Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 1/24/24



Tucker Carlson Calls COVID-19 “The Greatest Crime Ever Committed”   THE VIGILANT FOX

JAN 24, 2024In an uncensored interview with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Tucker Carlson called COVID-19 “the greatest crime ever committed.”

He mentioned that a thousand people were arrested for January 6, but no one has been arrested for the crimes of COVID.

“Millions of people died, and it’s related to a funding decision by Anthony Fauci to fund dangerous research in China,” Rand Paul declared in a previous interview.

Moreover, Fauci enriched himself over the course of the pandemic, increasing his wealth from $7 million to $12 million.

“Anthony Fauci lied to Congress. And the bottom line is he deserves to be in prison,” Paul said.

The video transcript is available below:

TUCKER CARLSON: As you pointed out, millions died. And, you know, we’ve had over a thousand people arrested for milling around the Capitol three years ago, January 6th. No one’s been arrested for this. Millions dead. No one’s been arrested. My brother ran into Tony Fauci in our family dog park in Washington the other day. He had Secret Service protection. He’s retired. He works at Georgetown. He doesn’t work for the U.S. government. He has government financed, security. I don’t.

My point is, he not only he’s not been punished, he’s living, continuing to live at public expense at the highest possible level. He’s being lauded. When does someone get punished for what has got to be the greatest crime ever committed?

[Ed.:  Over 17 million murdered souls worldwide.]


Solitary Confinement! Global Predators want you isolated, lonely, and afraid evil used to lurk in dark alleys…     DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

JAN 24, 2024

My hair is grey, but not with years,
Nor grew it white
In a single night,
As men’s have grown from sudden fears:
My limbs are bow’d, though not with toil,
But rusted with a vile repose,
For they have been a dungeon’s spoil,
And mine has been the fate of those
To whom the goodly earth and air
Are bann’d, and barr’d—forbidden fare… –
The Prisoner of Chillon, By Lord Byron (George Gordon)1

I was twelve and just beginning the seventh grade in school when my new English teacher assigned us the task of reading collections of poetry and choosing a stanza of a poem to memorize. Somehow, I found my way to Lord Byron and his magnificent work, The Prisoner of Chillon. I can still recite it at will.

I was engrossed with the idea of being a captive, of being isolated and locked up, and I spent time contemplating how I could survive such a fate. Perhaps it was very early Bible stories, like the description of Daniel in the lion’s den, lost in the mists of childhood, that fed my imagination. Or my discovery, a year earlier, that local stray dogs were being held captive in a ramshackle shed at the edge of the town dump. The pleading eyes of the six or eight captive dogs haunted me, and I returned again and again to that shed the city called an animal shelter.

I do remember concluding that despite all other hardships, as long as my mind was intact, I could survive anything, even a dungeon. But I was just a twelve-year-old child.

solitary confinement, noun
ˈsɑl·əˌter·i kənˈfɑɪn·mənt/
the condition of being kept alone in a room in prison2

Solitary confinement has been used for centuries to control prisoners.3 In recent decades, the practice has been used to control or punish what many would classify as political prisoners, including journalist Julian Assange and Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, who allegedly provided documents to WikiLeaks.4 Many articles and papers have been published debating and criticizing the practice of solitary confinement.5,6,7

Most poignantly, an essay by Atul Gawande in 2009 describes the inhumane experiments of Harry Harlow, a University of Wisconsin professor of psychology, on infant rhesus monkeys in the 1950s.8 The separation at birth from contact with any other monkeys, including the mother, led them to become “profoundly disturbed, given to staring blankly and rocking in place for long periods, circling their cages repetitively, and mutilating themselves.” The article continued to describe the effects of the isolation:

In a later study on the effect of total isolation from birth, the researchers found that the test monkeys, upon being released into a group of ordinary monkeys, “usually go into a state of emotional shock, characterized by . . . autistic self-clutching and rocking.” Harlow noted, “One of six monkeys isolated for three months refused to eat after release and died five days later.” After several weeks in the company of other monkeys, most of them adjusted—but not those who had been isolated for longer periods. “Twelve months of isolation almost obliterated the animals socially,” Harlow wrote. They became permanently withdrawn, and they lived as outcasts—regularly set upon, as if inviting abuse.

Other psychologists repeated and amplified the studies and findings, leading the way to massive reform culturally and legally regarding the treatment of children. (The abuse of animals in Harlow’s studies gave strength to the animal rights movement.)

The author of the New Yorker article, Gawande, then gets to the nub of his essay pointing out that much less has been considered regarding the effects of brief and prolonged isolation of adults. He surveys various reports — from prisoners of war and astronauts to solo long-distance sailors, examining how they felt and how they experienced their isolation along with other deprivations. The desolate loneliness that would overcome these explorers and others alone for months was reported to be the most difficult challenge.

Among our most benign experiments are those with people who voluntarily isolate themselves for extended periods. Long-distance solo sailors, for instance, commit themselves to months at sea. They face all manner of physical terrors: thrashing storms, fifty-foot waves, leaks, illness. Yet, for many, the single most overwhelming difficulty they report is the “soul-destroying loneliness,” as one sailor called it. Astronauts have to be screened for their ability to tolerate long stretches in tightly confined isolation, and they come to depend on radio and video communications for social contact.9

The problem of isolation goes beyond ordinary loneliness, however. Consider what we’ve learned from hostages who have been held in solitary confinement—from the journalist Terry Anderson, for example, whose extraordinary memoir, “Den of Lions,” recounts his seven years as a hostage of Hezbollah in Lebanon….

Gawande continued in his New Yorker article to describe Terry Anderson’s report of the experience and effects of seven years in captivity:

He missed people terribly, especially his fiancée and his family. He was despondent and depressed. Then, with time, he began to feel something more. He felt himself disintegrating. It was as if his brain were grinding down. A month into his confinement, he recalled in his memoir, “The mind is a blank. Jesus, I always thought I was smart. Where are all the things I learned, the books I read, the poems I memorized? There’s nothing there, just a formless, gray-black misery. My mind’s gone dead. God, help me.”

Continue reading


‘We Will Deport You’: Trump Issues Stark Threat To Foreign Students Demonstrating For Palestinians  [6:52]   Forbes Breaking News

October 28, 2023 – In remarks to the Republican Jewish Coalition Leadership Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada, former President Trump railed against pro-Palestinian protesters.


Dear America, when it comes to Israel STFU!   DIANE BEDERMAN

January 24, 2024 – I am no war expert but looking at history, seems to me America needs to butt out. I am not the only one.

Al-Suwaidan also said that America no longer instills fear and respect in the world, that they have lost all their recent wars, and that they are a “curse” to anyone they support. He said that Israel only understands force and that this is the only solution for the Palestinian people.

Blinken told [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu that ultimately there is no military solution to Hamas.”  Well, it is coming from the country whose military fled Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Libya  and Iraq and botched the Iranian hostage incident.

Unlike America, Israel has won every war, except against the Romans. And that was a pivotal moment in Jewish memory. The State of Israel, reborn on her legal, historical and Biblical lands, will never forget what happens when Jews lose a war. Since 1948, Israel has been attacked by Muslims: 1967, 1973, the Intifadas of 1978-80 and 2000-2005 and, of course, the barbaric massacre of October 7, 2023. Israel will not bend the knee to Muslims or America. Because Israelis know that a loss for Israel is the end of Israel.

Dear America, this is Islam

“Deception… is permissible in Islam in the state of war”

“[Hadith]: 1352. Abu Hurairah and Jabir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, “War is deception.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

“Commentary: “Khad`ah” means deception, i.e., employing a strategy which causes misunderstanding to the enemy, and one’s real intent does not become evident to them. This is permissible in Islam in the state of war.

“The Ahadith mentioned in this chapter make the importance of Jihad and the reason for so much stress on it abundantly clear. These also show how great a crime it is to ignore it. It is very unfortunate indeed

Present-day Muslims are guilty of renouncing Jihad in every part of the world. May Allah help us to overcome this negligence.

Israel is surrounded by an estimated 315 million Muslims (2009), about 20% of the world’s Muslim population, in 20 Muslim countries. When she fights a war, it’s with her neighbours, not countries thousands of miles away.

When it comes to war, America you have failed at winning since WWII. You lose a war – well, it’s not as if the country you attacked was on your border. You did, however, sacrifice your young men and women for nothing. You not only sent them to their death, you brought back countless numbers of injured soldiers whom, you have abandoned.

Let’s talk about Saigon. I am old enough to remember this defeat.

America entered the war in Vietnam for fear of communism taking hold and toppling democracies throughout the whole of Southeast Asia. Keep in mind that war was never declared by Congress, yet 58,148 men were killed in Vietnam, 75,000 severely disabled, 23,214 were 100% disabled, 5,283 lost limbs and 1,081 sustained multiple amputations. And as many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters died.

How about Afghanistan. America remained in Afghanistan for 20 years. They had entered to destroy the Taliban in 2001 following the Muslim attack on America. Twenty years later, America left Afghanistan with her tail between her legs and the Taliban returned. More than 4,000 Americans were killed in Afghanistan. Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is one of several U.S. officials who predicted a rosy future for Afghanistan: “Right now, I would say that the conditions are set for winning this war,” he proclaimed in 2013.   He was wrong. According to Douglas Lute, former deputy national security advisor for Iraq and Afghanistan, “We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan — we didn’t know what we were doing.” America flees another  failed war-so what to America. But as of March 2023, more than 70,000 Afghan and Pakistani civilians are estimated to have died as a direct result of the war. The United States military in 2017 relaxed its rules of engagement for airstrikes in Afghanistan, which resulted in a massive increase in civilian casualties.

To add insult to injury Biden left the Military service dogs behind.


As Liberal Jews Feel abandoned by the Left   By ADAM MILSTEIN

What’s next?

JANUARY 10, 2024 All Jews agree on one thing…that all Jews never agree. At any Jewish gathering around the world, you’ll hear heated debates on food, religion, culture, and everything in between. Politics are no different, but the debate is louder.

James Baker once said “F*** the Jews, they don’t vote for us.” While perhaps untrue, Baker’s sentiment reflected a historical American Jewish political truism – the Jewish community votes Democrat. Since the early 1990’s, a growing number of Jews have shifted rightward, but the majority of the Jewish-American community reside in the “liberal” camp.

After the October 7th terrorist attack, prior to Israel’s ground operation in Gaza, the true sentiment of the left towards Jews was exposed. Protests on college campuses, airports, freeways, bridges, outside synagogues, and Holocaust museums forced Jewish Americans to face a stark reality. Leftist and their Muslim allies were exposed not only as anti-Israel but as plainly anti-Jewish groups. Mobilizing under a guise of liberation (“From the River to the Sea”), and civil rights (“justice” in Palestine), one thing became increasingly clear – for a large coalition of leftists and Muslims in America, Jews have no right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland and deserve no safety anywhere.

Liberal Jews’ residence among American leftists is now in peril.

The Shock

Historically and for good reason, Jews have been fixated on the antisemitism from the far right as our greatest threat. This focus on antisemitism’s political affiliation left us vulnerable. We have virtually ignored the growing warning signs of antisemitism from the Islamo-leftist camp. After all, Jews were an integral part of the left. In the name of Tzedek (Justice), we’ve marched with every marginalized community throughout American history. Yet, on October 7th, 2023, we marched alone. As our women had blood dripping down their legs, women’s rights groups didn’t express any outrage. They stood silent. As our children were identified by their ashes, children’s rights organizations were nowhere to be found. And as our civilians were brutalized, all human, civil, and LGBTQ+ rights didn’t march, didn’t organize, and didn’t protest. On the contrary – they stood with the attackers.

In the wake of October 7th, American Jews were left speechless. The wakeup call has been loud. The Jewish political home, the American left, turns a blind eye to war crimes and to the sexual mutilation of women, children and men when the victims are Jews. It has become evidently clear that in leftist spaces, the American Jew is dehumanized as a mere “oppressor”, an “Occupier”, a “Colonialist”, “White privileged”, and “Apartheid” supporter. Compassion for the deep trauma Jews sustained was nowhere to be found.

One must wonder, if killing Jews and raping women in Israel is ‘just’ and legitimate under the guise of a victim using ‘resistance by any means necessary’, what prevents our enemies from committing the same crimes in America? And where can liberal Jews find a political home?


Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List   By John & Nisha Whitehead

“In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.” — Hunter S. Thompson

January 23, 2024 – According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve:

a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials,

b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,”

c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass Pro Shops,

d) purchased tickets to travel by bus, cars, or plane,

e) all of the above.

In fact, if you selected any of those options in recent years, you’re probably already on a government watchlist.

That’s how broadly the government’s net is being cast in its pursuit of domestic extremists.

We’re all fair game now, easy targets for inclusion on some FBI watch list or another.


The word ‘Palestine’ is genocide    Benjamin Kerstein

From ancient Rome to today’s progressive antisemites, the term “Palestine” has always been a means of erasing the Jews.

(January 22, 2024 / JNS) – One of the more irritating and frankly offensive developments in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war has been the infection of the public discourse by the word “Palestine.” Slogans like “free Palestine” and the openly genocidal “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” are now common, and many otherwise well-meaning people refer to “Palestine” without giving it a second thought.

At first glance, this can seem relatively benign. To many, “Palestine” simply refers to a controversial region of the world. Certainly, activists can use it in a tendentious and strident manner, but this is true of most political rhetoric. Why not let the ultras have their fun?

This is a comforting delusion, but it is a delusion all the same. The truth is that “Palestine” is a monstrous term, the product of a history of genocidal violence that dates back some 2,000 years.

While “Palestina” has been used as a general reference to parts of the Levant since antiquity, it did not become the official designation of a demarcated territory until the second century C.E. as the culmination of an exterminationist war against the Jews.

In 132 CE, the Jews of Judea rose up against their Roman oppressors for the second time in a century. In the initial stages of what has come to be called the Bar Kochba Revolt, the Romans got the worst of it. So the legions adjusted their strategy. Rather than concentrate on suppressing the rebels, the Romans decided to destroy the entire Jewish population of the Land of Israel.

The results were horrific. Ancient historian Cassius Dio wrote of the Jews: “50 of their most important outposts and 985 of their most famous villages were razed to the ground. 580,000 men were slain in the various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine, disease and fire was past finding out. Thus, nearly the whole of Judea was made desolate.”

The early Christian historian Eusebius confirmed Dio’s narrative, writing succinctly, “Jerusalem was completely destroyed and the Jewish nation was massacred in large groups at a time, with the result that they were even expelled from the borders of Judea.”

The Talmud states simply, “For seven years the gentiles fertilized their vineyards with the blood of Israel.”

It was only then that the Land of Israel was officially given the name “Palestina,” replacing the term “Judea.” Clearly, the Romans were making a point: Judea, they were saying, is dead; and it is dead because its people dared to challenge the power of Rome. The word “Palestina” was, in effect, the last nail in the crucifixion of a people. It was genocide.

The same is true today. This is proved by the simple fact that “Palestine” does not exist. That is, there is no sovereign nation-state called “Palestine.” Nor, in fact, has there ever been one. To refer to “Palestine” as if such a nation did exist is rather like referring to France as “Gaul” or Iraq as “Babylon.”

The only reason to use the term is as a statement of intention. That is, people refer to the Land of Israel as “Palestine” in order to assert that the real country on that land—the Jewish state—should not exist and that eventually, through their efforts, it will not.


Should Israel target Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar whilst shielded by hostages?   [5:30]  Machon Shilo

January 23, 2024


US aims to reward terrorism with a two-state solution   [35:03]   CAROLINE B. GLICK

(January 22, 2024 / JNS) – The United States and the international community continue to push Israel to create a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip when the war is over, but is this something that the Palestinians and Israelis even want? Is the idea of a moderate Palestinian Authority just one more fiction in the minds of Western diplomats?

[Ed.:  Bob Dylan – Neighborhood Bully ( Lyrics)  


Victor Davis Hanson: 2024 — the year of our reckoning   By Victor Davis Hanson 

In 2024, the tab for our current apathy, toxic politics, and incompetence will come due.

December 25, 2023 – (American Greatness) — We should remember the now modern proverb of Nixon-era economic advisor Herb Stein to the effect that what cannot go on (without destroying the nation), simply will not go on.

In some sense, the country for recent years has been cruising on the fumes from prior and likely better wiser generations and institutions. In 2024, the tab for our current apathy, toxic politics, and incompetence will come due.So next year we will likely see the climax to a number of current dangerous ideas, events, and forces, which finally will either overwhelm us or be addressed and remedied. We live in a Neronian age but can recover if we first understand how we got here and the nature of the suicide we are committing.


CENTCOM botches name of institution that tried to help them locate missing SEALs    By Monica Showalter

January 22, 2024 – A major unreported story — and I know nothing except that they aren’t saying much — is on the fate of two missing Navy SEALs, who were declared dead by CENTCOM following a 10-day search at sea.

It’s serious stuff and raises many questions among the military-minded on Twitter as to what kind of incompetence was going on that they could not trace the two men, and perhaps even more disturbing, whether Iran knows where they are.

While the focus rightfully goes to that kind of potential incompetence, and that story will probably rise in the news as the U.S. gets more involved in action against the Houthi terrorists attacking commercial ships and interfering with sea passage from Yemen, it appears that even the press office isn’t very good at its job.

What’s wrong with this list of people they thanked for their help? I highlighted the line in yellow.

That’s weird stuff because there is no University of San Diego – Scripts Institute of Oceanography that I could find on Google. There’s a University of California, San Diego department known as the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, which specializes in cutting-edge oceanic research, and while the Catholic University of San Diego several miles away does produce top-notch engineers with oceanic specialties, the famous place is Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UCSD, which is so famous it holds booked-solid tours. Every school kid in San Diego knows about it.

Yes, it’s a tweet, but it’s also an official communication from the powerful CENTCOM military command — with three errors in that communication: Scripps, not Scripts, Institution, not Institute, and University of California, San Diego, not University of San Diego.

Wow. They couldn’t be bothered to get the name right of a group that helped them try to locate Navy SEALs missing at sea?

I wonder what Scripps thinks.

As for the rest of us, we wonder how much DEI is going on in that office that they can’t even get people to write official communications without a slew of errors. Besides the errors on the name, the web link to CENTCOM is insecure with an http:// rather than an https:// link and on my computer I couldn’t get either to work.

This is such basic stuff and yet they are falling down on that front, too.

A Navy that can’t communicate properly probably has trouble doing a lot of things right.

[Ed.:  But can they get their pronouns right?  Surely, their lipstick is also in question...]


Empty Chairs, Flu Shots, and Brainwashing Everywhere     Chananya Weissman

January 22, 2024 – Last week I had occasion to visit a Maccabi dental clinic and two Meuhedet “healthcare” clinics. People who enter these places tend to be preoccupied, so they are unlikely to take note of their surroundings. Even self-proclaimed “awake” people lose sight of the fact they are entering the teeth of the devil, and, if they must do so, should proceed with the greatest of alertness and caution.

The dental clinic had one of those nauseating yellow “empty chairs”, with a poster taped to it declaring that we won’t stop until we “bring them home now”. In other words, we won’t stop sending our men into a meat grinder, breaking up families, traumatizing children, abandoning our land, destroying small businesses, and preventing our farms from growing the food we all need to eat, until we “bring home all the hostages”.

Of course, this is an entirely grassroots movement, with expertly designed, hugely expensive posters and billboards plastering the entire country (except “haredi” communities…) created by the families of the abductees less than 24 hours after thousands of terrorists expertly penetrated our southern border on paragliders, trucks, motorcycles, while our intrepid IDF was powerless to stop them. Now we’re going to get revenge and rescue our hostages, no matter the cost. Right. An extremely powerful machine with unlimited resources is working overtime to make the masses believe this, or at least continue to play along.

The Meuhedet clinics displayed so many brochures for the flu “vaccine” all over the place that they felt like a hall of mirrors. Whoever paid for all those brochures really, really wants you and me to take these shots. Does anyone else remember that these are the same people who really, really wanted you and me to take the Covid “vaccines” not too long ago, which coincided with so many unfortunate coincidences that surely had nothing to do with said shots?

They sure are counting on that. With good reason. No matter how many times they recycle the same tricks, no matter how much carnage they cause, they keep getting away with it, and their victims (the ones who survived the last round) keep believing in them, and keep buying into the next thing.

Admit it: you still spend hours and hours on “news” sites, listening to controlled opposition, forwarding around memes, and believing we all just need to vote smarter next time, flatten Gaza, and maybe get a gun license. Or maybe move to some rural place and grow your own food until this all blows over.

Despite the ubiquitous calls to take a flu “vaccine” lest I harm myself and others, I resisted the tremendous fear and overpowering temptation to assuage it with an injection. I did, however, take a brochure and scrutinize its contents, which I will now critique. This is not what they expect people to do, but of course that too is part of the conditioning we have all been subjected to from the moment we entered this world.

The brochure is a tour de force of propaganda and brainwashing that is both cheap and highly sophisticated. The front page states in big letters: “We take the vaccine and not the risk”.

This is a gentle command with the implied social pressure that everyone is doing it, and therefore you must as well. Unity!

Underneath the Communist directive is a statement of fact that the vaccine has no risk; the only risk is in not taking it. It’s a no-brainer, in more ways than one.


Hope is not a strategy: The futility of a possible Palestinian Authority return to Gaza   BY NITSANA DARSHAN-LEITNER

01/15/24 11:30 AM ET – More than three months have passed since the Oct. 7 attack against Israel, and officials have warned that eradicating Hamas and its military capabilities will take many months, if not longer. Hamas spent 17 years and untold billions of dollars establishing a terror mini-state inside and underneath the Gaza Strip. Destroying the hundreds of miles of terror tunnels, eliminating battalions of trained killers and searching for hostages, all the while trying to avoid civilian casualties, is a slow-moving deliberate process. But still, as the fighting rages on, the talk in many world capitals — especially inside the beltway of Washington, D.C. — is about what to do the “day after” Hamas is removed from power.

Most Western leaders, including President Biden, are calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to assume control of the Gaza Strip and its 2.2 million inhabitants. Pinning Gaza’s future on the PA is a recipe for surefire disaster.


The Southern Front – Opening the Egyptian Border: Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim:    [15:08]   Machon Shilo

January 22, 2024


Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim: Israel Must Not Rely On America   Machon Shilo

January 16, 2024


Accusing Israel of genocide is a perverse moral inversion   By Ephraim Mirvis

If there is a genocidal force in this war, it must be Hamas. Incorrect use of the term will harm the cause of peace

20 January 2024 – Of all the deplorable crimes ever conceived by the human mind, one stands alone in its utter depravity, as the very epitome of evil.

The English word for it, ‘genocide’, was first coined by the Polish Jewish lawyer, Raphael Lemkin, who had narrowly avoided becoming a victim of genocide himself, having been forced to flee Europe when the Nazis invaded Poland. As we approach Holocaust Memorial Day, I shudder to think what he would have made of the increasingly frequent, disingenuous misappropriation of the term, not least the recent representations made by the South African government at the International Court of Justice.

Lemkin wrote that genocide is, “…the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves”. After a lifetime of campaigning, his definition was later enshrined in international law as, the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.

What is clear from this wording is that the difference between the tragic loss of civilian life in a just war and the crime of genocide, lies in the purposeful annihilation of a people as an objective in and of itself. It is a crime in which no distinction is made between the combatant and the non-combatant, because both are ‘other’. It is a crime fueled by hatred and dehumanisation, rather than any desire for peace or security. It is a crime characterised by the absence of any objective at all, beyond the erasure of the victims.

This context makes abundantly clear the spurious nature of the claims of ‘genocide’, made by a number of agenda-led, opinion journalists, politicians and campaigners. It should be obvious that if Israel’s objectives were genocidal, it could have used its military strength to level Gaza in a matter of days. Instead, it is placing the lives of its own soldiers at risk in its ground operations, securing humanitarian corridors and providing civilians with advance notice of its operations, even to the detriment of its military objectives.

Indeed, to make the case that genocide is taking place, one would have to ignore the scores of military lawyers, engineers and humanitarian aid coordinators working within the Israel Defence Forces, who spend hours every day, planning how they might strike targets in a way that minimises collateral harm, facilitating the entry of aid into Gaza, collecting intelligence about civilian presence around targets and aborting attacks accordingly. One would also have to ignore the fact that Israel has begun formulating proposals for how Palestinian civilians in Gaza might yet govern themselves, freed from the tyranny of Hamas, when this conflict is over.



“An Attack on Hamas is an Attack on Qatar. An Attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an Attack on Qatar.  by Daniel Greenfield

“If the Qataris are willing to use their state espionage capabilities to protect terrorist groups by targeting senators…”

January 22, 2024 – In 2022, I wrote about Global Risk Advisors, a spook connected firm that Qatar was using to spy on Republican House and Senate members opposed to the Muslim brotherhood.

Global Risk Advisors created “Project ENDGAME” and “boasted in internal records that it had ‘developed an approach to a close contact of the congressman’ who sponsored legislation that year to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.”

“’Developed an approach’” is intelligence jargon for seeking to recruit a potential asset.”

At least one previous GRA effort had allegedly involved a Facebook “honey pot” operation.

While GRA appears to have done a lot of work for Qatar, the AP revealed that “its affiliates have won small contracts with the FBI for a rope-training course and tech consulting work for the Democratic National Committee.”

There’s more material now that sheds new light on the GRA/Qatari agenda.

The clandestine document, titled “Project ENDGAME” and drafted by U.S. company Global Risk Advisors (GRA), which was founded by the ex-CIA employee Kevin Chalker, reads, “High Alert: An attack on Hamas is an attack on Qatar. An attack on the Muslim Brotherhood is an attack on Qatar.”

The March 2017 Qatari-funded plan of action to torpedo anti-Hamas and anti-Muslim Brotherhood legislation and policies noted that “Sen. Ted Cruz has reintroduced his bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group. Unless you act soon, your enemies will inject Qatar into this fight.”

The “Project ENDGAME” proposal says, “Qatar’s Enemies Must Be Identified” and, “In the U.S., your enemies operate in the shadows. You can’t stop the enemies that you can’t find.”

A former employee of GRA who obtained the “Project ENDGAME” document from the company’s office in Doha told Fox News Digital that Qatar’s ruling Al-Thani family, via GRA, aimed to also discredit Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas.

Rep. Jack Bergman, R-Mich., who has broad expertise regarding Qatar’s power politics, told Fox News Digital, “As a member of Congress, I will continue to use my office to hold Qatar accountable. Qatar must be exposed and their years-long hacking campaign to silence critics not just of Qatar but also critics of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas cannot go unchecked.”

Bergman, a retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant general, added, “If the Qataris are willing to use their state espionage capabilities to protect terrorist groups by targeting senators and the [former] chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ed Royce, then how can we be confident in the security of our servicemen and women—and our secrets—at CENTCOM’s forward headquarters in Doha?”

We can’t. Qatar is an Islamic terrorist state whose operatives have targeted members of the United States government.

The silence and inaction in the face of this remains as outrageous as it did two years ago when this was first revealed.

We know previously that Qatar hacked the emails of its political opponents in America, including an RNC figure, Elliot Broidy, and then “leaked” them to top media outlets. But targeting House and Senate members remains a major escalation.

The failure to act against Qatar raises questions about just how its connections in the intelligence and law enforcement community go.


Alpha News cartoon: Something’s missing   By Alpha News Staff –

January 20, 2024



RIP OUT THE OCTOPUS: Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim   [15:32]   Machon Shilo


Love and care for Hamas in Israeli hospitals   Jack Engelhard

The world is always ready to let us pull up a chair at any game of chance, because they can spot a sucker from a mile away.  Opinion.

Jan 21, 2024, 4:00 PM (GMT+2) – This much must be said…the Hamas terrorists know how to play Israel…for suckers.

They’ve been doing it for years. They are still laughing about how they got Gaza in the first place. One morning, a few decades ago, the Israelis simply gave it to them.

That is worth a knee-slapping guffaw whether you are Hamas, or the Palestinian Authority, which was also gifted with numerous concessions.

Land for peace…you know? No peace? Well, we tried…with sacred Jewish territory. According to some, leftists, for example, nothing in Israel is sacred.

Everything, even Jerusalem, is negotiable.

At the bargaining table, surely the poker table, the Jews always lose, even when they hold a winning hand; Moshe Dayan, for instance, and the Temple Mount.

Jordan is still laughing at that giveaway to the Islamic Waqf. Too often, we Jews try to be more merciful than G-d. Abraham contested the Almighty for Sodom, and lost.

We’ve been lousy gamblers ever since, and the world is always ready to let us pull up a chair at any game of chance, because they can spot a sucker from a mile away.


CHAPTER 2: The Art of Psychological Warfare   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is [upcoming release March 2024]
January 21, 2024 –
Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational, asymmetric warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of the globalist predators is America’s children.

Parents must adopt a wartime mentality in order to understand and challenge the dangerous government policies affecting their children. Globalist strategists based their tactical and operational plans for their War on America on Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. The differences between Sun Tzu’s strategies of the 6th century BC and 21st-century globalist psychological/informational warfare are the advances in science and technology available for implementing the weapons of mass social engineering and mass psychological destruction today.

Modern psychological warfare (PSYWAR) and psychological operations (PSYOPS) utilize the 21st-century digital environment and its integrated communications landscape to communicate and coordinate censorship, disinformation, and misinformation. The hearts and minds of unsuspecting viewers are being manipulated with websites, cloud servers, search engines, social media outlets, mobile apps, audio, video, podcasts, webinars, and even immersive digital environments using artificial, interactive, computer-generated scenes. Information wars are 21st-century propaganda wars, foundational to PSYWAR and PSYOPS because the information presented is socially engineered to produce a desired political effect.

Consider the following quotations from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, and how COVID-19 was a medical PSYOP with real and lethal consequences.

Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment—that which they cannot anticipate.

Americans have always trusted their doctors, expecting them to honor the Hippocratic Oath that protects every patient. In late fall 2019 when the Wuhan virus first appeared, it was simply inconceivable to the American public that their trusted doctors, and the government medical institutions doctors rely upon for information, would deliberately participate in political medicine, which is not and never was about public health. The public expected honesty and protection.


Javier Milei at the WEF- Attacking Socialism, Defending Monopolists?   ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

Argentine self interest or fundamental principles?

JAN 20, 2024 – Having taken the time to research and cover (in this substack essay) the CV and anarcho-capitalist logic of Argentine President (and economist) Javier Milei, I was familiar with most of the points made during his speech at the WEF earlier this week. However, his comments supporting monopolies were new to me, and have been nagging at me ever since.


Reliable Sources for Information on the Middle East   By Alex Grobman
January 18, 2024

Part III

Jewish Virtual Library (https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org)

The Jewish Virtual Library (JVL) is the most comprehensive online encyclopedia of Jewish history, politics and culture. With nearly 25,000 entries, the JVL is a one-stop shop for students of all ages interested in anything from antisemitism to Zionism. The Library has a vast global audience.

The Library has 13 wings: Antisemitism, Biography, History, the Holocaust, Israel, Israel Education, Myths & Facts, Politics, Religion Travel U.S. & Israel, Vital Stats and Women. In addition, the JVL has a bookstore, glossary, links, news, publications, a timeline of Jewish history, and the Virtual Israel Experience (VIE), an educational tool and virtual tour of Israel designed especially for students going on Birthright and other trips to Israel.

The VIE highlights Israel’s ancient history accentuated against its timeless beauty and modern culture. Much of the information in the Library cannot be found anywhere else in the world, such as material on joint U.S.-Israel projects, cooperation between Israel and the individual states, and the treatment of Americans during the Holocaust.

From the website: “We received permission from the Library of Congress to put its Judaic and Hebraic treasures on our site. We have also received permission to use material from government and non-government sources around the world.

We also publish primary documents from archives, including declassified materials from the United States and the United Kingdom. One of our goals is to offer visitors a single source for information so they don’t need to search thousands of other “Jewish” websites.”

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (https://jcpa.org/)

A leading independent research institute specializing in public diplomacy and foreign policy. The Center has produced hundreds of studies and initiatives by leading experts on a wide range of strategic topics.

Jerusalem Center Publications:


Daniel Pipes: Making Sense of the Hamas-Israel War     Middle East Forum Webinar
January 15, 2024 – It’s a great pleasure to be back on the Middle East Forum webinar (video). I actually initiated the series almost four years ago in March 2020. It’s my first time back as a solo speaker.

I’ve just finished a book on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, so I watch what’s happened since October 7 with a special interest. I’d like to take up five topics, which I find somewhat mystifying and will attempt to clarify. I’ll go through four of them fairly quickly and dwell a bit on the final one.

First point: What is wrong with Israel’s military, and more broadly, its security establishment? How could it let something like October 7 happen? Answer: the Zionist and then the Israeli security establishment – the military, the intelligence, law enforcement – have been in precipitous decline over the past half-century. The Zionists were very clever and very accomplished when they had few means, and the Israelis won an extraordinary war of independence in 1948-49, then what was probably the most lopsided victory in modern history in 1967.

From then on, which is now over half a century, they have declined. Famously, in 1973, they failed to see what was coming from Syria and Egypt. Further terrible problems followed. In 1993, the Oslo Accords made no sense at all; bring in your most violent and vehement enemy to be your nearly sovereign neighbor? In 2005, leave Gaza and allow your enemy to take over there? The Israeli security establishment is not what it used to be. And so, 2023 comes not as such a great shock after 1973, 1993, 2005. That establishment needs a real kick, such as it just got, to recognize its deep problems.

Second, while the Israelis responded to October 7 with a great deal of talk about victory, which was music to my ears, they quickly reverted to a non-victory approach. One sees that over the last three months, with its reversion. For example, even though the Gazan workers are now in retrospect understood to have been spies, Israelis immediately allowed in some 6,000 West Bank workers – who presumably could be spies as well. The Israeli government decided to send monies to the Palestinian Authority. It appeased Qatar as an intermediary. It supplied Gaza with fuel and water. It ignored the threat of West Bank buildings. There’s talk of allowing the Hamas leadership to flee Gaza and set up somewhere else, perhaps in Qatar or Turkey. There has been a surge in electoral support not for those who are intent on ending Hamas’s presence, but for those who are more moderate and less intent on victory.

So, I don’t see fundamental change. As in the United States after 9/11 when “everything changed,” so one heard in Israel after October 7. But I don’t think everything changed.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.