The Epiphany of Natly Denise: Dark World of Human Trafficking Leads to Discovery of Purpose for Houston, Texas Woman   By Shawn Bradley Witzemann

Jul. 9, 2023 3:00 pm – On a hot summer night in Houston, Natly Denise Diaz walked into the throbbing bass and loud music of a dark cantina on Star Lane.

Eerily welcomed inside by the house’s madam, the burgeoning activist moved cautiously into the small bar — an obvious stranger among the usual patronage.

As she lingered, Natly noticed men of all ages — drinking conspicuously overpriced beer and enjoying the establishment’s more pertinent attractions, “pony girls” as they’re often referred to in the industry.

Every paying customer was another John in the making — either paired up with or waiting for their very own pony girl to use and abuse as they wished.

Across the wide dance floor, Natly could see through the smoky ambiance to the very back of the room, where a well-lit bench kept at least a dozen pony girls on display.

Natly kept scanning the bench — now looking at what she struggled to believe was a child — just 11 or 12 years old, as far as she could tell.

Natly fixed her focus on the unfolding tragedy. Questioning her senses, she asked a companion if her eyes could be lying.

Unfortunately, they were not.

Natly’s fears were confirmed, and a horrible realization went straight into her gut. A child was there to be trafficked and sold.

The little girl, an apparent Latina migrant, wore a short skirt with a bare midriff. She was scantily dressed as a fully-fledged pony girl. A small handbag completed the abhorrent ensemble, meant to inspire perverted lust and quick cash from the degenerate, child-raping clientele.


Child Trafficking Pedophiles Run The World & The FBI Protects Them

Sacha Baron Cohen found proof of a child trafficking ring in Las Vegas, gave it to the FBI but the FBI told him they decided not to pursue it.

Sacha Baron Cohen told Deadline that one segment he taped for his Showtime series Who is America? was so disturbing “too dark & wrong to air” that he decided not to air the footage. Instead, he turned it over to the FBI. But investigators told him they’d decided not to follow up.

“We immediately turned over the footage to the FBI because we thought, perhaps there’s a pedophile ring in Las Vegas that’s operating for these very wealthy men. And this concierge had said that he’d worked for politicians and various billionaires. But in the end the FBI decided not to pursue it.”

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.