Daily Shmutz | 112722, 112822, & 112922

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)







#WhitePaperRevolution   James Roguski

While it can have many, many meanings, a blank piece of white paper is a protest against censorship. “There was definitely nothing on paper, but we know what is on there.”


Blank sheets of white paper were a symbol of defiance over the weekend as Chinese protesters braved likely prosecution to openly oppose the government’s policy of zero tolerance for COVID and public dissent.

The movement began with a solemn vigil for 10 victims who perished on November 24 in an apartment fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, where residents had been living in a state of lockdown for over three months. Restrictions on their movements and obstacles preventing a prompt rescue by firefighters were said to have contributed to the victims’ deaths.

The white paper trend became popular among protesters in Hong Kong in 2020, after the city implemented a nebulous and sweeping national security law passed by Beijing days earlier.

Over the weekend, Chinese diaspora communities on Twitter and elsewhere called it the “White Paper Revolution,” or the “A4 Revolution,” based on the sheet size.

The white paper represents an ironic response to the diminishing space for disagreement under Xi, who has built a vast security apparatus that includes citywide surveillance networks to monitor offline movements, and computer algorithms that automatically filter out sensitive words and viral images from online chatter.

The weekend’s protests carried elements of this frustration. This was especially notable on the campuses of the prestigious Peking University, where an open letter called on the government to roll back COVID controls including mass testing, centralized quarantine, districtwide lockdowns and movement-tracking health apps.


Protests in China Increasing Over COVID Shutdowns and Tyranical Government Policies   By Joe Hoft

People in China are protesting across the country.  What started as a fire in one building has led to a fire of protests.

The protests started when a fire broke out in a building where the citizens were trapped inside due to COVID policies in the country.

The building fire killed at least 10 people who could not make it out alive.

This started protests across China.


Chinese Bots Flooding Twitter With Porn and Escorts to Bury News of Massive Protests Against COVID Lockdowns   By Margaret Flavin

The Chinese people have had enough of the brutal “zero-Covid” policies of the authoritarian CCP controlled country.

Citizens have been suffering under the cruel measures for years leading to isolation, starvation and even suicide.

Angry protesters have gathered all over China, including Tsinghua university in Beijing, with massive protests against the authoritarian regime’s  zero-Covid policies. Demonstrations have occurred recently in multiple in cities – including Shanghai, Nanjing and Guangzhou.


CHINA IS EXPLODING!!!  [10:54]   Dr Steve Turley



Republican senators come out in force against Trump, West, Fuentes meeting   By Marc Rod

Republican Senators were peppered with questions on the subject by reporters as they returned from Thanksgiving recesstors emerged in force on Monday to condemn former President Donald Trump’s meeting last week with white nationalist Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West, now known as Ye, who has repeatedly made antisemitic comments in recent months.

Peppered with questions on the subject by reporters as they returned from the Thanksgiving recess, Republican senators broadly disavowed West and Fuentes and criticized the former president for having hosted the duo. Prior to Monday night’s barrage of in-person questioning, few GOP lawmakers had spoken up about the meeting, which took place last week.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), a longtime critic of the former president, said, “There is no bottom to the degree to which [Trump] is willing to degrade himself — and the country for that matter. Having dinner with those people was disgusting.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) called West “disturbed” and in need of “help,” and Fuentes “evil” and an “assclown.”

“Trump shouldn’t have met with [Fuentes] because it gives legitimacy to a guy who’s a purveyor and a spreader of an evil ideology,” Rubio continued. “He’s an evil guy and shouldn’t be legitimized by allowing him to come into places like that and meet someone like a former and maybe future president.”


Trump’s Jewish supporters must condemn and disavow him  JONATHAN S. TOBIN

The former president’s dinner with Jew-haters was a blow to efforts to combat antisemitism. His erstwhile allies can’t mince words about it.

(November 28, 2022 / JNS) If pro-Israel Republicans think former President Donald Trump will apologize or make amends in any way for choosing to have a public dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort home with two notorious antisemites, they haven’t been paying attention to how he has conducted his public career. And if they think they can weather this controversy by trying to divert attention from what he’s done by pointing to the way their Democrat opponents tolerate and even support antisemitism on the left, they’re equally delusional.

Trump’s dinner date with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes constitutes a turning point for his Jewish supporters and Republicans in general. Or at least it ought to.

Up until now, almost all of the attempts by Democrats to accuse him of antisemitism or of encouraging Jew-hatred have been highly partisan charges that didn’t stand up to scrutiny.

After all, Trump didn’t actually say the neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017 were “very fine people” or anything like that. Nor are his complaints about Jewish voters not rewarding him for his historic support for Israel antisemitic, as those who twist his entirely factual comments into a charge of dual loyalty have tried to assert. He not only consistently condemned antisemitism but did far more to combat it on American college campuses than any other president.

Combine all that with his close family ties to Jews, the case for damning Trump as an antisemite or an ally of antisemites simply didn’t hold water. And no one who wasn’t already convinced that he was the spawn of the devil believed a word of it.

But after the Mar-a-Lago dinner, it’s no longer possible to ignore the issue. And it’s incumbent on those who have staunchly defended him until now to do the hard thing and concede that he has now done something they wouldn’t forgive or forget if it had been a Democratic president or former one who did it.

[Ed.:  It isn’t that often that Jonathan and I have similar views, but here, we are on the exact same page!]



In 2011, Newt Gingrich said “The Palestinians are an invented people.” He was right. So why are they entitled to a state?

In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed to liberate Palestine through armed struggle. But it took years for the notion of a Palestinian people to crystalize.  In 1967, they were not recognized as such, nor were they considered a party to the conflict.  Security Council Resolution 242 passed after the ’67 war, made no mention of them.

In 1978, when the peace treaty with Egypt was being finalized, Pres Carter pushed PM Begin to agree to create a Palestinian state in five years. Begin refused but did agree to give them autonomy only.

Pres Reagan, who followed Carter, continued the pressure on Israel to create a Palestinian state.  Jewish Virtual Library reports on the Reagan Plan (1982):

“Unknown to Israel, the Reagan administration was preparing a new diplomatic initiative for the Middle East, designed to renew the peace process, deal with the Palestinian issue, improve Israel-Egypt relations and provide impetus for Jordan to join the peace process. It was also aimed at pleasing those Arab states who had accepted P. L. 0. evacuees from Beirut and signaling them that the U.S. was not satisfied solely with their departure from Beirut, but was seeking an overall solution.”

When PM Begin finally heard of the plan he said, “It is the saddest day of my life”.

The Reagan plan called for direct negotiations, an interim period of self-government and then ultimately an alliance with Jordan rather than a Palestinian State. He also called for an immediate freeze on settlement construction and for an undivided Jerusalem, the fate for which to be decided by negotiations.

The US as a matter of policy, promoted the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and forced Israel to accept them in peace discussions at the Madrid Conference in 1991.

Israel wanted to deal only with the Arabs in the territories but the US kept insisting that the PLO be involved because she wanted a voice for the Arab refugees outside of the territories. This pressure led Israel to come forward with her own Plan namely the Oslo Accords.  She wanted it to apply only to the local Arabs but Pres Clinton insisted that the PLO be involved and that Israel accept back 50,000 of their terrorists and their leadership who has been rescued from Beirut by Reagan and deposited in Tunisia for safe keeping.

In 1993, Israel signed, along with them, the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (Oslo I) and in 1995 the Interim Agreement on the West Bank (Oslo II), but these Accords made no mention of giving them a state.


Legendary George Carlin’s flawless description of political correctness still rings true today [1:58]


Gaslighting is No Small Matter   by Linda Goudsmit

When politicized medical absurdities are accepted as medical science, atrocities are committed in the name of science. Changing the names of things does not change the objective reality of that thing, it changes the minds and hearts of individuals responding to that thing. So, when parents surrender their authority and common sense to the “experts,” and are convinced that biological sex is fluid and gender is a choice (absurdities), the parents commit atrocities against their children with the help of their doctors and therapists who are ideologues, not doctors or therapists.

If parents understood that this is psychological warfare, they would be empowered to hold onto their common sense, their authority, and protect their precious children. They would reject any ideology that denies objective reality, because its purpose is destruction. Bertrand Russell articulated the plan in 1952 in his book The Impact of Science on Society:

Education should aim at destroying free will so that pupils thus schooled, will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Influences of the home are obstructive; and in order to condition students, verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. . . . It is for a future scientist to make these maxims precise and to discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. – Bertrand Russell

We are at the tipping point of psychological warfare in society. If men and women are convinced that being a man or a woman is a choice, not a biological reality, then society has been convinced that snow is black. If that happens, then society is no longer moored to objective reality, and has embraced the realm subjective reality. In that state of unreality, any opposition will be eliminated either by lawfare or by force. Society will have willfully accepted insanity as its foundation – precisely as Bertrand Russell and his globalist social engineers planned.



Referee Gerhard Weng’s heart stops mid-game; runner Felix Wittman has testicular cancer; folk singer Kazım Çiriş has heart attack mid-show; TV reporter Julie Yoo collapses mid-report    Mark Crispin Miller

Latest NON-fatals include 2 German 17-year-olds in wheelchairs post-injection; 2 “sudden illnesses” snarl public transport in Rome, & actor Lando Buzzanca is now “10% of what he was”

Note how, this past week, the awful truth about the “vaccines” made some news in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Australia.


Flight Attendant Dies Suddenly Mid-Air Due to Heart Attack   By Jim Hoft

A flight attendant died suddenly following a heart attack while working on a trip from Bahrain to Paris.

The flight attendant was identified as Yasser Saleh Al Yazidi, a member of the cabin crew for Gulf Air.

He was on board flight GF 19 from Bahrain at 1:40 on Tuesday morning en route to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport.

According to the Daily Mail, the attendant suffered a heart attack about an hour and a half into the flight.


Majority of COVID Deaths Are Now Among the Vaccinated in America

With more than 230 million Americans having received at least two COVID-19 shots, for the first time since the shots came out, more vaccinated than nonvaccinated persons are dying with the infection.

Just 11% of those eligible for the new boosters have taken them, the Daily Mail reports, and “White House Coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha claimed … that ‘essentially every Covid death in America’ could be prevented if Americans get their bivalent booster and get treated for any breakthrough infections.”

In an effort to lure more people into getting the boosters, the White House is offering discounts on groceries for those who get them at CVS, Safeway, Rite Aid and Winn-Dixie.


COVID Shot Maker’s Owner Funds COVID ‘Fact’ Checking Network

In an effort to discredit a thoroughly sourced Mercola article on the risks and benefits of Pfizer’s COVID treatment Paxlovid, Factcheck.org goes to great lengths ­— literally — to prove the pill does indeed prevent deaths or severe illness.

Point by point, Factcheck discounts any possibility that the drug is overhyped and underperforming when it comes to effectiveness. It even uses complete truths cited by Mercola— such as the fact the drug is connected to rebound COVID infection — to “debunk” what is known to be true.

“Drugs do not need to prevent viral transmission to be considered a success ,” the fact checkers say. What, then, is considered “success?”

Apparently, discounting any supporting evidence for the veracity and validity of Mercola’s observations is what Factcheck.org considers “evidence.” While admitting that Paxlovid “is not perfect,” they dismiss portions of Mercola”s supporting evidence as not extensive enough to be useful, and at the same time cite small, observational studies rather than actual clinical studies for their own evidence.


Here We Go: Fauci Says We Need Multiple COVID Booster Shots Each Year Due to New Variants   (VIDEO)    By Jim Hoft

On Sunday, chief medical adviser to Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci, appeared on CBS’ Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan, where he blamed former President Trump for “why the Chinese Communist Party still has not been honest about COVID’s origin.”

The most dishonest man in the universe blames President Trump for his own dishonesty.

Who in their right mind would listen to more of his lies?

Watch the video below:


Renowned Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter Calling to End COVID Vaccine Program Immediately as Cancers and other Diseases Are Rapidly Progressing in ‘Boosted’ People   By Jim Hoft

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practicing in the UK, recently wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal to “make valid informed consent for COVID vaccination a priority topic” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.

Angus George Dalgleish, 72, is a professor of oncology at St George’s, University of London, best known for his contributions to HIV/AIDS research and is one of the most sought-after doctors in London.

medical oncologist is trained to treat different types of cancer using chemotherapy and other medications, such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

Naked Emperor Substack noted that Dr. Dalgleish is a co-discoverer of the CD4 receptor as the major cellular receptor for HIV. Angus is also a vaccine researcher and founded a biotech company developing cancer vaccines.

[Ed.: ‘My body, my choice!]



Is The Federal Government Rigging Maricopa County?  Emerald Robinson

FBI agents openly run Arizona’s elections. The voting machines fail and no elected official bothers to investigate. Welcome to the final stages of America’s constitutional republic.

The testimony of poll workers in Maricopa County regarding the stolen midterm elections is an important historical record for future generations of Americans.

For example: were America’s voting machines connected to the Internet?

Listen to this man.

The printers didn’t print! The tabulators didn’t tabulate! The machines wouldn’t process the ballots!

How do you have a legal election if all the election equipment stops working on Election Day?

People who know computer systems — like Joe Oltmann — testified that 40% of the voting machines in Maricopa County were inoperable on Election Day.

Reporters from the Real America’s Voice network testified that journalists were barred from entering Maricopa County’s election offices — in case you’re wondering how “transparent” our “democracy” happens to be.

Professor David Clements called out Maricopa County’s officials as totally corrupt and their behavior as criminal.

A woman from Venezuela noted that the same voting machines that were used in her home country were also being used in Arizona — with the same results.

Obviously, this is a lot of eyewitness testimony to the complete failure of voting machines in Arizona.

Maricopa County officials certified its election results anyway, and the FBI agent who suddenly became Arizona’s “Director of Elections” in 2021 — her name is Kori Lorick — had no problem with it either.

Why are FBI agents being hired to supervise state elections? Well, my theory is that FBI agents are being installed as state elections supervisors to “supervise” certain elections when voting machines have to malfunction only in GOP-dominated polling sites.


BREAKING: Luzerne County, Pennsylvania Does Not Certify Nov 8th Election Results   By Brian Lupo

The 2022 midterm elections have been rife with mistakes, anomalies, delays, and other disastrous problems regarding the machines across the country.  From poll book issues in Virginia, Georgia, and Texas, to the 30% + voting locations in Maricopa County that couldn’t efficiently and effectively scan ballots on election, disenfranchising tens of thousands of voters, if not more, there is no shortage of discrepancies that should raise huge red flags when it comes time to “certify” the results.

Well, the county election board in Luzerne County has voted to postpone certification until some questions are answered regarding “paper shortages” they experienced on Election Day.

Election Day voting skews heavily towards Republicans and these issues across the country only seem to impact those votes.

On Monday, the Luzerne County Election Board voted 2-2 on certification, with one member abstaining.  They were met with thunderous applause from the audience after being encouraged not to certify due to Election Day discrepancies.


WATCH LIVE: Maricopa County To Certify Fraudulent Election Results   By Jordan Conradson

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and County Recorder Stephen Richer are meeting to canvass and certify the corrupt 2022 election results.

Arizona Patriots showed up in droves and waited nearly two hours in the cold to express their disapproval of this move by the County.

TGP’s Jordan Conradson and RAV’s Ben Bergquam were outside the Maricopa County Center this morning and interviewed on The War Room.

This election was an uncertifiable disaster.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the serious issues in Maricopa County’s General Election on November 8. Due to the incompetence of Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs, tabulators were down, printers ran out of ink, and long, long lines kept Republican voters waiting to cast their ballots. Republican voters were told to drop their ballots into “box 3” to be counted later.

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday that Maricopa County responded contemptuously to Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright in response to her office’s demand for answers regarding voter suppression on Election Day.

Their statements in the letter directly contradict instructions that were given on election day.


BREAKING: Law Enforcement Outside Maricopa Certification Hearing Show Up with SWAT Shields   By Joe Hoft

In another liberal lie, the violent left wants to portray conservative God, country, and family-loving Americans as violent.

It was reported last week that the corrupt Maricopa Board of Supervisors inserted a meeting this morning in Phoenix to certify the uncertifiable 2022 election in the county.

American patriots showed up early this morning to protest the certification of the corrupted midterms in the county.  Along with the patriots, law enforcement showed up with some SWAT shields in hand.

The communists running the Democrats and RINOs in the GOP are lying to Americans and labeling conservatives “violent”.  This is despite all evidence to the contrary.


“This Is Ground Zero… If We Can’t Win in Arizona, What Expectation Do We Have that We’re Going to Win Anywhere Else?” – Attorney David Clements   By Joe Hoft

Warriors in Arizona are standing up against the corrupted 2022 election results in the state.  The current results are impossible and Americans know it.

There is no way that the 2022 election results in Maricopa County should be certified.  Certification should be based on results that were obtained through well-controlled election processes colated within certified and working machines by non-biased election workers.

There simply are too many corrupted activities recorded to date in this election in Maricopa County to legitimately certify the current results for Arizona.

These results are uncertifiable.

Starting on Friday a group of patriots made the decision to go to the Arizona Capitol to protest this 2022 stolen election.  The crowd was sparse because many were told to stay away from the capitol by GOP leaders who evidently were concerned about another Jan 6 set up by the corrupt tyranical government.


Something Stinks In Arizona!  Emerald Robinson

Using Maricopa County’s numbers, it looks like as many as 500,000 votes were not counted

First of all, let me remind my fellow Americans: I told you this would happen.

I told you on November 7th that the corporate media was sowing the narrative that voting machines malfunctioning was totally normal, and that election results which take weeks to discover are totally fine.

I told you why voting machines “not working” in key counties was always the plan of the Washington uniparty to stop Trump-aligned politicians from taking over the GOP.

I explained why it was madness for so many conservative talk show hosts and “experts” to reassure GOP voters that candidates like Kari Lake and Blake Masters would ultimately win their elections while they were being cheated out of their victories.

Too many right-wing “influencers” in the media had no idea what was going on.

After all, I’ve spent the entire year hosting election integrity experts on my TV show — The Absolute Truth — and most of them agreed that nothing had been done about the stolen 2020 election. No meaningful reforms had been passed. No guilty parties had been prosecuted. No safeguards were in place.

In other words, the only reason to believe that America’s elections in 2022 would be better than 2020 was blind hope.

So, I was not using astrology or a time machine to accurately predict that Trump-aligned candidates in key races would suddenly find their elections slow down as corrupt election officials started to cheat.

The prime example of this brazen fraud is Maricopa County — which is scheduled to have its false election results certified this Monday morning.


ELECTION FRAUD: Senator Warnock’s Campaign Calls TN Man and Asks Him to Vote – The Man Records the ENTIRE CALL Then Posts It Online  (VIDEO 7:01)   By Jim Hoft

Raphael Warnock’s campaign called US Veteran and homeless advocate Dom Lucre this weekend and asked him to vote for far left Senator Warnock in the December runoff election.

Dom Lucre lives in Tennessee.

And Dom recorded the entire call. The caller had the nerve to feed Dom the liberal lies about Republicans and their power and dark money, blah-blah-blah… Dom shot back that Democrats control everything. They control Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the media and all Republicans have is FOX News.

Dom was magnificent!

This is how Democrats cheat and steal our elections from the American people.

In a country where the authorities valued integrity, honesty, and fairness, this call would immediately be investigated and Warnock’s campaign would be punished. But we don’t have that today in the United States. You can commit any criminal act of voter fraud if you are a Democrat and it will not even be investigated.


BREAKING: Maricopa County Response to AZ AG Materially Conflicts with Instructions on Election Day – But They Announce They Will Certify Rigged Election TOMORROW Anyway    By Jordan Conradson

Published November 27, 2022 at 5:37pm

Maricopa County sent a haughty letter to Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright in response to her office demanding answers regarding voter suppression on Election Day.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the serious issues in Maricopa County’s General Election on November 8. Due to the incompetence of Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs, tabulators were down, printers ran out of ink, and long, long lines kept Republican voters waiting to cast their ballots. Republican voters were told to drop their ballots into “box 3” to be counted later.

Election experts and election workers later reported that these uncounted ballots were mixed with already counted ballots, leaving no way of knowing if all legal votes were counted!

BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General’s Office Fires Off Letter to Maricopa County Regarding 2022 Midterm Election Day Voter Suppression – Demanding Answers by Nov. 28

Republicans had at least 72% of the turnout on election day, and this was a deliberate attempt to silence the largest County’s Republican voters.

Maricopa County did not take responsibility for any of these issues in its new letter.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Jennifer Wright, the Assistant Attorney General from the state of Arizona, fired off a letter to Maricopa County demanding answers to these tabulation errors and commingling of ballots in duffle bags by November 28.

[Ed.:  They sure do stick it right in our faces, no?]



Dutch Government to Shut Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals – As Food Prices See Highest Increase in Decades   By Jim Hoft

In July, Dutch police shot at a 16-year old protester, during farmer protests in the country.  The young teen, Jouke, was released the next day without charges.

In an incident near the blockaded food distribution center at Heerenveen in Friesland, police officers shot at 16-year-old Jouke’s tractor, which was already turning away from the roadblock, missing the boy’s head by an inch (Gateway Pundit reported). Jouke and two other protestors were arrested on suspicion of “attempted manslaughter” after which an angry crowd gathered in front of the police station in Leeuwarden. All three have now been released without charges.

During the protests Opposition leader Geert Wilders released a bombshell letter showing the globalist Dutch government wants to use expropriated agricultural land for asylum centers.

And Geert Wilders was right.
The Dutch Government announced they will close up to 3,000 farms to comply with their global warming goals.

This will take place as The Netherlands is seeing the highest increase in food prices in decades.



More Warnings About Glyphosate   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Genetically engineered foods and grain crops like wheat, oats and barley are common sources of exposure to glyphosate, a toxic chemical linked to chromosomal damage, gut dysbiosis and liver and kidney diseases.


  • Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and other commonly used herbicides, is the most commonly used herbicide in the U.S. Each year 280 million pounds of glyphosate are applied to 298 million acres of U.S. crop land
  • The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) identified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen in 2015
  • Significant additional health concerns have been raised, with research linking glyphosate to fatty liver disease, kidney disease and disturbances in the expression of genes associated with fibrosis, necrosis and mitochondrial membrane dysfunction
  • Glyphosate has synergistic health effects in combination with exposure to other chemicals, like Syngenta’s weedkiller paraquat
  • Home test kits are available to find out your glyphosate levels. If your glyphosate levels are high, you would be wise to address your diet and consider buying more organic foods, as well as taking steps to detoxify


Zinc Cuts COVID Death Risk by 40%   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Twice-daily zinc for 15 days led to a significant reduction in death rate among people with COVID-19. It also reduced hospital stays and duration of symptoms.


  • Patients who tested positive for COVID-19 — including 190 outpatients and 280 hospitalized patients — received either oral zinc or a placebo twice daily for 15 days
  • Those taking zinc had a nearly 40% lower rate of death and admission to the intensive care unit (ICU)
  • Those in the zinc group had, on average, a 3.5-day shorter hospital stay while their symptoms resolved 1.9 days sooner than those who received a placebo
  • Research published in 2020 demonstrated that zinc is crucial to immune system function and deficiency can raise your risk of severe COVID-19 illness
  • Zinc has antiviral properties and acts as an immunomodulator; it also inhibits RNA synthesis and viral replication, while deficiency is associated with reduced natural killer cell function





SHOCKING: Rioters Overturn Cars, Start Fires, Throw Bricks – You Won’t Believe Why

WATCH: Riots break out in European cities after Morocco’s win against Belgium at World Cup  [1:57]

Riots broke out in several Belgian and Dutch cities after Morocco’s 2-0 upset win over Belgium at the World Cup Sunday.

In video below, rioters in Brussels overturned and torched cars, set electric scooters on fire and pelted cars with bricks.




Religious Zionism: One Thing Is True about our Coalition Negotiations – Likud Lies   By David Israel

“Frankly, it’s hard to chase after the dozens of fake spins the Likud routinely puts out to journalists every day,” says a lengthy WhatsApp I received Wednesday evening from Bezalel Smotrich’s spokesman. “We generally believe that it is right to conduct negotiations in the room and not in the media. But the Likud, unfortunately, decided to schedule negotiation meetings with us barely once every three days, and in between to brief and spin to discredit and diminish us, and send legions of tweeters and “commentators” to lie and curse us in the most vulgar manner.”

The folks at Religious Zionism are not wrong. Netanyahu’s lackeys are everywhere nowadays, on radio talk shows, mainstream news channels, and even right-leaning television and YouTube channels. They are a permanent, unpleasant feature, listing their by-now-nauseatingly-familiar talking points:

1. Bezalel Smotrich is not qualified to serve as defense minister because he is not a retired IDF general. Of course, some of Israel’s better defense ministers weren’t generals, starting with David Ben Gurion and Levi Eshkol, through Moshe Arens, and they all did a fabulous job commanding the country’s security apparatus.
2. Smotrich was not a combat soldier. But then Avigdor Liberman, who served a stint as defense minister, was in charge of supplies as a soldier.
3. Ben Gvir didn’t even serve in the army. But, of course, it was the army that banned Ben Gvir over his politics, despite the campaign waged by his mother, an HR officer.
4. Smotrich is demanding top government appointments because of his huge ego. This one is being repeated by folks who work for a man who dragged the country to five elections to serve his personal needs. Again, nauseating.


Quote of the Week:   Steven Shamrak

“We of the right-wing (Zionists), we had enough of promises from Bibi Netanyahu. He s promising everything but he’s doing nothing. With Bibi he gave Hebron, he gave Jericho [to the PA]. He supported the transfer of Jews from the north of Samaria. He didn’t allow for building in East Jerusalem in the last 10 years. He froze the building for Jews in East Jerusalem. He didn’t build E1 between Ma’ale Adumim and Jerusalem. He didn’t touch the illegal buildings of Arabs in Judea and Samaria. He allowed the Bedouins in the Negev to do whatever they wanted.” – Aryeh King, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor.


The people voted for full-fledged Right – full-fledged Right means Sovereignty   Yehudit Katsover & Nadia Matar

Refusal to include steps toward sovereignty in the fundamental guidelines is inconceivable. Repudiation of the promises of sovereignty is not a possibility. Op-ed..

Refusal to include steps toward sovereignty in the fundamental guidelines is inconceivable. Repudiation of the promises of sovereignty is not a possibility.

As is typical in days following elections, these days, too, are rife with spins, rumors, accusations and arm wrestling. That is why we must take every report, every tweet, and every news item with a grain of salt and with the utmost caution.

However, ignoring and turning a blind eye to the trends emerging from these reports can be risky. We do not want to be roused to reaction after it is already too late and after we find Israel again muddling through with a policy like the one of the previous government – weak, defensive, and hurtling toward establishment of a Palestinian state.

That is why it is incumbent upon us to once again remind those conducting the coalition negotiations of the principle that should guide these talks: A large majority of the people of Israel voted for a different policy – A return to the values of Judaism, Zionism, sovereignty and governance.

All the parties of the next coalition are obligated to take action to implement the will of the people. This is the clearest most basic democratic principle of all.

Prime Minister-designate Netanyahu has repeatedly proclaimed his desire to promote Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, to lead the resolute struggle against Arab takeover of State lands in Judea and Samaria, and to block in any way possible the advancement of the idea of establishing an enemy state in our country’s heartland, which, until now, he has succeeded in blocking.


Majority of Israeli support shooting neutralized terrorists – survey   MAAYAN HOFFMAN

For they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble. – PROVERBS 4:16  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

The majority of Israelis support killing terrorists even after the threat emanating from them has been neutralized, according to a new survey by the Israel Democracy Institute.

Specifically, the survey, which polled Jewish Israelis on a series of issues relating to their relationship with the IDF and the country’s security challenges, found that 55% agreed in killing neutralized terrorists, up from 37% in 2018.

Additionally, 71% of Israelis said they support the death penalty for terrorists who have been convicted of murder and 45.5% of respondents said that support firing on civilian centers in Gaza to deter terrorists from firing rockets at the Israeli population.

The survey was rolled out ahead of the organization’s National Security and Democracy conference, which is taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday this week in Israel, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

The survey was taken between September 15 and 19, 2022 – less than two months before the recent Israeli election, which saw striking success for far-right Jewish Power leader Itamar Ben-Gvir, who gained steam among IDF soldiers, who in some cases feel that the establishment has abandoned them in the field.



Use your imagination before you condemn Israel   FIAMMA NIRENSTEIN

You may not like politicians like Itamar Ben-Gvir, but there’s a reason they’re successful.

Use your imagination before you moralize, before your pretense of righteousness devolves into a form of cynicism—or worse still, contempt for human life.

Are you currently scandalized by the fact that Itamar Ben-Gvir, a right-wing, religious politician often described as an extremist, will likely be national security minister in the next Israeli government? Well, it might be worth taking a look at what led to his success.

Since the start of 2022, Israel has seen 30 of its citizens killed by Palestinian terrorists. They have been shot while sitting in cafes, run over in the street, stabbed while walking with their children and blown to pieces in bus stop bombings.

Israel has been hit hard by this new wave of terrorism. It is the worst since 2015, and bitter memories and ghosts of the second intifada—which claimed over 1,000 Israeli lives in the early 2000s—loom large in the public mind.

Ben-Gvir has pledged to change this situation. As a result, he was democratically elected to the Knesset on a party list that won 14 seats. He has already declared that he will not change any laws, but does want more support for Israeli security forces and a larger budget for the police. He wants to reform the IDF’s rules of engagement so that soldiers can more effectively respond to potential threats. He also wants to stamp out the epidemic of violence in the Israeli-Arab community, which has killed dozens of innocent people.


MIRACLE! Book of Psalms Saved Israeli’s Life, Blocked Shrapnel from Jerusalem Bombing

On the same day bombing victim Elhanan Biton was released from Shaare Zedek Medical Center, the hospital released photos of a Book of Psalms that blocked shrapnel from injuring another Israeli.

On Sunday, Shaare Zedek Medical Center reported that a man who had been injured in a Palestinian terror attack last week had been blocked from shrapnel by a Book of Psalms in his pocket, which stopped portions of the shrapnel from striking him.

In a photo of the book, pages can be seen pierced in the verse in Psalm 124: “Our soul escaped like a bird from the hunters’ snare; the snare broke, and we escaped.”

On the same day Shaare Zedek released photos of the Book of Psalms, another victim of the attack, 16-year-old Elhanan Biton, was released from the Hospital.

Biton lost his dear friend Aryeh Schupak in the Palestinian bomb attack last week and was seriously injured by one of two bombs set off in Jerusalem, which claimed the lives of Schupak and 50-year-old Israeli father of two Tadasa Tashume Ben Ma’ada, who was laid to rest earlier in the day on Sunday.

Biton and Schupak were sitting next to each other when the bomb exploded, which investigators suspect was detonated remotely.


First Things First: Will Ben-Gvir’s Initiative Be Realized?   by AFSI Staff

Otzma Yehudit leader and the next national security minister, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, plans to advance measures to expropriate land for developing infrastructure, as well as to allot hundreds of thousands of shekels to various unrecognized Judea and Samaria communities that have so far lacked official status. The plan depends in part on having the necessary sign-off from the various other agencies outside his ministry.

The plan details that the cabinet will pass a motion within 60 days of Netanyahu becoming prime minister. The motion would grant the necessary approval for 60 unauthorized communities in Judea and Samaria. The government would also advance legislation to amend the law in a way that would allow those communities to connect to the national electricity grid and allot yearly funding for building and maintaining various infrastructure, including water and sewage systems, roads, electricity pylons, and roads. The government will also create a special budget to bolster security there.

Ben-Gvir’s initiative is a huge step in the right direction but we’re not there yet. What we know has rightfully always belonged to Israel holds the promise of being made official in the coming months. When it does happen there should be NO turning back. Next step: SOVEREIGNTY!

Revealed: Dozens of Judea and Samaria communities to get official recognition by ILH Staff and Hanan Greenwood/Israel Hayom, November 28, 2022


Free Electricity in Area C, But Not for the Jews   by AFSI Staff

On a long road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in west Binyamin are electricity poles that carry a sign that reads in English and Arabic: Jerusalem District Electric Company (JDECO).

These electricity poles have the authorization of the Civil Administration. They provide electricity to Palestinian villages and will soon carry voltage from the enormous solar farm that the Palestinian Authority has built between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim.

The Civil Administration does not penalize JDECO for providing electricity to illegal buildings in Area C. Instead, the company is rewarded with authorization to advance huge projects while the company’s growing debt to the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) has topped a billion shekels.

To date there is no policy on disconnecting illegally constructed buildings from the grid, and no action has been taken against JDECO. Jewish residents in Area C have been unnecessarily waiting a very long time to be connected to the basic service of electricity. Instead of demolishing Jewish homes and treating Jews like terrorists, the new government’s priorities must focus on the development of the legitimate Jewish presence in Area C. It should also halt further development of any kind – certainly in area C – by Palestinian Arabs.

How Israel let the Palestinians get free electricity while taking over land, by Yifat Erlich/Israel Hayom, November 24, 2022

[Ed.: IINO has a ‘Jewish problem!’]


Coalition talks: Agreement reached between Likud and Otzma Yehudit   Hezki Baruch

Likud and Otzma Yehudit sign agreement, Ben Gvir to serve as “Minister of National Security”.

The Likud and Otzma Yehudit parties signed early Friday morning a document regarding a coalition agreement between the parties.

The agreement stipulates that Otzma Yehudit will receive the position of Minister of National Security (Minister of Public Security with expanded powers), which will be held by party chairman Itamar Ben Gvir.

In addition, Otzma Yehudit will also receive the Ministry of the Negev and the Galilee and the “National Resilience” portfolio, which will be responsible for the neighborhoods, the Minister of Heritage, the Deputy Minister of the Economy, the chairmanship of the Public Security Committee and the Special Committee for the Israeli Citizens’ Fund (in a rotation).

In addition, a large-scale national guard will be established, the role of which will be to return governance to the streets of Israel.

[Ed.:  Hooray??]



BREAKING: Tainted DC Jury Reaches Decision – Finds Stewart Rhodes GUILTY of Garbage “Seditious Conspiracy” Charges – Government Refused to Expose Their Operatives Who Were the Only Ones Who Called for Violence   By Jim Hoft

November 29, 2022 at 4:07pm   1366 Comments

UPDATE: Oath Keeper founder Elmer Stewart RHODES is found GUILTY OF SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY.

* * * * * * * * * *

Washington DC jurors reached a verdict in the garbage “seditious conspiracy” charges against Stewart Rhodes in the Oath Keepers Trial.

The jury announced they have reached a decision on Tuesday afternoon.

The verdict, which came after three days of deliberations, is expected to be read Tuesday afternoon.

The DC juries have found EVERY SINGLE Trump supporter guilty in their disgusting and unconstitutional criminal proceedings against honest Americans who were caught up in the violence on January 6.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day.

The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th.

This is such a horrible travesty of justice!

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, the US government is hiding its informants — the only Oath Keepers or associates who called for violence on January 6!


Ashli Babbitt’s Mother: J6 Political Prisoners Are Doomed To A ‘Circus In The Court Room’ And A Tainted Jury Pool   By Pamela Geller

Free the POWs.

Since Jan. 20, 2021, America has gone swiftly from being a free republic to being an authoritarian regime in which foes of the rulers are locked up and subjected to conditions that are designed to destroy them and deter others from emulating them. Based on the false claim that the Jan. 6 entry into the Capitol constituted an “insurrection” aimed at nothing less than overthrowing the government, the Biden regime, chiefly Attorney General Merrick Garland, are working to criminalize legitimate political opposition to the Democrats’ far-Left agenda. In his infamous Sept. 1 speech before an ominous red-and-black backdrop and two Marines, Biden claimed that “MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” Those were not mere words. The regime is acting upon them.

The Biden regime has decided to treat the Jan. 6 protesters, who are overwhelmingly patriotic Americans guilty of nothing more than supporting the former president and being concerned about the integrity of the 2020 election, as if they were dangerous enemies of the state. And so in America today, we not only have a Marxist regime that wants to crush all dissent; we have a gulag, and political prisoners. (keep reading)

Biden’s Regime Denies J6 Prisoner Proper Cancer Treatment

Related: Is This America? Jan. 6 Prisoners Suffering the Horrors of the Gulag, Ask for Transfer to Gitmo

Jan. 6 Committee Harassing Targets, Engaging in ‘Fishing Expedition’


HUGE: Chris Wray Lied – Eight FBI Confidential Human Sources Were with the Proud Boys Alone on Jan. 6 – Wray Knew for Over a Year that FBI Infiltrated Jan. 6 Protests (VIDEO 3:40)   By Joe Hoft

Kash Patel shared in Kash’s Corner on Epoch TV that if the FBI had informants at the Jan 6 protests, then the FBI knew they had operatives in the crowd.

In a recent Epoch TV show, Kash Patel pointed out that the FBI had to know for up to a year that the Jan 6 protests were going to occur.  If this is the case then the FBI must have known about the operatives in the crowd that day.

Chris Wray has repeatedly lied about this in front of Congress.

What is going on?




Thousands of Orthodox rabbis turn on Trump for hosting antisemites   By World Israel News Staff

“A former president does not enjoy the luxury of meeting over dinner with any oddball, especially when that fool is a self-declared hater,” said Rabbi Dov Fischer.
An umbrella organization representing over 2000 prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbis and a former U.S. national antisemitism czar called on former President Donald Trump to denounce antisemitic political activist Nick Fuentes and rapper Kanye West, after hosting them for dinner at his Florida home.

Trump must publicly and formally “repudiate the antisemitic rhetoric of two leading purveyors of antisemitism,” read a media statement from the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), adding that they supported a statement from former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman to Trump that “you’re better than this.”

“A former President does not enjoy the luxury of meeting over dinner with any oddball, especially when that fool is a self-declared hater,” stated CJV Vice President Rabbi Dov Fischer.

“It was wrong for former President Obama to affiliate with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. It is wrong for President Biden to praise Jew-hater Rashida Tlaib and fail to exert his leadership to rein in the Jew-hatred of Ilhan Omar. And it is wrong when President Trump breaks bread with such individuals.”

“It’s contradictory that former President Trump, who has done so much for the State of Israel and for the Jewish community, would meet with someone who has expressed open hostility against the Jewish people,” said CJV Southern Regional Vice President Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes.


Biden Lifts Sanctions on Venezuela, Allows Chevron to Drill For Oil in Venezuela   By Pamela Geller

Oil production for brutal dictatorships but not for America.

Wall Street Journal: The U.S. said it would allow Chevron Corp. to resume pumping oil from its Venezuelan oil fields after President Nicolás Maduro’s government and an opposition coalition agreed to implement an estimated $3 billion humanitarian relief program and continue dialogue on efforts to hold free and fair elections. The new license, granted by the Treasury Department, permits Chevron to pump Venezuelan oil for the first time in years (Wall Street Journal). Bloomberg: The sanctions relief comes after Norwegian mediators announced the restart of political talks between President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition this weekend. The license should do little to alleviate an energy crisis that has sparked inflation and slowed growth across the globe, but advances the political agenda with aim to set conditions for Venezuela’s 2024 presidential elections (Bloomberg).


Venezuela Seeks to Leverage U.S. Energy Needs to Free Iran’s Super-Influencer   by Maria Zuppello

The Biden administration offered a license last Friday allowing Chevron to expand operations in Venezuela to enhance U.S. oil supplies. In return, Caracas demands the release of Alex Nain Saab Morán, a Colombian businessman of Lebanese descent and Venezuela’s top facilitator in Iran.

“We call on the U.S. authorities to respect international law by immediately releasing diplomat Alex Saab,” stated Venezuelan government in a resolution sponsored by the leftist Latin American political platform, São Paulo Forum, backing President Nicolás Maduro’s declarations.

“Saab is a prisoner of war, of the U.S. imperialism war against Venezuela, free Alex Saab,” said Maduro, who claims that Saab was his special envoy to Tehran for humanitarian purposes. The diplomatic immunity and a request for Saab’s release will be discussed in a Dec. 12 hearing in Miami.

Saab was extradited there in 2021 following his 2020 money laundering arrest in Cape Verde while en route to Iran.


Just the facts

Robert W Malone, MD, MS vs Peter R. Breggin, MD et al    Robert W Malone MD, MS

I apologize in advance to most of you for sending this out, but a recent article by Peter and Ginger Breggin, coupled with a social media/email campaign by them, has caused considerable confusion and questions to be raised. I provide the following so that each reader can make their own assessment of the truthfulness of what the Breggins have written in their most recent article and email concerning myself and this legal case.

Suffice to say, it is no fun to take a 12h flight back from Istanbul after attending a strategy session of international leaders in the medical freedom movement to land and discover yet another written attack campaign coming at me, including from people who I had once considered colleagues and fellow warriors.

As some of you may be aware, I find this all deeply disturbing and depressing. At one point, I just wanted to walk away, but support of friends and family (and the Toronto and Florida medical freedom communities) got me through that. I thought it had died down since we filed the lawsuit last October, but now it is back again.

I did not seek this, I did not provoke this, and I repeatedly sought to get the defendants to stop attacking me (and Dr. Mattias Desmet), finally including sending a cease and desist legal letter to the defendants. Which prompted yet another attack which was further amplified on social media. I was left with no other option. The determination of the damages claimed was made by my attorney, who is very experienced in defamation cases, and who represents many of the physicians involved in the medical freedom movement.

Do your own diligence, and make your own assessment (if you care).

As this involves a pending legal case, I will keep my comments quite brief and let the reader draw their own conclusions. The legal risk being that I make some statement which will compromise the proceedings.

I will allow and read comments, but will not be able to respond. I hope that you can understand the context and decision.

For additional background, please see the following prior substack articles, which many of you are already well familiar with:

[Ed.:  This feud between Malone and the Breggins is very disturbing, and it serves no purpose in helping our fight against those who are killing us.  I recommend that you also read the comments to the article.]


Robert Malone Sues the Breggins for $25 Million   by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin

At the ages of 71 and 86, Ginger and I are in the fight of our lives. In all our years of doing reform work, no individual and no group has ever been so intensively and persistently attacking us on a personal level as Dr. Robert Malone — starting ever since August 2022 when we criticized his concept of mass formation psychosis in depth without even mentioning his name.1

Dr. Robert W. Malone filed a lawsuit on October 30, 2022, against Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin, seeking damages for $25,350,000.00 or $25 million for short.

Why would Dr. Malone make his claim so large — over 25 million dollars? The effect of what he is doing should be obvious. It threatens us with financial ruin and ties up our energies. Does he want to make us too afraid and too exhausted to criticize his public policy theories and his numerous highly destructive attacks on leaders of the health freedom movement?

The defamation suit (meaning libel, and slander) was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia (Charlottesville Division). Service has been discussed between the lawyers for both sides and agreed to, but it has not been completed. The suit, already filed and ready to be unleashed, has had a suppressive impact on our planning and activities over the past two weeks.

Contrary to some rumors, we have never made “personal attacks” against him, and indeed the Complaint that is filed in court focuses on our scientific and public political disagreements with him. However, Malone’s defamation claims focus on our public policy differences. Much of it relates to opinions and analyses we already documented in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.

We have not defamed Malone. In our entire 110-plus combined years of reform work, no one has ever threatened us with a defamation suit, because we simply do not defame people.

[Ed.:  This is extremely disturbing.  I am deeply saddened by this, and shocked by Dr. Robert W. Malone.  Please be sure to read the comments to the article!]


WATCH: Israeli reporter covering World Cup in Qatar forced to hide identity or else…

Kan News reporter Eli Ohana had to pretend he wasn’t from Israel.

Otherwise, the Qatari police officer who was driving him to his destination would have stopped right then and there and forced him out.

After leaving the vehicle, Cohen repeats what happened in Hebrew, saying the incident was “crazy.”



Bulk post from Steve Bannon

  1. Outrage: Maricopa County Certifies Corrupt Arizona Election Despite Testimony of Hundreds
  2. Episode 2333: Mike Lindell Announces Run For RNC Chair; Attempting To Certify A Flawed Election
  3. Episode 2332: Protests Continue In The streets Of China; Lies Of Anthony Fauci
  4. Jack Posobiec: Largest Protests Against The CCP Since Tiananmen Square Sweep China, Mirrors Nationalists’ Struggle Against Medical Tyranny Across The Globe
  5. Mike Lindell Is 100% in the Race To Be RNC Chairman and Willing To Debate Other Candidates
  6. EXC: Fauci’s Daughter Works For Left-Wing Organizing Group Leading Pro-COVID-19 Vaccine Campaigns, Suppressing ‘Misinformation.’
  7. Episode 2331: The Corrupt Democratic Spending Of FTX; The Investigations Of Hunter Biden
  8. Episode 2330: The Fight For RNC Chair


‘Zelenko: How to Decapitate the Serpent.’   by Sharon Rondeau

Dr. Zelenko Publishes “Final Book” 

An edition of a newsletter distributed Sunday afternoon announced the publication of a the late Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko wrote in the final months before his untimely death on June 30 at the age of 48.

“Zelenko: How to Decapitate the Serpent” is available for preorder now, a dedicated webpage , with download of the manuscript available immediately.

November 27 was Zelenko’s birthday, the newsletter, generated by Zelenko’s supplement company, “,” states. “This year, Zev has a gift for all of YOU for his birthday. Read below to find out more about “Zelenko: How to Decapitate the Serpent.”

“In his final years, Dr. Zev Zelenko had a message,” the announcement continues. “He shared that message with anyone who would listen. He spoke of patriotism, faith, family, and medicine. Although we have sadly lost him, Zev has one last message to share with all of you. From his deathbed, he feverishly completed his final book. Zev was always a fighter, and fittingly, his book is called ‘Zelenko: How to Decapitate the Serpent.’ This was his final chance to speak to all of you who have answered his call in the fight for medical freedom.”


Mother Hires Deprogrammer to Help Daughter ‘Unlearn’ Woke College Indoctrination   By Margaret Flavin

Annabella Rockwell spent her college years at Mount Holyoke College, a prestigious women’s college located in South Hadley, Massachusetts. In a recent interview, she shared the kind of woke indoctrination so many college students are subjected to today.

Though the college posts the following on their website, Rockwell’s experience suggests they do not adhere to this where political diversity is involved:


Mount Holyoke College is a women’s college that is gender diverse. The College is committed to providing equal access and opportunity in employment and education to all employees and students. In compliance with state and federal law, Mount Holyoke College does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, genetic information, sex, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, ancestry, veteran or military status, or any other legally protected status under federal, state or local law.

Rockwell recently told The New York Post that she ” Wound up ‘totally indoctrinated’ into viewing the world as a toxic patriarchy and herself as an oppressed victim — and eventually had to be deprogrammed.”

[Ed.:  We used to have to deprogram cult members.  Now our universities are the cult!]



The Forgotten Friendship: Israel and the Soviet Bloc: Part II: Soviet Rational For Supporting Zionism     By Alex Grobman PhD.

*Editor’s Note: This is the second installment in a new series of articles from Alex Grobman, PhD

The Soviets supported the establishment of Israel for several reasons: the Jews were anti-British, they were in the frontlines of the armed “anti-colonial struggle,” and Russia wanted to play an active role in the Middle East. Furthermore, her southern flank was becoming more vulnerable to increasing East-West tensions; there was concern that the West would control oil from the Persian Gulf and the Middle East.

Most importantly, this was an opportunity to weaken—and perhaps cause a rift—between the US and its allies. The Middle East was the most obvious place to provoke this split in order to prevent the British and Americans from strengthening their Cold War alliance. [1]

President Harry S. Truman and British Prime Minister Clement Attlee were arguing about whether the remnants of European Jewry could immigrate to Palestine. The British wanted to stop the flow of Jews, and the Russians believed that after the Holocaust, the British would be criticized in the West for trying to keep them out of Palestine. Thus, the Russians did not interfere with the Brichah, the illegal emigration of Jews to Palestine. The Russians could use their sympathy for Jews as a moral cudgel and public relations weapon against the West, instead of playing power politics. [2]





It Begins: Australia to Cancel or Refund Tens of Thousands of Fines Issued During COVID Pandemic – Government Lawyers Admit Some Fines were ‘Invalid’   By Jim Hoft

Australia is famous for its totalitarian COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Deputy Premier of NSW boldly declared that even businesses that accept unvaccinated people would be subject to exceptionally heavy fines back in 2021.

Australia’s Northern Territory imposed an authoritarian lockdown on citizens who have not been ‘fully vaccinated’ against Covid-19 as officials scrambled to deal with the highly-mild Omicron variant back in January.

Any individual 16 or older and who was not fully vaccinated will not be able to leave their homes, even if it’s to go to work or to get exercise outdoors.

According to the state’s Chief Health Officer, trivial necessities like making a living or breathing fresh air are no longer “essential” because the restriction of people’s free movement is “critical.”

Last year, the government summoned the Australian military to relocate people in the Northern Territory with COVID-19 and their “close contacts” to quarantine camps or what people mostly called ‘concentration camps.’

Hidden camera footage was leaked from inside a forced Covid-19 quarantine camp in Australia, where the Aussie officials were seen giving a warning to a woman that if she walked off her balcony onto the path next to her confinement shelter, it’s a $5,000 fine.



How Washington Is Making A Fortune From Ukraine War

November 29, 2022

According to an article by Politico, Washington is making a fortune from the Ukraine War by using it to benefit American defense contractors.

“Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West,” Politico observes in a surprising admission which marks a stark reversal from prior mainstream media optimism and cheerleading of the White House’s blank check approach to supporting Ukraine. “Top European officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration and now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer.”

European officials are becoming increasingly irritated at Washington’s failure to pressure the Zelensky government into talks as unprecedented amounts of weapons and defence aid flood in, running the possibility of an unpredictable escalation between NATO and Russia. While certain leaders continue to utter notions of “sacrifice,” the people of Europe will continue to bear the brunt of the costs associated with brutally cold winters and a major energy supply crisis.

Biden has proceeded to implement his controversial green taxes and subsidies, which are widely viewed as unfairly hurting European industry at this very delicate time.

Speaking to Politico, a senior European official also criticised the White House’s strategy of effectively utilising the Ukraine conflict to benefit American defence contractors while simultaneously ignoring European cries for help in the no-win situation.


Is the Ukraine War a Money Laundering Scheme?   [7:26 & 9:11]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Ukraine War Is Laundering a Ponzi Scheme

The public was tricked into investing funds into this for ‘the survival of the world,’ but as the scrutiny increases more evidence is pointing toward the fact it was the greatest Ponzi scheme in history. Just look at who their partner was, and who he donated to.


  • Many have suspected that the U.S. government’s “security assistance” to Ukraine — which as of November 15, 2022, had surpassed $98 billion — is a money laundering scheme, perhaps relating to questionable activities involving American biolabs in Ukraine
  • With the sudden implosion of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, suspicions of money laundering in Ukraine are gaining fresh support
  • FTX’s founder, Sam Bankman-Fried — suspected of having absconded with $1 billion to $2 billion of client funds as the exchange went belly-up in mid-November — was a top donor to the Democratic Party, second only to George Soros, and had ties to the World Economic Forum
  • FTX partnered with Ukraine to help them raise funds for the war effort. Some believe the foreign aid the Ukrainian government received from the U.S. was put into FTX, which then turned around and donated money back to Democratic candidates
  • An estimated $200 million were raised for Ukraine and distributed through FTX to a bank in Ukraine, but records show the Ukrainian government only used $22 million of that money. The remaining $178 million appears to have vanished, leading people to suspect it was laundered back to the United States



BREAKING: Biden Admin Can’t Account for $20 Billion in Aid to Ukraine    By Joe Hoft

As TGP reiterated earlier today, we really have no idea where billions sent to Ukraine landed.  Now the Biden Administration is admitting this is the case.

We reported moments ago that we have no idea where the billions allocated to Ukraine eventually landed.

Since the war started, the US has sent more than $5o billion to Ukraine.  Where has the money gone?  We really don’t have any idea.

But we did get a clue recently with the fall of FTX.   We learned that Ukraine was “investing” in FTX with money the US sent to Ukraine.

[Ed.:  Yes, but WE can account for it!]


Ukraine violates the Geneva Convention and does not care about it   By Slavisha Batko Milacic

At the end of the 19th century, the war between Serbia and Bulgaria begins. At that time, Serbia already had organized hospitals, and the Red Cross had already been established. Bulgaria, on the other hand, did not even have military medical facilities. Because of this, there was no one to carry the Bulgarian wounded from the battlefield or to provide them with medical care. The International Red Cross collected aid from all over Europe that was supposed to be delivered to this country. Ironically, the only way to Bulgaria led through Serbia. And then something happened that the world had never seen – the military command of Serbia stopped the war for one day, opened the front line and allowed medical transport to cross its territory. Serbia did even more: it added medicines, blankets and beds from its own stocks to the transport of the International Red Cross and handed over to the Bulgarian soldiers everything necessary to open a hospital.

Unfortunately, almost 140 years later in Europe, an army kills and tortures captured soldiers. And not only that, but they record it all and brag about it. And the Government of that army does nothing to stop it, but unfortunately supports it. I’m talking about the Ukrainian army.

Therefore, the video of the execution of Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian troops, which circulated in the media and social networks, is far from the only video recording of war crimes by Ukrainian army.(1) Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, videos of beaten and stripped prisoners of war and civilians suspected of collaborating with the Russians have appeared on the network. Records of torture also circulated widely.





We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems   [20:13]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dirty Rotten Liars, Tricking Us Into Global Slavery

Ignore this warning and kiss your freedom goodbye. Make no mistake, this is a very real roadmap for global totalitarianism agreed to by 179 nations. Will you let them steal your children’s future, or will you take these steps, and turn the tables on these criminals?


  • Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) is the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world
  • This roadmap for global totalitarianism was agreed to by 179 nations, including the U.S., at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil
  • We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset all further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21
  • Agenda 21 is based on the ideology of “communitarianism,” which argues that “an individual’s rights should be balanced against rights of the community.” Community, however, in the mind of the globalists, is made up of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), corporations and government, which are to dictate what happens around the world. The people are not really part of the equation
  • “Sustainable development” is NOT about recycling or making sure there’s enough food and resources for everyone. It’s about moving populations from rural and suburban areas into concentrated city centers where they and their use of resources can be monitored and controlled


How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3   The Corbett Report

Aladdin’s Genie and the Future of the World

As those who have been following the How BlackRock Conquered the World series know by now, BlackRock, Inc. started out as an asset management subsidiary of investment giant The Blackstone Group, but quickly spun off into its own entity. It made its mark by emphasizing risk management for its clients, and by the time the Global Financial Crisis hit in 2008, BlackRock was perfectly positioned to take over Wall Street, helping to sort through the mess of toxic subprime mortgages that BlackRock CEO had helped pioneer decades before.

And, as we saw last week, BlackRock leveraged this power to begin shaping the course of events. They proposed a radical new form of market intervention that central banks could use to pump money directly into the retail economy, and just weeks later the Federal Reserve was employing that “Going Direct” plan in their repo market intervention. The scamdemic, it turns out, was largely an excuse for the Fed to cover their multi-trillion dollar market intervention and for BlackRock to consolidate their mammoth economic and political power, engineering yet another bailout for the benefit of their own investments.

At this point in our exploration, we find ourselves confronting the most important question of all: now that BlackRock has scaled the summit of Mount Olympus and are in control of a mind-boggling amount of wealth, what is Larry Fink and his gang planning to do with their newfound powers? As we shall see, this is not a trivial question. As it turns out, BlackRock’s ambition is nothing less than to shape the course of civilization for the benefit of themselves and their Wall Street cronies.

In Part 1 of this series, A Brief History of Blackrock, I described how BlackRock came to be the economic and political juggernaut it is today.

In Part 2 of this series, I examined how BlackRock’s Going Direct reset paved the way for the massive economic and monetary transition that we have just lived through under the cover of the scamdemic.

This week, we will examine the Aladdin system and the other creepy ways BlackRock is planning to use its power to mould society in its own interest.

PART 3: Aladdin’s Genie and the Future of the World


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.