BS”D – ‘Faith not Fear‘
36. Extreme Authoritarian Laws Proposed in New York! [11:24]
35. !! Raanana Demonstration 121821 [2:49]
Protest in front of PM Naftali Bennet’s house. No mention of this in the media, or what came next!
[Ed.: It’s heartwarming, yet heartbreaking to see Israelis standing up to our fascist government! Yay! At lest some of our Jewish genes will remain “as a remanent” of his People! He did promise to leave “a remanent…” of us… In the end, it may well be 40,000 of us living in caves, as described 2000 years ago by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai in the Holy Zohar.]
34. Metaverse! Sign Your Life Away Now! [7:31]
Escaping real life is the best way to improve your life!
33. Israeli apartheid comparison spurs call for ‘moral clarity’ in weighing Desmond Tutu’s legacy
“People in the human rights community were looking for a cause to replace the South African anti-apartheid movement, and they found it in Tutu. It’s a tragic part of his story and a real problem for his historical legacy,” said Dexter Van Zile, a Christian media analyst for CAMERA.
As tributes from across the globe poured in earlier this week following the passing of South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, many Israel supporters note the paradox of a man they say fought a heroic battle against apartheid in South Africa, then invented it in Israel.
Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, passed away at the age of 90 on Sunday.
32. !! Trump TRIPLES down on the deadly vax; claims to have saved millions of lives with Operation Warp Speed [1:25]
by: Ethan Huff
The self-proclaimed “father of the vaccine” himself, Donald J. Trump, is once again proudly shilling his “Operation Warp Speed” injections.
In one of his latest cringeworthy appearances, this time alongside failed former Fox News hack Bill O’Reilly, Trump claimed he got a “booster” shot despite already testing “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), only to receive boos in return.
“Oh don’t, no, no, no, don’t, no no no!” Trump yelled at the booing crowd after telling O’Reilly that he supposedly got boosted.
“It’s a very tiny group over there,” Trump continued to scoff, pretending as though most of his former base still supports him (watch the clip below).
[Ed.: No, Donald, it’s not a tiny group over there. It’s 80 million of us. We’re all in shock! You lost me, Donald! I triple down on that. Yafalla?]
31. !! !! This entire reality is pure theater… we’ve been tricked [1:21:28, must hear 39:00-49:38. 0:00 Theater [Trump] | 49:38 News Section]
Today’s Situation Update podcast calls out President Trump for pushing vaccines and Candace Owens for making excuses for Trump.
[Ed.: I agree. We’ve been played. We’ve been mizzled. X22 Report and ‘Patel Patriot’ with is pipe dream called ‘Devolution’, is all phony balogna!
30. !! !! SHOCKING: Compilation of Nurse Whistleblowers from Around the World Warning About COVID Vaccines
By Joe Hoft |
See below [9] videos from around the world of nurses who warn about the reactions they have seen in people who have taken the COVID vaccine.
By Jim Hoft |
A registered nurse who works for Fayetteville VA Medical Center (VAMC) sent out a letter to explain the reasons for his refusal to comply with the protocols and guidelines set forth by the Veterans Administration.
Jerry Bledsoe told The Gateway Pundit that the reason he sent out the letter is to provide the best care for his brothers and sisters seeking care in the Veterans Administration.
Bledsoe believed that by participating in the COVID-19 protocols mandated by the hospital, he will be intentionally doing harm to those individuals who will be placed in his care, thus preventing him to perform his primary duty of advocating for his patients.
28. Robert F Kennedy, Jr. Explains Why They’re Going After the Kids — And It’s Not What You Think (VIDEO 1:32:24)
By Jim Hoft |
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: “They are never going to market a vaccine, allow people access to a vaccine, an approved vaccine without getting liability protection. Now the emergency use authorization vaccines have liability protection under the PREP Act and under the CARES Act.
So as long as you take an emergency use vaccine, you can’t sue them. Once they get approved, now you can sue them, unless they can get it recommended for children. Because all vaccines that are recommended, officially recommended for children get liability protection, even if an adult gets that vaccine. That’s why they are going after the kids. They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children, but they need to do it for the liability protection.”
By Jim Hoft |
Even Reffitt’s wife is now being abused by the US government. She was recently yanked from a plane for being married to a January 6 protester in Washington DC who never committed any acts of violence.
26. !! Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing [Do read the comments to this post!]
by Justus R. Hope, MD
In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.
Besides the four kingpins, twelve others were named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and the health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom.
- Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
- Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
- Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
- Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
- Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
- Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
- Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser
- Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
- Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
- Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum
25. !! Pharmacy request vaccine information [5:17]
Revealing five-minute video of a woman in a pharmacy requesting the so-called ‘covid vaccine’ informational brochure from inside the box. She had the pharmacist actually wringing his hands!
24. Patented Genocide: Dr. Martin Exposes Fauci As Mercenary of Death [19:04]
Why was Fauci patenting coronavirus before the pandemic? Who are the other mercenaries of death who worked to kill Americans for blood money? Why are U.S. soldiers being used as guinea pigs by the communist cabal. Dr. Martin explains all this and more and shows the receipts of pandemic pre-planning, as he blows a hole in the medical mafia propaganda surrounding COVID-19.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
23. !! Organized Covid Crime: Dr. Martin Shows Receipts of Pandemic Pre-Planning [21:21]
Revisit Stew’s interview with Dr. David Martin as he blasts the plandemic from the very start with the documents and proof to back him up. Join us.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
22. !! Communist Guinea Pigs: Dr. Martin Explains Big Pharma Serial Killer Plot [14:36]
Dr. David Martin and Stew discuss the secret plot behind the Covid bioweapon and the communist cabal that runs it. Join us.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
21. ! COVID-19: Israeli with Omicron has died, Health Ministry says [It’s okay to panic now.]
Bennett doesn’t rule out lockdown, says Israel on eve of COVID-19 infection storm with nearly 3,000 cases diagnosed in a single day.
Refusing to rule out a possible nationwide lockdown, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned Israelis on Tuesday that the country was about to see an unprecedented “storm of coronavirus infection, on a scale that we have not seen in Israel before.”
“The storm will happen – we cannot prevent it,” Bennett said. “What we can do is give every human being protection.”
[Ed.: Do they detect omni-con variant with the same PCR test that couldn’t tell the difference between covid and the flu? Does the “Health Ministry” know what she really died of?]
20. Man Paralyzed From Chest Down After J&J Shot
This man, who says he didn’t know he had COVID when he got the shot, ended up intubated in the ICU after the shot. Now, he’s paralyzed from the chest, down.
“This has been a life changing experience to say the least,” he says. “I was hoping when I retired I’d be working on my dreams. I had no intention of working on my dreams from a wheelchair.”
19. !! 1 in 95 Boys in Just One School Has Myocarditis From the COVID Jab
Are myocarditis and pericarditis from the COVID-19 shots as “extremely rare” as the CDC and other world health agencies and officials say? Not by a long shot, says Steve Kirsch, who’s been following and investigating reported side effects of the COVID jabs.
A retired engineer with two degrees, Kirsch has no conflicts of interest in this issue; he’s just interested in the truth. And the truth is the rates of myocarditis in boys after a COVID jab are as much as 100 times higher than the 1 in 13,000 you’re being told.
18. !! !! Truth For Health Foundation
!! Treatment Guides
!! Medical and Legal Help
!! Programs
17. !! !! !! In the Hospital With COVID: ‘You Can Check In, but You Can Never Leave’ [49:19]
In a stunning video interview with a doctor treating COVID-19 patients, The Desert Review uncovers the secrets health officials and hospitals aren’t telling — and that is that “they are being held hostage and segregated from loved ones. And the reason is money.”
“COVID patients in America’s hospitals today are actually being treated worse than prisoners in American jails,” Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet says. The very structure of how hospitals are reimbursed for COVID patients is what’s causing this, she says.
“They (the hospitals) are paid by the government to do a PCR test on every patient who walks in the door … Then they are paid extra for a COVID admission to the hospital. They are paid an extra 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill, if the hospital ONLY uses remdesivir to treat the patient.
“And then if the patient goes on a ventilator, which is a consequence of some of the toxicity of remdesivir and the restriction of fluids and nutrients that they are also doing, and once the patient is on a ventilator there is ANOTHER incentive bonus to the hospitals. If the patient dies in the hospital, there is another incentive payment,” Vliet states.
This video is over an hour long but it’s worth watching every minute. It could save your or a loved one’s life.
[Ed.: The hospital has become our mortal enemy! I would prefer to die in the street than to go to a hospital in the US. I will not be their prisoner, and I will not let them inject their death-jab into my body!]
16. !! Neonicotinoids Pose Ecosystemwide Threat
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Kills Birds and Bees – Are You Eating It?
The same toxic chemicals accused of killing off countless birds and bees are applied to the seeds of many foods Americans eat. Since the poisons can’t be rinsed off, they enter your body when you eat the food. Here’s what studies reveal.
- A majority of soybean, corn, canola and sunflower seeds planted in the U.S. are precoated with neonicotinoid insecticides, also known as “neonics.” More than half of garden plants attractive to bees sold at garden centers are also pretreated with these toxic pesticides
- Neonics have been shown to threaten the entire food chain, having toxic effects not just on pollinators such as bees, but also invertebrates, birds and other wildlife
- American agricultural land is now 48 times more toxic to insects than it was two decades ago, and between 1992 and 2014, neonicotinoids accounted for 92% of the total acute insecticide toxicity load
- Neonics affect migration behavior of songbirds by affecting their feeding patterns and fat stores. The chemicals act as a rapid appetite suppressant
- Research by the EPA in 2014 and 2019 concluded that neonicotinoid-treated seeds provide no significant financial or agricultural benefits for farmers
15. BREAKING — Japan Puts Warnings on COVID Jabs
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Japan added a warning label to COVID-19 shots to warn about heart risks, specifically, myocarditis and pericarditis. They’re also taking strict measures to ensure all adverse events that occur within 28 days of the jabs are properly reported.
- Japan has taken steps to warn its citizens about serious side effects linked to COVID-19 injections
- They’ve added a warning label to the jabs, warning about the risk of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle
- Japan is also taking strict measures to monitor and report all side effects to the unprecedented jabs
- Hospitals must report, in detail, any adverse effects that occur within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection
- Japan’s Ministry of Health includes a “consent to vaccination” section on its website, which states mandatory vaccination and discrimination against those who choose not to be vaccinated are not advised; this includes at workplaces, which are told not to force anyone to get injected
- Japan is standing out as a protector of informed consent and medical freedom, during a time in history when many other countries are opting for totalitarian control
14. !! Dr. Redfield, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx: GUILTY
The Webb Report
George Webb is an investigative journalist in the Washington, DC area that discovered the DNC blackberries and hard drives used by DNC Chairwoman’s IT assistant, Biden Awan. Webb produced a fact witness, a Marine named Andre Taggart, and Taggart confirmed the government marked blackberries and drives stashed by Awan in his home. Webb also interviewed a Capitol Hill staffer with a three decade relationship with Joe Biden that provided insider information about Biden Awan that was later confirmed in a House hearing. The House insider also left the phone with Webb which had Congressional markings, and the blackberry mapped to a DIA staffer on Capitol Hill in the Human Intelligence Services. A summary of his three years of reporting has been summarize in a five video playlist called The Webb Report and can be found here.
Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC, and Dr. Deborah Birx — the Coronavirus Coordinator for the White House — were the targets of a damning Department of Defense investigation after colleagues in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force blew the whistle on scientific fraud during clinical trials of a HIV/AIDS vaccine.
13. !! !! How the Endless Boosters Will Destroy Immune Function
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Wake Up, the ‘Boosters’ Are a Trap (As Predicted)
As predicted over a year ago, we’re now on an injection treadmill with no end in sight, and every single dose carries the risk of serious side effects, up to and including permanent disability and death. This is the only scientifically sound way out of the failed experiment.
- The COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer
- A paper published in early May 2021 reported the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune depletion
- Antigens in vaccines have been shown to induce defects in the immune system that can raise the risk of autoimmune diseases
- Leaky or nonsterilizing vaccines can also trigger the evolution of more hazardous viruses, and the COVID jabs are among the leakiest “vaccines” ever created
- According to health authorities, the vaccine-evading Omicron variant necessitates a third COVID injection, but this recommendation will only perpetuate mutation
12. Police minister gets 24/7 guard, blames Jewish extremists
Omer Barlev accuses members of Bennett’s own Yamina party of contributing to the fraught atmosphere after comments he made to U.S. officials, in which he promised to address settler violence in the West Bank
Barlev sparked an uproar earlier this month when he criticized a wave of violence by West Bank settlers against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank.
Barlev, who oversees the national police force, said U.S. officials had raised concerns about the settler violence with him and that he pledged to address the issue.
“I will continue to fight Palestinian terrorism as if there is no extremist settler violence — and extremist settler violence as if there is no Palestinian terrorism,” he said at the time.
[Ed.: I’m a bit to the right of being Jewish extremist, and I swear that I never threatened the shmuck! Furthermore, I was all over Judea Samaria, and you can take my word for it, there is not one bank called ‘West Bank’. They don’t even have any ‘West Credit Unions’ in Judea Samaria.]
11. Father stuck in Israel for 8,000 years over divorce law
Noam Huppert stuck in Israel until he pays his ex-wife over $3 million in future child support; father thought to be one of many foreign nationals stuck in the country due to the divorce law
An unusual divorce law in Israel has left an Australian father of two unable to leave the country for almost 8,000 years following a child support claim filed by his ex-wife.
Noam Huppert, a 44-year-old foreign national of Australia, moved to Israel in 2012 in order to be closer to his family.
His ex-wife then filed a stay-of-exit order against him, prohibiting Huppert from leaving the country for any reason until he pays “future debt,” from child support payments, which amounted to $3.34 million in 2013.
Until the father pays the total amount, he is banned from exiting the country before December 31, 9999, with no potential for work or vacation exemptions
[Ed.: His punishment is not being able to get out of Israel for 8,000 years! That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it?]
10. [Finally some good news from Israel!!]
With lax enforcement, Israelis flout Green Pass curbs in malls
Despite new restrictions meant to stem spread of Omicron variant of COVID, many customers and shop owners seem content with blatantly disregarding potentially-life-saving mandates, even with police present
As per the government’s decision, entrance to shopping malls, as well as to large street stores, will be allowed only to those with a valid Green Pass – which acts as a coronavirus vaccination or recovery certificate – with a cap on the number of customers allowed in each store.
Israeli shoppers across country’s malls (Photo: Yoav Dudkevitch, Dana Kopel. Haim Hornstein)
And while many of the country’s malls and stores do indeed put up signs notifying potential shoppers of the restrictions in place, it seems enforcement is more than a little lax in the majority of retail complexes and in certain individual shops.
9. [Fake News, more lies, misinformation, and propaganda from the Israel press:]
!! New research shows booster dose highly effective for cancer patients
Tel Aviv hospital examines immunogenicity and safety of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine booster in actively treated cancer patients.
A resurgence of COVID-19 infections along with waning immunity of the vaccine led the Israeli Health Ministry to approve on July 30, 2021, the administration of a third (booster) dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccine.
This strategy proved to be highly effective, as reported by a series of studies, and helped paving the way for an US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency authorization to a booster dose to individuals 65 years of age and older or 18 through 64 years of age at high risk of severe COVID-19.
Yet, efficacy and safety of the third (booster) dose of the SARS-CoV2 BNT162b2 vaccine in actively treated cancer patients was unknown.
In a study performed in the division of oncology at Tel Aviv-Sourasky Medical Center, Dr. Ligumsky and colleagues examined the immunogenicity of cancer patients against SARS-CoV2 before and after the booster vaccine dose. Results now published in Lancet Oncology demonstrate that prior to the booster dose, 20 (28.2%) cancer patients were seronegative, compared to only 2 (1.4%) healthy individuals.
[Ed.: Wow, that’s really great! Do you think it would work for population control too? How about psoriasis or athlete’s foot? I’ll betcha it works on hemorrhoids…]
8. Chinese aggression: Europe raises the white flag
Little Lithuania is paying a steep price for keeping to its principles. Do not expect the EU to help. Perhaps the EU is over. Opinion.
Giulio Meotti
Niall Ferguson had explained that, with the fall of Hong Kong, Taiwan would be the heart of the confrontation between the West and China. All the great centers of cultural, political, religious and media power of the West are capitulating over China: film studios, Western universities, the Vatican, the WHO … There is a tiny European country in trouble for defending “Maginot Island”, the Taiwanese nationalist outpost in the heart of Red China.
In the center of Vilnius, on the 16th floor of a building, there is a small diplomatic office which has become the epicenter of a major geopolitical dispute that threatens to disrupt the European Union’s relations with China. It doesn’t look very prestigious from the outside. But this is Taiwan’s diplomatic seat in Lithuania, the first de facto embassy in Europe to bear the name “Taiwan”, just three kilometers from the much larger Chinese embassy. Vytautas Landsbergis, one of the “founding fathers” of Lithuanian democracy, aged 89, but still hugely influential in the country’s ruling conservative party, spoke on the day of inauguration, comparing Lithuania’s struggle for independence to that of Taiwan.
7. Where persecution of Christians exists in the Holy Land
This Christian holiday season, many Christian leaders must enter into a period of theological soul-searching. Opinion.
Barry Shaw
Christian diplomats from once proudly Christian nations, failed to oppose the United Nations General Assembly resolution that designated the central holy sites of Jerusalem to be exclusively Islamic property, thereby exorcizing both Jewish and Christian history and Biblical heritage of the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
And, following this recent United Nations fraud that Israel will never accept, Christian pastors and bishops are now preaching blasphemy against Israelis and the Jewish State.
This Christmas, the Archbishop of Canterbury colluded with the Archbishop of Jerusalem in suggesting that the fate of Christians in the Holy Land is being challenged, not by those who have been threatening Christian existence in once Christian majority towns, but by Israel.
This is nothing short of a barefaced lie. It more than hints of disgraceful replacement theology, a medieval blasphemy against Jews that, sadly, continues by misguided church leaders to this day.
We should thank the Zionists for their efforts, but they are not the reason we succeeded and now have a country. Op-ed.
Yshai Amichai
In a previous article I discussed 4 ways in which the Arabs have been helping us, obviously with the opposite intentions. I even went so far as to say that we should be thankful, not because I support the Arab hatred and violence, quite the opposite, I advocate for them to be severely punished. I do however see the Hand of God in history, a vision that I would like for you to see as well.
Most Jews assume that we have a Jewish state because of Zionism, due to the efforts of Jews who settled and rebuilt Israel. Of course, those efforts were necessary and even groundbreaking, but their success was highly unlikely. It was more of a hope or a prayer than anything else. A prayer that was Answered by God.
[Ed.: But, the only hitch is, moving to Israel today requires allowing them to jab you and your family with a population-reducing poison for your own good, and the safety of the community. I don’t think that G-d is cool with that. Do you? In addition, in our morning prayer (Shacharit,) we pray to Hashem to keep us from experimentation and keep us from disgrace.” Living in Israel today, means that you must live with both. Maybe we should start skipping Shacharit…]
5. [Fear-mongering from the Israeli press:]
!! What You Need To Know About The New Covid Strain
This more infectious variant will cause a new wave of roughly 15,000-20,000 cases a day…
Old fears have been rekindled this morning as headlines bore grim news of the first case of omicron being detected in Gaza. This more infectious variant will cause a new wave of roughly 15,000-20,000 cases a day according to Eran Segal, a computational biologist from the Weizmann Institute of Science.
[Ed.: 15 to 20,000 cases A DAY! OMG!! Are we scared yet? If Israeli ‘experts’ were to proclaim 20 to 40,000 cases a day, would we be even more scared? They want to inject our children with poison, but we’re not afraid of that. No need to overthrow the government for such a trivial and controversial issue. Besides, overthrowing the goverment is such a shlepp!]
4. Israel-Iran balance of terror. Israel loath to accept solo role for action against a nuclear Iran
The video Iran aired of 16 missiles blowing up Israel’s nuclear reactor at Dimona during last week’s IRGC war game amounted to nothing but an empty threat. If such an attack did take place during a potential full-scale war between the two countries, Israel’s alleged nuclear program would not be taken down. Without going into details, it must be said that the Iranians appreciate this. However, their purpose in pictorially targeting the “Dimona nuclear center” is to broadcast their possession of a daunting capacity to harm Israel’s most precious strategic sites.
3. !! “Israel is on the verge of an unprecedented infection storm”
Prime Minister vows that Samaria yeshiva, near site of recent terror attack, will remain intact; rips right-wing parties for past demolition
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned Tuesday that Israel is on the verge of a massive and ‘unprecedented’ wave of new coronavirus outbreaks, due to the spread of the new Omicron variant.
Speaking with Kan Bet Tuesday morning, the Israeli premier urged against complacency, saying a fifth wave of the coronavirus, fueled by the Omicron variant, could be dangerous.
“We are just a moment before a storm of infections on an unprecedented scale in Israel. There is an inclination right now to feel like we’re at the end – but that’s not the situation. It is still dangerous.”
Bennett pointed to high infection rates of the Omicron variant in the US and UK.
[Ed.: I have a wonderful solution! Tone down the PCR tests (which cannot discern between a covid and a shmovid,) from the 40’s to the 20’s, stop injecting citizens with the so-called “vaccine” (which is anything but a vaccine,) and LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!]
2. !! Number of new COVID-19 cases skyrockets: Nearly 3,000 in one day
Reinfection rates rising as Israel hits 2.35% positivity rate.
Chana Roberts
Monday saw 2,952 new coronavirus cases diagnosed – a sharp rise from Sunday’s 1,799 new cases, a Health Ministry report showed.
There are now 15,487 active COVID-19 cases across Israel.
A total of 137 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, among them 85 whose condition is serious or worse, including 46 whose condition is critical. There are currently 38 intubated COVID-19 patients, and 18 who are on ECMO (heart and lung) machines.
[Ed.: Ha-ha! LOL! “3000 in one day!” Literally unbelievable! This is obsessive-compulsive psychosis. Help-help: I have a wonderful solution! Does anyone have the question?]
1. Should the Late Bishop Tutu Get a Statue?
by Alan M. Dershowitz
December 28, 2021 at 5:00 am
He has attacked the “Jewish” – not Israeli – “lobby” as too “powerful” and “scary.” He has invoked classic anti-Semitic stereotypes and tropes about Jewish “arrogance”, “power” and “money.” He has characterized Jews a “peculiar people,” and has accused “the Jews” of causing many of the world’s problems. He once even accused the Jewish state of acting in an “unChristian” manner.He was among the world’s most respected figures. His recognizable face—with its ever-present grin—has become a symbol of reconciliation and goodness. But it masks a long history of ugly hatred toward the Jewish people, the Jewish religion and the Jewish state. He not only believed in anti-Semitism, he actively promoted and legitimated Jew-hatred among his many followers and admirers around the world.
- Let the record speak for itself, so that history may judge Tutu on the basis of his own words — words that he has often repeated and that others repeat, because Tutu is a role model for so many people around the world. Here are some of Tutu’s hateful words, most of them carefully documented in a petition by prominent South Africans to terminate him as a “patron” of the two South African Holocaust Centers, because he used his status with these fine institutions as legitimization for his anti-Jewish rhetoric.
- He denied that Israel is a “civilized democracy” and singled out Israel—one of the world’s most open democracies—as a nation guilty of “censorship of their media.” He urged the Cape Town Opera to refuse to perform George Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess in Tel Aviv and called for a total cultural boycott of Jewish Israel, while encouraging performers to visit the most repressive regimes in the world.
- He was far more vocal about Israel’s imperfections than about the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur and Cambodia.
- Even in death, his bigotry against Jews must be recounted and considered in any honest reckoning of his decidedly mixed legacy, and in any decision whether to honor him with statues or other forms of canonization, especially at a time of increasing antisemitism throughout the world.