Daily Shmutz | 113022

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)





Project Veritas: HHS Whistleblower Reveals ‘Tax Dollars’ Spent to ‘Put Children in the Hands of Criminals’… Migrant Child: My Female Sponsor ‘Would Pimp Me to Men’   (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Project Veritas on Tuesday released video of a Department of Health & Human Services whistleblower revealing US tax dollars were spent to put children in the hands of criminals.

Tara Lee Rodas, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency, told Project Veritas that the US government in complicit in child trafficking.

One migrant child said her female sponsor would “pimp” her to men.

“The tax dollars of people who are listening [to my testimony to Project Veritas] are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas said.



Apple Aids Brutal and Oppressive China Censorship Crackdown   By Pamela Geller

Anti-government protests flared in several Chinese cities and on college campuses over the weekend. But the country’s most widespread show of public dissent in decades will have to manage without a crucial communication tool, because Apple restricted its use in China earlier this month.

AirDrop, the file-sharing feature on iPhones and other Apple devices, has helped protestors in many authoritarian countries evade censorship. That’s because AirDrop relies on direct connections between phones, forming a local network of devices that don’t need the internet to communicate. People can opt into receiving AirDrops from anyone else with an iPhone nearby.

Apple put a stop to it.

AirDrop has been an effective communication tool for protestors in Hong Kong, as Quartz previously documented. It’s been used to communicate with other protestors, reach passersby, and spread messages to tourists from mainland China visiting Hong Kong. On the mainland, protestors have also AirDropped protest literature, particularly on college campuses where some of the current protests have broken out. China’s control of the internet has become so strong that dissidents must cling to any crack in the so-called Great Firewall.(more here)

I am embarrassed for my country.


Echoes of Tiananmen Square: World Looks Away as Chinese Communist Regime Sends in Tanks to Xuzhou to Quash Democracy Protests (VIDEO)



The GOP swamp sabotaged the mid-terms and Arizona to hurt MAGA   Tierney’s Real News

This was a cloak and dagger week – lots of saboteurs were exposed and lots of schemes outed. I’m going to write a narrative of what I saw and you can find links and back up to support my claims on my Facebook page. You can find out how to do that at the end of the post. There’s too much going on to put it all in one post. It would be three hours long.

I’m sure there are conservatives who will disagree with me and are convinced that ONLY if DeSantis & Tulsi were in charge of America that all would be well. If so, I encourage you to do your own homework and send it to me and not condemn me for doing mine!

WHERE TO BEGIN? First of all, during the Thanksgiving holiday, Kanye West contacted President Trump and asked to meet with him at Mar-a-Lago. He said it was because he needed Trump’s advice. Remember that Kanye is a drug addict who Trump has tried to help get clean many times before. He treats Kanye as a son.

So, Kanye shows up at Mar-a-Lago with two other people – one named Nick Fuentes, who is allegedly actually a Fed in disguise. Nick is an agitator who paints himself as an anti-Semite and a racist – I believe that Nick helped engineer the Charlottesville nightmare for the Feds too – to hurt Trump.

So, Kanye brings Nick to dinner (as his new campaign manager) and Trump doesn’t even know who he is. That was later confirmed by Kanye on the Tim Pool show. Kanye then asked Trump to be HIS VP and Trump told him to get over himself and that Kanye shouldn’t even run for President – because he’ll lose. Turns out Fuente & Milo are “running” Kanye’s campaign with a likely assist from Tucker Carlson. They get rowdy and Trump asked them to leave.

What happened next? The fake news and the establishment GOP all come out in lockstep saying that Trump invited an anti-semite white supremacist to dinner! Trump says I didn’t invite him – he just came – and I didn’t even know who he was and I asked them to leave. Which he did.

[Ed.:  This incident was not what it appeared to be!  I didn’t read between the lines accurately!]


More Monster Than Man Fauci’s Last Hurrah?   By Klark Barnes

According to Fauci’s perversion of reality: “The rest of us ‘don’t have the ability’ to determine what’s best for ourselves.”

There’s no ambiguity about hegemon USA’s angel of death and human misery, its modern-day Josep Mengele.

Since the early 1980s, more monster than man Fauci’s anti-public health history has been pockmarked by crimes against humanity.

He transformed US public health regulation “into an incubator for” Pharma profiteering and his own self-enrichment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explained — at the expense of healthcare as it should be.

Throughout the US/West, sickness is prioritized over wellness because the latter is unprofitable.

In response to his announced December retirement as NIAID head and chief Biden regime medical fraudster, GOP Rep. Steve Scalise said the following:

“Congressional (Dems) refused to

hold a single hearing on (all things flu/covid or (the Biden regime) financial involvement in gain-of-function research.”



Died Suddenly Documentary – Full Movie    [1:08:28]

Died suddenly is a documentary showing the increased sudden deaths due to the covid 19 mRNA jabs. There can be no doubt that we are in a war with a global cabal that has taken over our governments, and medical systems of the world.


Celebrity Trainer Dies Suddenly at 53 at His Los Angeles Home



Here’s How They Did it: Real-time Election Fraud   By Jay Valentine

Database latency — a geeky term, but that’s how they did it!

A policeman pulls over a speeder.  The police computer reports that three hours ago a similar vehicle and person held up a liquor store — so the police are on alert.

No database latency.

County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week.  Those 31,000 are undeliverable.  Someone collects those valid ballots.  On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back.

National Change of Address Database (NCOA) will not pick up those address changes.  They didn’t happen because there is no history.

The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine — except for ballots.  Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database — the one that was changed, then changed back.

Many states send ballots to everyone; the recipient is none the wiser that they never received a mail-in ballot.  They may vote in person.  Oops!  “You already voted!”  Ever heard that?

Welcome to database latency.

Our bad guy pals know they can change voter rolls, take an action, then change them back.  Who would know?

A thousand voters are changed from inactive, voted, then changed back, and how would you ever know?  With lots of complex footwork, you could eventually tell from their voter history file — months after the election.

What are you going to do about it?  Reverse the election?

The new, and current “ballot gathering strategy” mandated by the almost universal mail-in ballots adds pretty cool database games — exploiting database latency.

Database latency, as you likely gathered, is when current reality lags the underlying record.  We all experience it in our electronics-driven society.

The ballot gathering scammers know about latency — it’s their ground game!

To Republicans, election engineering is civics.  To Democrats, it’s business — and they are great at it!


Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic  [38:55 – 0:00 Civil War; 22:00 POPULATION ZERO]   Mike Adams

In today’s Situation Update podcast (below), I explore why globalists desperately need control over Arizona. The next stage of their plan is to have Joe Biden sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, and that will be followed by the release of an engineered “pandemic” which we’ve already established can be staged by dispersing chemical weapons on any given city, accompanied by media hysteria claiming an “outbreak.”

Once the invisible virus scourge is declared — which no one can verify because you can’t see viruses and you can’t ask any questions without being censored — then the WHO declares a health emergency and orders nations and states to start locking people down, China-style. Under the direction of the WHO, mask, vaccines quarantines and lockdowns can all be mandated, regardless of local laws. Foreign military occupation of the United States of America would be resisted if it were carried out by foreign soldiers in military uniform, but the American people will put up with all kinds of tyranny as long as the soldiers are dressed in biohazard suits and the actions are painted as “public health” emergencies.

The next stage of world war, in other words, won’t be carried out by soldiers dressed as soldiers. Rather, it will be soldiers dressed as public health workers in order to eliminate resistance to the invasion.

Learn more in today’s brief podcast that digs into far more details.


“I Vote “Aye” Under Duress” – Arizona Mohave County Board of Supervisor Coerced to Certify 2022 Election   By Joe Hoft

Arizona Mohave County Board of Supervisors vote to certify the election or be arrested for a felony.

This is not what our founding fathers had in mind. If the results of an election are uncertifiable because of rampant fraud or corruption or negligence or all of the above, the results should not be accepted or certified.

The election should be redone.

We have to stop certifying elections that contain fraud or corruption or negligence. Elections with any of these are uncertifiable. The 2020 and 2022 Elections are uncertifiable. As a result, America has an administration in charge that hates America and shows it every day.

The people stealing the elections in the US do not love this country.  We know this by their policies.


BREAKING: Democrat Appointed Judge Dismisses AZ Attorney General Nominee Abe Hamadeh’s Election Lawsuit – Stating Results Must Be Certified First   By Jordan Conradson

Trump-Endorsed Abe Hamadeh’s lawsuit contesting the rigged and conflict-ridden Arizona Midterm Election was dismissed by a judge after Democrat Kris Mayes filed a motion against Hamadeh’s lawsuit.

The judge presiding over this case, Randall Warner, was appointed by Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano in 2007.

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Hamadeh filed the state’s first Statement of Election Contest in the Arizona Superior Court.


WE’RE BEING LIED TO: Results Provided by Media Are Not Derived from Flashdrives Coming from Precincts











Lihi Lapid sues anti-missionary Rabbi Tovia Singer

All the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your descendants, because you have obeyed My command.– GENESIS 22:18  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s wife, Lihi Lapid, announced that she sued Rabbi Tovia Singer, director of the counter-missionary organization Outreach Judaism after he spread a lie that she had converted to Christianity shortly before the Nov. 1 election.

In an Instagram post shared four days ago, Lapid wrote that she was suing Singer “because I am the great-granddaughter of former Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel.”

She wrote, “He was the chief rabbi of Antwerp for 16 years, until he was called to come to the Holy Land – and he came. Zionism burned inside of him when he came in 1936 to be the chief rabbi of the young city that rose in the sands.”

Two days before the election, Lapid’s website was hacked and “strange messages” started appearing in her name, including images of her wearing a cross in photos of her and her husband. The messages said that she was not Jewish, but had converted to Christianity.

Lapid said that Singer had apologized to her and that she would not be demanding payment from him. However, she wants to clear her name. She also said that while he can apologize, his retraction would not reach everyone who believed the original lie.

“Money is not important to me,” she wrote. “What is important is my good name. What is important is my Judaism.”


Terrorism in Israel rose by over 300 percent in 2022, IDF figures show

For they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble.– PROVERBS 4:16  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

There have been 280 terrorist incidents in Israel so far this year, compared with just 91 in 2021, according to figures revealed by the Israel Defense Forces on Monday. A further 500 attacks were thwarted by Israeli security forces during the same period, according to Military Intelligence assessments.

Shooting attacks on Israeli military forces in Judea and Samaria have also risen sharply, with 110 recorded since January 2022, compared to 25 in 2021.

A total of 31 Israelis, both civilians and security personnel, have been killed in Palestinian attacks this year.

Over 130 Palestinians, most of them assailants, were killed in clashes and security incidents this year as well.

Since the start of 2022, and particularly since the launch of “Operation Break the Wave” in March following a string of deadly terror attacks, the IDF has arrested more than 3,000 security suspects, most of them in Samaria, seized around 250 illegal weapons and captured terrorist funds worth over 2.7 million shekels.

[Ed.:  Rabbi Meir Kahane – They must go [0:37]





Biden’s Energy Advisor Amos Hochstein: “Eventually We Are Going to be Phasing Out the Use of Oil”  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s energy advisor Amos Hochstein appeared on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Wednesday morning to discuss the Regime’s plan to phase out oil.

Of course the elites will still be using gas-powered vehicles and will still have access to oil.

Oil will only be phased out for the peasants.

“What does [Joe Biden] mean we’re going to ‘end drilling?’ – When?” CNBC host Joe Kernan asked Biden’s advisor.

“Eventually we are – we’re going to be phasing out the use of oil,” Amos Hochstein said.



On Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022, Mauna Loa volcano on the island of Hawai‘i began to erupt. The volcano alert level has risen to WARNING/RED.

Update to Volcanic Activity (11/30/22, 10am ET): 


The Northeast Rift Zone eruption of Mauna Loa continues, with several fissures and lava flows active. Several lava flows are traveling in a northeast direction. The longest and largest lava flow is issuing from Fissure 3. This lava flow crossed the Mauna Loa Weather Observatory Road and the flow front is located approximately 4.5 miles from Saddle Road.

Today, fountains at Fissure 3 are consistently 130-160 feet tall and fountains at Fissure 4 are 15-30 feet tall.

There is no active lava within Moku’āweoweo caldera, and there is no lava erupting from the Southwest Rift Zone. We do not expect any eruptive activity outside the Northeast Rift Zone. No property is currently at risk. There is a visible gas plume from the erupting fissure fountains and lava flows, with the plume primarily being blown to the North. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission rates are approximately 250,000 tonnes per day (t/d).

New webcam views of the Northeast Rift Zone of Mauna Loa are available at the links below:


Hawaii’s Mauna Loa eruption: Stunning video shows lava spewing into air   November 30, 2022 8:23am EST

Hawaii volcano’s lava fountains have reached heights of 164 feet, officials say

Stunning footage taken by a helicopter has captured close-up views of Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano erupting, with lava spewing into the air.

It is the first time the volcano has erupted since 1984, marking the end of Mauna Loa’s longest quiet period in recorded history.

The eruption began in Moku’āweoweo, the summit caldera of Mauna Loa, on Sunday at approximately 11:30 p.m. HST, according to the Hawaii Volcano Observatory.

“The Northeast Rift Zone eruption of Mauna Loa continues, with several fissures and lava flows active,” the U.S. Geological Survey said Tuesday, but noted that “no property is at risk currently.”



Guess What Fauci Said in His Deposition  By Tom Woods

Louisiana attorney general Jeff Landry recently had a chance to question Anthony Fauci in a suit involving censorship of dissident scientists.

And what do you know: Fauci just can’t seem to remember anything.

“We spent seven hours with Dr. Fauci—this is a man who single-handedly wrecked the U.S. economy based upon ‘the science, follow the science’—and over the course of seven hours, we discovered that he can’t recall practically anything dealing with his COVID response,” Landry said.

“It was extremely troubling to realize that this is a man who advises presidents of the United States and yet couldn’t recall information he put out, information he discussed, press conferences he held dealing with the COVID-19 response,” he added.


US University Is Stocking The New “Highly Contagious” COVID Strain

November 30, 2022

A new study involving Boston University researchers was posted on bioRxiv in October 2022. The latest preprint shows they made a chimeric SARS-CoV-2 with the Omicron S gene and ancestral SARS-CoV-2 backbone that showed 80% mortality in humanized mice. But the international buzz around the results gained in normal research is set to increase.

The lethality of Omicron-S made in USA Omicron

Many of us only know that it’s normal research. It’s the combination of the two that is the problem. It’s the combo of high lethality and immune evasion that we want to avoid at all costs.

The plaque assay showed that although both Omi-S and Omicron produced lower levels of infectious virus particles compared with SARS-CoV-2 WT, the viral titer of Omi-S was significantly higher than that of Omicron. In ACE2/TMPRSS2/Caco-2 cells, Omi-S produced 5.1-fold (p = 0.0006) and 5.5-fold (p = 0.0312) more infectious particles than Omicron at 12 hpi and 24 hpi, respectively.

Every time scientists engineer a more contagious, deadlier version of a virus, we run the risk of exposing people in the lab who could carry that pathogen out into the public and potentially unleash the pandemic they meant to study and prevent.


‘A Massive Decline in Births’ Is Being Ignored by Health Officials

The world is experiencing the strongest decline in birth rates in over 100 years. It’s an unprecedented figure. Yet, except for laypersons like educators, independent researchers and statisticians, no true health official is making comments about it.

With clear, detailed graphs, Substack blogger Michael Caruzzo shows how a 10% decline in birth rates is tied to COVID vaccination rates. It’s a startling statistic that should be getting serious attention but, he says, “failed to raise much interest in the regulatory [health] structures.”

Not only that, “Swissmedic, which is the Swiss version of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has rejected any ‘causal connection’ between COVID vaccines and fewer babies.”

SOURCE:   RESCUE With Michael Capuzzo November 28, 2022


G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Our Worst Fears Confirmed, Vaccine Passports Approved

With the G20 – a group of 19 nations, including the US – declaring that a digital vaccine passport will be required to move about freely and travel internationally when the next pandemic is declared, everything we’ve been suspecting and dreading has now moved from the shadows into reality.


  • The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, recently held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, where they declared that a digital vaccine passport, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward
  • The rule for standardized international vaccine passports will be introduced as a revision to the international health regulations during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva
  • The G20 recommendations also include the creation of guidelines for a globally coordinated response to crises, “enhanced by a technology-enabled ‘always-on’ global health infrastructure,” and a mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccines made by G20 members
  • President Biden signed the declaration despite the promises made by his White House COVID-19 Response Team leader, Jeff Zients, who in April 2021 stated, “Let me be clear that the government is not now, nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a [vaccination] credential”
  • The fact that the COVID shots do not prevent spread of infection has now been established many times over. This alone proves that vaccine passports are not for the purpose of containing epidemics. An international vaccine passport is the gateway to complete totalitarian control, because the entire control grid around a person gets tied together by it


Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic  [38:55 – 0:00 Civil War; 22:00 POPULATION ZERO]   Mike Adams

In today’s Situation Update podcast (below), I explore why globalists desperately need control over Arizona. The next stage of their plan is to have Joe Biden sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, and that will be followed by the release of an engineered “pandemic” which we’ve already established can be staged by dispersing chemical weapons on any given city, accompanied by media hysteria claiming an “outbreak.”

Once the invisible virus scourge is declared — which no one can verify because you can’t see viruses and you can’t ask any questions without being censored — then the WHO declares a health emergency and orders nations and states to start locking people down, China-style. Under the direction of the WHO, mask, vaccines quarantines and lockdowns can all be mandated, regardless of local laws. Foreign military occupation of the United States of America would be resisted if it were carried out by foreign soldiers in military uniform, but the American people will put up with all kinds of tyranny as long as the soldiers are dressed in biohazard suits and the actions are painted as “public health” emergencies.

The next stage of world war, in other words, won’t be carried out by soldiers dressed as soldiers. Rather, it will be soldiers dressed as public health workers in order to eliminate resistance to the invasion.

Learn more in today’s brief podcast that digs into far more details.


Third Crypto Boss Dies in Helicopter Crash   By Margaret Flavin

What is going on in the crypto world?  And why are crypto bosses dying?

Last week former Morgan Stanley trader and co-founder of the $3 billion cryptocurrency firm Amber Group, Tiantian “TT” Kullander, 30, died suddenly in his sleep on November 23rd.

29-Year-Old Crypto pioneer Nicolai Mushegian was found dead a few weeks ago from an apparent drowning just days after warning that the “CIA and Mossad pedo elite” were going to kill him. Mushegian posted the warning on Twitter on October 28th.

And now Vyacheslav Taran, 53, the co-founder of trading and investing platform Libertex, has died in a helicopter crash near Monaco after taking off from Switzerland.

Questions have arisen on how the crash occurred on a day with blue skies and clear weather.

Since the crash that killed Taran happened in good, clear weather – and after another passenger reportedly cancelled last minute – mystery now surrounds the billionaire’s death.

Taran, the co-founder of trading and investment platform Libertex and Forex Club, was flying from Lausanne with an experience pilot in a single-engined H130 helicopter when it crashed at around 1pm on November 25.

A 35-year-old French pilot was also killed.

The deputy public prosecutor of Nice, who visited the scene, said the fault of a third party could not be ruled out.

Another unidentified passenger had been due to join Taran on the flight, but they cancelled last minute, according to local media.

Taran, a highly successful offshore specialist who has lived in Monaco for the past ten years, has three children with wife Olga, founder of Hello Monaco media.

Ukrainian news agency UNIAN claimed, without citing any evidence, that Taran  was a ‘billionaire crypto businessman with likely ties to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service’.







London Mayor Unveils “Crippling” Vehicle Emission Charge For All Of London, Despite 80% Opposition   Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News,

The low-emission zone in central London, within which motorists are charged £12.50 (€14.56) per day for driving the most polluting vehicles, is set to be extended to cover the whole of London, the city’s left-wing mayor, Sadiq Khan, announced on Friday.

From Aug. 29 next year, the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), which currently covers the heart of London will be extended to the Greater London Authority boundary, a move that will increase the costs of hundreds of thousands of commuters and residents who drive non-compliant vehicles.

Khan described the decision to extend the zone as “one of the toughest decisions” he’s taken as mayor, but claimed the move will see 5 million more people benefit from cleaner air.

“The ULEZ so far has been transformational, reducing harmful pollution levels by almost a half in central London,” Khan said.

“But there is still far too much toxic air pollution permanently damaging the health of young Londoners and leading to thousands of early deaths every year, with the greatest number of deaths in the outer London boroughs,” he added.


Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic  [38:55 – 0:00 Civil War; 22:00 POPULATION ZERO]   Mike Adams

In today’s Situation Update podcast (below), I explore why globalists desperately need control over Arizona. The next stage of their plan is to have Joe Biden sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, and that will be followed by the release of an engineered “pandemic” which we’ve already established can be staged by dispersing chemical weapons on any given city, accompanied by media hysteria claiming an “outbreak.”

Once the invisible virus scourge is declared — which no one can verify because you can’t see viruses and you can’t ask any questions without being censored — then the WHO declares a health emergency and orders nations and states to start locking people down, China-style. Under the direction of the WHO, mask, vaccines quarantines and lockdowns can all be mandated, regardless of local laws. Foreign military occupation of the United States of America would be resisted if it were carried out by foreign soldiers in military uniform, but the American people will put up with all kinds of tyranny as long as the soldiers are dressed in biohazard suits and the actions are painted as “public health” emergencies.

The next stage of world war, in other words, won’t be carried out by soldiers dressed as soldiers. Rather, it will be soldiers dressed as public health workers in order to eliminate resistance to the invasion.

Learn more in today’s brief podcast that digs into far more details.







We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems  [20:13]   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

The video above features the late Rosa Koire, former executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute and Democrats Against UN Agenda 21,1 and author of “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21.” She spent the decade before her untimely death researching and educating people about public policies intended to strip us of our individual rights.

Before taking up that fight, she was a district branch chief at the California Department of Transportation for nearly three decades. Koire passed away from a pulmonary embolism and metastatic lung cancer at the end of May 2021.

In the video above, Koire exposes the real agenda of the United Nations Agenda 21, which was laid out during a Sustainable Development conference in June 1992.

Documentation2,3 from this conference can be downloaded in multiple languages from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals page4 and the UN’s digital library.5 Koire’s many interviews and lectures on this topic can be found on DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com.6

Agenda 21 Is Globalization on Steroids

Koire was adamant that Agenda 21 (aka Agenda for the 21st Century) was the most crucial topic of our time, as it is:


Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic  [38:55 – 0:00 Civil War; 22:00 POPULATION ZERO]   Mike Adams

In today’s Situation Update podcast (below), I explore why globalists desperately need control over Arizona. The next stage of their plan is to have Joe Biden sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, and that will be followed by the release of an engineered “pandemic” which we’ve already established can be staged by dispersing chemical weapons on any given city, accompanied by media hysteria claiming an “outbreak.”

Once the invisible virus scourge is declared — which no one can verify because you can’t see viruses and you can’t ask any questions without being censored — then the WHO declares a health emergency and orders nations and states to start locking people down, China-style. Under the direction of the WHO, mask, vaccines quarantines and lockdowns can all be mandated, regardless of local laws. Foreign military occupation of the United States of America would be resisted if it were carried out by foreign soldiers in military uniform, but the American people will put up with all kinds of tyranny as long as the soldiers are dressed in biohazard suits and the actions are painted as “public health” emergencies.

The next stage of world war, in other words, won’t be carried out by soldiers dressed as soldiers. Rather, it will be soldiers dressed as public health workers in order to eliminate resistance to the invasion.

Learn more in today’s brief podcast that digs into far more details.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.