BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
‘Don’t take wooden nickles’ (anymore!)
How to Fight Back Against the Globalist Elite Cabal’s Depopulation and Control Agenda [1:21:09] JD Rucker
It can seem hopeless, especially to those of us who are paying close enough attention. But there are actions we can take to keep fighting the good fight. One of the most pressing is coming Tuesday.
There was a time not too long ago when I thought the “depopulation agenda” promoted by many “conspiracy theorists” was just unnecessary fearmongering for the sake of fame and fortune. It’s not that I didn’t believe in the presence of a globalist elite cabal; even before I was a “conspiracy theorist” I realized there were people conspiring to kill many if not most of us and to control the rest. But I wasn’t ready to accept that the cabal had gained enough strength to enact their plans. That was something for the end times, I thought, and how could we be in the end times when President Trump and America were soaring?
That was before the Plandemic. Today and for the last couple of years, I’ve acknowledged the reality that this globalist elite cabal really does want most humans gone and complete control over the remnant. We’re seeing it manifest right in front of our eyes with challenge after challenge after challenge being deployed across the globe.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I analyzed a couple of the conspiracies that are engaged against us today. Then, I talked about a few of the things we can and should do to slow the rise of their depopulation and control agenda.
Let’s start there. It’s always good to get solutions before we read about the problems. There are the standard solutions that I’ve proposed in the past, including the most important one: PRAYER. Read the Book of Daniel for multiple examples of the importance of prayer in overcoming the challenges of this world. I also noted the efficacy in both the long- and short-term of spreading the word for the sake of waking people up and making allies in the coming battle with the globalist elite cabal. They want us dead or controlled. Unfortunately, most Americans and citizens of the world will allow themselves to be controlled before even risking losing their lives. We need to wake people up NOW so they’re not astonished when the powers-that-be make their big moves for The Great Reset.
Take your kids out of public schools. Stop supporting woke corporations by giving them your business. Protect your finances with sound money. Help get the economy jumpstarted, especially your local economy. These are all things that can be done and I’ll go into more details about each of these in future shows.
Tucker Carlson: The left has run this country into the ground [13:32]
Fox News host Tucker Carlson shreds President Joe Biden’s speech on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
How to look at the last 5 years as preparing for war against the Globalist Deep State… Tierney’s Real News
Next Tuesday marks the end of the beginning…
… “Victory is coming. It is inevitable. We’ve done the work, suffered the losses, learned the lessons, and gathered the intelligence. The paratroops lift off next Tuesday and land in January. VOTE VOTE VOTE straight ticket MAGA Republican to make that happen! We can defeat the atheist NAZI socialist Globalist tyrants once again! Praise God!”
[Ed.: G-d bless the optimists!]
Apology Not Accepted Chananya Weissman
Many public figures who bullied and blackmailed people into taking toxic shots are scrambling for fig leaves. It’s not yet a movement – most continue to act as if they did nothing untoward, let alone abetted a genocidal conspiracy – but it’s definitely a trend.
A recent article in The Atlantic – just another pseudo-intellectual propaganda outlet whose only place is in the bathroom, and not as reading material – called for “a pandemic amnesty”. That’s right, the sort of people who routinely try to destroy others for something they said twenty years ago now want you to forgive and forget what they did to you.
Meanwhile, they aren’t even taking responsibility for their behavior. The most they can manage is that they were misled, maybe even that they were lied to. The experts told them to call you the most malicious names, to terrorize you and your children, to force you to obstruct your breathing and take accursed shots, to denounce you to authorities – everything short of deporting you to a prison camp, and that was in the works, too. They complied without an ounce of hesitation or compassion. They complied with religious fervor and malice.
But they couldn’t have known better. Let it go.
Ben Shapiro expressed outrage at having been lied to – as well he should – but stopped short of taking responsibility for promoting this misinformation to his massive audience in condescending language. Shapiro has every right to defer to whichever expert he chooses to trust in any particular situation, but he has no right to pressure others to surrender their decision-making process to the same expert, or at all. At most he can suggest it and explain why his expert’s opinion should be given more weight than yours. Then we could have an intelligent, respectful discussion, and possibly even convince one another without resorting to abusive tactics.
James Corbett and I sounded off about the state of the world and what to do about it Meryl Nass
on CHD-TV’s Good Morning show
Now the Disgraced COVID ‘Experts’ Want ‘Amnesty’? By Tanya Berlaga
In her recent article in The Atlantic, a Brown University professor, Emily Oster, is calling for “pandemic amnesty.” She is telling me to “forgive and forget” everyone who was yelling obscenities at me for not wearing a mask in a public park or calling me a mass murderer for posting a picture with a friend visiting. I must forget all this, the author insists, because all those people had nothing but my well-being in mind!
The author admits that many (if not most!) measures imposed on us by “the experts” were harmful and destructive. But “dwelling on those mistakes” is “counter-productive.” After all, people who made these mistakes had only good intentions.
“As we now know,” the author concedes, cloth masks are practically useless. People who got vaccinated spread COVID as easily as those who did not. Keeping children locked up at homes had disastrous consequences on their development. And some of the COVID “mitigation” measures — like beach closures in California — were outright dumb. But let’s not “dwell” on them — because those were “complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty.”
“We didn’t know!” the author laments.
After three years of living through the pandemic, the author all but admits that “the experts” were just as clueless about how to approach it as your next-door neighbor. “The experts” did not know even the most obvious things.
They didn’t know that wearing a dirty piece of cloth over your face would not amount to anything other than a sinus infection. Seemed like even a third-grader could’ve figured that one out — and many did.
They didn’t know that walking on the beach was the safest activity one could do during a pandemic. Sunshine and fresh air are the best disinfectants known to men, and a beach in early spring is the best place for “social distancing.” You don’t need a crystal ball to understand that surfing in the ocean is not “a super-spreader event.”
They didn’t know that being away from school causes learning delays, especially for kids who don’t have a parent in the home. For many kids, a school is the only environment conducive to education. To learn online, kids require constant supervision — I got a firsthand experience with that when my high school–age son was tutoring during COVID. He had to call the parents multiple times a day to return their kids back to the computer screen. What about the kids who didn’t have a parent around, or access to a personal tutor? It wasn’t a difficult conjecture to know that these kids would fall desperately behind.
After almost everything “the experts” told us has been proven false, they demand “amnesty” because of the “uncertainty” they were facing. Yet, back then, they denied that any uncertainty existed. Back then, they claimed they knew exactly what to do — until they didn’t. Back then, they claimed that everyone who contradicted them, or doubted them, was “spreading misinformation.” They proclaimed themselves “THE SCIENCE,” and they ordered everyone to follow their orders, or else.
Record Surge of Infections in Children by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Hospitals around the U.S. are suddenly struggling to keep up with surging rates of respiratory infections among children, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV),1 COVID, rhinoviruses and influenza.2 Hospital staff feign confusion, saying they have no idea what’s going on.
Meanwhile, censored scientists and doctors have long warned that the mRNA COVID jabs are destroying people’s immune systems, and that we’re going to see an avalanche of infections as immune system failure sets in.
Crisis as excess deaths soar to levels higher than during Covid pandemic Meryl Nass
Collateral damage from hospitals cancelling and delaying treatment to focus on coronavirus blamed for mortality rate rise [oh really?—Nass]
By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor 1 November 2022 • 5:59pm
Excess deaths in England and Wales are currently running higher than in the main pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, figures have shown.
Throughout October, there have been an average of 1,564 extra deaths per week, compared with a weekly average of just 315 in 2020 and 1,322 in 2021.
Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that in the week ending Oct 21, there were 1,714 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which only 469 were due to Covid – just 27 per cent of the total.
It is 16.8 per cent higher than normal. Deaths are also running higher than the five-year pre-Covid October average from 2015 to 2019, figures showed.
Health experts have warned that some of the unexplained deaths are being caused by collateral damage from the pandemic, when operations and treatments were cancelled or delayed as the health service concentrated on Covid.
The Government’s “stay at home, protect the NHS” message also left many people who needed medical treatment unwilling to bother the health service, or afraid they would catch coronavirus if they went into hospital.
The NHS is also struggling from long-term staffing issues and current shortages because of coronavirus, leading to record waits for ambulances, treatment and surgery.
Dr Charles Levinson, of the private GP service DoctorCall, which has seen a rise in patients presenting with advanced conditions, said: “What is driving the excess death crisis? In my view, delays in diagnosis/treatment now and throughout the pandemic.
“The reasons behind this are clearly up for debate. I also believe that the Government needs to be far more open on this and tell us what they are doing to solve it.”
Excess deaths are stubbornly high and show no sign of slowing, despite a fall in coronavirus cases.
At this time, Carter Center International Election Observers With Deep Communist Ties Have Gained 60 Days Of Full Access To Fulton County Midterms, as described in Saturday’s investigative piece.
In response, Wednesday morning, citizens from Fulton and surrounding areas delivered a barrage of public commentary and served the County Commission of Fulton notice of open evidence of illegal activities being conducted by Fulton County, in collusion with Secretary of State Raffensperger, his General Counsel Ryan Germany, the State Board of Elections, the Carter Center, and likely more government officials.
They served a Notice & Demand letter, written with a statewide research effort, and including numerous violations of the GA Constitution, state and likely federal law, impacting the entire state. They believe the crime could bleed to other counties if Fulton officials do not uphold their oath & corresponding duties.
During the public commentary, Commissioners were scurrying about like they never have, leaving the room during commentary to likely make phone calls. Extra security was called in, but, alas, the citizens were merely clapping which Commissioner Liz Haussmann reminded the board not to be in violation of any rules of orderly conduct for county meetings.
Of highlighted concern, The Carter Center international observers, who claim to be nonpartisan election observers, have given their pledge to the United Nations principles, and not to the any government agency in the United States. They are not even ‘poll watchers’ as defined by Georgia law, according to Cathy Woolard, Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections in pre-vote discussion at the 10/13/22 board meeting. Additionally, none of these ‘impartial’ and ‘non-partisan’ observers are considered Republican, according to a voting record search. The are all hard democrats, swing, and non-voters beholden to the needs of Gates and Soros foundations who are major financiers of The Carter Center who spend millions to monitor conservative ‘digital threats’ in election arenas worldwide. according to an extensive report released by the partisan institution.
One of the most shocking bombshells citizens dropped was that Fulton County has given an ILLEGITIMATE State Board of Elections Performance Review Board (PRB) access to the county since its inception in August 2021. County staff and employees have been under the scrutiny of a body that is in violation of state law. This was discovered while reviewing GA Code § 21-2-107, which reads, “The State Election Board shall appoint three competent persons to serve as members of the performance review board, one of whom shall be an employee of the elections division of the office of Secretary of State and two of whom shall be local election officials…”
Tucker Carlson: The left has run this country into the ground [13:32]
Fox News host Tucker Carlson shreds President Joe Biden’s speech on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
DEVELOPING: Trump Plans to Announce 2024 Run on November 14: Report Cristina Laila
President Trump plans to announce his 2024 run for the White House on November 14.
According to Axios: “Former President Trump’s inner circle is discussing announcing the launch of a 2024 presidential campaign on Nov. 14 — with the official announcement possibly followed by a multi-day series of political events, according to three sources familiar with the sensitive discussions.”
CNN reported that Trump may announce his White House bid the third week of November.
“Two sources said Trump’s team has specifically discussed November 14 as one possible announcement date, which would come less than a week after the midterm elections and just days after the former president’s youngest daughter Tiffany is due to be married at his Mar-a-Lago estate.” CNN reported.
[Ed.: Well, ‘woop-d-doo’! Ain’t that special! Problem is, there won’t be anything left in 2024, and there won’t be any ‘elections’!]
Biden Regime Openly Interfered With Brazil Presidential Election As Millions of Brazilians Protest Rigged Results By Pamela Geller
Once a force for good, America’s greatest export was political freedom and the principle of individual rights. The Democrats have turned that on its head, like everything else. No longer a problem solver or the world’s police man, now we are the problem.
Biden’s head of the CIA traveled to Brazil last summer and told President Bolsonaro: “No matter what happens, you cannot contest the results of the election.” He has also instructed his social media lap dogs to censor any posts questioning the Brazilian election. And now the Biden regime is considering sending Jake Sullivan to Brazil to help with a smooth transition of power.
[Ed.: “Couldn’t happen here”? That’s what German Jews said in 1940. But it did happen here and we laid down and took it. The People of Brazil rose up, and Bolsonaro didn’t run away. Yuuge difference, no?]
Biden Gives Divisive Speech: We Will Steal It and You Will Like It (Or Else) By Pamela Geller
Questioning that is “unlawful.” Biden sounds like Stalin who said, “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
The Democrat media axis has it marching orders, prepare the American people for delayed election results so they can rejigger the numbers.
[Ed.: What I’ve been saying. ‘We The People’ will do absolutely nothing, accept the fraud, just like last time, and we will like it! Biden must be reading too much Daily Shmutz! This isn’t Brazil here!]
The Israel elections: An explanation of the results [32:52] Israel365News
Pastor Trey Graham and Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz analyze the results of the Israeli elections.
[Ed.: If, after hearing this, your eyes are crossed, then you truly understand why IINO’s system of government is dysfunctional. Yes, they did say that elected officials are not accountable to the electorate. Instead, you vote for the Party!]
Wisconsin Election Commission Rejects Citizen Complaints Claiming Evidence of Voter Fraud by Sharon Rondeau
(Nov. 3, 2022) — On October 26, the non-profit organization Look Ahead America (), which advocates for election integrity and seeks to the public in the civic process, published a and indicating that without providing a reason, the Wisconsin Election Commission (), legislatively authorized in to manage , vote tabulation and statistics for the state, rejected nine out of 11 complaints identifying voting anomalies in recent elections.
Peaceful Brazilian Protests Are Voicing The Concerns Of Millions Of Brazilian Natives
Matthew Tyrmand and Darren Beattie provide updates on the Brazilian election, which looks increasingly like a blatant steal. The Brazilian people are rising up in peaceful protest to support President Jair Bolsonaro. Look for a clip of Tyrmand’s appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” at the beginning of the first segment.
Part 1: Tyrmand: Peaceful Brazilian Protests Are Voicing The Concerns Of Millions Of Brazilian Natives
Part 2: Darren Beattie: Big Tech Was Found Influencing The Brazilian Election Similar To The 2020 US Presidential Election
MSNBC Meltdown: “Our Children Will Be Arrested & Conceivably Killed” If The GOP Wins Midterm Elections Authored by Jonathan Turley via,
Last night, President Joe Biden returned to his earlier claim that his political opponents are fascists seeking to establish authoritarianism in the United States. While the hellish red background is gone from his controversial Philadelphia address, the message remains: a vote for the GOP is a vote for tyranny. Despite polls showing citizens view the President as inciting political unrest and potential violence with such attacks, the theme was quickly picked up and magnified in the media. Presidential historian Michael Beschloss actually suggested on MSNBC that we could be just days away from an authoritarian hellscape if the GOP prevails in midterm elections — raising the specter of our children being taken away and killed.
If you thought that the election was being decided on the top polling issues of the economy, crime, and classic kitchen table issues, think again.
On MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes,” Beschloss went all in on the “democracy-or-death pitch” before the midterms:
“[S]ix nights from now, we could all be discussing violence all over this country. There’s signs that may happen, may God forbid, that losers will be declared winners by fraudulent election officers, or secretary of state candidates, or governors, or state legislatures…
We could be six days away from losing our rule of law, and losing a situation where we have elections that we all can rely on. You know, those are the foundation stones of a democracy…
Joe Biden is saying the same thing tonight, and a historian 50 years from now – if historians are allowed to write in this country and if they are still free publishing houses and a free press – which I’m not certain of – but if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.”
[Ed.: I think MSNBC is ‘projecting.’]
Oat milk is killing the planet BY JOHN LEWIS-STEMPEL
The billion-dollar industry has duped vegan activists
What did you pour over the breakfast cereal this morning? Oatly? Almond milk? Coconut milk? Surely not old-fashioned cow’s milk? As the splash of recent protests by Animal Rebellion (an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion) have warned: the bovine white stuff is the devil’s secretion. Targeting high-end grocers — such as Waitrose, Harrods and M&S Foods — in their “Milk Pour” campaign, these climate-change activists have tipped litres of dairy all over the hallowed floors of middle-class temples, while holding placards demanding a “plant-based future”.
Supreme Court Rules in Trump’s Favor in Major Case [11:58] Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov
House GOP Judiciary drops 1,050-page report on FBI whistleblower ‘politicization’ disclosures
The members called the report “the first comprehensive accounting of the FBI’s problems to date.”
House Judiciary Republicans on Friday released a 1,000-plus page report on FBI whistleblower disclosures on “the politicization of the FBI And Justice Department.”
The members called the report “the first comprehensive accounting of the FBI’s problems to date, which undermine the FBI’s fundamental law-enforcement mission.”
They also say in an announcement about the report that the 1,050 document “primarily concerns FBI abuses, due to the experiences and roles of whistleblowers, but also examines the actions of the Justice Department where appropriate for context and explanation.”
Congressional Republicans in the House and Senate have in recent months and years increasingly raised concerns about the department and whether its prosecutorial efforts are politically motivated.
If Republicans next week retake control of either or both chambers they are widely expected to lead investigative hearings on the matter.
Biden Gave $1 Billion Via USAID to Afghanistan After the Taliban Took Over and Now Won’t Share Where It Went Joe Hoft
The Biden gang gave $1 Billion to Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover. Now Biden’s Treasury Department and USAID won’t say where the money went.
The Daily Caller reports:
The government body tasked with monitoring U.S. reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan said in a recent report it encountered insurmountable barriers from Biden administration agencies in its attempts to hold them accountable for over $1 billion in aid.
The Treasury Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) refused to comply with transparency requests from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) “in any capacity,” while the State Department selectively released information regarding the $1.1 billion in aid sent since August 2021, according to SIGAR. That violates SIGAR’s congressional mandate and undermines the American people’s interests, the organization claimed in a quarterly report, released Wednesday.
BULK POST from Bannon’s War Room
- Peaceful Brazilian Protests Are Voicing The Concerns Of Millions Of Brazilian Natives
- SCHWEIKART: The End of the Beginning.
- Fauci Says China ‘Failed The World’ On COVID-19, Gave Him ‘Incorrect’ Information.
- AZ Libertarian Candidate Marc Victor Explains Why He Stepped Down And Endorsed Blake Masters
- Natalie Winters On The Laundering Of Money Between China And Biden Crime Family Via Hunter
- Episode 2273: The Democratic Party Is Shattering Come November 8th
- Episode 2272: It Is Time To Get Out And Vote Like Your Lives Depend On It
- Battleground EP 171: The Coming Investigations
- Episode 2271: Where We Stand With Brazil; Consumer Debt Is Crushing The American Worker
- Darren Beattie: The Regime Continued To Press Big Tech To Censor Everyday Americans
- Melody Jennings: Volunteers Are Prepared To Protect American Elections Despite Setbacks
- The 2022 Midterm Has Entered Wipeout Territory For The Democratic Party
Finland Says Ukraine Arms Ending Up In Hands Of Criminal Gangs By Pamela Geller
Americans are forced to chose between food or fuel, the Democrat regime and their RINO running dogs are running the biggest scam in recent history…….
The USG under Democrat rule has devolved into a criminal syndicate.