Daily Shmutz | 120821


35.   [Ed.:  How to sell drugs:]


  • Preliminary laboratory studies demonstrate that three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine neutralize the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529 lineage) while two doses show significantly reduced neutralization titers
  • Data indicate that a third dose of BNT162b2 increases the neutralizing antibody titers by 25-fold compared to two doses against the Omicron variant; titers after the booster dose are comparable to titers observed after two doses against the wild-type virus which are associated with high levels of protection
  • As 80% of epitopes in the spike protein recognized by CD8+ T cells are not affected by the mutations in the Omicron variant, two doses may still induce protection against severe disease
  • The companies continue to advance the development of a variant-specific vaccine for Omicron and expect to have it available by March in the event that an adaption is needed to further increase the level and duration of protection – with no change expected to the companies’ four billion dose capacity for 2022


34.   [Ed.:  I really appreciate this guy “Dave” over there at X22!  After listening to his daily, or mostly daily 40 minute shows since before the election, I like how he always hits the nail on the head. I always feel better after being reminded of the fact that they’re really not getting away with it (all,) after all!]


Blackout use: https://x22report.com/official-accounts/ 

!! Ep. 2647b – They Never Thought She Was Going To Lose, Public Awakening = Game Over, Tick Tock  [48:47]

X22 Report Published December 8, 2021

The [DS] is now struggling to maintain the entire narrative. The evidence of treason, corruption and crimes against humanity is now coming out. Trump is ready and prepared to take the bull horn away from the [DS]. [HRC] panics and reads or acceptance speech from the 2016 election. They never thought she would lose, she never thought she would lose and lose they did. Trump caught them all and with his new social media platform the people are going to see the truth without censorship, fake news interference, public awakening is game over for the [DS].

!!  Fundamentally related:

Patel Patriot

!!  [ DO READ THESE (already,) ONE BY ONE. This is actually going on.]

The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the government’s top-secret continuity of government plans.

The Devolution Series outlines exactly how President Donald Trump used all the legal powers available to him as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces to defeat the election theft. Donald Trump initiated a real Continuity of Government plan and left office on January 20th but his return is imminent.

Devolution – Part 1 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 2 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 3 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 4 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 5 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 6 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 7 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 8 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 9 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 10 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 11 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Part 12 – by Patel Patriot

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 1

Devolution – Addendum Series – Part 2

Find me on Telegram here: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe

If you have any questions or would just like to engage in some Devolution talk, feel free to email me or join my telegram and ask away: https://t.me/patelpatriot and don’t forget to Subscribe!



33.   Israeli ‘Invasion’ of This Cave is ‘Declaration of War,’ Say Palestinian Leaders

[You can laugh now!]

The Palestinian leadership never fails to negate Jewish history and promote hatred and violence.

President Isaac Herzog lit the menorah at the Cave of the Patriarchs last Sunday, the first night of Chanukah.

The Tomb of the Patriarchs is revered by both Jews and Muslims as the burial place of the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca and Leah.

The Cave has existed as a Jewish pilgrimage site for more than 1,000 years before Islam even existed.

[Ed.:  Laughing out loud for real!  Isn’t that special!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msDcShv_r20  This idiotic comment of Machmoody Abbas reminds me of an Al Jazeera interview with my chaver, Mordechai Kedar!  Moti is head of the Arabic Studies Department at Bar Ilan University.

Mordechai Kedar in al-Jazeera about Jerusalem & Islam  (2008)



32.  !!  Pam Geller – Biden Regime is a “Cacophony of Chaos”  [16:33]

JoeHoft Published December 8, 2021

 Pamela Geller on the Joe Hoft Show December 6 2021 discusses the train wreck and disaster of the Biden regime after stealing the 2021 Election


31.  !!   American Toxicologist Calls for An Immediate Halt to Covid Injections Due to Multiple Safety Concerns   [1:16:23]


“If all these gene therapies do is lessen the diseases, then they’re not a vaccine, they are a treatment,” Janci Chunn Lindsay says. “They are a treatment that you don’t know the mid- or long-term consequences of, that have already caused a number of adverse events. You have to use your common sense to say, why wouldn’t I use a treatment that has been known to be safe over 70 years as opposed to one that is brand-new, that is experimental?”

Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to Covid-19 mRNA and DNA ““vaccines”” due to multiple safety concerns.


30.   Power Must Be Taken Out Of DC And Returned to Individual States  [13:05]

This segment opens with a brand-new ad for Harriet Hageman, the Trump-endorsed candidate to beat Rep. Liz Cheney for Congress in Wyoming. It takes Cheney to task for failing to represent Wyoming. When you listen to Hageman, you know that she will fight for Wyoming and for the Republican cause of protecting the American republic. She talks to host Steve Bannon about her record of fighting the federal government in numerous lawsuits against federal bureaucrats in her home state and mocks Cheney as the consummate swamp creature.


29.   The Immense Power And Importance Of Precinct Committeemen  [6:22]

The left is increasingly terrified of America First Republicans fighting back by taking an active role in local politics. Dan Schultz created the Precinct Strategy that is putting grassroots Republicans in positions of power across the country. As Schultz points out with an old newspaper clipping, President Harry Truman said the most important job he ever had was as precinct captain.


28.   HUGE: Wisconsin Election Hearing Reveals 119,283 “Active Voters” Who Have Been Registered For Over 100 Years! (VIDEO  0:36)

By Jordan Conradson

The Wisconsin Committee on Campaigns and Elections hearing began at 2 pm on Wednesday.  Damning evidence of fraud was revealed.

Last week, Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Hon. Michael Gableman testified in front of this committee.   Gableman is leading an election review in the state.  At the hearing he threatened to subpoena a Zuckerberg employee and former Obama operative.


27.   SHOWDOWN: Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Sues Pelosi, January 6 Committee

By Cristina Laila

Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows filed a lawsuit against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the January 6 committee.

The sham January 6 committee on Wednesday prepared to proceed with criminal contempt charges against Meadows after he declined to appear for a deposition.

Mark Meadows informed the committee he would no longer appear before the sham committee for a deposition because they weren’t respecting boundaries concerning executive privilege.

Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson responded by moving forward with contempt charges against Meadows.


26.  The DOJ in Steve Bannon’s Court Case Wants to Withhold Evidence and Move at Light Speed – While Some J6 Protesters Rot in Jail Without Court Dates

By Joe Hoft

Information on Steve Bannon’s arguments in his contempt of Congress case was released today.  

American Greatness contributor Julie Kelly posted a number of tweets describing Bannon’s strategy in his case.

Bannon’s team plans to request information from the US Attorney’s Office, the DOJ, the White House and the US House of Representatives.


25.   Lin Wood Answers Rittenhouse Smear, Jan 6 Defendants TORTURED, DARPA Creating “Super Humans”  [55:40]

Stew Peters Show  

When Kyle was first arrested, prosecutors slapped him with an absurd $2 million bail figure, even though Kyle had voluntarily surrendered to police and was a non-existent risk to reoffend. They did that because they wanted to hurt Kyle and his family, because he represented the enemies of the regime. Lin Wood represented Kyle Rittenhouse last fall. He says that he raised the money through his Fight Back Foundation, and so the money should be returned to him, and he has filed court paperwork demanding that. The Rittenhouse family, though, says that the money ought to go to them, and this has turned into a steadily escalating war of words between the parties.
Lin Wood joins us.

America has more than 1.3 million lawyers, talk to almost any one of them, and they’ll tell you the importance of our adversarial system of justice and ensuring that everybody gets their day in court. They’ll tell you how the American legal system protects people’s rights from overreach and tyranny. But most of them don’t really believe it. And you can tell because the vast majority of lawyers are doing nothing about the hideous mistreatment and railroading of the January 6 protesters, who are still being treated like subhuman garbage and domestic terrorists.
Joe McBride joins us.

Celeste Solum is a broadcaster, author, organic farmer, and more among the many hats that she wears. She believes, based on her observations of global trends, that we are headed toward a cataclysmic extinction level event for humanity in the next thirty years. She’s also written some provocative pieces over the past few years. In 2018 she wrote that the Panacea program of DARPA, the DOD’s research arm, was working to create “super humans” beyond our wildest imaginations.
Celeste Solum joins us.

NY Mayor, Bill de Blasio, has issued a tyrannical, overreaching communist-style vaccine passport mandate for all New Yorkers just days before walking away as the failing city’s mayor. DeAnna Lorraine has the details, and what’s the real motive behind the edict.


24.   Australian Football Player Diagnosed with Pericarditis After Receiving First Pfizer Shot – Team Director Quits and Slams Leagues “Forceful” Jab Policy

By Jim Hoft


23.   Pathetic: Hillary Clinton Cries as She Reads Victory Speech She Wrote for 2016 (VIDEO 0:31)

By Cassandra Fairbanks

Hillary Clinton still can not move past her stunning defeat in 2016.

Appearing on NBC’s new Masterclass platform, which features lessons from “luminaries from all walks of life,” Clinton broke down sobbing as she read the victory speech she had planned to give if she had beat Donald Trump.

The narcissist also admitted that she did not bother writing a concession speech.


22.   Governor of Maine Activates National Guard to Staff Hospitals After Firing Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers

By Cristina Laila

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) on Wednesday activated the National Guard to staff hospitals after firing unvaccinated healthcare workers.

Recall, Governor Janet Mills in August announced that healthcare workers in Maine must be fully vaccinated by October 29.

The Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit on behalf of approximately 2,000 healthcare workers in August.

On October 29 the US Supreme Court in a 6-3 vote rejected the health care workers’ request.


21.   “This Video Should Be Pulled:” Mistakenly Leaked Email Reveals Biden’s FDA Pressured Google To Censor “Problematic” YouTube Video On Monoclonal Antibody Drug For Covid

By Julian Conradson

The US Food and Drug Administration’s shameless attempt to censor medical information about potential alternative treatments to Covid-19 has been exposed.

An email that was accidentally sent to independent journalist Alex Berenson as part of an unrelated Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has revealed that the FDA pressured a lobbyist at Google to delete a YouTube video that explained the potential of a new monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid-19.  


20.   Leaked Secret Government Report Shows Vaccine Passports Could Fuel COVID and Cost Venues Millions

By Jim Hoft

Well, what do you know?
A leaked UK report found that Fauci Vaccine Mandates could fuel the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and will cost public venues millions of dollars.

Of course, this was hidden from the public.

Once again it appears Dr. Fauci enacted a policy that killed people he was supposed to be saving.


19.   EXCLUSIVE LEAKED VIDEO: Coast Guard Hires Leftwing Hack to Indoctrinate Guardsmen on Leftist Propaganda in Forced 2-Hour Zoom Meeting Training

By Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit obtained exclusive video from a US Coast Guard training on legitimate news sources.

In the video high-ranking Admiral Brian Penoyer, who oversees District 11 Unit in the Coast Guard, uses taxpayer money to force Coast Guardsmen in this district to undergo 2 hours of politically one-sided and biased indoctrination under the guise of “identifying misinformation on social media” during a Zoom meeting.


18.   THE NEW GESTAPO: Feds Are Investigating Trump’s New Media Company While They Ignore Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Shady Deals with China, Russia, Ukraine


17.   Pfizer Accused Of Paying Experts To Spread Lies About COVID Vaccine Reveals Explosive Documentary

December 8, 2021

In an explosive documentary, Pfizer is being accused of paying experts to spread lies about the COVID vaccine, challenge the quality and discredit the vaccine produced by its competitor AstraZeneca.


16.   COVID-19 Is A Pandemic Of Fear Manufactured By Authorities Says Yale Epidemiologist

December 8, 2021

According to Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale University, the COVID-19 pandemic was one of fear, manufactured by people in nominal positions of power as the virus spread around the world last year.


15.   COVID Shot Victims and Families Speak Out

In this video, a husband talks about the adverse reactions that his wife has had from the COVID jabs. She’s lost strength in all her limbs, and she has spasms and seizures that have landed her in ERs and put her in the hospital, he says.

Curiously, the tests she’s been having shown normal brain activity. She can “process” things but has a hard time communicating, though, he says. “Hopefully we’ll get some answers,” she says.


14.  ‼️  Miscarriages and Other Tragic Side Effects of the mRNA Shots

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Slews of professional and amateur athletes have collapsed and died in recent weeks, and mainstream media act as if those things are normal. They’re not – here’s what happens when the COVID shot clumps your blood, from professionals who know their body inside out.


  • Many athletes are now losing their careers due to COVID jab injuries. Florian Dagoury is the world record holder in static breath-hold freediving. Before his Pfizer jabs, he was able to hold his breath for 10 minutes and 30 seconds. After his second dose, his diving performance was slashed by about 30%, and he’s been diagnosed with myocarditis, pericarditis and trivial mitral regurgitation
  • Others include tennis player Jeremy Chardy and 32-year-old triathlete Antoine Mechin. Both were severely injured by their COVID jabs. Both now regret taking the shot. “Damaging healthy people to preserve the health of the weakest,” Mechin now says, is “a choice of backward logic”
  • By any objective measure, the COVID shots are the most dangerous drugs ever launched. The safety signal is absolutely massive
  • A troubling effect that isn’t getting the attention it deserves is miscarriage. As of November 19, 2021, 3,071 miscarriages had been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
  • Getting the COVID shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is extremely risky. Preliminary data published in April 2021 show miscarriage occurred in 82% to 91% of women who got the shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy


13.   Tierney’s REAL News (12/08/21)

President Trump gave some more interviews & published new statements. Not necessarily exact quotes – but close. He is now openly speaking about the rigged election on Fox, Newsmax & Salem – he was NOT allowed to before:


12.   Christianity: The #1 Recipient of Hate Crimes

Raymond Ibrahim

Hate crimes against Christianity and its followers in Europe — formerly and for centuries the guardian and disseminator of Christ’s teachings — are at an all-time high.  According to a recent report, at least a quarter of all hate crimes registered in Europe in 2020 were anti-Christian in nature — representing a 70-percent increase in comparison to 2019.  Christianity is, furthermore, the religion most targeted in hate crimes, with Judaism at a close second.

Worse, the true number of hate crimes against Christians is likely even higher.  As the Nov. 16, 2021 report by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) explains (boldface in original):


11.   Temple Emanu-El Silences a Pro-Israel and Amplifies an Anti-Israel Voice

by Alan M. Dershowitz

This is exactly how McCarthyism worked back in the 1950s. The institutions that banned people accused of being communists did not necessarily believe the accusations or think that they justified the ban, but they feared being tainted even by false accusations. So, they went along with the ban, just to be safe.


10.   Germany’s Multicultural Suicide

by Giulio Meotti


9.   Americanuck Radio – Guest:Diane Weber Bederman

Listen here     [1:15:58]

Summary by Peyton Smith

Hour 1, segment 2: Americanuck Radio was honored to welcome author Diane Weber Bederman to the program today.

She is also a multi-faith, hospital endorsed chaplain.

Based in Ontario, Diane came by to discuss her new book, ” The Islamophobia Industry: The Insidious Infiltration of Islam into the West.”

She is quite bold and fearless, pointing out that the bible mentions “do not fear” 365 times.

Fear leads to submission.

Although the Islamophobia Industry isn’t talked about nearly as much as Covid these days, Diane puts it back on the radar with her latest book.

Diane explains that, as it is taught, Islam does not allow for free will. At the same time, Islam shouldn’t be immune to criticism in Canada or the U.S.

This is quite an interesting and refreshing chat, which must be heard IN FULL.


8.   A-G Mandelblit: Netanyahu a danger to democracy

Transcripts of closed door conversations of Attorney General Avichai Mandeilblit reveal his opinion on opposition leader Netanyahu.

[Ed.:  It is universal amongst leftists to point their finger and blame others for what they do themselves. In this case, Mandelblit overrules the Knesset whenever he feels like it.  He is a one man government.  The State differs to him as ‘the god of Israel’!  What he says, goes. His is the last word.]


7.   Knesset convenes to discuss spate of terror attacks, Arab riots

Smotrich replies to Raz:” Your fantasies will blow up when the buses do on Israeli citizens”

[Ed.:  Wow!  They’re going to “discuss” it!  How cool is that!   Talk Amongst Yourselves]


6.   Stabbing victim’s husband: The terrorist is our neighbor

‘Mom you’ve got a knife in your back.’ Husband of Israeli woman stabbed while taking her kids to school says terrorist is their neighbor.

The husband of the Israeli woman who was stabbed in the back by a teenage terrorist in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem Wednesday spoke out this afternoon, revealing that the teenage girl who tried to murder his wife is a neighbor of his family.

Dvir Cohen, a resident of the Shimon Hatzaddik neighborhood (also known as Sheikh Jarrah) in eastern Jerusalem, said he and his family had suffered ‘daily harassment’ from the family of the terrorist who attacked his wife Wednesday morning.

“She was our neighbor and she knows us. Of course they weren’t the kind of neighbors you could borrow eggs or milk from. We suffered daily harassment from them.”

[Ed.:  Kahane was right!]


5.   Israeli woman stabbed in east Jerusalem in latest terrorist attack

A woman was stabbed near the entrance to the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and was taken to Hadassah-University Medical Center.

[Ed.:  All day, every day, in the so-called “Jewish Homeland.”]


4.   NO FOOD FOR YOU: New Brunswick, Canada, now allows grocery stores to ban unvaccinated shoppers

Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Beginning on December 4, the Canadian province of New Brunswick is now allowing grocers to ban unvaccinated people from purchasing food.

Part of the province’s so-called “winter action plan,” the move gives free rein to private businesses to discriminate against those who choose to leave their natural immune systems intact as opposed to destroying them with Big Pharma chemicals.


3.   ‼️  Pathological evidence shows how covid-19 vaccinations cause lymphocytes to attack the body’s own organs  [Video 1:01:39]


Even though mass fatalities are associated with the spike protein mRNA vaccine, this experimental program has yet to be stopped. Even though Pfizer and the FDA knew there were 1,223 deaths from the vaccine in the first three months of its rollout, the emergency use authorization continued. It is not only unscientific, but it is also disingenuous and amoral to classify post vaccination fatalities as “unexplained deaths.” Pathologists and medical examiners have no choice but to investigate how these vaccines are killing certain people. Autopsies and pathological evidence show that covid vaccines induce cardiovascular damage, immune depletion and serious autoimmune conditions.


2.   The Hangman (1964) [Animation]

A parable about the consequences of being a bystander to evil, from a disturbing poem by Maurice Ogden, read by Herschel Bernardi. Shadows and shifting geometric planes lend a Chirico-like quality to Julian’s animation. Great musical score by Serge Hovey.

About the film, Steve Goldman writes: “Les Goldman was my father. Creating this film was one of the most important accomplishments of his life. He was inspired to make this film after hearing the poem ‘Hangman’ read on Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles by Les Claypool. My father almost single-handedly raised the money to make the film, with $100 and $200 donations from friends and associates. Paul Julian, Serge Hovey, and Herschel Bernardi were friends and colleagues of my father. He elicited their help in making the film. Though the poem on which the film is based has Holocaust parallels, the poet, Maurice Ogden, was actually writing about America during the McCarthy era. Ogden was an actor and writer who was denied work and persecuted by the House Un-American Activities Committee during the 1950’s and early 60’s for allegedly having been a member of the Communist Party many years earlier.”


1.  Webster’s Word Games

Chananya Weissman

In case you haven’t heard, Merriam-Webster recently revised its definition of the term “anti-vaxxer”. This has generated a great deal of backlash about what changes they made, presumably to suit the establishment agenda.

That, in turn, generated the predictable condescending response from the establishment and its horde of spin-doctors and “fact-checkers”, who employed their usual tactics to conclude that those sounding alarms about this change are fools and agenda-driven liars spreading false information. This will be sanctified as irrefutable fact by their colleagues in the establishment media and the technocrats for whom they work, who will instruct their platforms to censor the opposition. Not long after, they will issue calls for their co-workers in government to persecute those who express the now-debunked position.

Lost in all the hoopla is a close look at Merriam-Webster’s actual definitions of “anti-vaxxer” and “vaccine” at present, irrespective of what they did or didn’t change. Here they are in full, followed by my commentary:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.