Sound of Freedom   [Full Movie 1:28:31]   #3 in the US

Based on the true story of a man’s mission to rescue children from the darkest parts of the world. This action-packed drama shines a light on the painful reality of child trafficking and the valiant efforts of those who work tirelessly to combat it. Co-exclusive with Angel Studios.


Operation Toussaint   Full Documentary 2018   [1:21:00]

Tim Ballard left his post as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to form Operation Underground Railroad and go undercover to rescue child sex trafficking victims that he couldn’t save when bound by government restrictions. Join Tim and his special forces team as they go undercover in Haiti to bring a ring of sex traffickers who bribed their way out of jail, to justice.


“The War On Children”   [2:19:04]   Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck   

Huge news: 30+ million people watched the trailer for “The War On Children”.

My @X subscribers watched the full film first. Their support made it possible for us to do something incredible…

“The War On Children” film is now free for EVERYONE on 𝕏 to watch this week!


38 children murdered, 42 taken hostage, 116 orphaned   Israel National News

National Council for the Child data shows that 19,407 Israeli children were physically or mentally injured in the horrific events since the outbreak of the war – 37% of them under age 6.

Mar 3, 2024, 4:08 PM (GMT+2) – The National Council for the Child submitted to the President data on the effects of the October 7th massacre and the Swords of Iron war on children and adolescents in Israel, as part of the “Children in Israel 2023” yearbook.

A total of 19,407 children have suffered physical and mental injuries in hostilities since the outbreak of the war, 37% of them under the age of six.

According to the Council, 38 children were murdered in the massacre; three between the ages of birth and three, and four between the ages of 3 and 6. Twenty children have been orphaned from both parents and 96 children from one parent.

The document also indicates that 42 children were taken hostage to the Gaza Strip and as of today two children are still being held captive by Hamas – Kfir (1) and Ariel (4) Bibas. The parents of 15 of the abducted children are still being held captive by Hamas.

A national survey found that 84% of parents reported that their children are suffering emotional distress; 64% reported fear; 62% reported anxiety. A full 43% of parents reported that their children suffer from panic from sudden noises at a higher level in comparison to routine times, 36% reported that their children had a greater level of separation anxiety, and 34% reported that their child had difficulty falling asleep. Despite this, 29% of the educational psychologists positions were not manned as of August 2023.

In October-December, there was a 28% increase in calls to the 118 hotline for violence and sexual assault, compared to the same period in 2022. From October to December, thirteen investigation files were opened against adults for criminal offenses against minors in hotels. Twelve of the cases were opened for violent offenses, and one was opened for sexual offenses.

According to data from the National Council for the Child, 26% of educational institutions are not properly protected, and 15% of institutions are not protected at all. In Bedouin communities, 21% of educational institutions are not protected at all.

Related articles:


Fourth-Generation Arizona Rancher Says He Has Found 17 Dead Bodies, Rape Trees, Illegal Aliens Crawling on His Property  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 2, 2024 1:40 pm – Joe Biden’s America.

A fourth-generation Arizona rancher who owns 1,600 acres of land that spans 10.5 miles along the southern border said he has found 17 dead bodies, rape trees, and illegal aliens crawling on his property.

John Ladd, 68, has been outspoken about Biden’s border crisis over the years.

He described what it’s like to live on the border under the Biden Regime which openly favors the illegal invaders and punishes American citizens.

“That’s a rape tree,” Ladd told The Daily Mail, pointing to a tree on his property covered with women’s underwear, which cartel smugglers use as ‘trophies.’

“Almost all the women who come across get raped by their guides, who then throw their underwear in the trees,” he added.

Ladd carries a firearm at all times to protect his property and cattle. His family has kept up the ranch for 127 years.

“I’m in favor of having American citizens and private property owners have more control over their destiny. That’s the bottom line,” Ladd said.

Ladd told the Daily Mail of the invaders: “They’re military-age males in camouflage, Balaclavas and a cell phone. They don’t want to get caught.”


[Ed.:  This is a Federal project, paid for by our tax dollars.  We do nothing.  We will do nothing again after the November election is stolen.  We will then have nothing, and we won’t like it.]


Oklahoma School Under Investigation After Shock Video Shows Children Licking Toes of Adults During School Fundraiser   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 2, 2024 11:40 am – Deer Creek High School in Edmond, Oklahoma is under investigation after video of children sucking on the toes of adults during a fundraising event surfaced.

Fox 25 obtained the shocking video of the high school students licking peanut butter off of feet during a fundraiser.

“The week was spent raising money for Not Your Average Joe Coffee, which employs people with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities.” Fox 25 reported.

“The district said that on Thursday, Deer Creek High School hosted an assembly called Clash of Classes for students to pay to attend.” the outlet reported.

The school district said they raised $152,830.38 during the fundraising activities all week.



MO AG Bailey Files Child Trafficking Suit Against Planned Parenthood   [10:37]   L GREY

Planned against parenthood.

FEB 29, 2024 – Today Dana was joined by Missouri Attorney General of Missouri Andrew Bailey to discuss his just-filed suit against a Kansas City, Missouri Planned Parenthood for trafficking minors out of state to get an abortion without parental consent.

Undercover video from Project Veritas shows how willing clinic staff overlooked the exploited 13 year-old in question when offering to facilitate travel out-of-state. From Bailey:

“Well, it’s absolutely child trafficking and it’s also the concealment of the sexual exploitation of a minor. Don’t forget that in the video, the victim who comes forward as part of this investigative journalism purports to be a 13 year old who is pregnant, 13 year olds in the state of Missouri can’t legally consent to sexual activity. So, Planned Parenthood is a mandatory reporter under the statutes of the State of Missouri, they had to report that as a sexual offense and instead they were willing to conceal that sexual offense and conspire to transport traffic women, young girls out of state for abortions in violation of state statute. But look, this should, this should surprise no one. This cult of death has operated with impunity and brazenly and willfully violated state statutes for far too long. This is a consistent pattern of behavior of their refusal to comply with state statutes. They are dedicated to the destruction of human life even at the cost of the health and safety of women and young girls.”

Bailey added that the clinic struggled to meet the bare minimum requirements for sanitation of equipment:

“In 2018, Josh Hawley uncovered through investigation that the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Columbia, Missouri was using a moldy abortion machine on women and refusing to record complications from medical complications from abortions. And then in 2019, 2020 my immediate predecessor, Eric Schmidt uncovered in testimony that the doctors operating at the clinic in Saint Louis were refusing to provide the risk notifications about the danger of the procedures they were performing to women.”

Dana noted that millions of our tax dollars fund this, and in turn, Planned Parenthood funds Democrat campaigns.

Watch the full interview


Texas AG Ken Paxton Says Biden ‘Clearly in Partnership’ with Human Trafficking Cartels  (VIDEO)   By Cassandra Macdonald

Feb. 24, 2024 3:00 pm – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that President Joe Biden is “clearly in partnership” with cartels during a panel discussion at CPAC on Friday.

Paxton was on a panel titled “The America First Bar Association,” featuring Rep. Dan Bishop and America First Legal President Stephen Miller.

“It’s so obvious, we saw what worked under Trump. It’s called enforcing the very things he talked about, and literally day one, Joe Biden comes out and says I’m not deporting anybody,” Paxton said.

Paxton blasted the Biden administration for dismantling Trump-era rules to secure the border, including Remain in Mexico and the Title 42 policies that the former president had enacted.

“So all the policies that worked that brought all the numbers down, when you reverse those policies, all the numbers went up,” Paxton said. “I don’t know why the media can’t figure this out. It’s really obvious.”

Paxton continued, “And Joe Biden is clearly in partnership, without saying it, without having a written contract, with the cartels… He has told them openly, bring as many people here as possible as fast as you can. You don’t have to hide from us anymore.”

The AG explained that border jumpers use to try to sneak across the border undetected, but said “that is not what happens anymore,” unless they’re “terrorists or really bad criminals.”

“This is an administration that this is exactly what they want. They know they’re helping the cartels bring drugs in, human trafficking, it’s all designed by our own government. And so we are in a war with the cartels, with the Chinese importing fentanyl, and our own president against the United States and our country and my state.”

“So we have to have a new president because this is clearly not working,” Paxton continued.

The Post Millenial noted, “It has been revealed that since Biden’s term began, nearly 7.3 million illegal immigrants have come into the US. This number does not account for the estimated 1.8 million known “gotaways” who have eluded authorities.”


SHOCK VIDEO: Laura Loomer Exposes Massive Human Trafficking Operation in Panama on Camera – Bus Transporting African Illegals in the Middle of the Night North to America   [9:02]   By Cullen Linebarger

Feb. 22, 2024 12:20 pm – Investigative reporter and conservative activist Laura Loomer has exposed a massive human trafficking operation in Panama, which is transporting illegals from Africa in the middle of the night to their next stop on their trek to their eventual destination in the U.S.

Loomer has been in Panama to report on Darién Gap, one of the world’s most dangerous migration routes. As she notes, this remote, roadless crossing on the borders between Colombia and Panama consists of over 60 miles of deep jungle terrain, mountains, and even some swamps.

On Monday night, Loomer spotted a large migrant bus full of illegals from Africa. The bus had stopped in front of the San Vicente Migrant camp in Darien Gap to drop someone off.

Risking her own safety, she jumped on the bus and started filming.



400,000 Unaccompanied Alien Children Enter USA  [2:55]   BY JAMIE GLAZOV

FEB 21, 2024 10:30 AM  – This new episode of the Glazov Gang is hosted by Anni Cyrus and features Hernando Arce, a Citizen Journalist who is documenting the invasion of our borders.
Hernando discusses 400 Thousand Unaccompanied Alien Children Enter USA, reflecting on: Many as small infants. What is their fate?


Outrage In Spain As Children Paraded Around In Lingerie For ‘Pride’   [VIDEO]  by Steve Watson 

THURSDAY, FEB 15, 2024 – 03:30 AM – Video has emerged online of young children taking part in a parade in Spain wearing burlesque style lingerie, nipple shields, and wigs, with rainbow ‘Pride’ flags attached to their backs.

The footage, taken at an annual carnival in Torrevieja, a city in southern Spain dubbed the ‘unofficial gay capital’ of the country, shows the so called ‘Osadía troupe’ marching with several children who look around 9 or 10 years of age and younger.

In addition to the erotic skimpy garter belts and stockings, the children have had black tape “Xs” placed over their nipples, and have had full makeup applied to their faces.

The video shows the children being instructed to mimick adults performing provocative gyrating gestures through the streets of the Alicante town in front of onlooking adult bystanders and other children.

In one video, a woman is seen putting something, presumably sweets, into the mouths of the children as they move around.

Some of those who posted the footage noted that the titled of the ‘performance’ was “Prometer hasta meter” which translates to “promise until you commit.”

Other videos highlighted adults wearing the same outfits and performing the same routine:


WATCH: O’Keefe Exposes Nonprofit ‘No Mas Muertes’ Likely Facilitating Cartel Members’ Human Smuggling to Phoenix – Undercover Journalist Held AT GUNPOINT!   [VIDEOS]   By Jordan Conradson

Feb. 14, 2024 5:40 pm – O’Keefe Media Group and James O’Keefe released their latest video, exposing No Mas Muertes (No More Deaths), a nonprofit and ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, for smuggling illegal immigrants from the border in Arizona.

O’Keefe investigated the No Mas Muertes compound at 36455 S Papalote Wash Rd in Arivaca, Arizona.

According to the No Mas Muertes webpage, the group is “dedicated to stepping up efforts to stop the deaths of migrants in the desert,” and volunteers aid and abet illegal immigration by providing water, food, socks, blankets, and other supplies to illegals.

Additionally, “Volunteers research, document, and expose patterns of abuse against people crossing the border at the hands of Border Patrol and other government agencies,” states the webpage.

No Mas Muertes has been raided by Border Patrol agents for their illegal activities multiple times in the past. The Intercept reports:

CAMOUFLAGED U.S. Border Patrol agents in armored vehicles launched a nighttime raid on a humanitarian aid camp in southern Arizona on Friday. Agents zip-tied volunteers’ hands behind their backs, shouted at them with rifles raised, and confiscated their cellphones, as well as the organization’s medical records. At least two helicopters hovered above the camp and a film crew documented the operation on the ground. Agents moved through camp structures and arrested more than 30 undocumented immigrants who were receiving treatment after trekking through the desert in the middle of heat wave.

The humanitarian group, No More Deaths, a faith-based organization out of Tucson, believes the operation was likely part retaliation, part violent publicity stunt. The raid marked the second time in two years that the Border Patrol descended on one of No More Deaths’ aid stations immediately after the group published materials that cast a negative light on the border enforcement agency.

This is not the first time the Border Patrol raided a No More Deaths camp after the group released unflattering information about the agency. In January 2018, a plainclothes Border Patrol team set up surveillance on one of the group’s aid stations in the unincorporated community of Ajo, Arizona, just hours after the group published a report implicating the agency in the destruction of thousands of gallon water jugs left for migrants crossing the desert. The raid that followedled to the arrest of humanitarian aid volunteer Scott Warren and two young undocumented men from Central America.

Warren was accused of providing the men with food, clothes, and a place to sleep over three days. The U.S. Attorney’s Office charged him with smuggling and conspiracy. He faced up to 20 years in prison. His first trial ended in a hung jury. He was acquitted on all charges in the second. Trump administration prosecutors in Arizona have brought nine federal cases against No More Deaths, nearly all of them for leaving water for migrants on public lands. The only convictions the administration was able to obtain were tossed out earlier this year by a federal judge, who wrote that they hinged on “gruesome logic” that criminalized “interfering with a border enforcement strategy of deterrence by death.”

Cade Lamb shared video footage of the No Mas Muertes encampment last week, showing “over 200 military-age males” at the facility. As seen in most groups coming across the border, there was not a single woman or child.

While undercover, O’Keefe discovered that employees and volunteers at the encampment cover their faces with masks to avoid being identified and likely prosecuted. They were also seen telling an undercover journalist that members of the public who are curious about what goes on at their facility are “white supremacists” and that Border Patrol agents are “bad people.”

The employees stated that they were “paranoid” because they were being watched by O’Keefe and likely because they were committing a crime.

Additionally, possible cartel members with guns were recorded by an undercover journalist posing as an illegal immigrant, and the two men offered to smuggle the journalist into Phoenix, hundreds of miles away from the border. This occurred at the tax-exempt nonprofit facility. No Mas Muertes appears to be in bed with the Cartels.

O’Keefe teased the release of this new bombshell exposé last night, showcasing a daring rescue mission when men with guns were holding an undercover journalist hostage at the No More Deaths compound in southern Arizona.

[Ed.:  UPDATE 2/15/24 – BREAKING: OMG extracts journalist from death camp near AZ border  [2:17:04] Full video story


Super Bowl Sex Trafficking And Biden’s Wide Open Southern Border   [VIDEOS]   BY ZACH HEILMAN

Imagine voting for Joe Biden after seeing all of this…

FEBRUARY 11, 2024 – Las Vegas is hosting Super Bowl LVII today and is bracing itself for not just a clash between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers but also the dark underbelly that typically accompanies such major events: human trafficking. As an independent patriot, I refuse to shy away from the uncomfortable truth. It’s time to shed light on the disturbing connection between the Super Bowl and the Southern border crisis exacerbated by Joe Biden’s reckless immigration policies.

When a city becomes the stage for the biggest football showdown of the year, it inadvertently becomes a haven for human traffickers. The influx of hundreds of thousands of tourists creates a chaotic environment, allowing these despicable criminals to operate covertly, exploiting vulnerable victims for their profit.

Las Vegas, merely 300 miles from the porous Southern border, faces a greater-than-normal challenge in targeting these human traffickers. Thanks to Biden’s disastrous border policies, millions of illegal aliens have been allowed to flood into our country. As a result, the number of human trafficking victims has skyrocketed. It’s an alarming testament to the consequences of weak borders and failed immigration strategies.

Adding fuel to the fire, Nevada, the host state of this year’s Super Bowl, has been the only state in the United States to legalize prostitution since 1971. This misguided decision has not only compounded the difficulties faced by law enforcement but has also provided a fertile ground for the exploitation of women and children.


WATCH: Sick Creep Is Taught a Lesson By Heroic Father After Trying to Kidnap His Child in Miami Beach   By Cullen Linebarger 

Feb. 9, 2024 10:00 am – Miami Beach, Florida – Shocking surveillance footage captured a would-be child abductor brazenly trying to steal a four-year-old boy before the child’s father stepped in and ended his evil act.

As WPLG reported, the incident occurred Thursday at CVS Pharmacy on the corner of Collins Avenue and 74 Street in Miami Beach.

At roughly 11:55 A.M, a mother can be seen entering the store while her son and husband follow behind her. A young man, later identified as 26-year-old Nicholas Sternaman, then walks in and promptly grabs the child by the neck.

He then lifts the boy off the ground and is about to vacate the premises before the child’s father saves the day. The father grabs Sternaman, yanks off his jacket, and slugs him once during the scuffle.

The boy falls to the ground, but the mom quickly picks him up and holds him.



EVIL: New York Father Loses Custody of Son After Refusing to Transition Him – PBD Podcast   THE VIGILANT FOX

FEB 6, 2024 – Dennis Hannon lost custody of his nine-year-old son Matthew after a four-year-long legal battle.

vigilantfox.substack.com/…/evil-new-york-father-loses-custodyThis all started when his ex-wife began treating their son as a girl at age three, calling him Ruby Rose, without telling Dennis.

Things got more intense when Dennis found out that doctors recommended puberty blockers for his son, even though no doctor said the son had a condition called gender dysphoria.

The court decided against Dennis, saying he wasn’t supporting necessary medical care for his son because he didn’t agree with the treatment.

Dennis spent $150,000 on trying to fight this in court, and after he lost, he had to pay even more money for his son to see a therapist that the court wanted.

Despite all of this, Dennis shared that a year after the court’s decision, his son went back to identifying as a BOY.

[Ed.:  I think I’m going to throw up now…]


Illegal Migrant’s Trafficking Operation Exposed   News Hill

February 5, 2024 – Over the last several years, millions of illegal migrants have entered the United States illegally through the country’s porous southern border with Mexico. After reversing many of the former 45th president Donald Trump’s border policies, the incumbent President Joe Biden and his administration have exacerbated the problem of illegal migration to an extent likely not witnessed in American history. In the 2023 calendar year alone, over 302,000 illegals were “encountered” at the southern border. Rescinding Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, the Biden administration and the federal bureaucracy have operated under a policy of apprehension and then release into the interior of the country. Thousands of migrants have arrived in major cities- in New Jersey, tens of thousands have arrived in recent days as the crisis in New York City continues to grow.

One public school in New York City closed its educational facilities and forced students to learn remotely in order to house illegal migrants. Truly, American citizens are being hurt at the expense of foreigners by their own governing institutions – this is not a matter of opinion, but a blatant and obvious fact. James Madison high school on Bedford avenue in Brooklyn was converted into a housing facility after 1,900 migrants were moved from “tent shelters” to the school due to “inclement weather” concerns. This is truly a mind-boggling occurrence and perhaps never before in the history of the United States have state, local, and federal governments acted in such blatant disregard for their own citizens.

Even the mayor of Chicago has called for help from Biden as the city overflows with many migrants. In early 2024, massive surges of more migrants occurred at the border as smugglers helped more people funnel into the country.  A man was arrested in the city suburbs for allegedly being involved in a human trafficking operation- migrant women have been being lured into the country and used in a prostitution operation.


EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Pedophilia & child sex abusers in Canada’s top healthcare jobs (Alberta Health Services) Premier Danielle Smith can make history (Red Deer Feb.3, 2024)   [38:29]  DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

FEB 4, 2024 – EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Pedophilia & child sex abusers in Canada’s top healthcare jobs (Alberta Health Services) Premier Danielle Smith can make history by taking back our healthcare system (Red Deer Feb.3, 2024)


‘Throwing away the key’: What new AZ punishments for child sex trafficking could look like    by Reagan Priest, Arizona Republic

February 2, 2024 – Arizona Republican lawmakers want to strengthen punishments for those convicted of child sex trafficking.

A House resolution introduced by Rep. Selina Bliss, R-Prescott, and sponsored by all Republican members of the chamber would amend the state constitution to increase the sentence for child sex trafficking to life in prison without parole. Companion legislation was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Shawnna Bolick, R-Phoenix.

“Arizona’s children are our most valuable resource,” Bolick said at a news conference last week. “We would like everyone to know our children are not for sale.”

If passed, the legislation would be sent to the ballot in 2024 for voters to approve. Currently, child sex trafficking sentences can range from four to 10 years, with specific sentencing ranges for first-time and repeat offenders.

Arizona elections: Want to stay up-to-date? Sign up for The Recount, a new newsletter

Rep. Leo Biasiucci, R-Lake Havasu City, said at the news conference the increased punishment will hopefully serve as a deterrent for potential offenders.

“If you are involved in these heinous crimes, we are putting you away for a very long time,” Biasiucci said. “In this bill, we’re throwing away the key.”

Biasiucci also thanked the creators of the film “The Sound of Freedom” for “exposing the ugly underbelly” of child sex trafficking. The film was criticized for amplifying right-wing conspiracy theories and misinformation regarding human trafficking.

FBI announces arrests: 32 apprehended in connection to sex trafficking; 5 minor victims rescued

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 217 human trafficking cases involving 337 victims were identified in Arizona in 2021. 47 of those victims were identified as minors.

Sheri Lopez, a child sex trafficking survivor, said she was trafficked by her high school boyfriend’s father when she was just 15. At the news conference, she urged voters to get behind the proposal from Republican lawmakers.

“I am unbelievably grateful for all of these representatives that have stepped up to do something to prevent other children from going through what I have gone through, and I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart,” Lopez said.


Harrowing Footage Shows 11-Year-Old Girl Narrowly Escapes Kidnapping Attempt – Suspect Nabbed Thanks to Neighbor   By Jack Davis 

Jan. 30, 2024 12:40 pm – A 37-year-old Arizona man was arrested after harrowing surveillance video showed what took place Friday as an 11-year-old girl was walking to school.

“As a father myself, as a parent, it’s very frightening that on her normal walk to school, she was targeted,” Glendale police officer Moroni Mendez said Monday, according to Arizona Family.

“Someone tried to take her away from her loving family,” he said.

Joseph Leroy Ruiz was arrested in connection with the incident. He faces charges of attempted kidnapping and custodial interference.


INTERVIEW – Unscrew the News (Jan.10, 2024) – Pedophilia, child sex crimes and corruption at Alberta Health Services, College of Physicians, excess deaths, etc.  [1:18:56]   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 28, 2024


Prosecutors Say Founder Of Haitian Orphanage Sexually Abused 4 Boys   By Sharika Soal

Jan. 27, 2024 4:20 pm – A prosecutor said Friday that a Haitian orphanage’s American founder forced four boys to engage in sexual acts more than a decade ago.

NBC News reports,

Michael Geilenfeld, 71, is a “dangerous, manipulative and cunning child sexual predator” who for decades has preyed on poor children while working abroad as a missionary, Jessica Urban, a prosecutor with the Justice Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, said during a detention hearing in Denver federal court.

Her statements marked the first time authorities have disclosed details of the investigation that led to Geilenfeld’s Jan. 18 indictment in Florida on charges of child sexual abuse. Urban, speaking via a video feed, offered the evidence to support her argument that Geilenfeld should not be released on bond as his case proceeds. She said authorities fear he or his supporters will try to intimidate victims to prevent them from testifying against him.

The abuse took place between November 2006 and December 2010, according to the indictment, a time period when Geilenfeld was operating the St. Joseph’s Home for Boys orphanage. The charge carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

 According to the Florida indictment, Geilenfeld traveled to Haiti to engage in illicit sexual conduct with another person under the age of 18.

Authorities in Haiti have long investigated sex abuse allegations against Geilenfeld and arrested him in September 2014 based on allegations made against him by a child advocate in Maine, Paul Kendrick. Kendrick accused Geilenfeld of being a serial pedophile after speaking to young men who claimed they were abused by Geilenfeld when they were boys in Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital where he founded the orphanage in 1985.

Geilenfeld called the claims “vicious, vile lies,” and his case was dismissed in 2015 after he spent 237 days in prison in Haiti. At some point, Geilenfeld and a charity associated with the orphanage, Hearts for Haiti, sued Kendrick in federal court in Maine. The suit blamed Kendrick for Geilenfeld’s imprisonment, damage to his reputation and the loss of millions of dollars in donations.

Hearts with Haiti received $3 million from Kendrick’s insurance companies in 2019, but Geilenfeld did not receive a payment.

Liberal Americans and Haitian orphanages don’t seem to have a great track record.


Ohio Senate Overrides RINO Governor DeWine’s Veto Protecting Minors From Gender Mutilation Surgery   By Pamela Geller

January 25, 2024 – Mike DeWine and his quisling ilk are everything that is wring and must be purged from the GOP.

Daily Signal: The Ohio Senate voted to override Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of House Bill 68, which will protect minors from experimental transgender treatments euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care” and safeguard fairness in women’s sports. The override passed the Senate 24-8 Wednesday, after passing the House of Representatives, 65-28, on Jan. 10. The clerk initially read the wrong number for the votes, 23-9 (Daily Signal).

Riley Gaines: The bill will become law in 90 days. Ohio’s most vulnerable are protected (X). Citizen Free Press: No more gender surgeries, puberty blockers, or hormone therapy for minors in Ohio moving forward (X).


250,000 Babies to Get 30% Effective Malaria Shots   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

‘Futile and Dangerous’: Cameroon First of 20 African Countries to Roll Out GSK’s Malaria Vaccine for Babies

Cameroon this week launched a campaign to vaccinate 250,000 babies, beginning at age 6 months, with GlaxoSmithKline’s malaria vaccine — a shot that even the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said won’t work.

January 24, 2024 – Cameroon this week became the world’s first country to routinely vaccinate children against malaria, using a shot that’s only 30% effective and doesn’t stop transmission.

The country plans to give the vaccine — known as Mosquirix (RTS,S/AS01) — to about 250,000 children by the end of 2025. The GlaxoSmithKline-produced shot, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), requires four doses and provides protection against severe illness caused by one type of malaria parasite.

Protection wanes over several months.

The first dose is given at age 6 months via an injection into the baby’s thigh. The second and third doses are given one and two months after the first injection, respectively. The fourth dose is given over a year later.

Dr. Paul Thomas — a retired pediatrician who grew up in Africa — said eradicating malaria was a “worthy goal” but that this vaccine was “sure to fail.”

“You cannot eliminate malaria with a vaccine that does not prevent transmission and is only 30% effective,” Thomas told The Defender. “Even Bill Gates — who loves vaccines and whose Gavi [the Vaccine Alliance] organization was behind the development of this vaccine — does not support this program.”

This vaccine will “clearly not protect or improve children’s health,” Thomas said. “[The rollout] is a futile and dangerous project that I feel strongly should be relegated to the scrap heap of failed ideas and programs.”


WATCH: Muslim Slave Trade Of Black Children in Algeria   By Pamela Geller

January 19, 2024 – It’s not just Algeria. 20% of the black population of Mauritania is enslaved by Muslim overlords and the left stands with the slaveowners. The American left works on ‘reparations’ for a wrong righted by a civil war 150 years ago where 750,000 Americans died (the only war in history fought to free slaves) while supporting the Islamic slave trade in Africa. Silence and support is sanction.

Shocking video of the sale of slaves in Algeria
An Algerian offers two African children for sale who were stolen from Mali
2 for 100 dinars and 4 for 200 dinars
It is noteworthy that the slave trade is still spreading in some Algerian regions, and there is a slave market called Souq Okad in (Broad Street), and as soon as you enter it, you feel that you are in a scene from the movie The Message.

Andrew Bostom: Eldridge Cleaver described the phenomenon of black slavery in Arab Muslim Algeria in 1976: “Many Arab families that can afford to keep one or two black slaves to do their menial labor”


PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and Child pornographers – exposing Canada’s Healthcare Leaders – Part 3 – Child pornography problem at College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta during the pandemic    DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 20, 2024 – In case you missed the viral expose of Canada’s healthcare leaders who are child sex abusers in their spare time:

PART 1 – PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and Child pornographers – exposing Canada’s Healthcare Leaders – Part 1 – Pedophiles at Alberta Health Services and Alberta & BC Governments

PART 2 – PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and child pornographers – exposing Canada’s Healthcare Leaders – PART 2 – Child Sex Trafficking, Alberta Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and University of Alberta

Shortly After publication of Part 2, former Alberta Premier Rachel Notley announced her resignation as leader of Alberta NDP opposition party as well as her retirement from politics.

The timing may or may not be coincidental.


Aug.28, 2023 – Edmonton pediatrician convicted of possessing and transmitting child pornography

  • An Edmonton pediatrician has been found guilty of possessing and transmitting child pornography after a judge rejected claims a family member might have accessed the material
  • Alberta Court of King’s Bench Justice Kent Davidson convicted Dr. Ghassan Al-Naami of the two offences Monday following a lengthy trial that began in January.
  • Al-Naami, who was allowed to remain on bail pending sentencing, looked downcast as he exited the courtroom with his lawyer.
  • The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) said Al-Naami’s practice permit remains active, with supervisory conditions.
  • Al-Naami was arrested at Edmonton International Airport on Aug. 11, 2019, as he returned from a trip to England with his wife and children.
  • Earlier that year, police had learned from the RCMP’s National Child Exploitation Crime Centre that a user, eventually tracked to Al-Naami’s IP address, had downloaded and transferred a video of what appeared to be a prepubescent girl being sexually abused.
  • The judge estimated her age at between six and 11.
  • Investigators obtained a warrant and searched the Al-Naami home while the family was on vacation. They also seized a number of devices from Al-Naami at the airport. Forensic analysis of the devices led to the discovery of the video.
  • The clip included an adult man and a young girl, neither of whose faces were visible. The analysis also revealed sexually explicit Skype chat logs, in which a user associated with Al-Naami’s computer told another user he was watching a video of someone having sex with minors.
  • The message asked if the other user would like to see it, after which the Al-Naami account sent the video. The account used was separate from Al-Naami’s normal Skype account, but included a picture of him as its avatar, Davidson said.
  • Al-Naami’s trial began in January (2023) and was delayed repeatedly by procedural issues.
  • The judge said it did not make sense that someone other than Al-Naami would use his devices to access pornography. Nor would it have been reasonable for Al-Naami to allow family members to use the devices, which contained intimate images of himself.
  • Al-Naami began practicing medicine in Alberta around 2012 and worked both in Fort McMurray and Edmonton, according to information released at the time of his arrest. At the time, he was listed as a doctor with Bright Futures Clinic in Edmonton.
  • In a statement, the CPSA said Al-Naami has been allowed to continue practicing with a CPSA-approved chaperone

How the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta protects pedophiles, child sex abusers and child pornography distributors

After the arrest on Aug.11, 2019, the College asked Dr.Al-Naami to “voluntarily” withdraw from practice. Here is the press release.



Hillary Clinton Named ‘Person of Interest’ in Child Sex Trafficking Investigation   [8:16]  High Hopes

January 18, 2024 – Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been named a “person of interest” in a child sex trafficking investigation according to FBI sources who allege her crimes have been well-known inside the bureau for years.

While former President Bill Clinton is facing unwanted media attention due to revelations in newly released court documents about his close friendship with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Esptein, it’s actually Hillary Clinton who is closer to facing justice, according to the FBI.


Shedding Light on Shadows: OMG’s Mission to Unravel Human Trafficking Networks  [10:43]   O’Keefe Media Group

January 17, 2024 – OMG Exposes Secret ‘Alitas’ Facility Inside Old Bank Building in Nogales, Arizona

“I’M YOUR FATHER!” @okeefemedia EXPOSES secret ‘Alitas’ facility at 1150 W. Drexel in Tucson as well as ‘Alitas Angels’ located at 112 Park street inside old Bank Building in Nogales

NOGALES — We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the Arizona border town of Nogales, where we encountered some rude and suspicious “Alita’s Angels” NGO (@alitasangels) workers who once again called the police on us.

A volunteer with the American Red Cross, who wouldn’t give us his name, tried to prevent us from filming outside a migrant facility and kept sticking his hand over our cameras. Then, when we questioned a volunteer with the NGO, she said “I am your father” and stormed off.

Nogales Police officers showed up and questioned us after Alitas and Red Cross workers falsely accused us of using racial slurs and inhibiting their movement. We tried to get the officer’s first name but he refused to give it. When we FOIAed the bodycam footage, we were told Nogales police don’t use them.

A group called “Alita’s Angels” runs the facility, but they’re a brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file. (We requested the documents, with no luck.)

A WORKER with Casa Alitas CONFIRMED TO OUR UNDERCOVER journalist that Casa Alitas was getting federal money.

Once the migrants were boarded on the bus, we got a head start to meet them at a processing facility an hour away in Tucson, but once again, we couldn’t get anywhere near the building. The staff of the facility, run by Casa Alitas, threatened to call the cops again, but we managed to interview a local driver who does business at the facility and he gave us even more information.

These “Alitas” (alitasangels.com) groups are part of a shadowy network of secretive nonprofits funding the mass migration of millions of people into the country, without truly vetting asylum seekers’ claims and determining if they are eligible for refugee status.

This is a DEVELOPING STORY: Stay tuned for more reporting from the Mexican border.


A Safe Place spreads awareness about Human Trafficking Prevention Month  Nate Mauldin

January 12, 2024 – WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, but one organization in the Cape Fear is devoted to spreading awareness year-round.

Dawn Ferrer is the executive director of A Safe Place. She said there are a lot of misconceptions about human trafficking, the most common being that victims are targeted randomly. According to Ferrer, the majority of victims know their trafficker, are often involved with substance abuse, and are extorted into being trafficked.

Additionally, she said are a number of signs you can look for if you think someone could be at risk.

“Some main things to look at is if someone is with a controlling person,” Ferrer said. “If that person is controlling the conversation, might be controlling their documents, their license, their money, things like that.”

Ferrer said that although human trafficking victims are sometimes afraid to seek help, planting “seeds” like directing them to local resources are the first step in getting them the help they need.

If you or someone you know are at risk of being trafficked, local and national resources are available. You can contact A Safe Place’s hotline at 855-723-7529 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.


PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and child pornographers – exposing Canada’s Healthcare Leaders – PART 2 – Child Sex Trafficking, Alberta Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and University of Alberta   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 6, 2024

  • The probe began in Victoria (British Columbia), where the police department there had been conducting an online investigation on a website that police said is known to host online chat rooms geared toward child sex.
  • Police said a man began engaging in a sexually explicit conversation with a person he met online in October 2017. As the conversations continued, police said the man attempted to arrange for sex with the person’s five-year-old daughter.
  • The man did not know he was speaking with an undercover member of the Victoria Police Department.
  • Dr. Fred Janke, 62, was arrested in Edmonton on Thursday (June 28, 2018) and has been charged with making arrangements to commit sexual offences against a child, making child pornography and distribution of child pornography.
  • the conversations with the undercover officer in Victoria continued up until Thursday (June 28, 2018)
  • “In this criminal offence, just the discussion of the accused to do it, whether he moves physically to do it or not, is a breach of the Criminal Code. An accused can spend months talking about having sex with a child or hours talking about having sex with a child and not actually physically go to do that and he’s breaking the Criminal Code.”
  • Janke is an Associate Professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Alberta, according to the University’s website.
  • Late Friday afternoon, the university issued a statement confirming Janke remains an employee of theirs (!)
  • On Friday morning, the website of the College of Family Physicians of Canada listed a Dr. Fred Janke as the President of its Alberta chapter

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) Response:

  • Steve Buick, CPSA Spokesman:
    • “people have things in their lives”
    • “it doesn’t mean that he was a bad doctor to his patients, in fact, all the evidence is that he was a good doctor to his patients”
    • “people have sides to their lives that are private and that other people can’t even guess at sometimes”




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.