Daily Shmutz | 120522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                                                                                                  Sugar Chile Robinson – Numbers Boogie (1951)





Senator Johnson: Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop is “Just Part of a Much Larger Story”   By Jim Hoft

Senator Ron Johnson joined Maria Bartiromo earlier today on Sunday Morning Futures.

Seantor Johnson always brings the red meat to his interviews. Today’s interview was not the exception.

The Wisconsin senator claimed that Elon Musk’s admission of censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop was “just part of a much larger story” on the censorship of conservatives in the US today.

In a previous appearance on the program Ron Johnson accused Joe Biden of funneling money to his son Hunter Biden to pay for the Eastern European prostitutes involved in a possible human trafficking ring.



China Operating 54 Illegal Police Stations In 30 Countries

China has set up at least 54 overseas police stations in 30 countries, including in the United States (New York), Canada, Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Argentina and Nigeria, according to a recent report from Safeguard Defenders, a human rights NGO. Most of these police stations are located in Europe, with nine such police stations in major Spanish cities, four in Italy, and three in Paris, among others.

According to Peter Dahlin, director of Safeguard Defenders, those are just the tip of the iceberg:

“We are convinced that there are many more, because these only belong to two jurisdictions – Fuzhou and Qingtian, where most of the Chinese in Spain come from – and China itself admits that it has launched the project in ten. So it could be up to five times more.”

The police stations are part of China’s campaign to “persuade” Chinese citizens suspected of criminal acts – particularly telecommunications fraud, but also political “crimes” such as political dissent – to return to China to face criminal prosecution. China not only threatens the Chinese citizens themselves but also members of their families who have stayed behind in China. Such threats have been continuing for years, as FBI Director Christopher Wray pointed out in 2020, when he mentioned a case from the US in which a Chinese government “emissary” visited a target in the US and told him that he could choose between returning to China or committing suicide.



KIRA DAVIS: The left’s half-a-trillion-dollar slavery reparations fantasy is a woke joke – and an insult to every black American whose ancestors sought freedom from government, NOT more bondage to it   By KIRA DAVIS FOR DAILYMAIL.COM

Kira Davis is host of the podcast ‘Just Listen to Yourself with Kira Davis’ 

Black America’s ancestors are turning over in their graves.

California task force to ‘study and develop reparations’ is nothing short of a boondoggle.

A 500-page mess of social engineering, vague definitions, and impossible spending, not designed to address the important issue of racial wealth disparity, but to use handouts to hide the progressive left’s true cynical objective – power and control.

At its core, this proposal views black people as infantilized, uneducated victims, who most certainly can’t be trusted with the tools to improve their own lives.

It is an insult. A mirage. A distraction.

First, the black community cannot even agree on the fundamental question of who should receive reparations.

I’m a California resident and tuned into the task force’s last meeting, which was marred by accusations of bias, discrimination and corruption.

Some advocated for anyone of black racial heritage — including immigrants and their descendants — to receive compensation, while others argued that only black American descendants of slaves should be eligible.

In the end, the committee determined that black residents who are descendants of either black slaves or ‘free Black person[s] living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century’ would qualify.

This superficial progress was hailed as a victory, but scratch below the surface and it’s clear that they’ve done little to advance the impossible dream of true racial reparations.


Kash Patel: Chris Wray, Bill Barr and Paul Ryan Are Part the Gang Behind Russiagate and Lies About Hunter Biden Laptop  [9:59]  By Joe Hoft

Kash Patel was on The War Room with Steve Bannon on Monday morning. They discussed the corrupt Deep State noting that it involves players from both parties.

Kash Patel is the former chief of staff to the Acting United States Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump. Patel is also credited on his outstanding work exposing the deep state and Democrat Party for plotting, planning and implementing the Trump-Russia hoax.

Kash Patel shared on the Bannon War Room this morning the following:

In 60 seconds let’s go from Russiagate to the laptop.  Remember Russiagate was the largest criminal conspiracy propagated by the like of James Comey and his cabal and oh yeah, James Baker, the former General Counsel of the FBI who just happens to be Twitter’s General Counsel.  We’ll get to that story in a second.

These guys intentionally perpetrated this crime then they lied to the FISA Court.  They lied to the American people and the radical left media let them get away with it because they were their co-conspirators and they didn’t want the truth out.

Now here’s my problem as a former federal prosecutor when we talk about receipts.  These documents exist, and they existed that entire time and we only got about half of them out…

Patel goes on to share that former AG Bill Barr and current FBI Head, Chris Wray permitted any investigation of Hunter Biden to be “tanked”.

Why didn’t Bill Barr and Chris Wray put out this information [on the Hunter laptop]?  And why, more importantly why did they authorize the FBI to have weekly meetings with Twitter and Facebook up to the 2020 Election about Hunter Biden’s laptop so they could craft a false narrative.  It’s Russiagate on replay on a monumentally bigger scale…

…Our government, our DOJ and FBI, have actually caused and permitted a two-tiered system of justice to be on display…


Breggins Prioritize Free Speech Above Self-Interest in $25 Million Lawsuit by Robert Malone   by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin

I have been muzzled for the last two months. I have been instructed not to speak freely and not to speak my mind to friends, verbally or in writing, on the internet, in media, or in personal correspondence. I have been told to preserve all my papers, my emails, my letters, and records of phone calls, as well as all internet transactions. I have been instructed to await legal service — the action of being officially informed of this legal suit. The lawsuit is already formally filed with the US District Court in the Western Region of the State of Virginia.1

Although I have done nothing wrong, and my husband Peter R. Breggin, M.D. has done nothing wrong, we have had a lawsuit filed against us, falsely accusing us of defamation and demanding $25,350,000.

That is 25 million dollars.

Remaining silent as this suit works its way through the legal process is generally the conservative and expected advice from legal counsel. Getting a resolution can take years. I have complied to this point with our attorneys’ advice because I respect their opinions and experience. But there are larger issues here than what is best for us.

I have also been afraid. I have been deeply fearful and have tried my best to comply while I struggled with my fear, my confusion, and my anger over being muzzled, my heartbreak about the manipulations and fear I have seen around me. I have wrestled with my burning desire, to tell the truth about what is happening to me, because it affects us all, especially those of us who are speaking out about issues of freedom, of good health, free speech, the dangers of the COVID catastrophe, and of the traditional rights and responsibilities of free Americans and citizens from all countries seeking freedom.

I have finally concluded that I would rather be afraid as I exercise my God-given rights and responsibilities as a free American than to be muzzled, afraid to speak the truth.

The experience of being muzzled has given me a renewed appreciation of America, traditional American values, and the freedoms we all have traditionally enjoyed. I have always had every respect for American jurisprudence and the Rule of Law.

Author’s note: The Breggins have established a GiveSendGo Fund to help deter costs of the legal suit: GiveSendGo – Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin Legal Defense: The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site.

[Ed.:  This is a very disturbing story.  Robert Malone is suing the Breggins.  Our side in the covid war against us needn’t weaken ourselves with ego battles.  Malone should retract his law suit and just get over his being offended.]



With the highest “vaccination” rate in the US, Vermont is looking to get EVERYBODY jabbed—ESPECIALLY its people of color—by the holidays!   Mark Crispin Miller

And they’re offering “culturally affirming spaces” for that very purpose! And such “care” doesn’t cost a dime! How cool is that?

It seems that the Good People at the “Vermont Health Equity Initiative” are a little out of it (which might mean that nearly all Vermont is out of it), what with the drawing here of that nice (masked) Healthcare Professional (surely Latinx) elbow-bumping that nice (masked) African-American cis-girl—a Tender Moment (though it’s impossible to tell if either one of them is smiling) that recalls the COVID Terror of 2020/2021, when people were too panicked to shake hands.

That panic is as fresh as ever, in the Bizarro world of this psychotic ad, since those two cis-females (I hope I’m not offending anyone!) are bumping elbows even though the older one is wearing gloves—suggesting that the gloves (just like the shots) don’t work (and neither do the masks, or there would be no need for the further shots pushed in this ad).

But that’s the least of it, of course. What really tells us that the people at the “Vermont Health Equity Initiative”—and maybe nearly all the people in Vermont—are out of it is that they’re still pushing universal “vaccination,” and of children in particular (and, still more particularly, children of color, though no doubt they want to jab the white ones, too). This despite (a) the ever-spiking toll of “vaccination,” in both “sudden deaths” and crippling injuries, and (b) the (consequent) widespread decline in booster uptake, which, we hear, has slipped down to around 4%. That they’re still at it in Vermont, with (evidently) no protest (I hope I’m wrong), suggests that that once-free state— home of Ethan Allen and his (no offense) Green Mountain Boys (no offense)—is now a big “woke” lunatic asylum, possibly because it borders Canada.

In any case, let’s note, for when we finally sort this whole thing out, and everybody gets what they have coming to them, that “vaccine equity” has been a lethal euphemism from the start of this worldwide extermination program, when all “the left” was murderously screaming for such “equity,” so that the BIPOC peoples of the world “could” all get jabbed, whether they wanted it or not; and that white people refusing “vaccination” were thereby indulging their horrendous “privilege,” turning down the “vaccines” that those all-important BIPOC peoples very badly needed, to “stay safe” (a new “woke” variant on the parental line from yesteryear, that you must eat your vegetables, because “children are starving in Asia”).



When CDC authors conducted a study showing that vaccinated individuals could still spread SARS-CoV-2, they could not get it published, even in the CDC’s own MMWR!

Background of the Study

In January 2022, ICAN, through its attorneys, filed legal requests with the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Wisconsin Department of Health for all communications of the CDC-affiliated authors of a pre-print study titled, “Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination.”  The study, which appeared in medRXiv on August 24, 2021, found that “vaccinated persons can spread Delta.”  Because at least one of the authors of this study was a CDC employee, and because the outcome cut against the CDC’s narrative, ICAN wanted to investigate.

In late March 2022, the University of Wisconsin-Madison produced 730 pages of records in response to ICAN’s request.  Later, in April 2022, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services produced 70 pages of records regarding the same study.  These documents show that the study’s authors, despite being employees of the CDC and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, struggled mightily to get their study published, likely because it highlighted that, as one of the authors put it, “fully vaccinated individuals are capable of shedding high viral loads.”

Attempts at Publishing

Nature Medicine declined to publish the study because “the insights provided by the new data do not offer a sufficient translational or clinical advance over the recently published literature in this area that would appeal to the broad readership of Nature Medicine.”  It is, of course, patently ridiculous to claim that a novel finding that the COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent infection was not clinically noteworthy.

Another journal, PLOS Medicine, declined to publish the study because it was “looking for papers of wide general interest which would lead to a substantial advance in clinical management or public health policy, or which provide a substantial new insight into the pathogenesis of disease, with a clear path toward clinical application,” and PLOS Medicine did not feel the study met “editorial criteria.”  Again, stating the paper’s novel finding of increased viral load in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated would not “lead to a substantial advance in clinical management” is insane.


Former Pfizer Science Officer Reveals Great COVID-19 Scam [42:19]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Here’s What’s Really Causing the Uptick in COVID-19 Deaths

According to this former pharmaceutical VP, by November 2020 the uptick in deaths wasn’t due to COVID-19 as many believed. Rather, when you looked closely at who was dying and why, a whole different picture emerged. Find out why he thought journalists had it all wrong regarding COVID reinfection.


  • By November 2020 there were no excess deaths from COVID-19 even though cases increased
  • Data showed that many deaths — primarily people aged 45 to 65, with equal distribution between the sexes — was mainly due to heart disease, stroke and cancer, which suggests they were excess deaths caused by lack of routine medical care due to the pandemic restrictions
  • The PCR test is not a valid diagnostic tool and should not be done on the scale we’re now doing it. The high rate of false positives is only fodder for needless fearmongering
  • Virtually no one who is asymptomatic has the live virus, but when you run the test at a cycle threshold over 30, meaning you amplify the viral RNA more than 30 times, you end up with a positive test even if the virus is inactive and noninfectious
  • According to Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser of the drug company Pfizer, very few people need the COVID-19 vaccine as the mortality rate from the infection is so low and the illness is clearly not causing excess deaths



Kari Lake Responds to Judge Who Sanctioned Her Legal Team in Lawsuit

This is an excerpt from The Epoch Times.

The campaign of Arizona Republican candidate Kari Lake responded to a district court imposing a fine on her lawyers after filing an election-related lawsuit earlier this year.

Judge John Tuchi of the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, who rejected a Lake lawsuit earlier this year, moved to fine attorneys for Lake and Republican Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem on Dec. 3.


“Imposing sanctions in this case is not to ignore the importance of putting in place procedures to ensure that our elections are secure and reliable,” Tuchi wrote in his order. “It is to make clear that the Court will not condone litigants ignoring the steps that Arizona has already taken toward this end and furthering false narratives that baselessly undermine public trust at a time of increasing disinformation about, and distrust in, the democratic process. It is to send a message to those who might file similarly baseless suits in the future.”

But in response, Lake’s team disputed Tuchi’s order and accused him of being a politically motivated actor. A Lake campaign statement noted that Tuchi was appointed by former President Barack Obama.

“This case is not about money or gain,” Lake’s campaign spokesperson Ross Trumble told media outlets in a statement. “It was essentially a public interest lawsuit seeking electoral integrity. It is very very rare to sanction a party in public interest suits. All in all this reads like an angry Obama appointee who wants to send a message. The message is if you lose shut up and don’t come to court. The message is not that you lost a case or acted in bad faith.”


BREAKING: Arizona Certifies Rigged 2022 Election, Declares Katie Hobbs Winner   By Cristina Laila

Arizona on Monday officially certified the rigged 2022 election.

Democrat Katie Hobbs, who oversaw her own election as Secretary of State, was declared the winner.

“Arizona had a successful election,” Hobbs said. “But too often throughout the process, powerful voices proliferated misinformation that threatened to disenfranchise voters. Democracy prevailed, but it’s not out of the woods. 2024 will bring a host of challenges from the election denial community that we must prepare for.”


Who rigs our elections? It’s a team effort.   Tierney’s Real News

It truly takes a village to steal our elections and that was confirmed last week by a number of reports. If this newsletter cuts off in your email – you can find it at all at my website: TierneyRealNewsNetwork.substack.com.

Last week, major information came out from Mike Lindell’s team (published by several reputable magazines and bloggers and confirmed by Kari Lake) about how specifically the swamp stole the election in Arizona – and in 2020:


While, at the same time, Elon Musk engineered the release of some files that proved Twitter & team Biden interfered in the election, and the RNC offered up a new challenger to Ronna McDaniel – FINALLY. Why did all of these events happen at once? Well, let’s look at the sequence of events. Remember, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. NOTHING is a coincidence….

Rasmussen polling now shows that 59% of Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen and that 71% believe Arizona was rigged. This is a major tipping point in election fraud awareness in the United States. Either it gets fixed or the swamp risks people staying home altogether for future elections or a rebellion and civil war.


WATCH LIVE: Lawless Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs To Certify Her Own Election Fraud At 10 AM   By Jordan Conradson

Corrupt Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is slated to certify her own corruption this morning when she signs off on the rigged 2022 midterm election that she supervised as Secretary of State.

Katie Hobbs refused to debate, did not campaign, and had almost no following. No reasonable person would believe that she actually won this race.  She ran against Kari Lake, one of the most popular Republican candidates in a generation.

The election was an uncertifiable disaster on Election Day in Maricopa County when voting machines and printers suddenly stopped working at over 30% of voting centers the moment the polls opened. Republican voters were forced to wait in extremely long lines, turned away from the polls, or told to deposit their ballots in the questionable “box 3” for misread ballots.

Maricopa County holds roughly 60% of Arizona’s voters, leaving other counties disenfranchised by a single county.

TRENDING: PROOF: Crooked Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Had Twitter Silence Her Critics in Arizona – Prior to Gubernatorial Run – Data From MO vs. Biden

These issues were present ALL DAY at some locations.

It is unclear if the “errors” on election day were truly by accident or if the machines were hacked or programmed to do this. What a coincidence, though!

The Gateway Pundit reported that Despite Only 17% Democrat Turnout on Election Day, Katie Hobbs and the Democrats outperformed Republican candidates in Maricopa and other counties, which is unlikely and impossible!


Brazil Military Kills “Red Command” Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over   By Richard Abelson

Gateway Pundit and Matt Tyrmand on War Room were the first worldwide to report that the Brazilian military is moblizing under its constitutional authority to protect democracy. Sources on the ground now confirm that the Army is mobilizing and has eliminated key leaders of the Communist-allied drug cartels in Rio.
In an unusual step for the military, the Army has invaded favelas of Rio de Janeiro and killed top leaders of the Comando Vermelho (Red Command) drug cartel, which supports the Communist criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Observers take this to indicate the beginning of a federal military intervention. The drug gangs were the only ones to celebrate the alleged election victory by criminal Lula Oct. 30, firing automatic weapons in the air in the favelas. President Bolsonaro cracked down hard on the Brazilian drug gangs.

“The heads of drug trafficking of Morro do Juramento and Juramentinho, identified as Rodrigo Barbosa Marinho, known as Rolinha or Titio Rolinha, and Hevelton Nascimento Júnior, the “Bad Boy”, respectively, were killed during a Military Police operation in Vicente de Carvalho on Thursday (1st). Three other suspects died in the action and one, who was also injured, is imprisoned in custody in the hospital” O Dia reports.

The drug cartels are the armed wing of the Communists. Comando Vermelho controls parts of Rio de Janeiro and was formed 1979 as an alliance between cartels and Communists. If they are eliminated, the risk 0f a civil war will be significantly reduced.


BOOM! Elon Musk Alleges FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried Donated over $1 Billion to Democrats   By Jim Hoft

Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of FTX cryptocurrency exchange, announced in May that he would donate “north of $100 million” and up to a “soft ceiling” of $1 billionfor the Democrat candidate running against President Donald Trump in the 2024 race.

Bankman-Fried donated over $40 million to Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.

FTX was laundering money from Ukraine and moving millions to donate to Democrats in the 2022 midterms.
It was a nifty trick by Democrats to get some easy campaign cash.



Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation   By Birsen Filip

In July 2022, the Canadian government announced its intention to reduce “emissions from the application of fertilizers by 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030.” In the previous month, the government of the Netherlands publicly stated that it would implement measures designed to lower “nitrogen pollution some areas by up to 70 percent by 2030,” in order to meet the stipulations of the European “Green Deal,” which aims to “make the EU’s climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.”

In response, Dutch “farm and agriculture organizations said the targets were not realistic and called for a protest,” which led farmers and their supporters to rise up across the country. The artificially designed Green Deal is one of the goals of Agenda 2030, which was adopted by 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) in 2015.

In addition to the UN, Agenda 2030 is also supported by a number of other international organizations and institutions, including the European Union, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Bretton Woods Institutions, which consist of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is also endorsed by some of the most powerful agrichemical multinational corporations in the world, such as BASF, Bayer, Dow Chemical, DuPont, and Syngenta, which, together, control more than 75 percent of the global market for farm inputs. In recent years, “the acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina, and the merger of Bayer and Monsanto” have “reshaped the global seed industry.” Additionally, “DuPont de Nemours was formed by the merger of Dow Chemical and DuPont in 2017.” However, “within 18 months of the merger the company was split into three publicly traded companies with focuses on the following: agriculture with Corteva, materials science with Dow and specialty products with DuPont.”

In recent years, all of these corporations have issued statements suggesting that the agriculture sector will undergo major changes over the upcoming three decades, and that they are committed to doing their parts to accelerate the transition to so called green policies. Accordingly, they advocate for governments to redirect public finance away from conventional farming and toward regenerative agriculture and alternative protein sources, including insect farming and lab-grown meats.



Nonprofit Blood Donation Service Starts Matching Unvaccinated Patients With Donors   Authored by Allan Stein via The Epoch Times 

Swiss naturopathic physician George Della Pietra believes people worldwide should be free to choose whether to get a COVID-19 vaccine injection or not.

He believes the same should hold for those receiving transfusions with “vaccinated” blood.

“The problem is right now we have no choice,” said Della Pietra, founder of the nonprofit Safe Blood Donation service in 2021, matching unvaccinated blood recipients with donors in 65 countries.

“It was very clear from the beginning that the COVID hype was way out of control,” Della Pietra said. “It was not as dangerous as they say it was.



Doctor warns ‘woke’ agenda gaining foothold in medical colleges: ‘Diversity above merit’   By Andrew Mark Miller

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb said medical schools devoting more time to social issues and less to studying medicine

A recent study from the Association of American Medical Colleges shows that diversity, equity and inclusion policies have gained a significant foothold in American medical colleges, and a medical expert tells Fox News Digital that poses a serious risk to the both quality of care and freedom of expression.

“Med schools are devoting more and more time to these social and political issues, leaving less time for the study of medicine,” Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, board chair of Do No Harm, told Fox News Digital in response to analysis released by the AAMC, which essentially serves as a report card for how its medical colleges are faring at implementing DEI policies that critics have described as a “woke” agenda.

The AAMC report states that “assessing policies, practices, and programs at the institution and school levels is a first step toward ensuring that academic medicine is well-positioned to cultivate a diverse and culturally prepared workforce, advance inclusion excellence, promote equity advancement, and enhance engagement with local communities.”

The report, which examined 101 medical schools, showed that 43% of schools “have promotion and tenure policies that specifically reward faculty scholarship and service on DEI topics” and the number is highlighted in red suggesting that figure is inadequate. The report also shows that 100% of the schools “have admissions policies and practices for encouraging a diverse class of students.”







US Doesn’t Hide Hatred of Israel   by AFSI Staff

Secretary of State Blinken delivered an address at the annual event for the anti-Israel group, J Street.

Secretary of State Blinken took an opening shot at the incoming conservative Israeli government, warning that “We expect the new Israeli Government to continue to work with us to advance our shared values, just as we have previous governments.”

Blinken insisted that the Biden regime would hold Israel “to the mutual standards we have established in our relationship over the past seven decades” and “work relentlessly to prevent any parties from taking actions that could raise tensions or further raise tensions and push the two-state solution even further out of reach.”

How dare Blinken instruct Israel as he makes statements that favor the terrorists. Time and again, the current US administration’s hatred of Israel is on full display.


Huge Win for Judea and Samaria   by AFSI Staff

According to the coalition agreement between Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu and Religious Zionism Chairman Bezalel Smotrich that was published Monday morning, the appointment of the head of the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria will involve politicians – after 55 years during which only the IDF chief of staff made this appointment. Likewise, politicians will take part in appointing the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). That part of the agreement means representatives of the “settlement” enterprise in Judea and Samaria such as Bezalel Smotrich.

It’s a huge win for Judea and Samaria, more important than Itamar Ben Gvir taking over the ministry of national security. The deal neutralizes the main enemy of Jewish prosperity in Judea and Samaria and the biggest drive behind the Palestinian Authority’s encroachment into Area C.

This agreement will have a dramatic impact on reality in Judea and Samaria, and lead to the expansion of communities as well as the legalization of existing communities, complete with their connection to electricity and water. In the coming months we feel confident we can look forward to these advancements coming to fruition for residents in Judea and Samaria who have been suffering too long. Next step: SOVEREIGNTY!



MUST SEE: Jake Lang’s Latest POWERFUL Jan 6 Political Prisoner Video – FINALLY THE TRUTH!   By Jim Hoft

Jake Lang and J6Legal.org released a powerful video this week on the January 6, 2021, protests in Washington DC.

The US government that day turned its wrath on the people of the United States.  Dozens of FBI infiltrators were deployed in the city, DOJ and Metro police operatives were also involved in the protests.

The police fired gas and rubber bullets on the crowd, beat the protesters with sticks, and fired flash grenades at veterans, women, children and seniors.

Four Trump protesters were killed that day by police.

Since that day hundreds of Americans have had their homes raided by the FBI for walking in open US Capitol doors and past police officers who stood by and said nothing.

Dozens of Americans, including Jake Lang, have been held in prison without trial for over 600 days now.

This is what the Democrat Party has done to America.  We are no longer a country that can lecture others on human rights.  Our moral standing was tossed in the trash by power-hungry Democrats and weak Republicans who stood by too afraid of their own shadow.

Here is the transcript from this very powerful ad by Jake Lang and J6Legal.org.


January 6 prisoners held in jail without bail, many charged and some not – Why Have Their Lawyers Not Been Able to Do Anything About This?   Bill Narvey

 Since the January 6 unarmed riot at the capital building, well over 1,000 people including those who entered the capital building, people who were on the steps of the capital building but did not go in, people who were not even at the capital building on January 6, but whose phones/facebook pages were investigated leading the FBI to arrest them believing that those people might have had something to do with Jan. 6th.

 Democrats ran the Jan 6th   hearings that are only now winding up.  Those hearings had the stench of being a biased kangaroo court where whatever testimony was allowed was controlled by the Dems without any opportunity to cross examine.

 While this Jan 6 hearing was going on, the undeniably politicized and weaponized DOJ/FBI were rounding up, arresting and imprisoning with or without charges laid and without bail over 1,000 people they believe had some connection to the Jan 6 capital building riot

 While some of these cases have been dealt with and prisoners released a great many of these prisoners still have not had their cases brought before a court.  As well the DOJ/FBI have publicly declared they will not rest until every person who had anything to do with the Jan 6th riot are found, arrested and imprisoned.

 We have heard many times and read many reports that a great many of those arrested were held without bail, in solitary confinement and were treated brutally.  Here are just a sampling of such reports:

 June 16, 2021 report – Pro-Trump Jan. 6 ‘political prisoners’ rotting away in dedicated DC prison, without bail or trial – The federal government continues its ‘nationwide manhunt’ after arresting more than 500 people ‘mostly for misdemeanor charges related to what happened on January 6.’ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-trump-jan-6-political-prisoners-rotting-away-in-dedicated-dc-prison-without-bail-or-trial/

 People charged in the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol are “political prisoners” and “non-violent trespassers” who have been held in solitary confinement for the past six months. – July 24, 2021 https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/28/instagram-posts/defendants-jan-6-capitol-riot-arent-trespassers-th/

 Jan 6th Prisoners – Detained and Forgotten  https://amac.us/jan-6th-prisoners-detained-and-forgotten/  March 29, 2022

Secret Info Leaks From J6 Prisoner, They Are Being Ziptied, Sexually Assaulted In The Middle Of Night https://gellerreport.com/2022/12/secret-info-leaks-from-j6-prisoner-they-are-being-ziptied-sexually-assaulted-in-the-middle-of-night.html/   Dec. 4, 2022

 Not even those charged with serious crimes including murder are being treated so ruthlessly.  Not even those charged with serious crimes are handed such lengthy sentences as some of those who plead guilty to charges of unarmed sedition.

 Sedition is defined as:  Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.  In this case the Jan 6th riot was not to incite rebellion against the authority of the state, but to try to get the Congress to not validate the November 20, 2020 election results.  In this case the actions of some of the rioters to trespass into the Capital Building was a pretty pathetic effort to commit sedition.

What these reports speak to is that the politicized and weaponized DOJ/FBI, no doubt acting with Biden’s/his administration approval if not direct orders has been acting just like regimes that are dictatorships, authoritarian and fascist  act towards their political opponents,

 These reports scream that the treatment of these January 6 prisoners, many but not all yet charged at all with sedition, but still being held without bail  amounts to a denial of not just their human rights, but their civil and constitutional rights.

 So why have the Jan 6 prisoners been forced to painfully languish in prison with their human, civil and constitutional rights abused or denied outright and their lawyers have not been able to do anything about it?


J-6 Political Prisoner Describes the Lawlessness and Sickening Political Antics at His Kangaroo Court Proceedings During the First Week of His Trial in Washington DC   By Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit reported on Pete Schwartz back in December 2021. He had already been in prison for nearly a year at that point.

The regime kept Pete “in the hole” in punishing isolation for six months in the last two years.

Peter Schwartz, age 47 and a Kentucky welder who has served in the Army Reserve, was indicted after he was accused of pepper-spraying officers during the Jan. 6 protest.  He was arrested on Feb. 2nd in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. According to his letter, he was with his wife when 30 agents assaulted him with flashbang grenades, armored vehicles, and more than 10 assault rifles aimed at his chest.

“At no point did either my wife or I resist but we were both roughly handled and forced/dragged up the stairs after being shackled and handcuffed as we were shoved around,” Schwartz said.

Last year Pete told The Gateway Pundit, “Today is Nov. 8, 2021. I was arrested in Feb, 2nd 2021. The only portion of my discovery, (the evidence against me), that I’ve seen, is a warrant that was publicly published by Forbes Magazine. After this much time of being incarcerated, I don’t know what evidence is being used against me, nor do I even know what specifically I’m being charged with.”

In October, Peter Schwartz called The Gateway Pundit from his prison cell.  Pete told us the corrupt DOJ added two unrelated codefendants to his case in order to take him down. These Codefendants he has never met and has no relationship with.  The DOJ added them to destroy his case.

This is prisoner abuse.  You don’t have to be a Republican or a Trump supporter to understand that this is not acceptable.

** You can help and donate here: Patriot Pete Political Prisoner in DC


Secret Info Leaks From J6 Prisoner, They Are Being Ziptied, Sexually Assaulted In The Middle Of Night   By Pamela Geller

“The treatment I have endured since my arrest has shaken my faith in humanity…..”

This will sicken you, break your heart, and incite you to act – I pray.

Working class Americans sit in a political prison without trial for two years because they got out of hand at an unarmed protest in DC.

This credentialed ruling class Tech tyrant colluded and conspired to tip a presidential election and was rewarded with massive bonuses. pic.twitter.com/KsrwQYnoLo

— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) December 3, 2022

J6 Political Hostage Jon Mellis Speaks Out – Jan 6 Detainees Have Been Sexually Assaulted and ‘Ziptied In the Middle Of The Night’ – Coming Up on Two Years of Isolation and Abuse – PLEASE GIVE BELOW

By Alicia Powe, GTP, December 1, 2022:

J6 political prisoner Jonathan Mellis warns he and other J6 defendants in the “Patriot Pod” of the DC Gulag are being tortured by “racist, hateful, and abusive correctional officers,” sexually assaulted and treated like animals for being Trump supporters.

Mellis described the abuse in a letter to The Gateway Pundit and is pleading for help from the American people.

“The treatment I have endured since my arrest has shaken my faith in humanity,” wrote the 34,-year-old who was apprehended nearly two years ago in a pre-dawn FBI raid while visiting his parents at their home.

“I was arrested on February 16, 2021, as if I were an Al Qaeda terrorist. I have not seen my family’s faces in almost 2 years. My father, Gennaro Mellis, died a few months after my arrest. I was denied bond back then and still today,” he continued “I hope you can forgive me for reaching out for assistance. I am struggling.”



BREAKING: Democrat Darling and Conman Michael Avenatti Gets 14 Years in Prison for Embezzling Millions   By Jim Hoft

Democrat darling Michael Avenatti was sentenced Monday to 14 years in prison and ordered to pay $11 million for embezzling millions from four different clients.

At one time, Avenatti was the darling of the left and was teasing a presidential run to take on President Trump.

Democrats loved him.

How far the mighty have fallen.

[Ed.:  I love stories with happy endings!]



HUGE LEGAL WIN FOR GATEWAY PUNDIT AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Emergency Injunction and Forces Maricopa County, Arizona to Issue Press Pass to Jordan Conradson … Battle Still Continues…

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Maricopa County, Arizona (the County) violated Gateway Pundit (TGP) and TGP reporter Jordan Conradson’s First Amendment rights by arbitrarily denying them a press pass to participate in press conferences and other press events hosted by the County.

As a result, we reported that TGP and Conradson sued Maricopa County’s Board of Supervisors, Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Elections Directors Rey Valenzuela and Scott Jarrett, and County Communications Officers Megan Gilbertson and Marcus Milam in Federal Court in Arizona on November 14, 2022.

As part of the suit, TGP/Conradson made a special request for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), pending the outcome of the lawsuit. This would have immediately forced the County to grant TGP and Conradson a press pass.



US Funds Arabs Who Want to Destroy Israel  by Bassam Tawil

  • What is disturbing is that a large portion of this incitement is coming from Arabs whose governments signed peace treaties or other agreements with Israel: Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians.
  • What is even more disturbing is that the hate against Israel is coming from Arabs who continue to benefit from unconditional US financial aid.
  • The Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, continues to spearhead the Arab campaign of incitement and delegitimization against Israel. In addition to the incendiary rhetoric, the Palestinian Authority does not hide its vehement opposition to any kind of peace with Israel.
  • In its latest tirade against Israel, Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction claimed that the Israeli counter-terrorism measures, designed to save the lives of Jews and Arabs alike, are acts of “terrorism and war crimes.” According to the logic of the Palestinian Authority, a terror attack against Israel is legitimate and the perpetrator is a hero and martyr, but an Israeli action to stop terrorism is illegitimate.
  • This is the same Palestinian Authority that maintains good relations with the Biden administration, which recently decided to upgrade US relations with Abbas and his associates….
  • [T]he allegation that Israel is committing “war crimes” can be seen as a direct call to Palestinians to engage in violence against Israelis. The “war crimes” libel is also intended for Western audiences as part of the campaign to delegitimize Israel and pave the way for prosecuting its leaders before international courts.
  • It is worth noting that since April 2021, the US has provided more than half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians.
  • If the US thinks that showering money and concessions on the Palestinian leaders will lessen the tension, you heard it here first: this approach definitely will not work. All that will happen is that the hostilities will increase so that the bribes will increase. Giving hard, concrete gifts in exchange for soft promises is inevitably doomed from the start.
  • The reason for referring Zaidan to be investigated was because had announced that he was willing to lecture at an Israeli university. He is also suspected of having expressed support for establishing relations between Egyptian and Israeli intellectuals.
  • Egypt has enjoyed the benefit of more than $51 billion in US taxpayer-funded military aid since the signing of the Egypt-Israel peace treaty in 1979.
  • Again, it is worth noting that this incitement against Israel is being spread despite the ongoing massive US financial aid to Jordan.
  • One way to counter this campaign of hate and to encourage peace is for the US to make its aid conditional on ending (or at least reducing) the rhetoric of hate. So far, however, it is clear that the US has no intention of demanding anything in return for its money.
  • For the time being, then, many Arabs will continue to receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the US while continuing actively to seek the destruction of Israel and being financially rewarded for it.


Fauci on Trial: retired government bureaucrat suddenly ‘can’t recall’ anything    Jordan Schachtel

Anthony Fauci and several of his colleagues in the Biden Administration’s “public health” regime are being sued in federal court for violating constitutional rights through censorship. On Monday, the transcript of Fauci’s deposition — as a defendant in the federal censorship lawsuit — has been released to the public.

Spearheading the legal effort is attorney Jenin Younes of the New Civil Liberties Alliance. Plaintiffs in the case include Drs Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulduroff, along with the state attorney generals in Missouri and Louisiana.


Alameda’s Caroline Ellison Spotted In NY Amid Speculation She Is About To Roll On SBF After Hiring Iconic Clinton Lawyer   BY TYLER DURDEN

As Sam Bankman-Fried enters day six of his whirlwind media tour in which he makes one or more daily appearances – against the advice of his lawyers – in hopes of convincing someone that he was too dumb to be a criminal mastermind with billions in crypto in cold storage and in bank accounts in Dubai and Singapore (luckily all his wire transfers can be traced), also known as the Simple Jack defense

… the weakest link in SBF’s defense was just spotted in a New York coffee shop, amid speculation she is preparing to blow up SBF’s entire defense strategy.

According to Autism Capital, the former CEO of Alameda Capital (which as a reminder was ground zero of the FTX implosion after it blew up $8 billion in FTX client funds on trades gone horribly wrong), Caroline Ellison, was spotted at 8:15am this morning at the Ground Support Coffee on West Broad in SoHo Manhattan. This, as AC notes, “would mean she is not in Hong Kong and is in NY not in custody.”




Three Days That Will Live In Infamy   James Roguski

December 5-7, 2022. The WHO will be meeting to discuss the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” Please share this article with everyone you know, especially with members of the alternative media.

Please watch the video below…


In 1941, (81 years ago) the United States was “surprised” by an attack on Pearl Harbor.

The World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is a sneak attack on our personal freedoms and national sovereignty that is hiding in plain sight.

Don’t be surprised.

The World Health Organization’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be meeting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 5-7, 2022 to discuss the conceptual zero draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”

These meetings are a direct assault upon the national sovereignty of EVERY NATION ON EARTH!

CLICK HERE to watch the meetings.

The WHO will be live streaming the meetings for three days, starting very, very early in the morning of Monday, December 5, 2022. The meetings will be recorded.

  • Midnight Pacific
  • 1am Mountain
  • 2am Central
  • 3am Eastern
  • 8pm London
  • 9pm Geneva

CLICK HERE to watch the meetings.








Local Authorities Shut Down VA Business 2 Years After Violating State COVID Policy — So Owner Matt Strickland Filmed the Entire Raid and Shamed Them for Being Puppets of Regime (VIDEO)    By Jim Hoft

Matt Strickland, an Iraq War veteran, is a business owner and candidate for state senator in Virginia.

Strickland owns Gourmeltz, a restaurant in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

On Friday Virginia state sheriff’s deputies and police entered his establishment and told him they were shutting him down.

Strickland refused to shut down during the pandemic two years ago. He had to feed his family and did not want to lose his business.

On Friday the police were sent in to shut him down.

Matt writes on Twitter, “Help me end this tyranny.”


DHS Focuses on ‘Domestic Violent Extremists,’ Releases Afghan Criminals Into the U.S.   By Robert Spencer

In a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin issued on Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced portentously that “the United States remains in a heightened threat environment.” It seems that “lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland.” Yet while the DHS claims to be tracking terror threats from people with a “range of ideological beliefs,” it is especially concerned “threat actors could exploit several upcoming events to justify or commit acts of violence, including certifications related to the midterm elections” and “the marking of two years since the breach of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.” The message is clear: DHS is going to devote its resources to the alleged terror threat coming from those who dissent from the Leftist establishment line. Meanwhile, the agency plans to release Afghan Muslim criminals into the U.S. The priorities of Biden’s handlers’ “counterterror” apparatus are all too clear.

DHS warned that “targets of potential violence” include “the LGBTQI+ community” and “racial and religious minorities,” as well as “government facilities and personnel” and “perceived ideological opponents.” Clearly these “terrorism experts” have in mind the Leftist stereotype of someone who rejects the dominant Leftist ideology: anti-gay, racist, opposed to the government as long as Joe Biden or others like him are in the White House, and determined to do violence to those they hate. The genuine terror threat of the Leftists who rioted all over the country in the summer of 2020, causing billions of dollars in damage, is completely ignored: DHS doesn’t even contemplate the existence of terrorists who are aggressively pro-LGBTQI+, ostentatiously anti-racist (or at least claim to be), and love Joe Biden’s authoritarian America-Last regime.


Three Days That Will Live In Infamy   James Roguski

December 5-7, 2022. The WHO will be meeting to discuss the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” Please share this article with everyone you know, especially with members of the alternative media.

Please watch the video below…


In 1941, (81 years ago) the United States was “surprised” by an attack on Pearl Harbor.

The World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is a sneak attack on our personal freedoms and national sovereignty that is hiding in plain sight.

Don’t be surprised.

The World Health Organization’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be meeting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 5-7, 2022 to discuss the conceptual zero draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”

These meetings are a direct assault upon the national sovereignty of EVERY NATION ON EARTH!

CLICK HERE to watch the meetings.

The WHO will be live streaming the meetings for three days, starting very, very early in the morning of Monday, December 5, 2022. The meetings will be recorded.

  • Midnight Pacific
  • 1am Mountain
  • 2am Central
  • 3am Eastern
  • 8pm London
  • 9pm Geneva

CLICK HERE to watch the meetings.




Uniparty: Congress likely to deliver tens of billions more to Ukraine in coming days   Jordan Schachtel

The gravy train keeps chugging along.

It’s a “done deal.”

Congressional sources tell The Dossier that there is a strong enough appetite in Congress, given the unanimously pro-war Democratic voting bloc, and the significant amount of Republicans who support the perpetual funding of the Zelensky government in Ukraine, to pass a bill by the end of next week that will deliver tens of billions of dollars into Kiev’s coffers.

The Dossier discussed the voting blocs with congressional staff multiple representatives on Capitol Hill, and it is clear that there is indeed some strong resistance to additional heaps of war funding among some factions of the GOP. However, Republican leadership and a majority of Republicans in the Senate continue to support the blank check Ukraine policy.

On Wednesday, the Senate will convene for a classified briefing on Ukraine, through which unnamed intelligence officials in the Biden Administration will make senators feel more comfortable about the merits of forcing the U.S. taxpayer to involuntarily support the White House’s proposed $38 billion overseas grant.

The Ukraine aid will be attached to a mammoth spending bill set to be approved by Congress this month. Republican and Democratic leadership is negotiating on several attachments to the bill, but according to multiple sources, the Ukraine aid is considered a lock.

Congressional leadership has decried calls for oversight of the money transfers, describing such transparency measures as “Russian propaganda.”

Notably, the $38 billion Biden Admin ask is the exact same number requested by Zelensky to fulfill his country’s expected 2023 budgetary deficit. That’s not a coincidence. The Biden Administration has already acknowledged that they intend on keeping Kiev onsides in Afghanistan-like bribery fashion through subsidizing the salaries of their entire government.


Winter In Central Europe… And For The Dollar   Authored by Alasdair MacLeod via Goldmoney,

In this article I examine the current state of the fight for hegemonic control between America on the one side, and Russia and China on the other. It is being fought on two fronts. Ukraine, the one in plain sight, is about to endure a winter without power and adequate food potentially leading to a humanitarian crisis.

The other front is financial with America facing a coordinated attack by Russia and China on its dollar hegemony. The Russians are planning a replacement trade settlement currency, which if it succeeds, could unleash a flood of foreign-owned dollars onto the foreign exchanges.

We have no way of knowing how advanced this plan is, but the indications point perhaps to a gold-based digital currency. Moscow establishing a new gold exchange, Asian central banks accumulating additional gold reserves, and Saudi Arabia seeking non-dollar payments for oil sales are all circumstantial evidence.

As well as these plans, there has been an underlying shift away from a long-term everything financial bubble, with the prospect of higher interest rate levels in time. The reasons for foreign ownership of fiat dollars are diminishing, and a successful new Asian trade currency will only add to the dollar’s woes.

Could this pressure compel America de-escalate Ukraine and sanctions against Russia? The argument to do so has become compelling. It is also a way to lower energy prices, giving central banks needed room for interest rate manoeuvre.

Russia is making the most of winter

The evidence that Russia is intent on breaking the will of the Ukrainian people is mounting. As the snow begins to settle, Russia is knocking out the power generation necessary to keep people warm and alive. It is a modern variation on the medieval siege. But instead of surrounding a city or castle and starving the residents into submission, by making conditions impossible they expect the Ukrainians to leave.

Nearly eighty per cent of that unfortunate country’s population is Ukrainian, as opposed to Russian. But that is based on officially recognised national boundaries and is not adjusted for the regions Russia gained in the East, including Crimea, in 2014 and subsequently. That leaves a potential refugee problem of 34 million Ukrainians fleeing impossible energy-starved living conditions with scarce food as the cruel winter grinds on.





An Invisible Prison Has Been Built Just for You [1:16:19]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Worse Than COVID, Are we Facing ‘Game Over’ for Humanity?

If we accept this, the answer is yes. Unless you like the idea of living in an open-air prison where you’re policed by AI and machines for the rest of your life, I urge you to resist this ‘convenience’ and starve this beast like it’s a vampire hunting down your blood.


  • An international vaccine passport, digital identity, a social credit system and a central bank digital currency (CBDC) form a digital control system that will lock down the population in perpetuity
  • Facial recognition is an essential part of the control structure, as it’s the “password” to your digital identity
  • By the end of 2022, there will be 1 billion data collecting surveillance cameras in the world, all connected to the internet and artificial intelligence (AI). Cameras and audio recording devices in cell phones, automobiles and smart appliances also collect and share data
  • All these data are then used to give each person an individual score, based on their behavior, expression and interaction with the world. Ultimately, your social credit score, will dictate what you can and cannot do, what you can buy and where you can go
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is an absolutely crucial component, without which the control system cannot work. The easiest way to push against this system is to starve AI of data by refusing to use technologies that collect and share your personal data




Three Days That Will Live In Infamy   James Roguski

December 5-7, 2022. The WHO will be meeting to discuss the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.” Please share this article with everyone you know, especially with members of the alternative media.

Please watch the video below…


In 1941, (81 years ago) the United States was “surprised” by an attack on Pearl Harbor.

The World Health Organization’s proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is a sneak attack on our personal freedoms and national sovereignty that is hiding in plain sight.

Don’t be surprised.

The World Health Organization’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be meeting Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 5-7, 2022 to discuss the conceptual zero draft of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”

These meetings are a direct assault upon the national sovereignty of EVERY NATION ON EARTH!

CLICK HERE to watch the meetings.

The WHO will be live streaming the meetings for three days, starting very, very early in the morning of Monday, December 5, 2022. The meetings will be recorded.

  • Midnight Pacific
  • 1am Mountain
  • 2am Central
  • 3am Eastern
  • 8pm London
  • 9pm Geneva

CLICK HERE to watch the meetings.



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.