last Knesset will continue fully, as it was in the last Knesset in which we worked together closely – in the next Knesset as well,” Ben-Gvir told Israel National News.

“We will continue to work together to fix the judicial system, strengthen the State’s Jewish identity, protect our soldiers and police officers, and bring the State of Israel back onto the correct path.”


Netanyahu vows to ‘neutralize’ Lebanon deal

Opposition Leader mum on reports Likud working to reach out to Arab voters, promises to maintain status quo on Temple Mount.

Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that if he elected he would work to “neutralize” Israel’s recently inked maritime border deal with Lebanon, while maintaining the status quo on the Temple Mount.

Speaking with Galei Tzahal on Monday, on the eve of Israel’s fifth election in under four years, the Likud chief said he would treat the new maritime border agreement with Lebanon – signed by the Lapid government last week – the same way he did the Oslo Accords during his first term as premier in the 1990s.

“I will behave as I did with the Oslo Accords,” Netanyahu said. The agreement “wasn’t canceled, it was neutralized.”

[Ted Belman: Neutralize it ??? A few days ago I wrote to IDSF to not give up on killing the deal. There is no deal . Only a useless US guarantee. It was reported:

“Staging fierce opposition to the agreement before it was signed by Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday, Netanyahu had said the deal was “illegal” and he would not be bound by it.”

One option is to call for a referendum, even now.]



Peaceful J-6 Protestor Still Sits in Detention While Murderers Walk Free – Brandon Fellows Was Given Permission to Walk in US Capitol by Police, Now Faces 20 Years – PLEASE SUPPORT Brandon Here   Jim Hoft

This month in Joe Biden’s America, two separate murder suspects were released on bond—but a non-violent Capitol trespasser has been jailed for over 500 days.

Brandon Fellows—28 of New York, who we profiled in January—is not accused of any violence or damaging any property damage, but has been detained without bond for 16 months on four misdemeanors and one felony “obstruction” charge.

**See the link to help Brandon here.

Several short videos Fellows took that day confirmed that Capitol Police were joking with him, giving him information about what the statues in Statutory Hall represent and a brief history lesson.

Watch the 3 videos below:


Emergency Broadcast: J-6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Put in Isolation in Maximum Security Prison for Recording Audio for TGP – HAS NEVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME, HAS BEEN JAILED SINCE JAN 2021 – AUDIO   Jim Hoft

American Political Prisoner Jake Lang has been in prison since January 16, 2021, almost 23 months now.

Jake Lang witnessed Roseann Boyland’s death on January 6th, something the media has almost completely ignored. Jake was on the ground with Rosanne when she died.

Jake Lang witnessed police viciously pushing Roseanne Boyland and the crowd. The police beat her, and doused her and others with pepper spray and tear gas. Jake saw Phillip Anderson, unconscious and crushed by the police and crowd, right next to Boyland. He lifted Anderson and dragged him out of the pile and, with others, Jake carried Phillip away from the scene, saving his life. This story has been confirmed by Anderson, who credits Jake Lang with rescuing him that day

According to Lang:

“I was begging the Capitol police to stop pummeling people over on top of them, brutally beating protesters … I couldn’t let anymore people die in front of my face…I was trying to pull Roseann with all my might as she turned from purple to blue to white. The police kept knocking people all over her, she was at the bottom of the pile. I was frantically flailing my arms begging police to stop but the police kept pummeling. I couldn’t pull out Roseann but I am so thankful I was able to pull out Phillip.”

Mr. Lang and other Jan. 6 defendants testified that they did not use force against the police until the police started viciously beating, gassing, attacking, smothering and killing Trump supporters that day.

The entire video from that day at the US Capitol has yet to be released. Liz Cheney and her committee have not spent a single minute on the brutal death of Rosanne Boyland or the attempts by several Trump supporters to rescue the poor woman from the police beating. The police officer who was filmed beating Rosanne Boyland as she lay unconscious was later awarded a trip to Disney World.



Caminhoneiros Pró-Bolsonaro fecham vias e pedem intervenção militar  [13:52]

Pro-Bolsonaro Truckers close the highways demand military intervention

Após a derrota de Jair Bolsonaro (PL) no segundo turno das eleições, , caminhoneiros apoiadores do presidente fecharam trechos de estradas no Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Goiás e no Sul do país.

After Bolsonaro lost the second runoff election, truckers and Bolsonaro supporters closed the highways in several states.  Such as Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, Bahia, Goias, and all the South of Brasil.

[Ed.:  I have a simple solution call it “A Two-State Solution.”  One state for the Communists and the criminals, and the other for the Brasilian People.  Plenty of Amazon for the bad guys!]


AO VIVO BLOQUEIOS BR 101 santa catarina 

Streamed live 5 hours ago

All Brazil’s roads are blocked with protestors.  They are screaming:  “A thief cannot be President!”


Woe Canada! Justin Trudeau and His Comrades Seek to Abolish Internet Freedom for All Canadian Citizens   by Cullen Linebarger

Since becoming Canada’s Prime Minister in 2015, Trudeau has embarked on a vigorous assault against Canadian citizens’ most cherished liberties to the point the nation is barely recognizable. Now he and his ruling Liberal Party will soon deliver the final blow with a piece of legislation his late family friend Fidel Castro would have loved.

The bill, known as the Online Streaming Act (Bill C-11), would require major international technology companies that conduct business in Canada to subsidize local Canadian content.  Viewers would essentially be forced to view material online promoted by Big Brother regardless of their personal desires. Conservatives who want to view a Fox News video on YouTube, for example, also might have to view content by the far-left Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC).

The legislation also expands the authority of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to regulate the internet in addition to phones, radio, and television.  The CRTC is made up of nine unelected bureaucrats appointed by Trudeau who already displayed their illiberal nature earlier this year when they revoked Russian Television’s broadcasting license at the request of the prime minister. The bureaucrats would be able to remove content online from prominent places where millions of Canadians rely on for their news such as TikTok, Facebook and YouTube. Conservative Canadian websites such as the Rebel and Canada Free Press would almost certainly find their content censored on those websites by government authorities given how much they have criticized Trudeau.


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows David DePape Could Never Fit Through the Hole in Broken Window in the Rear of Pelosi Home #Pelosigate    Joe Hoft

New evidence shows that there is no way that David DePape could have broken into the Pelosi house through the door in the back.

David DePape was identified by the police at the Pelosi home on early Friday morning at around 2:30 am.  The police claim that he broke into the house.

We reported yesterday on the impossibility of someone breaking into the Pelosi house and going unnoticed.

We were able to confirm that there are CCTV cameras all over the Pelosi house.  The US Speaker of the House would of course have a well-protected home.  There also is a security detail at the Pelosi house reportedly around the clock.

More Information–

From the photos the opened doors in the crime scene are on the left. The broken door in the middle was not open. We are looking at a manufactured crime scene.







BREAKING: US Marshals Take Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Into Custody for Not Revealing Their Source in Konnech Scandal   Joe Hoft

Late last week it was reported that Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht were threatened with jail time if they didn’t comply with the court.  Today they were placed in jail.

On Friday it was reported that the 2000 Mules creators were being threatened by the court.

“2000 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday If They Do Not Identify Confidential Informant in Konnech Investigation

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested earlier this month in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data.” The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company. During the PIT conference, Phillips and Engelbrecht alleged…

[Ed.:  It appears that we have a world-wide pandemic of the totalitarian virus.  It’s in the air.  If you breath it, you too will become a totalitarian.  So, stop breathing as soon as possible.]


BREAKING- CREATORS OF (2000Mules) ARRESTED [1:30]   ANN- American News Network








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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.