Daily Shmutz | 120121

[4th Candle]


35.   ‼️   Dying COVID-19 Patient Recovers After Court Orders Hospital to Administer Ivermectin

By Matthew Vadum

An elderly COVID-19 patient has recovered after a court order allowed him to be treated with ivermectin, despite objections from the hospital in which he was staying, according to the family’s attorney.

After an Illinois hospital insisted on administering expensive remdesivir to the patient and the treatment failed, his life was saved after a court ordered that an outside medical doctor be allowed to use the inexpensive ivermectin to treat him, over the hospital’s strenuous objections.


34.    [I really appreciate this guy “Dave” over there at X22!  After listening to his daily, or mostly daily 40 minute shows since before the election, I like how he always hits the nail on the head. I always feel better after being reminded of the fact that they’re really not getting away with it (all,) after all!]

Past issues:   https://x22report.com/   

Blackout use: https://x22report.com/official-accounts/ 

‼️   Ep. 2641b – 18 U.S. Code § 2385, Advocating Overthrow Of Government,It’s Going To Be Biblical  [53:00]

X22 Report Published December 1, 2021

The [DS] is now completely exposed, they are trapped and trapped animals become desperate. This is what we are witnessing, Trump wanted these people exposed, he wanted the people to see the true nature and who they really are and how evil they are. This is what people are witnessing now. Everything they are trying to do is backfiring and people are seeing their evil dictates. The [DS] has overthrown the government of the US, using election fraud, fake news and big tech. Nothing can stop this, this is going to be biblical.

‼️  Fundamentally related:

Patel Patriot

‼️  [ DO READ THESE (already,) ONE BY ONE. This is actually going on.]

The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the government’s top-secret continuity of government plans.

The Devolution Series outlines exactly how President Donald Trump used all the legal powers available to him as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces to defeat the election theft. Donald Trump initiated a real Continuity of Government plan and left office on January 20th but his return is imminent.

Devolution – Part 1 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 2 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 3 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 4 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 5 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 6 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 7 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 8 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 9 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 10 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 11 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 12 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 1

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 2

Find me on Telegram here: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe

If you have any questions or would just like to engage in some Devolution talk, feel free to email me or join my telegram and ask away: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe!



33.   Mike Adams

‼️  Situation Update, Dec 1, 2021 – Billions of victims of vaccine-induced AIDS will soon emerge to the horror of humanity  [55:10]

Situation Update, Dec 1, 2021 – Billions of victims of vaccine-induced AIDS will soon emerge to the horror of humanity Covid vaccines are increasingly recognized as depopulation weapons being deployed against humanity. But the mechanism of how they work is only now becoming clear. How they plan to kill billions with the common flu: Covid vaccine-induced AIDSThose who took the covid jabs have been turned into vaccine-induced “AIDS” patients with collapsing immunity against everything. And that makes them highly vulnerable to a deliberate release of a moderate flu strain that would normally kill only the frail and elderly.Why did globalists choose this route? Because they didn’t want to “nuke” the planet with a truly vicious pathogen that would threaten their own children in the long run. They want to keep the really dangerous pathogens in the freezer while figuring out how to kill people with mild pathogens. Only by convincing the gullible masses to line up for mRNA spike protein injections could they pull this off.


32.   ‼️   Stew Peters Show: Mark Meadows on Bioweapon, Trump’s Vaxx Stance [starts at 23:00] – Hospitals and Child Trafficking  [55:49]

Stew Peters Show  Published November 30, 2021

Actual health care has become a secondary consideration at America’s clinics and hospitals. Instead, they have become completely obsessed with forcing vaccines into the arms of every American man, woman, and child. But even if the vaccine mania went away tomorrow, America’s hospitals would still be in a terrifying spot. Because the problem with them isn’t vaccines or Covid. The problem is the insane ideology embraced by the people who work there.

Natly Denise joins us.


31.   Young Lawyer Targets Soros: Witzke Files Most Profoundly Impactful Lawsuit In Years  [10:02]

Stew Peters Show  Published November 30, 2021

Companies are headquartered in Delaware because the state has very favorable laws for corporations, and because their state court system is favorable to them as well. Delaware keeps it that way by controlling who is allowed to practice law in the state. Brooks Witzke is our producer Lauren’s brother. He recently graduated near the top of his class at Concordia law, but has been kept off the state bar by these powerful forces. Now, he’s filed a lawsuit to force these laws to be overturned, and if successful it won’t just matter for him.

He joins us.


30.  Docs Organize Child Trafficking: Hospitals Target Kids, Force Transgenderism  [12:36]

Stew Peters Show  Published November 30, 2021

Actual health care has become a secondary consideration at America’s clinics and hospitals. Instead, they have become completely obsessed with forcing vaccines into the arms of every American man, woman, and child. But even if the vaccine mania went away tomorrow, America’s hospitals would still be in a terrifying spot. Because the problem with them isn’t vaccines or Covid. The problem is the insane ideology embraced by the people who work there.

Natly Denise joins us.



The Garden of Eden Defense: Ghislaine Maxwell Blames Epstein for Pedophile Pyramid  [8:07]

Stew Peters Show  Published November 30, 2021

 Edward gives update on Ghislaine Maxwell trial day two as defense uses ridiculous woke argument.

He joins us.


28.   ‼️  Geert Vanden Bossche Warns of Covid-19 Vaccination Catastrophe  [1:17:18]

In an historic interview for The HighWire, host Del Bigtree sits down with Vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., D.V.M., to hear Geert’s dire warning about mass Covid vaccination of children, and the catastrophe which may follow.

Del had planned to come to Belgium first, but instead he couldn’t, and his marvelous team was able to recreate two identical background environments, on in Belgium and one in USA, for the episode 242 of The HighWire, which is a must watch interview between Geert Vanden Bossche and Del Bigtree.


27.   Kamala Stopped FBI From Monitoring Black Supremacists Like Waukesha Killer

The Waukesha killer’s allies are sitting in the White House.

Daniel Greenfield


26.   ‼️  Avi Barak: Control Is The Name Of The Game!  [10:12]

Hebrew with English translation



25.   The Moral Imperative to End China’s Regime

by Gordon G. Chang

  • The Communist Party of China operates one of the most immoral regimes in history. For instance, it kills in great numbers.
  • The Genocide Convention, in Article I, requires signatories, such as the United States, “to prevent and to punish” acts of genocide.
  • Preventing and punishing does not include strengthening the despicable ruling group by, for instance, buying Chinese products.
  • If there is now no reasonable hope for a benign Chinese communism — almost all observers and political leaders once thought the system would evolve in a welcomed direction — then we must not tolerate the regime, which means we have, in the first instance, a moral imperative to cut ties with it.
  • Cutting ties would result in ending the reign of the Communist Party, which has always been dependent on continual infusions of foreign cash.



by Summer Lane 

A federal judge has blocked Joe Biden and his administration’s attempt to mandate the Covid-19 vaccine for healthcare workers in 10 states, striking another staggering blow to governmental overreach and tyrannical medical regulations.

This comes on the heels of a federal judge ruling earlier in November to pause the vaccine mandates in response to the state of Texas’ direct challenge to the Biden Administration’s medical overreach. 


23.   The Same DOJ Attorney Who Oversees Jan 6 Protester Cases, Molly Gaston, Now Oversees Sidney Powell Non-Profit Case (Because She Helped Jan 6 Protesters?)

By Joe Hoft

The same DOJ Attorney placing Jan 6 Americans in jail is running an investigation into Sidney Powell’s non-profit.  Is this because Powell offered to help the Jan 6 protestors?

We reported last night the non-profit Sidney Powell created after the 2020 Election Steal by the Democrats is under investigation and subpoena.


22.  ‼️ ‼️ Part 1 of “COVID Revealed” Available for Viewing   [2:34:37]

Sharon Rondeau

Numerous comments arrived at this website between Monday evening and Tuesday morning from those wishing to view “COVID Revealed” through a link expected to be sent through their individual email accounts following registration.

This writer, too, did not receive the link right at 9:00 PM EST as expected; those on the West Coast were to receive it at 6:00 p.m. However, when she contacted the support team through a “Help” link in an earlier promotional email, the link to watch the live stream arrived almost immediately.

Part 1 of the production is available for approximately another 11 hours as of this writing and can be accessed here: https://vrevealed.com/c19/viewing



21.    ‼️ ‼️ Deep Dive into Understanding US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System – VAERS  [1:07:37]


Important interview with Dr. Jessica Rose


20.   The COVID Vaccine Failure

Jamaica Plain

The CDC narrative on COVID is simply put: (1) the mask is your best defense, (2) COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and (3) vaccines are our only exit strategy. However, whenever their narrative falls apart, the emphasis shifts, cover-up lies become bolder, and dissenting science is censored.


19.   MAGA Is In Control Now  [8:15]

Steve Bannon War Room

This segment begins with MSNBC reporting on the “worrisome” trend of Trump supporters getting involved in local politics! Their worry is our victory! The precinct strategy is working, and the lawless elites don’t like it. Steve Bannon and Boris Epshteyn reflect on how victory begets victory, and they see MAGA winning the day.

Bannon: “Full panic mode among the nation’s elite… That’s the Washington Post, broke a big story today about — guess what? guess who? — the Deplorables, and your effort to get engaged in democracy. … This is a blockbuster story from the Washington Post.”


18.   Ancient Common Sense

Chananya Weissman

There’s an old aphorism that the fifth volume of the four-volume Shulchan Aruch (one of the primary compendiums of Jewish law) is seichel, common sense. In addition to book knowledge, one must be guided by the ability to see clearly and draw obvious conclusions.

Generally speaking, the more intellectual and “enlightened” someone is, the less common sense they have. After all, common sense is for common folk, and common folk are the bane of enlightened people. How are enlightened people supposed to distinguish themselves if not by advocating mind-bending notions in defiance of common sense? Only a genius can be the greatest of fools.


17.   Jackie Mason (Royal Variety Performance) Victoria Palace Theatre 1991  [9:52]

The 61st Royal Variety Performance Filmed from the Victoria Palace Theatre on 19th November 1991 by LWT.  Many, many stars in the cast including Diana Ross, Elaine Paige, Wayne Sleep and Les Dawson.

This show was attended by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and was in aid of the EABF (Entertainment Artists Benevolent Fund).   

This clip is of Jackie Mason…born on June 9, 1931 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA as Jacob Moshe Maza. He is an actor and writer, known for The Jerk (1979), Caddyshack II (1988) and History of the World: Part I (1981). He has been married to Jyll Rosenfeld since August 14, 1991.


16.   ‘Stand Your Ground, Don’t Get the Stab,’ Front-Line Respiratory Therapist Says  [2:50]

A once-healthy respiratory therapist who fought COVID on the front lines and then lined up for his COVID shots is now asking people who criticize vaccine-hesitant people to stand down.

Since he took his shots, his health has deteriorated so much that he’s on a bag full of drugs for neuropathy, pain, blood clots, other heart problems and immunity concerns. His heart problems include having to have his heart shocked back into rhythm.

“I had never had a heart problem in my life,” he says, “never took a heart pill in my life … If you haven’t gotten the vaccine, stand your ground. Don’t get the stab. Don’t do it.”


15.   Federal Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

President Biden’s edict that all health care workers in the U.S. must be vaccinated with at least one COVID-19 shot by December 4, 2021, has been stopped by a U.S. federal judge in Louisiana.

In handing down his stop-order, Judge Terry A. Doughty said, “There is no question that mandating a vaccine to 10.3 million health care workers is something that should be done by Congress, not a government agency” … “It is not clear that even an act of Congress mandating a vaccine would be constitutional.”

In other news, an appeals court has also blocked Biden’s mandate to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to impose vaccines on businesses with 100 employees or more, after a dozen states sued to stop it.



Carcinogenic Pharmaceuticals Slip by the FDA

An estimated 80% of all active ingredients in medications are made in China and India. However, US authorities rarely inspect overseas plants. If you or a loved one are taking any of these popular medications for diabetes, high blood pressure or heartburn, be forewarned.

Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • Since 2018, the carcinogenic compound NDMA has been found in several different drugs, including three blood pressure medications (valsartan, losartan and irbesartan), two heartburn medications (Zantac and Axid) and the diabetes drug metformin
  • In the case of valsartan, three companies whose drugs were recalled in 2018 had all purchased the active ingredient from a Chinese manufacturer called Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration checks less than 1% of imported drugs for impurities or potency, and in five years sent warning letters to only 25% of companies suspected of faking quality data
  • While generics are a boon to patients in that they’re far less expensive while still providing the same benefits, there’s more room for error as they also receive far less scrutiny by regulators, and manufacturers are trusted to regulate themselves
  • An estimated 80% of all active drug ingredients are manufactured in China and India, and overseas plants are rarely inspected by U.S. authorities


13.   World Record Holder Has Heart Damaged by Vaccine

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Florian Dagoury holds the world record in static breath-hold freediving – 10 minutes and 30 seconds – but his career may be over after his heart was injured by COVID-19 injections.


  • Florian Dagoury is a world record holder in static breath-hold freediving; he held his breath for an astonishing 10 minutes and 30 seconds
  • After receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection, he experienced increased heart rate and a reduction in his breath-holding capacity
  • A cardiologist diagnosed him with myocarditis and pericarditis, both recognized adverse effects linked to the shots
  • In another instance, 34-year-old Jeremy Chardy, a professional tennis player ranked 73rd in the world, suspended his season due to a severe adverse reaction to the COVID-19 shot
  • Veteran triathlete Antoine Méchin, 32, is also facing the potential end to his career after receiving Moderna COVID-19 injections and developing a pulmonary embolism
  • While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever


12.   Will Smallpox Be the Next ‘Lab Leak’?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Will the Next Viral Outbreak Have a 30% Fatality Rate?

Bill Gates called out the COVID viral attack years in advance, and on November 4 he preemptively warned us about a virus, which, while routine vaccination was stopped in 1972, had a fatality rate of 30%. Why is it suddenly about to make a comeback?


  • While attempts have been made to assess the risks posed by research on lethal pathogens, we still know very little. We don’t know the frequency at which lab accidents happen, how often lab accidents result in exposures, or the underlying factors that allow for incidents and exposures
  • We also do not know what features might be most effective at mitigating incidents, and we lack answers to basic questions such as fluid dynamics of a spill
  • Human error is 100 times more likely to cause an accidental release of a dangerous pathogen than any kind of mechanical failure
  • In recent weeks, a number of news reports have hinted at the possibility of a bioterror attack involving smallpox. November 4, 2021, Bill Gates warned about the possibility of a smallpox terror attack during a Policy Exchange future pandemics meeting
  • November 3, 2021, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reviewed two presentations featuring a newer attenuated live smallpox vaccine called JYNNEOS. Smallpox has also been featured in pandemic exercises such as Operation Dark Winter in 2001


11.   Nigeria: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ murder ten Christians, set fire to 100 homes


Establishment media “journalists,” if they see this at all, will say, “What? Muslims aren’t victims? Christians aren’t white oppressors?” And then they’ll spike the story. Then they have the sinister audacity to come after sites including this one with “fact-checkers,” who are really enforcers of Leftist propaganda who operate by trying to impugn the accuracy of those who dare to report news that doesn’t fit their narrative.


10.   BREAKING: More Deep State Attacks – Sydney Powell Subpoenaed by DOJ – Who Are Looking Into Her Fundraising

By Joe Hoft

The DOJ will not stop until all Americans are either under indictment or locked up for loving this country.  Federal prosecutors are now looking into Sidney Powell’s fundraising activities.


9.   Video — Robert Spencer on OAN: 82,000 Afghan Refugees Went Unvetted  [10:19]


8.   RaymondIbrahim.com Banned as a ‘Pornographic’ Website

… “As anyone who has visited my website since its inception 16 years ago knows, raymondibrahim.com focuses almost exclusively on the Islamic question: it looks at doctrinal and historical issues pertaining to Islam, that religion’s interactions with non-Muslims—with a strong focus on Christian minorities who are regularly persecuted by the adherents of the religion of peace—and contemporary Islamic terrorism.”


7.   Over 100,000 Psychiatric Disorders Like Hallucination & Suicide Reported After COVID Vaccination

December 1, 2021

Hallucinations, anxiety, sleep disorders, psychosis, and suicide are some of the several psychiatric disorders following COVID shots that were reported in more than 100,000 cases.


6.    20 Year Old Young Woman Suffers Acute Psychosis One Week After Pfizer COVID Vaccine

A shocking case of vaccine adverse event has been documented where a healthy 20 year old young woman suffered acute psychosis one week after receiving Pfizer COVID vaccine.


5.   Tel Aviv overtakes Paris as world’s most expensive city to live in

Tel Aviv’s rise mainly reflects the strength of the shekel against the US dollar and increases in grocery and transport prices.


4.   Can the FBI monitor your WhatsApp conversations?

According to the document, iMessage and WhatsApp provides the FBI access to more data categories than other platforms, including content and history of messages sent and received.


3.   Monroe County under State of Emergency due to COVID hospitalizations

Rochester, N.Y. — Rising COVID cases and hospitalizations have prompted Monroe County to enact a State of Emergency and “common-sense” approaches.

Monroe County under State of Emergency due to COVID hospitalizations

Rochester, N.Y. — Rising COVID cases and hospitalizations have prompted Monroe County to enact a State of Emergency and “common-sense” approaches.


2.   My Brush with Censorship

Victor Rosenthal

For the past seven years I’ve written a regular column for a newsletter that is distributed several times a year by the Jewish Federation in my home town in California. I write about what’s going on in Israel, explain our convoluted, even Byzantine, political system, and tell about my own experiences as a former American living in the Jewish state. Naturally my ideology comes through. How could it not?


1.   Secretary of Defense Sends out Memo to Force Full Vaccination of All Members of the Armed Forces Under DoD Authority

By Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Air Force last week announced that anyone not vaccinated for COVID is no longer eligible for a permanent change of station.

The White House’s Office of Management and Budget is telling federal agencies behind the scenes that they should refrain from suspending or firing federal workers who have not complied with Biden’s authoritarian vaccine mandate until the holidays are over, according to a memo obtained by ABC News.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.