Daily Shmutz | 111122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                                                                                        “Off with their heads!”









Two Possible Futures for Humanity   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is the dark WEF globalist transhuman future dystopia inevitable?

As we begin to emerge from the tunnel of the COVIDcrisis and all of the biowarfare, information warfare, WHO, WEF and US Department of Homeland Security mismanagement which has caused so much damage, we are being presented with a “Great Reset” vision of a fourth industrial revolution, transhumanism, and a new class structure of Physicals, Virtuals, Machines and “Davos Man” Overlords which is being globally pitched by the World Economic Forum and its acolytes as the inevitable outcome.

Pointing out the naivety and flaws in the reasoning of Klaus Schwab and his wingman Yuval Noah Harari is a favorite trope of those writing from an alternative perspective. This recent essay, titled “The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari” (06 July 2022, Current Affairs) provides an example of the ease with which Harari’s popularized dark visions can be dissected and revealed as sensationalist tripe. As author Darshana Narayanan summarizes, “The best-selling author is a gifted storyteller and popular speaker. But he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and his work is riddled with errors”. Based on my reading, the same critiques apply to the books “COVID-19: The Great Reset” and “The Great Narrative” by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret. But the power of the WEF and its global army of trained agents to direct public policy at both national and transnational levels forces us all to take their poorly reasoned arguments and dark musings seriously.

It is one thing to criticize someone else’s vision of the future, but quite another to develop a compelling alternative. I have been traveling the world, trying to advance the cause of medical freedom and help others make sense out of what we have all experienced over the last three years. During these travels, I have found that many leaders from the various independently developed resistance groups often speak of similar things; a rejection of centralized authority, a need to build organizational structures which will not merely recapitulate the same leadership failures of present social, political, and corporate structures, and a vague sense of a more decentralized world. This is often posited as the alternative to the globally centralized, utilitarian/marxist/command economy, Malthusian corporatist/fascist vision promoted by the WEF, and increasingly by the United Nations, World Trade Organization, Bank of International Settlements/Central banks and the World Health Organization.

Is the dark vision of the fourth industrial revolution, transhumanism, fusion of man and machine, and total centralized control by a small group of unelected elite Overlords inevitable, as Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari would have us believe?


Midterms Post-Mortem: Comprehending GOP’s Underwhelming Performance  Authored by Rajan Laad via AmericanThinker.com,

There was supposed to be a red wave that would put the corrupt, entitled, arrogant Democrats in their place. The GOP was supposed to take the House by an emphatic margin and possibly the Senate, too.

They said it was not a question of if, but when it would happen.

As someone on Twitter rightly observed, at this point, the GOP would be lucky to have Red Trickle. Even if the GOP takes the House, it will be by a slim margin.

Joe Biden, despite his catastrophic misgovernance, historic unpopularity, and rapidly declining cognitive abilities, could end up with a better mid-term record than Democrat stars such as Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

There have been various theories on why it went so wrong.

Post-mortem analyses are always easy; you have the results, all you have to do is walk backward and provide reasons. Had the GOP won in a landslide, the very pundits who are certain why they underperformed tonight would have provided another set of reasons.

Let’s examine some theories that are being put forth.


France, with a population of 67+ million, much bigger than any state in the American republic, votes via paper ballots tucked in paper envelopes. No absentee voting. No early voting. Election workers hand count the votes in a matter of hours and report out results.

We’re still waiting for results from small states like Arizona, where, for example, the candidate seeking the governorship is the person in charge of the election, apparently to be trusted with votes tallied with machines that won’t read ballots printed with exhausted toner cartridges.

We’re a third world country, folks. (Austin A. on Facebook)



Here We Go: Biden Regime Plans to Extend Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Through Spring of 2023   Jim Hoft

The Biden regime is set to prolong the Covid-19 public health emergency once again through the spring of 2023, according to CNBC citing a Biden administration official.

In August, the government measures enhancing access to health coverage, vaccines, and treatments were extended by the Biden regime beyond the midterm elections.

With the proposed extension, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would keep the mandate in effect until the November midterm elections and possibly into early 2023.

The HHS has continually extended the public-health emergency since its implementation in January 2020.

“Covid is not over. The pandemic is not over,” one senior Biden official said. “It doesn’t make sense to lift this [declaration] given what we’re seeing on the ground in terms of cases.”

The declaration allows the US to grant emergency authorizations for drugs, vaccines, and other medical countermeasures.

On Friday, the Biden regime decided to extend the COVID public health emergency again until at least April, as public health officials are preparing for another Covid surge this winter.

[Ed.: Some of us have not been jabbed, and still have our original DNA, natural immune system, and are not interactive with 5G control.  A nuclear war would surely take care of us. Why play footsies with us when “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.” ― Abraham Lincoln]



Gregg Phillips Explains Why He and Catherine Engelbrecht Were Sent to Prison: “we have irrefutable evidence that the entire PA voter registration file is living on a server in China—serial numbers, ballot bundle numbers”  Patty McMurray

100 Percent Fed Up reports – On Election Day, President Trump ripped into Pennsylvania for reporting that it could “take days to determine the winner” of their races.

Three days later, Pennsylvania is STILL not finished counting all the ballots. Not surprisingly, in the crooked city of Philadelphia, where Black Panthers once stood guard outside of a polling place, the Democrats have 82% of the vote, and Republicans are at 16%. Meanwhile, the majority of the state is red.

Democrats were desperate to save John Fetterman from his dumpster fire campaign, as the Trump-endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz was pulling ahead in the polls. But somehow, on the day after the election, it was announced that despite the polling showing the cognitively challenged post-stroke victim John Fetterman falling behind in the polls, he somehow managed to receive more votes than his Republican opponent Dr. Oz.


Washoe County, Nevada Election Livestream Goes DARK Overnight – Ballots Dropped 9 Minutes After Cameras Go Dark   Anthony Scott

As most of you know, Republican Adam Laxalt is currently leading Democrat Catherine Cortez 49% to 48% in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race.

Laxalt earlier on Thursday announced that his opponent had no path to victory.

As of right now, only 90% of the vote is in and counties all across the state are still counting ballots.

In order to have some kind of “transparency” many of these counties have been live-streaming ballot counting.

One of those counties counting ballots while live streaming is Washoe County.

Last night, however, “transparency” went out the window because at 11:24 PM Washoe County’s live stream went offline which led to viewers staring at black screens.



This Is How Democracy Dies: Cameras Go Dark for 8 Hours in Washoe County, Nevada – And Now GOP Candidates Are Under Threat of Losing   Jim Hoft

Republican Adam Laxalt is currently leading unpopular Democrat Catherine Cortez 49% to 48% in Nevada’s U.S. Senate race.

Laxalt earlier on Thursday announced that his opponent had no path to victory.

But then this happened…

Anthony Scott reported earlier on the cameras going dark in Washoe County.

TRENDING: Washoe County, Nevada Election Livestream Goes DARK Overnight – Ballots Dropped 9 Minutes After Cameras Go Dark

As of right now, only 90% of the vote is in and counties all across the state are still counting ballots.

In order to have some kind of “transparency” many of these counties have been live-streaming ballot counting.

One of those counties counting ballots while live streaming is Washoe County.

However, “transparency” went out the window because at 11:24 PM Washoe County’s live stream went offline which led to viewers staring at black screens.



The Number of GOP Seats in the House Is Dwindling? Will the Dems Steal the House Too?


Maricopa County’s Unique Process in Handling Ballots Exposes Added Opportunity for Fraud   Jim Hoft

Maricopa County  is the only jurisdiction in the country that picks up completed ballots at USPS Processing Distribution Center, but doesn’t bring them back to the election department or tabulation center.

Maricopa County picks up mail-in ballots and takes them directly to its print vendor Runbeck Election Services, which is headquartered in Phoenix.

Every single completed mail-in ballot, whether mailed or dropped off at a polling place, goes to Runbeck. All mail-in ballots collected on election day, and the previous few days, are sitting at Runbeck headquarters. Maricopa has no idea how many ballots are in their possession because the ballots are at their print vendor.

Maricopa allegedly uses Runbeck because they have “high-speed scanners.”  Runbeck scans the ballots in batches to create a digital image of each envelope signature area. This batch of images is given to the Maricopa tabulation center (MCTEC) for poll worker review.  MCTEC notifies Runbeck if any of those signatures don’t match.  Runbeck separates out those bad envelopes, then delivers both sets of these envelopes by van to MCTEC, which is 6 miles away.  MCTEC then opens the envelopes and starts the tabulation process.

TRENDING: Washoe County, Nevada Election Livestream Goes DARK Overnight – Ballots Dropped 9 Minutes After Cameras Go Dark

This “batch” process is repeated until all “mail-in” ballot envelopes are scanned at Runbeck.  This takes 10-12 days after every general election, and ballots envelopes are delivered each day by Runbeck vans.  Runbeck uses the Bluecrest Vantage mail processing machines to scan these ballot envelopes.  This machine can process 40-50,000 ballots an hour. These machines can also automatically scan the ballot signatures using embedded commercial-grade check cashing signature software from Parascript.  But Maricopa continues to use its slow manual “batch” process of reviewing signatures.

These Vantage machines cost $1.06 million each, Detroit just purchased one in early 2022.  Maricopa could purchase two of these machines and process roughly 90,000 ballots an hour in-house. But Maricopa continues to re-sign contracts with Runbeck, which prevents them from bringing all this in-house.

This is a travesty.


Oops! We Spoke too soon — FRAUD WINS THE NIGHT in US Midterm Elections – Democrats Somehow Survive After Two Years of Record Destruction   Jim Hoft

We spoke too soon.

Despite the record inflation, record gas prices, record crime, war, open borders, and the collapse of civil society Democrats were able to put together a significant wins in the US House on Tuesday night.

Fraud is a big helper.

Republicans needed to take FIVE SEATS from Democrats to win back the US House of Representatives and take the gavel from corrupt Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

And those FIVE seats were ALL IN FLORIDA!

Real Clear Politics has the live results for the US House of Representatives.


Here’s what really happened in mid-terms!   Tierney’s Real News

How did Republicans do in the mid-terms? GREAT. But the GOP establishment, the Koch Libertarian RINOS, the fake news and the left don’t want you to know that. They have big plans to kill Trump and MAGA and they are ALL working together to do that. It’s hard to summarize all this in 15 minutes but here goes….the email is long so if it cuts off go direct to the post at my website at TierneyRealNewsNetwork.substack.com.


Friday, November 11

Black dropdown caret icon
Election Results: Senate | Governor | House: NortheastMidwestSouthWest



























Why Did Pence Release Sections of His Upcoming Book Yesterday? Was This All Coordinated?



Global News: Energy, the WEF and Drones   Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Globalists continue to demonstrate their incompetence

Flemish Government Preparing To Cancel World Economic Forum Membership: “We Are a Sovereign Nation”

News Punch, Nov 10, 2022

The Flemish conservative party, Vlaams Belang, is pressuring the government to cancel its World Economic Forum (WEF) membership. This year, the Flemish government will pay a whopping EUR 200,000 in membership fees to the WEF and approximately EUR 27,000 as a participation fee in their annual meeting in Davos…

According to Jambon, “the mission of the World Economic Forum is to improve the state of the world,” but that mission has turned out to be politically correct and woke: the WEF has an ideological agenda of inclusion, diversity, open borders, and climate and climate change. CO2 hysteria, explains Vlaams Belang. Jambon claims that “the WEF is not asking us to pursue a specific agenda,” but he adds that his “participation in the Davos meeting may result in policy initiatives.” It, therefore, seems very likely that the Flemish government is following the globalist objective of the WEF as much as possible in exchange for access to the WEF network of multinationals, banks, journalists, and NGOs.

Vlaams Belang MEP Van Rooy believes that Jambon’s answers are revealing in their vagueness and raise additional questions. He, therefore, asks that the Flemish government to cancel their WEF membership: “Exchanging ideas and attracting investments are, of course, laudable ambitions in themselves, but that should not happen in the context and under the auspices of the WEF, a lobby group which pursues a globalist agenda and can therefore in no way be regarded as a neutral forum for this,” explains van Rooy.

Dropping out of the WEF is not a “done” deal yet for the Flemish government- but they are thinking about it!

Related article, separate source:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.