Daily Shmutz | April Fool’s Day 2022

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)


38.  Who Is REALLY Running the Country?   JD Rucker

We can speculate (and often do) about who is really calling the shots out of DC and across the globe. The only thing we know for certain is that it’s neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris in charge.

On today’s episode of JD Rucker LIVE, I took questions from listeners about whatever topic they liked. A variation of one question kept popping up — who is REALLY running America? It’s obviously not Joe Biden or the Democrat Party as they have demonstrated they’re somebody’s pawns. It’s not the GOP in DC who have very little power, and while at least half of them are corrupted by The Swamp they just don’t have the gumption to actually make anything happen.

I’m replaying this live show on my podcast, The Midnight Sentinel, because it’s an important topic. Yes, I discussed many issues outside of that question but it’s the one that stood out as important enough to discuss further.

[Ed.:  It is no longer America.  It’s America In Name Only (AINO)!]

37.  !Jan 6 Defendant Who “Never had a parking ticket” Committed Suicide While Awaiting Trial…Aunt Tells Tucker Carlson: “He pleaded guilty because stress had worn him down” [VIDEO 6:11]   By Patty McMurray

Another patriot’s life was destroyed by the evil and corrupt Justice Department that is carrying out a political vendetta after the January 6th unrest.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Representative Majorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.) said that January 6th defendants are being treated worse than Guantanamo bay prisoners last year.   “They are treating those people worse than they treat the terrorists at Gitmo [short for Guantanamo],” the GOP representative asserted. “They are treating those people worse than they treat illegal aliens being held in detention centers—and I have toured detention centers and I know what they look like.”

Last month, the Biden regime’s treatment of the January 6th defendants drove one of them to suicide.  37-year-old Matthew Perna was a patriot who attended the January 6th demonstrations.  He was not accused of violence by the Justice Department or property destruction.  He alleged that the Capitol Police let him into the Capitol with no resistance.

36.  !EXCLUSIVE Call with Jake Lang: Jan. 6 Protester and Vietnam Veteran Lonnie Coffman Sentenced to 46 Months in Federal Prison for Driving a Truck with a Gun In It — MEDIA LIES DEBUNKED   By Jim Hoft

In November, TGP’s Cara Castronuova posted an exclusive letter on The Gateway Pundit from DC Gitmo political prisoner Lonnie Coffman, a 71-year-old Vietnam veteran locked up at the DC Gitmo.

Lonnie also appeared on Greg Kelly’s show on Newsmax earlier that week.

Until recently Lonnie Coffman was being held unconstitutionally with no bond in Washington DC for attending the rally in Washington DC on January 6th.  Lonnie was later moved to a detention facility in Pennsylvania.

Lonnie described what happened in his letter to The Gateway Pundit. The FBI used the alleged bomb threat at the DNC to rummage through cars and Lonnie’s truck. The investigators found firearms and jars of gasoline that he carries with him. The FBI fabricated their findings and described the jars of gas as “Molotov cocktails”.

35.   U.S. House of Representatives Passes Bill to Federally Legalize Marijuana   By Jim Hoft

The US House of Representatives voted to pass a bill on Friday to decriminalize the use of marijuana at the federal level.

The House bill called the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, or MORE Act, removes marijuana from the list of scheduled substances under the Controlled Substances Act and eliminates criminal penalties for an individual who manufactures, distributes, or possesses marijuana, as reported to the House.

The bill was sponsored by Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York.

According to Nadler’s social media posts, “this bill will reverse decades of failed federal policies based on the criminalization of marijuana.”

… “The House passed the legislation with 220 to 204 votes. Three Republicans joined the majority of Democrats including Tom McClintock of California, Florida representatives Brian Mast and Matt Gaetz, while Democrats Henry Cuellar of Texas and Chris Pappas of New Hampshire voted against it, CNN reported.”

[Ed.:   Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]

34.   Who Are the Americans Coordinating Bioresearch in Ukraine?    By Richard Abelson

The Russian Defense Ministry has made public a list of U.S. persons involved in creating components of biological weapons in Ukraine, TASS news agency reports.  The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed new documents  seized by Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, including correspondence between Hunter Biden and figures involved in biological research in Ukraine, the New Zealand Daily Telegraph reports. The documents revealed an intent to create a “Central Depository of Especially Dangerous Microorganisms in Kiev,” according to Russian MoD spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, as well as ways to distribute biological agents via drone, as Gateway reported (see photo above).

US Personnel Involved in Ukraine Bioresearch:

33.  !!  Biden Urges Parents To ‘Affirm Your Child’s Transgender Identity’ (VIDEO 1:43)    By Alicia Powe

The Biden administration is doubling down on its transhumanism agenda, urging parents to encourage their impressionable children to embrace the potential of being born in the wrong body.

“I want you to know that your President sees you –Joe, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration — sees you for who you are … deserving of dignity, respect, and support. But we know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you, don’t respect you,” the dictator in chief said in a video published on Thursday commemorating his administration’s “Transgender Day of Visibility.”   [Emphasis added]

“We’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, in the playing field, at work, in our military in our housing and health care systems — everywhere. Simply everywhere.” Biden added.

Encouraging children to select their gender is critical to their well-being, the illegitimate president with a notorious history of inappropriately touching women and children warned.

32.  Why Does Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles?

The LBGT community has now merged with the pro-pedophile community     Emerald Robinson

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent the LBGT community and the woke corporations into a frenzy when he championed (and signed into law) an anti-groomer bill that prevents school teachers from grooming 5 year old children about deviant sex practices.

31.  !Let Our Children Live  [3:51:32]   Chananya Weissman 

February 20 event featuring:

Rabbi Kalman Ochs, Megan Mansell SME (Masks), Dr. Janci Lindsay PhD,  Dr. Jessica Rose PhD, Dr. Michelle Perro MD

30.  R&B Medical War Crimes #33 – The war on biological sex and the traditional family  [41:53]                                    Chananya Weissman 

The article I mentioned is here: www.chananyaweissman.com/article.php?id=234

Tovim Ha-Shenayim: A Study of the Role and Nature of Man and Woman (published in 2014, not 2016) is available here: www.amazon.com/gp/product/0997820519

29.  !!   Tierney’s REAL News (4/1/22)

28.  Zelensky Converts to Islam    Posted on April 1, 2022 by Baron Bodissey

There’s some surprising news out of Ukraine this morning. Below is the report from the Associated Press:

Kyiv, April 1, 2022 (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky convened a press conference today to announce that he has converted to Islam.

Mr. Zelensky said that he has spent the last three weeks in close consultation with Samer Afirov, the imam of the main mosque of Ukraine’s capital city, Kyiv. Imam Afirov is one of the hundreds of Crimean Muslims who fled their homes in Simferopol — which is 500 miles southeast of Kyiv — when Russia annexed the Crimea.

Mr. Zelensky expressed his appreciation for the imam’s knowledge and devotion. “With his help,” said the president, “I was able to understand righteousness and magnificence of Allah. I realized that in order to do the right thing for my country, I had to do what is right by Allah, as explained by His messenger Mohammed (peace be upon him).

“Although I come from a Jewish background, up until my conversion I had no religious inclinations and was basically an unbeliever. But now I have realized the error of my ways, and intend to rectify my earlier mistakes by fighting zealously in the way of Allah.

27.   Donald Trump, George Bush, and Joe Biden were set to face a firing squad in a Central American country.

Donald Trump was the first one placed against the wall and just before the order was given, he yelled out, “Earthquake!” The firing squad fell into a panic and Donald Trump jumped over the wall and escaped during the confusion.
George Bush was the second one placed against the wall. The squad was reassembled, and George pondered what he had just witnessed. Again, before the order was given George yelled out, “Tornado!” Again, the squad fell apart and George slipped over the wall.
The last person, Joe Biden, was placed against the wall. He was thinking, I see the pattern here, just scream out something about a disaster and hop over the wall. He confidently refused the blindfold as the firing squad was reassembled. As the rifles were raised in his direction, he grinned from ear to ear and yelled, “Fire!”

26.  ! Palestinian school curriculum – peaceful coexistence?   by Yoram Ettinger

Female fighters are glorified for sacrificing their sons and husbands in (Jihad) battle, as role models and as a proof that Islam ensures women’s “equality with men in sacrifice and self-sacrifice in invasions and battles” (Islamic Education, Grade 8, Card 8, Quarter 1, Semester 1, 2021–22, p. 29).

Dalal Mughrabi, the perpetrator of the 1978 terror attack on a civilian bus from Haifa to Tel Aviv – which left 38 Israelis murdered, including 13 children – is praised as a brave “female Arab jihad warrior” (Social Studies, Grade 9, Semester 1, 2021–22, p. 20).


The Palestinian Authority’s school curriculum (Please see documentation in the next section) was established in 1993 by Mahmoud Abbas, when he was Arafat’s deputy.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is the most factual description of the rogue Palestinian walk; a direct contrast to Palestinian diplomatic talk.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority focusses on the pre-1967 area of Israel.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority has been consistent with the 1959 Charter of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah (8 years before the “1967 War”) and the 1964 Charter of Mahmoud Abbas’ PLO (3 years before the 1967 War), before Israel regained control of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank).

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is consistent with the anti-“infidel” precepts of Islam, aimed to eliminate the “infidel” entity in the abode of Islam and bring the “infidel” to submission.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is the most reliable expression of the deeply-rooted Palestinian vision to establish an Arab entity from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, by eliminating the “infidel” Jewish sovereignty.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is a most authentic reflection of the state of mind of the Palestinian Authority, in general, and its view of the Jewish State, in particular.

Since its establishment in 1993, the school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority – along with sermons of incitement in the mosques, public events and highlighted monuments – has shaped the state-of-mind of the Palestinian Street.

Since 1993, the Palestinian school curriculum has been the most effective production line of Palestinian terrorists.

The perpetrators of Palestinian terrorism – against rival Palestinians and against the Jewish State – represent the effectiveness of the Palestinian school curriculum as a brain-washing incubator of hatred and martyrs.

[Ed.:  The modern State of Israel (IINO,) has condoned and enabled this curriculum to go on since 1964 (58 years)!  Arabs are supposed to kill Jews!  It’s who they are.  It’s their “religion.”  Don’t blame the damned Musloids for their compulsion to kill us.  Blame the modern State of Israel for keeping them and their murderous ‘education system’ inside of our country,  in our faces, as our “peace partners” Who is the real enemy here? With a government structure like IINO’s, who needs enemies!]

25.  !  REVEALED: Dr. Fauci SILENCED all Wuhan lab leak theories after being schmoozed by gain-of-function researcher Peter Daszak whose controversial bat experiments may have sparked the pandemic, new report claims   By NATASHA ANDERSON

  • Investigators allege Dr. Anthony Fauci silenced any discussion about COVID being caused by a lab leak – and not through animal-to-human transmission
  • Fauci also helped a controversial scientist get millions in federal funding to study bats, Vanity Fair researchers who analyzed more than 100,000 documents claim
  • They also allege NIH funds may have contributed to the development of the COVID-19, if it was indeed created at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China
  • The investigators also claim Daszak and researchers in Wuhan tried to hide evidence about the pandemic’s early spread 
  • The VF report accuses Daszak of ‘presenting the lab-leak hypothesis as a groundless and destructive conspiracy theory’ 
  • The reports also says Fauci contributed to that narrative, citing an instance in 2020 when he reaffirmed a theory of natural spread from animals to humans 
  • Although the report is not conclusive in how COVID originated, it does provide evidence that Daszak’s research was ‘risky’ and possibly connected

24.  !  Putin’s Approval SOARS to 83% as Media Admits Russia is Winning!!!   [12:01]  Dr. Steve Turley

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approval rating soars to an astonishing 83 percent all as the legacy media is admitting that Russia is winning! In this video, we’re going to take a look at what I’ve been arguing over the last several weeks, we’re going to see how the media is finally catching up to it, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal where the world goes from here; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

23.   The Negev Two-State Summit    By  Caroline B. Glick

In truth, the main reason the fake policy of “two-state solution” keeps going is that some Jews of Israel have yet to accept the truth about the Palestinian Arab conflict with Israel and what that means.

The “Two-State Solution” has made a comeback. That’s the main take-home lesson from the Negev Summit this week. The final remarks of the four Arab foreign ministers and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s remarks at the summit and throughout his visit make this glaringly obvious. All of Israel’s guests demanded that it be advanced.

22.   April Fool – Mike Pence Launches Midterm Agenda – Urges Conservatives to Not “Talk About the Past”           By Joe Hoft

On January 6, 2021, then Vice President Mike Pence had the chance to do what was right and be an American hero.  He could have called for additional time to unravel the corrupt and fraudulent election results from the 2020 Election.  Instead, Pence certified the fraudulent results. 

Now on April Fool’s Day Pence is encouraging good Americans to forget about the past and ignore the stolen election of 2020 that he certified a little more than a year ago.

The Daily Mail reports that Pence is pushing a new campaign which looks like Pence is beginning a run for the Presidency in 2024.  He has no idea how much he is disliked after cowardly certifying the 2020 results.

21.  Russian troops report ‘acute radiation’ after leaving Chernobyl  [1:51]

Russian soldiers apparently dug trenches in the city’s ‘Red Forest’ named for trees turning red following the nuclear disaster.

20.   Verboten: In Germany it is increasingly dangerous to criticize Islam   by Giulio Meotti, Italy

There are no taboos in modern Germany, except for critcizing Islam – which gets you fired, cancelled or worse. Op-ed.

What has emerged in recent days from the Goethe University of Frankfurt shows us that Europe is no longer a real democracy, but an ideological oligarchy. The newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung tells us that Professor Susanne Schröter, director of the Frankfurt Research Center and professor at the Institute of Ethnology, reported that a young researcher’s political stance on Islam now plays an important role in his future career. If he speaks well of Islam, he will make a career, otherwise he will not.

Schröter denounced the “cancel culture” which seeks to ban politically or morally unpleasant positions from universities. She referred to graduate students whose dissertations were not accepted because they dealt with “wrong” topics. For example, “honor killings” in Islam. “If an anthropologist deals with Islam, his career is over,” said Schröter.

19.  Blinken’s obscene Western ‘progressive’ agenda    by Melanie Phillips

At the Negev Summit, the U.S. Secretary of State demonstrated what it currently means to be a Western progressive: supporting people who murder Israelis and empowering others who want to wipe out Israel. Op-ed. 

(JNS) When an Arab terrorist murdered five Israelis in Bnei Brak this week by opening fire indiscriminately with an M-16 rifle, Palestinian Arabs in the Gaza Strip and the “West Bank” handed out sweets in celebration and held jubilant rallies.

It made no difference to them that one of the five victims, police officer Amir Khoury, was an Israeli Arab who was gunned down as he shot the terrorist dead. Palestinian Arabs celebrate with sweets and fireworks whenever they murder Jews.

This was the third such deadly terrorist attack in eight days, leaving a total of 11 Israelis dead. Once more, Israeli families have been left devastated and grieving after attacks perpetrated against them simply because they are Israelis.

At the Negev Summit held earlier this week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the unprecedented peace agreements between Israel and the Arab world that have followed the historic Abraham Accords “are not a substitute for progress between Palestinians and Israelis.”

18.   America’s 2020 masquerade election led to Ukraine’s horror and the world’s turmoil   by Steve Apfel

In a conflict of might against right, you don’t want a leader deficient in both and also deficient in the moral right to take a stand.  Op-ed.

Chaos Theory ‘discovered’ the staggering idea that a flimsy cause may have dire and unforeseeable consequences. Its popular draw card seems to be the perverse link between a delicate creature and promiscuous carnage.

That is how reality can sometimes work. When a butterfly in the Amazon flaps its wings a tornado in Burundi may follow.

Terrible wars were precipitated by the flimsiest events. The ‘War to end all Wars” began with a humble sandwich. Plans by the Black Hand group to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand went awry when a grenade tossed at his motorcade hit the wrong car. On a visit to the injured, his driver took the wrong route and backed out just where the hired assassin happened to be buying a sandwich. WWI followed.

So how did we get to the Russian war on Ukraine – the biggest, most devastating and far-reaching conflict since WWII? Where and when did the butterfly flap its wings?

The flimsy detail is less important than the chaotic consequences which follow. Even when the detail is not flimsy at all, indeed is very substantial – like a rigged election for the White House – apocalyptic consequences can dwarf it.

[Ed.:  It wasn’t the fraudulent election of 2020 that led to the world’s turmoil today, it was Donald Trump walking away after we elected him in 2020, and allowing the fraud to prevail.]

17.   Spiraling Violence in Chicago: Causes and Solutions     Matt Rosenberg

The following is adapted from a lecture delivered on February 28, 2022, at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship on Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C. campus, as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.

For several years prior to 2020, violent crime in America’s major cities was on the decline. But since the riots that summer following the death of George Floyd, it is heading in the opposite direction.

Murders nationwide in 2020 rose a stunning 29.4 percent over the previous year, the largest annual increase since the FBI began tracking that data in the 1960s. The number of murders in Chicago climbed even more sharply, rising 55 percent. It was as if a switch had been flipped. At least ten major U.S. cities hit new murder highs in 2021, but Chicago led the way with 797, the city’s highest number in 25 years.

16.   EXCLUSIVE: Connecticut school nurse, 77, is suspended over ‘transphobic’ Facebook post revealing that student, 11, was on puberty blockers, 12 others were non-binary, and that teachers were helping some keep it secret     By ANDREA BLANCO 

  • Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended by Hartford Public Schools School after she posted comments containing specific and private details about students 
  • The post came to the attention of officials at the Richard J. Kinsella Magnet School after the mother of the 11-year-old mentioned saw the post online 
  • ‘Teachers…are spending 37 hours a week influencing our children, not necessarily teaching our children what YOU think is being taught’ she wrote
  • ‘I have an 11yo female student on puberty blockers and a dozen identifying as non-binary, all but two keeping this as a secret from their parents,’ she added
  • Hartford Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez issued a statement condemning the Cataford’s remarks 
  • Cataford remains suspended pending an investigation by the school district into her Facebook comments

15.   Disney Removes Use of “Girls” and “Boys” May Kill “Prince” and “Princess”   By Pamela Geller 

Sick. Truly sick. Even for the irreligious, one cannot help seeing biblical undercurrents in the current low state of America and the world. The left destroys every good thing.

It’s the war against G-d and family. Period.

14.   ANIMALS: Palestinians In Gaza Hand Out Sweets To “Celebrate”

As expected, Palestinians in Gaza are celebrating the murder of 5 innocent Israelis tonight, after a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at pedestrians on a Bnei Brak street.

These photos, taken by Ashraf Amra, show an unknown Palestinian man distributing sweets to people on the street after five Israelis were killed in shooting attack, in Deir al-Balah in the center of the Gaza strip.

13.   “Name your price” offer to qualified vaccine proponents   Steve Kirsch

If you are an infectious disease professor, county public health officer, COVID fact checker for a mainstream social media company, or a vaccine expert at the CDC, FDA, NIH, Pfizer, or Moderna, …

… and you are interested in making a lot of money just for answering some questions we had, please fill out the form and name your price for a 3 hour session where we get to ask questions.

You see, we really don’t want to spread misinformation about COVID vaccines and masking, but when we look at the evidence, it just doesn’t support the popular narrative.

If you are willing to answer all our questions in a recorded 3-hour video call and you are selected, we’ll pay your asking price for helping set us on the right path. Note that if there are equally qualified candidates, we’ll likely go with the lowest price bidder so you want to keep your ask reasonable.

12.   Americans for Prosperity warned about the danger of higher energy prices  [57:07]

A reliable energy supply, at competitive prices, is a key contributor to prosperous, modern communities.

We often take it for granted, but our lives are worse off when the supply of energy is rationed or unreliable, or when it comes at artificially inflated prices. It’s important for government to pursue policies that allow safe production, transmission, and consumption of electricity and other energy sources.

In 2021, when Congress was considering another massive spending package — the “Build Back Better” plan favored by the White House — Americans for Prosperity Vice President Akash Chougule talked about its likely effect on energy prices.

11.  NEW & DIFFERENT PEACE PLAN THAT REPLACES DANGEROUS TWO-STATE SOLUTION                                 by Avi Abelow

The Binyamin Regional Council together with the Yes! Israel Project held the first-ever virtual Israel mission strengthening the strategic ties between Israel and the United States of America. Even though they were not able to greet the Congressmen at the Ben-Gurion airport upon physical arrival, Governor of the Binyamin Region Israel Ganz welcomed Congressmen Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Bill Johnson, Doug Lamborn, Barry Moore and others via zoom. Today’s first talk and discussion was with Nir Barkat, Likud politician and former Mayor of Jerusalem.

… “Finally, Mr. Barkat shared with the Congressman his new and different vision for peace, which is “different than the two-state solution, better than the two-state solution and acceptable by the majority of the Israelis.” He proposed the emirate’s model promoted by Middle East and Islam expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar.

Dr. Kedar’s model is based on understanding that there are multiple Arab tribes that live in Judea and Samaira and each Tribe would have civil autonomy that would work in collaboration and cooperation with their Israeli peers living side by side with them”. Not a state but civil autonomy for each Tribe.”

10.   Supreme Court Justice Wife says 2020 Election was a Sting Operation – WATERMARKED Ballots                     by Ted Belman

https://rumble.com/vz2e1v-supreme-court-justice-wife-says-2020-election-was-a-sting-operation-waterma.html   [14:56] 

Supreme Court Justice – Clarence Thomas’ wife, Virginia Thomas texted this to former Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows —

“Watermarked Ballots in over 12 states have been part of a huge Trump & Military White Hat Sting Operation in 12 key Battleground States.” “Biden Crime Family & Ballot Fraud Co-conspirators (elected officials, bureaucrats, social media censorship mongers, fake stream media reporters, etc.) are being arrested and detained are being arrested right now & over coming days & will be living in barges off GITMO to face military tribunals for sedition.”

9.  Kash Patel: Great Explanation About Donald Trumps RICO Case!  [2:31]

8.   How to Survive in the Middle East   by Victor Rosenthal

Last week, after a terrorist attack in Beer Sheva that took four lives, I (rhetorically) asked our leadership if they had a plan to deal with Arab terrorism, something more long-range than beefing up the police presence over Ramadan. Since then, there have been two more attacks, one in Hadera and one in Bnei Brak, bringing the total number of murder victims to eleven in one week.

The Beer Sheva terrorist was a Bedouin Arab, a citizen of Israel. The Hadera murderers were also Israeli citizens, from Umm al Fahm in the “Arab triangle” east of that city, who identified with the Islamic State. The terrorist who murdered five on Tuesday in Bnai Brak was from the Jenin area in the Palestinian Authority. He was in Israel illegally, working on a construction project. Some reports say that he was associated with Fatah, the party of PLO/PA leader Mahmoud Abbas. Diversity in terrorism.

Three of the murdered and one of the seriously injured victims were policemen. And of those, one was a Druze and another was a Christian Arab.

These terror attacks are the tip of an iceberg. Part of the rest of it showed itself last May, when during a war that was provoked by Hamas rocket attacks, we experienced a murderous uprising by Arab citizens:

7.  While you were distracted by Azov Nazis portrayed as Heroes fighting for Ukraine; the UK & Canadian Gov. published data suggesting the Triple Vaccinated are suffering a new form of AIDS

According to the latest UK Government figures, most triple vaccinated people in England have now lost 80% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system capability of unvaccinated people, meaning they are now down to the last 20% of their immune system for fighting viruses, bacteria, disease and cancer.

But this disaster isn’t only occurring in the UK. Official Government of Canada data shows that on average, triple vaccinated Canadians have now lost 75% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system capability of unvaccinated Canadians. Meaning they are now down to the last 25% of their immune system for fighting viruses, bacteria, disease and cancer.

And the picture is also the same in New Zealand, with official Government data showing that on average, fully vaccinated people in New Zealand have lost 74% of their immune system capability.

In short, because authorities in the UK, Canada and New Zealand have done such a good job at collating and publishing data on Covid-19 by vaccination status, they have exposed the fact that the triple vaccinated population are rapidly developing some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

6.  New Study finds persistent Heart Abnormalities among Covid-19 Vaccinated Children    By Guy Hatchard

follow up study conducted at the Seattle Children’s Hospital of children suffering myocarditis following their second dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine was published in the Journal of Pediatrics on 25 March 2022.

The study followed up 16 male children, with an average age of 15 years, 3 to 8 months after their initial diagnosis with myocarditis within a short time frame following mRNA vaccination.

The authors used Electrocardiograms and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) to examine abnormalities in the heart such as myocardial scarring, fibrosis, strain, and reduced ventricular muscle extension which can be associated with reduced capacity to pump blood and increased risk of heart attack.

The authors found that although there was some measure of resolution after 3 – 8 months most subjects still had some persistent abnormalities.

“Although (initial) symptoms (such as chest pain, and exercise intolerance) were transient and most patients appeared to respond to treatment (solely with NSAIDS such as ibuprofen), we demonstrated persistence of abnormal findings on CMR at (3-8 months) follow up in most patients, albeit with improvement in extent of LGE (a measure of the heart’s capacity to pump efficiently).”

The authors warned:

5.  !

[Ed.:  Now we know why there were so many ‘covid’ cases!  The above figures do not include the post mortem sale of body parts.  Hospitals have become death centers.  We’re worth more to them dead than alive!]

4.   How Mariupol Will Become A Key Hub Of Eurasian Integration

Mariupol, the strategic Sea of Azov port, remains in the eye of the storm in Ukraine.

The NATO narrative is that Azovstal – one of Europe’s biggest iron and steel works – was nearly destroyed by the Russian Army and its allied Donetsk forces who “lay siege” to Mariupol.

The true story is that the neo-Nazi Azov batallion took scores of Mariupol civilians as human shields since the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, and retreated to Azovstal as a last stand. After an ultimatum delivered last week, they are now being completely exterminated by the Russian and Donetsk forces and Chechen Spetsnaz.

3.  !  The Reptilian Brains of Terri’s Executioners  by Joan Swirsky, ©2022


(Mar. 31, 2022) — [Author’s Note: Earlier today, I read this riveting article by Michelle Malkin, Never Forgotten: The Lies About Terri Schiavo, in which she describes in detail the vicious lies that were perpetuated by the powers-that-be in this case and, of course, dutifully and malevolently, repeated ad infinitum by the craven media. It is my hope that together, Malkin’s and my article below, originally published in 2005 after Terri’s death, will give you a broad picture of this tragic case.]

The Reptilian Brains of Terri’s Executioners

For decades, neuroscientists have recognized that the brain has three distinct systems. One is derived from primitive reptiles that were adept at survival strategies. Another includes the limbic system––often called the “seat of emotions.” The third includes the neocortex and prefrontal lobes (comprising the right and left hemispheres of the brain) that account for thinking, verbal abilities, and other “higher” functions.

My theory is that Terri’s putative husband Michael, his attorney George J. Felos, and Judge George Greer–who ruled for years against Terri’s right to life–have highly developed reptilian brains and prefrontal lobes, but that they are sorely lacking in anything resembling a normal limbic system.

What exactly is the limbic system? Located just below the neocortex, it is the part of the brain that governs––among other emotions––affection, feelings, and most of all, empathy.

2.   Don’t Let the Truth About Covid ‘Vaccines’ Get Swept Under the Rug   JD Rucker

There has been a PAUSE in Pandemic Panic Theater and a reduced emphasis on universal vaccinations. But neither is gone, and it behooves us to prepare for when they rear their ugly heads again.

Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts.

Judging by what’s being published on most conservative news outlets and what’s being broadcast on most conservative shows, Pandemic Panic Theater seems to be a thing of the past. Very few are fighting against the medical tyranny that continues to rise around the country because it seems like most are under the false belief that face mask and vaccine mandates are done.

They’re not done. They were paused for the sake of pushing the Ukraine-Russia narrative. It’s unfortunate that so few seem to recognize this. When inexplicably in February there was a wave of Democrats at the city and state level ending the face mask mandates that most of them had been promoting just days or weeks before, the vast majority of conservative pundits and commentators claimed Democrats must have been reading the polls.

This is a false notion. It had absolutely nothing to do with the polls. Democrats don’t really care that much about polls, especially nine months before the election. Moreover, there were plenty of Democrats who are not even up for reelection who pulled down their mandates at the same time. No, this was a narrative shift, not something driven by poor poll numbers.

1.   WOKE DISNEY IS ABOUT TO IMPLODE!!!  [15:40]   Dr. Steve Turley

Everything woke literally turns to shit and now it’s Disney’s turn! Disney executives get caught red-handed pushing a radical woke agenda that promises to completely destroy the company! In this video, we’re going to look at the shocking leaked video from a recent executive meeting, we’re going to see how Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is responding, and stick with me until the very end of this video when I’ll reveal that all Disney is ultimately doing here is guaranteeing their inevitable demise; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.