Daily Shmutz | 120322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)




FBI Met Weekly With Big Tech Ahead of 2020 Election About Censoring Information, Agent Says    daniel_g

“An FBI agent testified to Republican attorneys general this week that the FBI held weekly meetings with Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley ahead of the 2020 presidential election to discuss ‘disinformation’ on social media and ask about efforts to censor that information,” Fox News reports.

Lawyers from the offices of Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana deposed FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan as part of their lawsuit against the Biden Administration.

Chan was questioned under oath by court order about his alleged “critical role” in “coordinating with social-media platforms relating to censorship and suppression of speech on their platforms.”


Apple Crushes Dissent in America and China   by Daniel Greenfield

Suppressing protests in China and censoring Twitter in America.

The largest lockdown uprising in China took place at facilities run by Apple’s Foxconn supplier where workers had previously jumped to their deaths. After thousands fled the Apple gulag, making their way through the woods and rural areas to freedom, other employees battled with Communist authorities over abusive conditions and treatment in the iGulag.

Apple had nothing to say about the rights of those workers who thought differently enough to break free and fight back. If they were foolish enough to have iPhones, there’s little doubt the company would have eagerly helped authorities track them down to be imprisoned or killed.

“Think Different”, Apple’s slogan, actually means collaborating with a Communist dictatorship where thinking differently is a crime. And it also means suppressing free speech in America.

That’s why Apple is threatening free speech on Twitter just as it’s threatening it in Shanghai.





VIDEO: Protesters Set Massive Fire to Chinese Quarantine Camp   By Pamela Geller

The Chinese Communist Party is pulling violently people out of their homes to throw them into these camps. People without Covid.  Burn them all down.

The Biden regime says nothing. The idea of a giant quarantine camps gets Biden more excited than sniffing young girls’ hair.



What happens when the federal government no longer protects the states against invasion?   D Parker

This isn’t about diversity, open borders, or internationalism. This is about Democrats gaining raw power through a harvest of ballots from a permanent underclass.

The past few weeks have given rise to several uncomfortable questions.

In the past, the party in power has always been held accountable for what it’s done in the previous two years.  History teaches us that if that party has a horrible record, its members are thrown out of office in a massive wave election in a rejection of their policies.

That didn’t happen, and even worse, they have us on the same trajectory that was present before the election.  This effectively means that their repulsive policies have been reinforced rather than rejected.

Hence, those uncomfortable questions keep cropping up.

What is the point of voting and elections in general if the voice of the people isn’t heard?

What is the point of paying for a government indoctrination system (schools) that turns out people who vote for their own enslavement?

What do we do when state governments buy votes with other people’s money, cruelly taken by force?

What happens when the federal government no longer protects the states against invasion?

That last one is particularly troubling, because the states entered into a contractual agreement, and it is being flouted, in our faces, daily.  Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left regularly lie about this fact, telling us that “the border is secure.”  But how is there an illegal invader crisis in New York City and around the nation if “the border is secure”?


Ethical Parameters for Human Enhancement?   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excluding military applications…

A recent paper published in Science Magazine entitled “Ethics guidelines for human enhancement R&D” is the concise summation of an attempt by the SIENNA working group to take a first pass at developing ethical guidelines for human enhancement. The paper itself requires a $30 fee to view, but these core principles which underpin the proposed guidelines can be downloaded from our website. The guideline project was the brainchild of the European Commission (EC), which paid for this consultation. In 2021, the EC endorsed a set of ethics guidelines for human enhancement that is now included in the ethics review guidance for its Horizon Europe funding program, which is EU’s key funding program for research and innovation.

The Science paper does provide some well-defined key terms which are central to the guidelines.

Human enhancement is defined as a modification aimed at improving human performance—as opposed to restoring it—that is brought about by science-based and/or technology-based interventions in or on the human body.

Enhancement is often contrasted with therapeutic and medical interventions intended to make someone well, that is, to restore their condition (e.g. from injury), or to return them to good or better health through the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, as well as through the promotion of health.


[Re-posting: Do listen to the first 20 minutes!]

Why globalists desperately need control of Arizona before they unleash the next staged pandemic  [38:55 – 0:00 Civil War; 22:00 POPULATION ZERO]   Mike Adams

In today’s Situation Update podcast (below), I explore why globalists desperately need control over Arizona. The next stage of their plan is to have Joe Biden sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, and that will be followed by the release of an engineered “pandemic” which we’ve already established can be staged by dispersing chemical weapons on any given city, accompanied by media hysteria claiming an “outbreak.”

Once the invisible virus scourge is declared — which no one can verify because you can’t see viruses and you can’t ask any questions without being censored — then the WHO declares a health emergency and orders nations and states to start locking people down, China-style. Under the direction of the WHO, mask, vaccines quarantines and lockdowns can all be mandated, regardless of local laws. Foreign military occupation of the United States of America would be resisted if it were carried out by foreign soldiers in military uniform, but the American people will put up with all kinds of tyranny as long as the soldiers are dressed in biohazard suits and the actions are painted as “public health” emergencies.

The next stage of world war, in other words, won’t be carried out by soldiers dressed as soldiers. Rather, it will be soldiers dressed as public health workers in order to eliminate resistance to the invasion.

Learn more in today’s brief podcast that digs into far more details.



Victor Davis Hanson Details The Things Biden And Dems Are Doing To Destroy The Nation   By Mike LaChance

When you look at what Biden and Democrats are doing, you can’t help but wonder what they would do differently if they were actively trying to destroy the country.

You are then left to conclude that it wouldn’t be much different than what they’re doing now.

Conservative scholar Victor Davis Hanson has been thinking about this and laid out all the details in a new column.

He writes at Townhall:

If You Really Wanted to Destroy the U.S., Then…

First, you would surrender our prior energy independence.


There Once Was A Prez on Nantucket, and Each of His Cars, a Fire Struck It  by Robert Spencer

Is the media ignoring an assassination attempt?

The news item here can be summed up in a limerick:

There once was a prez on Nantucket,
and he couldn’t get ‘round in a bucket.
He rented some cars,
and drove under the stars,
until each one, a car fire struck it.

Okay, so I ain’t Shakespeare. But this really happened. As Fox News reported more prosaically Tuesday, “President Biden’s rented Secret Service vehicles burst into flames in a parking lot Monday, just one day after he left his Nantucket vacation.” Yes, they really called him, whimsically enough, “President Biden,” not the more accurate “Alleged President Biden” or “Ostensible President Biden.”

But other than that, Fox is deadly serious: all five of the cars that the Secret Service used to allow President Let Them Eat Cake to joyride around Nantucket on yet another one of his endless vacations caught fire. What the heck is going on here? That’s the one element of this bizarre story is conspicuously missing from Fox’s report.



The Baby Will story   Steve Kirsch

I just finished a Zoom interview here in New Zealand and the most important topic was the Baby Will story. If you haven’t heard about it, here’s the synopsis and where to find more info.

Will Savage-Reeves is a 4-month old boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. This blood is available but the doctors refuse to allow the parents to make this request, arguing that vaccinated blood is perfectly safe. There is also an effort by the hospital to have the guardianship of the child revoked and transferred to government authorities so that doctors can operate using vaccinated blood.

This is an important case and there are good arguments on both sides.


Presumably, the hospital’s argument is that:

  1. The quality of the match is critically important. Using a large donor pool allows the best match.
  2. The standard procedure is to use blood from the blood bank for surgeries. If there were a safety signal from using vaccinated blood for transfusions, it would have surfaced by now.
  3. If they agree to use unvaccinated blood, it could be interpreted as an admission that vaccinated blood is not safe and could lead to everyone requesting unvaccinated blood which would then create severe blood shortages for a dubious benefit.

I just got off the phone with Peter McCullough to get his take. He said he’d take the vaccinated blood because of the critical nature of the matching process. With donor blood, the match quality would not be as good because there is a smaller pool to draw from and it’s not just blood type that is matched. Nobody has quantified the risk of using vaccinated blood. He said if the risk were high, it would have been noticed by now (I’m not sure I agree with that; there is a lot of willful blindness for anything associated with the vaccine).

A key piece of the puzzle: I have not heard that the doctors have made the “match quality” argument so this could be a non-issue in this case. That’s important. It makes the parents’ argument more compelling since there is no downside to using unvaccinated blood.

In support of the parents’ concerns, the embalmers have reported the unusual blood clots only occur in vaccinated people and people who have had a transfusion, so the risk is not zero. Also, there is at least one similar case of a baby receiving vaccinated blood who died from blood clots shortly after surgery (Baby Alex).

My personal opinion

Based on the evidence I’ve heard so far, my take is this:


Save Baby Will   James Roguski

Without a doubt, this is the most important article that I have ever written. Please do everything in your power to share this information with the world. SaveBabyWill.com

Will Savage-Reeves is an infant boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. Will’s parents have already organized many, many unjabbed donors who are willing to donate their blood to Will. The blood from unjabbed donors that Will’s parents want the hospital to use is ABSOLUTELY available and has been for many days. The surgery could (and should) have happened many days ago.


The administrators of Starship Children’s Health Hospital insist that blood from a standard blood bank be used. They refuse to honor Samantha and Cole’s (Will’s parents) demand for blood from the dedicated (unjabbed) donors that they have already organized.

Dedicated blood can be used. Starship Children’s Health Hospital simply won’t use it. The hospital insists upon using standard blood that is available from a blood bank.


1pm Saturday, December 3, 2022 to 1pm Sunday, December 4, 2022 Pacific Time




In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, November 21, 2022    Mark Crispin Miller

Doctors/nurses in US (5), Canada (3), UK, Germany, Austria (2) & Italy; musicians in US (5), Argentina, Finland, Italy & Nigeria; actors in US (2), Germany, Denmark, Pakistan (2) & Russia; & many more


Rand Paul: Fauci Caused 7 Million People To Die; “We’ve Caught Him Red-Handed, He Won’t Get Away” [5:15]    Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Senator Rand Paul asserted Thursday that Anthony Fauci is directly responsible for funding dangerous research that likely killed millions of people, and that he “won’t get away.”

“Likely there is no public health figure who has made a greater error in judgement than Dr Fauci,” Paul declared in a Fox News appearance, adding “the error of judgement was to fund gain of function research in a totalitarian country.”

Fauci funded “research that allowed them to create super viruses, that in all likelihood leaked into the public and caused seven million people to die,” Paul declared.

“This is right up there with decisions, some of them malevolent or military to kill millions of people,” The Senator further urged.



If you want to work, and don’t mind heavy lifting, Vancouver, B.C. has a job for you!   Mark Crispin Miller

They don’t seem to be demanding “vaccination,” so that’s another plus.


‘Died Suddenly’ — World Premiere [1:08:21]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Looks Like Calamari, Inside the Arteries of the Vaxxed

Funeral directors are starting to speak out, and you won’t believe what they’re seeing – even long, stretchy, fibrous clots with the consistency of calamari. Why is hardly anyone talking about it, much less investigating it?


  • The unprecedented epidemic of “sudden death” coincides with the rollout of the experimental gene therapies falsely and fraudulently marketed as vaccines against COVID-19
  • The Stew Peters Network documentary, “Died Suddenly,” dissects this frightening trend and digs into the ideology that has shaped the geopolitical landscape for decades, a worldview that says there are too many people in the world, and that population control are necessary for mankind’s survival
  • Embalmers around the world are finding mysterious, never before seen fibrous clots in the circulatory systems of COVID-jabbed individuals who die. These fibrous structures only started occurring after the rollout of the COVID shots
  • In addition to increasing the death rate, the COVID shots are also lowering birth rates. Infertility in men and women is up. Miscarriages, premature births, birth defects and neonatal deaths have all massively increased, and live births have decreased. Most countries report birth rate decreases between 10% and 15%, but in Australia, the birth rate has declined by a shocking 72%
  • Not all feedback on the film has been favorable. Among critics are Dr. Robert Malone, who has pointed out problems with the film


FBI Met Weekly With Big Tech Ahead of 2020 Election About Censoring Information, Agent Says    daniel_g

“An FBI agent testified to Republican attorneys general this week that the FBI held weekly meetings with Big Tech companies in Silicon Valley ahead of the 2020 presidential election to discuss ‘disinformation’ on social media and ask about efforts to censor that information,” Fox News reports.

Lawyers from the offices of Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana deposed FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan as part of their lawsuit against the Biden Administration.

Chan was questioned under oath by court order about his alleged “critical role” in “coordinating with social-media platforms relating to censorship and suppression of speech on their platforms.”



VIDEO: Farmers in UPROAR – Netherlands to SEIZE 3000 farms to meet climate goals   Peter Imanuelsen

Let’s call this what it is. Climate Communism.

What do you do when you are in the middle of an energy crisis and massive inflation causing food prices to go up and up and up?

If you are the Dutch government, then you come up with the genius idea of forcing thousands of farmers to loose their livelihoods and close down!

Yes, the Dutch state has announced that they plan to seize some 3000 privately owned farms by forcing them to sell their land to the state, and then just shut them down.

Upgrade to paid

Farmers and the government has been in dispute for months over the new climate goals that will force thousands of farmers to sell their land to the state.

Now the state has come with an ultimatum – The state will offer some 3000 farms to money to sell their farms to the state, and if they don’t agree, the buyouts could become compulsory. In other words, the state essentially seizing the land belonging to farmers.



Tainted Blood?   James Roguski

Are you UNvaxxed? What if you found yourself in a situation in which you needed a blood transfusion? Would you prefer to accept a blood transfusion from a random stranger? There are other options.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – Thomas Jefferson


If you would like to share your expertise, advice, concerns or criticisms or, even better, if you would like to COLLABORATE with the organizations listed below, please reach out to them directly or contact me directly.

The information below is presented in order to support four (4) groups who are working to create something that needs to be created, as soon as possible. I am merely hoping to raise awareness in order to help move the process along.

The four groups below are working to improve the quality of the donated blood supply. I suggest that you reach out to all four (4) groups.

  1. Safe Blood
  2. Blessed By His Blood
  3. ABBA Autologous Blood Banking of America
  4. Purebloods

If you are aware of any other similar groups, please share the information in the comment section below or text or call me directly.

– James Roguski +1 310-619-3055



Could Hydrogen Peroxide Treat Coronavirus?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Treatment for Viral Infections

At first signs of symptoms of any respiratory illness, including coronavirus, begin this easy-to-administer treatment at home until your symptoms disappear. Offering protection against all but the most advanced cases, this protocol safely mimics what your immune cells naturally do.


  • Nebulized hydrogen peroxide therapy is an inexpensive and simple way to treat most viral respiratory illnesses
  • All you need is a nebulizer with a face mask that covers your mouth and nose, and food grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted to .1%
  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom. The oxygen inactivates viral pathogens by breaking down the viral structure
  • Additionally, your immune cells actually produce hydrogen peroxide. This is in part how your immune system kills infected cells. Hydrogen peroxide therapy aids your immune cells to perform their natural function more effectively
  • To prevent an infection from taking hold, begin treatment at first signs of symptoms. Consult with your physician before treatment.











What Really Happened When Trump Met Fuentes – The Story the Media Won’t Tell    By Michael Austin

Surely, by now, you’ve heard about Trump’s controversial Mar-a-Lago dinner.

Last week, Trump reportedly had dinner with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and the rap mogul Ye (formerly Kanye West). Apparently, the dinner was regarding the latter’s 2024 presidential campaign.

Although the dinner has been covered ad nauseam, one aspect of it remains grossly underreported — It was all a set-up.

Fuentes and fellow fringe-right provocateur, Milo Yiannopoulos planned the event in order to sabotage Trump politically.

To a certain degree, their plan worked.


James Woods Vows to Expose the ‘Corrupt, Vile Vermin’ at the DNC over Twitter Censorship: Joe Biden, ‘I Am Not Afraid of You. And I’m Coming for You’   DAVID NG

In an explosive interview on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, two-time Academy Award-winning actor James Woods described the Democratic National Committee as a bunch of “rats” and  “corrupt, vile vermin” and vowed to sue the DNC after evidence contained in Elon Musk’s Twitter files showed that the DNC pressured Twitter to violate the actor’s civil liberties by censoring his speech.

Addressing President Joe Biden and the DNC, Woods said: “I am not afraid of you. And I’m coming for you.”

Watch below:


Woods: I’m Going to Sue DNC over Twitter Suppression, They Had Enemy’s List Like Joe McCarthy [13:16]   IAN HANCHETT

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” actor James Woods reacted to disclosures from Twitter that the Democratic National Committee went after his Twitter activity by stating he’ll take legal action against the DNC and said that the DNC had an enemy’s list akin to Joseph McCarthy’s.

Woods said, “I will be getting a lawyer. I will be suing the Democratic National Committee, no matter what. Whether I win or lose, I am going to stand up for the rights of every American, not a so-called celebrity, I’m not a celebrity anymore. I’m hardly recognizable anymore because my career has been destroyed by these very people. And I will sue and I’m hoping other people will sue. And if it turns out there are a lot of us on this list where the DNC targeted us, and I will quote the immortal words of Joseph Wells when he attacked Joe McCarthy for the enemy’s list he had, at long last sir, have you no shame? President Biden, all of your Stasi little operatives in the DNC who have targeted American citizens, have you, Mr. President, have all of you at last, no shame?”


Congress is shocked, shocked by the COVID fraud it created   By James Bovard

Like Captain Renault in the gambling casino in “Casablanca,” congressmen are “shocked, shocked” by all the fraud spawned by the trillions of dollars in COVID handouts they approved.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis issued a report Thursday blaming fintech firms for the pilfering of Paycheck Protection Program loans that began in 2020. But the real fraud is the illusion that members of Congress give a damn about plundering American taxpayers.

PPP was enacted in March 2020 and eventually provided $800 billion in loans to more than 11 million businesses. Congress designed the program to carpet-bomb the nation with federal tax dollars.

The Small Business Administration, which administered the plan, effectively told people, “Apply and sign and tell us that you’re really entitled to the money,” said Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. He testified PPP was an invitation to fraudsters because there weren’t “even minimal checks to make sure that the money was getting to the right people at the right time.”

Government investigators estimate up to $100 billion in PPP loans was fraudulent. The feds gave 342 people who said their name was “N/A” PPP loans. Dozens of New York City and New York state employees were arrested this week for their role in a multimillion-dollar PPP fraud scheme.


Flashback: Joe Biden’s Involvement in Hunter Biden Dealings Exposed – Joe Met with Hunter Biden’s Business Associate AT LEAST 16 TIMES


BREAKING: HERE IT IS: Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story   By Cristina Laila

Elon Musk announced he will be publishing the real reason behind Twitter’s decision to block the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 general election.

Elon Musk Friday evening released Twitter’s internal discussions that led to its decision to block any links exposing Hunter’s laptop from hell.

The New York Post released damning and explosive contents from Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020 several days before the general election.

Twitter banned The New York Post at the time for their reporting on crackhead Hunter and his illegal dealings.

TRENDING: BREAKING: HERE IT IS: Elon Musk Reveals Why Twitter Suppressed Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Story

The information came straight from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The New York Post was locked out of Twitter for several weeks and every account that tweeted about Hunter’s laptop from hell was also banned.

“And we continue to stand by every word of our reporting — and so, apparently, do Hunter and Joe Biden since NEITHER has disputed the authenticity of the e-mails or the ownership of the hard drive.” the New York Post’s then-op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari tweeted in October 2020.







The Twitter Files and the FBI   Techno Fog

The FBI as a Democrat Censor

In the event you missed last night’s thread of The Twitter Files, here it is:

To give a short explainer, the talented Matt Taibbi posted internal Twitter documents around the 2020 presidential election which demonstrated how political operations – such as the Biden presidential campaign and the DNC – petitioned the company to remove “offending” tweets. Twitter complied. The Trump White House would make similar requests, but as Taibbi observe, “this system wasn’t balanced.” Instead, it was based on contacts. And as you can imagine, Twitter’s staff, especially at the highest levels, was far left and supported the Democrats.

What of the other Twitter Files? Elon has promised more transparency and Taibbi posted on his Substack that “there may be a few more big surprises coming.” Catch Taibbi and Walter Kirn, both of whom we’re big fans, explaining the Twitter Files on Episode 15 of “America This Week.”

But there’s a bigger story slowly emerging: the FBI’s involvement in political censorship.


VIDEO: Farmers in UPROAR – Netherlands to SEIZE 3000 farms to meet climate goals   Peter Imanuelsen

Let’s call this what it is. Climate Communism.

What do you do when you are in the middle of an energy crisis and massive inflation causing food prices to go up and up and up?

If you are the Dutch government, then you come up with the genius idea of forcing thousands of farmers to loose their livelihoods and close down!

Yes, the Dutch state has announced that they plan to seize some 3000 privately owned farms by forcing them to sell their land to the state, and then just shut them down.

Upgrade to paid

Farmers and the government has been in dispute for months over the new climate goals that will force thousands of farmers to sell their land to the state.

Now the state has come with an ultimatum – The state will offer some 3000 farms to money to sell their farms to the state, and if they don’t agree, the buyouts could become compulsory. In other words, the state essentially seizing the land belonging to farmers.







The “Next” Pandemic  [3:51]  December 2, 2022 by Jamie Glazov

Interview with Leo Hohmann




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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.