Operation Toussaint   Full Documentary 2018   [1:21:00]

Tim Ballard left his post as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to form Operation Underground Railroad and go undercover to rescue child sex trafficking victims that he couldn’t save when bound by government restrictions. Join Tim and his special forces team as they go undercover in Haiti to bring a ring of sex traffickers who bribed their way out of jail, to justice.


Sound of Freedom   [Full Movie 1:28:31]  #3 in the US

Based on the true story of a man’s mission to rescue children from the darkest parts of the world. This action-packed drama shines a light on the painful reality of child trafficking and the valiant efforts of those who work tirelessly to combat it. Co-exclusive with Angel Studios.


Shedding Light on Shadows: OMG’s Mission to Unravel Human Trafficking Networks  [10:43]   O’Keefe Media Group

January 17, 2024 – OMG Exposes Secret ‘Alitas’ Facility Inside Old Bank Building in Nogales, Arizona

“I’M YOUR FATHER!” @okeefemedia EXPOSES secret ‘Alitas’ facility at 1150 W. Drexel in Tucson as well as ‘Alitas Angels’ located at 112 Park street inside old Bank Building in Nogales

NOGALES — We just followed the trail of the migrant vans right to the source, visiting the Arizona border town of Nogales, where we encountered some rude and suspicious “Alita’s Angels” NGO (@alitasangels) workers who once again called the police on us.

A volunteer with the American Red Cross, who wouldn’t give us his name, tried to prevent us from filming outside a migrant facility and kept sticking his hand over our cameras. Then, when we questioned a volunteer with the NGO, she said “I am your father” and stormed off.

Nogales Police officers showed up and questioned us after Alitas and Red Cross workers falsely accused us of using racial slurs and inhibiting their movement. We tried to get the officer’s first name but he refused to give it. When we FOIAed the bodycam footage, we were told Nogales police don’t use them.

A group called “Alita’s Angels” runs the facility, but they’re a brand-new nonprofit with no tax records on file. (We requested the documents, with no luck.)

A WORKER with Casa Alitas CONFIRMED TO OUR UNDERCOVER journalist that Casa Alitas was getting federal money.

Once the migrants were boarded on the bus, we got a head start to meet them at a processing facility an hour away in Tucson, but once again, we couldn’t get anywhere near the building. The staff of the facility, run by Casa Alitas, threatened to call the cops again, but we managed to interview a local driver who does business at the facility and he gave us even more information.

These “Alitas” (alitasangels.com) groups are part of a shadowy network of secretive nonprofits funding the mass migration of millions of people into the country, without truly vetting asylum seekers’ claims and determining if they are eligible for refugee status.

This is a DEVELOPING STORY: Stay tuned for more reporting from the Mexican border.


A Safe Place spreads awareness about Human Trafficking Prevention Month  Nate Mauldin

January 12, 2024 – WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, but one organization in the Cape Fear is devoted to spreading awareness year-round.

Dawn Ferrer is the executive director of A Safe Place. She said there are a lot of misconceptions about human trafficking, the most common being that victims are targeted randomly. According to Ferrer, the majority of victims know their trafficker, are often involved with substance abuse, and are extorted into being trafficked.

Additionally, she said are a number of signs you can look for if you think someone could be at risk.

“Some main things to look at is if someone is with a controlling person,” Ferrer said. “If that person is controlling the conversation, might be controlling their documents, their license, their money, things like that.”

Ferrer said that although human trafficking victims are sometimes afraid to seek help, planting “seeds” like directing them to local resources are the first step in getting them the help they need.

If you or someone you know are at risk of being trafficked, local and national resources are available. You can contact A Safe Place’s hotline at 855-723-7529 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.


PEDOPHILES, Child sex abusers and child pornographers – exposing Canada’s Healthcare Leaders – PART 2 – Child Sex Trafficking, Alberta Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and University of Alberta   DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD

JAN 6, 2024

  • The probe began in Victoria (British Columbia), where the police department there had been conducting an online investigation on a website that police said is known to host online chat rooms geared toward child sex.
  • Police said a man began engaging in a sexually explicit conversation with a person he met online in October 2017. As the conversations continued, police said the man attempted to arrange for sex with the person’s five-year-old daughter.
  • The man did not know he was speaking with an undercover member of the Victoria Police Department.
  • Dr. Fred Janke, 62, was arrested in Edmonton on Thursday (June 28, 2018) and has been charged with making arrangements to commit sexual offences against a child, making child pornography and distribution of child pornography.
  • the conversations with the undercover officer in Victoria continued up until Thursday (June 28, 2018)
  • “In this criminal offence, just the discussion of the accused to do it, whether he moves physically to do it or not, is a breach of the Criminal Code. An accused can spend months talking about having sex with a child or hours talking about having sex with a child and not actually physically go to do that and he’s breaking the Criminal Code.”
  • Janke is an Associate Professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Alberta, according to the University’s website.
  • Late Friday afternoon, the university issued a statement confirming Janke remains an employee of theirs (!)
  • On Friday morning, the website of the College of Family Physicians of Canada listed a Dr. Fred Janke as the President of its Alberta chapter

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) Response:

  • Steve Buick, CPSA Spokesman:
    • “people have things in their lives”
    • “it doesn’t mean that he was a bad doctor to his patients, in fact, all the evidence is that he was a good doctor to his patients”
    • “people have sides to their lives that are private and that other people can’t even guess at sometimes”


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.