CEASEFIRE: Has Trump adopted Biden’s failed Israel policy? w/ Victor Davis Hanson  [52:51]   Caroline Glick

January 15, 2025   JNS TV – The latest ceasefire deal with Hamas leaves Israel supporters with lots of questions about what to expect from the new Trump administration. Has President Trump changed course and adopted the failed policies of President Biden? Caroline Glick hosts political commentator and expert Victor Davis Hanson to answer these questions and more on today’s episode of the Caroline Glick Show!


California Burning – Part 3    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JAN 15, 2025

This is Part 3 of my report on California Burning. If you haven’t read Parts 1 and Part 2 yet – you should – because they set the scene. It’s the most comprehensive and HONEST coverage you’ll find on the fires.

With a smile on his face, Newsom did a live interview from the scene, and while bobbing and weaving – like he was high on something – said this:

NEWSOM: “We already have a team reimagining Los Angeles 2.0. I was just talking to Josh Green, the governor down in Hawaii, who had some ideas around some land use and speculators coming in, buying up properties. So we’re already working with our legal teams to to move those things forward and we’ll be presenting those in a matter of days, not just weeks.”

Remember that the Maui fire situation was suspiciously similar to what just happened in LA. Same MO – same narrative.


So, basically, Newsom just admitted that they burned it down so something else could be developed and he was happy about it. Hmm. You mean like the 2028 Olympics & a Smart City and a police surveillance state and the multi-family housing to support that – all that I mentioned in Part 2 of this series?

SENATOR MELENDEZ: “When talking about developers buying up the property in LA damaged by the fires, Gavin breaks into a little dance, smiling like someone who’s about to get away with something.”

In September 2024, Newsom signed a bill into law that would allow them to subdivide a lot zoned for “single family” use to be REDEVELOPED as a multi-family building if it is vacant, abandoned and uninhabitable.

So, every structure that burned down can be REDEVELOPED into multi-family or low-income housing. This goes into effect July 2025. Convenient timing, huh?

Look at the map from NASA – thanks to @I_Am_JohnCullen on X. All the red dots are homes that are 100% destroyed and gone. All the black dots are homes that are damaged.

Now – connect those dots with the fact that this area is needed for development to support California’s goal to host t

he 2028 Olympics & convert Los Angeles into a Smart City – a total POLICE STATE.

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LA fires clear the way for SmartLA 2028 and 2028 LA Olympics   DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

The coincidences continue to pile up, leading many to declare that the massive neglects, mistakes, and failures resulting in devastation from the LA wildfires was more than a natural disaster.

Jan. 9, 2025 4 pm ET – The LA fires are unprecedented in the number and size of the fires that have broken out in and around the second largest city in the US. Over 1000 structures and 45 square miles are destroyed. More than 380,000 people have been under warnings or orders to evacuate. Over 450,000 people are without power. More than 24 school districts are partially or totally closed. Fire hydrants have run dry. Arsonists in Santa Monica have been caught on camera setting fires. The LA County Sheriff says some areas look like ‘a bomb was dropped.’ President Biden commented on the fires while in LA. He doled out relief funds, and announced he is a first time great-grandfather, and that son Hunter’s home in LA is unharmed. Today Biden gave a national address promising to oversee a full federal response to the wildfires.

The 15 Minute City Plans for Los Angeles

Los Angeles is one of dozens of cities whose “mayors and the cities they lead” are members in the international C40 Cities initiative. This is a movement to achieve the United Nations and globalist goals of restructuring cities to address the manufactured “climate change” crisis. Cities from around the world are participating in this movement.

Funding support comes from many progressive and globalist sources, including the Open Society Foundations run by George Soros and son as well as other supporters. Soros is notorious for training and funding riots in America and for taking many other actions to ruin the economies of sovereign nations, earning him the title among others of the “worst billionaire in the world.” Other contributors are Uber, FedEx, Google, Wellcome, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the UK Government, the European Union, among many others. The World Bank, one of the most predatory globalist institutions which is closely associated with the UN, is a designated Partner.

Los Angeles is all-in on their 15 Minute City plan that they have named the Livable Communities Initiative (LCI): “a plan to address LA’s housing, traffic and climate crisis by building 3-5 stories of gentle density above small retail along carefully chosen commercial streets that are transformed to be walkable, bikeable, and livable.” This sounds like the perfect plan for the now destroyed Pacific Palisades community which is part of Greater Los Angeles. The Pacific Palisades neighborhood was an older community with many quirky and quaint but aged features. A profile of the neighborhood offers further details about the community that existed prior to the fire destruction. Now that the area has suffered such destruction, rebuilding has to occur.

Whether it is a bizarre coincidence or a result of dreadfully bad politics this is the kind of disaster that progressives and globalists love to take advantage of and we can expect to see glowing reports of the coming construction of LA as a shining example of the Olympics and future cities of the world. The only question is, can they get it together in time? We anticipate that all the regulations and red tape that they usually embrace will magically disappear.

We are left with the astonishing serendipity that a huge swath of the City of Los Angeles has been cleared just in time to be made shovel ready for a newer, better, futuristic version of city neighborhoods to be constructed that will be a showcase for the 2028 Olympics. All the sentimentality and the cultural and historic building objections to modernization, not to mention property owned by private individuals who may not want to sell or give up their home or business building, have been swept aside in a 48-hour period by a scorched earth event.

Let the building begin.

Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste

The coincidences continue to pile up, leading many to declare that the massive neglects, mistakes, and failures resulting in devastation from the LA wildfires was more than a natural disaster. Evidence of this has not yet emerged. But Los Angeles is prepared. They already have all the plans in place to build back better. As President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is famous for saying: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

With the LA fires of 2025 the landscape is now prepared for the building of SmartLA 2028, just in time for the Olympics.

SmartLA 2028—The Blueprint is Already in Place

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[Ed.:  What I don’t get is how they keep getting away with this (Lahaina, Springfield, North Carolina, etc., etc., etc.,) with complete impunity!



Will the LA Fires Now Make Shovel Ready the Globalist Plan for 15 Minute Cities Written up in December of 2020?   [VIDEO  45:17]   DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

Dr. Peter Breggin talks with Brannon Howse on WorldViewTube

JAN 12, 2025 – Dr. Peter Breggin and journalist Brannon Howse have an in-depth and vigorous discussion about what really is driving the Los Angeles fires. Here’s a hint: the global predators want to wipe the landscape clean to build a global city that will be planned by the globalists creating an international city independent of the United States and subject to the United Nations and world governance. See the interview here. See the original LA Fires story below.

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California Burning – Part 2   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JAN 12, 2025 – This is part 2 of my report on California Burning. You can read Part 1 here which you should read first if you haven’t yet. My purpose in Part 2 of my report is to provide you with some FACTS about where we are at – so you can continue to do your own research and process what you have learned so far.

I have conclusions about the TRUE PURPOSE BEHIND THIS ARSON – but that will be revealed totally in Part 3. I am still awaiting a couple of key pieces of evidence but by the end of this article you’ll see where I am going.

Some of you may say – well, I don’t need to read this – I don’t live in California so this doesn’t matter to me. Yes, it does. This wildfire (and the arsonists and puppet masters behind it) will end up being one of the most important events in American history for many reasons and it is important for us all to understand why it happened and what/who is behind it.

The reason I am presenting this report in segments is because they are purposefully bombarding the public with TOO much information – so we are overwhelmed with emotion and can’t see the forest for the trees. They are sending us down numerous rabbit holes to keep people from focusing on the truth. WE NEED TO PROCESS IT SLOWLY AND FULLY ABSORB THE TRUTH SLOWLY SO WE RETAIN IT AND ARE ABLE TO CONNECT THE DOTS THEY DON’T WANT US TO SEE.

The death toll from the Los Angeles fires is now 16 plus. So far, the LA fires have destroyed over 12,300 homes.

The Palisades Fire is only about 11% contained. The Eaton Fire in Altadena (which has killed 11 people) is still only 15% contained.

To put the size of these fires into perspective, Manhattan is about 15,000 acres. I’m going to focus on the Palisades fire.

CBS did a video of how the Palisades fire spread hour by hour. Here are screenshots from that video:

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California Burning   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JAN 10, 2025 – For what purpose would the 5th largest economy in the world ALLOW ITSELF to be burned down? If California were a sovereign nation, it would be the 5th-largest economy in the world—ahead of the UK and France.

I’m watching pundits come out and blame climate change or old power lines or lack of water or horrible leadership or whatever. I’m here to prove to you that the cause behind it all is ARSON (either intentional or purposeful) and those other things have simply made it worse and are simply fuel for the fire.

PRAGER U: California has always had wildfires. Long before they renamed “global warming” into “climate change” because the planet was cooling – Californians have had to deal with fires. The hot, bone-dry summer and fall winds, thick forests, and dense brush that cover good portions of the state made sure of that.

As the state’s population grew, the citizens took steps to mitigate that risk. First, there were large-scale logging operations. These helped thin the forest. Then there were “controlled burns” — fires purposely set to clear areas of brush in fire zones which were then quickly extinguished.

The environmental movement forced new regulations to stop logging operations. Cutting down trees for lumber or clearing dead lumber was depicted as an act of cruelty. That’s where the term tree-hugger comes from. Controlled burns were viewed the same way. The environmentalists said we should just let nature do its thing and let it burn. As housing became more expensive in the big cities, developers started to build homes further from metropolitan areas and closer to the wilderness.

Parallel to this was the state’s green energy mandate and diversity mandates. Governor Jerry Brown (with the blessing of his Democrat pals – Pelosi, Clyburn & Schumer) declared that California must be powered entirely by renewable energy—mostly wind and solar—by 2045. Tremendous pressure was put on Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) the state’s largest energy company, to get started tilting at windmills.

President Trump fought Jerry Brown & Gavin Newsom at every turn and rightly predicted disaster. Why did they let it happen anyway?

The GREEN ENERGY MANDATE turned the power company’s resources away from the power grid and forced them to focus on wind and solar.

How did that work? They ran out of energy. In 2019, California became the first state ever to intentionally deny electricity to its own citizens. No power for your home, your Tesla, your cell phone or, maybe, your oxygen tank. How are you going to drive your electric car if there is no electricity?

How did the green energy mandate further help fuel deadlier fires?

Wildfires can be started in all sorts of ways: lightning strikes, campfires not properly put out, a cigarette carelessly tossed away, old power lines or straight-up arson.

One out of every six wildfires in California are started by arson, but the fake news and the Democrats who run California don’t want to tell you that.

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Who Really Denied Statehood to the Palestinian People?   by Alan M. Dershowitz
January 12, 2025 at 5:00 am  Gatestone Institute

  • Israel agreed to Palestinian statehood in 1937-1938, 1947-1948, 1967, 2000-2001, and 2007. In each case, it was the Palestinian leadership that refused to agree to the two-state solution….
  • The Jews accepted the [1937] Peel partition plan, while the Arabs categorically rejected it, demanding that all of Palestine be placed under Arab control and that most of the Jewish population of Palestine be “transferred” — ethnically cleansed — out of the country…
  • The Jewish leadership [in 1948] declared statehood in the area allocated to it by the UN. The Arab leadership responded by declaring a genocidal war against the new state of the Jewish people. They did not want a Palestinian state. And they wanted there to be no Jewish state.
  • No one, therefore, should believe that it was Israel that has made the Palestinian people stateless. It was the Palestinians themselves… The current anti-Israel protesters in the West are not calling for a Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel. They, like the failed Palestinian leadership, just wants to end Israel’s existence. It is not going to happen. Until the Palestinians recognize this reality, they will be denying themselves any possibility of statehood.
  • In 1937, the Jews accepted the partition plan of the Peel Commission, while the Arabs categorically rejected it, demanding that all of Palestine be placed under Arab control and that most of the Jewish population of Palestine be “transferred” — ethnically cleansed — out of the country. Pictured: Lord William Peel (right) and Sir Horace Rumbold (left) leave the British War Cemetery on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem in 1936, as part of their work on the Peel Commission. (Image source: Library of Congress)

One of the most pervasive myths of the Palestinian protest movement is that Israel has denied statehood to the Palestinian people. To the contrary, Israel agreed to Palestinian statehood in 1937-1938, 1947-1948, 1967, 2000-2001, and 2007. In each case, it was the Palestinian leadership that refused to agree to the two-state solution that would have created a Palestinian state, alongside a state for Jewish inhabitants.

In 1937 – in the midst of the terrorist revolt inspired by Adolf Hitler’s ally, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – the British published the Palestine Royal Commission Report (also known as the Peel Commission Report).

The Commission recommended a partition plan by which to resolve what it characterized as “irrepressible conflict… between two national communities within the narrow bounds of one small country.” Because of the general hostility and hatred of the Jews by the Muslims, “national assimilation between Arabs and Jews is… ruled out.” Nor could the Jews be expected to accept Muslim rule over them, especially since Husseini made it clear that most of the Jews would be transferred out of Palestine if the Muslims gained complete control. The Peel Commission concluded that partition was the only solution.

The Peel Commission plan proposed a Jewish state in areas in which there was a clear Jewish majority. Divided into two non-contiguous sections, the northern portion extended from Tel Aviv to the current border with Lebanon. It consisted largely of a 10-mile-wide strip of land from the Mediterranean east to the end of the coastal plain, then a somewhat wide area from Haifa to the Sea of Galilee. A southern portion, disconnected from the northern one by a British controlled area that included Jerusalem, with its majority Jewish population, extended from South Jaffa to north of Gaza.

The proposed Arab state was, on the other hand, entirely contiguous and encompassed the entire Negev, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. It was several times larger than the proposed Jewish state. The population of the proposed Jewish state would have included 300,000 Jews and 190,000 Arabs. Another 75,000 Jews lived in Jerusalem, which would have remained under British control.

The Commission also alluded to how partition would help the rescue of Europe’s Jews from Nazism.

The Jews accepted the Peel partition plan, while the Arabs categorically rejected it, demanding that all of Palestine be placed under Arab control and that most of the Jewish population of Palestine be “transferred” — ethnically cleansed — out of the country, because “this country [cannot] assimilate the Jews now in the country.” The Peel Commission implicitly recognized that it was not so much that the Arabs wanted self-determination as that they did not want the Jews to have self-determination or sovereignty over the land the Jews themselves had cultivated and in which they were a majority.

The Arabs of Palestine wanted to be part of Syria and be ruled over by a distant monarch. They simply could not abide the reality that the Jews of Palestine had created for themselves a democratic homeland pursuant to the League of Nations mandate and binding international law. Even if turning down the Peel proposal resulted in no state for the Arabs, that was preferable to allowing even a tiny, non-contiguous state for the Jews.

Following the end of World War II, the United Nations also recommended partition of the area into two states — one for the Arab population, the other for the Jewish population. Once again, the Arab leadership rejected the two-state solution, while the Jewish leadership accepted it. The Jewish leadership declared statehood in the area allocated to it by the UN. The Arab leadership responded by declaring a genocidal war against the new state of the Jewish people. They did not want a Palestinian state. And they wanted there to be no Jewish state.

As soon as Israel declared its independence, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon invaded it, with help from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Libya. Arab armies, with the help of local Arab terrorists, determined to destroy the new Jewish state and exterminate its population.

After the Six Day War of 1967, which resulted in Israel capturing the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and east Jerusalem, Israel signaled its willingness to negotiate land for peace. However, the Arab League met in Khartoum and issued the famous “Three No’s”: no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel. This led Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Abba Eban, to equip: “I think that this is the first war in history that has ended with the victors suing for peace and the vanquished calling for unconditional surrender.”

According to former US President Bill Clinton, the Israelis, in 2000-2001, offered to withdraw from approximately 96% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip in exchange for peace. The Palestinians were offered large land swaps from Israel in exchange for the small amount of land that would remain under Israeli control. Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat rejected that offer and — presumably to change the subject and deflect the blame — initiated a wave of terrorist attacks that left thousands dead.

In 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered an even better deal. Once again, the Palestinian leadership did not accept the offer. As one Israeli leader put it, “The Palestinians don’t know how to take yes for an answer.”

It is therefore not correct to claim that Israel denied the Palestinians statehood. The Palestinian leadership did.

The Palestinians may deserve to have a peaceful state, but their claim is no greater than that of the Tibetans, the Kurds, the Chechens, and other stateless groups. These other groups, unlike the Palestinians, have never even been offered statehood, let alone repeatedly turned it down.

No one, therefore, should believe that it was Israel that has made the Palestinian people stateless. It was the Palestinians themselves, through their anti-Jewish leadership. The current anti-Israel protesters in the West are not calling for a Palestinian state living in peace alongside Israel. They, like the failed Palestinian leadership, just wants to end Israel’s existence. It is not going to happen. Until the Palestinians recognize this reality, they will be denying themselves any possibility of statehood.

Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus at Harvard Law School, and the author most recently of War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism, and Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law. He is the Jack Roth Charitable Foundation Fellow at Gatestone Institute, and is also the host of “The Dershow” podcast.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.