Daily Shmutz | 111222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)









We Are in End Times  By Greg Hunter 

Journalist and popular author Michael Snyder says in his new book we are in “End Times.”  Few Christians would disagree.  So, where are we and what are we facing?  Snyder explains, “I believe we are living at the very end of a timeline.  I believe Jesus is coming back soon. . . .The Bible describes the End Times, the time just before Jesus comes back, as the most chaotic in all of human history.  In fact, Jesus told us there has never been a time like this before, and there will never be a time like this again.  Things are eventually going to get so bad that it is going to be the worst times in all of human history.  I also believe it will be the best time for the people of God.  There is no other time in human history that I would have rather lived than right now. . . .God put you here, if you are watching, here for a reason.  God put you here with a purpose and a destiny and a job for your to do.  If you understand that, you will be really excited about the future, even though things will be chaotic and wild. . . . Jesus said the time just before his return there would be wars and rumors of wars.  A couple of years ago, I came on your program and wrote a book and said there is going to be a war with Russia.  At the time, nobody was thinking about a war with Russia.  People told me, Michael you are crazy.  Of course, now we have a war with Russia. . . . We are getting dangerously close to a nuclear conflict.”

Snyder also mentions war with China, war between North and South Korea and war between Iran and Israel that are all boiling up right now, all at the same time.

Snyder also brings up starvation and famines talked about in the Bible that also point to “End Times.”  Snyder explains, “There have been droughts in different areas in the past.  We are seeing tremendous droughts affecting agricultural production all over the northern hemisphere.  Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the bread basket of the world, we have seen agricultural products restricted because of war with Russia.  We have this perfect storm for agricultural production.  Meanwhile, we have an energy crisis that is worse than any of us have ever seen.  It continues to get worse.  The price of natural gas has gone haywire because of this war between Russia and NATO.  Now, two thirds of all fertilizer production have already been shut down in Europe because the price of natural gas, and that is going to affect agricultural production next year. People need to realize that if we could not use fertilizer at all, we could not feed about half the world.  Half the world would instantly starve if there was no fertilizer used.  So, what we are facing is big-time global food shortages in 2023. . . . It’s going to be even worse even beyond that.  These things are going to intensify.”


Battered Republican Syndrome – The First Step Toward Escape is to Admit You’re Being Abused   by Bill Hennessy

Republicans lose because Republicans don’t fight. T’hey don’t report their abuser. They don’t call the cops and get away.

I listened to Steve Bannon interviewing a Republican candidate for a statewide office in Nevada. The candidate was well ahead of his Democrat opponent. Bannon wanted to help this guy, but he ended up making the candidate look like a battered woman.

The candidate aired a list of grievances that would humble Frank Costanza. All legitimate, by the way. But when asked what he’s doing about the locked rooms, the lies from election officials, the confusion, his answer was, more or less, “We have people on the inside observing and taking notes.” Mall cops.

(Mercifully, Bannon did not post a clip of this segment.)

So sad. Republicans still think this is 1958, that they and Democrats have different paths to the same goal. At least, that’s what they pretend to believe. Republicans actually suffer from pathological cognitive dissonance. The story they tell themselves—that Democrats love America as much as Republicans—is obviously untrue.


‘Science for Hire,’ a Gary Null Production   Dr. Joseph Mercola

(Nov. 12, 2022) — In 2003, Gary Null, Ph.D., was a coauthor of the bombshell “Death by Medicine” article1 which described how the conventional American medical system had become the No. 1 leading cause of death and injury in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 783,936 people annually. Now, Null is the executive producer of “Science for Hire,” a film that tackles some of the most critical scientific issues threatening the health and well-being of the U.S. public.2

https://rumble.com/v1nk6tu-science-for-hire-full-movie-a-gary-null-production.html   [2:03:58]

Due to long-standing systemic corruption in medical organizations and medical schools, federal regulatory agencies, and academic journals, “we enter a world where pseudoscience and misinformation rules.”3 Elected officials and the media are captured by the highest bidder, and those who dare speak out against the establishment are attacked, their careers often destroyed in the process.

There’s no separation between governments and the pharmaceutical industry which operate, the film notes, “in lockstep … to erect an unregulated global regime, a ‘Great Reset,’ that will dictate what we can eat, what medical interventions are permitted and banned, and the rewards and punishments that legislate our choices.”4

The film covers a wide range of topics — from corruption at Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — an arm of the National Institutes of Health — to the opioid epidemic. I urge you to set aside two hours to watch the film in its entirety for an eye-opening look at the dark side of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military industrial complexes.

US Medical System Captured by Big Pharma From the Start

Many of the most powerful health strategies cost nothing at all or can be implemented very inexpensively. Yet, not only are these natural strategies not taught in conventional medical schools, but if you go against the standard, pharmaceutical-based treatment options you can be challenged, reprimanded or have your medical license taken away.

This process ostracizing natural therapies began back in 1910 with the release of the Flexner Report, which was written in commission for the Carnegie Foundation.5 The Flexner Report essentially eliminated almost every form of natural medicine, because it was a competitor to the emerging class of pharmaceuticals, primarily derived from oil and petroleum products that John Rockefeller was behind.6


War on Truth  David Marks

Beware the enemy within

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self-sustained. – Mahatma Gandhi

For those with open eyes and minds, the ethos and repression of the recent pandemic are proving increasingly absurd. Unquestionable tirades are now revealed as hypocritical lies. Data confirming that vaccines are useless and toxic also expose the damage done by lockdowns and mandates.

Yet powerful forces continue to suppress and torment those who have concerns about the professed noble intentions of pharmaceutical giants and their government pawns. The ruling class perseveres in crushing dissent while having no qualms about the ongoing delivery of dangerous vaccines to a naive and fearful population.

Propaganda permeates our lives — with the intent of manipulating our emotions — disregarding any semblance of truth. Leaders appear to have no moral compass and are quite capable of any malfeasance. A gargantuan criminal enterprise remains in control — no matter who is elected to political office.

A devious, authoritarian clique is gaining ever stronger footing. Despite the overt duplicity, the general public is increasingly persuaded to accept sacrosanct judgments and arbitrary solutions for the multiple crises of our day. Because there is no accountability, unceasing scorn and vilification are ensured for anyone who raises questions about dominant fabricated realities and catastrophic policies.


Victor Davis Hanson Offers Analysis On Outcome Of The Midterms   Mike LaChance

The 2022 midterms did not go the way Republican voters expected or hoped.

So what happened?

Conservative scholar and historian Victor Davis Hanson has some thoughts and as usual, his insights are solid.

He writes at Real Clear Politics:


Fake Elections Are The New Normal   By Dr. Joseph Sansone

The predicted red wave in the 2022 midterm elections turned out to be a mere splash. Media analysts will read the tea leaves and decipher what this means about GOP messaging and other apparently insightful lessons to be learned. This is all BS. This election was possibly more fraudulent than the 2020 election.

In 2020 Trump likely won by 10-12 million votes or more. I make that assertion based on the number of votes Trump received in his reelection campaign above the number of votes that Obama received, the number of votes Clinton was awarded, and the alleged attribution of voted to Biden. Biden allegedly received 81 million votes, Obama received 69 million, and Trump supposedly only 74 million. I have yet to find anyone to explain how Biden could possibly receive more votes than Obama while hiding in his basement. Biden probably received less votes than Hillary Clinton which was about 65 million. In Florida, Trump actually received 1.1 million more votes than DeSantis in his recent landslide victory. Nationwide, Trump received more votes than any sitting president in history.

Currently, the economy is dismal, inflation out of control, and 75% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction. In addition to these salient facts, for the past two and half years, Democrat governors have been acting like total fascists. Yet, we are to believe that Democrats gained two governor’s seats and one senate seat? This defies all logic and reason and is total BS.


More Thoughts on the Stolen 2022 Election   By Paul Craig Roberts

In Maricopa County Arizona it appears that the Democrats’ attempt to steal the election is being explained away as a “printer issue.” Somehow the machines that worked in the primaries “malfunctioned” in the election.

In Arizona there seems to be an effort to disappear the votes for Republican Kari Lake.  Vote counting has been stopped when 600,000 votes remain to be counted.  The uncounted votes are “day of election” votes cast in person mainly by Republicans who vote in person as they have learned not to trust alternative voting methods.  The “day of election” votes will be for Republican Governor candidate Kari Lake.  Is that why the voting has stopped?  The hundreds of thousands of uncounted “day of election” votes could also give the Senate seat to Republican Blake Masters.

How do we reconcile Florida’s red wave with the absence of one elsewhere?  The answer is that Florida doesn’t permit all the voting ways that make it easy to steal.  I voted in Florida on a paper ballot that was counted immediately prior to my departing the site, and I was given a confirmation of my counted vote.  Gov. DeSantis and Senator Rubio won by overwhelming margins.  DeSantis defeated Democrat Crist by 59% to 40%.  Even heavily Democrat Miami-Dade County voted 55% for Republican DeSantis.  Rubio defeated his Democrat challenger by a double-digit margin. Of Florida’s contingent of 28 members of the House, 20 are Republican.  Why only in Florida were Democrats rejected as was expected to happen in many states?



Election 2022: Night of the Walking Dead    Austin Ruse

Although Election night was not good news for the GOP, Democrats have proven themselves as the Party of the Walking Dead.

If the Democrats proved one thing on Tuesday night, it’s that they are quite happy to vote for a brain-dead zombie for a major-state senatorship. John Fetterman can barely walk or talk or even think. It is as if a Walker invaded Hilltop and was elected leader over Maggie Rhee.

In the genre, there are fast zombies, which are the most dangerous, and slow zombies, that can still kill you nonetheless; it’s just you have a better chance of getting away. The good news is Fetterman, like Joe Biden, is a slow zombie. But it is revealing that Democrats have proven themselves as the Party of the Walking Dead.


Arizona election morons INCAPABLE of counting simple integers, laughing stock of the world  [1:36:13 – 0:00 Elections; 8:30 KFC vs Nazi; 25:03 Petrodollar Collapse; 34:35 FTX; 55:35 Dr. Eric Nepute]   Mike Adams

– Corrupt Democrats are dragging out the Arizona vote as long as possible

– Makes a mockery of the supposed benefits of using MACHINES in the first place

– US elections now WORSE than Third World tin pot dictator elections

– NO ONE believes the “official” results

– 12 more nations just joined BRICS+ initiative, spelling end of Petrodollar

– KFC commemorates Nazi slaughter of Jews with fried chicken phone texts

– Canadian vaccine tyrant collapses and face plants during live hearing

– FTX crypto con artist (and mega Dem donor) pilfered billions in customer deposits

– SEC just handed the perfect case to demand total regulation of all crypto

– FTX fallout will spill into other exchanges, and MORE will fail

– New streaming partnerships on Brighteon.TV will bring you powerful content for free

– Interview with Dr. Eric Nepute



My latest email to the CDC notifying them about the billboards   Steve Kirsch

Is there a single honest employee who works at the CDC? I seriously doubt it.

To: CDC staff involved in vaccines
: Our two CDC billboards are up. Please let me know what you think!


We just paid for a couple of billboards right outside CDC headquarters that I wanted to make you aware of.

This is the first one:


Billboards are up!   Steve Kirsch

And a bunch of other things you’ll want to know.

A collection of short takes (for a change).

“Until Proven Otherwise” video

If you haven’t seen this, please watch and give it a “like” and retweet it please! Thank you!


How the FDA and CDC Are Hiding Covid Jab Dangers  [13:00]   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jointly run and, allegedly, monitor the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for safety signals.

Both agencies have been blatantly derelict in their duties in this regard, as the safety signals in VAERS have been screaming for attention since the first quarter of 2021. Yet both the FDA and CDC claim they’ve found nothing of concern. Nothing at all.

They’re so unconcerned they even added the COVID jabs to the childhood vaccination schedule, with the first jab series to be given to toddlers and babies as young as 6 months. Meanwhile, data from around the world, including data in VAERS,1 V-Safe and the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), suggest these shots are the deadliest in the history of vaccines. No other product comes even close.

CDC Invents Facts to Drive a Narrative

In the video above, Megyn Kelly interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the difficulty in determining how many lives may have been saved by the COVID shots, versus how many lives have been lost because of them, and highlights some of the outright false statements issued by the CDC.

For example, the CDC has publicly warned that COVID is one of the Top 10 causes of death in children aged 5 to 11, yet when asked to produce the data, they admitted they never conducted an analysis for that age group.



It’s Deja Vu All Over Again In The Banana Republic of Biden!   Emerald Robinson

The 2022 midterm election is the 2020 election through Door #3

Countless people have called in the last few days to ask me if Kari Lake or Blake Masters or Adam Laxalt or Lauren Boebert— and all the rest of the midterm candidates in “stalled” races— will ultimately prevail.

My answer is always the same: no. No, I don’t think they’re going to prevail. They’re going to lose. In fact, they’re being cheated out of their victories right now.

My rule of thumb is simple: if you’re a Trump-aligned Republican and your election results were not released within 24 hours of Election Day, then you’re toast.

The entire point of “slow-rolling” vote-counting is that it gives the cheaters the necessary time to count how many ballots they need to beat the Republican candidate and then to manufacture those ballots — or to disappear the necessary number of GOP ballots by “abjudication.”

Didn’t the GOP learn any of these lessons from the 2020 election? Of course not.

No gang of white-show lawyers is ready and waiting in Maricopa County to shut down the steal when Democrats tell people on Election Day to put their ballots in a trash-bin marked Door #3.

On November 9th, Senate candidate Adam Laxalt (R- NV) reassured his voters that his opponent needed 63% of the remaining 84,000 votes in Clark County, Nevada to catch up with him in the vote-count.


THE STEAL: It Happened Again – Votes from Third Party Candidate Disappear From Totals Hours After Being Reported   Joe Hoft

After the 2020 Election, we found numerous instances where thousands of votes disappeared from President Trump’s column and landed in the Joe Biden column.  This was never addressed over the past few years.  Of course, it happened again in the midterms.

In 2020 we reported on an incident that occurred in Pennsylvania where votes from the third-party candidate mysteriously disappeared and appeared to move to the Biden column.

Remember, we are not dealing with honest people.  The Democrat Party is now the party of communists.

[Ed.:   Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]


FIX IS IN: Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Scan Ballot Envelopes Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS   Jim Hoft

This is a developing report.

Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Sort Ballots Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS

Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed.

Every mail-in ballot that is returned in the county is sent to Runbeck first.

Runbeck is scanning the Maricopa ballots before they are sent to the Maricopa County Elections Center.


Experts in Brazil Use Benford Analysis to Identify Abnormalities in Election Results – In 2020 Twitter Censored Benford Analysis of Election Labeling It “SEXUAL EXPLOITATION”    Joe Hoft

In the 2020 Election, results from Benford Analysis were quickly taken down and censored on social media because they indicated massive Democrat fraud.  This same technique is now being used in Brazi to identify areas of voter fraud in the recent corrupt election there.

In 2020, The Gateway Pundit reported on numerous cities where Benford analysis identified that the results for Joe Biden were likely fraudulent and certain areas for investigation.   The results in Pittsburg (note above for Allegheny County), Chicago, and Milwaukee showed clear evidence that investigations should have been performed in those areas.


BRASIL UPDATE – Massive Gatherings Continue as People Protest the Socialists Stealing Their Election, Livelihoods, Freedom and Country   Joe Hoft

The people of Brazil do not want to have a socialist in power who stole their election.

The people in Brazil are taking to the streets to protest the stolen election there.  Below they have signs showing their disgust.  They know the socialist Lula stole the election.

Massive protests to the stolen election in Brazil occurred yesterday at an airport.  Look at that crowd.  The people in Brazil do not want a socialist creep who stole their election taking over illegally.

Below is a video and a picture of another massive rally in Brazil.  The people don’t want an illegal regime to steal their election, their livelihood, their freedom, and their country.  (Note the date is in day/month/year format used frequently around the world.)

[Ed.:  FYI, Brasil is spelled with an ‘S’.  Only problem is that we North Americans don’t recognize that, so we spell it with a ‘Z’ (just like it sounds to us.) So, I’m going back to the ‘S’, and Gateway Pundit can continue with the ‘Z’ (as in ‘Z’orro)...]


They’re stealing Arizona & Nevada right in front of our eyes!   Tierney’s Real News

I am getting ready to head South today so I don’t have time to write commentary about all that’s going on. But here are screenshots that should paint a good picture of what’s happening – share these with others. If your email cuts it off – find the entire post at my news site: TierneyRealNewsNetwork.substack.com

For more details, check out my Facebook feed. I’ll write more about this when I land. God Bless and never ever give up!


Cameras Go Dark At Vote Counting Facility In Key Nevada County


VIDEO: Suspicious Dead-of-Night Ballot Dumps in Detroit Boost Democrat Wave in Michigan   Shane Trejo

 Footage of ballot dumps in Detroit at the dead of night helped to boost massive Democrat waves across Michigan during Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Big League Politics videographer Jordan Epperson caught the video of the ballots coming in late at night with no accountability, chain of custody or transparency:

According to election analysis performed by experts at FrankSpeech.com, there were two suspicious late-night spikes in the voting total that appear to be statistical anomalies. These spikes put incumbent Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer over the top against her opponent, Republican Tudor Dixon, securing her the victory.


[Ed.:  They just stole another Senate seat!]

Friday, November 11

Black dropdown caret icon


Matthew Tyrmand Update Brazil Election Fraud  [20:03]

Host L Todd Wood speaks with Matthew Tyrmand on the continuing saga in Brazil as communists destroy the separation of powers. Will the military act per its constitutional authority?





Influenza Vaccine is Perfect Example of MEDICAL QUACKERY at the FDA and the CDC   Igor Chudov

Is only Covid vaccine utterly ineffective? And the rest are good? Not at all!

…”Non-working, non-proven (flu vaccines are NEVER tested with randomized trials prior to rollouts) treatments are called medical quackery, and the quacks promoting such treatments should be called charlatans.”

The October CDC ACIP meeting is a true gold mine for vaccine skeptic writers. (that’s a hint for my fellow substackers.) That meeting discussed many vaccines besides the childhood Covid vaccine schedule and is full of gems and gold nuggets. Almost every presentation, when looked at critically, highlights failures of various vaccines (flu, Covid, chikungunya, etc.)

Take, for example, the “influenza vaccine.” The presentation prepared by and for CDC, compiled by Jessie Chung et al., shows data on the performance of “the influenza vaccine” in the 2021-2022 season. The study uses a “test-negative design” and is not a randomized trial. (James Lyons-Weiler discussed many times how CDC prefers this method to hide the underperformance of vaccines). But even that method could not hide the utter ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine.


The Truth About Colonoscopies, Pt 4  Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Taking care of your colon

In case you missed previous articles, find them here:

Part 1– polyps Part 2– Risks Part 3 – invasive & non-invasive screening options

Here in this final installment of this 4-part series on colonoscopies, we’ll discuss taking care of your colon, and your overall health, suggestions to do your very best to prevent colon cancer.




Israel is prepared to strike Iran after new reports from within the country warn of hypersonic missile capabilities. Japan is working together with the USA to have a strike first policy against China. Get your food in order now while the shelves are mostly full.






Israel is prepared to strike Iran after new reports from within the country warn of hypersonic missile capabilities. Japan is working together with the USA to have a strike first policy against China. Get your food in order now while the shelves are mostly full.





Watch: US Drops Experimental ‘Parachuted’ Missile In Arctic As Warning To Russia   BY TYLER DURDEN

A US special forces unit has stepped up its operations inside the Arctic Circle in Norway while admitting it is trying to get Russia’s attention by testing an experimental new weapons delivery system there.

“It puts this thing within range of Russia,” Special Operations Command Europe’s Lt. Col. Lawrence Melnicoff was quoted as saying of the new parachute dropped long-range missile which was tested. “We are intentionally trying to be provocative without being escalatory.”

“We’re trying to deter Russian aggression, expansionist behavior, by showing enhanced capabilities of the allies,” he added in the comments given to military magazine Stripes.

The experimental weapon system and program is called Rapid Dragon, and on Wednesday it was successfully test-fired at Norway’s Andoya Space Range, which is the country’s premiere far-northern weapons testing site.

Rapid Dragon is a new cruise missile delivery method which begins by parachuting a long-range missile from the back of a C-130 plane. A guided missile then shoots out during the descent of the large crate containing the projectile, as video of this week’s successful deployment shows…



Israel is prepared to strike Iran after new reports from within the country warn of hypersonic missile capabilities. Japan is working together with the USA to have a strike first policy against China. Get your food in order now while the shelves are mostly full.


DEMONIC: Montana Votes to Deny Medical Care for Born-Alive Infants And Let Them Die




Watch “Fauci on why u need 30 shots” on YouTube   Tyler Fischer


Bulk post from Brownstone Institute

Only Experts Can Fill Ice Cube Trays BY ERIC HUSSEY. Those simple instructions are comforting, now that our lives also come with their own set of instructions. Those superiors who somehow missed their destinies in writing instructions for plastic ice cube trays now work in public health. Pay no attention to the accumulated knowledge from prior generations. For goodness sake don’t read for yourselves, despite virtually everything being available online. And at all costs remember that children do not deserve special attention.

We Can and Will Survive  BY MARY DAWOOD CATLIN. I will take the fear and turn it into fearlessness. I will take the censorship and speak out louder than ever. I will take their suffering, and turn it into bliss and jubilation. I will take the silence of those dark years, and turn it into forever-lasting remembrance. We can and will survive and thrive.

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False BY PER SHAPIRO. Portraying the crimes of states and authorities as accidents at work is welcome because it resonates with how most people would wish the world to be. We do not want to believe that authoritative bodies purposefully commit psychopathic deeds. The thought that our decision-makers would have introduced vaccine passes despite knowing that the injections did not protect against the spread of infection is horrible.

DeSantis Delivers in Huge Win for the Anti-Lockdown Cause BY MICHAEL SENGER.  The real significance is that DeSantis outperformed by a wide margin at the same time the Republican Party underperformed across the rest of the country.

Lawmaking Is Catch Me If You Can BY BOBBIE ANNE FLOWER COX. There aren’t enough lawyers like me to fight all of the stunningly illegal regulations and laws that our government is churning out at record rates. Even if there were an abundance of like-minded attorneys, the other problem is that lawsuits take time, a lot of time. And, lawsuits take money. And whilst the lawsuits are being fought, people are being injured in the interim. It’s not sustainable. We need to change the paradigm!

We Need Honesty on Lockdowns and Mandates Now! BY MICHAEL SENGER. The benefit of being on the right side of history is that all you have to do is be honest. Democrats played an outsized role in the worst policy catastrophe of the 21st century to date. All Republicans have to do is treat voters like adults.

Reality Check on the Vaccine Narrative By RAMESH THAKUR. Over two-thirds said the governments’ pandemic response had been too heavy-handed, 25 percent said the leaders had done the best they could, and 8 percent thought Australia had handled the pandemic as well as any other country. Most strikingly of all, only 35 percent of the 45,000 vaccinated respondents in the poll said they would make the same decision again, while not a single unvaccinated person expressed regret for the decision.

It’s Not Cognitive Dissonance. It’s Doublethink. By THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. Has the person who believes two contradictory statements at the same time in some way transcended reason, and entered into a religious dimension? Or has he simply lost his mind?

The Long Road Ahead By PAUL FRIJTERS. The reality is that people do still vote for their captors. They really do not want to admit the damage they have been party to, even if that damage is to their own children, their own businesses, and their own communities. The big takeaway is that what Charles MacKay said in 1841 really does hold: “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” Recovering senses takes years, not months.

German Public Television Compares Censored Twitter Voices to “Rats” By ROBERT KOGON. Germany’s ARD public television published a commentary last weekend describing censored Twitter voices as “rats” and calling for them to be “beaten back into their holes.”

Lockdowns Discredit Those Who Try Them, Even the CCP By JOHN TAMNY. History will say that drunk with power American politicians acted like Chinese politicians only to get a Chinese result. The Chinese leadership acted Chinese on the way to another horrifying result. And for the pundits who proclaimed the Chinese response in 2020 effective for it being freedom-crushing, just know that the internet is forever.

They Wanted to Sweep it All Under the Rug By BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. At Brownstone Institute, we’ve made it our mission to connect the dots. We do it every day with the best analysis, research, and commentary. We’ve made all these subjects impossible to ignore. Our thinking is that we have to get this history right, and understand all the cause-and-effect relationships, or we risk repeating the whole calamity under another excuse.

Pro-Lockdown Celebs Balk at Paying for Twitter By MICHAEL SENGER. If you got your news from celebrities on social media, you’d probably think the most important thing in the world right now is that Elon Musk will begin charging $8 per month for a Twitter verification.

A Small Town, Lost to Lockdowns and Mandates By NAOMI WOLF. When you drive to Millerton, it looks like you are driving into the heart of archetypal America; Psychically, emotionally, there is blood flowing in the streets; and bodies are stacked up, invisible, in front of the candy stores, the high end wine stores, the pretty memorials to the World War Two dead; outside the farmers’ market on Saturdays, outside the tapas bars.

The Post-Lockdown Labor Market: Weak and Worsening By DAVID STOCKMAN. What is happening is people are taking multiple jobs in order to stay abreast of the soaring cost-of-living, and also because work-from-home has made it very easy for free lancers and gig workers—especially in the tech sector—to attach themselves to two, three or even four employer payrolls. These all count as “jobs” in the establishment survey, but not in the household survey.

Evidence of Early Spread in the US: What We Know By BILL RICE. We don’t know when these people in the three Western states (or the other six Midwestern and Northeast states) may have been infected – but for probably most of them it would have been many weeks or even months before they donated blood.That is, the “Red Cross blood study” provides compelling evidence that early spread in America probably occurred by at least early October and perhaps even September.

They Want Us to Hate Each Other By JIM KOFALT. Human beings are tribal by nature. We instinctively divide the world into an “us” and a “them”. It’s a mental shortcut. It relieves us of any responsibility to engage in deeper discernment. It protects us from risk. If we just stick with our own people, — or so the argument goes, — then we will be safe.

Was there a Covid Response Plan? If So, Where Is It? By DEBBIE LERMAN. The US government’s long-established pandemic response plans were not followed at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and nothing seems to have taken their place. How could this be? Surely, there is a document telling the American people, politicians, public health leaders and state and local governments what our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is widely described as the biggest disaster to afflict us in the 21st century, was meant to be.

My Letter to Wellesley’s Academic Council and Administration By Anon. Wellesley Student. No one should have to violate her conscience or her body because she is being coerced into doing so by an institution far bigger and far more powerful than she is, an institution that holds its boot over her head while it claims to fight for her rights as a woman to make her own decisions.

A Mom-Led Rebellion By EMILY BURNS. There was no mistake. There was a political calculation that harmed us, but even more, that harmed our children. The harm was considered acceptable because those who undertook it, took the votes of women for granted. They assumed they could lie and manipulate us into believing these harms were necessary, or barring that, unintentional. If we, as women, want our votes to be courted in the future by either party, we must vote to punish the past three years treachery.









From Bill Narvey

To my American contacts:

The DeSantis Difference – Insights into DeSantis’ Frame of Mind That Speaks to Why and How He Made the  Right Decisions for Floridians During and Since Covid Was At Its Height

Here is a fact centric analytical article that provides good insight into Ron DeSantis’ frame of mind that speaks to his astuteness in relying on what he sees and his common sense in coming to policies and decisions during and since Covid that were the right and good decisions and policies for Floridians.

If the rest of the nation had DeSantis’ frame of mind, at least most of America’s economy would not have so suffered and declined in large part because so many middle income businesses were forced to shut down and young school aged children would not have suffered being set back in social-reading-math skills and the like by being kept out of schools and forced to try to learn remotely which obviously was in hindsight the wrong decision.

Unlike most other state governors when it came to their shutting down in fear of Covid, DeSantis dared to not be a sheeple and Floridians thrived whereas so many citizens in other states didn’t.

 Incidentally, Republican governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp who was just re-elected, like DeSantis chose to swim against the current by supporting re-opening businesses when he realized closing down Georgia’s economy would be detrimental to the best interests of Georgians.

 Americans, be they Republican or Democrat should find this article instructive.   The DeSantis Difference




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.