Daily Shmutz | 121822 | ‘Happy Chanukah!!’

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                     This evening, (December 18 – December 26, 2022) is the first night of Chanukah. Happy Chanukah!!



Dr Shiva: Until the Partner Support Portal Between the US Government and Big Tech Is Eliminated, It’s More of the Same   By Joe Hoft

On November 7th Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai joined The Gateway Pundit to discuss his efforts to uncover the connections between the government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative freedom of speech.

Dr. Shiva was the first to uncover the government’s relationship with Big Tech and the Media in minute detail.  He published material on his website where he shows the specific links within this “Big Tech and government infrastructure”.

Dr.  Shiva shows the connections between the government and Big Tech and the media in the diagram below which he first presented in his lawsuit in 2020:





Revolution Is Brewing In China  [12:17]

The seeds of a revolution in China were planted a long time ago, but until now, it’s been hard to see them growing. That changed with recent protests over strict zero covid measures, and now it seems that discontent with the Chinese Communist Party has reached a climax. In this episode of China Uncensored, we talk about YouTube censorship of the protests, why the world-wide solidarity protests with Chinese citizens is so significant, and how the Party’s mouthpiece chocked up when asked whether the Party would be ending its strict zero Covid measures soon.



‘I can’t do this anymore’ – former Trump advisor [Steve Bannon] slams latest stunt   By World Israel News Staff

Whoever advised Trump to move forward with the stunt “ought to be fired today,” said former advisor Steve Bannon.  

Former presidential advisor Steve Bannon expressed his frustration with Donald Trump during an episode of his podcast, after the former president announced he was releasing digital trading cards depicting himself as a superhero.

Last Thursday, Trump announced on his Truth Social platform that he was selling the cards, which show him wearing a red costume, replete with a cape and giant “T” on his chest. Some cards show Trumps shooting lasers out of his eyes.

“Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting,” Trump wrote.

The campy memento was priced at $99. On Sunday, BBC News reported that the 45,000 limited edition cards had sold out, in just three days.

“I can’t do this anymore,” Bannon said, adding that while he was proud to have worked closely on Trump’s 2016 election campaign, he felt that Trump’s current advisory team is tarnishing his legacy.

Trump was “one of the greatest presidents in history,” Bannon said, and while he does “love the folks” who are working with the former president, the decision to sell NFTs (non-fungible token) with his image was a step too far.

“We’re at war,” Bannon said, adding that whoever advised Trump to move forward with the stunt “ought to be fired today.”

Bannon’s guests on the podcast, former White House advisers Sebastian Gorka and Steve Cortes, agreed with his assessment.

[Ed.: I thought it was just meNot a penny of that self-aggrandizement program went to the J6 prisoners, or their families…]


Comer on Twitter Files: ‘FBI Needs to Be Dismantled’ and Rebuilt, Starting with Its Budget, We Need to Probe Google, Facebook   IAN HANCHETT

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Rep. James Comer (R-KY) reacted to the latest Twitter files release by stating that investigations of big tech will go beyond Twitter to Facebook and Google and also saying, “The entire FBI needs to be dismantled, we need to start all over. We need to enact strict reforms, and there need to be checks and balances at the FBI.” And that fixing the agency and holding it accountable begins with the budget process, which is why the push for an omnibus is aggravating.

Comer stated, “My concern was that this was a rogue FBI employee or two…but what we found today is the FBI had its own ministry of propaganda.”

He added, “This is serious, what else are they involved in at the FBI? The entire FBI needs to be dismantled, we need to start all over. We need to enact strict reforms, and there need to be checks and balances at the FBI.”


Are Liberal Jewish groups really that crazy?   Jack Engelhard

Themselves treyf, they declare Ilhan Omar kosher. Op-ed.

The “big red wave” never did materialize, but this much did happen – Republicans did win the House, prompting alarm among Liberals.

What it means, then, is that they don’t control EVERYTHING. The Senate, the White House, the schools, the Arts, entertainment, the media, all that and more belong to them.

But not the House of Representatives – so no wonder it’s got them frantic. To them, life is so unfair if they don’t get EVERYTHING they WANT.

That is their Liberalism 101.


Nightmare Fall of United States – Martin Armstrong  [1:02:31]    By Greg Hunter 

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said just before the 2022 midterm elections that voter fraud and cheating will set up a very troubling 2023.  Armstrong is predicting “a major turning point in January of 2023.”  Armstrong explains, “The computer (Socrates program) is showing that January is going to be the major turning point for the entire year of 2023. . . . The currencies are rallying against the dollar, and that should go into early January and then after that, this thing looks like death warmed over.  Perhaps it is the insanity of handing Patriot missiles over to Ukraine.  I know Ukraine very well, and I am telling you they will use them offensively and not defensively.  They will use them to attack Russia.  Their whole objective is to expand the war.”

Armstrong says Biden Administration economy killing policies will, “. . .only increase inflation, and this is an endless nightmare.  In all honesty, I hope the Republicans move to impeach Biden.  I am not even sure Biden is aware of all the things taking place.  It is the people behind him that are doing this.  They are the ones writing these agendas, and they are a bunch of climate zealots, and they have no idea what they are doing. . . . This is getting to be insane, and I think you are going to see that January is going to be a very, very big turning point . . . with the Republicans in the House, they will probably start impeachment proceedings and a lot more investigations.”

Armstrong thinks, “The U.S. dollar will be going up . . . Gold and all other tangible assets will also go up in value” right along with “interest rates and inflation going up” too.

On the political front, Armstrong says keep your eyes on Arizona and the 2022 midterm election lawsuits going on now.  Armstrong contends if widespread cheating is proven, “Basically, if it is exposed in one state, then people are going to assume election cheating is all over.  It will be like a contagion or like the flu.  If it’s in one place, everybody is going to get it.  This is simply the way it is.  There is no election that is never rigged.  The question is if the rigging is good enough to actually change the outcome.”

With the possibility of a wider Ukraine war, world wide social unrest, extreme inflation and election fraud in 2022, how is America going to fare?  Armstrong says, “Our computers say nobody will believe the elections.  This is what our computers show.  We are moving into total political chaos.  This is the fall of the United States.  Our Republican form of government does not work.  It is too susceptible to bribery. . . . I would like the tree to fall in the right direction and we have a real actual democracy.  We don’t live in democracies.  That’s all propaganda.  A democracy would be if we decide to go to war in Russia and Ukraine and not somebody in Biden’s Administration.  The people never go for war, it’s always the leaders that go for war.”

There is much more in this in-depth 1-hour and 2-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, cycle expert and author of the new book “The Plot to Seize Russia,” for 12.17.22.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News  [52:33]  Dane Wigington  Dec 17, 2022

To read or post comments on this video, please go directly to the article: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/g…

Our hope and goal is for this video to be forwarded far and wide. DO NOT re-upload any part of this copyrighted video.

Holiday weather, anyone? Geoengineered winter at its finest.

A geoengineered record deep freeze is scheduled to hammer the Eastern US, just in time for the holidays. Increasing warmth and drought through the first of the year is what the weather makers have planned for the US West.

The airline industry has finally acknowledged that “contrails” are a major environmental problem, but the deeper truth on this issue continues to be denied and omitted. NATO has just held it’s first round table on “climate change and security”, was climate engineering the primary discussion behind closed doors? Are they preparing for climate collapse? Is that a part of the plan?

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


Has the Spike Protein Apocalypse Begun?   JD Rucker

It certainly seems like it has.

Anyone who has been to a hospital or doctor’s office lately has likely had a very different experience than what they’ve had in the past. Even during the height of the Plandemic, corporate media had to manufacture stories of hospitals being overloaded; when citizen journalists went to investigate hospitals that were allegedly maxed out, they found empty waiting rooms and no lines for admission.

While doctors and nurses were making TikTok dance videos, surpluses of ventilators were sitting in storage rooms. The narrative of overloaded hospitals was false for the most part. There were some hospitals that experienced short surges which crippled them temporarily, but it was nothing compared to what we’re seeing today.

With many if not most hospitals across the country experiencing sustained states of being over capacity, it’s conspicuous that corporate media isn’t touching the story. Only local news channels are even mentioning what appears to be a crisis that’s only going to get worse as we get into the winter months. Conspiracy theorists have latched onto two possibilities. One theory is that various diseases are being released into the wild to sicken the nation. The other major theory is that the Covid-19 “vaccines” have weakened immune systems to the point that people who could have easily fought of diseases in the past are struggling today. These theories are not mutually exclusive.

I tend to lean toward that second theory. In fact, whether the first theory is true or not, I am nearly 100% certain that vaxx-induced decimation of people’s immune system is contributing greatly to the surge in various ailments. Hospitals have been getting overloaded for months now, just as many “fringe” doctors had predicted. The timing is right following the mass vaccination campaigns of 2021 and the booster campaigns of 2022. Is the “Spike Protein Apocalypse” beginning?

Unfortunately, the phenomenon is affecting everyone, even the unvaccinated indirectly. Anecdotally, my family is in the process of recovering from strep throat acquired by my daughter from her vaccinated friends and spread to my wife and son. We were able to get a child’s prescription for antibiotics but my teen would have had to wait to get hers. With bacterial infections needing antibiotics immediately in order to mitigate damage, we had to break into my Jase Case to treat her. This annoyed me because I wanted to keep it untouched so I’d have it if the pharmaceutical supply chain broke down (which it appears to be doing now), but we have to do what we have to do. I can order another one soon… for now.



Canada’s Health Director of Parliamentary Affairs Who Lead Canada’s Response Team to Covid-19 and Vaccine Rollout Dies at 35    By Jim Hoft

The Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada, who oversaw the country’s response to Covid-19 and the rollout of the vaccine, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 35.

Adam Exton, a long-time Liberal Party organizer, died suddenly on Friday, December 9th, according to his family.

“It is with great sadness that the family of Adam Exton announce his passing on December 9th, 2022 at the age of 35 in Ottawa, Ontario. Much loved son of Wendy Exton, brother of Bradley Exton (Ellen Wessel) and son of Allan Exton. He will also be deeply missed by his loving girlfriend, Reesha, as well as his many cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmother, Bette Readman,” his obituary reads.

“As a young person, Adam became actively involved in politics and had a passion for public service and volunteering in the community. In 2012, Adam won the Ontario Young Liberal Volunteer of the Year Award. He received a degree in political science from the University of Toronto. Adam spent many years working at various levels of government, eventually holding the position of Director of Parliamentary Affairs at Health Canada.”

Adam Exton was a part of the group that orchestrated the response to Canada’s totalitarian mandates against its own citizens.

His obituary stated, “During the challenging times of the pandemic, Adam was part of the leadership team that led Canada’s health response to COVID-19. He was a talented and respected campaign manager that was instrumental in helping to bring cabinet ministers and members to Queens Park and Ottawa. Adam always did and will continue to make his family extremely proud of who he was and his service to his community and country.”

The funeral service will be held on Tuesday, December 20th, at 11 am.

The cause of death is unknown.  [Emphasis added!]

[Ed.:  Sometimes news articles are actually uplifting!  ]


35-Year-Old Chief of Canada’s “Vaccine” Rollout Dies Suddenly   JD Rucker

As usual, nobody’s even asking about the jabs.

Was it the jabs? The question has been popping up more frequently in recent months as young and otherwise healthy people continue to die suddenly with no cause of death listed. The latest victim of the Covid “vaccine” era is a man whose job was to get as many jabs into as many Canadian arms as possible.


Mildly dead? German autopsy study undercuts feds’ dismissal of COVID vax heart inflammation risks  [14:55]   By Greg Piper

No signs of “pre-existing, clinically relevant heart disease” in patients who died suddenly at home within a week of mRNA jab, peer-reviewed study finds.

Federal public health officials and medical pundits have often written off the heart inflammation that sometimes follows COVID-19 vaccination as “mild” and temporary, but a new study in a peer-reviewed journal finds that the consequences can be severe and permanent.

In standardized autopsies of 25 patients without preexisting illnesses who were “found unexpectedly dead at home” within 20 days of vaccination, Heidelberg University researchers found five had “cardiac autopsy findings consistent with (epi-)myocarditis,” according to their study in Clinical Research in Cardiology, the German Cardiac Society’s official journal.

The ages and sexes of the five patients differed from the demographics most associated with post-vaccination myocarditis in prior research — young adults to about age 40, especially males. Three were women, and the range was 46-75 years old with a median of 58.

An MIT study published in a Nature journal this spring found COVID vaccination was “significantly associated” with a 25% jump in emergency medical services for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in highly vaccinated Israel.

Scientific Reports quickly added a scarlet letter to the study — an editor’s note promising to respond to “criticisms” of the conclusions — and told Just the News last month it was still investigating.

preprint study of about 300 Thai teenagers found “cardiovascular effects” in nearly a third after their second Pfizer dose. While cases were “usually mild” with full recovery in two weeks, three were hospitalized, and four had “markers of cardiac injury that were above normal even without overt symptoms.”


DeSantis’ power move on COVID vaccines targets drugmakers, possibly Trump legacy

Grand jury can compel revelations that could affect legal immunity of drugmakers, 2024 presidential race.

As he has done many times before, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is flexing his state muscle to address an issue where many see federal failure, empaneling a state grand jury to investigate whether drugmakers and federal agencies hid potential risks or problems posed by the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

His power move, announced Tuesday, may reshape the debate over whether federal science agencies and drugmakers can share legal blame for any harms the vaccines are believed to have caused. It also opens a political avenue to attack Donald Trump’s administration for its Warp Speed program to approve the vaccines on an accelerated timetable.

The latter could impact the 2024 race should DeSantis challenge Trump in the GOP presidential primaries, loaded with conservative voters long aligned with Trump who also harbor distrust of the federal government’s approval process for the vaccines and big Pharma’s profit motives in the aftermath of the opioid epidemic.

“I think people want the truth that I think people want accountability,” DeSantis said Tuesday in explaining his decision to ask the Florida Supreme Court to empanel the grand jury. “You need to have a thorough investigation into what’s happened with the shots.”


FDA Now Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting   By Pamela Geller

How many times were we banned, suspended, shadowbanned etc for saying this very thing?

How many people died in the cause of their diabolical power grab?

Adverse events in Pfizer trial may have been underreported by 10X or more


Explosion of blood clots in my clinical practice over the past two years since their market launch. From the early trials to the published literature, the signal is very clear. Strong rationale to pull products from market. @DrAseemMalhotra @EpochTimes https://t.co/v8cNxfVmTn

— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ (@P_McCulloughMD) December 17, 2022


An open letter to CDC Director Walensky: Can we talk about it?   Steve Kirsch

The best way to reduce the impact of so-called “misinformation spreaders” is to engage them in an open public dialog. Censorship has made things worse. Are you open to trying a new approach?

Dear Dr. Walensky,

Hi. My name is Steve Kirsch. There are some people who believe that my friends and I are responsible for generating most of the world’s misinformation in regards to COVID mitigation policies.

I am reaching out to you because both of us have a common interest: we both strongly agree that misinformation is a problem that costs lives and should be reduced.

Where we differ, however, is in who we believe is responsible for spreading misinformation.

There are two basic ways to resolve this conflict and achieve consensus:

  1. Censorship: You can censor, deplatform, threaten, demonetize, gaslight, and intimidate the other party.
  2. Dialog: You can seek to persuade the other party through civil dialog.
    For reasons we have never understood, those supporting the government narrative have only tried method #1. Today, three years later, the results are now very clear: it hasn’t worked at all. In fact, it has done the opposite: it has made things much worse. Today, fewer people than ever are believing government authorities and the number of “misinformation spreaders” has grown dramatically. Every single day, there are many more people moving to our side of the narrative than to your side. Every time you release a new booster, few and fewer people are taking it. Today, just 1.3% of eligible children under 5 have been vaccinated with the COVID vaccine, a fact you readily concede. The low acceptance rate for your narrative isn’t because parents haven’t heard your arguments; it is because the credibility of the CDC is now at an all time low. As time goes on, fewer and fewer people are believing the CDC and more and more are siding with our side of the narrative. Even though you are outspending us by at least 10,000:1 on marketing, you are losing badly. Thus, method #1 is a losing strategy by any objective measure.



Actuaries Raise Alarm That Australians Are “Unexpectedly” Dying At An Exaggerated Rate  By ProTrumpNews Staff

According to an analysis from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, an extra 15,400 Australians died in the first four months of 2022.

Around one-third of these deaths have no link to COVID.

Expose.news reported:

The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13% excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.

An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to a new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (“ABS”) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.

Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13% was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase. “Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1% to 2%, so 13% is way higher than normal levels,” she said.

Larry Schweikart said this data is going to begin to come into the public debate.

He expects red state legislatures to begin to rebel against the narrative once the data comes out.

[Ed.:  Australians Are “Unexpectedly” Dying?  I expected that.]


14-Year-Old “Fit and Healthy” Child Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Out Biking   By Jim Hoft

A 14-year-old child from England suffered from cardiac arrest while he was out riding his bike last week.

Oscar and his stepfather, Adam Dawe, 34, were mountain biking along with the mountain biking group Cornwall Bicycle Project on Bodmin Moor when Oscar complained of feeling dizzy, according to Essex Live.

“Oscar has always loved mountain biking, since he was nine or 10 he’s been out with me doing 18-mile rides and absolutely smashed it,” said Adam.

“So when he started falling behind on a relatively easy ride, it was strange. It wasn’t like Oscar. We managed to get him back to the car park when he said he felt dizzy, but when we got there he just collapsed, his heart stopped beating and he stopped breathing.



How the IRS Helped CAIR Islamists Win Georgia Elections  by Daniel Greenfield

Muslims now make up 10% of the Georgia Senate Democrat delegation.

In 2015, Ruwa Romman was enabling Oglethorpe University’s Students for Justice in Palestine to pass the first BDS resolution in the region. Around the same time the Jordanian immigrant began working with the Georgia Muslim Voter Project and became the communications director for the Georgia operation of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the funding of Hamas. A year earlier an individual in Atlanta by the same name urged readers to “join the BDS movement” during the Hamas campaign against Israel caused by the Muslim Brotherhood terror group’s kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, including Naftali Fraenkel, an American citizen.

“I could write chapters about what I have gone through,” Ruwa Romman, told CNN, alleging that she had faced constant discrimination and hate in America.

From CAIR she went on to the Poligon Education Fund. Poligon was co-founded by Wardah Khalid, an anti-Israel activist with UNRWA and the Friends Committee who is now working on bringing Afghans to this country as a senior policy advisor in the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the Department of Health and Human Services. Despite the fact that Poligon was specifically set up to promote the “Muslim presence on Capitol Hill” and lobby members of Congress, it operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in what is a likely violation of tax codes tolerated by the IRS.

Now, Ruwa Romman is an incoming member of the Georgia House of Representatives.

Gushing media profiles depict her as the “first Muslim woman” in the Georgia House and the first “Palestinian” elected in the state. Beneath the fawning media profiles that emphasize her accomplishments are the greased wheels of a political machine that abuses its nonprofit status.


indigenous leader Cererê will not be released by the Brazilian Supreme Court and why that matters more than you think   By Iolanda Fonseca

Justice Luis Roberto Barroso of the Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) denied a request for the release of the Xavante Indian chief Cererê, temporarily detained by order of his fellow Justice Alexandre de Moraes.

Indigenous people have special protection under Brazilian law. This was so at least until Dec. 12, when an indigenous leader was arrested by order of self-proclaimed censorship czar Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Court of Brazil for allegedly engaging in “illicit conduct and anti-democratic acts.”

Read also: Check out our coverage on curated alternative narratives

Cacique Cererê (“Chief Tserere”) of the Xavante Tribe dared to criticize the behavior of top electoral judges during the recent presidential election in Brazil, so he suffered aggression and was arrested by a new kind of tyranny-style police operation ordered by Moraes.

(Chief Cererê, is this anti-democratic or on the country is the very expression of democratic action?)

On the night of Dec. 13, Moraes was denounced before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for violating several articles of the Pact of San José of Costa Rica, with the arrest of Cacique Cererê.

The complaint, signed by the Latin American Journalism Council, requests, as a matter of urgency, a precautionary measure for the International Court to recommend the immediate release of the indigenous leader because, according to Law 6001/73, Brazilian Indians are considered unimputable.

“The arrest of an indigenous person without due process of law and without respecting the status of indigenous peoples constitutes a crime against indigenous peoples,” states the complaint.

Numerous other arbitrary arrests are happening across the country. The Brazilian judiciary has now moved on to a new phase, and the federal police keep arresting people on political grounds.


Brazilian Pastor Seeks Asylum In Israeli Embassy After Being Threatened By Corrupt Judiciary For Questioning Election

A Christian pastor in Brazil sought asylum recently at the Israeli embassy in-country. Corrupt judicial dictator Alexander De Moraes has threatened many Bolsonaro supporters who questioned the recent election, even bragging and laughing on video about how many he will imprison and fine.

Mass arrests are underway against Bolsosaro supporters, including indigenous citizens who have special protection under the law, which is being ignored.


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The 2021 Maricopa Audit Was a Crime Scene After 3 Days When Every Seal on Every Box Was Found Broken Before Review (Part II)   By Joe Hoft

As previously reported, after the first three days of ballot review during the 2021 Maricopa County audit, the auditors identified that every single box reviewed had been previously opened and therefore tampered with.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that the ballot boxes reviewed in the first three days alone during the audit had all been tampered with.  But this wasn’t highlighted in the letter sent to Maricopa County officials in May, 2021, from the Arizona Senate and signed by Karen Fann.

In this letter, the following was noted:

II. Chain of Custody and Ballot Organization Anomalies

As the audit has progressed, the Senate’s contractors have become aware of apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County’s handling, organization, and storage of ballots. We hope you can assist us in understanding these issues, including specifically the following:





Take Action: Virginia Families Forced to Choose Between Smart Meters or No Power At All   [59:46]   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

Despite freezing temperatures and with little to no warning, Dominion Energy Virginia showed up at the homes of more than half a dozen families in Virginia and shut off their power because they refused to have “smart” meters installed in their homes.

More than half a dozen families in Virginia — many with children and elderly family members — have been without power since Nov. 9. Despite the freezing temperatures and with little to no warning, Dominion Energy Virginia showed up at their homes with police and shut off their power because they refused to have “smart” meters installed in their homes.

Watch The People’s Testaments with CHD.TV host Stephanie Locricchio as she deep dives into the challenges Virginia residents face with smart meters.

Children’s Health Defense today launched a targeted action campaign to urge Virginian legislators and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin to enact legislation that protects consumer choice and consent and recognizes the host of health issues that can result from radiofrequency (RF) radiation.

Virginia is one of two states that do not allow residents to opt out of smart meter installation.


Bulk post from Childrens Health Defense

2022 in Review With Dr. Joseph Mercola 

Fauci is OUT — With Toby Rogers, Ph.D.

Fight CBDC — Send This Letter to Your Bank

Lies My Gov’t Told Me With Dr. Robert Malone

Health Care Replaces the Sick Care Industry




While the Biden administration can appear lukewarm to the idea of attacking Iran at times, the US and Israeli militaries are talking openly about preparations for striking Iran.

In a recent trip to Washington Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley discussed holding a joint Air Force drill in the coming weeks. The drill would be focused on training soldiers for a possible conflict between Israel and Iran or Iran’s military proxies in the region.

“We are at a critical point in time that requires the acceleration of operational plans and cooperation against Iran and its terrorist proxies in the region,” Kochavi said in a statement.



Meloni’s Italy: Muslim Mob Stops Police from Shutting Down Illegal Mosque

A mob of Muslims in the Italian city of Florence blocked a local bailiff from repossessing an illegal mosque, with hundreds of people preventing police from entering.

A bailiff and local police attempted to take back a former garage in Piazza dei Ciompi being used as a mosque after the owner of the property refused to renew the contract with its operator due to money being owed.

On Friday morning, hundreds gathered in front of the mosque to stop police from entering the premises, as well as the local bailiff and legal representation for the property owner, the newspaper Il Giornale reports.

Florence imam Izzedin Elzir commented on the attempted eviction, saying: “We do not know if there will be a postponement of the eviction, we are here to pray. We will not leave until we find an alternative.”

“I thank those who do their part to guarantee the rights of all: part of this right is that of property and must be guaranteed, we are the first to say that we must give the space back,” he claimed.


Great Britain: Multiculturalism and Islam Turn It Upside-Down  by Giulio Meotti

  • This year, Leicester’s famous multiculturalism, so praised by the establishment, exploded. Knife attacks, stone- and bottle-throwing, cars torched, religious symbols under siege, dozens wounded, including policemen…. Then the hunt for Hindus began in Britain’s streets.
  • “Leicester to be first city where white people are minority,” announced The Independent in 2007. Some understood that it would not end well.
  • What happened? Leicester became Islamized fast. In 2001, the Muslim population was 11%. By 2017, it made up 20%. Among children, Islam is dominant.
  • For the first time since the 7th century AD, England is no longer majority Christian.
  • A British bishop, the brave Michael Nazir-Ali, was attacked for denouncing the existence of “no-go areas” in the UK.
  • No one knows what Britain will be like in 30 years. We might, however, be concerned about a scenario in which large parts of the UK and Europe could resemble Pakistan.




Ten million non-Jews are eligible for Israeli citizenship under current Law of Return, demographer says   By Adina Katz, World Israel News

According to demographer Dr. Sergio Della Pergola, there are some 10 million non-Jews in the world who have the right to immigrate to Israel, as the law currently stands.

The ultra-Orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties are not giving up their demand that Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu pledge to repeal a clause within Israel’s Law of Return, which gives the non-Jewish grandchildren of Jews and their spouses the right to Israeli citizenship.

The parties have proposed that the law be adjusted so that only Jews – people born to a Jewish mother or who have converted to Judaism – and their children be allowed to immigrate to the Jewish State.

Netanyahu has repeatedly pushed back against calls for changes to the Law of Return.

Another senior Likud official, former Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, has also said that reforms to the policy aren’t on the table.

But the ultra-Orthodox parties have an unexpected ally in their quest to adjust the law: former Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana, with whom they very publicly clashed due to his efforts to reform the rabbinate, including streamlining kashrut certification and conversion processes in Israel.

Kahana noted that currently, the vast majority of immigrants to Israel – some 75 percent – are not Jewish according to halacha (Jewish law) and very few of them convert to Judaism after settling in Israel.


Chanukah Guide for the Perplexed 2022   Yoram Ettinger

  1. NBC news, December 13, 2022: “An ancient treasure trove of silver coins dating back 2,200 years, found in a desert cave in Israel, could add crucial new evidence to support a story of Jewish rebellion…. The 15 silver coins were hidden [during] the Maccabean revolt from 167-160 B.C., when Jewish warriors rebelled against the Seleucid [Syrian] Empire….”
  2. The US relevance. In 1777, Chanukah was celebrated during the most critical battle at Valley Forge, which solidified the victory of George Washington’s Continental Army over the British monarchy.

Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a player in the ratification of the US Constitution, paved the road to the Boston Tea Party, 1773: “What shining examples of patriotism do we behold in Joshua, Samuel, the Maccabees and the illustrious princes and prophets among the Jews…”

Chanukah according to US Supreme Court Justice, Louis Brandeis, December 1915: “Chanukah, the Feast of the Maccabees…celebrates a victory of the spirit over things material… a victory also over [external, but also] more dangerous internal enemies, the Sadducees [the upper social and economic echelon]; a victory over the ease-loving, safety-playing, privileged, powerful few, who in their pliancy would have betrayed the best interests of the people; a victory of democracy over aristocracy…. The struggle of the Maccabees is of eternal worldwide interest…. It is a struggle in which all Americans, non-Jews as well as Jews… are vitally affected…”

  1. Jewish national liberation holiday. Chanukah (evening of December 18 – December 26, 2022) is the only Jewish holiday that commemorates an ancient national liberation struggle in the Land of Israel, unlike the national liberation holidays – Passover, Sukkot/Tabernacles, and Shavou’ot/Pentecost – which commemorate the Exodus from slavery in Egypt to liberation in the land of Israel, and unlike Purim, which commemorates liberation from a Persian attempt to annihilate the Jewish people.
  2. Historical context Chanukah is narrated in the four Books of the MaccabeesThe Scroll of Antiochus and The Wars of the Jews.


Hanukkah: The reason for the season   Moshe Phillips

Let’s put the real meaning back into Hanukkah. Op-ed.

For many years now various American based Catholic and Protestant organizations have responded to what they perceive as the dual threat to the historical meaning of Christmas by its commercialization on the one hand and a diminishing of the religious foundations of the holiday on the other. Traditionally minded Jews should take note of this and examine what we can do to save Hanukkah from the remarkably similar situation it is now drowning in.

The campaigns Christians have undertaken include one with the tagline “The Reason For The Season” that is usually accompanied with a depiction of the nativity / manger. Another, more direct campaign utilizes the slogan “Keep Christ in Christmas.”

Hanukkah has also become homogenized in America and is often depicted as being about religious liberty, or as a “festival of lights,” “love, peace, and happiness” (as one greeting card I saw put it), and other modern connotations that the Hasmoneans would have scarcely found familiar.

So, what is Hanukkah about, in its essence?

The Jewish holidays—every one of them—is inextricably bound to the Beit HaMikdash, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah is no different.



Exclusive – Trump Backs McCarthy for Speaker, Tells Opponents to Stand Down: ‘I Think He Deserves the Shot’   MATTHEW BOYLE

MIAMI, Florida — Former President Donald Trump told the conservatives currently withholding support from House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy in McCarthy’s speakership bid to stand down in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News here on Friday.

“I like him,” Trump said of McCarthy, before teeing off on those working against him such as Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Rosendale (R-MT), Bob Good (R-VA), and Ralph Norman (R-SC). While Trump did not name those trying to stop McCarthy from taking the Speaker’s gavel on January 3, he in no uncertain terms said he disagrees with their efforts—and warned that there could be serious consequences if McCarthy does not get the gavel and they could make Washington worse for conservatives.

Trump’s interview came Friday morning here at his Doral golf resort in Miami and covered a broad range of topics including the Speakership race and much more.

Trump warned that when conservatives took out now-former House Speaker John Boehner in 2015, they ended with now-former Speaker Paul Ryan—who he said was much worse—in the process.

[Ed.:  Sometimes it seems that Trump calls it wrong on purpose!]


Freed J6 Political Prisoner, Former West Virginia Delegate Denounces Kevin McCarthy   By Pamela Geller

The Jan 6th political persecutions are nothing than a Kafkaesque kangaroo court designed to criminalize opposition to the totalitarian Democrat regime. It’s all a massive theatrical production with real life repercussions carefully calculated to cover the Democrats insurrectionist election theft and treasonous “Russia hoax” crimes designed to oust a sitting president.

This is typical totalitarian measures. What is unforgivable, is the complicity and silence from our own party. The party has no party. It’s been hijacked by the enemy.


SECRET RECORDINGS: Kevin McCarthy Plotted With Liz Cheney To Remove Trump From Office Shocking Leaked Audio

Kevin McCarthy Suggested Twitter Censor Biggs, Gaetz, Others Over J6

J6 Prisoner Derrick Evans Denounces Ronna McDaniel, Kevin McCarthy

Did you know your FBI is pulling agents off of child predator cases to focus on January 6th?

[Ed.:  We need to hear the warnings about Kevin McCarthy!]


HERO: Former Federal Prosecutor On How He Became The Lawyer For Twenty-Six J6 Defendants – “This Is ‘Plan R’”   By ProTrumpNews Staff

Former Federal prosecutor Bill Shipley is doing all he can to help Jan 6th defendants.

He has been helping January 6th defendants who can not afford to pay for legal help.

You can donate to the Jan 6th legal defense here

He has gotten so many clients that he is planning on bringing on more defense attorneys to help these clients.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

January 6th defendants are getting some much-needed help.

A federal prosecutor defending January 6th clients is planning on bringing more federal prosecutors on board.

He said he will bring on “new experienced” defense attorneys to help defend Jan 6th clients who lack the resources to defend themselves.

This costs a lot of money.

In a Twitter thread, he explained the importance of donations and what he and the Jan 6th defendants are facing.

Twitter Thread:



Why You May Soon Find Yourself in ‘Digital Prison’    [1:16:19]   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Your digital identity will be required to unlock all aspects of life, from logging onto the internet to accessing social services, travel, food, shopping and financial services.

Story at a glance:

  • An international vaccine passport, digital identity, a social credit system and a central bank digital currency (CBDC) form a digital control system that will lock down the population in perpetuity.
  • Facial recognition is an essential part of the control structure, as it’s the “password” to your digital identity.
  • By the end of 2022, there will be 1 billion data-collecting surveillance cameras in the world, all connected to the internet and artificial intelligence (AI). Cameras and audio recording devices in cell phones, automobiles and smart appliances also collect and share data.
  • All these data are then used to give each person an individual score, based on their behavior, expression and interaction with the world. Ultimately, your social credit score, will dictate what you can and cannot do, what you can buy and where you can go.
  • AI is an absolutely crucial component, without which the control system cannot work. The easiest way to push against this system is to starve AI of data by refusing to use technologies that collect and share your personal data.

In the video below, Maria Zeee with ZeeeMedia interviews computer scientist Aman Jabbi about the coming international vaccine passport, digital identity, the social credit system being built in the West and CBDCs.  [Emphasis added]

All these factors are now coming together to control the global population. As noted by Zeee, this digital prison, which is already mostly built, will be the final lockdown of mankind.


SBF Changes Mind On Extradition To US After Four Days In Bahamian Jail   BY TYLER DURDEN

After spending just five days in a Bahamian jail cell, FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is backpedaling on his decision to contest extradition to the United States to face fraud charges, Reuters reports, citing a person familiar with the matter.

According to the report, SBF will appear in court on Monday to formally consent to extradition – which will pave the way for him to appear in US court to face charges that he commingled customer deposits to cover expenses and debts, and to make investments through his crypto hedge fund, Alameda Research LLC.

That said, legal experts tell Reuters that a trial is likely over a year away.

As Fox News reported last week, the Bahamas prison where SBF was reportedly heading – Fox Hill – is “harsh” due to “overcrowding, poor nutrition [and] inadequate sanitation,” along with cells that are “infested with rats, maggots, and insects.”

“He will be in sick bay for orientation purposes and then we will determine where best to place him,” said Bahamian Commissioner of Correctional Services Doan Cleare in a statement to Reuters.

A 2021 U.S. State Department report said prisoners at Fox Hill described “infrequent access to nutritious meals and long delays between daily meals.”

“Maximum-security cells for men measured approximately six feet by 10 feet and held up to six persons with no mattresses or toilet facilities. Inmates removed human waste by bucket. Prisoners complained of the lack of beds and bedding,” according to the report. “Some inmates developed bedsores from lying on bare ground. Sanitation was a general problem, and cells were infested with rats, maggots, and insects.

“Overcrowding, poor sanitation, and inadequate access to medical care were problems in the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services men’s maximum-security block,” the report continued. “The facility was designed to accommodate 1,000 prisoners but was chronically overcrowded.”


As FTX investors were bilked, DC politicians benefited from Bankman-Fried’s alleged fraud

The disgraced crypto mogul allegedly began committing fraud from FTX’s inception, all the while donating millions to lawmakers and political groups in what prosecutors say was a bid to buy influence across the nation’s capital.

As the dust settles from FTX’s epic collapse and investors try to recover billions of lost dollars, it’s becoming increasingly clear that one group benefited greatly from Sam Bankman-Fried’s alleged fraud: the D.C. politicians he wanted to influence.

Lawmakers, primarily Democrats, and organizations backing them raked in millions in campaign cash from Bankman-Fried and his top lieutenants, who allegedly broke several election finance laws in a bid to buy influence across the nation’s capital, according to federal prosecutors and the extensive money trail of his political donations.

Bankman-Fried, founder and former CEO of the now-bankrupt cryptocurrency giant FTX, was arrested Monday by Bahamian authorities at the request of the U.S. government. The next morning, the Justice Department, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Commodity Futures Trading Commission all filed civil and criminal charges against him in “parallel actions.”

Bankman-Fried could face up to 115 years in prison if convicted on all eight counts against him in a newly unsealed indictment from the Justice Department. Federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York are accusing the disgraced crypto mogul of wire fraud, wire fraud conspiracy, and conspiracy to commit money laundering, among other charges.





Bulk post from Brownstone Institute    Here is some content from this week.

Lead Lockdown Advisor Jeremy Farrar Promoted to be WHO’s Chief Scientist BY MICHAEL SENGER. Few can say they did more to successfully bring totalitarianism to the UK than Jeremy Farrar. Perhaps for this reason, the WHO has gone out of its way to take Farrar under its wing and make sure he gets his due.

Covid in India in Perspective BY BHASKARAN RAMAN. All of the above numeric comparisons indicate that the brouhaha made about Covid-19 being a public health threat of unknown or unforeseen scale was all a gross exaggeration, and the pretense of “saving lives” hogwash. The level of dishonesty was made possible by the murder of basic math leading to a complete imbalance in Covid-19 threat perception in the minds of the public.

The SBF Scandal: The Players and the Money BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Building off the success of Bill Gates, Sam Bankman-Fried, and his many associates, clearly saw philanthropy as the path to influence, power, and protection. At the same time, many nonprofit organizations saw an opportunity too; to build their own empires through promised millions and billions from a crypto genius in the Bahamas who had an unusual passion for pandemic planning.

We Need a List: Thou Shalt Nots of Public Health  BY REV. JOHN F. NAUGLE. Civil society in general and public health specifically needs a list of “Thou shalts” and “Thou shalt nots.” Without them, any evil imaginable can be justified when the next panic hits. If we want to avoid a repeat of 2020 or, God forbid, something even worse, we must make it clear what we will never ever do, no matter how scared we might get. Otherwise, the siren call of “just saving one life” may lead us to previously unthinkable evils.

Trust “The Science”? No. BY JUSTIN HART. It is indeed dangerous to claim to represent science. Science doesn’t need sales reps, since it is the conceptualization of physical reality itself as determined by experiment and data. What Fauci truly represented is the authoritarian State with a capital “S.”

Setting the Record Straight on Ivermectin BY DAVID R. HENDERSON and CHARLES L. HOOPER. Ivermectin has a distinguished history, and it may have benefits comparable to those of penicillin. The anti-parasitic’s discovery led to a Nobel Prize and subsequent billions of safe administrations around the world, even among children and pregnant women. “Ivermectin is widely available worldwide, inexpensive, and one of the safest drugs in modern medicine.”

The Urge to Control Others BY THOMAS HARRINGTON. Someone who believes that hearing or reading opinions that do not precisely ratify their particular way of viewing self and other is tantamount to physical harm or extinction has a very, very tenuous sense of identity and/or self-possession. What they are, in effect, saying is that when it comes to this thing called “me” that there is no semblance of a solid and autonomous self within and that they are, rather, a mere sum of the informational inputs delivered to their device at any given moment.

US Plans to Lockdown and Wait for a Vaccine Date from 2007 BY WILL JONES. 2006 and 2007 were a turning point in U.S. biodefence planning. Prior to 2006, such planning had been focused on biological attacks, but then major mission creep set in and the new draconian ideas were applied wholesale to general pandemic planning.

How Lockdowns Made Us Sicker  BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER. Lockdowns changed nothing about these seasonal and natural processes except to make our immunity debt deeper and scarier than ever. To be sure, lockdowns in the end did not stop the pathogen that causes Covid. Instead, they only forced one group to be exposed earlier and more often than other groups, and this allocation of exposure took place entirely based on a politically scripted model.

The Government Conspired with Big Tech to Infringe on Free Speech BY JUSTIN HART.   Bottom line: the government conspired to remove valid public health messages and social media posts by myself & others, because they disagreed with the viewpoint which contradicted the federal government’s COVID-19 public health message and views.

Twitter Became the Ministry of Truth BY DAVID STOCKMAN. The Twitter story is not a one-off case, nor is it evidence that Wall Street and the homegamers alike are comprised of greedy fools who will fall for anything. To the contrary, the destructive outbreak of corporate moonlighting in behalf of woke ideology and partisan causes was born, bred and matriculated by the money-printers at the Fed.  At the end of the day, it is bad money that leads to bad, value-destroying behavior in the C-suites—just one more instance of the “malinvestment” which is the inherent result of monetary inflation.

The “Limited Information” Claim Damns Them By ROBIN KOERNER. The most basic duty of policy-makers is the honest consideration of all reasonably available information that bears on the consequences of their actions – and in so doing, to take care in some proportion to the potential (let alone, the predicted) magnitude of the consequences of those actions. It is the duty of due diligence. Almost all American officials were derelict in that duty.

Pandemic History, Retold and Adjusted for Financial Return By DAVID BELL. The rapidly-growing pandemic preparedness industry is dominating global public health and proving increasingly lucrative. Past authoritarian approaches of the type relied heavily on revising history to lend credence to their claims. Here follows such an attempt, recommended as background for their next round of white papers.

Woke Is the Handmaiden of Totalitarianism By THORSTEINN SIGLAUGSSON. Woke is an immensely important cornerstone of the new fascist society Elmer fears is around the corner, not only its visible signs, such as mass compliance with mask mandates and lockdowns, but no less in the atomization based on the denial of our common rationality, a direct consequence of the radical relativism that accepts nothing as valid except individual subjective experience.

Introduction to Lies My Government Told Me By ROBERT MALONE. This book is intended to serve as a first draft of an alternative dissenting version of history, as a recitation of the lies and harms that have been inflicted on all of us, and a means to help you make sense out of the bewildering array of lived events. My hope is that it will also help us all process our collective experiences, and will help us to derive lessons and identify actions that we might take to move towards a better future, informed by this global experience which we have all shared.







SHAMELESS: Military Industrial Complex Laughs in America’s Face As They Throw Party for Ukrainian Forces    Cullen Linebarger

For decades, DC politicians have waged war while military contractors have collected billions in profits. Rarely has this symbiotic relationship been displayed in such a flagrant manner, however.

Vox reported Saturday that the nation’s biggest defense contractors threw a huge celebration in “honor” of the Ukrainian military. The location, the Ronald Reagan and International Trade Center, is less than a mile from the White House.

One notable attendee at the party was Mark “White Rage” Milley. When not advocating for critical race theory on the military, he rubs elbows with America’s top war profiteers.

The attendees laughed at the American people as they partied.

From Vox:

“The invitation said the quiet part out loud.”

“The Ukrainian Embassy hosted a reception last week in honor of the 31st anniversary of the country’s armed services. Events like this are part of the social calendar of Washington’s smart set, with hobnobbing diplomats, think tankers, journalists, and US officials.

“Guests took photos with the Ukrainian ambassador. Even Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley showed up.”

“But there was something so overt it led some observers to laugh out loud at the gathering’s invitation.”

“The logos of military contractors Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney, and Lockheed Martin were emblazoned on the invitation as the event’s sponsors, below the official Ukrainian emblems and elegant blue script that said the Ukrainian ambassador and defense attaché “request the pleasure of your company.”

“It’s really bizarre to me that they would put that on an invitation,” one think tank expert told me. “The fact that they don’t feel sheepish about it, that’s interesting,” explained an academic. (Both spoke on the condition of anonymity and regularly attend embassy events in Washington.)

Receiving $68 billion in one year will make you feel quite shameless. Especially when the US government will soon send billions more your way.

This party also comes as over 200,000 Ukrainian and Russian soldiers have perished with thousands more civilians killed and missing. The nation’s military elite are partying while Ukraine falls apart.






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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.