VA Teen Sex Trafficked After Being Groomed into Transgenderism by Public School   by FRANKIE STOCKES

The horrifying tale shows how left-wing LGBT policies have led to children being raped and sex trafficked.

January 22, 2023 – A Virginia teenager became the victim of multiple sex traffickers after she was groomed into transgenderism by the public school system in Appomattox County, where she began identifying as a boy because “everybody was doing it.”

The 15-year-old girl, whose name is reported only as “Sage,” began identifying as a boy due to peer pressure at school, saying in retrospect that she’d never actually wanted to be a boy, but that “everybody was doing it.”

Under the left-wing policies embraced by school districts all over the country, even those in supposedly conservative areas like Appomattox County, Virginia, school officials hid the claims of transgenderism from the girls’ parents, kicking off a sequence of events that led to her being sex trafficked in multiple states as the left-wing court system fought to keep her away from her family and under the control of LGBT ideology.

When she “ran away” from home and ended up in Baltimore, Maryland, being sex trafficked by a registered sex offender, the Maryland court system then took her from her family – something most people would consider kidnapping – and forced her to live in an innercity group home.

Their reasoning was that Sage, at the time, “identified” as a transgender boy, and her conservative family back in Appomattox County, Virginia just didn’t get it.

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