Daily Shmutz | 111722

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)                                                                                                                                                  Time


Researchers In Swing States Secretly Monitored What Big Tech Showed Voters – “Blatant Manipulation”

Big Tech is rigging elections to help Democrats.

A team of researchers led by Robert Epstein, Ph.D. found that Google took steps to shift votes in favor of Democrats during the midterm elections.

According to the findings, Google nudged undecided voters toward the Democrats by showing them biased content on Google and YouTube.

They also found that Google was sending far fewer go-vote reminders to conservatives than to liberals and moderates.





Chinese Gov’t spy sentenced to 20 years in US prison   RYAN MORGAN

A Chinese national has been convicted of spying for China and was sentenced on Wednesday to 20 years in prison for his actions. The sentencing comes as China has frequently infiltrated key U.S. industries in an effort to steal intellectual property and usurp the U.S. as the dominant global power.

A federal judge in Ohio’s Southern District sentenced 42-year-old Yanjun Xu to 20 years in prison on Wednesday for charges of economic espionage and theft of trade secrets. The sentencing comes four years after he was initially charged and a year after a jury found Xu guilty of attempting to steal aviation industry trade secrets.



Jon Voight’s Post-Midterm Message: “Wake Up America”

There is still hope for America.

Actor Jon Voight released a powerful message after the midterms telling Americans to “wake up.”

Voight also reiterated his support for Donald Trump being President again. Voight said about Trump, “he and only he can stop this swamp, this deceit, and injustice.”

Video (partial transcript below):


The Red Cross didn’t have any more spare blood? If U.S. officials HAD tested that first tranche of Red Cross blood by latter February 2020, the lockdowns should NOT have happened. The results  Dr. Paul Alexander

of that study showed beyond a reasonable doubt that this virus had been spreading in America by at least November 2019. Lockdowns were NEVER needed, at most 1-2 weeks to get firm grasp, but NONE!

Bill Rice Jr. does a masterful job here trying to make the case as per title. He is saying that lockdowns marketed to “slow” or “stop” the “spread” of this virus could not have achieved that objective. It was not needed and the virus or whatever it was had already breached the US and was spreading (or maybe even escaped from within the US?). What happens if we learnt it escaped from within the US?

It must also be true that plenty of “archived” blood samples from throughout the country were available for testing (and the Red Cross is not the only organization that serves as a blood bank for hospitals).

In the face of a national emergency, it would seem odd if all of these organizations presented  serious objections to some of their stored blood being “repurposed” for important research.

If two tranches of blood were donated for science, couldn’t other tranches of Red Cross blood have similarly been donated? Why was no Red Cross blood collected before December 13th tested for antibodies? Why was blood collected and tested from only nine states? Why not all 50 states? Why wasn’t blood from the same locations tested two or three weeks later (or from earlier dates) … or two months later to see if the percentage of positives might be increasing?


Trump & re-election: Hart in WSJ piece below said it as we have been saying it yet I set him aside for special mention for it is blunt, no fooling around & let me add: I supported Trump, still do,  Dr. Paul Alexander

I will be attacked now but here goes, Trump MUST apologize for the death & destruction due to the lockdown lunacy he allowed (Fauci/Birx/Collins, Pence), if not, can’t be re-elected, I agree

Hart’s WSJ piece below is stirring and I wanted to showcase it. But let me weigh in first and thus thank you for indulging me:

The March 2020 lockdowns globally led by the US and implemented by POTUS Trump under guidance by Fauci, Birx, Pence, Francis Collins etc., will go down as one of two of the greatest public health disasters in US/global history. An unquestionable catastrophic failure that harmed and killed many thousands beyond the COVID virus. We told them out of the gate that a focused protection approach was needed as we saw a strong age-risk stratified steep curve where COVID was amenable to risk stratification and baseline risk prognostic on severity of outcome. Fauci and the lockdown lunatic did not listen.

The devastation from the lockdowns (and school closures and all of the lockdown lunatic specious policies) are only matched by the devastation due to the fraud failed ineffective, and deadly COVID gene mRNA injection ‘so called vaccines’. Lockdowns and this fraud COVID vaccine are the two greatest public health disasters and really greatest disasters of any kind in a historical perspective. The economic and personal toll is staggering and it will take the rest of the 21st century for the US to recover (80 years).

POTUS Trump failed to fire Fauci, Birx, and Francis Collins and they, along with the criminal CEOs Bourla (Pfizer) and Bancel (Moderna), delivered a depth of pain and suffering to America unimaginable. Every single COVID lockdown policy failed. There is no evidence, no science anywhere that shows any of these lunatic shielding and NPI polices were successful in curbing transmission or cutting deaths.

And POTUS Trump best understand that they will soon pivot and blame the lockdowns and fraud vaccine on him. You just wait! He has to get ahead of this.

Every single one of these people and many more, to include Alex Azar, Rochelle Walensky, Hahn, Ashish Jha etc. (many more not mentioned here), all, must be individually investigated, deposed, and must be examined properly and legally, fairly in tribunals and public inquiries. If they are shown to have been reckless and unscientific and costed lives by their COVID policies, they must be stripped of every penny and jailed! With hard labor.

The time is now for POTUS Trump to admit to the catastrophic failures of the lockdowns and this fraud deadly vaccine, and to stand up against it for children, and express his empathy and compassion to all who have been lost and suffered. He failed to fire the malfeasants who did this. He must apologize and recognize the failure. He must take responsibility for the devastation of the lockdowns and vaccines. If not, I do not see how he will be re-elected. I supported him and still do, and many say he does not have the right anymore to run due to the failures. I say no, give him the chance to come forward asap to begin the fix.

I will be as clear as possible, the pandemic response under POTUS Trump was a failure. Complete, and in a sense what they handed to Biden was a failure. Biden et al. just continued it. I do not blame him (Trump), I blame the Task Force and all around him who misled him and misguided him and conspired against him. He was failed by the key people who were to give him the right information for the right decisions. They did subvert him and they must be held to account and we want justice. No amnesty. Yet it starts with POTUS Trump as he was the leader and he failed to fire them and he must explain. A key aspect is he should have never left it up to the states and as POTUS, he was needed to lead.

[Ed.:  Took the words right out’a my mouth! But, how do ‘ya splain his running away when they stole his election, and then allowed the J6 prisoners to rot in torture for almost 3-years, and then to have the gall to proudly announce that he is ‘running’ again in 2024??  We ain’t gonna’ get no mo’ 2024, than we got 2022, thanks to you running away last time, baby!  Why don’t you ‘splain that when you are done ‘splainin’ Dr. Alexander’s question above!  Yes, there is a lot of ‘splainin’ and apologizin’, needed, but that will not be forthcoming.]



Fit and Healthy 10-Year-Old Girl Dies Suddenly After Collapsing at School  By Jim Hoft

On November 9, a 10-year-old girl from Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England, who appeared to be in good health, died suddenly after collapsing at school.

Rai-Lèyah Parveen Saddique was rushed to the hospital last Wednesday after she suddenly collapsed during the afternoon.

According to the Daily Mail, the child fell ill while she was at school.

She was then transferred from Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield to Leeds General Infirmary but died five days later.


Completely Normal: TV Presenters in Brazil and Argentina Collapse During Live Broadcasts (VIDEO)    By Jim Hoft

Reporters and hosts on television have collapsed suddenly during the past few years, often in the middle of live broadcasts.

Reporters in Brazil and Argentina collapsed during a live broadcast.

Reporter Vanessa Medeiros from TV Tribuna, which is an affiliate of Rede Globo and is located on the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil fainted during the live broadcast.

Before falling, Vanessa even said that she was feeling bad: “With these three men, two backpacks with narcotics were seized… This man who is arrested, who will be arrested and is in the hospital… Sorry, guys, I’m not feeling well. well”, she said seconds before collapsing.


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, November 7-November 14, 2022   Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in the US, Brazil (2), UK (3), Germany (2) & Norway (2); policemen in the US, Canada, Mexico, Colombia & Turkey; soldiers in Canada, Greece (3) & Russia; & all too many more

A sort of preface to this past week’s reports:

Before COVID, “died suddenly” was an obituary euphemism for suicide or drug overdose; but now—as ever more of us know all too well—it is a literal descriptor of how people have just dropped dead, either for no given reason, or due to heart attack, stroke, blood clots or cardiac arrest.

So many have thus “died suddenly” (or “died unexpectedly”) since early 2021, that we’re unused to seeing the phrase used in that prior way; and yet people do, of course, still kill themselves, and sometimes that dated euphemism reappears their obituaries.

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And what complicates this issue even more is that a lot of people—God only knows how many—kill themselves because they were “vaccinated,” either due to psychological disturbances induced by the “vaccines,” or because their “vaccine” injuries are just too painful to endure.

Here, from this week’s summary of reports of those who have “died suddenly” in Europe, is a shattering example of the latter category. Since people often don’t have time to read these compilations from beginning to end (or just don’t have the stomach for it), I’m using this one entry as a sort of preface to our latest posts, so as many as possible will see it:


BREAKING COVID VACCINE study by Naveed et al.: “Comparative Risk of Myocarditis/Pericarditis Following Second Doses of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 Coronavirus Vaccines”; simple study, devastating mRNA VAX!   Dr. Paul Alexander

British Columbia study to compare the risk of myocarditis, pericarditis & myopericarditis between BNT162b2 & mRNA-1273; 2- to 3-fold higher odds among individuals who received Moderna; Zachary Stieber

An observational study and you must leave the role of confounding in the interpretation.

However, sufficiently well done to allow some concerning conclusions that add to the already existing body of evidence of the devastating inflammatory consequences of these mRNA vaccines, especially on the cardiac muscle and function. Evidence is now clear since February 2021 when the COVID gene injection was rolled out, that the injection is a principle contributor to the unexpected cardiac arrests and deaths, heart attacks, myocardial infarctions, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure. The evidence today is now devastatingly clear that the COVID gene injection wreaks havoc on the myocardium.

mRNA vaccine made by Moderna is particularly catastrophic in terms of myocarditis, pericarditis, or myopericarditis during a hospitalization or an emergency department visit within 21 days of the second vaccination dose.



Konnech CEO linked foundation flew Harvard’s Charles Lieber to China   KanekoaTheGreat

Eugene Yu was an “officer” on the “finance committee” of the American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation, which flew Harvard Professor Charles Lieber to Zhejiang University in 2002.

On January 28, 2020, U.S. federal authorities arrested Charles Lieber of Harvard University on charges of misleading the Department of Defense and the National Institutes of Health about his connections to China’s Thousand Talents Plan.

Thousand Talents is the most prominent of more than 200 similar initiatives China uses as part of its overseas program to acquire foreign technology and intellectual property.

According to the DOJ, the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) “paid Lieber $50,000 per month, living expenses of up to $158,000 at a time, and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT.”

Dr. Lieber, the chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, failed to disclose his role as a ‘Strategic Scientist’ at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) and his participation in the Thousand Talents Plan.

Eugene Yu, the CEO of U.S. election software company Konnech, was an “officer” on the “finance committee” of the American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation (AZKEF).


Civil War Looms in Brazil: Far-Left Supreme Court Wants to Axe Minister of Defense for Telling the Truth About Stolen Election   By Richard Abelson

As hundreds of thousands continue to protest in the streets in Brazil, corrupt leftist Chief Justice Alexandre de Moraes wants the Minister of Defense removed for telling the truth about the stolen election. A conflict between the pro-Lula Supreme Court and the pro-Bolsonaro military looms.

The left-wing Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes, who enabled convicted Communist embezzler Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to even run for President, wants to have Minister of Defense General Paulo Sergio Nogueira deposed.

On Wednesday 16.11. Alexandre de Moraes sent a request from Deputy Judge Marcelo Calero to the Attorney General’s Office to remove the Minister of Defense,  O Antagonista reports.

On Nov. 10, as required by law, the Ministry of Defense filed its report on the October 30 election with the Supreme Electoral Court, stating that “It is not possible to say the electronic voting system is free from the influence of malware that could affect its outcome.”

Instead of investigating the allegations, the Supreme Court charged the report “endangered the physical safety of citizens” who were “involuntarily encouraged” to protest – as if the more than 3 million Brazilians who turned out on Republic Day Nov. 15 to protest the steal didn’t really know what they were doing.

The far-left Supreme Court packed with Lula cronies called the massive street protests against their fraudster candidate, possibly the biggest popular uprising in world history, somehow a “violation of the constitution.”

[Ed.:  IMHO, this article is mis-titled.  “Civil War” would be a situation where part of The People fight against another part of The People.  This would not be the case in Brasil, where 95% of the population, plus most of the military and Police would be rising up against a small group of Communist thugs who stole their election.  “Civil War” is not the correct term for this.  Insurrection is the correct term.]


BREAKING FROM TYRMAND: Martial Law Coming Soon To Brazil

CDM has been the axe on the Brazilian election theft story, publishing first the evidence of fraud detected in-country.

Now CDM political analyst Matthew Tyrmand predicts martial law will arrive soon in the Latin American country as millions of Brazilians take to the streets and refuse to accept communism.


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: TGP’s Jim Hoft and 100 Percent Fed Up’s Patty McMurray Interview Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on Konnech, Midterms, etc.   By Jim Hoft

TGP’s Jim Hoft and 100 Percent Fed Up’s Patty McMurray Interview Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on Konnech, Midterms, etc.

This was after Gregg and Catherine spent a week in prison for not turning over their source in the Konnech investigation.


Stolen Elections Have Consequences   JD Rucker

They say “elections have consequences.” This is true. But when elections are stolen, there needs to be much worse consequences for those who stole it. Unfortunately, the theft of the 2022 election appears to be headed in the same direction as the stolen 2020 election. We will continue to fight to get the truth out, to hold people accountable, and to reverse the results of the many stolen elections this cycle, but I’m not exactly hopeful. Unless God intervenes, I’d put our chances of changing any election at about 5%.

We’re still trying. We had some good news the last couple of days with many people reaching out following my interview with Leo Donofrio. Arizona is a hotbed for some of the worst voter fraud that took place this election and the pathway he described might be the best one I’ve heard so far. Various candidate representatives have reached out, as well as independent attorneys and concerned citizens. I’ll update on that front as soon as more information is known.

We can point at Democrats, election officials, RINOs, and foreign players and try to bring about the appropriate consequences, but one of the things I am going to focus on is holding conservative and alternative media accountable. There are far too many who are trying to blame the failed red tsunami on anything OTHER THAN massive, widespread voter fraud. This is unacceptable. I’m not just talking about Fox News or Newsmax. I’m referring to other small, medium, and large conservative outlets and individual journalists who are either in denial (doubtful), being bullied (probable), or getting otherwise coerced (possible) into blaming this on abortion, MAGA, student debt relief, or any other reason.

The elections were stolen. Period. I’ll keep hammering that point home even if it gets me canceled even more than I’ve already been thus far.

Stolen Elections Have Consequences   JD Rucker

They say “elections have consequences.” This is true. But when elections are stolen, there needs to be much worse consequences for those who stole it. Unfortunately, the theft of the 2022 election appears to be headed in the same direction as the stolen 2020 election. We will continue to fight to get the truth out, to hold people accountable, and to reverse the results of the many stolen elections this cycle, but I’m not exactly hopeful. Unless God intervenes, I’d put our chances of changing any election at about 5%.

We’re still trying. We had some good news the last couple of days with many people reaching out following my interview with Leo Donofrio. Arizona is a hotbed for some of the worst voter fraud that took place this election and the pathway he described might be the best one I’ve heard so far. Various candidate representatives have reached out, as well as independent attorneys and concerned citizens. I’ll update on that front as soon as more information is known.

We can point at Democrats, election officials, RINOs, and foreign players and try to bring about the appropriate consequences, but one of the things I am going to focus on is holding conservative and alternative media accountable. There are far too many who are trying to blame the failed red tsunami on anything OTHER THAN massive, widespread voter fraud. This is unacceptable. I’m not just talking about Fox News or Newsmax. I’m referring to other small, medium, and large conservative outlets and individual journalists who are either in denial (doubtful), being bullied (probable), or getting otherwise coerced (possible) into blaming this on abortion, MAGA, student debt relief, or any other reason.

The elections were stolen. Period. I’ll keep hammering that point home even if it gets me canceled even more than I’ve already been thus far.





Research Shows Global Sperm Counts Has Fallen 62% in Under 50 Years – “Could Threaten Humanity’s Survival”    By Jim Hoft

According to Prof. Hagai Levine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, co-author of the peer-reviewed study, global sperm counts have dropped by 62% since 1973, and if the trend continues, it “could threaten humankind’s survival.”

The drop in sperm count, which refers to the quantity of sperm that are present in an average ejaculation, has decreased by 62%.

A new meta-analysis was published on Tuesday in the journal Human Reproduction Update with the title, “Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries.”

The researchers evaluated sperm samples that were published between 2014 and 2019, and they added this information to the previous data.


Here We Go: Researchers Claim Tiny Particles in The Air May Trigger Sudden Cardiac Arrest   Jim Hoft

You can’t make this up. So-called researchers now warn that tiny particles in the air may trigger sudden heart attacks.

Data collected in Singapore over the course of nearly a decade by researchers suggest that breathing in higher concentrations of tiny particles in the air can cause cardiac arrests, Science Alert reported.

The findings of the study were published in The Lancet Public Health on November 1st under the title “Air quality and the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Singapore (PAROS): a time series analysis.”

Researchers obtained the concentrations of six air pollutants (PM2·5, PM10, O3, NO2, CO, and SO2) from June 1, 2010, to Dec 31, 2018, from the National Environment Agency (NEA) Singapore.







Israel allowed the supply of weapons of its own production to Ukraine

Israel has granted NATO members permission to supply Ukraine with weapons containing Israeli components. In particular, this permit is intended for the UK. It also involves parts manufactured by Israel for fire control and electro-optical systems.

It is reported by the Israeli edition of Haaretz.

According to Haaretz, recently, Israel, under pressure of the United States, agreed to finance the purchase of “strategic materials” worth millions of dollars for Ukrainian military operations.

Journalists were informed by Western diplomatic sources that the highest political and security authorities in Jerusalem reached the agreement following a request from the Biden administration for Israel to provide more than just humanitarian aid to Kyiv.

According to the journalist sources in contact with journalist Yossi Melman, the materials were transmitted through one of the NATO countries supplying weapons to Ukraine.



THE POLITICAL PRISONER PODCAST: This Week J-6 Prisoner Jake Lang Interviews Dinesh D’Souza on the 2022 Midterms and GOP’s Dereliction of Duty (AUDIO)   By Jim Hoft

THE POLITICAL PRISONER PODCAST — This Week Jake Lang Interviews Dinesh D’Souza from his prison block at a maximum security facility in Virginia

Jake Lang was nearly killed on January 6th when he was gassed and smothered in a huge pile of people on the steps of the US Capitol.  The woman beside him, Rosanne Boyland, was killed that day.  She was gassed and crushed in the pile.  Capitol Police Officer Lila Morris was filmed beating Rosanne with a stick after she was passed out.  While Jake was buried under the pile, Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him.  Jake also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body laying next to Rosanne Boyland. Jake was able to pull Anderson to safety and save his life that day.  Later Jake was seen battling with police who continued their deadly assault on Trump supporters.  Four Trump supporters died that day.

Today, Jake Lang languishes in prison, alone, for 20 hours a day.  Jake has not been convicted of a crime.  He has been held in prison by the Biden regime for nearly two years now.  Democrats celebrate this.  They think this is a good thing.

On several occasions, Jake has been cast into solitary confinement without any justification. Jake has been transferred to eight different detention facilities over the course of the last 22 months.


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: TGP’s Jim Hoft and 100 Percent Fed Up’s Patty McMurray Interview Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on Konnech, Midterms, etc.   By Jim Hoft

TGP’s Jim Hoft and 100 Percent Fed Up’s Patty McMurray Interview Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on Konnech, Midterms, etc.

This was after Gregg and Catherine spent a week in prison for not turning over their source in the Konnech investigation.


J6 Political Hostage And Marine Corps Veteran Blarton Shively Is Being Denied Life-Saving Cancer Treatment at the DC Gulag as Guards Are Doing Everything to Make Life for Him Hell: ‘They Hate Trump Supporters’  By Alicia Powe

J6 political hostage Barton Shively, a retired Marine Corps veteran who contracted cancer is being denied life-saving medical treatment at the DC gulag.

This is inhumate treatment.  Shively says “the water is brown and smells of contamination” and the cells reek of “of puke, urine, fecal matter, and mold.”

Shively was stationed at Camp Lejune and may have been exposed to the contaminated water at Marine Corps Base.

Shively, a 55-year-old Pennsylvania man, was arrested on January 19, 2021 after allegedly assaulting police officers during the January 6 Capitol riot and is currently detained at the D.C. Central Detention Facility.

In a letter provided to The Gateway Pundit, the military veteran details why he fears for his life as anti-Trump correction officers in the jail subject J6 inmates to cruel and unusual punishment and refuse to provide him adequate treatment during his battle with cancer.  Barton Shively says he’s endured massive shame and is branded an “insurrectionists” despite being a law-abiding citizen and US Marine who has served this nation.

“Getting my cancer treatment set up in the DC Gulag was a nightmare,” Shively explains. “It took 3 months for me to see my medical provider. My first experience at the DC VA was a terrible and disheartening time. At first attempt, I was denied access to the VA on grounds of me being a prisoner, even though I had not been convicted of anything and I was only a pretrial detainee. After about 4 hours of debating with the administration, I was finally admitted. Although I felt they really didn’t want me there. Even though I’m a veteran and I was honorably discharged. The feeling of being forgotten and abandoned by my country filled my head and broke my heart.”

When prison guards escort Shively to the VA for medical treatment, they instruct him to drape himself in a sheet to spare people at the VA from embarrassment.



Associated Press Issues Correction To Its Fake Report Which Could Have Kicked Off WW3   BY TYLER DURDEN

Update(1605ET)The Associated Press has issued an official correction for its not-so-inconsequential bit of reporting Tuesday that could have easily set off a chain of events leading to a WWIII scenario.

“The Associated Press reported erroneously, based on information from a senior American intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity” …and we the know rest which unleashed a day of incessant warmongering based on the allegation that Russia attacked a NATO member. The incredibly embarrassing correction further states, “Subsequent reporting showed that the missiles were Russian-made and most likely fired by Ukraine in defense against a Russian attack.”

And the next time this happens will it be too late for a “correction”?


They stole the election. How did they do it and what’s next?   Tierney’s Real News


“This Is An Investigation of Joe Biden” – BREAKING: House Republicans Announce Investigation of Joe Biden and Biden Crime Family (VIDEO)


TSA Director Accused of Fraud, Waste for Unlawfully Deploying Assets to Mexican Border   Tom Fitton  Judicial watch

The head of the federal agency created after 9/11 to protect the nation’s transportation system is accused of fraud, waste, and abuse of authority for unlawfully deploying assets to the Mexican border to perform duties unrelated to transportation, according to a report filed with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General. In the formal complaint to the DHS watchdog, the Air Marshal National Council, which represents thousands of Federal Air Marshals (FAM) nationwide, accuses Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator David Pekoske and FAM Director Tirrell Stevenson of violating federal law and overstepping their authority for assigning the highly trained aviation security specialists to assist the U.S. Border Patrol with the illegal immigration crisis. FAM operates under TSA and both function under DHS.









Zelensky Continues to Lie About ‘Russian’ Missiles Hitting Poland in His Continued Attempts to Start WWIII   By Jim Hoft

On Sunday The Gateway Pundit posted an interview where Bankman-Fried admitted that FTX was laundering money for the Ukrainian government.

Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor for Democrats this last election cycle, only behind megadonor George Soros. Bankman Fried gave at least $38 million to $40 million to Democrats, leftist causes, PACs, and candidates, Fox News reported.

Bankman-Fried floated the idea of spending upwards of $1 billion in the 2024 presidential election if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee.

And, just like that… On Monday Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky called for peace with Russia.

President Zelensky: “We are ready for peace, peace for our entire country.”


GOP reps want to audit billions going to Ukraine – should they?  [2:10]   American Military News

Tell us in the comments! Should the US audit and track the $103 billion taxpayer dollars being sent to Ukraine? Regardless if you support the war and US funds or not, making sure the government is accountable for the money sent makes logical sense.

President Biden has called for Congress to earmark another $37.7 billion in additional funding for Ukraine which would bring the total to around $103 billion.

The problem is that the US government has an atrocious record of tracking money and many times simply can’t track it at all – leading to corruption on all sides of the coin. The War on Terror is a perfect example of this. So while the aid bills to date have had reporting requirements the government isn’t trustworthy to track our money. After all, Congress has put us $31 trillion in debt and growing each day.

House Republicans introduced a privileged resolution to audit the funds allocated by Congress.

The resolution, which calls for preserving administration documents and communications related to Ukraine funding distribution, speaks to other criticisms among some Republican lawmakers who support aid to Ukraine but say more oversight is needed.   

You can expect the public to increasingly ask more and more questions and demand accountability with so much money leaving the US and going to Ukraine


NEW: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine  [10:43]   Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell appeared on “Tipping Point” on OAN to discuss new records we obtained revealing anthrax laboratory activities in Ukraine and much more!



Pelosi stepping down from House leadership, will remain in Congress

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced she will not seek reelection to lead House Democrats as Republicans take control of that chamber following the midterm elections.

Pelosi announced she will go on only as a representative of her district in San Francisco in a speech before a packed House of Representatives Thursday.

“With great confidence in our caucus, I will not seek reelection to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” she said, calling for “a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect, and I’m grateful that so many are ready and willing to shoulder this awesome responsibility.”

Her replacement, who will serve as minority leader under a Republican Speaker of the House, is not yet clear. Democrats are set to elect new leadership on Nov. 30, according to The Hill.

Feds on Parade: Khaki-Clad Patriot Front Group Harasses Locals Around Harvard for Some Reason   By Jim Hoft

Oh, brother, it’s the feds on parade.

The notorious Patriot Front group was protesting and harassing people at Harvard over the weekend.

They were clad in their signature khakis and masks.

So who is paying for their travel costs to hold these staged events? Is this taxpayer money.




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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.