Daily Shmutz | 121122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)





Kids and Young People Targeted by Bill Gates’ Exercise, “Catastrophic Contagion”   Igor Chudov

Remember Event 201 in 2019 and Monkeypox Preparedness Exercise in 2021?

Remember “Event 201”, a preparedness exercise featuring a coronavirus pandemic, conducted in October 2019 under the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and involving China’s CDC and others?

The timing was exquisite, and the COVID-19 pandemic started within weeks of the exercise and went on just as predicted.

Catastrophic Contagion

Be aware that Bill Gates just conducted another exercise, aptly called “Catastrophic Contagion” (I am NOT kidding), on October 23, 2022. Bill himself showed up:


The Real Agenda Behind American Academy of Pediatrics: Weaponizing Children’s Mental Health and Vaccines for Profit   By Children’s Health Defense Team

With a budget of more than $127 million and a staff of 475, the American Academy of Pediatrics functions as a corporate and government mouthpiece that touts the wares of drug, vaccine and formula manufacturers.

As of 2019, roughly 72,000 physicians were actively working in pediatrics or pediatric subspecialties in the U.S., many of them members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Nominally, the AAP is a professional medical association (PMA), but more often than not, it functions as a corporate and government mouthpiece, including issuing policy guidance to its members stating that it is an “acceptable option to pediatric care clinicians to dismiss families who refuse vaccines.”

With total “revenue, gains and other support” amounting in 2022 to nearly $127 million — supporting a staff of 475 and a self-described role as the “#1 publisher of pediatric titles in the world” — the deep-pocketed AAP’s ability to broadcast policies desired by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and tout the wares of drug, vaccine and formula manufacturers is significant.

That the AAP’s megaphone is one-sided has long attracted the notice of critics, who point to the organization’s “preference for fashionable political positions over evidence-based medicine” and its pattern of “play[ing] both sides of the street” — with its “‘trusted’ medical advice” issued in the context of generous funding from agenda-setting foundations, corporations and government agencies.

Even in a study that the AAP itself published, which examined pediatric PMA transparency and compliance with best practice guidelines, the AAP got middling marks for both, despite benefiting from “a significantly higher average budget” compared to sister organizations that earned better scores.

Currently, the AAP is using its bully pulpit to hammer home messages about vaccination — especially COVID-19 shots — and about an AAP-fashioned children’s mental health crisis.


Lawmakers demand answers from HHS over allegations of transferring migrant children to criminals   By Ben Whedon

“If these claims are true, this is pure evil being committed by your agency.”

Republican lawmakers have asked the Department of Health and Human Services to account for whistleblower allegations that HHS is “knowingly” placing unaccompanied migrant children in the hands of criminals.

Tara Lee Rodas, who helped HHS process migrant children at a California Emergency Intake Site, spoke to investigative outlet Project Veritas when making the bombshell allegations.

Americans “have no idea that children are going to unrelated people,” she said. “That children are definitely — we have proof, evidence — that they are being recruited and transported. They are then in debt bondage.”

The Biden administration “relaxed a lot of the stringent vetting by creating these additional field guidances, and there’s a focus on ‘move the children’ as opposed to ‘place children in safe homes.’ Right now, it is speed over safety,” she further asserted.

Now, Senate Republicans want answers from HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra about the veracity of Rodas’s claims.





‘Black People are the real Jews’   Daniel Greenfield

Liberal Jews have robbed their descendants… Playing Esau, they sold their birthright for a mess of political pottage, and all they have to offer their children is the civil rights movement, Ukraine and other people’s struggles.

The Jewish presence in the civil right movements has been erased from black history. The Jews have erased their own history. Op-ed

Black Hebrew Israelites are getting the attention that they didn’t when they spent decades screaming antisemitic and racist slurs in urban centers, killed four people in two separate attacks in New York and New Jersey (one that took place on Chanukah) and provoked the Covington Catholic incident.

That last one led to the New York Times defending the racist hate group as “sidewalk ministers” who practice “tough love” in “blunt and sometimes offensive language.” Examples of that include, “The Holocaust is a damn joke! Heil Hitler!” and “The messiah, who is a black man, is going to kill you”.

Going on ‘The Breakfast Club’, hosted by Charlamagne, a rapper who is a fan of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt referred to BHIs as “the guys in Times Square who observe in a way that’s not so traditional.”

Screaming antisemitic slurs is a less traditional of observing Judaism, but who can question such things.

Greenblatt, who in one sentence describes himself as “very reformed” and “conservative Jewish”, is as poor a representative of Jews as could be imagined. But the theological interrelationship of Jews is as entangled on his side of the line as it is on the BHIs holding up a map of the 12 tribes with no Jews.

Liberal Jews are largely interested in a relationship with black people based on the civil rights movement. Black people have no interest in the topic unless they’re being paid to appear at some event. The Jewish presence in the civil right movements has been erased from black history. A reality that hit home for Jewish liberals when Ava DuVernay’s Selma movie erased Jews from the famous march with MLK.

When black people strike up a conversation with me, as a Jewish person, they want to talk about religion, not politics. It’s a topic that not only Greenblatt, but most liberal Jews are uniquely incapable of discussing since they have mostly discarded the faith of their fathers in favor of a new faith in politics.


Jews need not apply    Jack Engelhard

Once again, Jews seeking employment face a Gentlemen’s Agreement that they thought had faded away long ago. Op-ed.

Just when I thought I was done writing about antisemitism, at least for a month, Bonnie Kaye pulls me back in.

Bonnie, dear friend and tireless fighter for Israel and Jews everywhere, alerts me to this news item, which shows that Jews seeking employment face a Gentleman’s Agreement.

Gentleman’s Agreement, from the book by Laura Z. Hobson, is code among employers. Done through nods and understandings, Jewish applicants face hiring quotas and restrictions.

Think of it as knowing winks and secret handshakes among human resource managers.

Nothing overt, unless you are Jewish and can tell you’ve been typified….as are 25 percent of Jewish job-seekers who won’t get hired in America today. So says today’s news item.

Hobson made a strong case for how it was around the 1940s, and her book aroused a sensation.

Some believed, and some doubted that antisemitism to such degrees existed in America….and so soon after the Holocaust, which should have been a lesson as to what bigotry can do.

The movie came out in 1947, and it caused an uproar. It starred Gregory Peck as a reporter pretending to be Jewish in order to find out if it’s true; that Jews face prejudice.

He finds out all right. Friendships go cold. Family members turn off. Hotel clerks can’t find him a room, and he can’t get a job.

Was it really that bad? I’m thinking Hyman Rickover, admiral, and Father of the Nuclear Navy. He faced prejudice throughout his years of service, and yet he succeeded.

So Jews did find work and Jews did succeed…our success rate higher, far higher than among any other minority group…so that finally Jews, despite small in number, failed to qualify as a minority, and were thus denied minority benefits, even for those who lived at or below the poverty line. There were, and there are, plenty of those, too, among our people.

The Jewish answer…think medicine (Salk), think science (Einstein), entertainment (Hollywood, Broadway), think any other field, and find Jews who create something out of nothing.

They create worlds of their own.

That is the upside.

The downside is that prejudice against Jews is a fact, to the point where Jews cannot feel entirely comfortable.


39% of US believes we are currently in the end-of-times, Pew survey suggests   ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ

And now, as I go back to my people, let me inform you of what this people will do to your people in days to come.  NUMBERS 24:14  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

A recent survey showed that in the wake of the global pandemic, the belief that we are currently at the end of days is rising. This contrasts sharply with Jewish tradition which has a far more optimistic perspective on what the final days of the world will look like.

A recent Pew Research survey found that 39% of Americans surveyed believed that they were currently living at the end of times as compared to 59% who did not.

47% of Christians believed we are at the end of time. For Christians, the end of days marks the imminent return of Jesus. This is further divided along sectarian lines. 76% of Black Christians believe we are currently in the end of times and 63% of evangelical  Protestants believe this to be true.

49% of Christians say we are not living in the end times, including 70% of Catholics and 65% of mainline Protestants.

29% of non-Christian religions believed we are at the end of times along with 23% of those with no religious affiliation.

This is also divided along political lines with 45% of Republicans saying we are currently at the end of times as compared to 33% of Democrats. Geography also had an influence with 48% of adults in Southern states saying that we are at the end of times as compared to 37% in the Midwest, 34% in the Northeast, and 31% in the West.

When asked if Jesus “will return to Earth someday,” more than half of all U.S. adults (55%), including three-quarters of Christians, say this will happen. Protestants in the evangelical (92%) and historically Black (86%) traditions are more likely than other Christians to say there will eventually be a second coming of Jesus. Roughly four-in-ten Americans either do not believe Jesus will return to Earth (25%) or say they do not believe in Jesus (16%).


The Tool of Tools   By James Howard Kunstler

“The DNC and Biden Team knew they had friends at Twitter who would do their bidding during the election. And Twitter lied to the FEC about that influence…. But that’s just at the surface….” —TechnoFog on Substack

At what point in his arduous take-over of Twitter did Elon Musk realize that the package came with a joker in the deck: James A. Baker, formerly general counsel of the FBI? Did he wonder: what is this guy doing here? Were there any conversations between the two? Or did Mr. Musk just quietly observe his presence at a remove in nervous wonder, as one might, say, upon discovering a scorpion in the corner of his hotel room?

Mr. Baker, you understand, was notoriously at the center of the FBI’s FISA court fuckery that got the ball rolling in the Crossfire Hurricane operation, Act One of RussiaGate, as well as the Alpha Bank caper concocted by Hillary Clinton (disclosed this year by special counsel John Durham), and probably every other sedition pie the FBI cooked in its oven in those years, considering Mr. Baker’s position as chief legal advisor to Director Chris Wray. When the alt-news media caught onto Mr. Baker’s nefarious activities, he became inconvenient to the agency, was re-assigned to some nebulous task (polishing Mr. Wray’s cuff links?), and quit in May, 2018. He landed temporarily — or was he, rather, parked out-of-sight? — at the shadowy R Street Institute, an Intel Community cut-out, one of its countless PR channels in the DC Swamp.

But then, mysteriously, Mr. Baker got hired by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in June of 2020 — the heat of a presidential election — to work under Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s general counsel (and chief of “legal, policy, and trust” [ha!]), where he remained until just the other day. Is it a stretch to imagine Mr. Baker’s former employer, the FBI — which, let’s face it, operates as a sort of blood-brotherhood — purposely installed Mr. Baker in that sensitive job at Twitter to help “moderate” the national conversation in the central forum that public debate had moved to in our time?

If so, he apparently did a crackerjack job, and just at the right time, too, after the FBI discovered, in emails they ripped off Rudolf Giuliani’s purloined cloud account, that Donald Trump’s attorney possessed of a copy of the laptop hard-drive of one Hunter Biden, son of presidential candidate Joe Biden — said computer (the FBI knew full-well by then) being stuffed not just with pornographic photos of crack orgies and other personal infelicities, but also a trove of emails and deal memos laying out a bribery and money-laundering scheme that the younger Biden was running all over Eurasia as a family business.


Welcome to the Ideological Collapse of the GOP   By Emerald Robinson

Trump didn’t demoralize Republican voters, the GOP did that all by themselves

Many of my conservative friends — quite a few of them GOP donors and campaign strategists and media people I must admit — greeted the news of Herschel Walker’s defeat in the Georgia Senate with a shrug.

What difference did it make really? What difference could it make?

It was not indifference to Herschel Walker as a candidate, per se, so much as indifference to the GOP having a majority in the Senate.


Simply put: very few of them believed that a GOP-dominated Senate would do anything for GOP voters. The mood could be described as complete disgust with Mitch McConnell and GOP leadership — or, as I prefer to call them — our senators from the great states of Cialis.

It’s not just the gelatinous blob known as Mitch McConnell, or that closeted court jester of Fox News, Lindsey Graham. It’s not only the spectacular career implosions of Ben Sasse and John Cornryn. What about Pat Toomey? Rob Portman? Richard Burr? Roy Blunt? Mitt Romney? Thom Tillis? Bill Cassidy? Lisa Murkowski? Look at their voting records: they’re basically a chorus-line of limp-wristed flip-floppers.

In fact, this bunch isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit.

At every turn, this gang of geriatric invalids and psychological inferiors displayed their complete contempt for their own voters in 2022. It’s not just that they hate President Trump — they hate Republican voters. As for traditional GOP values, they have turned on them too. They have gone out of their way to “flip the bird” at conservative principles like limited government, restricted government spending, legal immigration, free speech, gun rights, and religious freedom.

In fact, they have enthusiastically joined hands with Democrats on bill after bill recently — in a concerted attempt to disabuse the American people of the antiquated notion that we have a two-party system.

You might even call it: ideological suicide.


Democrat Antisemitism   [6:26]   Mark Levin Show

Mark wants to have a serious discussion about the Antisemitism and racism drenching the Democrat Party. We’ll start with newly elected house minority leader Hakeem Jeffries. Jeffries’ uncle is Leonard Jeffries—a Louis Farrakhan devotee and known anti-Semite. Hakeem has said in the past, “I am close to my uncle, but I disagree with his theories.” What in the world does that mean? Would you remain close to a family member who is overly racist and antisemitic? Mark wouldn’t.



‘Obsolete, Misguided’: Critics Call Out Pfizer’s Bivalent Booster for Kids Under 5   By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Pfizer and BioNTech said Monday they are seeking Emergency Use Authorization for an updated COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine for children ages 6 months to 4 years old, but critics said the vaccines are obsolete and too risky.

Editor’s Note: On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expanded the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent vaccine for infants and children, ages 6 months to 5 years old.

Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an updated COVID-19 bivalent “booster” vaccine for children ages 6 months to 4 years old.

Pfizer on Monday said if the bivalent booster receives EUA, children in this age group will receive two doses of the original COVID-19 vaccine, followed by a dose of the “updated” vaccine targeting Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.

Previously, children under age 5 could receive a three-dose series of the original COVID-19 vaccine. However, since the shots received EUA in June, only 2% of children under 2 and about 4% of 2- to 4-year-olds have received their primary doses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The bivalent vaccine is currently authorized as a “booster” dose in the U.S. and the EU, for children 5 and older.

Bivalent boosters are ‘obsolete,’ come with ‘very concerning side effects’


‘Crime Against Science’: Roundtable Discussion Exposes Government’s ‘Mismanagement’ of COVID Pandemic   By Josh Mitteldorf, Ph.D.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Wednesday led a roundtable discussion to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Distinguished doctors and scientists who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Sen. Johnson. The story they told of corruption and mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic is a turning point for humanity.

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Wednesday led a roundtable discussion — “COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries” — to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Distinguished doctors and scientists who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Johnson. The story they told of corruption and mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic is a turning point for humanity.

Most of the people on the panel suffered loss of income, loss of status or loss of their jobs because they publicized truths about COVID-19 and COVID-19 policies that were anathema to the medical establishment and detrimental to pharmaceutical profits.

COVID-19 policy has been a crime against humanity, and underlying that crime has been a crime against science. Science is held in high public regard, even as the reputations of most other institutions have declined in recent decades.

The reputation of science is based on open debate and logical evaluation of evidence. Debate has been stifled by people with money and power, and those same people then claim to speak for “science.”

The public is gradually recognizing the enormity of this fraud. I fear that public support for science will crumble.

[Ed.:  But, but, Fauci IS the science!]


Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths  [1:00:25]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Deaths Soar in Fortune 500 Companies, Is It This 28-Day Con?

In the first year of the pandemic, old people died. Yet it’s suddenly shifted to working folks and, in particular, those working at Fortune 500 companies. Just look at the disability data: Have we poisoned the most able-bodied among us?


  • In his new book, “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd details data showing the COVID shots are a crime against humanity
  • Insurance industry research in 2016 concluded that group life policyholders die at one-third the rate of the general U.S. population, so they’re the healthiest among us. Group life policyholders are those employed with Fortune 500 companies, who tend to be younger and well-educated
  • In 2020, the general U.S. population had higher excess mortality than group life holders, but in 2021, that flipped. Ages 25 through 64 of the group life policyholders suddenly experienced 40% excess mortality, compared to 32% in the general population. In short, a far healthier subset of the population suddenly died at a higher rate than the general population
  • American disability statistics are equally revealing. In the five years before COVID, the monthly disability rate was between 29 million and 30 million. After the COVID jabs, the disability trend changed dramatically. As of September 2022, there were 33.2 million disabled Americans — an extra 3.2 million to 4.2 million — a three standard deviation rate of change since May 2021
  • Since May 2021, the overall U.S. population has experienced an 11% increase in disabilities, while the employed — which is about 98 million out of a total population of about 320 million — experienced 26% increased rate of disability. So, something was introduced into the workforce that caused working age people to die



The 40 Day Dilemma: Brazil’s Ongoing Crisis – The People Believe Something Big Is About to Take Place in Brazil      By Werner Pfluck and Ryan Hartwig

About 40 days ago, Brazil held the second round of its general elections, which were supposed to define the President of the Republic, governors, senators and federal and state deputies. What was supposed to end the tension that started long before the election campaign only served to increase the pressure. Millions of Brazilians are revolted by the results presented by the Electoral Justice, not because they are sad with the defeat, but because the whole process is full of illegalities, arbitrariness and serious and consistent accusations of fraud.

The restlessness of the majority of the population stems from the clearly biased behavior of the TSE, the Superior Court of Electoral Justice, and of some members of the STF, the Federal Supreme Court, who are members of both courts, appointed by the former governments of the Workers’ Party (PT), whom they seemed to favor in this election. The current president of the Electoral Court has long been a political ally of the elected vice president with Lula da Silva, PT candidate.

Lula is a former president who was sentenced for corruption to 21 years in prison, convicted in common law, with the conviction confirmed in the Appellate Court (TRF, in the acronym in Portuguese) and later in the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ). But he had all the processes annulled by a friend appointed by his party to the STF, Justice Edson Fachin, so that he could participate in the elections again. Fachin’s decision was supported by other court justices, who had been openly opposing President Bolsonaro since the beginning of his term in 2019.

These justices prevented the implementation of the printed ballot along with the electoral machines, forcing the population to rely exclusively on the data presented by the electoral software. The Army, which together with other institutions accompanied the preparation of the machines and the entire electoral process, identified many failures in the system that allowed a risk of manipulation and fraud and presented suggestions for the solution of these problems.

The Electoral Justice, however, ignored the alerts and accused the Army of intending to disturb the elections. The population, realizing that something was not right, took to the streets several times to protest and ask for transparency in the elections. Millions of people gathered in the capitals and in many cities in the interior, thus forming the largest protests in the history of Brazil, but they were also ignored. Many were even prosecuted and fined large sums by Justice Alexandre de Moraes for “attacks on democracy and institutions”, among other unclear arguments. Influencers, journalists and parliamentarians have been banned from social media, conservative TV channels and magazines were censored, and they were all included in criminal proceedings for their opinions, and are being tried without their lawyers being able to access their criminal cases.

[Ed.:  I actually thought, and still think that it will happen between now and Monday morning…]


US Elections Are a Mess – They End in Confusion and Americans’ Are Losing Their Faith in Free and Fair Elections in the Process   By Joe Hoft

Democrats love messed-up elections.  They create them.  This is how they steal them as well.

In the 2020 caucus in Iowa, the Democrats took a month to determine the eventual winner.

It took a month before the results were finalized.  New York Mag reported:

Twenty-four days after Caucus Night, the final, no-kidding, this-is-it results of the Iowa caucuses were released in the dead of last night. After a selective re-canvass called to check precinct captains’ math, and then a selective recount (asked for by the Buttigieg and Sanders campaigns) of individual caucusgoers’ preference cards, Pete Buttigieg held on to a tiny advantage over Bernie Sanders in state delegate equivalents, the arcane measurement always used by Iowa to determine caucus winners after alignment and realignment of caucusgoers in over 1,700 precincts, Mayor Pete wound up with 562.954 SDEs, and Bernie with 562.021 (Elizabeth Warren was a distant third with 388.44). By virtue of winning statewide and in two congressional districts, Buttigieg will have 14 Iowa delegates to the national convention, with Sanders receiving 12, Warren eight, Biden six, and Klobuchar one.

Iowa and the Democrat primaries were a total train wreck.  It was clear for the second straight election that Bernie Sanders was eliminated from contention by those running the Democrat Party and Joe Biden was given the win.  Any votes were only for show.


Florida Officials Refuse To Respond To Substantial Election Fraud Evidence Presented

Many Republicans in Florida are very serious and upset about election integrity. Unfortunately, it seems the Republican Party upper echelons are not among those who are worried about the free and fair election of our leaders. The ‘why’ part of that question can be dealt with in another article, but let’s delve into one specific example of avoiding dealing with serious, large scale election fraud in ‘The Free State of Florida’ shall we?

Below is a letter recently sent to the FL Secretary of Elections, Secretary of State, Governor’s office, Miami-Dade election officials, and Florida law enforcement – specifically the Elections Crime Unit. All of the attached files that were forwarded in the email are attached below as well for your review.

We asked for a response to The Miami Independent on the issue from Christina White and received no reply. The Miami Independent also asked for a response from the FL Election Crime Unit and received an acknowledgement of receipt but no response as of writing this article.



HUGE: Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals That Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Runbeck On Election Day Did Not Exist, Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation  By Jordan Conradson

Republican Kari Lake on Friday filed a lawsuit to nullify the 2022 midterm election results for the governor’s race in the state of Arizona.

The Gateway Pundit reported yesterday on this historic lawsuit, which claims that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election.

Never in US history has there been so much evidence compiled of a fraudulent election taking place.

The brave attorneys representing Kari Lake are HEROES who deserve a Medal of Freedom!

Read the full complaint below:





Delays Decision on Fast-Tracking Wireless Towers After Public Outcry   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

Citing “unanswered questions,” the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously agreed to delay its final vote on two ordinances that would allow for the fast-tracked proliferation of wireless infrastructure without due process and without residents’ right to appeal.

The Los Angeles (L.A.) County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously agreed to delay its final vote on two ordinances that would allow for the fast-tracked proliferation of wireless infrastructure without due process and without residents’ right to appeal.

The five board members will seek experts’ opinions and discuss questions raised by constituents during a closed session on Dec. 20. The board scheduled another public hearing and the final vote for Jan. 10, 2023.

Commenting on the delayed vote, Janice Hahn, board chair, said, “We have a lot of questions and a lot of those came up during public comment.”

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) attorney W. Scott McCollough said:

“Today’s vote is significant because Los Angeles County is the largest county in the nation by population. Its actions influence what happens elsewhere. The result here will soon be exported to other local jurisdictions.”


The Dangers of Copper Deficiency and Iron Overload [1:43:52]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Iron is often viewed as a universal panacea that most people need more of, but nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that most people have too much iron instead of too little, and it’s this other mineral masquerading as an iron deficiency that’s in short supply.


  • Iron and copper are highly interdependent and need to be considered together. Low ferritin is rarely indicative of low iron. In most cases, it’s a sign that copper insufficiency is preventing proper iron recycling
  • Copper deficiency will down-regulate several genes, including aldose reductase-1 (which plays a crucial role in glucose and fructose metabolism), glutathione peroxidase (a master antioxidant enzyme), mitochondrial aconitase (involved in iron metabolism in the mitochondria) and transferrin (which mediates the transport of iron)
  • Iron deficiency virtually doesn’t exist outside of acute blood loss that is unrelated to menstruation. Unless you have a history of acute blood loss, you are likely dealing with iron recycling dysfunction due to copper deficiency
  • The best way to lower excessive iron is to donate blood. Most adult men and postmenopausal women have high iron and could benefit from regular blood donation, as high iron is extremely toxic and destroys health
  • To raise your copper level, you could use a copper bisglycinate supplement, or foods like grass fed beef liver, bee pollen and whole food vitamin C



Iran: Protests and Paralysis   by Amir Taheri
December 11, 2022 at 4:00 am

  • The failure of the Khomeinist clique to develop a coherent narrative, let alone a strategy to deal with what looks like an existential crisis for the regime, has led to a chaotic response to the popular uprising. According to semi-official figures, between 300 and 500 protesters have been killed by the security forces and more than 15,000 jailed. By the time of this writing, four executions have also been officially reported.
  • But when you break down those figures, a curious pattern emerges.
  • Almost 60 percent of the deaths happened in just nine cities in two provinces: Sistan-Baluchistan and Kurdistan.
  • Despite the depth and breadth of the protests, just confirmed by widespread strikes in more than 30 cities, the Khomeinist establishment is still unable to understand what is really going on. Divided between its natural reflex to crush any dissent and its lack of self-confidence, it is spreading its paralysis throughout Iran’s political life, hoping to be saved by inertia.
  • After 10 years of negotiations to buy natural gas from Iran, China has decided to sign a 60-year deal with Qatar instead.
  • [T]he ayatollah’s abracadabra seems unlikely to force this genie back into the bottle.


World Cup security officers pin down protester chanting ‘women, life, freedom’ after Iran-US match [2:09]





Heated conversation: Netanyahu refused to promise Yariv Levin justice reforms

The designated PM refused to support repairs to the justice system and judicial election process reforms and insisted to make changes gradually.

Nine days left for Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government: a tense conversation took place last week between MK Yariv Levin and designated Prime Minister Netanyahu, two politicians who have been together for a long time.

According to a report by Kan 11, Netanyahu asked Levin to take the Justice Portfolio in the new government, and Levin demanded an unwritten pledge from him, that he will give him the support needed to lead dramatic reformations of the justice system such as a change in the Judgment Base Law, a dramatic change in the judicial election process, and an override clause over the Supreme Court.

Netanyahu refused to give Levin a “blank check”, and asked him to carry out the reforms of the justice system gradually and to wait for the dramatic reforms which Levin wished to carry out.

In light of this Levin turned down the Justice Portfolio and on Sunday Netanyahu decided to appoint him as interim Speaker of the Knesset. Levin promised to resign before the new government is sworn in, but there is a possibility that he will be reappointed and will serve as the permanent speaker.

Related articles:



The Biden Administration’s Hostility to Israel  by Guy Millière
December 11, 2022 at 5:00 am

  • The January 28, 2021 appointment as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs of Hady Amr, a man who wrote “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada” and who falsely accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing,” was a significant step that promised the worst.
  • Two days before that, the Biden administration not only restored relations with the Palestinian Authority, but resumed most of the financial aid that had been suspended by the Trump administration — but they failed to ask the Palestinian leaders to stop financing and supporting terrorism.
  • The Biden administration also announced its willingness to return to a basically fictitious “two-state solution.”
  • A speech by Deputy U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Richard Mills, announcing these decisions, defined the “settlements” as “an obstacle to peace”. He left out that many Palestinians regard the entire state of Israel as one big settlement to be dismantled.





Magnitude 6.0 Earthquake Strikes Mexico City   By Cristina Laila

A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Mexico City Sunday morning.

There are no immediate reports of damage.

According to the Associated Press, the quake sent residents of the capital into the street.

AP reported:

TRENDING: “My Pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci” – Twitter Owner ELON MUSK to Release the Twitter Files on COVID and Dr Fauci

A strong 6.0-magnitude earthquake shook southern Mexico Sunday morning, sending nervous residents of the capital into the street.

The United States Geological Survey said the earthquake’s epicenter was 2½ miles (4 kilometers) northwest of Corral Falso in the southern state of Guerrero. The area sits along Mexico’s Pacific coast between the beach resorts of Acapulco and Zihuatenejo.

There were no immediate reports of damage. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said via Twitter that civil defense was checking for damage.

Mexican President Lopez Obrador posted a video of himself speaking with Guerrero Governor Evelyn Salgado in which she reassures him there is no damage and no casualties.


“My Pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci” – Twitter Owner ELON MUSK to Release the Twitter Files on COVID and Dr Fauci


Twitter Files – updated with Part 4    Tierney’s Real News

Hi everybody. I updated yesterday’s post with “Part 4 – the removal of President Trump.” Part 5 is due out tonight and I will add that then. Bottomline – our country is run by children & demons embedded at the FBI and our intelligence agencies. God help us all. Peg


FBI Refuses Again to Share the Whole Truth About Seth Rich’s Murder – Experts Wonder If Deep State Is Trying to Protect Its Use of a Domestic Spying Database   By Joe Hoft

The FBI continues to make up reasons for why it can’t turn over information on Seth Rich’s murder. They just can’t be honest and tell us the truth.  This has been going on for years.

This has literally been going on for years.  Attorney Ty Clevenger has demanded the FBI provide documents related to their records on Seth Rich’s murder and the FBI continues to stall and refuse to cooperate.

We reported previously on December 9, 2020:

This story started with the release of emails by WikiLeaks related to the DNC and Hillary’s Campaign Manager creepy John Podesta.  Within days, in June 2016, Ellen Nakashima, a Deep State favorite from the Washington Post, released a report that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) had been hacked by Russia. The firm that validated this was Crowdstrike and its President Shawn Henry confirmed the claims.



Russian Media Laughs At US Government’s Woke Trade For Griner Instead Of Whelan  [2:46]   BY TYLER DURDEN

While the Biden Administration does not represent half the country (some might argue far more than half) when it comes to principles, values, morals, intelligence, courage, common sense, etc., it unfortunately does represent all of us when it comes to the world stage and geopolitics.

Millions of Americans are fully aware that the Brittney Griner prisoner swap for international arms dealer Viktor Bout is a bad trade, and that US Marine Paul Whelan, now imprisoned in Russia for two years, should have been included in the deal.  We all know that Biden’s agenda for this trade was based on winning woke points with his far-left base (and part of some unspoken arrangement with Saudi Arabia and UAE), but the prisoner swap is more than just foolish political gamesmanship, it is also an embarrassment for the US as a whole.

The Russian media acknowledges (and laughs) about the deeper meaning behind the trade and it’s hard to disagree with them when they argue that it symbolizes a display of internal ideological weakness.



This reporter VANISHED after covering the Pelosi story  [8:46]   Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris


Biden’s Non-Binary (He/She) Nuclear Official In 2nd Theft Of Women’s Luggage   By Pamela Geller

Democrats hate this country and make a vile mockery of it at every turn. A freak show of monumental failures.

‘It would be naïve to assert that the United States of America at the beginning of the twenty-first century has reached some new level or stage of perversity. This kind of behavior has always been with us. But only rarely has it been flaunted with the gleeful self-confidence Sam Brinton displays, and it is not without reason that such flaunting has come to be associated with the late, decadent stage of once-great nations. Given the race to ruin that the Biden administration is pursuing, Sam Brinton fits right in.’ (more here)

  • An energy department official is accused of stealing luggage from Harry Reid International Airport, the 8 News Now Investigators learned Thursday.
  • A felony warrant was issued for Sam Brinton, a deputy assistant secretary, sources said. The charge is for grand larceny with a value between $1,200 and $5,000, records showed.
  • Brinton faces charges for a similar incident at the Minneapolis airport. He was on leave after charges were filed in connection with that incident, an energy department spokesman said in November.

Related: Dubious Biden DoE Official Samuel Britton Charged with Stealing Woman’s Luggage at Minneapolis Airport 

Caligula’s Horse in the Senate, Biden’s Puppy in the Department of Energy

Whistleblower Demands Investigation Into Biden’s Nuclear Drag Queen (Who Defended Sex-Trafficking Young Boys) Hiring Process, Alleging ‘Substantial Irregularities’.


Maxine Waters Blew Sam Bankman-Fried A Kiss, Now Says She’ll Subpoena Him Only ‘If Needed’   By Robert Spencer

Sam Bankman-Fried, according to Victor Davis Hanson, “may have robbed perhaps a million investors, and along with them hundreds of large institutional investors.” He “protected from federal securities regulators, had drained off, lost, hidden, or spent billions of dollars of other people’s money.” Now his dear friend Maxine Waters (D-Incitement), who was caught on video blowing him a kiss in December 2021, will be leading an investigation into his sleazy FTX Ponzi scheme as Chair of the House Financial Services Committee. Waters initially stepped on a rake when she said that she wouldn’t be subpoenaing her pal Sam, but the winsome congresswoman backtracked after a firestorm and insisted that it was a “lie” that she didn’t plan to subpoena him. So will she actually do so? That remains unclear.


“They’re Losing Their Christian Values. They’re Losing Their Families. It Is No Longer the America We Knew” – International Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Gives First Interview Since His Release from US Prison (VIDEO 2:49)   By Jim Hoft

Victor Bout gave his first interview on Saturday since his release from prison in the US.

On Friday, Joe Biden traded the “Merchant of Death” for pot-smoking America-hating WNBA star Brittney Griner.

WNBA star Brittney Griner was found guilty of drug smuggling with criminal intent in a Russian court back in August. Russian prosecutors pushed for a sentence of 9.5 years in a penal colony.

Russia released Brittney in exchange for international arms dealer Viktor Bout.

Vikor Bout, known as the “merchant of death,” is a former Soviet military officer, who was serving a 25-year prison sentence in the United States on charges of conspiring to kill Americans, acquire and export anti-aircraft missiles, and provide material support to a terrorist organization. Bout has maintained he is innocent – via CNN.

Bout armed terrorist groups in some of the most violent conflicts in the world.

On Saturday Viktor Bout sat down with Maria Butina from Russia Today in his first interview since his release from US prison.

Viktor Bout told RT: “They’re losing their Christian values. They’re losing their families. They’re losing literally their country. It is not anymore the same country we knew America used to be, the model for the entire world and lead and be an example. Like they say, you know, a sparkling town on a hill.”

[Ed.:  This ‘Merchant of Death’ guy seems to have his head screwed on right.]


Beware of Phony Public Health Emergencies

Rule by unelected public health officials.

As Dr. McCullough characterized the problem in his January 23, 2022 speech from the Lincoln Memorial, medical freedom is like a circle linked to the circles of social and economic freedom. As he put it:

If we allow the circle of medical freedom to be touched, let alone broken, all of the circles fracture.

Because humans are capable of inflicting physical harm on others, the State has always reserved the right to arrest anyone who threatens others with violence. When SARS-CoV-2 arrived, the State applied the same logic to everyone.

Everyone, we were told, could harbor the deadly virus, and therefore the State reserved the right to place everyone under house arrest. Thus we see how a purported Public Health Emergency can become the mechanism for subverting our Constitution.

Shortly after SARS-CoV-2 arrived, Alex Azar, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, declared a Public Health Emergency, thereby providing legal justification for the massive pandemic response. The exercise was so profitable for a host of public and private interests that the Biden Administration couldn’t resist the temptation to do the same trick with Monkeypox. On August 22, 2022, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra declared the disease a Public Health Emergency.

In a society of reasonable grownups, a “public emergency” is a clear and present danger, to borrow Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s standard for justifying the restriction of freedom of speech. A hypothetical danger of infectious disease—presented in erroneous or fraudulent simulations and modeling—is not sufficient to declare a Public Health Emergency.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 10, 2022, # 383 [1:05:02]  Dane Wigington   GeoengineeringWatch.org

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data froa credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


New report details shocking anti-Semitism at top university   By World Israel News Staff

“I was told that all Jews are liars; that Jews lie to control the university or the faculty or the world, to oppress or hurt others.”

The University of Toronto has come under fire for its “shocking” levels of anti-Semitism, after a senior advisor at the university published a tell-all report detailing the hateful remarks heard by students, which include calling “all Jews liars” who control the world.

The academic paper appeared in the Canadian Medical Education Journal and was authored by Dr. Ayelet Kuper, who was appointed by the school’s administration as a senior advisor on anti-Semitism after a series of anti-Semitic incidents on campus.

The paper, titled “Reflections on addressing anti-Semitism in a Canadian faculty of medicine” and first cited by the Toronto Sun, outlines Kuper’s findings after a year in the role.

According to the report, Kuper found that hatred of Jews exists in the university both on the extreme right and the extreme left.

Given that the faculty of medicine at the University of Toronto used to have a quota system limiting the number of Jewish students it would admit, it’s not surprising anti-Semitism persists there to this day.

Kuper also details a series of personal anecdotes that occurred during her tenure.


Trump slams Jewish criticism over Kanye, Fuentes dinner: ‘They should be ashamed’  By World Israel News Staff

The former president blamed Jewish leaders for waning support of Israel in Congress..

Donald Trump slammed Jewish leaders for “lacking loyalty” and said they “should be ashamed of themselves,” in response to criticism over his recent dinner with anti-Semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.

“How quickly Jewish leaders forgot that I was the best, by far, president for Israel,” Trump said Friday on his social media platform Truth Social. “They should be ashamed of themselves. This lack of loyalty to their greatest friends and allies is why large numbers in Congress, and so many others, have stopped giving support to Israel.”

The post, which was accompanied by an oped by far-right conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root, came two weeks after Trump dined with the Holocaust-denying, white supremacist Fuentes and West, who has called for the death of the Jewish people.

Both Republican and Democratic Jews have denounced Trump over the dinner, as have Jewish groups on both sides of the political aisle.

Root, an Evangelical Christian who was born Jewish, repeated the same arguments Trump used to defend the Mar-a-Lago dinner, namely that Trump was more supportive of Israel than Democratic Jews, that Kanye West was an old friend who asked for help, and that he was unaware he would be bringing Fuentes and had no idea who he was.


Yes, we are ashamed, Mr President!  For your response! Just say that you were suckered, and that everybody fell for it too, or something! Now, we’re ashamed for you, because of your response addressing us offending your ego!  How dare we?]



Yeezy come, Yeezy go? Fans removing their Kanye tattoos   [2:00]

Got a Kanye West tattoo and now regret it? A tattoo removal studio in London is offering clients free service to get rid of ‘Yeezy’.





For Years Fact Checkers Have Been Targeting Conservative Media – This Week We Learned the State Dept. Was Funding Them   By Patty McMurray

This reminded us of the below 100% Fed Up article by Patty McMurray in October of 2020.  We have reprinted it below in its entirety.

Facebook’s Far-Left, Activist, “Fact-Checking” Group “Science Feedback” Should Scare The Hell Out Of Every Conservative


Why are leftist, third-party “fact-checkers” being allowed to control the news cycle and unfairly impugn conservative publishers on Facebook?

In 2016, only 9 days before the election, without warning, we received a notification from Facebook that our 100 Percent Fed Up Facebook page with almost 1 million followers (we currently have almost 1.7 million followers) was UNPUBLISHED and would not be republished.



Ukraine: More than 1.5 million without power after Russian strikes in Odesa

All non-critical infrastructure in port of Odesa without power, officials say it could take months to repair the damage.

All non-critical infrastructure in the Ukrainian port of Odesa was without power on Saturday after Russia used Iranian-made drones to hit two energy facilities, officials said, according to Reuters.

The officials added it could take months to repair the damage.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that more than 1.5 million people in the southern port city and surrounding region had no electricity, and he described the situation as very difficult.

The regional administration said people who relied solely on electricity to power their homes should consider leaving. Officials said Russian strikes hit key transmission lines and equipment in the early hours of Saturday.

“According to preliminary forecasts, it will take much more time to restore energy facilities in the Odesa region than after previous attacks,” the administration said, as quoted by Reuters.

“We are talking not about days, but even weeks and possibly even two to three months,” it said in a Facebook post.

[Ed.: One would think that with all the billions of our tax dollars for Ukraine aid, they could well afford to get the juice back on in a few days, no?]


Douglas Macgregor – The current state of affairs in Ukraine  [21:27]   Douglas Macgregor Col


                                          EU Winter-2022-2023



Florida GOP voters prefer DeSantis over Trump, poll shows

DeSantis has a “favorable” view with 86% of Republican voters, compared to 70% for Trump.

Former President Donald Trump may have a battle on his hands in the 2024 Republican primaries, after polls show voters in Florida and elsewhere favor Gov. Ron DeSantis to be the 2024 presidential GOP nominee. DeSantis has not said he plans to run.

The Sunshine State governor’s popularity has grown exponentially since first taking office in 2019, especially after Florida’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic offered a haven from lockdowns and restrictions, and DeSantis’ no nonsense leadership style became a hit with conservatives.

According to a poll by GOP firm Ragnar Research Partners, DeSantis has a “favorable” view with 86% of Republican voters and only a 10% “unfavorable” view from voters.

By comparison, Trump lagged DeSantis with a 48% “very favorable” rating, a 70% overall approval, and a 26% disapproval.

[Ed.: “They should be ashamed of themselves!”]




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.