Daily Shmutz | 120621

This is one pissed off eagle!

22.    ‼️  It’s amazing how people and governments learn NOTHING from history, and in fact, REPEAT IT!!!    [Video 1:40]


21.    Offense by design

By Tabitha Korol

June 20, 2016

“Opening Your Eyes to Other Cultures” was written by online Editor-in-Chief Dalia Zullig about Aya Ali, a hyphenated-American senior from Lebanon. In a high school that has students who enjoy their myriad inherited differences as much as they do their mutual accomplishments, Ali asserts that she is not entirely comfortable among her classmates because she wears the hijab (Muslim headscarf). The school’s Beachcomber magazine proudly presents stories and photographs of students of all ethnicities, levels and kinds of achievements, who have found friends and camaraderie from among the substantial school population. And how can we forget two brilliant, famous women from Lebanon – Judge Jeanine Pirro and ACT! for America’s Brigitte Gabriel – who have assimilated, achieved, and are applauded in every setting?

Integration is often slow for new immigrants, particularly when they must master a new language, find employment, and adapt to a new culture. It is the human condition, even for a child who must change to a new school within the same state, but Ali has few of these disadvantages. This country offers the freedoms to reside, to work, to attend school, to worship, to dress, to speak, but there is no right to not be offended, as that would limit another speaker’s freedom. We have all experienced being offended at least once in our lives, but we have the rights to express another opinion, leave the premises, and seek and court new friendship elsewhere, if necessary.

Ali made the revealing suggestion that her scarf may be intimidating others. Surely, the Tignon scarf originally worn by women in the slave era and present and the Tichel scarf worn by orthodox Jewish women are among many kinds of headwear and not intimidating. Ali appears to be projecting her own attitude to the inanimate hijab, or she might be using it to support a complaint of victimization to the school authorities. She did specify that it reminds her of who she is, and I would ask “Who is she?” The hijab (“veil” or “covering” in Arabic) that she has chosen to wear meets the requirements of Sharia, whose harsh, excessive laws come directly from the founder of Islam. Likewise, Mohammed himself laid down the extreme punishments and policies, which, unlike the Judeo-Christian laws, rob people of their dignity. Islam’s brutality is antithetical to the US Constitution, and if Ali believes the Koran to be Allah’s literal words, then its many passages direct her to wage even a non-violent war on non-Muslims. Is the hijab symbolic of her personal jihad (holy war) to intimidate others and bring them to silence and submission?

Dr. Tawfik Hamid, a self-described, former-Islamic extremist and a fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies claims a relationship between wearing the hijab and so-called “passive terrorism.” Does Ali heed the ethic that promotes Islamic supremacy and conquest? Is she learning the commands to wage war against non-Muslims? to be anti-Semitic? to chop hands and feet from thieves? to kill homosexuals? to relegate women to full obedience to their male guardians? Does the hijab help her identify with these doctrines and does she secretly relish the belief that her headwear does indeed “intimidate” others?

It is plausible that Ali agrees with the concept of “Our Mission,” penned by Hassan Al Banna in Egypt, 1928, which declares that Islam is all-embracing to regulate every aspect of life, and that Muslims are obligated to use jihad to combat the decadent West, to control “offensive” language, to control others and make them submissive to Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood has been active in the United States since the 1960s. The movement’s first long-term strategy, crafted in 1975, focuses on proselytizing efforts for youths and newly arrived Muslim immigrants. Seeking state and federal political influence, the Brotherhood formed multiple religious organizations, such as the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and the Muslim American Society (MAS) (among many others). In 1991, they issued a programmatic memorandum, “The General Strategic Objective for the [Brotherhood] in North America,” highlighting its goal to penetrate the heart of American society – that all Muslims had to “understand that their work in America [was] a grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands so that God’s religion [Islam] is victorious over all religions.”

Islamic religious authorities tell us that loyalty to Islam is incompatible with loyalty to America, so that Ali must choose between identifying with her laws or with her fellow students. She may not realize that by wearing the hijab and identifying herself with Islamic scripture, she is displaying her disloyalty to America and offending her classmates.

Ali paints herself as a victimized minority in this land of more than 2,000 mosques and an increasing flood of Muslim immigrants by the tens of thousands. According to FBI statistics, 48.5% of hate crimes are race-based, with 66.2% of those being anti-black; 18.7% of crimes are religion-based biases, of which 62.4% were against Jews and Jewish institutions; 11.6% were anti-Islamic.

Victimization is a recognized, essential strategy of Islam. The best way to justify hate is to assume the role of victim; one cannot hate unless one feels oppressed and victimized. Hitler came to power based on Germany’s defeat in WW I and their victimization. Similarly, Muslims are taught from toddlerhood that their miseries are the fault of Israel, America, and the West, and it is the job of the Council of Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) to identify anything on which to base accusations of hatemongering and villainy.

Islamic terrorism is reality. A review of the past 14 centuries exposes the bloodshed and beheadings begun by their prophet and continued by his followers into the present. Today, the largest persecuted religious group is Christians, but let’s go back in time. Mohammed invaded Medina and Mecca, beheaded the Jewish men, took slaves and booty. Muslims conquered the Indian sub-continent 1400 years ago, and began destroying the world’s greatest of civilizations – every Hindu man, woman and child, for a total of 100 million Hindus. Muslims slaughtered millions of Armenians during World War I. The 3000-year march of terror against Copts continues in Egypt, and 2,000-year-old Syrian-Christian towns are today being destroyed. Boko Haram kidnaps Christian girls and forces them into a life of sexual slavery. Christians and Hindus are persecuted to near annihilation in Pakistan. Buddhists in Thailand, Hindus in India and Jews in Israel are routinely assaulted and murdered.

Muslim men abuse their own wives and daughters with FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), bans on independence, beatings, and forced restrictive clothing. The Madrid attack (3/04), the London trains bombing (7/07), the Fort Hood massacre (11/09), the Boston Marathon bombing (4/13), the Nairobi Mall massacre (9/13), the Charlie Hebdo/Paris attack (1/15), and the recent horrific Orlando massacre (6/16) are honest examples of the 28,634 deadly terror attacks carried out by Muslims since 9/11. Non-Muslims are the real victims.

Aya Ali is safe. She may be offended and she may be conflicted, but she needs to understand what she wants out of life, whether it is religion and strict Sharia law, or a civilized life as an assimilated American. She can’t have both.

© Tabitha Korol


20.  [Ed.:  I really appreciate this guy “Dave” over there at X22!  After listening to his daily, or mostly daily 40 minute shows since before the election, I like how he always hits the nail on the head. I always feel better after being reminded of the fact that they’re really not getting away with it (all,) after all!]


Blackout use: https://x22report.com/official-accounts/ 

 ‼️ Ep. 2645b – What Advantages Might Exist When You Know The Other Sides Playbook?  [54:23]

X22 Report Published December 6, 2021

What advantages might exist when you know the other sides playbook? How do you expose the [DS]/Big Pharma and remove the pandemic at the same time. How do you expose election fraud, treason and crimes against humanity and then return if there is a pandemic, what must the patriots do, remove the pandemic? The [DS] is panicking they are realizing that the people are no longer controlled by their narrative and the people are talking amongst themselves. Time is ticking down, the [DS] knows this, time to take everything to the next level and create FF. Countermeasures in place.


‼️ Fundamentally related:

Patel Patriot

 ‼️ [ DO READ THESE (already,) ONE BY ONE. This is actually going on.]

The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the government’s top-secret continuity of government plans.

The Devolution Series outlines exactly how President Donald Trump used all the legal powers available to him as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces to defeat the election theft. Donald Trump initiated a real Continuity of Government plan and left office on January 20th but his return is imminent.

Devolution – Part 1 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 2 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 3 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 4 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 5 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 6 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 7 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 8 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 9 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 10 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 11 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 12 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 1

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 2

Find me on Telegram here: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe

If you have any questions or would just like to engage in some Devolution talk, feel free to email me or join my telegram and ask away: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe!


19.   ‼️ ‼️  Spike Protein Induced By COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer Finds Major Swedish Study

According to a major Swedish study, spike protein induced by COVID vaccines weakens the immune system and may also lead to cancer. The study found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair.


18.   The American Main Stream Media’s Illiberal Liberal Left Wing Media Bias and Its Abandonment of Journalistic Integrity

Bill Narvey

So many of you have been moved to frustration and sometimes even anger at the illiberal liberal-left wing media bias of the American national, State and local print, TV and radio collectively referred to as the main stream media (the MSM). 

That bias reflects the MSM’s longstanding abandonment of journalistic integrity in favour of pushing their own liberal left wing Democrat supporting socio-political biased narrative on the public.

If it wasn’t obvious before, it sure was from the get go of Donald Trump announcing he was going to enter the race for the Republican nominee for the Presidency.  From that point on, the MSM engaged in a relentless attack against candidate, later presidential nominee and finally President Trump.  Theirs was the sin of commission by unrelenting biased anti-Trump reporting or the sin of omission by deliberately not reporting facts favourably reflecting on Pres. Trump and the effectiveness of his policies.

That same illiberal-liberal left wing MSM also revealed its bias in its reporting on the Israel vs. Arab Palestinian so far interminable low grade war that flares up at times.

Far too often the MSM’s reporting in that regard has been to report on the Israeli responses to repetitive Palestinian terrorism by Hamas and terrorism by Palestinians under the authority of Mahmood Abbas and his henchmen leading the PA/Fatah wherein these leaders constantly incited their people to commit deadly terrorism against innocent Israelis.   Far too often the MSM explicitly or implicitly reports the IDF initiated the attack on presumed innocent Palestinians and fails to report that the IDF’s attack on Palestinians, be it Hamas or other Palestinian terrorist operatives was always defensive and reacting to attacks by Palestinian terrorists against innocent Israelis.

In that regard, the MSM’s idea of balanced reporting far too often amounted to reporting on respective casualty figures, while ignoring the evils of Palestinian genocidal Jew-Israel hatred that fueled their terrorism.  The MSM has further ignored that for the Arab-Palestinians, the war has never been about territorial claims at all.  Rather that war has always been an Islamic Supremacist Jihadi war to destroy Israel, eradicate or subjugate Israeli Jews as dhimmis and to return the land of Israel back into dominion of Islam.

This MSM journalistic bias that casts journalistic integrity aside is not just in America. It is the same for illiberal liberal left wing MSM’s in Britain, the EU and here in Canada where our national federally funded illiberal left wing Canadian Broadcast Corporation (the CBC – radio, TV and print) far too often in its reporting, reveals its liberal-left wing and anti-Israel biases that cast journalistic integrity aside.

With those introductory comments, I am referring you to an insightful and informative article by my friend, Matthew Hausman on the degenerative illiberal-liberal-left wing bias and abandonment of journalistic integrity in America.

The decline and fall of journalistic integrity The decline of American journalism has been realized by reporters and editors acting as partisan foot soldiers instead of watchdogs. This is not the free press envisioned by the Founding Fathers or taught by my journalism mentor. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/317886

If you are one of those outraged by this MSM bias and abandonment of journalistic integrity, do not be silently outraged. Speak out against this very publicly and very loud and clear.


17.   ‼️ ‼️  Vaccinated Serving As Breeding Ground For Virus Warns Renowned Virologist

A widely renowned virology and former senior officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation took time to recently warn us about the risks of the experimental COVID-19 gene transfer vaccines. He said the vaccinated are the ones really serving as a kind of breeding ground for the virus. He also went onto encourage the un-jabbed to “stay unvaccinated,” while also predicting an inevitable “collapse of our health system” due to health complications in the vaccinated.


16.   Tierney’s REAL News (12/06/21)

President Trump again made many statements this weekend & gave several interviews. Some highlights. Not necessarily exact quotes – but close:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I love the Country and it’s irrelevant the way they treated me. This is a bigger issue than me, they are destroying our Country.”


15.    Firebrand Jewish presidential candidate calls for ‘reconquest’ of France

Former French TV pundit Eric Zemmour holds his first presidential campaign rally near Paris as thousands of others taketo the streets of Paris to denounce what they call a xenophobic platform.

By  Eldad Beck 

In an atmosphere wrought with tension amid scathing political attacks from rivals and public outcry from left-wing groups, former French TV pundit Eric Zemmour held his first presidential campaign rally near Paris on Sunday, a few days after the Jewish candidate formally declared his candidacy in a video that highlighted his anti-migrant and anti-Islam views.


14.   Aliyah for the elderly

The Patriarch Abraham made aliyah at 75, but for many of the elderly, that may not be the best time to begin to lead a new life. Op-ed.

Yshai Amichai 

Think Twice

I have been encouraging Aliyah a lot lately, but when it comes to the elderly, I recommend that they take my encouragement with a grain of salt. In many cases, I would not advise them to make Aliyah.




13.   ‼️   Netanyahu: Iran must face credible threat of military action  [1:11]

Former PM says Iran must be compelled to give up all of its military nuclear capability.

Former Prime Minister and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu released a video Monday evening in which he called on the international community to change course in order to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu states in the video: “To change Iran’s calculus, the leading powers of the world must present Iran with a different choice: Accept a nuclear deal that permanently dismantles its military nuclear capability or face severe consequences.”
“Those consequences must include crippling sanctions and a clear and credible threat of military action to thwart Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

[Ed.:  This is ‘code’ for ‘Prepare Now!’  Batteries, water, toilet paper, etc.]


12.   Palestinian Authority suspends petition against US at ICC

The petition, initially filed in September 2018 when former US President Donald Trump was in office, challenged US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

 By  Ariel Kahana


11.   ‼️  Report: Israel to Urge US Military Strike Against Iranian Nuke Sites; High Alert Declared After Palestinian Car-ramming Attack

Israel will act against Iran on its own should the international community fail to thwart Tehran’s nuclear ambitions through diplomatic means, President Isaac Herzog has warned.

“If the international community does not take a vigorous stance on this issue, Israel will do so,” Herzog told US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, adding: “Israel will protect itself.”

[Ed.:  Israel will imminently (days or weeks) disable the Irani nuke.  Like guns, Iran’s bombs don’t kill people, people kill people.  Israel will most likely eliminate Iran’s people in leadership. At that point, Iran’s proxy military will launch thousands of missiles at Israel.  Predictions from reliable sources indicate that Israel’s North will be turned to dust, with extensive destruction throughout Israel.  Other reliable sources predict that it will take us almost a year to bury all the dead!  …However, if Northern Israel would not be “turned to dust,”  and Israel would have the ability to neutralize the 10,000+ Hezbollah missiles in the North, and also had the ability to neutralize the Hamas missiles  from Gaza (and within Israel,) that would enable Israel to conduct a simultaneous attack on the three of them and silence them from the get-go.  This ‘ability’ would consist of a military nano technology that we have not yet heard of.                                        One thing is for sure:  we really shall see!]


10.   The US and the Iranian Octopus (part 2)

Yoram Ettinger

Since the 1978/79 revolution against the Shah of Iran, the Ayatollahs regime has adhered to its mega-goal of global Shite domination, developing mega-capabilities (nuclear, ballistic technologies and worldwide terrorism), aiming to remove/subordinate its mega-obstacle, the USA.

During 1962-1970, then anti-US Egypt was involved in the Yemen civil war, as a springboard to topple the pro-US regime in Saudi Arabia and, subsequently, all other pro-US Arab regimes in a most critical region to global trade, oil and security, the Arabian Peninsula.


9.   Trump belittles army chief over Afghanistan withdrawal

Former President calls Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley a “f—ing idiot” while talking about US withdrawal from Afghanistan.


8.   Dancing Grannies Make First Public Appearance at Franklin Christmas Parade Since Deadly Waukesha Attack (VIDEO 0:13])

By Jim Hoft

The Milwaukee Dancing Grannies performed for the first time on Saturday at the Franklin, Wisconsin Christmas parade. This was their appearance since they lost four members at the Waukesha Christmas Parade when a violent racist mowed down 80 people in the parade killing six including four members of their group.


7.   Trump: We have the people on our side  [35:18]

Trump interviewed by Mark Levin.


6.   ‼️  Dr. Mordechai Kedar’s practical plan for peace between Israel & Palestinians  [58:52]

Dr. Mordechai Kedar talks about his plan, which he claims to be the only viable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mordechai Kedar

Israel is still licking its wounds from what happened here last May, as thousands of Israeli-Palestinians stormed the street in violent protests, lynches and vandalism. With very few people arrested and prosecuted, it seems like the repercussions of what happened will continue to resonate in the near future, and nobody truly knows when the next time a match will ignite the explosive barrel on which we’re sitting.

In the meantime, Iran is growing stronger by the day and getting closer and closer to the bomb, while America’s influence in the Middle East is weakening, and Israel seeks new alliances with unexpected partners like the UAE and Bahrain.


5.   Tough luck for the Jewish couple booted off a plane

No one stood up for them. What’s happening to us? Op-ed.

Jack Engelhard

A Jewish couple has been traumatized on a plane

The question is…what would you do if faced with a situation like this; whereby a Jewish couple were allegedly booted off a plane over a Tallit.

I say allegedly because we only know what we read in the papers.

So according to the New York Post…by far the best newspaper in the land…Roberto and Elana Birman were on an American Airlines flight returning to Brooklyn from a stay in Miami.

Roberto is 76, Elana is 71, and from the looks of them, downhome Yiddishe people, and not exactly Bonnie and Clyde.

Nor is it likely that people bolt their doors and hide the children when the couple, married 52 years, stroll by, because, who knows, Mr. Birman might be packing a Tallit.

We pick up the story as a flight attendant. making her usual pre-takeoff rounds on Flight 322…and behold, a Tallit.

[Ed.:  The whole thing could have been resolved if the stewardess simply made a PCR test on the tallit!]


4.   Former DM Ya’alon: ‘We’re at the height of a new wave of lone wolf terror’

Former Defense Min. Ya’alon speaks out on terror wave, says Iran must be forced to choose between nuclear bomb and survival.


3.   Palestinian youths keep up lone terror. Car-ramming injures Israeli security guard


2.  ‼️ ‼️  Homeopathy for Small Pox and other Viral infections

Why Smallpox outbreak 2021 is a possibility?


1.  ‼️ ‼️  Dr. Zelenko Issues Emergency Warning to the World: ‘The COVID Vaxx is WWIII’ – Must Watch Alex Jones

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD of https://zstacklife.com/alex/ joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the modern day child sacrifice we face as forced COVID injections are pushed on kids.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.