Daily Shmutz – 122022 & 122122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)





Updated Boosters OK’d for Babies With Zero Data   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Child Abuse Alert, Is the FDA Really This Evil?

Warning: This will send a shiver up your spine. Despite having zero data to approve it, and all evidence pointing to it being the deadliest medical intervention ever released, the insanity continues.


  • In mid-June 2022, the United States became the first country in the world to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID jabs for toddlers as young as 6 months. December 8, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized the updated bivalent COVID boosters for this age group as well
  • The reformulated bivalent shots were authorized for adults, based on antibody levels in mice, just three months earlier. The FDA has zero data on its use in babies. Initial data is not expected until January 2023, yet they authorized the shot for babies anyway
  • The COVID shots are the most dangerous medical intervention ever released. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data show nearly 30% of V-Safe participants aged 12 to 17 were unable to perform daily activities after the second dose, and nearly 20% were unable to attend school or work after the booster
  • How can the FDA rationalize a bivalent booster for babies based on data showing 2 out of 10 tweens and teens get so incapacitated they cannot attend school?
  • The FDA and CDC aren’t the only ones at fault. The U.S. Congress has, over the past 30 years, slowly but surely paved the way for legalized tyranny and genocide. What used to be crimes are no longer, and the FDA is actually part of the group of agencies that run the U.S. bioterrorism program





The Unspeakable (2021) | FULL MOVIE [1:29:46]

Their loved ones were murdered on 9/11. Twenty years later, they are still fighting for the truth.


Directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, “The Unspeakable” follows four families in their ongoing struggle to find the truth about the murder of their loved ones on September 11, 2001. Interwoven with their stories are the elucidating words of psychologist Robert Griffin, who guides the audience through an exploration of trauma and the healing power of bringing suppressed truths to light. The film also includes interviews with engineer Tony Szamboti and world-renowned forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht, who weighs in on the autopsy report of 9/11 victim Bobby McIlvaine and the extreme fragmentation of human bodies seen in the World Trade Center’s destruction.

[Ed.:  “Some people did some things!”]


Mission Impossible: Unvaccinated Blood Banking Unrealistic, Unfeasible, Impractical  Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

On virtually every interview I am asked about the market demand for unvaccinated blood transfusion. Early in 2021, myself and two prominent pathologists wrote to the American Association of Blood Banks, American Red Cross, and other blood banking authorities about the possibility of COVID-19 vaccinated persons donating blood contaminated with mRNA and Spike protein. Our letter was answered months later with acknowledgement of the potential problem but with no action taken. Now nearly two years later, the seroprevalence for sensitive antibodies against the Spike protein (whether by natural infection, vaccination, or both) is nearly universal in American populations. This means Spike protein could be within a small number CD16 monocytes in virtually every blood donation. This leaves the remaining issue of of circulating lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA which are circulatory after vaccination for 15 days and probably longer.

While I understand that no unvaccinated person wants to receive mRNA by blood product donation, there are many reasons why such donors cannot be excluded from the blood supply: 1) there are no standardized assays for mRNA (or adenoviral DNA) or circulatory Spike protein (Novavax), 2) the duration of circulation is unknown, 3) the viability of mRNA in warm blood collection, specimen preparation including initial separation and washing, and storage is unknown, 4) the impact of blood filters during transfusion on mRNA is undetermined.

The proposed answer to these shortcomings is to develop a separate blood banking system based on unvaccinated donors. This is not feasible for the following reasons: 1) too few donors, only 17% of the adult US population is completely unvaccinated according to CDC, [Emphasis added]  2) no way to ascertain the truthfulness of unvaccinated status (no mRNA or Spike assays as above, 3) inability to safely cross match on critical red cell antigens with limited pool, 4) insufficient donors for pooled products (fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate), 5) inadequate infrastructure to maintain massive transfusion protocols (packed red cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelets, cryoprecipitate, fibrinogen) in hospital blood banks for critical patients, 6) no interest or endorsement from national or regional blood banking systems.

[Ed.:  Besides the reasons listed by Dr. McCullough, the hospitals will not permit you to receive unvaccinated blood, even if you have the donor standing there!  Think of the Baby Alex case just now! So, IMHO, it is (therefore) far better to die, than to replace your blood with blood that replaces your DNA and natural immunity.  It becomes the Devil’s blood. Just sayin’.]



The festival of lights needs to be celebrated as a fight against the idols of woke popular culture, not a blue-tinsel version of Christmas.

(JNS) According to the most recent authoritative study of American Jewry, conducted in 2020 by the Pew Research Institute, approximately 80% of respondents said they owned a menorah or, as it is properly known in Hebrew, a Chanukiah. They weren’t asked, however, whether they lit it on the holiday.

An answer to this question was provided by a different survey, conducted for a book by Shmuel Rosner and Camil Fuchs. It found that a whopping 68% of American Jews think the Festival of Lights, a minor observance in the traditional religious calendar, is “one of the three most important” Jewish holidays. Even so, the research showed, less than 60% actually light candles, as opposed to just having a menorah on display in their homes as a totemic gesture toward their origins.

Still, Hanukkah plays an important role in the Jewish effort to carve a niche in American popular culture. The 2019 debut of the first Hallmark Channel Hanukkah movies was a milestone for some.

The new such Jewish-holiday romance, among the 40 that the company produced for the 2022 holiday season, is an indication that, for all of its problems, American Jewry is still given a place at the communal cultural table, even if it’s a marginal one.

Observant Jews—and those more concerned with the serious problems of surging antisemitism and the ongoing demonization of Israel—may sneer at this “achievement.” But this sort of representation has enormous meaning to the secular majority, especially members of the not-inconsiderable group dubbed by demographers as “Jews of no religion,” the fastest-growing segment of U.S. Jewry.


Transfer is a Good Conflict Resolution   by Steven Shamrak

(Transfer of Fake Palestinians is Legal)

After long and careful consideration Israel has made a decision to transfer some members of suicide bombers families to Gaza. It did not come as a surprise when UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan immediately voiced his opposition to the decision. I have made an effort to find out details of an international agreement he has referred to. As usual, it is open to interpretations. And, as usual, friends are taking an anti-Israel point of view:

Geneva Convention Protection of Civilian Persons – Article 49 Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population in question or imperative military reasons do demand.

The following is my interpretation of the document:

1.     First of all, even according to UN legal definition Judea, Samaria and Gaza are disputed not occupied territories.

2.     Families of suicide bombers can be transferred from one protected territory to another.

3.     By encouraging their sons and daughters to commit terror acts, accepting the admiration from their neighbors and blood money from the Arabs terror network, families of suicide/homicide bombers became an integrated part of the terror machinery.

4.     More than 75% of the Arab population in the PA controlled territories support terror acts against Israel. Therefore, they can hardly be classified as an innocent civilian population. Israel has enough military and security reasons to conduct a population transfer.

Population Transfer was a good conflict resolution tool that was widely used. It was made illegal as soon as Jews won the War of Independence, in 1948!

In 1922, 1.8 million were transferred between Greece and Turkey.

In 1947, over 12 million were transferred when the Indian peninsula was divided between India and Pakistan.

There are many more examples when millions of people have been transferred, under various refugee programs, in order to resolve conflicts since 1948!

Many millions, labeled as refugees , have been transferred from Afghanistan, Southern Sudan, Eretria, Iraq, Syria and other countries. Only one group of professional refugees is unmovable the fake Palestinian ones! (Israel must stop caring about what international anti-Semites think. They will never stop hating Jews. Only by decisive and unapologetic actions against Israel s enemies they might start at least respecting Jews!)

[Ed.: Meir Kahane was right: “They MUST go!”]



Funeral homes sounding the alarm – Massive increase in deaths   Peter Imanuelsen

It’s so bad that they are running out of storage space.

This is not good at all, Norwegian funeral homes are now warning about a massive increase in the number of dead people that they are seeing.

In fact, things are so bad that the largest funeral home in the city of Trondheim has been forced to open up a crisis cold room in a garage to be able to store all the dead people, something that is reserved only for emergency situations, such as a massive disaster or accident.

They report a whopping 30% increase in deaths at during the last year, and they say it has been especially bad the last few months.

”We haven’t since such an increase since the firm started in 1922” – says Lars Svanholm, CEO at the funeral home.

So they have been around for 100 years and they have never seen things this bad before. What could possibly be causing this?

And they are not the only funeral homes having this problem. They say that others have also seen an increase of between 10% to 30% in the number of deaths.

This is causing a large backlog, meaning that people have to wait 15-20 days for a funeral as churches are fully booked up.



This movie is based on the #1 best-seller “The Real Anthony Fauci” written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. To purchase the book click here. 

We have been constantly brainwashed by establishment media to think that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. However, he is anything but.

Fauci could be the biggest war criminal in history, as his fingerprints are now all over the biggest genocide/democide on record. Watch this new documentary FREE of charge.

Anthony Fauci THE MOVIE – History’s biggest con man.


Former Head Israeli Researcher: ‘It was a mistake to take the COVID vaccine’  Dec 20, 2022
‘Pfizer vaccine is neither safe nor effective,’ says ex-head of Israel Institute for Biological Research, drawing rebuttal from Health Min.


Latest Rasmussen poll finds 34% of Americans were injured by covid jabs, and 7% of the injuries were major, life threatening  Dec 20, 2022

Many people fully vaxxed against COVID-19 are now going BLIND   Dec 20, 2022

VAERS Shows a 4070% Increase in Miscarriages and Stillbirths Since mRNA Roll-out  Dec 20, 2022





AWESOME! Brazil’s First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro Leads Patriots in Prayer – “Camouflage Santa Coming for Christmas”   By Richard Abelson

President Bolsonaro and beautiful First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro led prayers with their supporters outside the presidential palace in Brasilía Tuesday. Speaking to protestors, one General seemed to promise a military intervention over Christmas. Brazil observer Matt Tyrmand said the Brazilian Military “are going to war … hopefully in the next 48 hours.”  [Emphasis added]

President Bolsonaro appeared outside the Alvorada Palace in Brasilía on Tuesday with his wife Michelle for the Lowering of the Flag.

In a moving scene, beautiful First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro fell to her knees to pray the Lord’s Prayer with the protestors, wearing a T-shirt that read “Jesus”.


Lula’s Election Results Diploma

“Lula, thief, your place is in jail” chants the Brazilian Congress
The mood is better than at a soccer match. At the graduation ceremony of the elected Brazilian parliamentarians, chants and booing can be heard quite loud there “Lula, thief, your place is in prison.



McConnell and Senate Republicans Agree to $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill with $45 Billion to Ukraine and Clause to Make It Impossible to Challenge Stolen Elections   By Jim Hoft

If you are a conservative voter in America today at some point you have to realize you have no representation in the US Senate.

Mitch McConnell has a 33 percent approval rating, the lowest in the US Senate and yet he was reelected as GOP Leader with 37 votes to 10 votes for Senator Scott.

The Senate Republicans REALLY, really hate their base.

And now this…
Senate Republicans, under the leadership of Mitch McConnell, have come to an agreement with Democrats on a $1.7 trillion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown.

The bill gives another $44.9 billion to Ukraine — where it disappears into the ether.

The bill also makes it impossible for Americans to challenge a stolen election.

Republicans did this to you.

They always do this to you.

Lawmakers have come to a $1.7 trillion deal to avoid a government shutdown ahead of Friday’s deadline that includes a boost to defense spending, a ban on TikTok, and the largest amount of cash assistance to the Ukraine yet.

The measure includes $44.9 billion for the Ukraine – the biggest amount to date and well above President Joe Biden’s $37 billion request.

The move ensures that funding will flow to the embattled nation for months to come amid questions about whether Republicans, who take control of the House on January 3rd, would continue financial assistance.

Also in the package is a measure to reform Electoral Count Act of 1887 – a revision that reaffirms that the vice president has only a ceremonial role in counting electoral college votes and raises the threshold necessary for members of Congress to object to a state’s electors.

Lawmakers have been working frantically to meet Friday’s deadline or face a partial government shutdown over Christmas. The bill, which runs for 4,155 pages, had its details released shortly before 2 a.m. on Tuesday.


BREAKING BIG! Kari Lake WINS Right to Bring Election Fraud Case to Trial! – Judge DENIES Motion To Dismiss by Katie Hobbs – Trial to Proceed WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY  By Jordan Conradson

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed the defendants’ motions to dismiss Kari Lake’s historic stolen election lawsuit.

The trial will proceed with evidentiary hearings on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Kari Lake’s attorneys gave an oral argument over the motions to dismiss in court this morning.









Qatari Islamization of the World Cup Backfires   by Hany Ghoraba

While fans will remember the 22nd World Cup as one of the best final matches in tournament history, the games also will be remembered as the most controversial.

The controversies have nothing to do with anything that took place in a match. Unlike any other World Cup, the host country, Qatar, used the global spotlight to proselytize visiting soccer fans, media and others.

Some of the most controversial radical Islamist preachers were present, including Indian televangelist Zakir Naik. Naik, who is wanted by Indian authorities for money laundering and hate speech, traveled to Qatar despite issuing a 2021 fatwa that said professional football is haram, or prohibited. He reportedly gave religious lectures and posed for pictures with Islamist missionaries from around the world.

“If [Osama] bin Laden is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him,” Naik said in 2006. “If he is terrorizing America, the biggest terrorist, I am with him. Every Muslim should be a terrorist.”



“We Are Going to Kill You and Destroy Your Church”: The Persecution of Christians, November 2022   by Raymond Ibrahim
December 21, 2022 at 5:30 am

  • Without any prior notice, government authorities bulldozed the church and homes of 200 Christians in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan, leaving them homeless. “The timing is particularly concerning, coming so soon after costly and devastating floods, and with winter already here and temperatures plummeting.” — The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement, November 26, 2022.
  • 108 Medieval and early modern Armenian monasteries, churches and cemeteries, between 1997 and 2011, have already experienced “complete destruction,” according to Caucasus Heritage Watch. “[N]ew satellite imagery….showed how a monastery, more than 700 years old , was destroyed, then re-erected as a mosque. — theartnewspaper.com, November 25, 2022, Azerbaijan.
  • “There has been a marked uptick in religiously motivated attacks by Palestinian Muslims on Christians in Bethlehem….. The Palestinian Authority, responsible for security in the area, did nothing.” — Israel365.com, November 21, 2022.
  • “I want to burn Christianity … we have incinerators and holocausts like Hitler, a lesson from history…. I swear to Allah we will cause chaos and kill the non-believers…. Whoever is not happy, a bullet in their head, I don’t want a single person alive who would oppose Sharia.” — Tarek Namouz, 42, a barber shop owner in London who, on seven separate occasions, sent £25,000 to ISIS fighters in Syria, Daily Mail, December 15, 2022.
  • “We will escalate the war against you until you submit to Islam… Our desire is to kill you or be killed, for we are martyrs before Allah, so submit or run from us.” — Message on social media addressed to “the Mozambican crusader army,” it also targeted Christians and Jews, whom it offered “three choices: submit to Islam, pay tax [jizya], or accept endless war.” — Zitamar News; November, 18, 2022, Mozambique
  • “Even when an abducted girl is found by police she will not be returned to her family. Instead she is sent to a Women’s refuge centre that is meant to be impartial but is corruptible. Muslim rapists or their friends gain access to these protective centres and threaten to kill the girl and her family unless she states she willingly married the Muslim man…. Christian children are bullied in school and even killed for their faith. This prevents Christian families sending them to school which perpetuates levels of illiteracy. …. Provincial Curriculum text books caricature and demonize Christians and other minorities.” — British Asian Christian Association, November 27, 2022, Pakistan.



Not The Babylon Bee-Ukrainian Nazi Battalion Visits Israel, Welcomed With Open Arms In Fight For ‘Democracy’ As Zelenskiy Bans Churches

Azov officer Ilya Samoilenko, one of the defenders of the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol, led the delegation to Israel, writes Jerusalem Post

A delegation from Ukraine’s infamous ‘Azov Battalion’, which promotes Nazi theology and symbols, as see in the photo above, visited Israel to talk about Democracy.

For some reason there were no ‘Wolf’s Hooks’, the Azov symbol taken from a Nazi SS favorite, were seen in the local Israeli press.

The delegation arrived in Israel on Thursday and was led by Azov officer Ilya Samoilenko, one of the soldiers who barricaded themselves beneath the Azovstal steelworks during attempts to protect Mariupol from the Russian invasion earlier this year. Joining him in leading the delegation was Yuliya Fedosyuk, deputy head of the Association of Azovstal Defenders’ Families, wrote The Jerusalem Post.

The delegation came to Israel to advocate for members of the Azov Regiment who are still being held as prisoners, to speak about the defense of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol and to counter Russian reports and statements about the regiment and the ongoing war.

The visit was initiated by the Israeli Friends of Ukraine organization and with the support of the Ukrainian Embassy in Israel and the Nadav Foundation.

[Ed.: I sincerely hope that my readers are better understanding why I coined the acronym ‘IINO’.  It really hits the nail right on the head!]

                                                                                                                                                        Azov Nazi Baattallion Ukrain Army


‘Severe violence, torture’ — Israeli prisoner sues Shin Bet for 5 million shekels  By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News

Amiram Ben Uliel, who was convicted of the deadly 2015 Duma arson attack, says he was severely tortured, physically and psychologically, by the Shin Bet security agency, seeks damages.

A Jewish-Israeli man who was convicted of the deadly 2015 firebombing of a Palestinian family’s home, based on a confession he made after he was tortured by the Shin Bet security agency, is suing the body for 5 million shekels ($1.4 million), his attorney announced on Tuesday morning.

Amiram Ben Uliel was sentenced to three life terms for the arson attack, which killed an 18-month-old baby and his parents in the PA-administered town of Duma. Ben Uliel was convicted primarily on the basis of a confession he gave to the Shin Bet, which he later recanted.

Ben Uliel’s attorney Menashe Yado noted that the details of the physical torture Ben Uliel allegedly endured are still under a gag order, so specifics about what happened cannot be made public.

However, Yado said, his client was subject to “severe violence.”

According to statements from Yado and portions of the lawsuit published by Hebrew-language media outlets, he suffered extended psychological and physical torture. He was shackled for hours on end and forced to spend a winter night in an unheated cell without a blanket or coat, the lawsuit said.


Outrage over Israeli government website with ‘Palestine’ option   By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Right-wing groups demand an investigation into how “the invention called the State of Palestine” could be offered as a “place of birth” on an official Israeli website.

Right wing organizations are up in arms over an Israeli government website that lists ‘Palestine’ as a country, when Jerusalem does not recognize such an entity.

The site, “mybenefits.gov.il,” provides information on a wide array of benefits to which citizens and non-citizens are entitled – concerning labor rights, disability payments, housing and retirement, and the like.

The website is the responsibility of the Government ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Authority, which until this year was run from the Prime Minister’s Office. In 2022, the Authority and the National Digital Israel Initiative was placed under the purview of the Economy Ministry, whose outgoing minister is Orna Barbivai of Yesh Atid.

[Ed.:  Now, they will need to add an ‘IINO’ option, just for the sake of honesty.]


[Ed.: HAPPY CHANUKAH, everybody! …INCOMING!]

Caroline Glick sets the record straight on why Jews have a right to live in Judea and Samaria. [3:54]


The Secret is Out: EU Will Help PA Takeover Area C   by AFSI Staff  December 20, 2022

A document drafted by the European Commission in Eastern Jerusalem calls for helping the Palestinian Authority actively take control of land in Area C, which is supposed to be under full Israeli control under the Oslo Accords.

A report by Channel 13 News revealed the document from which it appears that the EU will work to map land to prove Palestinian Arab rights to it – without leaving traces of its activities. The document appears to point to the EU’s use of left-wing organizations in Israel for this purpose.

The EU also calls for “following and monitoring Israeli archaeological activity in the area” – on the grounds that it is being used as a pretext for settlement building in Judea and Samaria.

The document also states that there is a need for a common European vision and a more coordinated approach between the parties in Europe in order to maximize the ability to expand involvement in Area C.

Chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, MK Bezalel Smotrich, responded, saying that, “the fight against the Arab takeover of open areas in Judea and Samaria is one of the most pressing and important challenges that the next government must address and one of the main reasons for my demand to receive authority for this in the Ministry of Defense.”


Assert Sovereignty to Reverse Temple Mount Damage   by AFSI Staff   December 20, 2022

Alex Selsky went up to the Temple Mount for the first time a few days ago. He says, “On the one hand, I received a boost to my national and traditional Jewish identity. However, at the same time, I felt humiliated. We were accompanied by policemen, our own Israeli policemen, who led us like prisoners, not allowing us to stop or deviate a few meters.”

Worse than that, a dress code was recently imposed on visitors to the Temple Mount by the Wakf, which is handing out clothing with a yellow stripe on it. This is certainly no coincidence. Yellow was the color imposed on Jews and Christians in Islamic countries that symbolized their lower status, known as dhimmi.

Jews were forced to wear a yellow patch as a sign of their inferior status beginning in the ninth century in Muslim countries, and it is not a coincidence that it was adopted by the Nazis during the 20th century.



This Man and His Mother Were Put in Shackles and Flown to DC and the Gulag – They Were Not Permitted to Talk – A Letter from Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Eric Munchel – Please Donate If You Can   By Jim Hoft

Eric Munchel is a January 6th political prisoner. Eric escorted his mother to Washington DC on January 6, 2021. He was one of over a million Trump supporters who came to Washington DC to protest their grievances on what they believed was a stolen presidential election.  This action is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

According to The American Gulag website, a project of The Gateway Pundit, Eric Munchel entered the Capitol with a cell phone attached to his chest. He is pictured next to a mob of people who attacked two police officers and pursued them. Munchel admits to having a taser with him that day for self-protection. He accompanied his mother, Lisa Eisenhart. She wanted to attend President Trump’s rally and be part of the events of that day despite having an injured shoulder.

Eric and his mother face up to 8 years in federal prison for walking through an opened door and being invited into the Capitol by police as seen on his body cam footage. Not once did Eric ever attack, injure, or insult a police officer or damage any property.

Currently, Eric is limited on what he can share about the case based on his pretrial conditions and so we are cautious as we share an update.

On December 2nd during his status hearing, Eric and his mother were given a trial date for April 11th. The trial is expected to last through the 14th.

** Please donate to Eric Munchel this Christmas Season at his GiveSendGo account here.

Within the last few months, the judge granted Eric and his mother, Lisa, permission to speak to each other once a week on the phone as long as they do not discuss anything about the case.

He has been very fortunate to have a new attorney want to represent him other than his public defender. This was officially recognized by the judge during his December 2nd status hearing.



Distributed ledger (Central Bank Digital Currency) provisions in NDAA for FY2023   Katherine Watt

National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Tucked into 2023 Defense Budget, by The Sharp Edge.


…Tucked inside this massive defense bill is the creation of a “National research and development strategy for distributed ledger technology” to build the framework for a digital enslavement system nationwide.  Though this agenda has been explicitly laid out by the Biden regime over the course of 2022, it has been years in the making as outlined in the Corey’s Digs report entitled ‘The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports’ Part 3 and Part 4

On March 9, 2022, the Biden regime issued an Executive Order for “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets,” in which the White House called for “an evolution and alignment of the United States Government approach to digital assets,” while placing the “highest urgency” on the development of a United States Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).  Central banks around the world, including the Federal Reserve, are currently advancing in research, development and implementation of CBDCs

In response to the White House Executive Order, in September 2022, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued their report on “Technical Evaluation for a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency System,” which recommends that the OSTP and the National Science Foundation (NSF) lead a “National Digital Assets Research and Development (R&D) Agenda” to support the Fed’s CBDC exploration as well as scale-up “relevant technological infrastructure, capacity, and expertise across the Federal government…”

While this was in the works, the Department of Defense awarded the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) contract to Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle in a shared $9 billion contract on December 7th. The cloud computing contract extends through June of 2028. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and distributed ledger technology are all key components to the development of their digital prison.

The agenda to build the infrastructure for a digital enslavement system, which the Biden regime has methodically laid out over the course of 2022, will now be implemented through Congressional authorization under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023, which Biden is expected to sign at the end of the week…

Tucked into the [FY2023] NDAA in Section 5913 is the creation of a “National research and development strategy for distributed ledger technology.”  Distributed ledger technology research for this project may include “use cases for distributed ledger technologies across various industry sectors and government, including applications pertaining to digital identity… medical information management… inclusive financial services… [and] digital credentials.”

In other words, this is a national strategy to develop the infrastructure for the entire digital enslavement system which includes digital IDs, vaccine passports, CBDCs and, of course, a social credit system…


Elon Musk and 550 Gulfstream 800’s   by Joseph DeMaio


(Dec. 20, 2022) — OK, faithful P&E readers…, time for a respite from the saga of the natural born Citizen (“nbC”)…, although the subject of the following offering is not a U.S. nbC, so there is no real danger of a presidential run by him, at least in the United States.  And by “him,” your humble servant refers to one .

Rest assured, this post will not delve into all of the convoluted and intertwined aspects of Musk’s life so far: that is why Wikipedia and Internet gossip websites exist.  Instead, consistent with one of the core functions of The P&E – respect for and preservation of the First Amendment – the focus will be on his acquisition of the social media platform “Twitter.”

By now, everyone with an IQ over room temperature – thereby excluding a fair number of folks within the Beltway – is aware that Musk has become the controlling stockholder (sometimes called an “owner”) of the social media website “Twitter” for a price of around … $44 billion.

That is to say: $44,000,000,000.00.  Take some time to digest that number.  Here is a guy who needs more strife and problems in his life like he needs another hole in the head, shelling out a ton of green to ensure that ordinary people could once again enjoy the fruits of the First Amendment: the ability to speak…, and more importantly, the ability to communicate with others…, without fear of “shadow banning,” censorship or retribution.



Twitter Files 7 Continued: the FBI Moves In   by Sharon Rondeau

(Dec. 21, 2022) — In tweets subsequent to those presented in The Post & Email’s report Monday from journalist Michael Shellenberger’s release of “,” Shellenberger further detailed the steps the FBI took to contain the release of the Hunter Biden laptop story issued by The New York Post on October 14, 2020.

In tweet #10 on Monday, Shellenberger , “10. On Dec 2, described the debate inside Twitter over its decision to censor a wholly accurate article. Since then, we have discovered new info that points to an organized effort by the intel community to influence Twitter & other platforms,” presenting Taibbi’s release of the first batch of “Twitter Files.”


How CIA Plotted Peru Coup

December 20, 2022

According to reports, Castillo’s final phone call before leaving the presidential mansion came from the US Embassy. This is how the CIA plotted the Peru coup.

On the last day of his administration as president of Peru, December 7, 2022, Pedro Castillo was seated in his office. Spreadsheets reviewed by his attorneys demonstrated that Castillo would defeat a congressional removal motion. The Congress was planning to challenge Castillo for the third time, but his attorneys and advisers, including former prime minister Anibal Torres, assured him that he had an edge over the Congress in surveys (his approval rating had risen to 31 percent, while that of the Congress was just about 10 percent).

For the previous year, Castillo had been under intense pressure from an oligarchy that despised this former teacher. The unexpected announcement that he would “temporarily dissolve the Congress” and “[establish] an exceptional emergency government” was made to the media on December 7. This action decided his future. Castillo and his family hurried in the direction of the Mexican Embassy, but were stopped near Avenida Espaa by the military.

Despite the facts, Castillo buckled under the pressure. His presidential election rival Keiko Fujimori and her allies have been working to obstruct his induction ever since he was chosen in July 2021. She collaborated with guys who are intimately connected to the American government and its intelligence services. Fernando Rospigliosi, a member of Fujimori’s team, tried to get the U.S. Embassy in Lima involved in a 2005 campaign against Ollanta Humala, a candidate for president of Peru in 2006. Pedro Rejas, a former commander in Peru’s army, received messages from Vladimiro Montesinos, a former CIA agent currently serving time in prison in Peru, telling him to travel “to the U.S. Embassy and talk with the embassy intelligence officer,” in an effort to exert some sort of influence. The US appointed a former CIA agent, Lisa Kenna, as its ambassador to Lima just before the election. She met with Peru’s Minister of Defense, Gustavo Bobbio, on December 6 and wrote a condemnatory tweet the next day in response to Castillo’s decision to dissolve Congress (on December 8, the US government, through Ambassador Kenna, acknowledged Peru’s new administration following Castillo’s removal).

[Ed.: Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]


It’s one big CONSPIRACY to DEFRAUD the United States!   Tierney’s Real News

The big news story yesterday was that a judge has FINALLY ruled that there is enough evidence of widespread election fraud to go to trial.

Kari Lake’s case in Arizona will proceed tomorrow. The judge agreed to hear two of the ten counts she presented. Kari has said she will take this all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. So, if Kari can prove that Maricopa County used illegal means to steal the 2022 election – what does that say about 2020? Connect the dots.

More on that later – but what else was going on in the background to distract you from this historic news?



Joe Biden Can’t Keep His Paws Off Little Girl at White House Hanukkah Ceremony (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

He just can’t help himself.

Joe and Dr. Jill Monday evening hosted a Hanukkah reception that included a menorah lighting and blessing.

“This year’s Hanukkah arrives in the midst of rising and emboldened of antisemitism at home and, quite frankly, around the world. I recognize your fear, your hurt, your worry that this vile and venom is becoming too normal,” Biden said Monday night from the Grand Foyer.

“As your president, I want to make this clear. Silence is complicity. We must not remain silent. And I made no bones about it from the very beginning: I will not be silent. America will not be silent,” Biden said.

After lighting the White House menorah, Joe Biden turned his sights on children standing next to the lectern.

Biden couldn’t keep his paws off of a little girl.

Joe Biden claimed the children asked him how he became president.

Biden made the menorah lighting about himself and rambled on about his run for the White House.





Antifa terror cell arrested, Bloomberg calls for climate terrorism across USA  [1:46:01 – 0:00 Major Analysis; 24:25 FTX; 25:35 Big News from Europe; 35:03 Vaccine Holocaust; 37:30 Posthuman Future; 56:57 Angela Albright]   Mike Adams

– Antifa group in Georgia arrested with BOMBS and weapons

– Intel chatter about Antifa groups targeting electrical infrastructure

– Luciferians hope to take out the lights on the Day of Christ (Christmas)

– Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck

– America is at the tipping point of chaos and desperation: Inflation, layoffs, etc.

– EU climate cultists reach agreement to force all citizens to pay for carbon emissions

– EU climate goal specifies a “carbon zero” deadline of 2050

– CARBON ZERO means zero human beings, since breathing releases carbon

– Under the climate cult, Western Europe is committing civilization SUICIDE

– Health Ranger predicted the #vaccine holocaust in the summer of 2019

– In 2019 speech, Health Ranger warned of “Oblivion Agenda” to exterminate humanity from the planet

– The planetary-scale ethnic cleansing operation has only accelerated since

– Vaccines, bioweapons, economic collapse, “carbon zero” all share same goal: Eliminating humans from Earth

– Why is Earth being prepared for a post-human future?

– Humanity is a FAILED species on a cosmic scale. Failed basic tests of logic, stewardship and sanity.

– The entire human race has been targeted for termination, and the effort will likely succeed

Left-wing domestic terrorists plotting Christmas week infrastructure SABOTAGE

Last week, five members of an Antifa terror cell were arrested in Atlanta, where law enforcement reportedly found “bombs, flares and gasoline.”  Left-wing Antifa types have a long history of sabotage acts against rail lines, bridges and other critical infrastructure.

And now, Bloomberg News is calling for “sabotage and property destruction” to achieve some sort of twisted climate justice outcome by destroying things.

The original headline declared, “The Climate Movement Needs to Embrace Property Destruction,” claiming climate activists “must escalate their tactics.”

Now, as America faces a Christmas deep freeze, we must be on high alert for radical left-wing, eco-terrorist attacks on the power grid and critical infrastructure that keeps people alive.

Listen to my full analysis and podcast here.


Should the Climate Movement Embrace Property Destruction?   By Akshat Rathi and Oscar Boyd

Bloomberg – December 15, 2022 at 12:00 AM EST

Climate activists have done nowhere near enough to reign in the fossil fuel industry and must escalate their tactics, professor Andreas Malm says on the Zero podcast.

The past few months have seen a flurry of climate protests. In Marseilles, a cement factory was sabotaged by activists for its high emissions. In London, tomato soup was thrown at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers by members of the group Just Stop Oil. Other activists have taken to deflating SUV tires in cities across Europe and the US to discourage use of the gas-guzzling vehicles.

This is only the beginning of what climate activists need to do in order to be effective, says Andreas Malm, associate professor of human ecology at Lund University and author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline. “The task for the climate movement is to make clear for people that building new pipelines, new gas terminals, opening new oil fields are acts of violence that need to be stopped — they kill people,” Malm says on Bloomberg Green’s Zero podcast.

Malm argues that while the majority of climate action should remain non-violent, no social sea change — from the suffragettes to the Civil Rights Movement — has succeeded through completely peaceful activism. “We shouldn’t engage in assassinations or terrorism, or use arms and things like that,” he says. “But until that line or boundary, we need virtually everything … all the way up to sabotage and property destruction.”


Transcript Zero Episode 20: The Climate Movement Needs to Embrace Property Destruction   By Oscar Boyd and Akshat Rathi

Bloomberg – December 15, 2022 at 12:00 AM EST

Read a transcript of the conversation between podcast host Akshat Rathi and climate activist, author and academic Andreas Malm. 

For Episode 20 of the Zero podcast, Bloomberg Green reporter Akshat Rathi interviews Andreas Malm, author of How to Blow Up a Pipeline and an associate professor of human ecology at Lund University. Malm argues that the climate movement cannot succeed without becoming more radical, and embracing property destruction as a tool in its arsenal. Listen to the full episode below, learn more about the podcast here, and subscribe on Apple, Spotify and Google to stay on top of new episodes.





Congress declares itself the enemy of the people   Jordan Schachtel

Omnibus and military bills rife with fraud, deception, and abuse.

I’ve been trying to compile my thoughts about a week filled with 2.6 trillion dollars in new spending, on top of the usual clown world behavior we’re witnessing in the D.C. Beltway nowadays. It’s been difficult to concisely summarize the overwhelming amount of fraud, deception, and outright abuse coming out of the halls of Congress these days.

In the midst of a global recession that they helped to facilitate, Congress has decided to pass a $1.7 trillion dollar record-breaking omnibus bill. And that comes on top of the record-breaking $858 billion “defense” budget passed last week.

Sure, the Weekend At Biden’s Administration hasn’t exactly been a force for human liberty, to put it mildly. But many are missing the diabolical role that the legislative branch plays in facilitating the growth of the authoritarian uniparty.

If it seems like our ruling class absolutely despises the common man, that’s because they most certainly do. Their actions this week have made that quite clear.

It’s truly incredible gaslighting in the face of survey data that shows Americans outside of Washington, D.C. don’t give a damn about the war between Ukraine and Russia. Mitch doesn’t care about that. He cares about Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed, and the gang.

Tonight, they’ve got a big “bipartisan” spectacle planned. At 7:30PM ET, the Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensky will deliver an address to a joint session of Congress, and he will surely be greeted as a Churchillian hero, instead of the tinpot dictator that he actually is. It serves as a perfect distraction to mask the depravity that is the 4,155 page Omnibus bill they plan on authorizing by Friday.



“Should We Let Someone Who Was Elected by Cheating and Fraud Stay in Office and Continue to Destroy our Country?” – President Trump on FBI and Twitter Collusion   By Joe Hoft

We’ve learned over the past few weeks with conclusive evidence that the FBI and Twitter colluded to hide the many crimes and perverted relationships on Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 Election.

[Ed.: Well yes, Donald, but it’s too late to be asking such a question, is it not?  Who do you think we are – Brazilians, who follow our Constitution up here and take to the streets for two months all day, every day? Just keep pulling our leg about the election in November 2024, when we won’t even exist anymore. You ran away from office after we elected you the last time, and turned the country over to our enemies.  I would very much appreciate it if you would stop rubbing salt in our wound!]


Deep state exposed as running a ‘protection racket’ for the Biden Crime Family   by: JD Heyes

Monday, December 19, 2022   (Natural News) If you’ve followed the Biden family much over the past half-dozen years you know a couple of things: 1) They aren’t very honorable people; 2) Hunter Biden is a depraved individual; and 3) Joe Biden appears untouchable.

Why is that? Simple, according to a new analysis by The Federalist correspondent Margot Cleveland: The deep state, through various federal agencies, operates a Biden protection operation to shield him and his corrupt son and brother from any serious legal jeopardy.

Put in Mafia terms, politically speaking, Joe Biden is a “made man,” so he will be shielded from any and all liability, no matter what he or his family does.

“For years, our federal government has quietly operated a protect-Biden racket. The public, however, has only recently — and haphazardly — learned of the lengths federal law enforcement officials and government employees have gone to safeguard the Biden family secrets. Here are eight times our government squelched scandals,” Cleveland, a graduate of Notre Dame Law School, begins.





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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.