Daily Shmutz – 122922- 123022 – 123122 – 010123 – 010222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)



Bolsonaro Cheered by Fans in Orlando, Lula by Communists in Brasilia – WATCH LIVE

[Ed.:  Attention Lula!  He’s in that condo in Orlando! Your friends in the US can tell you exactly where he is.  Personally, I do not understand the strategy of revealing Bolsonaro’s location, instead of concealing it.  (If they want to take him out tonight, that’s easy.  But to take him out of the country to kill him, that’s not.)]


PERSECUTION: Socialists Intend to Arrest Brazilian President for Warning about the Covid-19 Vaccine Risks – AFTER BOLSONARO WARNED OF DANGERS OF VACCINE!   By Fernando de Castro   December 31, 2022 at 4:40pm

The Brazilian Federal Police has just concluded a survey that investigates the actions of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro regarding the concern about Covid-19 vaccines. According to the police, his speech constituted “fake news” and “crime”.

The report concluded, that “given the gathered evidences, the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has committed, willfully, according to the felony laid down in 41st article of the Misdemeanor Law, the actions of ‘spreading alarming speech about an unreal danger’ though a live aired on October 21st, 2021”.

At the referred live, the president suggested that vaccinated individuals against Covid-19 could be developing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) faster than usual. According to Bolsonaro, this information was drawn from United Kingdom’s government reports.

The text also states that the Head of the Executive would have committed crime for encouraging the population to “disobey the sanitary standards established by the federal government itself, which involve the compulsory use of facemasks”.


[Ed.: This is not the latest news from Brazil.  It is also NOT the article I want to be posting! I am waiting for the next news report about the words of acting president General Hamilton Mourão in his 8-minute speech to the nation this evening at 6:00 PM Eastern.  Basically, his mouthed a bunch of words about how Brazil is a Democracy, and that they elected the thief and communist Lula, and that everyone should just go home and be peaceful.  Then he had the chutzpa to say:  “Happy New Year!”   If anyone says “Happy New Year” to me tonight, I will punch them in the nose!  South America is now fully in control of the communists, and North America as well.  My heart aches for the world tonight.  We are now officially enslaved by fascism.  Realistically, 2023 will be far worse than the past two years in which we saw the almost complete decimation of our country. “Happy New Year” my ass!]


Bolsonaro Leaves for USA, Vice President Mourão Takes Over and Schedules Announcement   By Richard Abelson   December 30, 2022 at 5:16pm

President Jair Bolsonaro has departed Brazil on an Air Force plane for the USA, where his family already is. Vice President Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão has assumed control of the government and has scheduled a national press conference for tomorrow, Dec. 31, at 8 pm local time.

Vice-President General Hamilton Mourão is an outspoken supporter of President Bolsonaro and has criticized the Supreme Court’s crackdown on pro-democracy protestors.

He recently commemorated the defeat of the 1935 Communist coup on November 27 when “traitors to the Fatherland acted against the State and the Brazilian people,” calling it “the first stab of the International Communist Movement against Brazil. It wouldn’t be the last. Let them come, they will not pass!”

Pro-Bolsonaro accounts urged protestors not to give up and to remain outside the army barracks.

“I just had confirmation”, writes pro-Bolsonaro account Diego Di. “Bolsonaro had to do what he did to get out of the line of fire, but the mission continues. It’s part of the plan: that was the Military shielding our Captain. We must have faith. Don’t leave the barracks. Now it’s up to the Armed Forces.”

“A message to all communists, leftists, petistas (Lula supporters): As soon as the man lands with the Brazilian Air Force plane in the USA, then definitely you can count down to 72 hours once and for all. Bolsonaro is smart, he’s not stupid, wait. No risks,” Diego Di posted.

“The acting president General Hamilton Mourão has called an official press conference for 12/31,” writes Diego Di.  “Reminding everyone that Bolsonaro made no official statement, just an informal livestream for his audience. Tomorrow, with Bolsonaro safe in the US, comes the pronouncement.”


JUST IN: Bolsonaro Rules Out Military Intervention in Brazil, “I Have No Support from Other Institutions to Act Against Lula!”   By Fernando de Castro  Published December 30, 2022 at 8:30am

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday (30) acknowledged defeat to the Brazilian Socialist Lula da Silva. He said he had no support for a military reaction to October’s election result, under suspicion of fraud.

“Certain measures have to have support from other parties, support from parliament, support from some of the Supreme, from other institutions. Some people think it’s just take the Santa and solve it. It’s not like that. It is not easy. I have always done my part,” the president said.

He ruled out any measure of force to revoke Lula’s election. Jair Bolsonaro will leave Brazil soon (Gateway reported) as his socialist opponents seek to arrest him for political persecution.

… “And with his farewell statement, Brazil joins the Marxist ranks in South America.”

[Ed.:  The commies have just now completed their take-over of both hemispheres of the Americas. The People of Brazil will not take it so passively as we do here in the US.  They are standing there in pouring rain!]


[Ed.:  Minus 30 degrees to 60 degrees in one week?  Has this ever happened before?  Is it ‘an act of God’?  Nope!  The geoengineers think that they have now superseded God by proving that they could create record-setting freeze and ‘cyclone bombs’, and then flip to 60 degree weather in 7-days!  They are very proud of themselves.  God had nothing to do with it.

To better understand this, please watch ‘The Dimming'” (1:56:51).  (I had to watch it in four parts.) 

For more information: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.]


Patients Accidentally Receive Cancer Diagnosis Text Message Instead of Christmas Wishes   By Margaret Flavin

It was a stressful Christmas for patients at a medical practice in the UK after they accidentally received a text telling them they had aggressive lung cancer.The intended text the practice meant to send was a Merry Christmas message.The BBC reports:Askern Medical Practice sent the text message to people registered with the surgery in Doncaster on 23 December.Sarah Hargreaves, who was waiting for medical test results, said she “broke down” when she received the text, only to be later told it was sent in error.The group which runs the surgery said nobody was available for comment. The centre has almost 8,000 patients.The first text told recipients they had “aggressive lung cancer with metastases”, a type of secondary malignant growth.It directed patients to fill out a DS1500 form, which allows people with terminal diseases to claim certain benefits.However, about an hour later people received a second text telling them it was an error and it was meant to wish them a merry Christmas instead.Ms Hargreaves said after she received the original text while she was out shopping, she “felt sick to my teeth and broke down”.She added: “I had just had a mole removed and was awaiting a result from a biopsy and I had been to hospital as my smear test came back abnormal, so yes, I was very worried.”Despite repeated calls to the surgery, she said she struggled to get through to speak to someone.Carl Chegwin, another of the surgery’s users who, along with his mother, received the text, said he was left upset by the out-of-the-blue message which “was enough to break someone”.“The first thing I thought was, ‘is this some kind of sick joke?’” Mr Chegwin said.“It completely took me by surprise… It’s not often I go to the doctors, then out of the blue, it’s cancer. I’m sat there scratching my head thinking, ‘I do smoke, do they know something I don’t?’”“They’ve just told people a few days before Christmas they’ve got terminal lung cancer. They can’t do that.”

[Ed.:  Medicine is a disgraced profession (read: genocidal profession), having lost any and all credibility!]





Another Quid Pro Joe? Epstein-targeting Virgin Islands prosecutor is swiftly fired after Biden arrives in town   Jordan Schachtel

Virgin Islands Governor had just pitched the Biden Administration on a “renewable energy” bailout for his territory.

On December 27th, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Attorney General Denise George filed a major lawsuit against JPMorgan in a Manhattan federal court, alleging the banking behemoth helped to facilitate Jeffrey Epstein sex-trafficking enterprise on the island through which she has jurisdiction.

The local St Thomas Source newspaper reported:

“His primary residence was Little St. James, his private island off St. Thomas where for years he trafficked in girls and young women and ran a complex web of shell companies registered in the USVI that enabled his crimes, those court documents allege.”

That same day, President Joe Biden arrived in St. Croix, part of the Virgin Islands, for his week long vacation.

On New Year’s Eve, perhaps the perfect time to sneak out a story, Virgin Islands Democrat Governor Albert Bryan released a short statement announcing that he had swiftly removed the AG from her role.

“I relieved Denise George of her duties as attorney general this weekend,” Bryan said. “I thank her for her service to the people of the territory during the past four years as attorney general and wish her the best in her future endeavors.”


Texas Father Provides Heartbreaking Update to Transgender Custody Battle Against Ex-Wife Working to ‘Transition’ Son James Into Girl Named “Luna”   By Cristina Laila

This is a heartbreaking update.

A Dallas judge in 2020 issued an order allowing Anne Georgulas power over her son James Younger’s medical decisions (he was 8 years old at the time).

As previously reported, the mother of James Younger wanted to start the boy on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones.

The boy’s father, Jeffrey Younger vowed to keep fighting to protect his son after a jury in 2019 ruled against him in his court case to save his son James from gender “transition.”



Chinese Fighter Jet Came Within 20 Feet of American Military Aircraft (VIDEO )   By Cristina Laila

Joe Biden’s America.

A Chinese fighter jet came within 20 feet an American Military aircraft on December 21.

According to a statement by US officials, the Chinese fighter pilot “performed an unsafe maneuver” while flying close to an Air Force plane.

The American pilot was lawfully flying over the South China Sea when a Chinese fighter pilot came too close and buzzed the American military aircraft, according to a statement by US Indo-Pacific Command Public Affairs.

“On Dec. 21 (China Standard Time), a People’s Liberation Army – Navy J-11 fighter pilot performed an unsafe maneuver during an intercept of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft, which was lawfully conducting routine operations over the South China Sea in international airspace. The PLAN pilot flew an unsafe maneuver by flying in front of and within 20 feet of the nose of the RC-135, forcing the RC-135 to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a collision.” – the US Indo-Pacific Command said in a statement.

“The U.S. Indo-Pacific Joint Force is dedicated to a free and open Indo-Pacific region and will continue to fly, sail and operate at sea and in international airspace with due regard for the safety of all vessels and aircraft under international law. We expect all countries in the Indo-Pacific region to use international airspace safely and in accordance with international law.” the command said.

US officials posted an unclassified clip of the ‘unsafe intercept’ of the US aircraft over the South China Sea.



Is there already a global governance apparatus?   Meryl Nass

Review the evidence of attorney Jeff Childers and myself

Jeff Childers is, according to himself, “a small-town lawyer” in Florida who began blogging about the pandemic in early 2020. He quickly became one of the most popular bloggers out there, as he gives you the important news of the day, combined with sharp analysis and a great satirical wit.

I have grabbed the middle of today’s substack because he is saying something no one else I know of has said (in polite company, anyway) but is probably correct and should be deeply considered.

Meryl’s COVID Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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I had the same WTF moment when I realized how many countries and corporation were willing to act in lockstep to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID, despite the huge immediate and potential costs to them of doing so. My list of over 50 ways that HCQ was suppressed, around the world provides another strong chunk of evidence to support Childer’s contention about the existence of a global governance structure.

If you haven’t yet read my June 2020 article on HCQ suppression (to which I added more examples through early 2021), please do. It is a very important collection of information that will help you see things in a new light. Most important thing I have ever written.

In fact, I will link to it before giving you the link to Jeff Childer’s article, and then the relevant part of his article. Looking forward to your comments. Anonymity might be a good idea.


KARI LAKE: The establishment picked a fight with the wrong person   Tierney’s Real News

KARI LAKE: Everything is so corrupt right now. I wish I could tell people that this is going to be one hundred percent fair—that we’re really going to get justice here. What I do know is that we can’t walk away and say, ‘The system is screwed up, right? We’re screwed.’

I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve had days where I just go, ‘I’m tired.’

But I can’t walk away. I can’t say to the children, ‘Good luck. I had a great life. I had freedom in America. Good luck and enjoy the Communism.’

It’s the people reaching out to tell me they didn’t get to vote on election day. They say, ‘I don’t even think my vote counted. Please don’t stop fighting.’

Well, the establishment picked a fight with the wrong person. I’ve had a lot of conservatives reach out to me and say, ‘Just walk away and then we’ll get behind you on the next election.’

But I don’t think they understand. I’m not in politics because I want to be a politician. I didn’t get into this to go, ‘Oh, I’m going to work my way up the ladder and move into bigger political positions.’

I don’t want to be a politician. I want to get in and root out corruption, secure our border, and turn our elections around so that every Arizonan can be certain of their vote. If they’re trying to dangle over me the ‘you’re-not-going-to-have-a-political-future because of this…’ I don’t care.

I’m trying to tell other Republicans who don’t want to come out and say our elections are rigged – that they need to start looking at our lawsuit. Read the 70 pages.

If we don’t come out and face the truth that our elections are a joke, it really makes me wonder how long they have being doing this stuff. We have fake news. We have fake phony elections. And we have fake corrupt installed government. And when you look at the facts, you find this to be the truth.


The Most Traumatizing Events From 2022!  [20:15]   Awaken With JP   December 31, 2022


Kabbalist dismisses gloomy Doomsday Clock   ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ   JANUARY 1, 2023

“But you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will range far and wide and knowledge will increase.”  – DANIEL 12:4  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

In three weeks, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is set to release its 2023 setting for the Doomsday Clock.

The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe as determined by a group of scientists who take into account threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technological advances.

The clock is currently set to 23:58:20, 100 seconds away from doomsday, the closest it has ever been to midnight since its inception in 1947. And while the scientists warn that global threats have increased, one rabbi Kabbalist dismissed the scientific evaluation, explaining that “until God’s mercy ends, the world cannot end, no matter what men do.”  [Emphasis added]


Paul Harvey’s “If I Were the Devil” Transcript from 1965   by Paul Harvey

In 1965, Paul Harvey broadcasted “If I Were the Devil.” It is really amazing to realize over 47 years ago how accurately he “prophesied” the future spiritual condition of the United States. Many of his statements were considered ridiculously outlandish at that time in history. Yet, we find ourselves today…


If I were the devil … If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee.  So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’

“To the young, I would whisper that ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is ‘square.’ And the old, I would teach to pray, after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…’

“And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.


Here Are the First 12 Actions the GOP Should Take Once Taking Control of the US House   By Joe Hoft

The GOP is expected to take over the US House of Representatives in 2023 next week.  Here are the first 10 actions they should take after taking control.

[Ed.: But, but, the GOP are corrupt, commie, Democrats!  They’re not going to do anything of the kind. They are prostitutes and enemy combatants. GOP = Gangsters Opposed to the People.]


The Year of the Gaslighter   Analysis by C. J. Hopkins

This article was originally published here.

Well, it has been quite a year, 2022. I’m officially dubbing it “The Year of the Gaslighter.” I was going to dub it “The Year of the Mother of All Global-Capitalist Gaslighters,” but that seemed like a mouthful, so I’m opting for brevity.

Seriously, if there were an Olympics of Gaslighting, GloboCap (i.e., the global corporatocracy) would take the gold in every event. At this point, the majority of the global masses have been successfully gaslighted into a semi-conscious, quasi-cyclothymic state in which they oscillate, on a moment-by-moment basis, between robotic obedience and impotent rage.

Those who are not still walking around in their masks and prophylactic face shields and injecting themselves with experimental “vaccines” for reasons they no longer even pretend to be able to articulate without gibbering like imbeciles are genuflecting at the feet of an oligarch huckster who they believe has come to deliver them from Wokeness.

If you were GloboCap, and in the process of imposing your new official ideology on the entire planet in a kind of global Gleichschaltung op, and otherwise establishing your “New Normal Reich,” and you needed the masses confused and compliant, you couldn’t ask for much more from your Gaslighting Division!


The Most Terrifying Conclusion From the Twitter Files That Everyone’s Ignoring   JD Rucker

We can look at the attacks by our government on the 1st Amendment and know things are bad. But there’s a darker revelation that’s even more concerning.

Let’s cut to the chase. The latest batches of Twitter Files revealed what many of us have known with a near certainty for a long time. Government and their proxies have been censoring American citizens by ordering Big Tech companies to do it for them. This is a clear betrayal of the spirit of the 1st Amendment at the very least and is likely worthy of legal action. The only reason I say “likely” is because for people in and out of government to be criminally convicted, it would all have to go through the judiciary. In other words, it would likely go nowhere despite the fact that laws have been broken prima facie.

But while conservative media is busy discussing the ramifications of censorship and the near certainty that both the last two elections as well as the Covid “vaccine” rollout were dramatically impacted by illegal actions taken by members of our government, there’s actually a far more troubling takeaway from all of this. For the various misinformation operations to have gone unreported by anyone in or out of government and media, that means an unfathomable number of people have been aware at the least. Many have been directly involved and we’re just getting confirmation of it now.


#1 Speculation for 2023   By Doug Casey

December 30, 2022  International Man: Will 2023 be the year of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)? Or will this terrible idea be consigned to the dustbin of history?

Doug Casey: CBDCs are a disastrous idea. But that’s never stopped “the elite” in the past. First, they did zero interest rates and negative interest rates, which I thought was metaphysically impossible. But they did it. Then they went to massive “quantitative easing,” a dishonest euphemism for money printing.

The next thing is going to be Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which will give them unprecedented control over the finances of the average person.

On the one hand, it should be cause for a revolution because it will actually turn people into serfs. But on the other hand, the average American has almost no understanding of economics. He has little grip on what’s going on and believes propaganda.

We’re going to get CBDCs in 2023, and this is one of the scariest things on the horizon.


Gold in 2023   By Alasdair Macleod  December 30, 2022

This article is in two parts. In Part 1 it looks at how prospects for gold should be viewed from a monetary and economic perspective, pointing out that it is gold whose purchasing power is stable, and that of fiat currencies which is not. Consequently, analysts who see gold as an investment producing a return in national currencies have made a fundamental error which will not be repeated in this article.

Part 2 covers geopolitical issues, including the failure of US policies to contain Russia and China, and the consequences for the dollar. By analysing recent developments, including how Russia has secured its own currency, the Gulf Cooperation Council’s political migration from a fossil fuel denying western alliance to a rapidly industrialising Asia, and China’s plans to replace the petrodollar with a petro-yuan crystalising, we can see that the dollar’s hegemonic role will rapidly become redundant. With about $30 trillion tied up in dollars and dollar-denominated financial assets, foreigners are bound to become substantial sellers — even panicking at times.

The implications are very far reaching. This article limits its scope to big picture developments in prospect for 2023 but can be regarded as a basis for further debate.

Part 1 — The monetary perspective

Whether to forecast values for gold or fiat currencies

This is the time of year when precious metal analysts review the year past and make predictions for the year ahead. Their common approach is of investment analysis — overwhelmingly their readership is of investors seeking to make profits in their base currencies. But this approach misleads everyone, analysts included, into thinking that precious metals, particularly gold, is an investment when it is in fact money.


Ode to a Queen Who Wasn’t   Michoel Green

Trigger warning: this post will likely disturb fans of the late “queen”

End of an Era? Perhaps, but please hear me out:

I don’t pay deference to “preferred pronouns” that aren’t based on objective reality.

Likewise, I don’t recognize titles that aren’t objectively accurate.

Consequently, I don’t refer to a certain dead individual as “queen,” nor will I ever refer to her amoral son as “king.”

Not only is she not my queen. She’s nobody’s queen. They may call her queen or whatever they like, but it has no meaning.

Nor will I ever refer to this degenerate family as “royal.” Instead, they are super-wealthy mobsters who pivot their assets to wield sinister control over the world’s population, along with the Vatican and another few trillionaire families who have unjustly consolidated most of the world’s wealth.

The dead individual’s late husband was a self-proclaimed eugenicist, as is her son.

This corrupt family is notorious for the grave injustices it perpetrated for generations.

Concerning one who commits Molekh worship and human sacrifice (which incidentally numerous members of the “royal family” are alleged to engage in), the Torah states: “I shall set My attention upon that man and upon his family and cut him off…” (Leviticus 5:5). Our sages taught: What did his family sin? Answer: there is no family that has a villainous robber in it which aren’t all villainous robbers, because they all cover up for their villainous relative’s crimes.” (Rashi ibid, Torath Kohanim 20:95; Shevuoth 39a).


Have We Had Enough Yet?   by Robert C. Laity


(Dec. 29, 2022) — Have we all had enough yet?  The United States in under siege. You don’t think so, you say?  Our border to the south is wide open; anyone and his uncle can walk through. Once they get in they are given all sorts of freebies and services paid for by you, the American taxpayer.  The borders are our doors, our entrances to where we live, work and play.

Would anyone open up the door to his own home and allow anyone, regardless of who he is and from whence he came, to come in and take over everything the homeowner worked hard for? A home is a man’s castle.  No country can survive with borders that don’t exist.

People of America are now in real danger. Five million unknown and illegal aliens have crossed our borders since President Biden got the power of the presidential pen.  He’s reversed many very efficient measures put in place by President Trump.  Biden had a pile of executive orders over a foot high on his first day in office last year. Crimes by illegal aliens have increased. The nation is becoming mired in crime, misery and homelessness due to Biden’s open border policy.

The sheer amounts of illicit drugs such as Fentanyl crossing our southern border are more than enough to kill every man, woman and child in the United States.  Fentanyl is made in Mexico by the cartels. The ingredients are sent to the Mexican cartels by China.

This is clear evidence that China and Mexican cartels are collaborating in a massive effort to do grave harm to the United States. The government of Mexico is complicit.

Both Barack Obama and Joseph Biden have deep ties to the Chinese Communists. Obama was known as “Obamao” in China.  Biden is in China’s pocket right now. China is not our ally. I knew in 1973 that then-President Nixon was making a big mistake opening relations with China. He may have had the right intentions of trying to bring China into the fold, so to speak, but he was wrong.


Jeffrey Sachs: I’m Not Pessimistic for Telling the Truth  [9:44]

Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor and global leader in sustainable development, so, when he speaks, people who know him not only take note of what he has to say, but take him seriously.

It was quite disturbing, then, for Sachs to learn that key world leaders, including the White House, wouldn’t listen to him when he said it was ill-advised to open NATO to just anyone or to get too involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“I’ve just never seen anything so reckless and I have no confidence in the U.S government, no confidence in what we’re doing to head this off, because they’re dead set on, uh, doing whatever it takes,” he says. “That’s what they say all the time, ‘whatever it takes to win this for Ukraine, since I don’t think Russia is going to lose this war short of nuclear war, to my mind we’re on a recipe of continued escalation.”

This isn’t pessimism, he says. It’s simply acknowledging the truth for what it is. We’re coming “closer and closer to the precipice,” to nuclear war, and if we don’t stop and listen, we may just end up destroying the world.



Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Wall Street Journal Provides Troubling Data Suggesting COVID Vaccines ‘May be’ Causing COVID Variants to Evolve   By Jim Hoft

Another conspiracy theory turned true.

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting for years that these experimental vaccines are not safe and effective. Now, controlled corporate media finally starting to ask real questions about these shots.

A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal suggested that the Covid outbreak heavily affected most vaccinated people. More and more research points to the possibility that repeated vaccinations make people more vulnerable to XBB and contribute to the rapid evolution of the virus.

It can be recalled that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it is monitoring a new COVID-19 variant known as “XBB,” which is responsible for all new infections in the United States.



People are now finally waking up; and when they do, all those “fact-checkers” are going to have to go into a witless protection program   Mark Crispin Miller

More than 1 in 4 Americans think somebody they know was killed by “vaccination”—an awakening that CAN’T and WON’T be stopped by those accomplices employed as “fact-checkers”

As TexasLindsay shows us here, they’re not smart enough to put awakened people back to sleep. (So are they smart enough to quit, and get out while the getting’s good?)

“Died Suddenly”? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines   January 2, 2023

Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.


Why Does Peter Hotez Think We Are Mass Murderers?   Pierre Kory, MD, MPA    Jan 2 · Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings

Recently I was shown an extremely concerning tweet by the WHO. The Midwestern Doctor then conducted an investigation and unearthed things that leave me in disbelief. Most of all, as a father of daughters with complex medical conditions that were failed by the medical system (related to the exploding vaccine schedule), I deeply empathize with the pain Hotez and many like him have gone through, but I still can’t believe they won’t consider that the system itself may be the problem.

What Hotez has been is immensely damaging to the world as one of the main people responsible for all the censorship in COVID. Now he wants governments around the world to target anyone who questions his narrative.  However, I don’t believe he is a bad guy – he just suffers from an unshakeable faith in vaccines.

Why Does Peter Hotez Think We Are Mass Murderers?   A Midwestern Doctor   Dec 26, 2022

The sad story of how an unhealthy father became the bane of the autism community and the leading advocate for vaccine tyranny.

One of the most common tactics the medical industry uses to defend against the scrutiny of bad medical practices is to accuse those who question those practices (and thus make the public reluctant to receive them) of “killing their patients!” (under the logic that the treatment is so safe and effective that causing the public to avoid it equates to murder). Although I am used to seeing inflammatory approaches like this being used to silence debates, I was nonetheless quite taken aback by the WHO’s recent tweet (watch it; it’s only 52 seconds long):


Modest Mouse Co-Founder and Drummer Jeremiah Green Dead at 45   By Cassandra Fairbanks

Modest Mouse drummer and co-founder Jeremiah Green has passed away at 45 years old.

Green’s death came just days after it was announced that he had been diagnosed with cancer.


[Ed.: The article doesn’t clarify this, but he was most likely jabbed 8 to 12 weeks before the cancer diagnosis. Betcha’ a nickle! Or, better a dime, as in ‘dime a dozen’.]


Who is the real mass murderer: Peter Hotez or Steve Kirsch?   Steve Kirsch

I hereby challenge Dr. Peter Hotez to an important debate as to which of us should be held accountable for hundreds of thousands of American deaths.

Executive summary

The WHO and Dr. Peter Hotez recently issued statements accusing anyone with concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines of being mass murderers and called for governments around the world to take action against them.

Dr. Peter Hotez apparently believes one is guilty until proven innocent.

Peter, we need to have a fair hearing on the evidence first.

  • If I lose, I agree to be held accountable for the deaths from COVID for all the people who avoided the vaccine.
  • If I win, you agree to be held accountable for all the deaths caused by the vaccine.

Do you accept my offer? If not, please explain to the American people why we can’t talk about it.


Family Doctor Who Faced Backlash for Vaccinating Children and Causing Adverse Reactions Dies Suddenly   By Jim Hoft

An Australian family doctor who got death threats from anti-vaxxers during the pandemic after two children experienced adverse reactions to the Covid shot has died suddenly.

Hong Kong-born Doctor Wilson Chin, who studied medicine in Britain for 14 years and ran an under-12 Covid vaccination clinic on the Gold Coast, died just days before Christmas, Daily Mail reported.

The death of Dr. Chin was confirmed by Pacific Pines MedCentres Director Deon Raju.


Second ABC News Producer Dies Suddenly by Undisclosed Causes    By Jim Hoft

… “Tragically, Erica Gonzalez joins Dax Tejera as one of ABC’s two producers to pass away in the past week due to unexpected causes.”

Another producer for ABC 10News in San Diego, California, died suddenly last week by undisclosed causes.

Erica Gonzalez, one of ABC’s talented morning show producers, passed away last week.


Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines  [1:09:16]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

This Is What the COVID Shots Can Do to Your Blood

 What happened when this doctor dropped mRNA ‘vaccine’ onto a drop of unjabbed blood is enough to make your jaw drop. And that’s just the beginning. This fascinating lab investigation delves into claims made about the shots. Do they really contain graphene oxide, microchips and parasites?


  • A recent laboratory investigation by The Highwire reveals the only consistent thing about the COVID shots are their inconsistency. There is no quality control. Some appear clear like saline, while others are loaded with contaminants
  • In August 2021, Japan rejected 1.63 million doses of Moderna’s mRNA shot due to contamination. Last year the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also expressed concern over vials that were only 50% to 55% pure
  • The vials also contain massively inconsistent amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG can cause anaphylactic shock in some people. PEG also gets in the way of proper immune response
  • If you are unfortunate enough to get a vial that is loaded with PEG, your risk of adverse effects such as anaphylactic shock and dysregulated immune response is greater than if you get a vial with lower amounts
  • According to Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, what looks like microchips or nanotechnology in the liquid are actually stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals, and what has been described as parasites are stellate trikons, found on the bottom of leaves. They’re likely a contaminant picked up at some point during the lab investigation


24-Year-Old Flight Attendant at Air Albania Collapses and Dies Suddenly from Heart Attack Shortly After Landing in London  By Jim Hoft

A member of the Air Albania cabin crew collapsed and died suddenly last week following a heart attack on a flight from Tirana, Albania to London.

According to the airline, Greta Dyrmishi, who was 24 years old, died suddenly on Wednesday, December 21, due to a heart attack shortly after landing at Stansted Airport in London, England.


El Camino Hospital’s Emergency Department Head Laura Cook died suddenly in her sleep   Steve Kirsch

Will there be an autopsy to determine if the vaccine killed her? Unfortunately, I doubt it. The hospital doesn’t have a say in the decision.

Executive summary

Laura Cook, age 61, the head of the emergency department at El Camino Hospital died suddenly in her sleep last night.

Unfortunately, I doubt there will be an autopsy. The decision lies with the family and the coroner.


30-Year-Old Chicago West Side Arts Organization Leader Dies Suddenly from Complications Due to Cardiac Arrest   By Jim Hoft

An Auxiliary Board Member at the Design Museum of Chicago died last week from cardiac arrest complications.

Jon Veal, co-founder and director of Alt_Chicago (Alt Space Chicago), an organization that aimed to transform Chicago through art, died suddenly, according to his family. He reportedly died from complications due to cardiac arrest on Wednesday, September 21.


International Blood Donation Center Opens For Those Who Want Transfusions From Unvaxxed People

December 30, 2022 – The Swiss organization Safe Blood Donation tries to connect un-jabbed donors with individuals who are worried about how mRNA vaccinations could affect blood transfusions. The International blood donation center opened for those who want transfusions exclusively from unvaxxed people.

In order to match patients with blood that has not been impacted by mRNA vaccinations, a newly established international blood donation center based in Switzerland has established.

A global organization called Safe Blood Donation, founded by Swiss naturopath George Della Pietra, is “working to ensure that our members can obtain unvaccinated blood” by putting members in touch with healthcare providers who will accept donations and give blood to patients who are reluctant to receive vaccinated blood.

Even though both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals can become members to obtain blood if necessary, the organisation only welcomes donors who have not undergone COVID-19 vaccinations.


Warning from Ed Dowd: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as vax jabs take heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault   [1:45:36]  by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) December 29, 2022  Ed Dowd, author of Cause Unknown (available at BrighteonBooks.com and other book resellers) joined me for an interview last night to share updated — and slightly horrifying — numbers about post-vaccine excess fatalities and excess disability claims.

The short version of that conversation is that each day in America, there are about 2,500 excess deaths and 5,000 excess disability victims due to covid-19 vaccines. This means, on average, about 7,500 Americans are removed from the potential labor pool each day. Granted, not all 7,500 are currently working, but most of them theoretically could contribute to the work force if they chose to.

Our conversation goes way beyond the mere numbers, however. We look at the macroeconomic implications of this daily removal of 7,500 people from the potential labor pool and what it means for America’s economy and military security, among other things. To hear the full conversation, listen to the interview below.

The decivilization of the USA

One of the more startling realizations in all this is that the United States of America is suffering the early stages of a “decivilization” event, not merely a temporary bump in the road. That term refers to the dismantling of the critical, complex pillars of a modern advanced civilization, rendering it unable to function.

The sudden collapse of Southwest Airlines’ flight schedule now being witnessed across the country is an excellent example of this. Here’s an airline company that can hardly fly planes because it can’t schedule its own crew members to show up. Reportedly, Southwest Airlines failed to invest in its IT systems and after “years of neglect,” the crew scheduling systems have cratered. Now the airline has cancelled more than 10,000 flights and may not survive much longer as a viable business entity.


Equity Investment Executive Ed Dowd: 1.7 Million Americans Placed on Disability – Directly Related to COVID Vaccine   (VIDEO 10:29)   By Jim Hoft

Ed Dowd joined Steve Bannon on The War Room recently to discuss the excess mortality rates we are witnessing following two years of the COVID vaccine mandates.

Ed Dowd, an equity investment executive, joined The War Room back in March with an explosive report on the excess number of deaths recorded in the US since the introduction of the experimental vaccines.

Back in March Dowd said that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021.

According to Ed Dowd, the latest numbers from August revealed an excess mortality rate of 36% for millennials.

On Wednesday Ed Dowd joined The War Room to discuss the reports of significant increases in the US disability rate that is directly related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Ed Dowd told the War Room audience, “So, just to give you some idea of the number I said on your show a couple of weeks ago and to Senator Ron Johnson, there was about 1.2 million we calculated in September. It’s now about 1.7 million starting about February 2021 thru November of 2022. 1.7 employed people have become disabled and that’s a big number.

That is a HUGE number of individuals who have been disabled due to the mandatory vaccines!


Dr. Wolf Reveals The WH Had The Incriminating Pfizer Documents Before Emergency Use Authorization [6:54]   Naomi Wolf

Author Naomi Wolf talks to host Steve Bannon about the control which the medical industry apparently exercises over the American government. Starting at the 2:00 mark, Wolf talks about the latest evidence that decisions were made that were not in the best interests of the American people.

“Another gigantic, shocking tragedy, huge story broken by the War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer documents research volunteers… The headline is ‘Another mass murder that Pfizer brought about.’ There are two categories of strokes in the Pfizer documents, both of them horrific. The documents show that beginning in December 2020… Pfizer knew that within 41 days after the rollout, 275 subjects sustained strokes. Of those, 1 in 5 died. Half the strokes took place within 48 hours after injection, so 61 people died of strokes.”


My public healthcare worker survey results: Myocarditis rates up >10X post-vax   Steve Kirsch

They told us that the rates of myocarditis from the vax are less than COVID. So explain to me why healthcare providers are seeing >10X cases than pre-COVID and pre-vax?

Executive Summary

My survey of healthcare offices showed a huge increase in myocarditis (and other serious side effects) post-vaccine.

I’d like the mainstream media to do the same survey and show us that the opposite occurred.


Last month, I ran a survey of healthcare workers on myocarditis rates pre-COVID, during COVID (but before vax), and post-vax for those under 25.


Israeli Ministry of Health Refuses to Provide Complete Mortality Data Despite Court Order   By Lia Onely, EPOCH TIMES   22.12.22

David Shuldman (R) and Avital Livny, head of the testimonies project, at the Jerusalem District Court, Jerusalem, Israel, on Sept. 29, 2022. (Courtesy of Avital Livny)

HAIFA, Israel—The Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) is refusing to provide complete mortality data for the period of the COVID-19 pandemic despite a court order.

A court ordered the agency in September to provide all-cause mortality data by Nov. 15 following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by David Shuldman, an Israeli citizen.

The MoH did provide Shuldman with mortality data on Nov. 13. But the dataset was incomplete and did not satisfy the original request because it didn’t include segmentation by age group, leaving the data unusable for determining excess mortality, according to Shuldman.

Shuldman, a systems analyst and an economist, filed a new administrative appeal on Dec. 14 asking the court to order the ministry to provide the data as requested.

[Ed.:  Well sure!  They wouldn’t want to incriminate themselves! Completely understandable.  After all, if they were found to knowingly kill off their own people (genocide,) they could be forced to pay fines!]



Maria is a pharmacist and a regulatory specialist from Canada. She has thoroughly reviewed Pfizer’s manufacturing documents and identified glaring and unsolvable problems. The product should be…


Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs   [10:18)   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick’s Amazing Vax Rant Leaves Opposition Parties Angry   December 4, 2022

Politicians Hit Panic Button, Vaccine Lies Exposed

The fact nobody in the chamber had even read the report (despite endorsing it) proves politicians are the ultimate misinformation spreaders. They had no idea what they were talking about – or how they stopped this trial and lied to pull the wool over millions of innocent people’s eyes.


  • In an early-December 2022 Parliamentary speech, Gerard Rennick, senator for Queensland, Australia, reviewed some of the lies told by members of Parliament and the Department of Health about the COVID jabs
  • By September 2022 Australia had logged more than 10 million COVID-19 cases, even though 20 million of Australia’s total population of 26 million had received their COVID jabs
  • In 2021, Australia had 8,706 extra deaths above norm, even though New South Wales remained in lockdown for three months, so, in theory, the death toll should have been lower, not higher
  • Australia has logged 140,000 COVID jab injuries — more than all the injuries reported from vaccines since 1971 — yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) refuses to look at or acknowledge the safety signal. Chief health officers also admit not reading key science documents that detail COVID jab hazards
  • Waning effectiveness is the justification for repeated boosters, but artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated boosters signal to your body that you’re chronically infected, and the resulting immune response may end up accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis

[Ed.:  Govern me harder, daddy!  This guy is fantastic!  Why don’t we have someone in DC willing to stand up and say this stuff?  Are they afraid of being called a ‘misinformation spreader’?



KARI LAKE: The establishment picked a fight with the wrong person   Tierney’s Real News

KARI LAKE: Everything is so corrupt right now. I wish I could tell people that this is going to be one hundred percent fair—that we’re really going to get justice here. What I do know is that we can’t walk away and say, ‘The system is screwed up, right? We’re screwed.’

I’m not going to lie to you. I’ve had days where I just go, ‘I’m tired.’

But I can’t walk away. I can’t say to the children, ‘Good luck. I had a great life. I had freedom in America. Good luck and enjoy the Communism.’

It’s the people reaching out to tell me they didn’t get to vote on election day. They say, ‘I don’t even think my vote counted. Please don’t stop fighting.’

Well, the establishment picked a fight with the wrong person. I’ve had a lot of conservatives reach out to me and say, ‘Just walk away and then we’ll get behind you on the next election.’

But I don’t think they understand. I’m not in politics because I want to be a politician. I didn’t get into this to go, ‘Oh, I’m going to work my way up the ladder and move into bigger political positions.’

I don’t want to be a politician. I want to get in and root out corruption, secure our border, and turn our elections around so that every Arizonan can be certain of their vote. If they’re trying to dangle over me the ‘you’re-not-going-to-have-a-political-future because of this…’ I don’t care.

I’m trying to tell other Republicans who don’t want to come out and say our elections are rigged – that they need to start looking at our lawsuit. Read the 70 pages.

If we don’t come out and face the truth that our elections are a joke, it really makes me wonder how long they have being doing this stuff. We have fake news. We have fake phony elections. And we have fake corrupt installed government. And when you look at the facts, you find this to be the truth.


A Stolen Country – The US Elections And What Comes Next

January 1, 2023 – Former Serb politician Srjdan Nogo has unloaded on the entire theft of the 2020 election, as Serbia is where much of it took place. Dominion Voting Systems has numerous connections to the Democratic Party in the USA, as revealed by the politician in the eye opening interview video.

Dejan: Good afternoon to all our viewers, to all the citizens of Serbia and to Serbian people across the world. My name is Dejan Petar Zlatanovic and you are watching Srbin.info. Our guest tonight is Serbian politician Srdjan Nogo. Hello, Srdjan.

Srdjan: Good evening, Dejan and I thank you for giving me this opportunity to discuss the topic of the US Presidential election 2020. As the Serbian public is well aware, Srbin.info is the one media that dealt most seriously with the subject of this election, and with everything that was going on before and after the election, and the only media that had the courage to persistently present evidence of election fraud that took place.

Indeed, the election fraud in the USA is probably the biggest election fraud that took place in front of the entire world public and therefore it is the one best suited to expose the institution of political elections. I have published two articles at Srbin.info official site. One was published on November 1, 2020, two days before the Election Day, while the second one I’ve finished on November 11, 2020, several days after the elections. Both articles were translated to English language. The second article contains a huge list of election irregularities and evidence of the election fraud established as early as the first post-election week. These two articles alone are sufficient enough to observe and to deduce the size of the election fraud. One of the reasons for making this video is to once more go through facts and evidence stated in those articles and I intend to make another video besides this one in which I will present the full scheme of the election fraud in the US and the involvement of Serbia in said election fraud, using the additional evidence I discovered in my investigation. As you recall, when we finished our live show in the election night and while we were following the vote counting process, Trump had a lead in almost all of the swing states. But then, a “miracle” occurred. To our shock, vote counting has stopped and there was an alleged reversal in the election race upon which Biden was declared a winner. Of course, we immediately assumed the election fraud is happening, which later proved to be true.


The Brunson Brothers’ Longshot   By Cherie Zaslawsky | January 2nd, 2023

There’s a headline that one would think would be trumpeted across America but that no mainstream media sees fit to mention. In fact, you have to search for the story, as even few among the alternative media sites have aired it. But the Gateway Pundit has been on top of the story.

In fact, in a GP guest opinion piece, law professor Tim Canova argues that the bombshell lawsuit in question has the power to overturn the 2020 election and presumably even to reinstate Donald J. Trump as President!

Too good to be true? Perhaps.

So what is this lawsuit all about and who is behind it? Fasten your seatbelts!


Allow me to introduce the phenomenal Brunson brothers, with first names as rare and unusual as they themselves are: Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson. These brothers are America-loving patriots hailing from Utah, who formed their own band decades ago as a trumpet quartet. That’s right—all four of them play trumpet professionally. Search for the Brunson Brothers performances online and you’ll be in for a treat.

But that’s not why they should be making headlines now.

You see, Raland Brunson is the plaintiff in a lawsuit the Supreme Court will soon be discussing to decide whether the Court should officially hear their case. That conference is set for January 6th, 2023. Hmmm…January 6th. Does that ring any bells?

The case charges 388 members of Congress with dereliction of duty in violation of their Constitutional Oath for certifying the highly questionable 2020 Presidential Election results, and seeks to remove them all from office…permanently! It’s title is Brunson v Adams; et al. Presumably going by alphabetical order, Raland chose the name of Congresswoman Alma S. Adams (D-NC), as a placeholder for the 388 Congress members named in the suit.

The uniqueness of the case is that it steers clear of any claim that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, and instead zeroes in on the fact that in cases of acknowledged signs of election interference, the Constitution requires an appropriate investigation prior to Congressional certification of the vote that determines who will be the next president. But this was not done.

If you think about it, as the Brunson brothers must have, isn’t making sure there was no election hanky-panky the actual reason for the certification process in the first place?

Bolsonaro Cheered by Fans in Orlando, Lula by Communists in Brasilia – WATCH LIVE

[Ed.:  Attention Lula!  He’s in that condo in Orlando! Your friends in the US can tell you exactly where he is.  Personally, I do not understand the strategy of revealing Bolsonaro’s location, instead of concealing it.]


Socialist-Marxist Leadership Sweeps Across South America as 2023 Begins – With the Help of the Pro-China Biden Regime   By Jim Hoft

Former president and convicted felon and Socialist Luis Inacio Lula da Silva will be sworn in as Brazil’s president Sunday at 3 PM.

And with his Socialist party back in power South America will be entrenched with Socialism and far-left leaders.  Only Ecuador and Uraguay will not be led by far-left socialists.

Joe Biden’s “National Security Adviser” and Russiagate conspirator Jake Sullivan visited Brasilía in early December and invited the convicted criminal, Communist, and purported election fraudster Lula da Silva to visit Washington.

Here is a look at the current South American political leaders:


Brazil Down to the Wire: “There will be Civil War if the Army Doesn’t Act”   By Richard Abelson

It is down to the wire in Brazil as convicted criminal Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is scheduled to be inaugurated Jan. 1. The leftist Supreme Court has ordered mass arrests of Bolsonaro supporters and for the protest camp outside Army HQ in Brasilia to be cleared. President Bolsonaro has appointed a new Military Commander and has not left the Presidential Palace yet. He is due to speak today.
Fake news CNN Brazil spread false rumors that President Jair Bolsonaro had fled the country for Florida, when actually he had sent his wife Michelle and daughter, possibly to keep them safe from an eventual confrontation. A special unit was put together to provide security to the Bolsonaro family in the USA. Rumors have it the Bolsonaros may be at Mar-a-Lago.

The president remains in Brazil. Bolsonaro has not left the Palacio do Planalto, which he should have left two weeks ago.

He is ruling by executive orders (which can be revoked by the new leftist government), appointing a new Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces,  General Júlio Cesar de Arruda, who is said to be pro-Bolsonaro. Protestors blamed the Generals for not acting to save the country, with banners reading “Cowards!”


Wake Up America: The End Of Free Elections Is In Sight!   by Jay Valentine

This week, Leftists and RINOs admitted, under oath, they changed the print settings, on election morning, so Republican votes would not be tabulated, on the one day most Republicans vote – and the Maricopa County judge said “…it wasn’t intentional.”

A Republican governor candidate who easily won by multiple points, was denied her rightful election.  Several million Arizona voters were disenfranchised.

Not a word from Republican leaders!

Wake up America. 

Leftists and RINOs spent the last 40 years owning election machinery to end your right to vote – and they are about to finish the job.

This week, the Governor of Minnesota took the lead by planning to register, automatically, teenagers not old enough to vote.  On election day, there will be tens of thousands of names, with little history, who can be voted by election commissions when needed.

Democrats are proposing laws making it a felony to question an election.  Of course, they are!

Breitbart, Fox News and about every other mainstream-controlled opposition is cowed into submission.

Election commissions regularly add to election rolls, automatically, every person using any state service – even if that person has not requested to be an elector.  Your illegal migrant, getting welfare or a driver’s license can be automatically added to the state rolls.  What could go wrong?

While this is happening, hapless Republicans claim to have found the secret to election victory – get better at ballot harvesting or gathering. 

This is the Republican Party that should provide pushback against industrial scale, sovereign, voter fraud.  Unfortunately, they see the problem of floating ballots, they do not see, or do not choose to see, the problem of ever-expanding voter rolls with people who never chose to vote.

Working with Mike Lindell, we currently run the voter rolls for a dozen states and have the data for several more.  In every case, the number of “voter registration anomalies” is from 5% to 18% of the voter roll.

A voter anomaly?



Communist election thief Lula sent his military police to break up a camp of pro-Bolosonaro supporters in the capital Brasilia. But, the Brasilian military stepped in and created a barrier to protect the campers. The people were shouting “Communists go home!”  Lula’s military police (who were in the white cars,) then left, and the protesters were safe. At 5:00 into the video, President Bolsonaro is seen saying “there is something we call ‘gratitude’.  Nobody does anything by himself.  We always need somebody to  uplift us and stand behind us.”

[Ed.:  I believe that what Bolsonaro was saying to the people is ‘I’ve got your back.’   Even though I was proven wrong when after the theft of the 2020 election, I strongly believed that President Trump was going to step in and save the day at the right moment, I find myself doing it again now with President Bolsonaro in Brazil!  Bolsonaro is a Commander in Chief with a full military background, Trump was not.  Bolsonaro is playing a very high-stakes and dangerous chess game.  He will have only one shot at winning, and he must not make one mistaken move.  We have not heard about it, but Qatar has sent warships to Brazil’s coast.  Venezuela has positioned its military on the border with modern Chinese and Irani munitions.  China and Iran are already inside Brazil salivating on its resources.  Yet, I am still betting on the forthcoming checkmate from President Bolsonaro in the next few days.  If I am wrong again, both the North American and the South American continents will have been finally conquered by Communist totalitarianism. Human liberty will have died.  So far, there is still hope because of the elected leader of the Brazilian people, and Brazil’s military Commander in Chief!]

[Ed.:  UPDATE 12/30/22: I was wrong again!  Communism has overtaken the Americas.  It’s a done deal.]



Potential Food Shortages in US? Here’s What May Be Scarce in 2023   By John McCann, The Western Journal

There could be trouble on the near horizon for the United States food supply as multiple factors could lead to scarcity at the grocery store.

Agricultural experts are sounding the alarm for 2023 as inflation, uncooperative weather, and federal regulations are set to strain American farmers and other producers.

Stephanie Nash, an activist with the conservative group Turning Point USA and fourth-generation member of a dairy farming family in California and Tennessee, told Fox News in an interview Tuesday that the country is on the cusp of a supply crisis.

“I believe 2023 is going to be rough. Worse than this year,” Nash warned.

“We’re going to have a supply chain shortage, we’re going to have an increase in our food [prices] at the grocery store.”

Nash pointed to a combination of factors for this, including inflation, drought and extreme cold, and burdensome Department of Agriculture policies that hamper farmers and other food producers.

Family farmers in particular are feeling the pinch, with some farmers even forced to burn hay to keep their crops warm, according to Nash.



Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 31, 2022, # 386 ( Dane Wigington ) [1:00:38]

Record warm to record cold and back again, the climate engineers are completely out of control. Flash freezes are turning to flash warmups, flash flooding, thunderstorms and tornados. Ecosystems and wildlife can’t sustain the worsening winter weather whiplash scenarios, forests are dying, insects and earthworms are disappearing and the birds along with them. The Western US megadrought has forced some municipalities to turn treated sewage into drinking water. Now devastating deluge has been scheduled for parts of the West. Fake meat and fake fish flesh are now on the menu as livestock, wildlife and fisheries are all dying off. Will technology magically save us the moment before complete collapse? How’s that going so far? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.


After DECADES of denial, corporate media admits chemtrail terraforming is happening right now to “fight climate change”  by: Ethan Huff  Wednesday, December 28, 2022

(Natural News) To keep natural sunlight from reaching planet earth and supporting life, a geoengineering startup company called Make Sunsets has begun deploying massive weather balloons to blast the stratosphere with reflective sulfur particles, all for the claimed purpose of “fighting climate change.”

A phenomenon also known as chemtrails, these sulfur blasts stop the sun’s ultraviolet rays from reaching the atmosphere and ultimately earth’s surface. The result is a dimmed sun that no longer functions as designed to sustain life on earth. (Related: It was known in 2018 that climate fanatics were pushing a “global dimming” agenda to block out the sun and “save the planet.”)

Much like how natural volcanic eruptions flood the skies with pollutants that darken daylight for days or even weeks at a time, chemtrail blasts like the ones occurring at Make Sunsets mimic this sun-blocking effects to fight “global warming.”

Numerous test launches have already taken place at sites across Mexico with no public input or scientific debate. The goal, according to the company’s head, is to eventually commercialize the technology for widespread use.

“We joke slash not joke that this is partly a company and partly a cult,” said Luke Iseman, the co-founder and CEO of Make Sunsets. “It’s morally wrong, in my opinion, for us not to be doing this … (and we need) to do this as quickly and safely as we can.”

Isemand wants to sell “cooling credits” to pay for his chemtrail operations

Before Make Sunsets was incorporated in October, the company performed two balloon launches, the outcomes of which are unknown. Neither of those launches had any approval from government authorities or scientific agencies, and were done to boost Iseman’s own ego.



Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer’s With This   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

This product [Viagra] reduced the risk of Alzheimer’s by 69%, but it comes along with toxic side effects. Here’s how to get many of the same benefits without the risks, naturally.


  • The erectile dysfunction drug Viagra (sildenafil) reduced the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 69% in one study
  • Viagra comes with a risk of serious side effects, including sudden vision loss and hearing loss, heart attack, stroke, irregular heartbeat, melanoma and death
  • Viagra works by boosting nitric oxide (NO) in your body; you can boost NO naturally by eating nitrate-rich foods, exercising and getting sensible sun exposure
  • High blood pressure may raise your risk of dementia; NO helps reduce blood pressure
  • Beets also provide powerful benefits for your brain, largely due to their high nitrate content, which your body transforms into NO



VIDEO: Iran Threatens To Raze Tel Aviv To Ground

December 30, 2022 – In a disturbing video outlining how Tehran would react to an Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities, Iran has vowed to raze Tel Aviv ‘to the ground’.

The terrifying clip, which was posted on Twitter, opens by admitting that the Zionist regime engaged in ‘another joint exercise with the US’ to ‘simulate an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities’.

A confident reporter in the video said: ‘Let’s assume that Israeli jets manage to reach the Natanz nuclear site in one piece, and let’s assume that they manage to bomb this site and damage it.

‘Even if they manage to leave Iran’s sky safely, it will take them at least an hour to return to their main base in the occupied lands.

Watch the video below:




An imam prayed, “O Allah! Count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them”. A new report funded by the Canadian government claims that his critics are Islamophobes. The targets of the report include the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

The Canadian Islamophobia Industry Research Project, funded by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, was set up to “create profiles of key public, media and political figures as well as organizations who produce and distribute Islamophobic ideologies and propaganda”.

A government funding a project to create “profiles” of political opponents is bad enough, but this project also includes antisemitic conspiracy theories and defenses of calls to kill Jews.

The “Canadian Islamophobia Industry: Mapping Islamophobia’s Ecosystem in the Great White North” report is out and its unhinged claims tie Jews, Christians, Hindus, and even “Muslim dissidents” together as part of a vast Islamophobic conspiracy aligned with white nationalists.

The report slurs David Horowitz as an “Islamophobia kingpin” and the “godfather of the anti-Muslim movement”, Daniel Pipes as the “grandfather of Islamophobia” and Gatestone founder Nina Rosenwald as the mother of “anti-Muslim hate”. Not only are these despicable lies, but the report unintentionally demonstrates how the entire concept of Islamophobia had been invented by Islamists to silence critics who point out their violence and hate.

Islamists began producing “Islamophobia industry” reports to shut down counterterrorism groups by cutting off their funding. We’re always their target and even when the report is coming out of Canada, the David Horowitz Freedom Center is accused of functioning as a “key institution in the U.S. Islamophobia industry”.

That means we expose Islamist violence and hate. And that’s what we’re doing here.


DHS Quietly Issues Terrifying Alert that Al Qaeda Is Planning Another Plane Attack With “New Techniques and Tactics”   JD Rucker

One would think corporate media would have picked up on this story the same day. We’re on Day 3 since the release and nobody’s talking about it.

When government wants to bury a story, they release the news on a Friday. When they REALLY want to bury a story, they release it during a weekend holiday when the vast majority of Americans are focused on anything other than the news.

The Department of Homeland Security decided to drop a bombshell release about an upcoming terrorist attack on Saturday, New Year’s Eve. According to the intelligence, al Qaeda is actively recruiting new suicide bombers to use aircraft in attacks on the United States that are similar to what took place on September 11, 2001. They will use different strategies and tactics, according to the memo.

Even though this was an internal memo, they knew with a certainty because of the vastness of the drop that it would be leaked to the press. As of two days following the drop, no corporate media outlet in the United States has reported on it.

Atlas News did, though their focus was on the taunting of the CIA:

This brings us to the most interesting topic broached in this publication: an insight into how AQ and Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi planned and executed the Camp Chapman bombing on December 30th, 2009. Not only did this publication include direct quotes from planners and al-Balawi himself, but it was accompanied by a 30-minute video that purports to show al-Balawi taunting the CIA before carrying out the triple-agent suicide bombing.

Another publication, Judicial Watch, highlighted how Federal Air Marshals who should be in the air prepared to stop such terrorist attacks are busy trying to help process illegal aliens at Joe Biden’s open border:


“You Must Die Today!” The Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2022    by Raymond Ibrahim   12/30/2022

The following are among the murders and abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of November, 2022:


                                                                                                                                                 He’s telling him: “Hey Machmood, it’s NOT JUICE it’s JEWS!


i24News Video: Raymond Ibrahim on How Christianity Is Dying in Bethlehem [4:26]  by Raymond Ibrahim   12/29/2022

The Israeli news station i24NEWS recently interviewed me on the findings of my article, “Bethlehem: Christianity Dying Where It Started.”



Israeli Airstrike Devastates Syrian Airport Used for Iranian Weapons

Israel has communicated to Syria that it won’t stand idly by while Iran turns Damascus into a hub for weapons with which to threaten the Jewish people.

Over the years, Tehran’s tentacles have slowly taken over Lebanon and Syria, using them as bases for Iranian weapons, which are often shipped to the Hezbollah terror group.

After reports that Iran had recently transferred weapons to Hezbollah via civilian flights, Israel allegedly warned Lebanon at the beginning of December that it would bomb Beirut International Airport.

Syria, for its part, appears to not have heeded Israel’s warnings, or the numerous previous strikes on Iranian targets previously attributed to Israel.

Early Monday, Israel allegedly fired missiles at the Damascus Airport, shutting it down temporarily, killing two soldiers, and wounding two other fighters, according to the Syrian army.


Ben Gvir to be first Israeli minister on Temple Mount in five years   ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ

“Yerushalayim built up, a city knit together, to which tribes would make pilgrimage, the tribes of Hashem, —as was enjoined upon Yisrael— to praise the name of Hashem.”  PSALMS – 122:3  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

Itamar Ben Gvir, Netanyahu’s new coalition partner, announced he intends to ascend to the Temple Mount on the day commemorating events leading up to the destruction of the Temple. His announcement triggered threats of violence from many quarters.

On Sunday evening, Ben Gvir, the head of the Otzma Yehudit party, informed the police that on Tuesday, he intends to visit the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site. On the Hebrew calendar, Tuesday is the tenth day of Tevet, a fast day commemorating the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar that led to the destruction of the Temple. Kan Broadcasting reported that the timing could be subject to change.

The police will hold a hearing on Monday to decide on the matter. As the head of the National Security Ministry, Ben Gvir essentially heads the police.

This will mark the first time in five years that a sitting Israeli minister will visit the site.

In a CNN interview on Wednesday, Jordanian King Abdullah II warned the incoming Israeli government not to cross Jordan’s “red lines” with regard to Jerusalem’s holy sites

“If people want to get into a conflict with us, we’re quite prepared,” he said. “I always like to believe that, let’s look at the glass half full, but we have certain red lines… And if people want to push those red lines, then we will deal with that.”

Hamas threatened on Monday that Ben-Gvir’s planned visit to the Temple Mount ” will lead to an escalation of the situation.”

Ben Gvir had Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount as part of his campaign platform. He has described the current police policy of prohibiting non-Muslim prayer as being racist. Equality of religion is mandated by Israeli law but the law permits the police to curtail this right for security concerns that prioritize Muslim violence.

The majority of Israelis support allowing Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount.


Israel prepares to attack Iran on Netanyahu’s watch   By Micha Gefen, ISRAEL UNWIRED

As Netanyahu prepares to take over the leadership of Israel once more, the Iranian threat looms larger than ever.

One of the key indications that Netanyahu is serious is his appointment of Tzachi Hanegbi to head up the National Security Council. Hanegbi is considered an Iran hawk and a close confidant of Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The head of Israel’s army is stepping down in a matter of days. Will he try to leave a legacy that involves attacking Iran or pass off the job to the incoming Army chief?

Regardless of the timing, the incoming government is not only going to continue preparations for attacking Iran – they will accelerate them.

[Ted Belman. The fact that Russia is considering giving Iran the S-400 defense system, adds more urgency.]



BREAKING: Attorney for Ray Epps Was FBI Agent For 9 Years   By Patty McMurray

100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – Democrats and the crooked DOJ have gone out of their way to protect the MAGA hat-wearing Ray Epps, but the question just won’t go away—Who is Ray Epps, and what was his role on Jan. 6 and the days preceding the “insurrection” at the US Capitol?

Videos of Ray Epps leading J6 protestors have gone viral on social media, but for some odd reason, he has not been arrested. He has been protected when others have been prosecuted for lesser offenses. Is he an FBI informant? Is he an FBI agent?   [Emphasis added. Is the Pope Catholic?]

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie (KY) has repeatedly been stonewalled by the January 6 Witch Hunt Committee when asking questions about Epp’s identity or his role in the so-called January 6 “insurrection.”

Watch far-left Jan. 6 Witch Hunt Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin defend Ray Epps after Rep. Thomas Massie asks about Ray Epps. Massie became very defensive about the MAGA hat-wearing Ray Epps as “that poor guy” and asking Republicans to “leave him alone,” and suggested Republicans should be more concerned about Donald Trump’s money-grubbing niece’s accusations against him that have since been thrown out of court by a judge.



BIG: New Book By Ex-Capitol Police Chief Confirms GOP’s Report On Pelosi’s Culpability for Jan. 6, Reveals FBI, DHS, And His Own Agency KNEW FOR WEEKS About Planned Attack   By Cullen Linebarger

The Gateway Pundit reported Friday that House Republicans discovered how Pelosi’s staffers deliberately weakened security at the U.S. Capitol for Jan.6 and ordered a cover-up. Steven A. Sund, the Capitol Police chief on that fateful day, not only confirms her culpability along with the rest of the Democratic leadership, but also how his own agency and the intelligence community let the Capitol attack happen.

The Washington Post acquired an advance copy of Sund’s book “Courage Under Fire,” which will be released on Tuesday. He unveils his perspective on what happened, who he most blames (not Donald Trump), and why America still remains vulnerable to a similar attack.

Sund also reminds America that Pelosi utilized him as a scapegoat and forced him to step down as Police chief. We all know now she was just trying to obfuscate her own responsibility for the attack.

From the Post:

“The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and even his own agency’s intelligence unit had been alerted weeks earlier to reams of chilling chatter about right-wing extremists arming for an attack on the Capitol that day, Sund says, but didn’t take the basic steps to assess those plots or sound an alarm. Senior military leaders, citing political or tactical worries, delayed sending help.”

[Ed.:  That means that the FBI, DHS, and the Capitol Police planned ‘the insurrection’ for weeks.]


January 6 Book Released: FIRSTHAND TESTIMONY of Harrowing Tragedy from the J-6ers Living It! “The American Gulag Chronicles: Letters from Prison”- Please Purchase a Copy to Support Political Prisoners of Biden Regime!   By Cara Castronuova

This Friday marks the two year anniversary of January 6th. Over one hundred political prisoners of the Biden Regime still languish in prison two years later, most of them pre-trial detainees being held UNCONSTITUTIONALLY. To support their legal funds and tell their stories, a group of dedicated citizen journalists have published an incredible book of letters and original artwork from America’s very own January 6th political prisoners.

The American Gulag Chronicles: Letters from Prison is a collection of the prisoner’s dispatches over the past nearly two years as pretrial defendants from squalid, inexplicably cruel conditions in jails across the country that will leave a hard-forgotten scar on our Nation’s conscience for many years.

“This is a historic time in America,” said Tim Rivers of J6PatriotNews. “We are witnessing a clash of giants in a fight for dominance of American culture. Whether we return to our historical roots or pass into a new form of governance is seriously in contest. This book is a Chronicle of those represent the bellwether of this storm for conservative dominance – a group of people who are being imprisoned and persecuted for a cause they believe in by a government that views them as enemies of the state. This book is their story in their own words, written by their own hands. The American people need to read “The American Gulag Chronicles” and spread awareness of what has happened and what is happening to the patriots in this Republic we hold dear. What happened to them could potentially happen to ANY AMERICAN!”


The main stream media wants to pretend that January 6th political prisoners do not exist anymore- BUT WE WILL NOT FORGET UNTIL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS RELEASED AND MADE WHOLE.


HUGE: House Republicans Find Text and Email Evidence that Pelosi Staffers Secretly DECREASED Security at US Capitol for Jan 6 – While at Same Time Pelosi Was Organizing Film Crew that Day   By Jim Hoft

Rogan O’Handley posted a text message from Nancy Pelosi’s staff secretly editing the J6 security plan for the US Capitol and then telling the House Sergeant at Arms to “please act surprised” when the final draft was published.

The House Sergeant at Arms responded, “I’m startled!” to the request showing his willingness to play along.

This is more evidence that the January 6 disruptions were planned in advance.


There Certainly Was an Insurrection, But Not by Trump   By Brian C. Joondeph

December 26, 2022  Beginning Jan. 6, 2021, the government-media deep state cabal sharply pivoted from accusing President Donald Trump of “colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election” to “incitement of insurrection,” a charge for which he was impeached a second time and now the farcical January 6 committee is recommending criminal charges.

Britannica defines insurrection as,

An organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects.

As for Trump’s supposed role, in his January 6 speech, he promoted the First Amendment’s protections of “freedom of speech and assembly” and “the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Here are his exact words, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Trump went further tweeting, “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence!” How exactly was this a call for a violent overthrow of the government?

This was not a call for violence, revolt, or rebellion. In fact, President Trump authorized National Guard troops, but only Speaker Pelosi or D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser could order deployment. And neither did. The January 6 Commission ignored this.

Capitol Police welcomed protesters inside the U.S. Capitol building, and the only death was at the hands of a Capitol Police officer, fatally shooting an unarmed female military veteran.

As the FBI admitted to embedding informants in the January 6 protests, it begs the question of the FBI’s role in inciting this so-called “insurrection.” How did the FBI know to place informants there? It takes months to train and embed informants, suggesting that the FBI knew these protests would happen, well in advance, but did nothing to stop or prevent them. Or did they play a role in creating these protests through their informants? Did the FBI aid and abet this “insurrection”?

Questioning or challenging election results is hardly unusual. Just ask Al Gore who mounted all sorts of legal and media challenges in 2020. Or Democrats who contested Trump’s 2016 electoral college victory. Were these insurrections?


WEIRD? Ray Epps J6 Committee Testimony Released: Admitted “I Was in the Front … I Also Orchestrated It” – Is Still a Free Man and Was Ignored in Final Report   By Jim Hoft

Ray Epps is a free man.  He was NEVER arrested after encouraging Trump supporters to rush the Capitol Police — And now we have evidence that Ray Epps helped hurl the giant Trump sign at police.

Patty McMurray at 100 Percent Fed Up discovered this video.

In this damning video, Ray Epps is filmed hoisting the massive Trump sign with several other Trump supporters.

You can see Ray Epps in the video near the corner of the sign.

MORE PATRIOTIC THAN EVER! Jan 6er Bobby Gieswein turns 26 today!— Spending His Second Birthday Behind Bars Waiting for Trial! Please Donate to Bobby Here


Interesting Twitter Thread   Steve Baker 

1 – Good evening! The full, “Final”

@January6thCmte report on #Jan6 has been released. The fact it’s entirely missing – indeed whitewashed of ONE KEY NAME – is proof enough of that circus act’s politically predetermined conclusions. Whose name is missing?

10:00 PM · Dec 28, 2022

2 – Allow me to introduce to you Ms. Yogananda Pittman, who was USCP’s “Assistant Chief of Police for Protective and Intelligence Operations” on #Jan6, and in that role oversaw all three of USCP’s intelligence-related entities.

3 – Ms. Pittman was the acting #2 to USCP Chief of Police Steven Sund on #Jan6 and she was in the Command Center that day, with full access to COP Sund, his communications with both the Senate and House Sergeants-at-Arms.

4 – In the aftermath of #Jan6, COP Sund was forced to resign, and Pittman was elevated to Acting Chief of the USCP, from January 8, 2021 – July 22, 2021. During this time, Pittman received a vote of “no confidence” from 92% of USCP officers.

5 – After her short tenure as Acting Chief, Pittman was returned to her position as Assistant Chief. On Dec. 5th of this year, it was announced that University of California at Berkeley had hired her as Chief of @UCBerkeley police department. (More on that, later.)

[Ed.:  Very interesting!]   



Another Quid Pro Joe? Epstein-targeting Virgin Islands prosecutor is swiftly fired after Biden arrives in town    Jordan Schachtel

Virgin Islands Governor had just pitched the Biden Administration on a “renewable energy” bailout for his territory.

On December 27th, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Attorney General Denise George filed a major lawsuit against JPMorgan in a Manhattan federal court, alleging the banking behemoth helped to facilitate Jeffrey Epstein sex-trafficking enterprise on the island through which she has jurisdiction.

The local St Thomas Source newspaper reported:

“His primary residence was Little St. James, his private island off St. Thomas where for years he trafficked in girls and young women and ran a complex web of shell companies registered in the USVI that enabled his crimes, those court documents allege.”

That same day, President Joe Biden arrived in St. Croix, part of the Virgin Islands, for his week long vacation.

On New Year’s Eve, perhaps the perfect time to sneak out a story, Virgin Islands Democrat Governor Albert Bryan released a short statement announcing that he had swiftly removed the AG from her role.

“I relieved Denise George of her duties as attorney general this weekend,” Bryan said. “I thank her for her service to the people of the territory during the past four years as attorney general and wish her the best in her future endeavors.”


US Virgin Islands Attorney General Fired After Suing JP Morgan Over Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal   By Cristina Laila

The US Virgin Islands Attorney General who filed a lawsuit against JP Morgan over the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking scandal has been fired.

Denise George last week filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for alleging the bank profited from Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme.

The lawsuit also accused JPMorgan of “turning a blind eye” to suspicious activity that occurred from Epstein’s account.

In the lawsuit, U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George stated “Over more than a decade, JPMorgan (JPM) clearly knew it was not complying with federal regulations in regard to Epstein-related accounts as evidenced by its too-little too-late efforts after Epstein was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.”

Governor Albert Bryan Jr. fired Denise George over the weekend.

The Virgin Islands Daily News reported:


After Being Freed from Prison on an Overturned Conviction, Bill Cosby Announces 2023 Comeback   By Jack Davis

Bill Cosby indicated last week on a radio talk show that he might begin touring in the year to come.

Cosby made his comments Wednesday during an interview with “WGH Talk” host Scott Spears.

Cosby, who is 85, was convicted of sexual assault in 2018 and spent three years in prison before his conviction was overturned in 2021 on a technicality.  Prior to his conviction Cosby faced repeated accusations of sexual assault.


BIG BROTHER WILL WATCH YOU DRIVE: Disgusting Infrastructure Bill Installs KILL SWITCHES in All New Vehicles, Turns America into a POLICE STATE   By Cullen Linebarger

Many people view cruising alone down the open road as the ultimate form of freedom. We regret to inform you that liberty will completely evaporate soon unless Congress acts.

The website Motorious reported on Friday that former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr has been sounding the alarm on a terrifying item buried within the Biden-McConnell “infrastructure” legislation, which passed in August 2021. According to Barr, the government will now have the power to shut off your vehicle if they determine you are partaking in any “illegal” activity.

Does anyone really believe the Biden Regime will not abuse this newly obtained power? Of course, they will! Particularly if such power can effectively target those opposed to the Regime’s agenda.

Better not be driving a gas-guzzling vehicle.  The Regime might think you are a conservative and leave you stranded in the middle of a highway.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Biden Wiped Out $10 Trillion of Americans’ Wealth – 2022 Saw Worst Bond and Equity Losses Since 1871


Midas Crypto Exchange Declares Bankruptcy

December 31, 2022 – More than 60% of the assets under management at Midas were removed as a result of the failure of Celsius Network and FTX. As a result, Midas Crypto exchange is declaring bankruptcy.

Iakov “Trevor” Levin, the CEO and creator of Midas Investments, said on his blog on Tuesday that the company is closing its service due to losses this year. Midas Investments was an investment firm that concentrated on DeFi (decentralized-finance) yields.

According to Levin, the Midas DeFi portfolio dropped $50 million, or 20% of its $250 million in assets under management, this past spring, and 60% of the funds on Midas’ platform were withdrawn after the bankruptcy of cryptocurrency lenders Celsius Network and FTX.

“Based on this situation and current CeFi market conditions, we have reached the difficult decision to close the platform,” Levin wrote, referring to centralized finance.


What happens when you tell the truth? You get smeared, raided & arrested.   Tierney’s Real News

Andrew Tate and his brother were arrested in Romania on “sex trafficking charges.”

Most people don’t know or care who Andrew Tate is – he’s a kick boxing star with a huge male following on social media – but his arrest is a great example of what the New World Order (and the virtual world they are creating for us called the Matrix) will do to anyone who speaks the truth about the 2020 stolen election.

They will smear you, raid you, arrest you, cancel you – even murder you.

What is the Matrix? A simulated reality created by the New World Order in order to imprison, enslave, pacify, subdue, brainwash and ultimately destroy the human population. GLOBAL GASLIGHTING.

Andrew Tate told his MILLIONS of followers that they stole the election from President Trump. That was his big mistake! Listen:


Andrew Tate Releases First Comment Since Arrest: “The Matrix Sent Their Agents”   By Jim Hoft

Social media influencer Andrew Tate and his brother were apprehended by law enforcement officials in Romania on Thursday and face charges related to sex-trafficking allegations of at least six women.

According to Libertatea, a Romanian news outlet, police surrounded the villa where Tate and his brother Tristan were staying and arrested them on charges of kidnapping, international human trafficking, and rape.

A representative for Andrew Tate said they could not comment on reports that the 36-year-old social media influencer had been detained.


Andrew Tate And His Brother Were Just Arrested On Sex-Trafficking Allegations: Report   By Alicia Powe

Social media influencer Andrew Tate and his brother were apprehended by law enforcement officials in Romania on Thursday and face charges related to sex-trafficking allegations.

Police reportedly surrounded a villa Tate and his brother Tristan were visiting and arrested them on charges of kidnapping, international human trafficking and rape, the Romanian news outlet Libertatea reports.

The brothers were also interrogated by law enforcement officials for five hours on April 11, but were released, the publication notes.

In a video published to social media Thursday, the brothers are seen being escorted into a car while flanked by police officers.



Disgraced Crypto Billionaire and Top Democrat Donor Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Biden Officials at Least 4 Times, Including in September   By Jim Hoft

Top Democrat donor and disgraced crypto billionaire, Sam Bankman-Fried, met with Biden officials at least 4 times in 2022 including a meeting in September with White House advisor Steve Ricchetti.

Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of FTX cryptocurrency exchange, announced in May that he would donate “north of $100 million” and up to a “soft ceiling” of $1 billionfor the Democrat candidate running against President Donald Trump in the 2024 race.

Bankman-Fried donated over $40 million to Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.

FTX was laundering money from Ukraine and moving millions to donate to Democrats in the 2022 midterms.
It was a nifty trick by Democrats to get some easy campaign cash.


U.S. Virgin Islands Sues JPMorgan Over Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal  By Anthony Scott

On Tuesday, the U.S. Virgin Islands filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase for alleging the bank profited from Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme.

The lawsuit also accuses JPMorgan of “turning a blind eye” to suspicious activity that occurred from Epstein’s account.

In the lawsuit, U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George stated “Over more than a decade, JPMorgan (JPM) clearly knew it was not complying with federal regulations in regard to Epstein-related accounts as evidenced by its too-little too-late efforts after Epstein was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges.”

The lawsuit claims, “Human trafficking was the principal business of the accounts Epstein maintained at JPMorgan.”

The lawsuit argues JPMorgan failed to make proper regulatory filings that would have tipped off the government to Epstein’s sex trafficking crimes.

The U.S. Virgin Islands isn’t the only one suing JPMorgan.

In November, two anonymous women who have accused Epstein of sexual abuse, filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank for benefitting from Epstein’s sex trafficking crimes.


JUST IN: Brazilian Soccer Legend Pelé Dead at 82


COVID winners become $4 Trillion COVID losers   Meryl Nass

No wonder Bill Gates is anxious for the next pandemic


Large U.S. companies took a hit this year with six in particular losing more than $4 trillion in market value over the last year, according to The Wall Street Journal and Yahoo Finance.

Amazon is no longer a trillion-dollar company and its stock dropped 51 percent this year. Tesla reported the biggest drop in enterprise value, going from more than $1 trillion to $373.6 billion this year.

Below is the enterprise value change for six companies over the last year.

1. Apple
Dec. 31, 2021: $2.96 trillion
Dec. 29, 2022: $2.14 trillion

2. Amazon
Dec. 31, 2021: $1.73 trillion
Dec. 29, 2022: $916.7 billion

3. Microsoft
Dec. 31, 2021: $2.46 trillion
Dec. 29, 2022: $1.71 trillion

4. Meta
Dec. 31, 2021: $876.5 billion
Dec. 29, 2022: $294.8 billion

5. Alphabet
Dec. 31, 2021: $1.8 trillion
Dec. 29, 2022: $1.05 trillion

6. Tesla
Dec. 31, 2021: $1.1 trillion
Dec. 29, 2022: $373.6 billion


It’s starting, Bill Gates announces the next pandemic date and outbreak location | Redacted News [13:01]   Redacted

Well, Bill Gates and the WHO have ran a simulation of the next pandemic, coming soon to a government near you in 2025. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation conducted another pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022. The phenomenon is dubbed SEERS, Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025. You ready?

[Ed.:  We will need to wear extra masks!]


MIT Reveals Roomba Vacuum Recorded Woman On The Toilet – Then the Images Ended Up on Facebook   By Anthony Scott

A new finding from MIT Technology Review may make you second guess getting dressed in front of your Roomba vacuum.

Investigative journalist Eileen Guo revealed images of a woman sitting on a toilet found their way on Facebook after being captured from a Roomba J7.

iRobot the company that produces the robotic vacuum in a statement revealed the Roomba J7 vacuums were  “special development robots with hardware and software modifications that are not and never were present on iRobot consumer products for purchase,”

The tech company would continue and say the J7 Roombas were  only given to “paid collectors and employees who signed written agreements acknowledging that they were sending data streams, including video, back to the company for training purposes.”


Scientists Develop Gelatinous Robots To Crawl Through Human Body To Deliver Medicines   December 29, 2022

Unlike eaten pills or injected liquids, which have a time delay, the tiny robot could withhold a dose of medicine and then administer it as soon as it reaches its target. Scientists have now developed gelatinous robots to crawl through human body to deliver medicines.

Scientists have created small gelatinous robots capable of crawling through the human body to administer medication or diagnose ailments.

According to Jill Rosen of John Hopkins University, the “gelbot” is driven by nothing more than temperature fluctuations, and its novel design, which mimics an inchworm, is among the most intriguing ideas in the field of soft robotics.

“It seems very simplistic, but this is an object moving without batteries, without wiring, without an external power supply of any kind—just on the swelling and shrinking of gel,” said David Gracias, a senior project leader and professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

“Our study shows how the manipulation of shape, dimensions, and patterning of gels can tune morphology to embody a kind of intelligence for locomotion.”


Traders Are Dumping Everything…   BY TYLER DURDEN  DEC 28, 2022

An initial excited bid in US equities this morning ignited hopes that the Santa Claus rally could indeed make an appearance… but that’s all been decimated now as Nasdaq and Small Caps lead the puke lower…


Alameda Wallets Suddenly Become Active Day After SBF’s Bail-‘Out’   Prashant Jha

DEC 28, 2022  The crypto wallets associated with now-bankrupt trading firm Alameda Research, the sister company of FTX, were seen transferring out funds just days after the former CEO Sam Bankman Fried was released on a $250 million bond.

The transfer of funds from Alameda wallets raised community curiosity, but more than that, the way in which these funds were transferred grabbed the community’s attention. The Alameda wallet was found to be swapping bits of ERC-20s for Ether/Tether, and then the ETH and USDT were funneled through instant exchangers and mixers.

For example, a wallet address that starts with 0x64e9 received over 600 ETH from wallets that belong to Alameda, part of it was swapped to USDT while the other part of the transaction was sent to ChangeNow.

On-chain analyst ZachXBT noted that the Alameda wallet was eventually swapping the funds for Bitcoin using decentralized exchanges such as FixedFloat and ChangeNow. These platforms are often used by hackers and exploiters to hide their transaction routes.


Leaked Southwest Memo Reveals “State Of Operational Emergency” Before Christmas Storm   BY TYLER DURDEN  DEC 28, 2022

After a winter storm and arctic blast pummeled the eastern half of the US, most major airline carriers were able to resolve delays and cancellations. But not Southwest Airlines, which days later still has a large number of flights canceled, stranding tens of thousands of Americans at airports nationwide.

Bloomberg confirmed a leaked memo dated Dec. 21 via Chris Johnson, the carrier’s vice president of ground operations, who declared a “state of operational emergency” at Denver Airport after “an unusually high number” of employee absences.



The Media Matrix | Full Documentary  [1:05:23]  The Corbett Report

FULL TRANSCRIPT AND DOWNLOADS: https://www.corbettreport.com/media/

Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn’t always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix.



Nobody likes when the wool is pulled over their eyes. CNN has been doing this from the very beginning of the Biden administration ( and beforehand too). They refuse to say what everybody knows. The economy began to tank in 2021- quickly – due to Democrat policies of big government.


Military Database Of Fingerprints And Iris Scans Is For Sale On eBay

December 31, 2022 – The HIIDE and SEEK II devices were made to search biometric files stored on government servers. Now, the military database of fingerprints and iris scans is for sale on ebay.

The shoebox-shaped gadget, which can scan irises and take fingerprints, was priced at $149.95 on eBay. Matthias Marx, a German security researcher, successfully bid $68 on the item, and when it was delivered to his Hamburg home in August, it was more than what the listing had indicated.

2,632 people’s names, nationalities, pictures, fingerprints, and iris scans were stored on the device’s memory card.

The majority of the individuals on the database, which The New York Times examined, were from Afghanistan and Iraq. Others appeared to be individuals who had collaborated with the U.S. government or had just been stopped at checkpoints, but many of them were documented terrorists and wanted people. The Secure Electronic Enrollment Kit, or SEEK II, had last been utilized in the summer of 2012 close to Kandahar, Afghanistan, according to metadata on the device.


President Trump – The Interview You Thought You’d Never See   Awaken With JP   December 27, 2022


Bulk post from Steve Bannon’s War Room:















A Digital Prison Is Being Built Around You Right Now [5:52]    By Alexandra Bruce


Aman Jabbi has worked in Silicon Valley for 28 years. His back ground includes work on deep technologies that are involved in the new prison system being designed by Big Tech.

In 2020, he moved to Montana and became a whistleblower, warning about the public about the very real threat about to be unleashed upon us all, known by many as the “Mark of the Beast” system.

Aman explains how accepting the digital ID is the basic premise behind it all.

[Video of Aman]: “So, by default, a digital identity implies that you’re always in a digital prison. Since you have digital identity and you’re in a prison, you are, by default a criminal. So, we don’t trust you.”

Just like the old system, this new one is also voluntary and you are supposed to know that it is a digital prison that you are signing up for and the reason for this is because in this new system, having a digital ID will be proof that you are a criminal.



Douglas Macgregor – The Great Bear    [6:57]    Douglas Macgregor Col


The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks In Russian Territory

December 31, 2022  According to investigative journalist Jack Murphy, attacks are being carried out by the intelligence service of an undisclosed European NATO nation. The one behind the attacks, however, is the CIA who are directing sabotage attacks in Russian territory.

Investigative reporter Jack Murphy revealed on Saturday that the CIA has been employing the intelligence services of a European NATO nation to carry out sabotage activities within Russia since the February battle in Ukraine, citing anonymous former US intelligence and military personnel.

The CIA is in charge of the operations, according to the article, even though there are no US personnel present in Russia. According to a former US special operations official who spoke to Murphy, the US is utilizing an ally’s intelligence agencies to give an additional layer of plausible deniability, which was a key component in President Biden’s authorization of the operations.

Since “doing so might endanger the operational security of cells that are still operational inside of Russia,” Murphy claimed he did not identify the NATO nation whose intelligence services were utilized in the report.


Douglas Macgregor – The Winter Offensive [21:33]   Douglas Macgregor Col


The U.S. Congress Gave Standing Ovations to a Nazi Thug   By Chuck Baldwin

The corrupt, genocidal Nazi leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was recently given several standing ovations by members of Congress at the U.S. Capitol. House leaders even set aside the rules requiring appropriate attire for admittance to “The People’s House” and let the little tyrant wear his Naziesque combat fatigues when addressing our representatives.

Of course, Zelensky was in town demanding that the U.S. provide billions more dollars for his stupid—and hopeless—war with Russia. This was a war that Zelensky could have easily avoided but instead deliberately chose to incite.

A few days after his embarrassing visit to the U.S. House of Representatives, Congress obliged the little dictator with 45 billion additional taxpayer dollars for Ukraine, which brings the ongoing total to $100 billion that U.S. taxpayers have donated to the world’s most corrupt government.

Jacob Hornberger has a terrific analysis of Zelensky’s appearance before Congress:

Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared before a joint session of Congress to plead for more billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to help Ukraine in its war with Russia.

One particular sentence in Zelensky’s address caught my attention: “We Ukrainians will also go through our war of independence and freedom with dignity and success.” The sentence prompted an enormous applause from the members of Congress.

There is one big problem with Zelensky’s statement, however. The war between Ukraine and Russia has nothing to do with freedom. Instead, it has everything to do with NATO, the old Cold War dinosaur that ginned up the crisis that led to this highly deadly and destructive war.



Douglas Macgregor – Truth and Justice  [9:49]


Douglas Macgregor – What Going To Happen When The War in Ukraine Ends  [8:49]


Jeffrey Sachs: I’m Not Pessimistic for Telling the Truth  [9:44]

Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor and global leader in sustainable development, so, when he speaks, people who know him not only take note of what he has to say, but take him seriously.

It was quite disturbing, then, for Sachs to learn that key world leaders, including the White House, wouldn’t listen to him when he said it was ill-advised to open NATO to just anyone or to get too involved in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

“I’ve just never seen anything so reckless and I have no confidence in the U.S government, no confidence in what we’re doing to head this off, because they’re dead set on, uh, doing whatever it takes,” he says. “That’s what they say all the time, ‘whatever it takes to win this for Ukraine, since I don’t think Russia is going to lose this war short of nuclear war, to my mind we’re on a recipe of continued escalation.”

This isn’t pessimism, he says. It’s simply acknowledging the truth for what it is. We’re coming “closer and closer to the precipice,” to nuclear war, and if we don’t stop and listen, we may just end up destroying the world.



Matt Gaetz: Americans Want an Honest and Hard-Working Speaker of the House – Not Kevin McCarthy   By Joe Hoft

US GOP Representative Matt Gaetz isn’t buying the pro-McCarthy arguments for Speaker of the House.  Gaetz and Americans want a hard-working and honest Speaker placed in Congress this week, not Kevin McCarthy.

America has suffered under the most corrupt and dishonest Speaker of the House in US history.  While Nancy Pelosi”s family prospered, the country was set on fire.

The uncertifiable 2020 election was certified in Pelosi’s Congress.  Pelosi pushed through the largest spending bills in US history.  Billions were sent overseas, while Americans suffer und the Biden economy.  The border is in its worse shape in history as Pelosi supports open borders.

America’s strongest and weakest have suffered under the Pelosi regime.  The unborn and the military are abandoned and targeted.

The US House is finally in the hands of the GOP and some want more of the Pelosi years which is what many believe Kevin McCarthy will bring.  They say this because McCarthy stands for nothing and stood aside while Pelosi destroyed America.

Matt Gaetz was on the War Room on Friday and he shared his thoughts on a McCarthy speakership.


Indiana City Bans Pet Shop From Selling Cats and Dogs   By Cassandra Fairbanks

The city of Bloomington, Indiana, has now banned the retail sale of cats and dogs.

Many animal rights extremists want to end the practice of humans having pets at all, and bills like this help pave the way.

The American Kennel Club has spoke out against the ordinance, warning that shutting down sales at reputable pet shops leads people to search for animals online — where scams and lack of regulations run rampant.

“[Online] is where there are a lot of scams, that is where we are seeing a lot of sick puppies sold and it’s this huge unregulated market that is unfortunately giving money to the very people that we want to stop,” Jennifer Clark, the AKC Director of Legislative Outreach, told local station WRTV.

[Ed.: A little background on how such a crazy City Ordinance could come to pass:  Bloomington Indiana is home to Indiana University, which has descended to being a processing mill for brainwashing new Devildemocommiecrats.  The small town in Southern Indiana is one of two blue dots on the Indiana political map (the other one is Indianapolis). The difference is that Bloomington is 95%  Devildemocommiecrats, and Indianapolis is around 80%. The rest of Indiana is a solid sea of red.  Bloomington’s highest ambition was to become a mini-Berkley.  They were featuring drag shows at the public library for the children before it was fashionable; they became a ’Sanctuary City’ and other Sanctuary Cities are now sending Bloomington their overflow.  The homeless population is burgeoning and is divided into 18 distinct ‘Tribes’ living in the wooded areas around town, and who don’t necessarily get along. It is commonplace to see people on their bicycles to diminish global warming, and wearing masks to avoid getting or spreading covid-19. In short, Bloomington Indiana has become a ‘City of Crazies’ and its elected government (the City Council) lead the way with ordinances like this one.  It’s raining cats and dogs in Bloomington.  But the rain is the tears…]   


U.S. Court of Appeals Rule MAGA Hat Is Free Speech   By Anthony Scott

The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in the case Dodge v. Evergreen School District decided a Washington middle school teacher was exercising his free speech rights while wearing his red MAGA hat at school training sessions.

Middle school teacher Eric Dodge started to wear his MAGA hat to school meetings in 2019 but principal  Caroline Garrett threatened disciplinary actions against Dodge if he continued to wear the hat.

Dodge claimed principal Garrett called him a racist and a homophobe for wearing the hat and stated, “you need to have your union rep” if you wear the hat to school anymore.

Reuters reported:

A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said there was no evidence that the teacher, Eric Dodge, had caused any actual disruption by bringing the hat supporting former President Donald Trump to teacher-only trainings at his Vancouver, Washington, school.



Trump warns Democrats about released tax returns, says weaponized partisanship is ‘two-way street’

‘The great USA divide will now grow far worse,’ Trump’s statement read

Former President Trump on Friday criticized House Democrats for releasing six years of his tax returns, saying such “weaponized” partisanship is a “dangerous two-way street.”

Trump responded on his Truth Social media platform hours after the Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee released six years of his returns – after committee members last week voted along party lines in favor of the release.

“The Democrats should have never done it, the supreme court should have never approved it, and it’s going to lead to horrible things for so many people,” Trump also said. “The great USA divide will now grow far worse. The radical, left Democrats have weaponized everything, but remember, that is a dangerous two-way street!”

[Ed.:  We really need to see Joe Biden’s tax returns, more.]


Duke Energy’s ‘Black Christmas’: outrageous story of the week   DAVID LARSON

Over Christmas weekend, instead of the iconic “white Christmas” most long for, many North Carolinians experienced something very different — a “black Christmas” of rolling (i.e. on purpose) blackouts across the state. Duke Energy, which provides power to most our homes and businesses, decided to cut electricity to half a million ratepayers in order to “protect the energy grid against longer, more widespread outages.”

All of this occurred as temperatures plunged to single digits in much of the state and as families gathered for planned Christmas festivities. Sitting in the dark and cold is of course not typically part of the holidays, and it didn’t need to be this year either, although a smaller number of outages were due to lines being down with high winds.

A friend of mine reached out at around 7:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve to ask if my house had power, since he, his wife, and son were without heat on a day with a high of 28 degrees. His power, thankfully, came back on later that morning.

Many ratepayers expressed their outrage under Duke Energy’s message, saying things like, “You did what? It’s 9 degrees outside and Christmas Eve. I pay my bill. This is disgusting,” and, “It’s been 2 hours. You first said 15-30 minutes and then 30-60. Please turn it back on!” and “Four hours now w/o power in Troutman area. No updates whatsoever. Cause unknown at this time. It’s going to be in the ‘teens again tonight. Ugh.”


Travel Hell: Southwest Cancels Another 2,300 Flights   By Cristina Laila

Southwest cancelled another 2,300 flights on Thursday and canceled 39 flights scheduled for Friday.

The airliner said it expects to resume its normal schedule on Friday after more than a week of cancelations and lost luggage.

CNBC reported:

Southwest Airlines confirmed on Thursday that it expects to run a normal schedule on Friday after the carrier’s systemwide meltdown stranded hundreds of thousands of customers over the Christmas holiday week and drew scrutiny from Washington.

TRENDING: Wake Up America: The End Of Free Elections Is In Sight!

The carrier cancelled 39 flights scheduled for Friday, according to FlightAware, down from more than 2,300 Thursday.

The low-cost airline slashed schedules over the last several days, flying just about one-third of its planned flights, in an desperate effort to stabilize its operation, getting planes and crews where they needed to go.

“We have all hands on deck and tested solutions in place to support the restored operation. I’m confident, but I’m also cautious,” CEO Bob Jordan said in a staff memo Thursday.

Southwest canceled thousands of flights after a meltdown over the Christmas holiday weekend amid a Polar vortex.

[Ed.:  We use stop patronizing them, thereby cutting off their money supply.]


OUT WITH A WHIMPER: Disbanding Jan 6th Panel Drops President Trump Subpoena – Trump Responds

The Jan 6th panel is disbanding.

They announced they are dropping their subpoena of Donald Trump.

Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson sent a letter to Trump’s attorney stating “therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena.”

New York Post reported:

The House Jan. 6 committee on Wednesday withdrew a subpoena issued to former President Donald Trump as the panel prepares to disband, according to a report.

Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss) reportedly notified Trump’s attorney on Wednesday that the panel’s subpoena against the 76-year-old former president, issued in October, has been rescinded and that he no longer needs to comply with document requests, according to CNN.

“In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the Select Committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena,” Thompson wrote in a letter to Trump’s attorney obtained by CNN.

“Therefore, through this letter, I hereby formally withdraw the subpoena issued to former President Trump, and notify you that he is no longer obligated to comply or produce records in response to said subpoena,” Thompson added.

In a Truth Social post, Donald Trump said they probably withdrew the subpoena because they knew he did nothing wrong or were going to lose in court.




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.