Daily Shmutz | 123021

BS”D     ‘Faith Not Fear!’


58.   Dr. Fauci: “If you Look at the Children That Are Hospitalized, Many of Them are Hospitalized WITH Covid, as Opposed to BECAUSE of Covid” (VIDEO [0:40])

By Cristina Laila

Dr. Fauci, Big Media and the CDC have been lying about Covid the entire time.

Dr. Fauci on Thursday said what we have known to be true for nearly two years.

Hospitals test anybody who is admitted for whatever reason which is why there is an ‘increase in Covid hospitalizations.’

NBC News recently admitted there is no increase in children who are hospitalized for Covid – they are hospitalized for other reasons and tested positive for Covid.

After nearly two years of fear-mongering, Dr. Fauci admitted many children are hospitalized with Covid, not because of Covid.

“If you look at the children that are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with Covid, as opposed to because of Covid.”


57.   Antarctica Central Headquarters for the New World Order? w/ Dave Hodges (1 of 2)


Dave Hodges and I discuss what is in Antarctica and why world leaders strangely visit the continent at seemingly odd times. We also discuss what the Globalists plans ultimately are and why nothing seems to make sense.


56.  !!   Situation Update, Dec 30, 2021 – There will be TWO Americas in 2022, a blue COLLAPSE and a red REBUILDING  [53:03]

Mike Adams

0:00 Intro, 4:15 Two Americas, 9:57 Important News, 37:39 Wonderful Article


55.  !!  HIV War Room Ep103 (J&J Booster after mRNA Vaccine Results & Omicron Severity) by Dr. Paul Cottrell  [1:22:31]


54.  !!  !!  WARNING: The Coming Vaxx Booster Twist That NO ONE Is Talking About!  [18:59]

Dr. Thompson

There is coming a twist in the vaccine booster narrative that almost no one is talking about and only very few see coming.

Soon, perhaps after the 4th or 5th booster jab is released, the narrative will suddenly shift from imposing the boosters by threats and bribery to a complete 180….

People will suddenly start lining up for the booster and they will start to turn violent if they DON’T get it.

Yes, you read that right.

How can that be you ask?

Well, what will eventually be revealed is that the boosters have so severely damaged your natural immune system that your body won’t be able to fight off infection like normal WITHOUT getting a booster shot on a regular basis.

It’s still unclear how regular they will need to be administered but once a month or once every 3 months seems to be around where it will settle.


53.  !   Israeli, U.S. and German researchers discover early evidence of community-wide beer consumption

The oldest evidence of the consumption of beer was found at the Natufian burial site of Rakefet Cave on Mt. Carmel, dating back 14,000 years.


52.  ! Israeli communications minister announces plan to fully privatize the Israel Post

“It’s time for the Israel Post to change,” says Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel • The agency’s value is pegged at more than $320 million.

Israeli Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel on Wednesday announced plans to fully privatize the Israel Postal Company.


51.   New Year’s resolution? Abolish the UN Human Rights Council


The new commission of inquiry led by the former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay is poised to accuse Israel of the purported crime of its very existence going back to its creation in 1948, as well as libel it with the false charge of “apartheid.”


50.   What’s the greatest threat to the Jews? Iran or voter integrity laws?

Jonathan Tobin

The Biden administration thinks the greatest threat to U.S. security is a partisan dispute about voting laws. Why are Jewish groups agreeing rather than pressuring it to stop Iran?


49.  !   Gantz makes concessions to Palestinian Authority with no demands in return

“By giving money to the Palestinians, Israel is giving up leverage,” said Maurice Hirsch, head of legal strategies at Palestinian Media Watch.


As details emerged from Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s Dec. 28 meeting at his private residence in Rosh Ha’ayin with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, many Israelis were left in shock.

According to various reports, Gantz had offered Abbas a series of “confidence-building measures” as described by the Israeli Defense Ministry, which included economic benefits to the P.A. with regard to VAT, import taxes and excise duties; a NIS 100 million ($32.2 million) loan; 1,100 entry permits for Palestinian businessmen; and dozens of VIP permits for senior P.A. officials. Gantz’s other concession to the Palestinians includes the legalization of the status of 9,500 undocumented Palestinians and foreigners living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

[Ed.:  They even have Democrats in Israel!]


48.  !!   The Coming Power Grid Collapse: What to Expect Next  [16:48]

With an aging power grid sagging under the increasing demand for power consumption along with decreasing water levels threatening hydroelectric production, how do you prepare for what’s next?


47.   NARRATIVE IS COLLAPSING! – Police Threaten Children! – Fauci ADMITS Jab Does NOTHING!  [20:49]


46.   CONFIRMED: Hospitals REFUSE covid treatments to WHITE people    [1:25:40]

Mike Adams | Situation Update, Dec 29, 2021

0:00 Brighteon TV Episode, 24:00 Discrimination, 31:53 Euthanasia, 1:05:27 Vaccine Study


45.   12/28/2021 The Stew Peters Show: Stew Peters Ft. Dr. Zev Zelenko  [56:01]


44. !!  CONFIRMED: Hospitals REFUSE covid treatments to WHITE people  [1:25:40]

Mike Adams  Situation Update, Dec 29, 2021

0:00 Brighteon TV Episode

24:00 Discrimination

31:53 Euthanasia

1:05:27 Vaccine Study



43.  ! Social Media Giant Removes Video on Jewish Ties to Jerusalem  [2:00]

“It is sad that simple historical truths are being labeled as ‘hate speech.”

By Pesach Benson, United with Israel

Facebook removed a video posted by the Im Tirtzu Zionist movement that traces the history of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from biblical times to the present, noting that the concept of a Palestinian nation only came about in recent years.

The video was later uploaded to YouTube, titled, “The Im Tirtzu Video That Facebook Removed: There is No Palestinian People.”

The two-minute film is currently available only in Hebrew [unfortunately].


42.   NGO Perverts Jewish Agricultural Holiday for Anti-Israel Purposes

“They are not rabbis and they are not for human rights,” says prominent Israeli rabbi about progressive NGO Rabbis for Human Rights.

By Sheri Oz, United with Israel

The NGO Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) has announced a new event. Advertised as a follow-up to their month-long organization of volunteers who helped Palestinian Arab farmers harvest their olive orchards, they plan to plant seedlings alongside Palestinian farmers at a number of locations in the Shechem (Nablus) region in Samaria.

The event is to take place on the Jewish festival of Tu B’Shvat , which this year falls on January 14, 2022.

Also called the ‘New Year of the Trees,’ Tu b’Shvat (the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat) is commonly celebrated in Israel by planting trees. But this year is a “Shmita” year, the final year of a seven-year cycle, during which no planting is permitted according to Torah law.


41.   Is There a Limit To Insanity? To Medical Fascism? [Video 9:12]

By Dr. Mark Sircus

Is there a limit to insanity? I don’t think so. The first and most dangerous point of insanity is found exclusively in the United States, where we see a president without all his marbles responsible for a nuclear football. Can anyone in his right mind imagine an 80-year-old man in severe mental decline deciding the world’s fate in a nuclear crisis?


40.   Refusing To Oppose US Tyranny Is Siding With It: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

By Caitlin Johnstone

The US and its allies are pushing the world toward nuclear armageddon. The US and its allies armed Al Qaeda in Syria. The US and its allies are carrying out a literal genocide in Yemen. The US and its allies are deliberately starving children by the thousands. Shut up about Russia and China.

Desmond Tutu said “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” This is especially true of the unjust situation in which the largest power structure on earth oppresses and tyrannizes populations around the world to force their obedience. Refusing to take a clear stance against that power structure is siding with it.


39.  !  The Ultimate New Age Religion

By Bionic Mosquito

We are Satan’s people, Knights in Satan’s service Thanatorture

…the Revolution…has a theological and spiritual foundation, even if its “theology” is an inverted one and its “spirituality Satanic.”

Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, by Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose

What is at the root of the nihilistic doctrine?  What are its theological sources?  What is its ultimate program?  These are the questions that Fr. Rose intends now to explore.  And for this, he turns to two people: Nietzsche, who he describes as a “systematic Nihilist,” and Dostoyevsky, “whose insights strike to the very heart of Nihilism and strip aside its masks.”

Regarding Nietzsche, well-known phrases are offered: there is no truth, God is dead.  Nietzsche describes well the state of modern man.  “God is dead” means that we have lost our faith in God; “there is no truth” means that we have lost the divine and absolute.  But Fr. Rose offers that Nietzsche does more than merely observe the reality of the situation:

Zarathustra is a “prophet”; his words are clearly intended as a counter-revolution directed against the Christian Revelation.


38.   Desmond Tutu’s Willful Ignorance


Archbishop Desmond Tutu believed that the Europeans, filled with guilt over the Holocaust, had created the modern state of Israel. He did not know that even after the Holocaust, there was no outpouring of support for the Jews in Mandatory Palestine. The British continued to interdict ships full of Jewish survivors of the camps, preventing them from entering Palestine. Almost the entire Western world, including the U.S. and the U.K., withheld arms from the nascent Jewish state, while Great Britain continued to supply weaponry to Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq. Only Czechoslovakia sold the Palestinian Jews some planes – Avia S-199s – and other weapons. Those poorly-armed Jews were left on their own to face the armed might of five invading Arab armies. Some Jewish and non-Jewish volunteers with military experience arrived from abroad, like Colonel Mickey Marcus. But that was it.


37.  !  France: Muslim migrant kidnaps 15-year-old girl, rapes her for several days, screams ‘Allahu akbar’ at night


Why does this keep happening? In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur’an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur’an. In India, a Muslim gave a Qur’an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping. And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled: “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God…He said that raping me is his prayer to God.” In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur’an and Islamic prayers. In Pakistan, another Christian woman recounted that her rapist was also religious: “He threw me on the bed and started to rape me. He demanded I marry him and convert to Islam. I refused. I am not willing to deny Jesus and he said that if I would not agree he would kill me.” Rapists demanded that another girl’s family turn her over to them, claiming that she had recited the Islamic profession of faith during the rape and thus could not live among infidels.

[Ed.:  Islam, one of the world’s “Three Great religions,” takes the concept of ‘piety,’ to new levels.]


36.  Dr. Oz: It’s Time to ‘Remove’ Fauci

“I believe Anthony Fauci should be held accountable for misleading, whether willfully or unintentionally, the American public and the United States Congress.”

By Jeremy Loffredo

In an interview Saturday with the New York Post, Dr. Mehmet Oz, the medical entrepreneur and television host running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, called for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be “removed” and “held accountable.”

[Ed.:  Removing him is inadequate.  String him up by the balls is a better starting place!]


35.  !!   Vaccines Are Sabotaging the Immune System. Shingles May Hold Some Answers.

History suggests the condition known as shingles could well represent a detoxification reaction to vaccination.


34.   Dr. Malone “Permanently Suspended” by Twitter

by Sharon Rondeau

Source: Dr. Robert W. Malone Substack

(Dec. 29, 2021) — Dr. Robert W. Malone, key innovator of mRNA therapy technology, announced Wednesday afternoon on his Substack that Twitter has “permanently” banned him from the platform.

Substack posts are automatically circulated by email to subscribers, whether at the free level or paid, once they are published.

Earlier in the day, Malone tweeted a link leading to a video produced by a group of Canadian physicians who have determined, based on data, “that Pfizer’s COVID-19 inoculations cause more illness than they prevent. Plus, an overview of the Pfizer trial flaws in both design and execution.”

Along with that tweet, Malone contended, “You have been lied to, again and again and again” (paraphrased).


33.   Is Israel One Step Closer to Legalizing the Theft of the Land?

by AFSI Staff

The Electricity Law has passed its second and third readings in committee stage, after all revisions and objections were rejected.

Before voting began, Taha, the committee’s chairman, had MK Itamar Ben Gvir removed from the committee room. Ben Gvir had been broadcasting proceedings via Facebook Live.

“This law will ensure that tens of thousands of homes can be connected to the power grid,” said Taha. “Electricity is a fundamental right and not a punitive tool. This law will encourage proper planning and ensure that all fees are paid. It will advance equality between citizens.”

MK Bezalel Smotrich responded: “This is a law that promotes anarchy and destroys the few incentives remaining to people who built illegally, to regularize the status of their construction. Once they are connected to electricity, water, telephone, and internet, none of these lawbreakers will have the slightest motivation to do what is required to obtain full approval for the buildings they erected.”


32.   BETRAYAL! Gantz/Abbas Meeting Has Illegal Results!

by AFSI Staff

Senior representatives of the United States, the European Union, the United Nations and various countries around the world hailed the rare meeting Tuesday between Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

The meeting took place at Gantz’s house in Rosh Ha’ayin. According to an unconfirmed source, Bennett was informed of the meeting ahead of time, and “criticized Gantz’s intention to hold the meeting, and expressed resentment about the hosting of [Abbas] in Gantz’s home.” Here, the 1st time in over 10 years that Abu Mazzen visits Israel, and it is at the invitation of the Defense Minister and presumptive future Prime Minister!to meet him at home! Ludicrous is an understatement.


31.  !!  Dennis Prager: ‘This Is the Greatest Scandal in American Medical History’  [9:21]

Beau Davidson

Beau Davidson from NTD’s “The Beau Show” sits down with Dennis Prager, radio talk-show host and founder of PragerU at TPUSA’s America Fest 2021.

Prager shares how he recovered from COVID-19—without vaccination—and why he actually hoped to contract the virus. Prager calls the discussion around early treatments versus the vaccine by the mainstream media and public health officials “the greatest scandal in American medical history.”


30.   The Mystery Of Origin Of Omicron

The mystery of the origin of omicron strain of COVID-19 is raising new questions about the still undetermined origin of the coronavirus outbreak and whether it leaked from a Chinese research laboratory in Wuhan in 2019.


29.  !!   Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism  [13:27]


28. !!  Citizens And Experts Call For A Halt To COVID Vaccine Rollout In India

The mass rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in India should be halted immediately. These experimental vaccines pose serious dangers. That is the message contained in a statement from concerned citizens soon to be forwarded to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


27.   Woman Gets COVID Shot so She Could Travel but Now Has Bell’s Palsy  [1:15]

Jennifer Gibson wanted to travel, so she went ahead and got the COVID shot. But, two weeks later her face was droopy on one side and she learned she had Bell’s Palsy — a reported side effect from the jabs.

“It’s devastating to have half your face being paralyzed,” she says. “The reason I got it was I wanted to get back to real life.” Oddly enough, Gibson says she doesn’t want to discourage people from getting the shots.


26.   The Role of Magnesium for Cognitive Function in Older Adults

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Boosts Your Vitamin D Level, Without Taking Higher Doses

Taking advantage of this natural synergy is one way to maximize your vitamin D status, especially for improving brain elasticity and resisting COVID-19. Without this combo trick, you need 244% more oral vitamin D to achieve just the low end of desired levels.


  • Vitamin D protects neuronal structures, plays a role in neuronal calcium regulation, and can lower your risk for age-related neurodegeneration and COVID-19
  • Magnesium is required for converting vitamin D to its active form and improves brain plasticity. Magnesium deficiency has been implicated in several neurological disorders, including cognitive dysfunction
  • Research has shown higher vitamin D levels are associated with reduced risk of low cognitive function in older adults, and this association appears to be modified by the level of magnesium intake
  • You need 146% more vitamin D to achieve a blood level of 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) if you do not take supplemental magnesium, compared to taking your vitamin D with at least 400 mg of magnesium per day
  • Combined intake of both supplemental magnesium and vitamin K2 has a greater effect on vitamin D levels than either individually. You need 244% more oral vitamin D if you’re not concomitantly taking magnesium and vitamin K2


25.   Is Your Sleep Disorder Linked to a Vitamin Deficiency?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Vitamin deficiencies have a significant effect on your health. Did you know that several can affect your sleep quality and quantity? Using these strategies may help.


  • Vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin D and the B vitamins, can interrupt your sleep patterns. Vitamin D influences sleep, including reducing neurological symptoms, sleep apnea, and lowering the risk of sleep disorders
  • Vitamin D plays a role in the production of acetylcholine. The body uses B vitamins and vitamin D to produce this neurotransmitter, which helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle
  • Acetylcholine allows the body to be paralyzed during deep sleep, which in turn helps promote cellular repair and regeneration. This is one reason why sleep dysfunction has such wide-ranging health effects
  • Vitamin D is also important to the production of melatonin, a hormone crucial for the regulation of the sleep cycle
  • Unfortunately, many don’t get enough sun exposure to attain optimal levels of vitamin D and an oral supplement may be required. Take these the steps to help determine if you need a supplement and the ideal dosage


24. !!   The Unvaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps   [Video 20:15]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Will the Unvaxxed Soon Be Thrown in Prison?

Don’t let this warning fall on deaf ears – we are rapidly approaching a time when the unvaccinated might be imprisoned. New York and Australia are cases in point, and even if you’re triple-jabbed you won’t get overlooked.


  • According to President Biden, “a winter of death” awaits anyone who rejects the experimental COVID jab. If we are to go by actual science and data, the warning Biden issued should have gone out to the vaccinated, because everything points to the double and triple jabbed being at increased risk for infection, especially with the Omicron variant
  • One reason for this is because the COVID jab reprograms your innate and adaptive immune systems, causing immune depletion. Data also show that the more heavily “vaccinated” a population is, the higher the case rate gets
  • As predicted, we are rapidly approaching a time when the unvaccinated might be imprisoned for no other reason than their refusal of an experimental gene transfer injection
  • In early January 2021, a New York bill (A416) was introduced that would give the governor and his or her delegates the power to remove and/or indefinitely detain anyone suspected of being a threat to public health. Detainees would be kept in a “medical facility or other appropriate facility” — in other words, a medical prison camp — for a maximum of 60 days, although a court could extend the detention in 90-day increments, indefinitely
  • In Australia, medical incarceration is already underway. Anyone who has come in close contact with someone who tests positive must spend 14 days in the quarantine camp, even if they are triple jabbed and test negative for COVID

[Ed.:  Only over my dead body! Literally.  Because if they try that,  there are going to be a lot of dead bodies. Let me be more clear: if the Governor, or Mayor of my town, or the County Health Commissioner issued a mandate, or an edict that either I get jabbed, or I go to a ‘facility,’ there will be a shoot-out when they try to take me.  I will then die, with my bloody hands still wrapped around my guns.  “The ATF estimates there are over 120 million gun owners in the US. So, if there are also 600 million guns, that is an average of 5 per owner.”]


23.  American Traitors: Academics Working for China

by Gordon G. Chang

China’s regime has bought America’s academic community and turned it against America.

  • “This case is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what needs to be done by the U.S. government to penetrate and prosecute China’s co-option of America’s academia.” — Kerry Gershaneck, the author of Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to “Win Without Fighting” and a professor in Taiwan, to Gatestone, December 2021.
  • “Scientists around the world, identified as leaders in areas of advanced research that are strategic priorities, are targeted by a well-funded sophisticated engagement that plays on their vanity, naiveté, and greed.” — Charles Burton, former professor at Brock University and now a leading expert on China’s infiltration of Canada, to Gatestone.
  • I am told there are “thousands” of professors on Beijing’s payroll in California universities.
  • Xi is serious about attracting talents like Lieber. In his September speech, Xi said he would “exhaust all means” to recruit foreigners.
  • In China’s official war on America — People’s Daily in May 2019 declared a “people’s war” on the United States — Americans working for Beijing, whatever their intention, are essentially traitors. Lieber, a traitor, has inflicted incalculable damage on America.


22.   The party of ‘Karens’: The new Democratic Party alienates nonwhite voters

Kristin Tate

After Barack Obama’s 2008 White House victory, Democrats believed they had created an unbreakable “coalition of the ascendant” voters, driven by increasing participation of minority groups and college-educated women. But recent left-wing economic and policy woes have brought about a demographic realignment that threatens to sink Democrats’ chances not just for 2022, but for the next several decades.

[Ed.: ’The Defunct Party”!!]


21.   Tierney’s Real News 12/30/2021

President Trump published Part 2 of his year-end statement. It’s well-documented and it covers everything. Sounds like a Presidential platform to me. Must read. If you are looking for content for your social media posts in 2022 – it’s ALL in here. Please archive & share both parts.

President Trump’s Year-End Statement – Part 1


President Trump’s Year-End Statement – Part 2



20.   OUCH! Radio Host Hugh Hewitt Interviews Fauci, Rattles Off Extensive List of His Failures and Lies, Asks Him to Resign (VIDEO 9:59)

By Jim Hoft

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt was an early critic of Donald Trump, even insisting the GOP dump Trump at the national convention in Cleveland in 2016.

Hewitt grilled Trump on Islamist terror leaders in 2015 to the delight of Democrats and fellow RINOs.  President Trump later laid out the greatest foreign policy successes, including the decimation of ISIS in Syria-Iraq, of any president in a generation.

Since that time Hugh Hewitt has come around and President Trump even sat with him for an interview recently.

Hugh Hewitt also sat down with Dr. Tony Fauci earlier this week.  Hewitt destroyed him.  After rattling off an extensive list of Fauci’s failures and lies, Hewitt tells him to resign.


19.   Judge in Ghislaine Maxwell Case Orders Epstein Agreement with Prince Andrew to Be Released by January 3rd

By Joe Hoft

Although there are claims that the Ghislaine Maxwell trial was a massive coverup of criminal actions by the elite, one document will reportedly be released to the public.  

The judge in the Ghislaine Maxwell case has ordered that one document of interest be released.


The famed Settlement Agreement with Epstein and Prince Andrew and others has now been ordered to be unsealed and docketed on the public record by 1/3/22 https://t.co/5LPZc4Q0kr pic.twitter.com/83bzE8CLgN


18.  !! !!  World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox



  • If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body
  • Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs
  • The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body
  • Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione
  • The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium

Have you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection? Then you likely have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body. While spike protein is naturally found in SARS-CoV-2, no matter the variant, it’s also produced in your body when you receive a COVID-19 shot. In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.


17.   OUTRAGEOUS: Jake Tapper and Anti-Defamation League Head Claim President Trump is Anti-Semitic

By Joe Hoft

Jake Tapper and used the head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to claim President Trump is anti-Semitic.  

Steve Malzberg at RT America, who is Jewish,  reported on President Trump being labeled an anti-Semite by Jake Tapper at CNN.

Tapper shamelessly accuses Trump of being an anti-Semite and he brought on the head of the Anti-Defamation League to make it all seem more legitimate.

President Trump shared that –

  1. Evangelicals in the US love Israel more than the Jews in this country.
  2. The New York Times hates Israel.

But Tapper and his guest shook their heads as they claimed President Trump was anti-Semitic.

Please watch Malzberg’s rebuttal of Tapper’s remarks.

[ED.:  Quick!  Somebody tell Jonathan Greenblatt that Trumps is NOT anti-Semitic, before he gets more egg on his face!]


16.   PART 4: – As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State Operative Don Berlin’s Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim ‘Trump Insurrection’

By Joe Hoft

They knew what they were looking for.  Information from the Deep State dossier created by Don Berlin that was presented to President Trump right before Jan 6, was leaked to the media as soon as Mark Meadows provided it to the Jan 6 Committee in December 2020 per the committee’s subpoena.

We reported yesterday how Deep State operative Don Berlin created a bogus dossier and presented it to President Trump related to the 2020 Election a few days before his rally on January 6th at the Capitol.  (Parts 1 and 2 in this series are also linked to in this article.)


15.  !! !!  Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19

By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D. – https://www.truthforhealth.org/

Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).






13.  !!   The Awareness Foundation Covid 19 Roundtable  [2:13:40]

Awareness Foundation

Fourteen of the worlds highest-profile doctors, all specialists in their own fields, come together to discuss the dangers that we all face from the Covid 19 pandemic. They discuss in detail the merits and the dangers posed by the vaccines that are being rolled out and pushed onto society.Hear their honest opinions and learn about the censorship that they have all faced from speaking out. Discussing together in one place for the first time, learn from the experts and heed their warnings.

Presented by Katherine Macbean of The Awareness Foundation

Featuring the following specialist:

Professor Dolores Cahill

Dr Ryan Cole

Dr Richard Fleming

Dr Dmitry Kats

Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Li-Meng Yan

Dr Robert Malone

Dr Peter McCullough

Dr Joseph Mercola

Dr Lee Merritt

Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Dr Richard Urso

Dr Sam White

Dr Vladimir Zelenko


12.   THIS Is The END of The DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!!  [9:08 starts at 1:35]

Dr Steve Turley

More and more pundits are coming out and admitting: the Democratic Party is imploding! That’s right! In this video, we’re going to take a look at the latest trend in the mainstream media to acknowledge what we’ve known for quite some time now, that the Democratic coalition is collapsing; we’re going to see what’s really behind the collapse, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal why this collapse may mean the end of the Democrats for at least the next decade; you are NOT going to want to miss this!


11.   Third Economic Impact Payment

The third round of Economic Impact Payments was authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 as an advance payment of the tax year 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit.

The IRS started sending the third Economic Impact Payments to eligible individuals in March 2021 and continued sending payments throughout the year as tax returns were processed.

By law, all third Economic Impact Payments must be issued by December 31, 2021.

You may be eligible to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2021 federal tax return if you didn’t get a third Economic Impact Payment or got less than the full amount.

[Ed.:  That’s nice!  (To the extent that this is true.)  They’ll turn me into a socialist, yet!]


10.  !!   Spike Protein Detox Guide

This is an evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body. The lists of herbal and other medicines and supplements have been compiled in a collaboration between international doctors, scientists, and holistic medical practitioners.

As Covid-19 infections, Covid-19 vaccines, and the issue of spike protein harms are new, this guide is informed by established and emerging medical research as well as the clinical experience of international medical doctors and holistic health practitioners; it will evolve as new evidence emerges.


9.   Social Media NOT Censoring Muslim Hate Speech and Incitement to Murder

by Raymond Ibrahim 

Despite Facebook’s zeal at censoring so-called “hate speech” and “offensive content,” violent, radical, and murderous content from Muslim terror groups is allowed to appear on and make use of the social media giant’s platform. According to a recent report, …


8.   Chaim Walder and Shmuel Eliyahu

Chananya Weissman

I have no idea what Chaim Walder did or didn’t do. I’m not going to join the rumor mill, which causes more harm than good, does nothing for any possible victims, and doesn’t protect anyone in the future, regardless of what people tell themselves. The people involved in the rumor mills are just exploiting the situation, either to get clicks, or portray themselves as righteous, or to promote an agenda.

One thing I know for sure is that we should not take anything reported about the situation at face value. How many more times does the media have to lie to us, mislead us, slant stories, publish opinion pieces as thinly veiled news items, run propaganda, or report hearsay as fact before we all stop giving credence to anything they tell us?

I believe that Chaim Walder is actually dead. I will reserve judgment on everything else about the story, including the circumstances of his death and whatever conclusions the media wants us to draw. There is a lot we are not being told, and most of what is being told is spin.


7.   Examining Some Volumes of Yad Vashem Studies

By Alex Grobman, PhD

Highlighting: “Yad Vashem Studies,” Part II: Vol. 49:1. 2021.

In this volume, Yad Vashem has produced another fascinating group of articles. Among them are three that examine the events of individuals whose lives were permanently shaped by the Shoah.

In “The Shaping of Holocaust Memory and the Eichmann Trial: Jacob Robinson—Jurist, Historian and Human Rights Activist,” Zohar Segev, lecturer on Jewish studies at Haifa University, authored a biographical essay centered on the life of Jacob Robinson, who became the Jewish affairs adviser to Justice Robert Jackson, the chief American prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials. Robinson’s experience at Nuremberg and the voluminous information he amassed about the destruction of European Jewry, led him to join the team that prosecuted Adolf Eichmann at his 1960 trial in Jerusalem.


6.   Fauci ‘Strongly’ Warns Against Hugging and Kissing on New Year’s Eve

By Cassandra Fairbanks

Dr. Anthony Fauci is “strongly” warning against hugging and kissing your friends and loved ones on New Year’s Eve this year.

Fauci also told people to avoid large gatherings during the White House COVID-19 briefing on Wednesday.

“If your plans are to go to a 40- to 50-person New Year’s Eve party with all the bells and whistles and everybody hugging and kissing and wishing each other a happy new year, I would strongly recommend that this year we do not do that,” Fauci said.

[Ed.:  I know what I’ll be doing New Years Eve!  Thanks Tony!  It’ll be like standing under the mistletoe…]


5.   “I Can’t Deal with This Covid Sh*t Anymore!” – French Tennis Star Goes Off After ‘250th Positive Covid Test’ Threatens to Derail His Australian Open

By Cristina Laila

French tennis star Benoit Paire went off after testing positive for Covid for the ‘250th time.’

Paire’s most recent positive Covid test threatens to derail his Australian Open since he is now being forced to quarantine in an unknown location.

“Hey my name is Benoit Paire, and for the 250th time I tested positive for Covid!!” the tennis star said in an Instagram story on Wednesday (screenshot below).

“Honestly I can’t deal with this Covid sh*t anymore. How am I doing? Because of Covid I got a runny nose, but because of all these quarantines spent in a hotel room halfway across the world, I don’t feel good mentally,” he said. “Last year was tough, and this year starts exactly the same way!!”

[Ed.:  He took the words right out’a my mouth!]


4.   Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause More Illness than They Prevent”

By Julian Conradson

Pandemic of the Vaccinated: Two Studies Show New Evidence that Covid-19 Vaccines “Cause MORE ILLNESS than they Prevent” – After 3 Months, Pfizer Jab Recipients are 76.5% MORE LIKELY than the Unvaxxed to Contract Covid

Two newly released studies show that – after a brief period of moderate protection – the experimental Covid-19 vaccines actually end up causing more illness than they prevent – especially when it comes to new variants like the now-predominant, and highly-mild Omicron.

The first study, a pre-print that was released on MedRXiv by a team of researchers in Denmark, shows that the experimental vaccines provide absolutely zero protection against Omicron beginning two months after vaccination (which they refer to as “peak” protection).

After just three months, fully vaccinated individuals begin to experience sharp negative protection. Researchers found that those who received the Pfizer vaccine were an astounding 76.5% more likely to have a breakthrough infection than their unvaccinated counterparts once 90 days had passed – those who received Moderna’s were 39.3% more likely.


3.  DEVELOPING: Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty in Epstein Sex Trafficking Case – Details Sealed by the Judge

By Cristina Laila

Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty on Wednesday of 5 of 6 counts.

Important details about the case were sealed by the judge.

Maxwell worked as Jeffrey Epstein’s pimp for years and the DOJ knew they were running girls as young as 12 but they refused to act.

Maxwell pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from her role as Epstein’s ‘madam’ from 1994 to 2004.

Maxwell faced the following charges:

Count One: Conspiracy to Entice Minors to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts.
Count Two: Enticement of a Minor to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts.
Count Three: Conspiracy to Transport Minors with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity.
Count Four: Transportation of a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity.
Count Five: Sex Trafficking Conspiracy.
Count Six: Sex Trafficking of a Minor.
Counts Seven and Eight: Perjury (stemming from allegedly false deposition testimony during a civil suit).

The child sex abuser was found guilty on 5 counts and faces 65 years in prison:


2.   PURE EVIL: Biden State Dept “Actively Impeding” Rescue Efforts of US Citizens Stranded in Afghanistan – Including Group of Catholic Nuns

By Jim Hoft

Back in August white House Spokesperson Jen Psaki lied and told Peter Doocy and the American public the administration was in contact with every American in Afghanistan.

The Biden regime spokesperson also told reporters numerous times there were “only” 100 Americans left stranded inside the country.

“It’s right around 100, and we’re working every single day to help those who want to leave, get out,” WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki says on Americans in Afghanistan who want to leave. https://t.co/3jjfYWjn5D

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) September 9, 2021

But that was all a lie. And they knew it was a lie.

We now know that there are THOUSANDS of Americans stranded in Afghanistan and as many as 14,000.

  1.   FAA Dangerously Ignores Its Own Guidelines – Clears Vaccinated Pilots to Fly Despite “Do Not Issue—Do Not Fly” Policy

By Julian Conradson

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been exposed for flagrantly violating its own safety guidelines in order to push the experimental Covid-19 vaccine.

According to the FAA’s own policy, pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, but the agency has systematically ignored those rules – clearing pilots to fly after waiting just two days from their date of vaccination, without knowing the full scope of the long-term effects of these vaccines.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.