Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION   | 4/28/24


Jack Engelhard

Nothin’ says lovin’ like a baby in the oven and Islam does it best   Diane Bederman

Apr 7, 2024


“Nothin’ says lovin’ like a baby in the oven and Islam does it best.”

In case you didn’t know – nothing has changed. When it comes to the Jews, Muslims are the Nazis of today. And once again, the West stands with the wrong side. Or, to put it more precisely – Same S*** Different Day

Muslim barbarians, who had been sitting  at the gate, broke through and entered Israel on October 7 and massacred 1200 people; in their homes and at a Music Festival! They didn’t just murder: they raped and pillaged, diced and sliced, including a child from the womb of a pregnant woman, decapitated, Jewish men, women and children: murdered for the crime of being Jewish. Muslim murderers went house to house in search of unarmed civilians. Muslim civilians aided and abetted Hamas in looting and hostage taking and, of course, celebrating. Many of the victims were still in pajamas when they were hunted down. Killings were carried out in close quarters, victims executed one by one in their kitchens, bathrooms and bomb shelters.


These Muslims looked everywhere, behind every nook and cranny, for Jews-including behind rocks and trees.

For it is said:

It was reported that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying: ‘You (i.e. Muslims) will fight against the Jews and you will gain victory over them. The stones will (betray them) saying: ‘O ‘Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.’ 1 This Hadith was reported by Al-Bukhari.

Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) said that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying: “The Antichrist will pass by this salty barren area i.e. Madinah, in a passage of a canal. Most of those who will come out to him will be women so that a man will return to his intimate wife, mother, daughter, sister or aunt to tie them up for fear that they might go out to him. Then, Allah will afflict him with Muslims who kill him and his followers and the Jews will hide behind a tree or a rock and the rock or the tree will say to the Muslim: There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!” 3 This Hadith was reported by Ahmad in his Musnad.

There was  real joy in killing the Jews. Muslims calling home telling mommy and daddy with great joy, “I killed Jews.” And put live babies in ovens.

Because “Nothin’ says lovin’ like a baby in the oven and Islam does it best.”

At least the Nazis had the “decency” to kill babies before putting them in the crematoria.

Captured terrorists revealed that Muslims cut apart Israeli victims’ bodies, taking pieces into captivity in Gaza to hold for ransom.

“They cut out body parts, took them with them to Gaza, and planned to trade them in future negotiations for hostages. We interrogated terrorists who were brainwashed with hate, who took knives and murdered anybody who came their way.”

Corpses were mutilatedmissing limbs, punctures to the chest, broken bones, some burned beyond recognition. Mutilation appears to be coordinated. One radio intercept to Gaza reveals an instruction to bring back the dead body of an IDF soldier and posthumously crucify him. 

But, but, but, this is “heroic resistance.”

Not the first time. Remember Daniel Pearl? In the chilling, three-minute 2002 video of his murder in Karachi, Daniel Pearl says: “My father is Jewish. My mother is Jewish. I am Jewish.” Then the film cuts to a different frame, where a hand suddenly sweeps down and beheads the journalist. Months later, his body was found cut up in pieces, collected and sent home to be buried. The video is no longer available-it is too gruesome.


The Muslim killers related their conquest to Islam. They were killing in the name of Allah, yelling “Allahu Akbar” — Allah is the greatest — while standing over the corpses of dead Jews.

Because “Nothin’ says lovin’ like a baby in the oven and Islam does it best.”

But wait: 240 people were taken from Israel as hostages in Gaza where they are sexually tortured including rape and cruel, inhuman, and are subjected to degrading treatment.


Our Repeated Strategic Failures, or How We Never Learn from Experience   by Victor Rosenthal

April 28, 2024

1. Failure to understand and respect our enemies.

Since before the founding of the State of Israel, Palestinian Arab leaders have been saying that the land between the river and the sea is Arab land, land in which non-Arab (and usually non-Muslim) sovereignty is intolerable. They opposed Jewish immigration from the turn of the 20th century because they correctly saw, even when many Jews did not, that sovereignty was the eventual outcome of Zionism. Leaders from Amin al-Husseini through Yasir Arafat to Mahmoud Abbas made countless statements to this effect, and repeatedly rejected offers of Palestinian statehood because they required the acceptance of a Jewish state as well. Jews and others with a Western outlook were repeatedly surprised when this happened, unable to grasp that the Arab objectives were not a mirror image of those of the Jews, who wanted a peaceful sovereign state and were prepared to compromise on land in order to get or keep it. For both secular and religious Palestinian movements like Fatah and Hamas respectively (although at the grass roots no Palestinian Arab movement is truly secular), the presence of a Jewish entity on what they believe is Arab/Muslim land is a painful violation of honor and doctrine. Over the years their belief in the absolute rightness of their position, their shame of having been victimized by the Jews, and their steadfastness in working toward their goal has only increased.

How many times have we heard that “what they want is to improve their lives and the prospects of their children?” That if only they could see a “horizon” of self-determination and prosperity, they would end their hostility to the Jewish state? Nothing could be more wrong – or more contemptuous of them. We are asking them, in other words, to abandon what they believe is their birthright to the land, to give up their honor (to Jews!), and to violate the principles of their religion, in return for scraps from our table. They would sooner die (and they do, often taking some of us with them).

Perhaps we are misled by the amount of corruption that exists in the political structures of peoples whose loyalties are primarily tribal, and think that the Arabs are weak and can be bought. Perhaps this is the source of the conceptzia that stupidly tried to buy quiet from Hamas with suitcases of dollars from Qatar, or thought that the billions of dollars siphoned off by Yasir Arafat would somehow make a peace partner out of him. Arafat took aid money to pay terrorists and fill his Swiss bank accounts, while Hamas leaders dug attack tunnels and built themselves mansions. But despite their corruption, neither neglected their main goal.

This strategic error has been repeated over and over, and has been responsible for two of Israel’s most painful failures: the Oslo Accords and the Second Intifada that followed, and the 7 October pogrom.

Give the Arabs the respect they deserve. Listen to what they say, and believe them when they say they are our enemies. They aren’t for sale.

2. Failure to Punish Those Who Hurt Us

We live in the Middle East. In the Middle East, when someone murders one of your people, you kill him. When someone invades your land, you take his land and you don’t give it back. Maybe you don’t agree with these principles and think that murderers can be rehabilitated, or that you can settle disputes over land legally or diplomatically; but the Middle East doesn’t care what you think. If you don’t protect your honor when you are victimized, it is a demonstration of weakness, and will be exploited. Recently the Iranian regime launched over 300 weapons including some 120 ballistic missiles at Israel, the largest attack of its kind in military history. The amount of death and destruction that it could have caused was enormous; only luck, the skill of our pilots, $1.35 billion in defensive weapons, and the help of the US (that we will pay for in loss of sovereignty) saved us. We responded by destroying a radar installation, to “send a message” that we could have attacked the nuclear installation it was protecting. Are we joking? They tried to kill us and instead of “rising up to kill them” as the sages of the Talmud recommend (Sanhedrin 72a-b), we send a message that we could have hurt them? That is not a Middle Eastern response, and it will be interpreted to mean that we are too weak or constrained (by the US) to strike back. This will encourage Iran to hit us again.

3. Failure to Maintain Deterrence

Israel’s response to rocket attacks and terrorism has tended to concentrate on parrying the enemy’s strikes rather than retaliating disproportionately (in the Middle East, the “disproportionately” part is important). While a purely defensive strategy (e.g., Iron Dome) results in less disruption to the home front, the enemy is not deterred from trying again and applying lessons learned from previous rounds of fighting. Psychologically, it normalizes the act of trying to kill Jews. A powerful retaliatory strike, on the other hand, makes the enemy pay a high cost for its aggression and deters future attacks. And it transmits the message that Jewish blood isn’t cheap.

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Trump’s Jewish experience   Jack Engelhard

Israel must act like the power that has earned it the respect of the world…a respect being diminished each day Israel equivocates. Now to Trump…No one is safe in a country where the corruption is so rampant.  Op-ed.

Apr 28, 2024, 10:45 AM (GMT+3) – First, some other business, like why is Hamas still calling the shots?

Seems to me that it is time to finish them off, because the longer it takes, so much more do these terrorists become emboldened.

Already they are making DEALS…say, 30 hostages for six months ceasefire, and more such exchanges, a give-and-take more suitable for an auction where people determine the value of a King Louis XVI tableware. Such Hocus-Pocus is unbearable when Jewish life is at stake, now and then.

Then, the man bangs the gavel; SOLD. Such was Oslo sold, and so was the deal that set free 1,000 Islamist savages for a dead Israeli captive.

So it was those days when leftist Israeli leaders were in the bargaining business…always ready to trade sovereign Jewish land for Arab peace but got Oct. 7 instead.

I thought those days were gone when Israel humbled itself before a far weaker enemy. But here we go again, it surely seems, letting them off, off the hook, to play the winners…so boastful that THEY decide the terms between war and peace…unless, or until, Israel says enough of this, girds itself, and lowers the boom.

The moment of truth is at hand and Israel must act like the power that has earned it the respect of the world…a respect being diminished each day Israel equivocates.

Now, to Trump…

You know, of course, that the Democrats won’t be satisfied until they have him dead and buried, or until they have him throwing in the towel, which he will never do.

It was not enough for them when, even before and then during his presidency, they tormented him on false charges, one after another.

Adam Schiff the chief “architect” for all this…the man who kept saying he had the evidence to prove that Trump was a Russian spy, but came up empty.

So did a man named Mueller, a special counsel, who was hired by the House, then run by Democrats, to go forward across the globe to dish whatever dirt he could find.

For that, he was given a budget of $50 million, and after three years, he came back with zilch.

Actually, it was Hillary who was behind it all. Anyway, they are all crooks, and by the way, Schiff is running for Senate in California, and the odds are he will win.

That’s because Democrat voters are okay with crooks. Hark to the nursery rhyme: “There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, he found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; he bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse, and they all lived together in a crooked little house.”

Since they failed to ruin Trump all those years before, the new tactic has been to schlep him all across the country from one crooked courthouse after another, five altogether, wherein the prosecutors, the judges, and the jurors are all Democrats. The fix is in. The truth will prevail? I do not believe that anymore.

Trump says, “If they can do this to me, imagine what they can do to you.” No one is safe in a country where the corruption is so rampant.

Right now, Trump is forced to sit in a New York City courtroom for fake charges about hush money…puny judges all, who can all call home…” look Ma, I’ve got a president of the United States in the palm of my hands. I can do with him whatever I want, even gag him from speaking. Yippee.”

A word from King David, Psalm 35…” The wretched gather against me, and I know not why.”

Trump’s Jewish Experience in a nutshell. Jews, we know how it is.


Jewish Democrats  Alan Bergstein

The shameful silence on Jewish Democrats’ part has led to the current Jew hating thugs on college campuses. And if and when Biden loses, it will get worse.  Opinion.

Apr 28, 2024, 12:42 AM (GMT+3) – There’s not much I can do about this sitting Biden presidency and my two local self-hating, Jewish congresspeople, Lois Frankel and Jared Moskowitz, except speak out and campaign against them and their evil Democrat Party until the next election comes along.

But I can and will overtly show contempt for those Jewish friends, relatives and neighbors of mine, who voted, as mindless robots, for this dangerous gang of America/Jew haters, who now control our suicidal foreign and domestic policies. This nation, during Biden’s short, disastrous reign, has been brought to its knees and is now in danger of being immersed in a world war for which we are poorly prepared and for which we will surely pay a high price.

And for this, I blame those who cast their ballots to bring them to power. Specifically, Leftist Jews.

Why do I single this group out? Because they are my brethren. They should know better. I once thought politically, as they did. But they have not matured, mentally. It has been only 79 years since Holocaust #1 and the history of that event should still be fresh in their minds to warn them that the steps to Holocaust #2 are being repeated…now. And they are in the forefront of replicating that calamity.


CHAPTER 16: Ideological Invasion   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release June 2024)
April 28, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The Frankfurt School (Chapters 11 and 15) is best understood as a philosophical and sociological movement that spread through Western universities around the world. Instead of embracing individualism and the separation of powers that distinguish our constitutional republic, Frankfurt School émigrés continued to advance their collectivist ideology with religious fanaticism, missionary zeal, and the hubris characteristic of supremacist ideologues.

The movement began with Hungarian Marxist philosopher George Lukács (1885–1971), minister of culture in Bolshevik Hungary in 1919. Before the Bolsheviks came to power, Hungary was a Catholic nation. Lukács recognized the necessity of collapsing the traditional nuclear family in Marxist revolutions, following Lenin’s dictum, “Destroy the family, you destroy the country.”

As deputy commissar for education and culture, Lukács targeted Hungary’s family unit and its traditional sexual morals. He implemented a program called cultural terrorism, which had two tactical objectives. First, target children’s minds through lectures that encouraged them to ridicule and reject Christian ethics. Second, groom them with graphic sexual content and instruction in free love and sexual intercourse. People in Hungary were so enraged it forced Lukács to flee the country.


Communist Uprising on College Campuses, PLUS: SCOTUS Smackdown of Jack Smith   [1:08:55]  Tom Fitton | Judicial Watch

April 26, 2024


Hezbollah’s VAST Terror Tunnel Network EMERGES; Threatens Israel Border  [14:24] Yair Pinto | TBN Israel

April 27, 2024 – Join Yair Pinto as he travels to the Israel-Lebanon border to report on Hezbollah’s vast underground tunnel system. Learn about North Korea’s role in developing these tunnels, what the terrorist organization is hiding in them, and Israel’s innovative solution to combat them. As tensions along the northern border continues to escalate, is all-out war with Hezbollah close? Don’t miss this episode of My State on TBN Israel!


Jonathan Pollard: Columbia University and the Fall of American Jews  [13:05]   Machon Shilo

April 27, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Jonathan Pollard: The Exile Mentality of Israel’s Leadership  [17:11]   Machon Shilo

April 26, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Now is the time for choosing   Caroline Glick

“What is important now is for all of us, all of us who … cherish our values and our civilization to stand up together and to say: Enough is enough,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Apr 26, 2024, 4:23 PM (GMT+3) – (JNS) On Wednesday, hikers around the southern Israeli city of Arad discovered the remains of an Iranian ballistic missile from the April 13 overnight assault. Israel’s Channel 11 identified it as a Khader-1 missile. The Khader-1, like the Imad missiles, which Iran also used in its strike, are nuclear capable.

The fact that Iran used two ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads should sound every alarm bell. In an interview with Deutsche Welle on Tuesday, International Atomic Energy Agency chairman Rafael Grossi said that Iran is “weeks rather than months” away from having enough enriched uranium to develop a nuclear bomb.

Israel’s war is not a war of choice. It isn’t a conflict that Israel can shrug its shoulders and walk away from, or opt for a limited goal of blocking incoming strikes. This is a war for national survival. Hamas made clear the genocide it aims to achieve on Oct. 7. Its appalling cruelty to the hostages it has held captive for more than six months demonstrates still further that there is no way to fight to a draw with this jihadist terror regime. There is no “deal” to be had with Hamas leaders. The same is true of Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon. And, of course, the same is true of Iran.

Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and their terror partners have used all the resources at their disposal to expand their capacity to annihilate Israel. They have not done this to jockey for stronger negotiating positions. They are putting everything they have into building these capacities because they really want to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. The calls for Israel’s destruction are not mere slogans. They are solid commitments.

The good news is that Israel has the military and economic power to defeat its enemies completely. The bad news is that in their efforts, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and their other partners are not fighting alone. While the United States and other Western nations are willing to speak out against Hamas and Iran from time to time, they completely oppose Israel’s effort to defeat its enemies. Israel is permitted to defend against incoming attacks. But it is prohibited from taking decisive offensive action.

To block Israel from winning, the United States and its partners in Europe and the United Nations are waging an unprecedented, comprehensive and ever-escalating political war against Israel. Its clear goal is to criminalize Israel’s war effort and to effectively deny the Jewish state the right to self-defense.


Mark Levin Exposes Dark Money Behind Anti-Israel Movement   [18:58]

April 24, 2024 – Mark Levin :”You want to know who’s funding these people? The Democrat Party and the terrorist regimes. What? You have a fusion of Marxists. You have a fusion with Islamists, a complicated matrix and network of Democrat Party billionaires and millionaires and dark money, including Soros, including the Tides Foundation, among others. And you have Hamas funding, the Muslim Brotherhood and others. Also a funding network in Qatar, which is funding colleges and universities.”

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.