Daily Shmutz | 112222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)









Have the Democrats Destroyed Our Election System?    By D. Parker

Is there any point in voting if we can’t trust the system — or whether the liberty-denier Democrats will abide by the rule of law or basic decency?

Do you get the feeling that you’ve been had?

That terrible sick-in-your-stomach sensation when scam artists laugh and you realize they’ve done it again?  When all of our hopes for the conservation of liberty have been destroyed by the same type of schemes that we all should have seen coming a mile away?

How does a party trying to destroy our constitutional republic for two years with poll after poll screaming that we are on the wrong track avoid a humiliating defeat at the ballot box?

How does a party steeped in the worst aspects of fascism and socialism in a collectivist witch’s brew even have a chance after everyone has seen what they are at their core?

What did they offer?  More of the same only worse, and we were supposed to believe Gen Z and everyone else couldn’t wait to get all their ballots in?

You get the feeling that the illegitimate Left is verging between trying to hide their malicious merriment at ‘winning’ again and coming out with a ‘what are you going to do about it’ moment.

The liberty deniers of ‘the nation’ seems to be on the verge of the latter with a screed titled: “Democrats, Time to Go Big.”  Starting out with the fact that even they can’t believe they did so well:


No Way Out for the USA  By Jeff Thomas

On the surface, it would appear that the US is in the catbird seat: Since Bretton Woods in 1944, the US has been able to dictate the economy to its trading partners and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the world. Those countries that got on board the Bretton Woods Choo-Choo would be the world’s leaders in commerce, and the rest would take second shrift.

This was possible because, at the end of the war, the US had been supplying the allies with most of their armaments and materiel and had insisted on being paid in gold. By 1944, they held the great majority of the world’s gold and had the most productive manufacturing facilities. They were in a position to call all the shots, and the countries that subsequently made up the First World went along for the ride.

But by the 1970s, the US went off the gold standard and was paying for imports with US Treasuries. This was seen to be a boon at the time, as the Treasuries could be created from thin air, and the demands by the US became boundless. The US became the biggest house on the block, but it was, in fact, a house of cards, which was only as good as the currency it was built upon – not true money but debt.

To paraphrase Norm Franz, “Gold is the money of kings… debt is the money of slaves.”


Covid Is Not An Epidemiological Story; Covid Is A Crime Story   By Mark Reynolds

Covid-19 is the biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the world. ~Allen

What we are in the midst of is a planned total economic collapse. This economic collapse was inevitable, Western governments are putting the security infrastructure into place, trying to proactively control the inevitable social disorder which will result from this collapse. To be followed by a global financial reset, after a period of hyperinflation, which destroys both the value of debt and the corresponding paper claims.

There is not now nor has there ever been an epidemiological or viral emergency event of any sort anywhere in the world in the year 2020. The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.

The collapse started in 2008 and attempts to salvage this corrupt economic system only delayed the inevitable. In the Fall of 2019 the crisis began to rapidly unravel again.


The Solemn Stillness Before Winter   By James Howard Kunstler

“Ultimately, the Democratic Party is a criminal organization; and to support it is to be a criminal. And since it is the ruling party, unless you oppose it, you support it.” —Curtis Yarvin, The Gray Mirror

Here in New England now, the landscape is putting itself to bed, preparing for winter’s long sleep. The grass in the cow pastures never looks greener than in contrast to the barren trees, but that lingering color, too, will soon fade. We did not get smacked here by the deep snows of far-off Buffalo, not a flake, so a sweetly solemn stillness settles over these tender hills as we give vague thanks at Thursday’s gala of gluttony, certain to induce terrors of indigestion in the restless night to come.

I am thankful to still be here after all these years — more than that, grateful! And with the prospect of seeing what comes next: the beginning of a great correction for a country gone off the rails in greed, bad faith, and treachery. Everything rooted in lies and fakery is primed to blow down in the political storms ahead.



Doctors Baffled After 16-Year-Old Football Player and Wrestler Suffers a Stroke and Bloodclot in His Brain   By Jim Hoft

A football player for Mount Pleasant High School in North Carolina and wrestler who appeared to be in his prime at the age of 16 was found unconscious on the floor of his girlfriend’s house.

Tylin McDowell, a player for the Mt. Pleasant Tigers, played and excelled as a defensive lineman during a match with Maiden Blue Devils for the state playoffs.

Even though the Tigers suffered a 46-13 defeat that evening, it appeared that nobody was seriously injured and left the field healthy. And Tylin and other Mount Pleasant athletes were getting ready for the upcoming wrestling season, Independent Tribune reported.

One day after the match, Tylin was found unconscious on the floor at his girlfriend’s house in Mount Pleasant.



How The Covid Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System

In this interview, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT for over five decades,1 discusses her paper,2 “Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The Role of G-quadruplexes, Exosomes and MicroRNAs,” published in the June 2022 issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology.

The paper was co-written with Drs. Peter McCullough, Greg Nigh and Anthony Kyriakopoulos. In May 2021, Nigh and Seneff published a paper3 detailing the differences between the spike protein and the COVID jab spike protein.

In the “Innate Immune Suppression” paper, they and their other co-authors delve deep into the mechanisms of the COVID shots, showing how they suppress your innate immune system.

The paper caused quite a stir when it was first posted, prior to publication. A campaign was launched to have it retracted on the premise that it would discourage people from getting these life-saving shots — regardless of whether the mechanisms described were true or not.

Ultimately, the controversy led to the resignation of the editor of the journal. Many have also tried to discredit Seneff, and McCullough has since been stripped of his medical credentials.4


They Will Lock You Down Again

The lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all.

To have imposed both of these within the course of one year – with zero evidence that they achieved anything for public health and vast amounts of unfolding evidence that they ruined life quality for countless millions – qualifies as a scandal for the ages. It was in the US but also in nearly every country in the world but a few.

Might that have huge political implications? One would suppose so. And yet today it appears that truth and justice are further off than ever. The most passionate of the anti-lockdown governors – those who never locked down or opened earlier than the rest of the country – won on their record. Most of the rest joined the entire political establishment in pretending that all of this is a non-issue. Tragically, this tactic seems to have worked better than it should have.

Meanwhile, a few points to consider:


Pfizer’s Financial Supernova and the Art of Really Big Lies   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

How to Fool Nearly Everyone and Pocket $101.3 Billion

When you master the art of telling really big lies, people assume the claims must be true because they’re so far from reality – and the listener simply assumes their own perception must be flawed. The strategy worked for Big Pharma, and health agencies and government officials, too.


  • Pfizer’s annual revenue is expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022, thanks to its COVID jab, which doesn’t prevent infection or spread, and Paxlovid, an ineffective and dangerous COVID antiviral that causes rebound
  • Pfizer got plenty of free help from the federal government, which bullied and harassed people into getting the shots, and implemented rules that ensure hospitals and pharmacies will only prescribe certain COVID drugs, Paxlovid being one of them
  • The key to getting away with a really big lie is making it so divorced from reality that the listener will assume their own perception is flawed, and then repeating it over and over again. This strategy has been used to great effect over the past three years, resulting in a massive shift from fact-based public health orthodoxy to irrational fantasy-based dogma
  • Centralized top-down health care is far more attractive to Big Pharma investors than patient-centered care. The primary obstacle to the corporatization and monetization of public health has been truth, and this obstacle was finally overcome during the COVID pandemic
  • The Big Lies told during the pandemic work because they veer so sharply from the truth. This break from factual reality is what makes it so difficult to question them, because if you do, you’re now questioning the entire hierarchy of public health


Researchers Didn’t Study COVID Jab’s Effects on Menstrual Cycles

Half the participants in the COVID shot trials were women, but even so, scientists neglected to include questions about the women’s menstrual cycles. Therefore, when women started reporting menstrual problems after the shots were offered to the public, science had no data to back up their claims.

Alison Edelman, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Oregon Health and Science University, told NBC News, “ Because we had no data and people weren’t paying attention to it, individuals reporting it just got blown off.”

While other vaccines have shown similar side effects, no one thought to include the possibility with this one.


California Workers Win COVID Shot Discrimination Lawsuit

Five Goleta Water District employees in California have been awarded $125,000 plus attorney’s fees in a lawsuit they filed after they were denied religious exemptions from the COVID shots.

“They were also restricted from entering certain buildings and were required to wear an N95 face mask while vaccinated employees were not held to the same standard,” The Epoch Times reported.

Similar suits are being seen across the country, one of the lawyers told The Epoch Times. “Government officials are being held accountable for their discriminatory policies and I am hopeful that we’re going to continue to see these types of decisions because what they did was wrong, and they hurt a lot of people’s lives,” Mariah Gondeiro, an Advocates for Faith & Freedom lawyer, said.

Only two of the five employees are still on the job.


This day last year:

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared… scientists “baffled” 11/22/2021 By  Ethan Huff

Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared… scientists “baffled”

(Natural News) Almost nobody in Africa is getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and as a result there is almost no covid anywhere to be found on the continent.

The latest reports from the mainstream media admit that the plandemic is basically non-existent in Africa, which is confusing to those who believe the narrative that the jabs are helping to eradicate disease.

A recent piece from the Associated Press (AP) explains that in Zimbabwe, nobody wears a mask, nobody is vaccinated, and life goes on as normal. People pack the local markets in close proximity to one another and, by golly, nobody is getting sick.

“Covid-19 is gone,” stated a man named Nyasha Ndou, who joked with reporters about how he keeps a mask in his pants “to protect my pocket.”

“When did you last hear of anyone who has died of Covid-19?” he further asked, adding that the only reason he keeps a mask on his person is to avoid potential confrontations with corrupt local police.

In the past week, Zimbabwe recorded just 33 new “cases” of the Chinese Virus. And most of these are more than likely fake, seeing as how the PCR tests are completely fraudulent and designed to pick up the common cold.



“Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge”     By Richard Abelson

[Ed.:  Be sure to watch: Speaking to Journalist Matthew Tyrmand  on War Room, Steve Bannon called the protests in Brazil “the largest pro-democracy protests in history.” 5:06]

Brazilian Truckers are blockading roads and ports while a Federal Judge had to step down for allegedly discussing a military coup with President Jair Bolsonaro. The head of Bolsonaro-allied Liberal Party will announce the next steps today.

Brazilian truck drivers have blockaded at least 17 roads since Friday, Turkish A News reports. Between Oct. 30 and Nov. 9, authorities arrested 49 people allegedly involved in the roadblocks, according to Brazilian news portal G1.

In a voice message published by columnist Mônica Bergamo, Judge Augusto Nardes of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) allegedly was discussing a military coup with President Jair Bolsonaro. In the recording, Nardes said he has “a lot of information” about “strong movement in the (Army) barracks”. Nardes allegedly said “that (there will be) a very strong outcome in the nation, unpredictable … in a matter of hours, days, at most, a week, two, maybe less.”

Apparently someone forwarded a WhatsApp message from the Judge to the journalist. The call was interpreted as referring to potential preparation of a military coup to prevent the inauguration of convicted Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President in January. Judge Augusto Nardes has announced his resignation over the call.


Is the Arizona Election the Hill to Die On? Without Free and Fair Elections We Have Nothing   by Lawrence Sellin

The election that took place in Arizona on November 8, 2022 is not certifiable.

It was not incompetence.

It was blatant corruption to sustain political tyranny by the Globalist Uniparty, an unholy alliance of the Democrat Party, the Republican establishment and the globalists who finance both of them.

As of this writing, at least 3 of Arizona’s 15 counties have delayed certifying the 2022 election.

There were printer/tabulator failures in 62.61% of the vote centers on election day, resulting in long lines at a majority of all vote centers, which led to de facto substantial voter suppression.

A new Arizona election must be scheduled before the end of the year, one in which only paper ballots and verified voters, voting in person, are allowed.

Not doing so will represent a “green light” to permanently embed fraud into the electoral system and perpetuate the tyranny imposed on the American people by the Globalist Uniparty now controlling the U.S. government.

In concert with their Washington D.C. allies, the Globalist Uniparty in Arizona is trying to hijack the election from the people.

Despite controlling the state legislature and occupying the offices of Governor and Attorney General, the Arizona Republican Party did nothing to prevent the current situation.

Nine-Hour Hearing Held in Delaware County After Officials Took a Detour from Counting Center into a Closed Building for 6 Hours on Election Day   By Jim Hoft

As reported earlier – Pennsylvania election observers filed a complaint against the Delaware County Board of Elections after county officials took a detour on election night with the county’s ballots and v-drives into a closed building for six hours.  Poll watchers were prevented from entering the building at the time.

The county also deleted 194 voter registrations that were deleted after election day whose ballots were counted.

Here are several allegations that were filed in a complaint last week in Delaware County.



German Disaster Official Recommends Stockpiling ‘Several Crates’ Of Water, Canned Food   BY TYLER DURDEN

The head of Germany’s Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK), Ralph Tiesler, has warned citizens to prepare for short-term power outages, particularly in January and February, and to stock up on rations in advance.

We have to assume that there will be blackouts this winter. By that, I mean a regional and temporary interruption in the power supply. The cause will not only be energy shortages, but also the targeted, temporary shutdown of the networks by the operators, with the aim of protecting the networks and not endangering the overall supply,” Tiesler told the news outlet Welt am Sonntag, adding that local authorities in several German municipalities are preparing for the possibility of blackouts, and have developed ‘precise plans’ that include procuring emergency generators to support the system.

That said, some municipalities are not prepared – and despite German gas storage facilities being near capacity, experts don’t think the stockpile will be enough to last the country through the winter due to a lack of new supply from Russia.

“We expect short-term blackouts rather than long-lasting, large-scale blackouts. But good preparation is important for that, too,” Tiesler added.

What to do? Stock up…

“Primarily water, several crates, and canned food. That would be enough for ten days. That’s what my agency recommends… Our message is: prepare in the first place. Be prepared for possible crises, don’t assume that everything will be readily available all the time,” Tiesler stated, adding that residents should also purchase battery-powered radios and candles.


Winter Shortages Are Looking Even Worse Than We Thought  JD Rucker

If you believe in coincidences, you won’t see anything unnatural about the perfect storm of events that is hitting us all right now. If you believe in coincidences, you’re missing the point.

If there ever needed to be more evidence that the globalist elite cabal and their minions in the Biden-Harris regime were manufacturing shortages, we simply need to look at the various situations forming a perfect storm of crises. There is nothing natural about shortages hitting food, energy, medications, and pretty much everything else at the same time. And no, it’s not “Russia Russia Russia” that’s causing it all to happen.

The only thing we don’t have a shortage of is more authoritarian government. Our dystopian future is forming before our eyes as DC plunges us deeper into debt both as a nation as well as for individuals and families. It’s all leading us toward “necessary” centralization of monetary control through central bank digital currencies. They don’t want to force most Americans to accept the Digital Dollar. They want a majority to be begging for them.

The easiest people to control are those who ask to be controlled. Readers of my articles and listeners of my shows are generally adamantly opposed to being controlled, expanding government, or embracing the various public-private partnerships that are popping up in every industry. But we’re a dwindling minority. No, that’s not to say that a majority of Americans are budding Neo-Marxists. Our problem isn’t with ideology. Our problem is with passion. Even many who oppose such things as CBDCs will not fight by our side against them. They’ll begrudgingly accept them because everyone else is. The herd mentality, even among most individualists and patriots, is becoming all-too common.



Exposing Trickery   James Roguski

I absolutely love it when I get to learn from a researcher who is revealing truth from deeper down the rabbit hole than anyone else. Way to go Katherine!!

The information in this article is a simplified version of the research published by Katherine Watt over the past several months:

The “Rule of Law” falls apart when the legal code itself has been corrupted.

Unless and until some very, very intelligent and hard-working lawyers really step up to the plate, and a majority of Supreme Court judges suddenly grow spines and properly interpret the Constitution and throw out laws that are abhorrent to it, there won’t be a Nuremberg 2.0, there won’t be any civil suits, there won’t be any compensatory damages for injured victims or survivors of dead victims of the COVID-19 injections, and there won’t be any true justice BECAUSE…

The legal codes and regulations have been so skillfully manipulated over several decades that “the law” appears to allow the government to conduct domestic bioterrorism with impunity.

The core reason, is that Emergency Use Authorized products, including masks, PCR tests, mRNA and DNA injections, and other drugs, devices and biologics, were “authorized” under 21 USC 360bbb-3(k).

If a product is the subject of an authorization under this section, the use of such product within the scope of the authorization shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation…

21 USC 360bbb-3(k)

This is true no matter how untested, unmonitored, unsafe, or ineffective they are, no matter whether their harmfulness to human health and uselessness for infection-control are known before use, or discovered afterward.

EUA products are pseudo-legally exempt from laws regulating researcher use of investigational, experimental drugs, devices and biologics on human beings.

EUA products are pseudo-legally exempt from laws regulating physician use of approved drugs, devices and biologics as medical treatments for patients.


Until the Supreme Court strikes down the sections of the United States code that give these perpetrators of biological warfare “pseudo-legal” cover, then “LEGALLY”…



We’ll bring Netanyahu to Iran in a slave collar, says IRGC commander   By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

The threat was uttered during a funeral for security forces killed in clashes with protestors in the Isfahan region of Iran.

A provincial head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRCG) said Sunday that once the authorities crush the anti-regime demonstrations in the country, Iran would get to incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and enslave him, according to the regime-controlled Tasnim news agency.

Speaking at a funeral for security forces who were killed in clashes with anti-regime protestors, IRGC commander of the Isfahan region Mojtaba Fada said, “The former prime minister of the Zionist regime announced that he hopes to travel to Tehran due to the recent disturbances [if widespread protests lead to the overthrow of the government], but God willing, the Islamic Republic will prevail and we will bring him to Iran with his hands tied and a [slave] collar around his neck after the defeat of the child-killing regime of Israel.”

[Ed.: Them’s fightin’ words!]







Rep. Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That Will Exonerate Our Patriots”    Margaret Flavin

Congressman Matt Gaetz continues to push back on weak, RINOs like Kevin McCarthy as plans for the transfer of power are under way in the House of Representatives.

On Twitter, Gaetz suggested doing what many Americans have called for regarding the January 6th sham committee….release every second of footage.

Gaetz said, “While Kevin McCarthy has said he would disband the January 6th Select Committee, I would repurpose it. I would take over their snarky little Twitter account, and pump out 14,000 hours of video so the American people can see what really happened.”



Sam Bankman-Fried And The Pandemic Industrial Complex

The collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried and his fraudulent cryptocurrency empire at FTX is news at its most entertaining. Who doesn’t love the story of a bigshot billionaire revealed to be an outright fraud? It’s black-and-white. FTX owes billions in debt and doesn’t actually own a dime of the assets it claimed. Game over.

At first blush, the story seems simple. A con man cynically convinced a bunch of gullible financiers that he was a an eccentric young visionary and a really great guy, and he ran off with the dough.

But take a closer look at the mainstream coverage, and you’ll realize there’s far more to this story than a classic financial fraud. In fact, the puff pieces from mainstream outlets about SBF and the causes he was funding—most notably, the pandemic planning industry—even after his empire was revealed to be an outright fraud, are the clearest instance we’ve seen of the modern political machine in all its cynicism.


10 Crazy Things Detailed In FTX’s Bankruptcy Filing

FTX’s bankruptcy filing in the federal bankruptcy court on Thursday revealed many crazy things, like that most of FTX’s digital assets have not been secured.

The demise of Sam Bankman-crypto Fried’s empire was soberly assessed by John Ray, III, the new CEO of FTX, in a long-awaited declaration that was filed in a bankruptcy court in the United States on Thursday. An explosive series of events, including the disclosure of texts Bankman-Fried sent to a Vox reporter earlier this week, led to the bankruptcy court filing.

With his 40 years of expertise in the legal and restructuring fields, including his time as chief restructuring officer and CEO of Enron, one of the biggest corporate disasters in history, Ray set the tone for what he has discovered since FTX filed for bankruptcy protection last week.

“Never in my career have I seen such a complete failure of corporate controls and such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information as occurred here,” Ray wrote. “This situation is unprecedented.”

Here are some revelations Ray made regarding Bankman-Fried and the FTX fiasco in federal bankruptcy court on Thursday.


Italy plays Florida, France plays Martha’s Vineyard — See the video   By Monica Showalter

If anyone wants to see just how far that Martha’s Vineyard “stunt” initiated by Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis has gone, take a look at what’s going on in France and Italy:

According to the U.K. Express:


The Big Lie of FTX   By The Z Man
The implosion of the crypto trading firm FTX is a bit of real-world confirmation of the logic behind the big lie theory. The Big Lie is a lie so outlandish that people believe it because they assume no one has the impudence to lie so egregiously. In the case of FTX, people are struggling to accept what happened because no one can believe that such a massive fraud could so easily have been perpetuated.

Ponzi schemes are not new in the investing world. Like all cons, they rely on the greed of the mark to blind them to the implausibility of the scheme. Similarly, cooking the books is as old as double entry accounting. Companies have been overstating their profits and assets since such a thing became necessary. Of course, banks confusing customer money for the bank’s money is nothing new either.

What makes FTX unique is that it appears to have committed every known financial fraud scheme plus a few new ones. Not only were they playing fast and loose with the books and running a Ponzi scheme, they were also stealing customer deposits to buy influence in Washington and possibly operate a money laundering scheme, while the owners lived in some sort of polyamorous cult.

The thing that pushes the story into the land of make-believe is that some of the world’s smartest investors were suckered into the scheme. Like the Theranos scheme, this scandal is reaching into the elite of the governing class. Companies like Black Rock and Sequoia Capital were in bed with FTX. These are not just sophisticated investors, but core operators in the global financial system.

As if that is not enough to make this one of the most outlandish financial boondoggles in recent history, it has a political dimension. The founder of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, a name no screenwriter would conjure because it is so on the nose, was the second-biggest donor to the Democratic Party. Only George Soros has been more generous to the party over the past few election cycles.

But wait, there is more. FTX appears to have been involved with shifting money to Ukraine through its crypto exchange. Why money was going to crypto and then being converted into Ukrainian currency is a mystery. It is not as if Western governments lack access to banking. They simply had to buy hryvnia from the Ukrainian government and then deposit it into Ukrainian banks.

That is where things get interesting. Those dollars are somewhere. Initial reports suggest that lots of those dollars made their way to the FTX exchange for reasons no one has explained. Since FTX was using customer deposits for its own purposes, like buying influence in Washington through donations to Democratic politicians, it is not hard to see where this could be heading.


Report Claims that the “Hacker” of FTX Is Now Multimillionaire in FTX, Ethereum Crypto   By Joe Hoft

What really can we trust of this story coming out on FTX from the Mainstream Media?

Most of America and the world first learned of the crypto laundromat known as FTX a few weeks ago.  This firm went bankrupt as we began uncovering the activities that went on within the company’s platform.

We learned that millions went to Democrats from FTX.  Could it be that it was in the billions?

One piece of information that has yet to be confirmed is that there was a last minute hacker who stole from FTX as it went bankrupt.  According to recent posts in the media, this hacker ended up with a huge bucket of Ethereum tokens.





Russia’s strategic withdrawal from Kherson is Ukraine’s biggest defeat [4:30]   TFIGlobal

You must have followed the withdrawal of Kherson by Russian forces. BBC headlined its report as, “Kherson biggest Russian loss since withdrawal from outside Kyiv.”

Al Jazeera said, “Russia’s Kherson retreat marks tectonic shift in Ukraine war.” CNN headlined, “Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson is a humiliating setback.” A similar take was taken across western media, which rendered that Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson is the beginning of the end of the Ukraine war. Watch the video to know more.



2 + 2 = 5 in Trudeau’s Canada, where those who won’t agree are in big trouble   Mark Crispin Miller

Canada wants all the world to follow its example, and crack down on “misinformation” (i.e., truth) in favor of “the truth” (i.e., misinformation).   

Three signs that Trudeau’s Canada is getting very hard to tell apart from Orwell’s Oceania.

Canada tells world leaders to clamp down on online “misinformation”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino are doing the rounds, insisting on the need to fight online harassment and misinformation.

[Note the sly equation of “misinformation” with “harassment,” implying that dissent of any kind is an aggressive act—like hate speech—and should be banned and stigmatized accordingly.]

At the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, Trudeau said that Canada wants to regulate online “harassment and violence.” He added that Canada’s social media platforms have a responsibility to “address online harassment and violence to ensure trust in technology.”

“While always ensuring and defending free speech, we must make it clear that it cannot be OK to bully and attack people online,” Trudeau said.



Defending Our Freedom and the First Amendment   by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin

Medical boards are already taking it upon themselves to punish physicians who challenge the prevailing COVID narrative. Our friend and colleague Meryl Nass is facing this kind of abusive fight right now. A much-deserved vigorous defense is being mounted with the support of many courageous physicians.1

Medical societies have always exercised the authority to censure doctors for their conduct and speech, and even to remove their medical licenses. But now, the California legislature has gone out of its way to passing a redundant law specifically about threatening COVID dissenters with the power of the Medical Board of California to remove their licenses.2 Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed the bill into law.3 We will return to the California offense against medical freedom in the conclusion of this column.

The Attack Against My License in 1987 for Remarks on Oprah Winfrey   

It was terrifying at first and then became the most significant victory of my life and Ginger’s because I went from being a largely unknown “maverick” psychiatrist to being a public force with total exoneration and an apology — far more than we had hoped for. It also led to getting a contract for my first best-selling book, Toxic Psychiatry: Why Empathy, Therapy, and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the “New Psychiatry.”

As a young psychiatrist, I had earned my enemies by being critical of the state mental hospitals in the surrounding area of Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia. Among many other things, I had also debated some professors of psychiatry about drugs, to their chagrin and resentment, and criticized medications at a big symposium at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, DC.

I had, in fact done nothing wrong. Ginger had joined me in 1984, and we were proud of our reform work together. I was simply the first psychiatrist in history to challenge psychiatric treatment in principle, at its very roots in fake science. I demonstrated scientifically in books and peer review articles that all psychiatric treatments — drugs, electroshock, and psychosurgery “work” by impairing brain function and have no essential curative or beneficial value. Their presumed benefits to the individual are usually nothing more than blunting mental function and putting the individuals out of touch with their own suffering. Their benefits to other people are the ability of the drugs, in varying degrees, to make most people more subdued, more compliant, and less difficult.

I also examined the science behind the medical model for emotional and mental problems and showed that no psychiatric diagnoses had been proven genetic or biological in origin. I was, and continue to be, science-based, and psychiatry is not. Psychiatry’s power base is not science but pharmaceutical industry money.



November 22nd – Ukraine is about to be annihilated  [38:34]   Douglas Macgregor

United States and worldwide Geopolitics analysis.

Russia Ukraine conflict latest news update with Colonel Douglas Macgregor.



MONTHLY MONEY Three days until final November direct payment of $1,657 – see if you’ll receive money before Thanksgiving   Suzanne Blake

  • Published: 9:57 ET, Nov 20 2022Updated: 9:58 ET, Nov 20 2022

MILLIONS of Americans only have three days left until direct payments of $1,657 hit their accounts right in time for Thanksgiving.

Social Security payments are always scheduled over three Wednesdays a month, but the exact date you will receive your payment varies based on your birthday.

Social Security payments are going out this Wednesday

When you should expect your money

Americans born between the first through the 10th of the month can expect a payment on the second Wednesday of every month.

Seniors with birthdays from the 11th through the 20th of the month should have received their payment on November 16.

Those born on the 21st through the 31st will see their money deposited on the fourth Wednesday of the month, just three days away from now on November 23.

After Wednesday, there will only be three more Social Security pay dates on the 2022 calendar – three in the month of December.

[Ed.: This could be ‘Fake News’, but I’ll believe it when I see it.]



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