Daily Shmutz | 120521

Tonight we will light the 8th candle of Chanukah.  Happy Chanukah!

58.   The Omicron Variant is Here! What You Need to Know  [9:20]

Awaken With JP  

With the great leadership of Dr. Fauci, President Biden, and to the medical breakthroughs from the pharmaceutical companies, you should be well protected from this deadly disease. And you should also be terrified.


57.    Devolution Power Hour – 12/04/2021 – Interview with LTC Steve Murray  [1:25:12]

Devolution Power Hour Published December 5, 2021

LTC Steve Murray gives his perspective on Devolution and why he believes in it as well as how and when it might play out!


56.    [Ed.:  I really appreciate this guy “Dave” over there at X22!  After listening to his daily, or mostly daily 40 minute shows since before the election, I like how he always hits the nail on the head. I always feel better after being reminded of the fact that they’re really not getting away with it (all,) after all!]


Blackout use: https://x22report.com/official-accounts/ 

‼️  Ep. 2644b – Do People Believe Those Responsible For Overthrowing The Gov Will Go Unpunished? PAIN  [50:03]

X22 Report Published December 5, 2021

The [DS] cannot move left or right, they must travel down the path that the patriots laid out. The people are now seeing was propaganda science looks like, as they keep pushing the people are questioning the quack science and asking for real scientific proof. The [DS] is now moving forward with their plan of locking down the world, but the world is standing up to it. Those people who are responsible for over throwing the US government will be punished, each move they make they are feeling pain. The why will be answered soon.


‼️  Fundamentally related:

Patel Patriot

‼️ [ DO READ THESE (already,) ONE BY ONE. This is actually going on.]

The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the government’s top-secret continuity of government plans.

The Devolution Series outlines exactly how President Donald Trump used all the legal powers available to him as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces to defeat the election theft. Donald Trump initiated a real Continuity of Government plan and left office on January 20th but his return is imminent.

Devolution – Part 1 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 2 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 3 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 4 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 5 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 6 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 7 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 8 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 9 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 10 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 11 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 12 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 1

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 2

Find me on Telegram here: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe

If you have any questions or would just like to engage in some Devolution talk, feel free to email me or join my telegram and ask away: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe!



55.   What Does Focussed Protection Mean for Nursing Homes? 

BY JAYANTA BHATTACHARYA. The control of COVID-19 spread, even to vulnerable people, is undoubtedly good – but it is not the only good. Some things in life – and death – are more important than COVID-19, and our public health authorities would do well to remember that fact.


54.   A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation 

BY MARTIN KULLDORFFJAYANTA BHATTACHARYA. The first step should be to correct errors, a minimal obligation of all ethical journalism. A second step requires more balanced reporting about the pandemic by, for example, honestly reporting about the success of the pandemic strategies employed by Florida and the Scandinavian countries. The alternative is a continuing erosion of trust in medicine and public health.


53.   How Covid Panic Destroyed Communities: Our Church and My Story 


Shutting down everything couldn’t last indefinitely, and people couldn’t avoid being in personal proximity indefinitely without serious consequences. The virus was going to spread no matter what we did. With too much separation and fear of one another, we would cease to function as a community and couldn’t help others.


52.   The Medical Objectification of the Human Person 


The pandemic has turbocharged this process of medical objectification. We are no longer individuals, with unique desires, responses, wishes and drives, but rather are primarily considered by policy makers to be infection risks. Once we are primarily objects, rather than diverse human beings, it then becomes legitimate for medical procedures to be mandated, mask wearing to be forced, or our movements to be tracked and traced.


51.   PCR Tests and the Rise of Disease Panic 


Despite the CDC’s own admission that PCR tests “may not indicate the presence of infectious virus,” its use to do exactly that in the case of Covid was accepted without question. Worse still, the measures taken against calling PCR into question have become progressively more draconian and underhanded since the very beginning.


50.   Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly 


Mandates run counter to the universal medical dictum of risk stratification, whereby treatment is tailored to individuals based on individual risks and benefits to be accrued. They also violate the dominant philosophy of evidence-based medicine, which supports the use of current best evidence when making decisions about patient care.


49.   Is YouTube Now Presuming to be in Charge of Science? 


If these rules are strenuously enforced, millions of videos, interviews, television shows, lectures, press conferences, and scientific presentations will disappear. Maybe tens of millions actually. And all in the name of protecting “science” against its corruption, as if YouTube should be the determinant of what constitutes good science.


48.   The Life and Thoughts of An Unvaccinated Student in Germany 


My life will be much easier getting the jab in Germany but my heart keeps saying that I should not take it from my ethical and moral standpoint. Perhaps, I will have no choice left in the near future if the governments introduce the general vaccine mandate for COVID. However, I think the western governments should donate these vaccines and support more to the poorer nations instead of vaccinating the children and mandating the vaccines for those who dot not need them.


47.   Is Anthony Fauci the Same Thing as ‘Science’? 


Is Fauci a synonym for science? No man is. But he was a prominent drive of US based pandemic policy, and at least some of his biggest decisions may have been errors. He should be judged for that.


46.   More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions 


What follows is the current totality of the body of evidence (available comparative studies and high-level pieces of evidence, reporting, and discussion) on COVID-19 lockdowns, masks, school closures, and mask mandates. There is no conclusive evidence supporting claims that any of these restrictive measures worked to reduce viewral transmission or deaths. Lockdowns were ineffective, school closures were ineffective, mask mandates were ineffective, and masks themselves were and are ineffective and harmful.


45.   Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Fail the Jacobson Test 


A careful reading of Jacobson shows that it is not just an automatic consideration allowing the government to do what it wants when a pandemic emergency has been officially declared. Covid-19 vaccine mandates do not satisfy any of the required criteria in Jacobson, let alone all of them.


44.   I Fought for My Kids and the Liberties of Everyone: An Interview with Shannon Robinson, Plaintiff in the Anti-Lockdown Missouri Court Cases 


Shannon Robinson is a lead Plaintiff who challenged the state of Missouri over what she see’s as illegal and unconstitutional covid-19 policies mandated by the Department of Health and Senior Services. In this interview, she talks about her motivations and the process, and the widespread sufferings experienced by her and millions of others.


43.   Lockdowns vs. Focussed Protection: The Debate Between Lipstich and Bhattacharya 


On November 6, 2020, the Journal of the American Medical Association sponsored an important debate between Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya and Harvard’s Marc Lisitch over the policy response to the pandemic. They have very different points of view, with Jay favoring “focussed protection” and traditional public health measures, while Marc is on the side of the novel “non-pharmaceutical intervention” side, e.g. lockdowns.


42.   The Moral Panic Over Absinthe Lasted 100 Years 


The war on absinthe – this won’t surprise you – created the opposite of its intended effect. It raised the status of the drink and created a completely unwarranted hysteria in both directions: overconsumption followed by bans followed by speakeasy indulgence. Can you think of anything else, perhaps, that has fit that general model? Marijuana perhaps? Liquor in general? Tobacco? Politically incorrect speech?


41.   A President Betrayed by Bureaucrats: Scott Atlas’s Masterpiece on the Covid Disaster 


Atlas’s book has exposed a scandal for the ages. It is enormously valuable because it fully blows up what seems to be an emerging fake story involving a supposedly Covid-denying president who did nothing vs. heroic scientists in the White House who urged compulsory mitigating measures consistent with prevailing scientific opinion. Not one word of that is true.

40.   New Variant, New Travel Restrictions, New Lockdowns 


Overall the ongoing events should prompt policy discussions about what the goals of the intervention are, and how we might generate better evidence and set limits on these tools.


39.   Are We Overreacting to Omicron? 


With natural exposure immunity and early outpatient treatment and when combined with no reports of increased lethality, the WHO’s reaction of generating panic toward “Omicron” is causing needless fear and panic. So too with the Biden administration’s newly imposed travel restrictions, which will achieve nothing and will once again disrupt trade and violate human rights.


38.   Love, Not Fear, Will Get Us Through This Crisis 


Our task, should we choose to accept it, is to do our best to minimise that harm, to ensure that the cure (which presently consists predominantly of sowing fear, trauma and social division, and the rapidly dismantling our human rights and democracy) is not worse than the disease. One thing we know about human nature is that when we face a crisis head on, with open hearts and open minds, with ‘good-faith’ collaboration rather than ‘enemy-image’ animosity, wholesome solutions invariably emerge.


37.   The Economics of Focused Protection 


By using general lockdowns, and by treating everyone – including school children – as being equally at risk of suffering from Covid, governments caused resources, attention, and mitigation efforts to be spread too thinly. Far too many resources, attention, and mitigation efforts were spent where they had much smaller impact than they would have had were they instead focused on protecting the most vulnerable.

36.   Covid Restrictions and Mandates Imposed by “the Whims of Public Health Bureaucrats” are Illegal, Missouri Court Rules 

BY BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE. “A health agency director with the authority to shut down a school or assembly wields incredible power to coerce his subjects into submission… This incredible power cannot lawfully be placed in the hands of one bureaucrat.”


35.   “As the Descendent of a Survivor of German Concentration Camps, I Will Not Comply” – 4 Bristol Myers Employees Release Statement After Suing Company for Refusing Vaccine Religious Exemptions

By Jim Hoft

“As a decedent of a survivor of the Armenian genocide, I will not comply.” – Tanya

“As a decedent of a survivor of German concentration camps, I will not comply.” – Joy

Four employees of Bristol Myers Squibb Co. filed a federal lawsuit last Monday at the District Court for the Southern District of NY, alleging religious discrimination.

The company refused to grant them religious exemptions from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate while granting medical exemptions with the exact same accommodation requests. BMS is also threatening to terminate those who are not vaccinated on Dec 6.



34.  ‼️  Life In Hell: Germans, Australians Forcefully Dragged To Government COVID Quarantine Centers

December 5, 2021

Over a dozen people have been forcibly taken to government isolation centers in Germany, while hundreds are being held in similar centers in Australia as Western countries continue to use mandatory COVID quarantine centers all in the name putting an end to COVID-19.


33.   Action Alert: Demand a Full Investigation of ‘America’s Doctor,’ Help Expose ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’


32.   They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health

A world record-holder in static breath-hold freediving, a veteran triathlete, a professional tennis player, a professional mountain biker — they were all high-performing athletes until COVID vaccines ruined their health, and their careers.

Story at-a-glance:

  • Florian Dagoury is a world record holder in static breath-hold freediving; he held his breath for an astonishing 10 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • After receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection, he experienced increased heart rate and a reduction in his breath-holding capacity.
  • A cardiologist diagnosed him with myocarditis and pericarditis, both recognized adverse effects linked to the shots.
  • In another instance, 34-year-old Jeremy Chardy, a professional tennis player ranked 73rd in the world, suspended his season due to a severe adverse reaction to the COVID-19 shot.
  • Veteran triathlete Antoine Méchin, 32, is also facing the potential end to his career after receiving Moderna COVID-19 injections and developing a pulmonary embolism.
  • While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever.


31.  ‼️   Exclusive: Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Amy Bolin said in order to be approved for a double-lung transplant, her husband had to be fully vaccinated for COVID even though he’d had the virus and recovered. After his second Moderna shot, he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart condition and died before he could get new lungs.

A 49-year-old Texas man who recovered from COVID — but was required to be fully vaccinated against the virus before being approved for a life-saving lung transplant — died when he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart issues after his second Moderna vaccine.

In an exclusive Interview with The Defender, the man’s wife, Amy Bolin, said there was no reason her husband, Bobby Bolin, should have been forced to get the vaccine.

[Ed.:  Our hospitals have become killing centers.]


30.   Biden’s Surgeon General Says Triple Vaxxed People Should Wear Masks This Christmas (VIDEO  )

By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s Surgeon General on Sunday said fully vaccinated and boosted Americans need to wear masks indoors this Christmas.

Dr. Vivek Murthy told CBS’s “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan that fully vaccinated – and *boosted people* need to get tested regularly and wear masks indoors in order to enjoy the Christmas holiday.

“If people use the tools that we have that you can actually gather with much, much less risk,” Murthy said.

These people are insane.


29.   ”Those Who Resist the New World Order Will Have the Help and Protection of God” – Italian Archbishop Vigano

By Joe Hoft

Archbishop Vigano is the object of evil attacks by the mainstream media because he is a polar star of hope for those Catholics and even non-believers who have thirst for justice and common sense in this upside-down world.  

The Archbishop shared this special message with us at The Gateway Pundit:

I, you and your twin brother Jim are in my prayers. The fact that you are being attacked by the system is proof that you are on the right path: have perseverance and don’t be intimidated. We are at war, we have to fight.”


28.   Remember The San Bernardino Fourteen

Key collaborator with terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik gets only probation.

 Lloyd Billingsley

On December 2, 2015, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik drove up to the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, and began firing automatic rifles while still outside on the grounds. The American-born Muslim Farook and the Pakistani-born Malik, then barged inside where a holiday party was in progress.

There Farook and Malik gunned down Robert Adams, Isaac Amianos, Bennetta Betbadal, Harry Bowman, Sierra Clayborn, Juan Espinoza, Aurora Godoy, Shannon Johnson, Larry Daniel Kaufman, Damien Meins, Tin Ngyen, Nicholas Thalasinos, Yvette Velasco, and Michael Wetzel. The pair then fled in a black SUV and fired more than 100 rounds at police, wounding one officer.


27.  Syrian Muslim Who Killed 10 Americans in Supermarket Gets Off Due to “Mental Illness”

Daniel Greenfield

You may have forgotten the King Soopers massacre by a Syrian Muslim killer. The authorities certainly hope you have because in a familiar process, they decided that the Muslim mass killer is mentally “incompetent”.


26.   Debating Islam While Muslims Show Us What It Is All About

Ivory tower mind games versus reality.

Robert Spencer

By the time you read this, the world may have been convinced by Javad T. Hashmi, a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard University, that Islam is a religion of peace, and that Christianity is the real violent religion. Tomorrow, Hashmi and I are scheduled to debate the question “Religion of Peace? Is Islam More Violent Than Christianity?” You can watch here at 1PM Eastern tomorrow to see whether or not Hashmi succeeds in demonstrating that, as that sage imam Pope Francis memorably put it a few years ago, “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” Meanwhile, however, Muslims around the world are weighing in on this question themselves.


25.   ‘She’s F*cked’: Kamala Harris Undergoes Frenzied Office Turnover 

Vice President Kamala Harris has begun a frenzied office staff shakeup after months of backstabbing leaks from angry staffers.

In less than one month, four top staffers will reportedly leave or will have left the side of Harris for brighter carrier opportunities over fears they would be stamped with the stigma of a “Harris Person” label.

The desertion follows leaks from White House staff that have indicated Harris’s workplace environment is abusive. Other have complained Harris has been the victim of administrative sabotage in her effort to succeed President Joe Biden in 2024, resulting in staffers lashing out at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg as a favored “white man.”


24.   Facebook Asks Users to Send in Their Nude Pictures (Again)

Facebook (now known as Meta) has reportedly co-developed a platform that asks people to submit their nude photographs and videos to prevent them from being used as “revenge porn” across Facebook’s platforms. Mark Zuckerberg and the Masters of the Universe expect users to fully trust them not only with every private detail of their life, but also with their nude bodies.


23.  ‼️  DR. ANDREAS NOACK, whistleblower found dead  [18:34]

Arrested and found dead while in police lockup after conference call with fellow doctors in Austria.

Within hours of concluding this free seminar, Dr. Noack was arrested by police on unspecified charges and removed from his home. Within hours of his arrest and detainment, Dr. Noack wife sent out a distressing message. Her husband Andreas was dead, allegedly beaten to death by unknown assailants while in the custody of the police. We extend our most sincere condolences and heartfelt love for his family. Please share this video far and wide and let his final words be a tribute to our freedom!


22.   Researchers Refuse To Publish Major Study Linking Covid Vaccines To Massive Increase In Heart Attacks Says Leading Cardiologist

In order to gauge the accuracy of the results, replicating results has always been a necessary component in any scientific process or whatever test or calculations were conducted. However, when something is found that doesn’t support the approved narrative – and the information is buried – it poses a big question on the credibility of the scientific establishment.


21.   Why Do You Regret Taking the Vaccine?  [0:56]

A woman who took the COVID-19 vaccine explains why she’s now full of regrets. She has chest pains, shortness of breath, her heartbeat is off, and she’s spent “a ton of money” to find out why it’s happening.

Despite all the tests, blood work and expense, except for offering her a beta blocker for her heart, doctors still can’t tell her what’s wrong or why this is happening to her.


20.  ‼️   The Interconnectedness Between Anxiety and Inflammation  [1:07:00]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Doing this literally transforms your body from producing adrenaline, cortisol, histamines and inflammatory cytokines to growth hormone, dopamine, serotonin and GABA – creating a shift in your body’s chemistry and lowering levels of inflammatory cytokines linked to COVID-19.


  • Anxiety is a physiological response to a threat that increases your inflammatory cytokine levels. If your body’s inflamed, you’re going to feel anxious
  • Cytokines are small proteins that serve to regulate different tissues. There are both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines have specific relevance to COVID-19, as they modulate your immune system and its function
  • By reducing or resolving stress and anxiety, you lower levels of inflammatory cytokines, thereby allowing your immune system to function better
  • Processed foods cause inflammation, in part by increasing insulin resistance, which raises inflammatory cytokine production, and in part because they are loaded with proinflammatory industrially processed omega-6 vegetable seed oils
  • Strategies that will activate the vagus nerve, which induces relaxation and lowers inflammatory markers, include expressive writing, getting quality sleep, forgiveness practice, time-restricted eating and supplementing with exogenous ketones


19.  ‼️ ‼️  COVID Shots Are the Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ in Medical History  [1:37:33]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

And VAERS reporting is likely off by a factor of 41, meaning as many as 300,000 may have died from the COVID shots so far – and there’s reason to believe it is particularly deadly for young boys.


  • Data suggest 1 in 317 boys aged 16 to 17 will get myocarditis from the COVID shots, and after a third booster, that number may be even higher
  • VAERS reporting is likely underreported by a factor of 41. Since there are over 8,000 domestic deaths reported to VAERS, and 98% of those deaths are “excess deaths,” this suggests that as many as 300,000 Americans may have died from the COVID shots thus far
  • Calculations based on government data from 35% of the world’s population suggest we’re killing approximately 411 people per million doses on average. Moderna and Pfizer are both two-dose regimens, which pushes this to 822 deaths per million fully vaccinated. And that’s just the short-term mortality. We still have no concept of how these shots might impact mortality and morbidity in the longer term
  • An Italian investigation found that if the COVID mortality definition were changed to only include those cases where there were no preexisting comorbidities, the mortality from COVID comes out to just 2.9% of the overall reported number. This suggests that if a COVID death was redefined to being a death actually “from” COVID rather than “with” COVID, the death count could be substantially smaller than 760,000 deaths and may be smaller than the number killed by the vaccines
  • The deadliest vaccine ever made is the smallpox vaccine, which killed 1 in 1 million vaccinated people. The COVID shots kills 822 per million fully vaccinated, making it more than 800 times deadlier than the deadliest vaccine in human history


18.  ‼️   Toxicologist Warns Against COVID Jabs  [1:16:23]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


New Fertility Warning Issued Over COVID Jabs

This molecular biologist and toxicologist is calling for an immediate halt to the COVID-19 vaccines due to concerns about menstrual irregularities, hemorrhaging and the potential for miscarriage. She warns of the possibility that the jabs may be sterilizing an entire generation.


  • Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns
  • There’s credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes
  • In the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. We’re now seeing danger signals that are not being heeded. Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, published in April 2021, revealed an 82% miscarriage rate when the jab was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
  • CDC data reveal more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab, yet the shot is now authorized for children as young as 5
  • Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention. And there are far safer and more effective treatment available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens


17.  ‼️   “If We do Not Expose, and Peacefully Stand Against this Tyranny and Persecution, Your Life Will Soon Look like That of My Family” – Wife of J6 Political Prisoner Speaks Out

By Jim Hoft

Gissela Minuta, the wife of January 6 political prisoner Roberto Minuta, spoke out for her husband and the other J6 defendants who are still locked away in solitary confinement.  Gissela is also speaking out for those innocents killed in cold blood on January 6 with no justification, and no justice.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported about her husband, Roberto Minuta, who was arrested in January after he volunteered to offer security for top Trump advisors at the January 6th protests.


16.   ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? A Group No One Has Ever Heard Of Marches In DC…Left Calls Them “Right-Wingers”…Conservatives Ask If They’re Another False Flag?

By Patty McMurray


15.   FEDS ON PARADE: Dozens of Uhaul Trucks Picked Up Mysterious Patriot Protesters after Creepy March in DC — Another Democrat Stunt?

By Jim Hoft

On Saturday, a group of masked men, who no one has ever heard of, headed to Washington DC. They marched to the Lincoln Memorial and then almost as quickly as they came, they marched back to the UHaul trucks that brought them to the event.

The Left immediately made up stories about the group and their ties to “right-wing” extremists and “white supremacy.”

The only problem is…no one on the right has ever heard of these guys. Conservatives, however, seem to think they have a pretty good idea about where this new group came from.


14.   FULL Justice With Judge Jeanine 12/4/21 | Fox Breaking News December 4, 2021   [33:10]


13.   The Counterrevolution and the Republican Party

By Jared Peterson

For nearly a year the Biden “presidency” — whoever they are — has subjected the United States to a destructive revolutionary agenda of unprecedented scope and virulence, all of it arising out of an irrational civilizational death wish for which there is no historical parallel.

No more than a small minority of Americans knowingly voted for this.

Given safety from reprisal, large majorities of the electorate would reject both the underlying unhinged beliefs and the ruinous policies and goals that have been promoted since Biden and his opaque gang took office.

Here’s an incomplete list of the reality-averse ideas and suicidal policies that America’s ruling revolutionaries have promulgated and pursued since January 20, 2021:



Actor Nick Searcy on Jan 6: FBI’s Use of Armored Vehicles to Arrest Protesters in Homes Is ‘Terror Campaign’

By Randy DeSoto

Actor Nick Searcy, who is the producer of the new documentary film “Capitol Punishment,” says the FBI has been employing “terror tactics” against American citizens who participated in the Jan. 6 protest in order to send a message far and wide: Don’t speak out against the government.

Searcy, appearing on the popular Christian commentary show “Flashpoint” Thursday, was in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6. Searcy said what the media portrayed and what he witnessed were very different.

“Why are they lying to us?” he wondered. “Why are they not showing all the people I saw praying and saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing ‘The Star-Spangled Banner?’” Why were they only showing windows being broken at the Capitol?

This misrepresentation about what the vast majority of people in Washington were there to do that day is what motivated Searcy to make “Capitol Punishment,” which is now available for streaming.


11.  ‼️   The EU chief has a plan to gut the Nuremberg code

By Andrea Widburg

One of the most heinous things the Nazis did was medical experiments on people.  Mengele was famous for his obsession with twins, whom he cruelly tortured, but the Nazis liked to do insanely cruel things to all sorts of captives.  The Nuremberg Code was enacted to stop this from ever happening again, but individual European states and now the entire E.U. are ready to scrap the code.

The Nuremberg trials after WWII made horribly clear the sadistic “experiments” the Nazis had performed on people.  What was left of the civilized world decided that there needed to be a medical code of conduct so that no nation could ever again act with such sadistic impunity.  So, in 1947, the modern Nuremberg Code was born.  The document prescribes core norms for human experimentation.  It has ten points including, in relevant part:


10.  ‼️  War: What Israel talks about when it talks about striking Iran’s nuclear program

Israeli officials have regularly called for a ‘credible military threat’ against Tehran’s nuclear facilities, but less discussed is the major conflict that’s almost sure to follow



9.  ‼️ The ‘First Iran War’ is just around the corner

The next war won’t be a “Third Lebanon War.” Iran plans to strike Israel from Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, Judea and Samaria, internally with some Arab Israelis’ help, and through long-range missiles from Iran and Yemen.

By  Likud MK Nir Barkat


8.  ‼️  United States District Court Western District of Louisiana Monroe Division

… “Implicit in determining whether a preliminary injunction should be granted is

determining whether the Government Defendants have the statutory and/or constitutional

authority to implement the CMS Mandate. Finding that the Government Defendants do not have

the authority to implement the CMS Mandate

, this Court GRANTS Plaintiff States’ Motion for

Preliminary Injunction [Doc. No. 2] and IMMEDIATELY ENJOINS and RESTRAINS the

Government Defendants from implementing the CMS Mandate.”


7.   Iran says explosion near Natanz caused by air defense drill

The governor of Natanz County told Fars that exact details are still unknown.


Iranian media reported an explosion which was heard on Saturday night near Natanz was caused by an air defense drill, after local residents reported hearing a blast and seeing a bright light in the sky.

Initial reports indicated that Iranian air defense systems had been activated. According to the Iranian Fars News Agency, a bright light was seen in the sky as the explosion was heard.

A spokesman for the Iranian military later told Fars that the explosion was caused by an air defense missile that had been fired as part of a drill to test a quick response a possible attack. The spokesman stressed that there is “no need to worry.”

[Ed.:  Uh-huh.  It was a drill, alright!]


6.   U.S. Warns It Has ‘Tools’ To Deal With Iran If Nuclear Talks Fail

The United States is “making decisions” and preparing “for a world in which there is no return” to the Iran nuclear deal, a senior State Department official said yesterday, following last week’s disappointing negotiations over resuming the 2015 accord.

“We’ve been waiting patiently for five and a half months” since Tehran suspended talks in June, the official said. “The Iranian government said it needed time to get ready.”

“What we’ve seen over the last week or so is what getting ready meant for them . . . it meant continuing to accelerate their nuclear program in particularly provocative ways” to gain leverage in extracting unreasonable concessions far beyond the scope of the original agreement, the official said.


5.   ‼️  Shocking Hidden Camera Footage from Inside Forced Internment Camps in Australia (VIDEO 1:24)

By Jim Hoft

Here is shocking hidden camera footage from inside a forced COVID internment camp in Australia.
In this leaked footage the Aussie officials warn the female prisoner that if she walks off her balcony onto the path next to her confinement shelter it’s a $5,000 fine.

This is Australia. This is what Democrats would do to Americans in a second if they could.


4.   Bennett to the US: Time to use a different toolkit against Iran

PM calls on countries negotiating with Iran to ensure Iran does get away with its violations, moves towards nuclear bomb during negotiations


3.   Mossad head vows Iran will never have nuclear weapons

As talks in Vienna to resurrect 2015 nuclear deal continue, David Barnea says Israel finds the possibility of a ‘bad’ deal between Tehran and world powers ‘intolerable’


2.   A 1,000-strong Mossad team plus 10 “dissident” Iranian scientists ran 11-month sabotage of Iranian nuclear sites – report

The 10 Iranian scientists recruited by Israeli agents agreed to sabotage the underground A1000 centrifuge at Natanz in April believing they were acting for international dissident groups, the Jewish Chronicle, cited by the Daily Telegraph revealed on Thursday Dec. 2. The Mossad struck clandestinely four times, three against the Natanz central enrichment site between July 2020 an April 2021 and once against Iran’s centrifuge production center.

Israeli officials have not confirmed the British publications’ revelations. However, also on Thursday, the incoming Mossad Director, David Barnea, stated firmly: “Iran will not get a nuclear bomb!” He went on to say: “The Mossad keeps its eyes open, we are on the ready, and together with our colleagues in the security establishment will do everything necessary to remove the Iranian threat from the state of Israel, to thwart it by all means.”


  1.    Sabotage at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility 3.0? – Analysis

Was Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility just attacked for the third time in two years?


Did Israel’s Mossad or someone just try to sabotage Iran’s nuclear facilities at Natanz for the third time since July 2020?

Reports were still hazy, but as of Saturday night the narratives varied from: Iran undertook a preplanned air defense drill unrelated to sabotage, it shot down an attack drone thwarting a sabotage attempt, electricity and internet were down for some unspecified part of Natanz – which could mean a sabotage attempt succeeded, but the Islamic Republic is still trying to cover it up.

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